libusb: user-space usb library
Table of Contents:
1.0 libusb: user-space usb library
2.0 Opensource applications that use libusb
3.0 libusb interfaces and data structures
& writing libusb applications
1.0 libusb: user-space usb library
libusb is a usb library/API that lets user-space applications
access and operate usb devices. The library contains interfaces for
managing USB devices without a kernel driver. It is an opensource API
that is also supported on Linux, MacOS X, and NetBSD.
libusb has been implemented for both Sun Ray and Solaris platforms
using the interfaces defined in the usb.h header file.
For solaris please refer to ugen(7d) man page of how to bind ugen to
devices before accessing them via libusb. This is not needed for Sun Ray.
Note that in most cases explicitly binding ugen to the device is not
needed, particularly if no driver has been found for the device.
For the latest on USB, refer to:
usb.h has been licensed under LGPL and BSD.
Johannes Erdfelt started the libusb project, did the libusb implementation
for linux and is responsible for the libusb API definition.
Solaris and Sun Ray implementations were done by Sun based on
the interfaces in usb.h.
To Build and Compile:
cc [ flag... ] -I/usr/include file... \
-L/usr/lib -R/usr/lib\
-lusb [ library... ]
#include <usb.h>
/usr/lib/ shared object
/usr/lib/libusb_plugins implementation-specific
libusb plugins directory
/usr/bin/libusb-config script to determine linking
/usr/include/usb.h libusb header file
The following packages are available:
SUNWlibusb Sun's libusb wrapper library that handles Solaris and
Sun Ray plugin
SUNWlibusbS source
SUNWlibusbugen Solaris libusb plugin
SUNWlibusbugenS source
The following package is installed as part of SRSS 3.0 and later
SUNWlibusbut Sun Ray libusb plugin
Environment Variables:
Sun's libusb implementation makes use of a number of environment
To access devices attached to Sun Ray usb port and also the
Sun Ray server usb port.
To change path of the libusb plugins. Default location is
The above are variables used to enable debugging at various
levels in wrapper library and plugins.
Each can be set to values from 1 to 5 with 5 being the most
Setting the environment variable SUN_LIBUSB_DEBUG will enable
debugging at that level for both the wrapper and any platform-specific
libraries that the wrapper loads. If the variable SUN_LIBUSBUGEN_DEBUG
(ugen) or SUN_LIBUSBUT_DEBUG (Sun Ray) is also set, it will take
The environment variables overrides what the application sets by
calling usb_set_debug().
2.0 Opensource applications that use libusb
There are a number of opensource applications that make use of the libusb
library to drive the backends for a range of usb based devices like image
scanners, digital still cameras, palm pilots, and others. We will only cover
some of these here but there are others and there always exists the option for the
user to write their own libusb application for the device of interest.
For now please check the Sun Download Center (
for solaris binaries of these packages and documentation.
One may also check site for skeleton drivers and sample code or
send may to for the latest status on porting libusb applications
to Solaris.
blastwave ( and are sites that
host solaris binaries for a host of opensrc applications.
To build the following please use gmake and gcc for simplicity.
Have /usr/bin in your path to build and run the open source applications.
(The /usr packages are required to build and run these apps).
The following package is also required to run certain apps if you do not have
the gnu environment. This can be downloaded from
SMClibgcc [libgcc-3.4.1-sol9-sparc-local.gz]
2.1 SANE
SANE stands for (Scanner Access Now Easy). Information on SANE can be found at It is a framework that consists of backends that
make use of libusb to drive the various usb scanners and frontends that are
used for displaying the image acquired.
To Build SANE
1. Please only work with SANE v1.0.14 or later and
always build with posix thread enabled.
