# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (c) 2012 OpenStack LLC.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2014, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# under the License.
Drivers for Solaris ZFS operations in local and iSCSI modes
import abc
import fcntl
import os
import subprocess
import time
from eventlet.green.OpenSSL import SSL
from eventlet.green import socket
from oslo_concurrency import processutils
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
import paramiko
from cinder import exception
from cinder.i18n import _, _LE, _LI
from cinder.image import image_utils
from cinder.volume import driver
from cinder.volume.drivers.san.san import SanDriver
import rad.auth as rada
import rad.bindings.com.oracle.solaris.rad.zfsmgr_1 as zfsmgr
import rad.client as radc
import rad.connect as radcon
from solaris_install.target.size import Size
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
solaris_zfs_opts = [
help='The base dataset for ZFS volumes.'),
help='iSCSI target group name.'), ]
def connect_tls(host, port=12302, locale=None, ca_certs=None):
"""Connect to a RAD instance over TLS.
host string, target host
port int, target port (RAD_PORT_TLS = 12302)
locale string, locale
ca_certs string, path to file containing CA certificates
RadConnection: a connection to RAD
# We don't want SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0 nor TLS 1.0 in RAD
context = SSL.Context(SSL.SSLv23_METHOD)
if ca_certs is not None:
context.set_verify(SSL.VERIFY_PEER, _tls_verify_cb)
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock = SSL.Connection(context, sock)
sock.connect((host, port))
return radcon.RadConnection(sock, locale=locale)
class ZFSVolumeDriver(SanDriver):
"""OpenStack Cinder ZFS volume driver for generic ZFS volumes.
Version history:
1.0.0 - Initial driver with basic functionalities in Havana
1.1.0 - Support SAN for the remote storage nodes access in Juno
1.1.1 - Add support for the volume backup
1.1.2 - Add support for the volume migration
1.2.0 - Add support for the volume management in Kilo
1.2.1 - Enable the connect_tls by importing eventlet.green.socket
1.2.2 - Introduce the ZFS RAD for volume migration enhancement
1.2.3 - Replace volume-specific targets with one shared target in
the ZFSISCSIDriver
1.3.0 - Support the option iscsi_secondary_ip_addresses and then
return target_iqns, target_portals, target_luns in Mitaka
version = "1.3.0"
protocol = 'local'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ZFSVolumeDriver, self).__init__(execute=self.solaris_execute,
*args, **kwargs)
self.run_local = self.configuration.san_is_local
self.hostname = socket.gethostname()
def solaris_execute(self, *cmd, **kwargs):
"""Execute the command locally or remotely."""
if self.run_local:
return processutils.execute(*cmd, **kwargs)
return super(ZFSVolumeDriver, self)._run_ssh(cmd,
def check_for_setup_error(self):
"""Check the setup error."""
def create_volume(self, volume):
"""Create a volume."""
size = '%sG' % volume['size']
zfs_volume = self._get_zfs_volume_name(volume['name'])
# Create a ZFS volume
cmd = ['/usr/sbin/zfs', 'create', '-V', size, zfs_volume]
LOG.debug(_("Created ZFS volume '%s'") % volume['name'])
def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
"""Create a cloned volume from a snapshot."""
if volume['size'] != snapshot['volume_size']:
exception_message = (_("Could not create volume '%s' because "
"its volume size of '%s' is different "
"from that of the snapshot, '%s'.")
% (volume['name'], volume['size'],
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=exception_message)
# Create a ZFS clone
zfs_snapshot = self._get_zfs_snap_name(snapshot)
zfs_volume = self._get_zfs_volume_name(volume['name'])
cmd = ['/usr/sbin/zfs', 'clone', zfs_snapshot, zfs_volume]
LOG.debug(_("Created cloned volume '%s'") % volume['name'])
def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref):
"""Create a clone of the specified volume."""
if volume['size'] != src_vref['size']:
exception_message = (_("Could not clone volume '%s' because "
"its volume size of '%s' is different "
"from that of the source volume, '%s'.")
% (volume['name'], volume['size'],
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=exception_message)
LOG.debug(_("Created cloned volume '%s' from source volume '%s'")
% (volume['name'], src_vref['name']))
def delete_volume(self, volume):
"""Delete a volume.
