# Copied over from the desktop consolidation, which has the comment:
# date:2012-08-09 owner:davelam type bug bugster:555467
# Unfortunately there is no such bug in BugDB
# This patch needs to be evaluated to see if it needs to be passed upstream.
--- w3m-0.5.2/main.c.ori 2012-08-09 10:33:36.510910856 +0800
+++ w3m-0.5.2/main.c 2012-08-09 10:34:03.817856620 +0800
@@ -842,7 +842,9 @@
mySignal(SIGPIPE, SigPipe);
- orig_GC_warn_proc = GC_set_warn_proc(wrap_GC_warn_proc);
+ orig_GC_warn_proc = GC_get_warn_proc();
+ GC_set_warn_proc(wrap_GC_warn_proc);
err_msg = Strnew();
if (load_argc == 0) {
/* no URL specified */