# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.
# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
# Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
SUDO = /usr/bin/sudo
define separator-line
@$(PYTHON) -c 'l="="*(40-len("$1")/2); print("%s%s%s" % (l, "$1", l))'
$(call separator-line,Workspace)
@echo " Path: $(WS_TOP)"
@echo " Branch: $$(hg identify -b)"
@echo " Changeset: $$(hg identify -n)($$(hg identify -i))"
$(call separator-line,System)
@/usr/bin/uname -a
@echo "Zone: $$(/usr/sbin/zonename)"
@/usr/sbin/psrinfo -vp
@/usr/sbin/ipadm show-addr
$(call separator-line,Required Packages)
@/usr/bin/pkg list -vH $(REQUIRED_PACKAGES:%=/%)
$(call separator-line)
@echo "Adding required packages to build environment..."
@-echo $(REQUIRED_PACKAGES:%=/%) | xargs \
$(SUDO) /usr/bin/pkg install --accept -v
# For building in a constructed zone. Currently this assumes a template zone
# with /ws (tools mountpoint) and /builds (workspace mountpoint) mounted
# in the same place as in the global zone. It also assumes the current
# $USER account is replicated in the template zone.
ZONENAME=bz-$(shell echo "$(WS_TOP)" | md5sum | cut -c0-7)-$(COMPONENT_NAME)
$(BUILD_DIR)/packages.xml: Makefile $(BUILD_DIR)
@echo "$(REQUIRED_PACKAGES:%=\t\t<name>pkg:/%</name>\n)" >$(@)
$(BUILD_DIR)/ai_manifest.xml: $(WS_TOOLS)/zone_default.xml $(BUILD_DIR)
$(CP) $< $(@)
$(BUILD_DIR)/sc_profile.xml: $(WS_TOOLS)/sc_profile.xml $(BUILD_DIR)
$(GSED) -e "s/XXX_USER_XXX/$${USER}/g" -e "s/XXX_UID_XXX/$$(id -u)/g" $< >$(@)
component-zone-build: $(BUILD_DIR)/ai_manifest.xml $(BUILD_DIR)/packages.xml \
$(BUILD_DIR)/sc_profile.xml download
$(call separator-line)
$(call separator-line,Create $(ZONENAME))
$(SUDO) /usr/sbin/zonecfg -z $(ZONENAME) create -t template
#@$(SUDO) /usr/sbin/zoneadm -z $(ZONENAME) clone template
$(SUDO) /usr/sbin/zoneadm -z $(ZONENAME) install \
-m $(BUILD_DIR)/ai_manifest.xml \
-c $(BUILD_DIR)/sc_profile.xml
$(call separator-line,Boot $(ZONENAME))
$(SUDO) /usr/sbin/zoneadm -z $(ZONENAME) boot
@while $$(true) ; do \
echo "waiting for zone ..." ; \
$(SUDO) /usr/sbin/zlogin -l $${USER} $(ZONENAME) \
/bin/true >/dev/null 2>&1 && break ; \
sleep 10 ; \
#$(call separator-line,Prep $(ZONENAME))
#@$(SUDO) /usr/sbin/zlogin -S $(ZONENAME) \
# "cd $(COMPONENT_DIR) ; gmake component-be-prep"
$(call separator-line,Build in $(ZONENAME))
$(SUDO) /usr/sbin/zlogin -l $${USER} $(ZONENAME) \
"cd $(COMPONENT_DIR) ; gmake component-be-check install"
# "cd $(COMPONENT_DIR) ; gmake component-be-check publish PKGLINT=/bin/true"
$(call separator-line,Halt $(ZONENAME))
$(SUDO) /usr/sbin/zoneadm -z $(ZONENAME) halt
$(SUDO) /usr/sbin/zoneadm -z $(ZONENAME) uninstall -F
$(SUDO) /usr/sbin/zonecfg -z $(ZONENAME) delete -F
$(call separator-line)
-$(SUDO) /usr/sbin/zoneadm -z $(ZONENAME) halt
-$(SUDO) /usr/sbin/zoneadm -z $(ZONENAME) uninstall -F
-$(SUDO) /usr/sbin/zonecfg -z $(ZONENAME) delete -F