Firstly, the volume should be checked if it is a cloned one. If yes,
its parent snapshot with prefix 'tmp-snapshot-' should be deleted as
well after it is removed.
zvol = self._get_zvol_path(volume)
(out, _err) = self._execute('/usr/bin/ls', zvol)
except processutils.ProcessExecutionError:
LOG.debug(_("The volume path '%s' doesn't exist") % zvol)
zfs_volume = self._get_zfs_volume_name(volume['name'])
origin_snapshot = self._get_zfs_property('origin', zfs_volume)
tmp_cloned_vol = False
# Check if it is the temporary snapshot created for the cloned volume
if origin_snapshot.startswith(self.configuration.zfs_volume_base):
prop_type = self._get_zfs_property('type', origin_snapshot)
tmp_snap_prefix = 'tmp-snapshot-%s' % volume['id']
if prop_type == 'snapshot' and tmp_snap_prefix in origin_snapshot:
tmp_cloned_vol = True
cmd = ['/usr/sbin/zfs', 'destroy', zfs_volume]
LOG.debug(_("Deleted volume '%s'") % volume['name'])
if tmp_cloned_vol:
self._execute('/usr/sbin/zfs', 'destroy', origin_snapshot)
LOG.debug(_("Deleted parent snapshot '%s' of volume '%s'")
% (origin_snapshot, volume['name']))
def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
"""Create a snapshot."""
cmd = ['/usr/sbin/zfs', 'snapshot', self._get_zfs_snap_name(snapshot)]
LOG.debug(_("Created snapshot '%s'") % snapshot['name'])
def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
"""Delete a snapshot."""
cmd = ['/usr/sbin/zfs', 'destroy', self._get_zfs_snap_name(snapshot)]
LOG.debug(_("Deleted snapshot '%s'") % snapshot['name'])
def ensure_export(self, context, volume):
"""Synchronously recreate an export for a logical volume."""
def create_export(self, context, volume, connector):
"""Export the volume."""
def remove_export(self, context, volume):
"""Remove an export for a volume."""
def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
"""Initialize the connection and returns connection info."""
volume_path = '%s/volume-%s' % (self.configuration.zfs_volume_base,
properties = {}
properties['device_path'] = self._get_zvol_path(volume)
return {
'driver_volume_type': 'local',
'volume_path': volume_path,
'data': properties
def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs):
"""Disconnection from the connector."""
def attach_volume(self, context, volume, instance_uuid, host_name,
"""Callback for volume attached to instance or host."""
def detach_volume(self, context, volume, attachment):
""" Callback for volume detached."""
def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
"""Get volume status."""
if refresh:
return self._stats
def _get_zfs_property(self, prop, dataset):
"""Get the value of property for the dataset."""
(out, _err) = self._execute('/usr/sbin/zfs', 'get', '-H', '-o',
'value', prop, dataset)
return out.rstrip()
except processutils.ProcessExecutionError:
LOG.info(_LI("Failed to get the property '%s' of the dataset '%s'")
% (prop, dataset))
return None
def _get_zfs_snap_name(self, snapshot):
"""Get the snapshot path."""
return "%s/%s@%s" % (self.configuration.zfs_volume_base,
snapshot['volume_name'], snapshot['name'])
def _get_zfs_volume_name(self, volume_name):
"""Add the pool name to get the ZFS volume."""
return "%s/%s" % (self.configuration.zfs_volume_base,
def _remote_piped_execute(self, cmd1, cmd2, ip, username, password):
"""Piped execute on a remote host."""
LOG.debug(_("Piping cmd1='%s' into cmd='%s' on host '%s'") %
(' '.join(cmd1), ' '.join(cmd2), ip))
client = paramiko.SSHClient()
client.connect(ip, username=username, password=password)
cmd = ' '.join(cmd1) + '|' + ' '.join(cmd2)
stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command(cmd)
channel = stdout.channel
exit_status = channel.recv_exit_status()
if exit_status != 0:
LOG.error(_("_remote_piped_execute: failed to host '%s' with "
"stdout '%s' and stderr '%s'")
% (ip, stdout.read(), stderr.read()))
msg = (_("Remote piped execution failed to host '%s'.") % ip)
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
def _piped_execute(self, cmd1, cmd2):
"""Pipe output of cmd1 into cmd2."""
LOG.debug(_("Piping cmd1='%s' into cmd2='%s'") %
(' '.join(cmd1), ' '.join(cmd2)))
p1 = subprocess.Popen(cmd1, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
LOG.error(_LE("_piped_execute '%s' failed.") % (cmd1))
