Patch to add Solaris support. This patch configures things like pkg5
names, SMF services, filesystem locations, etc.
This patch has not yet been submitted upstream.
--- puppetlabs-apache-1.8.1/manifests/params.pp.orig 2016-04-27 07:50:46.860433090 -0700
+++ puppetlabs-apache-1.8.1/manifests/params.pp 2016-04-27 07:51:29.164362015 -0700
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+# Oracle has modified the originally distributed contents of this file.
# Class: apache::params
# This class manages Apache parameters
@@ -183,6 +187,67 @@
+ } elsif $::osfamily == 'Solaris' {
+ $user = 'webservd'
+ $group = 'webservd'
+ $root_group = 'root'
+ $apache_name = 'web/server/apache-24'
+ $service_name = 'network/http:apache24'
+ $httpd_dir = '/etc/apache2/2.4'
+ $server_root = '/usr/apache2/2.4'
+ $conf_dir = $httpd_dir
+ $confd_dir = "${httpd_dir}/conf.d"
+ $mod_dir = "${httpd_dir}/conf.d"
+ $mod_enable_dir = undef
+ $vhost_dir = "${httpd_dir}/conf.d"
+ $vhost_enable_dir = undef
+ $conf_file = 'httpd.conf'
+ $ports_file = "${conf_dir}/ports.conf"
+ $logroot = '/var/apache2/2.4/logs'
+ $logroot_mode = undef
+ $lib_path = '/usr/apache2/2.4/libexec'
+ $mpm_module = 'prefork'
+ $default_ssl_cert = undef
+ $default_ssl_key = undef
+ $ssl_certs_dir = '/etc/certs'
+ $suphp_addhandler = undef
+ $suphp_engine = off
+ $suphp_configpath = undef
+ $mod_packages = {
+ 'dbd' => 'web/server/apache-24/module/apache-dbd',
+ 'dtrace' => 'web/server/apache-24/module/apache-dtrace',
+ 'fcgid' => 'web/server/apache-24/module/apache-fcgid',
+ 'gss' => 'web/server/apache-24/module/apache-gss',
+ 'jk' => 'web/server/apache-24/module/apache-jk',
+ 'ldap' => 'web/server/apache-24/module/apache-ldap',
+ 'lua' => 'web/server/apache-24/module/apache-lua',
+ 'security' => 'web/server/apache-24/module/apache-security',
+ 'ssl-fips-140' => 'web/server/apache-24/module/apache-ssl-fips-140',
+ 'ssl' => 'web/server/apache-24/module/apache-ssl',
+ 'wsgi-26' => 'web/server/apache-24/module/apache-wsgi-26',
+ 'wsgi-27' => 'web/server/apache-24/module/apache-wsgi-27',
+ 'wsgi-34' => 'web/server/apache-24/module/apache-wsgi-34',
+ }
+ $mod_libs = {
+ 'php5' => '',
+ }
+ $conf_template = 'apache/httpd.conf.erb'
+ $keepalive = 'Off'
+ $keepalive_timeout = 15
+ $max_keepalive_requests = 100
+ $fastcgi_lib_path = '/var/apache2/2.4/htdocs/fcgid'
+ $mime_support_package = 'system/core-os'
+ $mime_types_config = '/etc/mime.types'
+ $docroot = '/var/apache2/2.4/htdocs'
+ $cas_cookie_path = undef
+ $modsec_crs_package = undef
+ $modsec_crs_path = undef
+ $modsec_dir = undef
+ $modsec_default_rules = undef
+ $error_documents_path = '/var/apache2/2.4/error'
+ $wsgi_socket_prefix = undef
+ $alias_icons_path = '/var/apache2/2.4/icons'
+ $pidfile = '/system/volatile/apache2/2.4/'
} elsif $::osfamily == 'Debian' {
$user = 'www-data'
$group = 'www-data'