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"LLVM-PROFDATA" "1" "2016-07-10" "3.8" "LLVM"
llvm-profdata - Profile data tool . .nr rst2man-indent-level 0 . \\$1 \\n[an-margin] level \\n[rst2man-indent-level] level margin: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]] - \\n[rst2man-indent0] \\n[rst2man-indent1] \\n[rst2man-indent2] .. .rstReportMargin pre:
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llvm-profdata command [args...]
The llvm-profdata tool is a small utility for working with profile data files.
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\%show NINDENT
llvm-profdata merge [options] [filename...]
llvm-profdata merge takes several profile data files generated by PGO instrumentation and merges them together into a single indexed profile data file. By default profile data is merged without modification. This means that the relative importance of each input file is proportional to the number of samples or counts it contains. In general, the input from a longer training run will be interpreted as relatively more important than a shorter run. Depending on the nature of the training runs it may be useful to adjust the weight given to each input file by using the -weighted-input option.

-help Print a summary of command line options. NINDENT NDENT 0.0

-output=output, -o=output Specify the output file name. Output cannot be - as the resulting indexed profile data can\(aqt be written to standard output. NINDENT NDENT 0.0

-weighted-input=weight,filename Specify an input file name along with a weight. The profile counts of the input file will be scaled (multiplied) by the supplied weight, where where weight is a decimal integer >= 1. Input files specified without using this option are assigned a default weight of 1. Examples are shown below. NINDENT NDENT 0.0

-instr (default) Specify that the input profile is an instrumentation-based profile. NINDENT NDENT 0.0

-sample Specify that the input profile is a sample-based profile. The format of the generated file can be generated in one of three ways: NDENT 7.0

-binary (default) NINDENT Emit the profile using a binary encoding. For instrumentation-based profile the output format is the indexed binary format. NDENT 7.0

-text NINDENT Emit the profile in text mode. This option can also be used with both sample-based and instrumentation-based profile. When this option is used the profile will be dumped in the text format that is parsable by the profile reader. NDENT 7.0

-gcc NINDENT Emit the profile using GCC\(aqs gcov format (Not yet supported). NINDENT

Basic Usage
Merge three profiles: NDENT 0.0 NDENT 3.5
llvm-profdata merge foo.profdata bar.profdata baz.profdata -output merged.profdata
Weighted Input
The input file foo.profdata is especially important, multiply its counts by 10: NDENT 0.0 NDENT 3.5
llvm-profdata merge -weighted-input=10,foo.profdata bar.profdata baz.profdata -output merged.profdata
NINDENT NINDENT Exactly equivalent to the previous invocation (explicit form; useful for programmatic invocation): NDENT 0.0 NDENT 3.5
llvm-profdata merge -weighted-input=10,foo.profdata -weighted-input=1,bar.profdata -weighted-input=1,baz.profdata -output merged.profdata
llvm-profdata show [options] [filename]
llvm-profdata show takes a profile data file and displays the information about the profile counters for this file and for any of the specified function(s). If filename is omitted or is -, then llvm-profdata show reads its input from standard input.

-all-functions Print details for every function. NINDENT NDENT 0.0

-counts Print the counter values for the displayed functions. NINDENT NDENT 0.0

-function=string Print details for a function if the function\(aqs name contains the given string. NINDENT NDENT 0.0

-help Print a summary of command line options. NINDENT NDENT 0.0

-output=output, -o=output Specify the output file name. If output is - or it isn\(aqt specified, then the output is sent to standard output. NINDENT NDENT 0.0

-instr (default) Specify that the input profile is an instrumentation-based profile. NINDENT NDENT 0.0

-text Instruct the profile dumper to show profile counts in the text format of the instrumentation-based profile data representation. By default, the profile information is dumped in a more human readable form (also in text) with annotations. NINDENT NDENT 0.0

-sample Specify that the input profile is a sample-based profile. NINDENT

llvm-profdata returns 1 if the command is omitted or is invalid, if it cannot read input files, or if there is a mismatch between their data.
Maintained by The LLVM Team (
2003-2016, LLVM Project Generated by docutils manpage writer.