# Set the pipe to be blocking because evenlet.green.subprocess uses
# the non-blocking pipe.
flags = fcntl.fcntl(p1.stdout, fcntl.F_GETFL) & (~os.O_NONBLOCK)
fcntl.fcntl(p1.stdout, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags)
p2 = subprocess.Popen(cmd2, stdin=p1.stdout,
stdout, stderr = p2.communicate()
if p2.returncode:
msg = (_("_piped_execute failed with the info '%s' and '%s'.") %
(stdout, stderr))
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
def _zfs_send_recv(self, src, dst):
"""Replicate the ZFS dataset by calling zfs send/recv cmd"""
src_snapshot = {'volume_name': src['name'],
'name': 'tmp-snapshot-%s' % src['id']}
src_snapshot_name = self._get_zfs_snap_name(src_snapshot)
prop_type = self._get_zfs_property('type', src_snapshot_name)
# Delete the temporary snapshot if it already exists
if prop_type == 'snapshot':
# Create a temporary snapshot of volume
src_snapshot_name = self._get_zfs_snap_name(src_snapshot)
cmd1 = ['/usr/sbin/zfs', 'send', src_snapshot_name]
cmd2 = ['/usr/sbin/zfs', 'receive', dst]
# Due to pipe injection protection in the ssh utils method,
# cinder.utils.check_ssh_injection(), the piped commands must be passed
# through via paramiko. These commands take no user defined input
# other than the names of the zfs datasets which are already protected
# against the special characters of concern.
if not self.run_local:
ip = self.configuration.san_ip
username = self.configuration.san_login
password = self.configuration.san_password
self._remote_piped_execute(cmd1, cmd2, ip, username, password)
self._piped_execute(cmd1, cmd2)
# Delete the temporary src snapshot and dst snapshot
dst_snapshot_name = "%s@tmp-snapshot-%s" % (dst, src['id'])
cmd = ['/usr/sbin/zfs', 'destroy', dst_snapshot_name]
def _get_rc_connect(self, san_info=None):
"""Connect the RAD server."""
if san_info is not None:
san_ip = san_info.split(';')[0]
san_login = san_info.split(';')[1]
san_password = san_info.split(';')[2]
san_ip = self.configuration.san_ip
san_login = self.configuration.san_login
san_password = self.configuration.san_password
rc = connect_tls(san_ip)
auth = rada.RadAuth(rc)
auth.pam_login(san_login, san_password)
return rc
def _rad_zfs_send_recv(self, src, dst, dst_san_info=None):
"""Replicate the ZFS dataset stream."""
src_snapshot = {'volume_name': src['name'],
'name': 'tmp-send-snapshot-%s' % src['id']}
src_snapshot_name = self._get_zfs_snap_name(src_snapshot)
prop_type = self._get_zfs_property('type', src_snapshot_name)
# Delete the temporary snapshot if it already exists
if prop_type == 'snapshot':
# Create the temporary snapshot of src volume
src_rc = self._get_rc_connect()
dst_rc = self._get_rc_connect(dst_san_info)
src_pat = self._get_zfs_volume_name(src['name'])
src_vol_obj = src_rc.get_object(zfsmgr.ZfsDataset(),
dst_pat = dst.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
dst_vol_obj = dst_rc.get_object(zfsmgr.ZfsDataset(),
send_sock_info = src_vol_obj.get_send_socket(
name=src_snapshot_name, socket_type=zfsmgr.SocketType.AF_INET)
send_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
send_sock.connect((self.hostname, int(send_sock_info.socket)))
dst_san_ip = dst_san_info.split(';')[0]
remote_host, alias, addresslist = socket.gethostbyaddr(dst_san_ip)
recv_sock_info = dst_vol_obj.get_receive_socket(
name=dst, socket_type=zfsmgr.SocketType.AF_INET,
recv_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
recv_sock.connect((remote_host, int(recv_sock_info.socket)))
# Set 4mb buffer size
buf_size = 4194304
while True:
# Read the data from the send stream
buf = send_sock.recv(buf_size)
if not buf:
# Write the data to the receive steam
# Delete the temporary dst snapshot
pat = radc.ADRGlobPattern({"name": dst})
dst_zvol_obj = dst_rc.get_object(zfsmgr.ZfsDataset(), pat)
snapshot_list = dst_zvol_obj.get_snapshots()
for snap in snapshot_list:
if 'tmp-send-snapshot'in snap:
# Delete the temporary src snapshot
LOG.debug(("Transfered src'%s' to dst'%s' on the host'%s'") %
(src_snapshot_name, dst, self.hostname))
def _get_zvol_path(self, volume):
"""Get the ZFS volume path."""
return "/dev/zvol/rdsk/%s" % self._get_zfs_volume_name(volume['name'])
def _update_volume_stats(self):
"""Retrieve volume status info."""
