Patch for FACT-662 Extend ldom.rb to indicate whether ldom creation is supported
Upstream bug:
--- facter-2.1.0/lib/facter/ldom.rb.orig 2014-08-20 10:20:46.279840866 -0600
+++ facter-2.1.0/lib/facter/ldom.rb 2014-08-20 10:25:26.560542193 -0600
@@ -46,4 +46,37 @@
+ #
+ # Resolution: Provides the following logical_domain information.
+ # current: The current environment is logical domain.
+ # supported: The current environment is control domain which can have logical
+ # domain
+ # unsupported: Logical domain is not supported on the environment
+ #
+ Facter.add("logical_domain") do
+ setcode do
+ virtinfo = %x{/sbin/virtinfo list -H -o class logical-domain 2>/dev/null}
+ virtinfo = virtinfo.split("\n")
+ virtinfo = virtinfo[0] # Doesn't need to check each logical-domain class
+ case virtinfo
+ when "supported"
+ virtinfo
+ when "current"
+ # Even control domain can have "logical_domain => current"
+ # To verify, control-role property should be examined.
+ ctrl_role = %x{virtinfo -c current get -Ho value control-role logical-domain 2> /dev/null}
+ case ctrl_role.chomp!
+ when "true"
+ "supported"
+ when "false"
+ virtinfo
+ end
+ else
+ "unsupported"
+ end
+ end
+ end