<?xml version="1.0"?>
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions
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<project name="commondef">
<import file="env-common.xml"/>
Projects can redefine these paths to set the classpath for
javac, javadoc (uses classpath.javac), and jar tasks.
<path id="classpath.javac" />
<path id="classpath.jar" refid="classpath.javac" />
Generic copy/filter-based file generation task.
<macrodef name="generate.filter">
<attribute name="pattern" />
<attribute name="fromdir" default="." />
<attribute name="from" />
<attribute name="to" />
<element name="filters" implicit="yes" />
<copy todir="${proj.gen}">
<globmapper from="@{from}" to="@{to}" />
<fileset dir="@{fromdir}"
includes="@{pattern}" />
<filterset begintoken="&lt;" endtoken="&gt;">
<filters />
<target name="generate_project" />
<target name="generate" depends="generate_project">
<mkdir dir="${proj.gen}" />
<target name="clean_project" />
<target name="clean" depends="clean_project">
<delete dir="${proj.build}" />
<target name="clobber_project" />
<target name="clobber" depends="clean,clobber_project">
<delete file="${proj.jarfile}" />
Default compile target body.
<presetdef name="javac.default">
<javac includeAntRuntime="no" sourcepathref="proj.srcroots"
destdir="${proj.classes}" debug="on"
<dirset dir=".">
<include name="com"/>
<src location="build/gen" />
<compilerarg value="-Xlint" />
<compilerarg value="-Xlint:-serial" />
<target name="compile_project" />
<target name="compile" depends="generate,compile_project">
<mkdir dir="${proj.classes}" />
<javac.default />
Default jar target body.
<presetdef name="jar.default">
<jar destfile="${proj.jarfile}">
<fileset dir="${proj.classes}" />
<fileset dir=".">
<patternset id="pattern.resources">
<include name="com/**/*.properties" />
<include name="com/**/panel.policy" />
<include name="com/**/help/**" />
<include name="com/**/images/**" />
<exclude name="com/**/images/**/*.xcf" />
<fileset dir="${proj.gen}">
<patternset refid="pattern.resources" />
A pathmapper that maps from a classpath in build-space to
install-space, mapping paths in the workspace to a single
directory and leaving absolute paths alone.
<macrodef name="map.targetjar">
<attribute name="targetdir" default="${abs.java}" />
<attribute name="pathsep" default=" " />
<attribute name="property" />
<attribute name="pathref" />
<pathconvert pathsep="@{pathsep}" property="@{property}"
<replaceregex pattern="^${ws.java}/.*/"
replace="@{targetdir}/" />
Alternate jar target body, used for creating executables.
<macrodef name="jar.executable">
<attribute name="mainclass" />
<attribute name="targetdir" default="${abs.java}" />
<element name="jar-elements" implicit="yes" optional="yes"/>
<map.targetjar targetdir="@{targetdir}"
property="jarclasspath" pathref="classpath.jar" />
<attribute name="Main-Class"
value="@{mainclass}" />
<attribute name="Class-Path"
value="${jarclasspath}" />
<jar-elements />
<target name="jar" depends="compile">
<jar.default />
Default javadoc target body.
By default Doclet 1.8, the default in Java 8, produces errors for
self-closing html tags i.e. <br />. Disable html lint checking for javadoc
to disable these errors.
<presetdef name="javadoc.default">
<javadoc noqualifier="all" sourcepathref="proj.srcroots"
destdir="${proj.javadoc}" classpathref="classpath.javac"
<packageset dir="." includes="com/" />
<target name="javadoc" unless="env.ANT_SKIP_JAVADOC">
<javadoc.default />
<presetdef name="l10n.default">
<copy todir="${proj.l10n}">
<fileset dir=".">
<patternset id="pattern.resources">
<include name="com/**/*.properties" />
<include name="com/**/help/**" />
<exclude name="com/**/runtime.properties" />
<target name="l10n" unless="env.ANT_SKIP_L10N">
<l10n.default />
Default install target body.
<macrodef name="install.default">
<attribute name="targetdir" default="${proto.java}" />
<mkdir dir="@{targetdir}" />
<copy file="${proj.jarfile}" todir="@{targetdir}" />
Optionally used by a project's install_project to install
javadoc. Currently copies from build/javadoc; in the future
it might make sense to build javadoc differently in, and
directly into, each location.
<macrodef name="install.javadoc">
<copy todir="${proto.javadoc}">
<fileset dir="${proj.javadoc}"
<macrodef name="install.l10n">
<copy todir="${proto.l10n}">
<fileset dir=".">
<patternset id="pattern.resources">
<include name="com/**/*.properties" />
<include name="com/**/help/**" />
<exclude name="com/**/runtime.properties" />
<target name="install_project" />
<target name="install" depends="jar,install_project,l10n">
<!-- Temporarily set targetdir -->
<install.default targetdir="${proto.vpanels}" />
<install.l10n />
<target name="build" depends="jar,build_project" />
<target name="build_project" />
<target name="lint" />