LOG.debug(_("Updating volume status"))
stats = {}
backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name')
stats["volume_backend_name"] = backend_name or self.__class__.__name__
stats["storage_protocol"] = self.protocol
stats["driver_version"] = self.version
stats["vendor_name"] = 'Oracle'
stats['QoS_support'] = False
dataset = self.configuration.zfs_volume_base
used_size = self._get_zfs_property('used', dataset)
avail_size = self._get_zfs_property('avail', dataset)
stats['total_capacity_gb'] = \
(Size(used_size) + Size(avail_size)).get(Size.gb_units)
stats['free_capacity_gb'] = Size(avail_size).get(Size.gb_units)
stats['reserved_percentage'] = self.configuration.reserved_percentage
stats['location_info'] =\
('ZFSVolumeDriver:%(hostname)s:%(zfs_volume_base)s:local' %
{'hostname': self.hostname,
'zfs_volume_base': self.configuration.zfs_volume_base})
self._stats = stats
def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size):
"""Extend an existing volume's size."""
volsize_str = 'volsize=%sg' % new_size
zfs_volume = self._get_zfs_volume_name(volume['name'])
self._execute('/usr/sbin/zfs', 'set', volsize_str, zfs_volume)
except Exception:
msg = (_("Failed to extend volume size to %(new_size)s GB.")
% {'new_size': new_size})
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
def rename_volume(self, src, dst):
"""Rename the volume from src to dst in the same zpool."""
cmd = ['/usr/sbin/zfs', 'rename', src, dst]
LOG.debug(_("Rename the volume '%s' to '%s'") % (src, dst))
def _get_existing_volume_ref_name(self, existing_ref):
"""Returns the volume name of an existing reference.
And Check if an existing volume reference has a source-name
if 'source-name' in existing_ref:
vol_name = existing_ref['source-name']
return vol_name
reason = _("Reference must contain source-name.")
raise exception.ManageExistingInvalidReference(
def manage_existing_get_size(self, volume, existing_ref):
"""Return size of volume to be managed by manage_existing.
existing_ref is a dictionary of the form:
{'source-name': <name of the volume>}
target_vol_name = self._get_existing_volume_ref_name(existing_ref)
volsize = self._get_zfs_property('volsize', target_vol_name)
return Size(volsize).get(Size.gb_units)
def manage_existing(self, volume, existing_ref):
"""Brings an existing zfs volume object under Cinder management.
:param volume: Cinder volume to manage
:param existing_ref: Driver-specific information used to identify a
# Check the existence of the ZFS volume
target_vol_name = self._get_existing_volume_ref_name(existing_ref)
prop_type = self._get_zfs_property('type', target_vol_name)
if prop_type != 'volume':
msg = (_("Failed to identify the volume '%s'.")
% target_vol_name)
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
if volume['name']:
volume_name = volume['name']
volume_name = 'new_zvol'
# rename the volume
dst_volume = "%s/%s" % (self.configuration.zfs_volume_base,
self.rename_volume(target_vol_name, dst_volume)
def unmanage(self, volume):
"""Removes the specified volume from Cinder management."""
# Rename the volume's name to cinder-unm-* format.
volume_name = self._get_zfs_volume_name(volume['name'])
tmp_volume_name = "cinder-unm-%s" % volume['name']
new_volume_name = "%s/%s" % (self.configuration.zfs_volume_base,
self.rename_volume(volume_name, new_volume_name)
def migrate_volume(self, context, volume, host):
"""Migrate the volume from one backend to another one.
The backends should be in the same volume type.
:param context: context
:param volume: a dictionary describing the volume to migrate
:param host: a dictionary describing the host to migrate to
false_ret = (False, None)
if volume['status'] != 'available':
LOG.debug(_("Status of volume '%s' is '%s', not 'available'.") %
(volume['name'], volume['status']))
return false_ret
if 'capabilities' not in host:
LOG.debug(("No 'capabilities' is reported in the host'%s'") %
return false_ret
if 'location_info' not in host['capabilities']:
LOG.debug(("No 'location_info' is reported in the host'%s'") %
return false_ret
info = host['capabilities']['location_info']
dst_volume = "%s/%s" % (info.split(':')[2], volume['name'])
src_volume = self._get_zfs_volume_name(volume['name'])
# check if the src and dst volume are under the same zpool
dst_san_info = info.split(':')[3]
if dst_san_info == 'local':
self._zfs_send_recv(volume, dst_volume)
self._rad_zfs_send_recv(volume, dst_volume, dst_san_info)
# delete the source volume
provider_location = {}
return (True, provider_location)
class STMFDriver(ZFSVolumeDriver):
"""Abstract base class for common COMSTAR operations."""
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(STMFDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def _stmf_execute(self, *cmd):
"""Handle the possible race during the local execution."""
tries = 0
while True:
except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as ex:
tries = tries + 1
if tries >= self.configuration.num_shell_tries or \
'resource busy' not in ex.stderr:
time.sleep(tries ** 2)
def _check_target(self, target, protocol):
"""Verify the target and check its status."""
