-help, -h display detailed help message
-dos, -crlf set line ends to CRLF (PC-DOS/Windows - default)
-mac, -cr set line ends to CR (classic Mac OS)
-unix, -lf set line ends to LF (Unix)
-tabs preserve tabs, e.g. for Makefile
-t<n> set tabs to <n> (default is 4) spaces
Use --help or -h for detailed configuration options.
Input/Output default to stdin/stdout respectively.
For more information on HTML:
HTML: Edition for Web Authors (the latest HTML specification)
HTML: The Markup Language (an HTML language reference)
For bug reports and comments:
Or send questions and comments to public-htacg@w3.org.
Validate your HTML documents using the W3C Nu Markup Validator:
The sources for HTML Tidy are available at https://github.com/htacg/tidy-html5/ under the MIT Licence.