Man page generated from reStructuredText.
"LLVM-NM" "1" "2016-07-10" "3.8" "LLVM"
llvm-nm - list LLVM bitcode and object file's symbol table . .nr rst2man-indent-level 0 . \\$1 \\n[an-margin] level \\n[rst2man-indent-level] level margin: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]] - \\n[rst2man-indent0] \\n[rst2man-indent1] \\n[rst2man-indent2] .. .rstReportMargin pre:
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llvm-nm [options] [filenames...]
The llvm-nm utility lists the names of symbols from the LLVM bitcode files, object files, or ar archives containing them, named on the command line. Each symbol is listed along with some simple information about its provenance. If no file name is specified, or - is used as a file name, llvm-nm will process a file on its standard input stream. llvm-nm\(aqs default output format is the traditional BSD nm output format. Each such output record consists of an (optional) 8-digit hexadecimal address, followed by a type code character, followed by a name, for each symbol. One record is printed per line; fields are separated by spaces. When the address is omitted, it is replaced by 8 spaces. Type code characters currently supported, and their meanings, are as follows: U NDENT 0.0 NDENT 3.5 Named object is referenced but undefined in this bitcode file NINDENT NINDENT C NDENT 0.0 NDENT 3.5 Common (multiple definitions link together into one def) NINDENT NINDENT W NDENT 0.0 NDENT 3.5 Weak reference (multiple definitions link together into zero or one definitions) NINDENT NINDENT t NDENT 0.0 NDENT 3.5 Local function (text) object NINDENT NINDENT T NDENT 0.0 NDENT 3.5 Global function (text) object NINDENT NINDENT d NDENT 0.0 NDENT 3.5 Local data object NINDENT NINDENT D NDENT 0.0 NDENT 3.5 Global data object NINDENT NINDENT ? NDENT 0.0 NDENT 3.5 Something unrecognizable NINDENT NINDENT Because LLVM bitcode files typically contain objects that are not considered to have addresses until they are linked into an executable image or dynamically compiled "just-in-time", llvm-nm does not print an address for any symbol in an LLVM bitcode file, even symbols which are defined in the bitcode file.

-B (default) Use BSD output format. Alias for --format=bsd. NINDENT NDENT 0.0

-P Use POSIX.2 output format. Alias for --format=posix. NINDENT NDENT 0.0

--debug-syms, -a Show all symbols, even debugger only. NINDENT NDENT 0.0

--defined-only Print only symbols defined in this file (as opposed to symbols which may be referenced by objects in this file, but not defined in this file.) NINDENT NDENT 0.0

--dynamic, -D Display dynamic symbols instead of normal symbols. NINDENT NDENT 0.0

--extern-only, -g Print only symbols whose definitions are external; that is, accessible from other files. NINDENT NDENT 0.0

--format=format, -f format Select an output format; format may be sysv, posix, or bsd. The default is bsd. NINDENT NDENT 0.0

-help Print a summary of command-line options and their meanings. NINDENT NDENT 0.0

--no-sort, -p Shows symbols in order encountered. NINDENT NDENT 0.0

--numeric-sort, -n, -v Sort symbols by address. NINDENT NDENT 0.0

--print-file-name, -A, -o Precede each symbol with the file it came from. NINDENT NDENT 0.0

--print-size, -S Show symbol size instead of address. NINDENT NDENT 0.0

--size-sort Sort symbols by size. NINDENT NDENT 0.0

--undefined-only, -u Print only symbols referenced but not defined in this file. NINDENT

\(bu 2
llvm-nm cannot demangle C++ mangled names, like GNU nm can.
\(bu 2
llvm-nm does not support the full set of arguments that GNU nm does. NINDENT NINDENT NINDENT
llvm-nm exits with an exit code of zero.
llvm-dis, ar(1), nm(1)
Maintained by The LLVM Team (
2003-2016, LLVM Project Generated by docutils manpage writer.