(out, _err) = self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'list-target',
'-v', target)
tmp_protocol = None
status = None
for line in [l.strip() for l in out.splitlines()]:
if line.startswith("Operational"):
status = line.split()[-1]
if line.startswith("Protocol"):
tmp_protocol = line.split()[-1]
if tmp_protocol == protocol:
return status
err_msg = (_("'%s' does not match the listed protocol '%s'"
" for target '%s'.")
% (protocol, tmp_protocol, target))
except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as error:
if 'not found' in error.stderr:
LOG.debug(_("The target '%s' is not found.") % target)
return None
err_msg = (_("Failed to list the target '%s': '%s'")
% (target, error.stderr))
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=err_msg)
def _online_target(self, target, protocol):
"""Online the target in the offline state."""
self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'online-target',
assert self._check_target(target, protocol) == 'Online'
def _check_tg(self, tg):
"""Check if the target group exists."""
self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'list-tg', tg)
return True
except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as error:
if 'not found' in error.stderr:
LOG.debug(_("The target group '%s' is not found.") % tg)
return False
err_msg = (_("Failed to list the target group '%s': '%s'")
% (tg, error.stderr))
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=err_msg)
def _get_luid(self, volume):
"""Get the LU corresponding to the volume."""
zvol = self._get_zvol_path(volume)
(out, _err) = self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'list-lu', '-v')
luid = None
for line in [l.strip() for l in out.splitlines()]:
if line.startswith("LU Name:"):
luid = line.split()[-1]
if line.startswith("Alias") and line.split()[-1] == zvol:
luid = None
if luid is not None:
LOG.debug(_("Got the LU '%s'") % luid)
LOG.debug(_("Failed to get LU for volume '%s'")
% volume['name'])
return luid
def _get_view_and_lun(self, lu):
"""Check the view entry of the LU and then get the lun and view."""
view_and_lun = {}
view_and_lun['view'] = view_and_lun['lun'] = None
(out, _err) = self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'list-view',
'-l', lu, '-v')
except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as error:
if 'no views found' in error.stderr:
LOG.debug(_("No view is found for LU '%s'") % lu)
return view_and_lun
for line in [l.strip() for l in out.splitlines()]:
if line.startswith("View Entry:"):
view_and_lun['view'] = line.split()[-1]
if line.startswith("LUN") and 'Auto' not in line.split()[-1]:
view_and_lun['lun'] = int(line.split()[-1])
if line.startswith("Lun"):
view_and_lun['lun'] = int(line.split()[2])
if view_and_lun['view'] is None or view_and_lun['lun'] is None:
err_msg = (_("Failed to get the view_entry or LUN of the LU '%s'.")
% lu)
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=err_msg)
LOG.debug(_("The view_entry and LUN of LU '%s' are '%s' and '%d'.")
% (lu, view_and_lun['view'], view_and_lun['lun']))
return view_and_lun
class ZFSISCSIDriver(STMFDriver, driver.ISCSIDriver):
"""ZFS volume operations in iSCSI mode."""
protocol = 'iSCSI'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ZFSISCSIDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if not self.configuration.san_is_local:
self.hostname, alias, addresslist = \
def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
"""Get volume status."""
status = super(ZFSISCSIDriver, self).get_volume_stats(refresh)
status["storage_protocol"] = self.protocol
backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name')
status["volume_backend_name"] = backend_name or self.__class__.__name__
if not self.configuration.san_is_local:
san_info = "%s;%s;%s" % (self.configuration.san_ip,
status['location_info'] = \
'%(san_info)s' %
{'hostname': self.hostname,
'zfs_volume_base': self.configuration.zfs_volume_base,
'san_info': san_info})
return status
def _add_tg_member(self, target, tg, tpg):
"""Create the target and then add it to the target group."""
self._stmf_execute('/usr/sbin/itadm', 'create-target', '-n',
target, '-t', tpg)
self._stmf_execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'offline-target',
self._stmf_execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'add-tg-member', '-g',
tg, target)
def _get_target_portal(self, target):
"""Get the current target IP address."""
(out, _err) = self._execute('/usr/sbin/itadm', 'list-target',
'-v', target)
portal = None
for line in [l.strip() for l in out.splitlines()]:
if line.startswith("Target Address:"):
portal = line.split()[-1]
return portal
def _check_tpg(self, tpg):
"""Verify the tpg."""
