# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
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# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.
# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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# Copyright (c) 2010, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
FETCH = $(WS_TOOLS)/userland-fetch
# Anything that we download must have a COMPONENT_ARCHIVE_URL{_[0-9]+} macro
# that tells us where the canonical source for the archive can be found. The
# macro for the first archive is typically un-suffixed. By convention,
# subsequent archives will include a _[0-9]+ in the macro name. This allows
# an arbitrary number of archives to be downloaded for a particular component
# Makefile. It is also important to note that there is a corresponding
# COMPONENT_ARCHIVE macro defining a local file name for the archive, and
# optional COMPONENT_ARCHIVE_HASH and COMPONENT_SIG_URL containing a hash of
# the file and signature for verification of its contents.
# Filter out any suffixes which correspond to auto-generated github archive
# URLs (see prep-git.mk for the definition of GITHUB_ARCHIVE_SUFFIXES). If
# the primary archive shouldn't be processed here, we check for it before
# evaling.
# Templates for download variables and rules. We separate the variable
# assignments from the rules so that all the variable assignments are given a
# chance to complete before those variables are used in targets or
# prerequisites, where they'll be expanded immediately. Use ifneq/origin
# instead of ifdef due to GNU Make bug 49093.
define download-variables
ifneq "$(origin COMPONENT_ARCHIVE_URL$(1))" "undefined"
define download-rules
ifneq "$(origin COMPONENT_ARCHIVE_URL$(1))" "undefined"
$$(FETCH) --file $$@ \
$$(COMPONENT_ARCHIVE_URL$(1):%=--url %) \
$$(COMPONENT_ARCHIVE_HASH$(1):%=--hash %) \
$$(COMPONENT_SIG_URL$(1):%=--sigurl %)
$$(TOUCH) $$@
REQUIRED_PACKAGES += runtime/python-27
# Evaluate the variable assignments immediately. If we're pulling the main
# (unsuffixed) archive from github, gia prep-git.mk, then skip doing that here.
# Use $(if) instead of ifeq() because the latter is evaluated immediately.
$(if $(findstring __BLANK__,$(GITHUB_ARCHIVE_SUFFIXES)),,$(eval $(call download-variables,)))
$(foreach suffix, $(URL_SUFFIXES), $(eval $(call download-variables,_$(suffix))))
# Put the rule evaluations in a variable for deferred evaluation.
define eval-download-rules
$(if $(findstring __BLANK__,$(GITHUB_ARCHIVE_SUFFIXES)),,$(eval $(call download-rules,)))
$(foreach suffix, $(URL_SUFFIXES), $(eval $(call download-rules,_$(suffix))))
# Needed for signature validation of downloads
REQUIRED_PACKAGES += crypto/gnupg