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# unpack.py - an archive unpack utility
# A simple program to uncompress and unpack source archive files into a target
# directory and fix permissions if requested.
import os
import sys
def uncompress_unpack_commands(filename, verbose=False):
import re
uncompress = "/bin/cat"
if (re.search("(\.bz2|\.tbz|\.tbz2)$", filename) != None):
uncompress = "/usr/bin/bzip2 -dc"
elif (re.search("(\.gz|\.tgz)$", filename) != None):
uncompress = "/usr/bin/gzip -dc"
elif (re.search("(\.Z)$", filename) != None):
uncompress = "/usr/bin/uncompress -c"
elif (re.search("(\.7z)$", filename) != None):
uncompress = "/usr/bin/7z --s"
elif (re.search("(\.xz)$", filename) != None):
uncompress = "/usr/bin/xz -dc"
elif (re.search("(\.zip)$", filename) != None):
uncompress = "/usr/bin/unzip -qo"
elif (re.search("(\.gem)$", filename) != None):
ruby_ver = os.getenv('RUBY_VERSION', '')
uncompress = "/usr/ruby/" + ruby_ver + "/bin/gem unpack"
unpack = " | gtar -xf -"
if (re.search("(\.zip)$", filename) != None):
unpack = ""
elif (re.search("(\.jar)$", filename) != None):
unpack = " | jar xf -"
elif (re.search("(\.gem)$", filename) != None):
unpack = ""
if (verbose == True):
print "command: %s %s %s" % (uncompress, filename, unpack)
return uncompress, unpack
# recurse down a directory tree opening permissions so that others may access
# files in the tree.
def fixup_permissions(dir, verbose):
for entry in os.listdir(dir):
import stat
path = "%s/%s" % (dir, entry)
st = os.lstat(path)
mode = stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode)
mode |= (stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH)
if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode):
mode |= (stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH)
if (stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode) != mode):
if (verbose == True):
print "Changing %s from %4.4o to %4.4o" % (path,
stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode), mode)
os.chmod(path, mode)
if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode):
fixup_permissions(path, verbose)
def usage():
print "Usage: %s [-v|--verbose] [-f|--fix-permissions] [-r|--relocate-to (dir)] (file)" % (sys.argv[0].split('/')[-1])
def main():
import getopt
import sys
import tempfile
verbose = False
permissions = None
relocate_to = None
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "fr:v",
["fix-permissions", "relocate-to=", "verbose"])
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
print str(err)
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in [ "-v", "--verbose" ]:
verbose = True
elif opt in [ "-f", "--fix-permissions" ]:
permissions = True
elif opt in [ "-r", "--relocate-to" ]:
relocate_to = arg
assert False, "unknown option"
filename = ((args[0] == '/') and "%s" or "../%s") % args[0]
uncompress, unpack = uncompress_unpack_commands(filename)
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir='.')
# extract the archive contents
if (verbose == True):
print "cd %s ; %s %s%s" % (tempdir, uncompress, filename,
os.system("cd %s ; %s %s%s" % (tempdir, uncompress, filename, unpack))
# open up the permissions on what we extracted
if permissions:
fixup_permissions(tempdir, verbose)
if (relocate_to == None):
# move everything in the tempdir here
for entry in os.listdir(tempdir):
path= "%s/%s" % (tempdir, entry)
os.renames(path, entry)
# rename the tempdir and open it's permissions
os.renames(tempdir, relocate_to)
os.chmod(relocate_to, 0755)
if __name__ == "__main__":