(out, _err) = self._execute('/usr/sbin/itadm', 'list-tpg',
'-v', tpg)
return True
except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as error:
if 'not found' in error.stderr:
return False
err_msg = (_("Failed to list the tpg '%s': '%s'")
% (tpg, error.stderr))
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=err_msg)
def _create_tpg(self, tpg, ip):
"""Create the TPG for the IP address."""
self._execute('/usr/sbin/itadm', 'create-tpg', tpg, ip)
except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as error:
err_msg = (_("Failed to create the tpg '%s': '%s'") %
(tpg, error.stderr))
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=err_msg)
def _setup_targets(self, target_ips, target_group):
"""Setup targets for the IP addresses."""
for ip in target_ips:
tpg_name = "tpg-%s" % ip
if not self._check_tpg(tpg_name):
self._create_tpg(tpg_name, ip)
target_name = '%s%s-%s-%s-target' % \
target_status = self._check_target(target_name, 'iSCSI')
if target_status == 'Online':
if target_status is None:
self._add_tg_member(target_name, target_group, tpg_name)
self._online_target(target_name, 'iSCSI')
def do_setup(self, context):
"""Setup the target and target group."""
target_group = self.configuration.zfs_target_group
if not self._check_tg(target_group):
self._stmf_execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'create-tg', target_group)
target_name = '%s%s-%s-target' % \
target_status = self._check_target(target_name, 'iSCSI')
secondary_interfaces = self.configuration.iscsi_secondary_ip_addresses
if target_status == 'Online' and not secondary_interfaces:
if target_status is None:
# Create the primary target
if self.configuration.san_is_local:
primary_ip = self.configuration.iscsi_ip_address
primary_ip = self.configuration.san_ip
tpg_name = "tpg-%s" % primary_ip
if not self._check_tpg(tpg_name):
self._create_tpg(tpg_name, primary_ip)
self._add_tg_member(target_name, target_group, tpg_name)
# Online the target from the 'Offline' status
self._online_target(target_name, 'iSCSI')
if secondary_interfaces:
secondary_ips = [ip for ip in secondary_interfaces if ip.strip()]
self._setup_targets(secondary_ips, target_group)
def _get_tg_secondary_members(self, primary_target):
"""Get target members of the target group."""
tg = self.configuration.zfs_target_group
(out, _err) = self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'list-tg', '-v', tg)
targets = []
target_portals = []
for line in [l.strip() for l in out.splitlines()]:
if line.startswith("Member:"):
target = line.split()[-1]
if target == primary_target:
target_portal = self._get_target_portal(target)
if target_portal:
return targets, target_portals
def create_export(self, context, volume, conncetor):
"""Export the volume."""
# If the volume is already exported there is nothing to do, as we
# simply export volumes and they are universally available.
luid = self._get_luid(volume)
if luid:
view_lun = self._get_view_and_lun(luid)
if view_lun['view'] is not None:
msg = (_("Failed to create logical unit for volume '%s' due "
"to an existing LU id but no view.") % volume['name'])
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
zvol = self._get_zvol_path(volume)
# Create a Logical Unit (LU)
self._stmf_execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'create-lu', zvol)
luid = self._get_luid(volume)
if not luid:
msg = (_("Failed to create LU for volume '%s'")
% volume['name'])
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
# Add a view entry to the logical unit
target_group = self.configuration.zfs_target_group
self._stmf_execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'add-view',
'-t', target_group, luid)
def remove_export(self, context, volume):
"""Remove an export for a volume.
All of the related elements about the volume, including the
target, target group, view entry and lu, are deleted.
luid = self._get_luid(volume)
# Remove the LU
if luid is not None:
self._stmf_execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'delete-lu', luid)
# Remove the target and its target group if they were created by
# earlier versions of the volume driver
target_group = 'tg-%s' % volume['name']
target_name = '%s%s' % (self.configuration.iscsi_target_prefix,
if self._check_target(target_name, 'iSCSI') is not None:
self._stmf_execute('/usr/sbin/itadm', 'delete-target', '-f',
if self._check_tg(target_group):
self._stmf_execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'delete-tg', target_group)
def _get_iscsi_properties(self, volume):
"""Get iSCSI configuration
Now we use the discovery address as the default approach to add
objects into the initiator. A discovery address is an IP address:port
combination used in a SendTargets discovery session in the initiator.
:target_discovered: boolean indicating whether discovery was used
:target_iqn: the IQN of the iSCSI target
:target_portal: the portal of the iSCSI target
:target_lun: the lun of the iSCSI target
:volume_id: the id of the volume
:auth_method:, :auth_username:, :auth_password:
the authentication details. Right now, either auth_method is not
present meaning no authentication, or auth_method == `CHAP`
meaning use CHAP with the specified credentials.
If multiple IP addresses are configured, the returns will include
:target_iqns, :target_portals, :target_luns, which contain lists of
multiple values. The main portal information is also returned in
:target_iqn, :target_portal, :target_lun for backward compatibility.
luid = self._get_luid(volume)
if not luid:
msg = (_("Failed to get LU for volume '%s'") % volume['name'])
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
old_target_name = True
target_name = '%s%s' % (self.configuration.iscsi_target_prefix,
if self._check_target(target_name, 'iSCSI') is None:
target_name = '%s%s-%s-target' % \
old_target_name = False
properties = {}
properties['target_discovered'] = True
properties['target_iqn'] = target_name
# Here the san_is_local means that the cinder-volume runs in the
# iSCSI target with iscsi_ip_address.
if self.configuration.san_is_local:
target_ip = self.configuration.iscsi_ip_address
target_ip = self.configuration.san_ip
properties['target_portal'] = ('%s:%d' %
view_lun = self._get_view_and_lun(luid)
if view_lun['lun'] is not None:
properties['target_lun'] = view_lun['lun']
properties['volume_id'] = volume['id']
secondary_ifs = self.configuration.iscsi_secondary_ip_addresses
# The multipathing doesn't apply to the old volume-specific target
if not old_target_name and secondary_ifs:
target_portals = []
target_iqns = []
target_luns = []
secondary_iqns, secondary_portals = self._get_tg_secondary_members(
properties['target_portals'] = target_portals + secondary_portals
properties['target_iqns'] = target_iqns + secondary_iqns
properties['target_luns'] = (len(secondary_iqns) + 1) * target_luns
auth = volume['provider_auth']
if auth:
(auth_method, auth_username, auth_secret) = auth.split()
properties['auth_method'] = auth_method
properties['auth_username'] = auth_username
properties['auth_password'] = auth_secret
return properties
def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
"""Initialize the connection and returns connection info.
The iSCSI driver returns a driver_volume_type of 'iscsi'.
The format of the driver data is defined in _get_iscsi_properties.
Example return value::
'driver_volume_type': 'iscsi'
'data': {
'target_discovered': True,
'target_portal': '',
'volume_id': 1,
initiator_name = connector['initiator']
volume_name = volume['name']
LOG.debug(_('Connecting the initiator %(initiator_name)s '
'for volume %(volume_name)s')
% {'initiator_name': initiator_name,
'volume_name': volume_name})
iscsi_properties = self._get_iscsi_properties(volume)
return {
'driver_volume_type': 'iscsi',
'data': iscsi_properties
def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs):
"""Disconnection from the connector."""
initiator_name = connector['initiator']
volume_name = volume['name']
LOG.debug(_('Disconnecting the initiator %(initiator_name)s '
'for volume %(volume_name)s')
% {'initiator_name': initiator_name,
'volume_name': volume_name})
class ZFSFCDriver(STMFDriver, driver.FibreChannelDriver):
"""ZFS volume operations in FC mode."""
protocol = 'FC'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ZFSFCDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if not self.configuration.san_is_local:
self.hostname, alias, addresslist = \
def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
"""Get volume status."""
status = super(ZFSFCDriver, self).get_volume_stats(refresh)
status["storage_protocol"] = self.protocol
backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name')
status["volume_backend_name"] = backend_name or self.__class__.__name__
if not self.configuration.san_is_local:
san_info = "%s;%s;%s" % (self.configuration.san_ip,
status['location_info'] = \
'%(san_info)s' %
{'hostname': self.hostname,
'zfs_volume_base': self.configuration.zfs_volume_base,
'san_info': san_info})
return status
def do_setup(self, context):
"""Check wwns and setup the target group."""
self.wwns = self._get_wwns()
if not self.wwns:
msg = (_("Could not determine fibre channel world wide "
"node names."))
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
self.tg = 'tg-wwn-%s' % self.wwns[0]
if not self._check_tg(self.tg):
def _get_wwns(self):
"""Get the FC port WWNs of the host."""
(out, _err) = self._execute('/usr/sbin/fcinfo', 'hba-port', '-t')
wwns = []
for line in [l.strip() for l in out.splitlines()]:
if line.startswith("HBA Port WWN:"):
wwn = line.split()[-1]
LOG.debug(_("Got the FC port WWN '%s'") % wwn)
return wwns
def _get_target_wwns(self, tg):
"""Get the target members in the tg."""
(out, _err) = self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'list-tg',
'-v', tg)
wwns = []
for line in [l.strip() for l in out.splitlines()]:
if line.startswith("Member:"):
wwn = line.split()[-1]
target_wwn = wwn.split('.')[-1]
return wwns
def _setup_tg(self, tg):
"""Setup the target group."""
self._stmf_execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'create-tg', tg)
# Add free target wwns into the target group
for wwn in self.wwns:
if not self._target_in_tg(wwn, None):
target_wwn = 'wwn.%s' % wwn
self._stmf_execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'offline-target',
self._stmf_execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'add-tg-member',
'-g', tg, target_wwn)
self._online_target(target_wwn, 'Channel')
LOG.error(_LE("Failed to add and online the target '%s'.")
% (target_wwn))
target_wwns = self._get_target_wwns(tg)
if not target_wwns:
msg = (_("No target members exist in the target group '%s'.")
% tg)
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
def _only_lu(self, lu):
"""Check if the LU is the only one."""
(out, _err) = self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'list-lu', '-v')
linecount = 0
for line in [l.strip() for l in out.splitlines()]:
if line.startswith("LU Name:"):
luid = line.split()[-1]
linecount += 1
if linecount == 1 and luid == lu:
LOG.debug(_("The LU '%s' is the only one.") % lu)
return True
return False
def _target_in_tg(self, wwn, tg):
"""Check if the target has been added into a target group."""
target = 'wwn.%s' % wwn.upper()
if tg is not None:
(out, _err) = self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'list-tg',
'-v', tg)
(out, _err) = self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'list-tg', '-v')
for line in [l.strip() for l in out.splitlines()]:
if line.startswith("Member:") and target in line:
return True
LOG.debug(_("The target '%s' is not in %s target group.") %
(target, tg if tg else 'any'))
return False
def _force_lip_wwn(self):
"""Force the link to reinitialize."""
target_wwns = self._get_target_wwns(self.tg)
for target_wwn in target_wwns:
self._stmf_execute('/usr/sbin/fcadm', 'force-lip', target_wwn)
def create_export(self, context, volume, connector):
"""Export the volume."""
# If the volume is already exported there is nothing to do, as we
# simply export volumes and they are universally available.
luid = self._get_luid(volume)
if luid:
view_lun = self._get_view_and_lun(luid)
if view_lun['view'] is not None:
msg = (_("Failed to create logical unit for volume '%s' due "
"to an existing LU id but no view.") % volume['name'])
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
zvol = self._get_zvol_path(volume)
# Create a Logical Unit (LU)
self._stmf_execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'create-lu', zvol)
luid = self._get_luid(volume)
if not luid:
msg = (_("Failed to create logic unit for volume '%s'")
% volume['name'])
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
# setup the target group if it doesn't exist.
if not self._check_tg(self.tg):
# Add a logical unit view entry
self._stmf_execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'add-view', '-t',
self.tg, luid)
def remove_export(self, context, volume):
"""Remove an export for a volume."""
luid = self._get_luid(volume)
if luid is not None:
target_group = self.tg
view_lun = self._get_view_and_lun(luid)
if view_lun['view']:
self._stmf_execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'remove-view', '-l',
luid, view_lun['view'])
# Remove the target group when the LU to be deleted is last one
# exposed by the target group.
if self._only_lu(luid):
if self._check_tg(target_group):
self._stmf_execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'delete-tg',
# Remove the LU
self._stmf_execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'delete-lu', luid)
def _get_fc_properties(self, volume):
"""Get Fibre Channel configuration.
:target_discovered: boolean indicating whether discovery was used
:target_wwn: the world wide name of the FC port target
:target_lun: the lun assigned to the LU for the view entry
luid = self._get_luid(volume)
if not luid:
msg = (_("Failed to get logic unit for volume '%s'")
% volume['name'])
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
properties = {}
properties['target_discovered'] = True
properties['target_wwn'] = self._get_target_wwns(self.tg)
view_lun = self._get_view_and_lun(luid)
if view_lun['lun'] is not None:
properties['target_lun'] = view_lun['lun']
return properties
def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
"""Initializes the connection and returns connection info.
The driver returns a driver_volume_type of 'fibre_channel'.
The target_wwn can be a single entry or a list of wwns that
correspond to the list of remote wwn(s) that will export the volume.
Example return values:
'driver_volume_type': 'fibre_channel'
'data': {
'target_discovered': True,
'target_lun': 1,
'target_wwn': '1234567890123',
'driver_volume_type': 'fibre_channel'
'data': {
'target_discovered': True,
'target_lun': 1,
'target_wwn': ['1234567890123', '0987654321321'],
fc_properties = self._get_fc_properties(volume)
return {
'driver_volume_type': 'fibre_channel',
'data': fc_properties