Building the SANE Backend package
1. Extract the sane-backend package
2. cd into the sane-backend directory
3. run configure to generate the makefiles etc
e.g. LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib configure \
--oldincludedir=/usr/include \
--prefix=/opt/sane --disable-fork-process
4. use gmake to build SANE
e.g. LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib gmake -e MAKE=gmake
5. run gmake install
* [ Note the disable-fork-process option above ]
Building the SANE Frontend package
1. Extract the sane-frontend package
2. cd into the sane-frontend directory
3. Make sure /opt/sane/bin is in your path (this is required to locate
the sane backend)
4. run configure to generate the makefiles etc.
e.g. LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib configure --prefix=/opt/sane
5. use gmake to build SANE
e.g. LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib gmake -e MAKE=gmake
6. run gmake install
Run the sane frontends scanimage or xscanimage (GUI)
1. scanimage --help
2. xscanimage --help
NOTE: sane/etc/sane.d dir has conf files for each scanner driver
and may need entries that specify the usb vid/pid of the device.
Some scanners require a firmware upload and the entry in the
.conf file needs to be filled in with the path and f/w file
2.2 Gphoto & gtkam
Gphoto can be used to drive usb based digital still cameras.
Gphoto & gtkam are installed in /usr/bin and generally there is no need
to build the binaries. However, instructions are below.
Packages available are:
SUNWgnome-camera - GNOME Digital Camera Tool
SUNWgnome-camera-devel - GNOME Digital Camera Tool - developer files
SUNWgnome-camera-share - GNOME Digital Camera Tool - platform independent files
To Build Gphoto (libgphoto package)
(using version 2.1.4 and up)
1. Extract the libgphoto package
2. cd into the libgphoto directory
3. Make sure /usr/bin is in your path
4. Run configure to build the make files
e.g. LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib ./configure --prefix=/opt/gphoto \
5. use gmake to build libgphoto
6. run gmake install
Building the Gphoto2 package
1. Extract the gphoto package
2. cd into the gphoto directory
3. Run configure to build the make files
e.g. PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/gphoto/lib/pkgconfig ./configure \
--prefix=/opt/gphoto --without-pkgconfig --without-readline
4. Edit Makefile in the gphoto2 sub directory to include -lgphoto2
and -lgphoto2_port to the lines the begin with LIBS=
e.g. LIBS = -lgphoto2 -lgphoto2_port
5. use gmake to build gphoto
e.g. gmake -e MAKE=gmake -e CFLAGS=-I/usr/include
6. run gmake install
To Use gphoto
1. Run the command gphoto2 --help
2. Use gphoto2 -P to download pictures from the digital camera to the
current directory.
For example:
% /usr/bin/gphoto2 --auto-detect
Model Port
Canon PowerShot S110 usb:
% cd /tmp
% /usr/bin/gphoto2 --get-all-thumbnails
Detected a 'Canon:PowerShot S110'.
Downloading 'IMG_2207.JPG' from folder '/DCIM/122CANON'...
Downloading 'IMG_2207.JPG' from folder '/DCIM/122CANON'...
Saving file as thumb_IMG_2207.jpg
Downloading 'IMG_2208.JPG' from folder '/DCIM/122CANON'...
Downloading 'IMG_2208.JPG' from folder '/DCIM/122CANON'...
Saving file as thumb_IMG_2208.jpg
alternatively, use gtkam, select your camera and view the pictures
(This is a gui).
% /usr/bin/gtkam
2.3 pilot-xfer
pilot-xfer is installed in /usr/bin. Refer to pilot-xfer(1).
pilot-xfer allows the user to install databases contained in
the standard .prc (Palm Resource Database), .pdb (Palm
Record Database), and .pqa (Palm Query Application) formats
onto a Palm, retrieve databases from the Palm, list the
databases contained in a Palm, and backup or restore all of
the databases at once, and many other powerful operations.
The following packages are available:
SUNWpltlk - includes pilot-xfer, libpisock, libpisync
SUNWpltlkS - source package
2.4 ColdSync
pilot-xfer is preferred over ColdSync.
(using version 3.0-pre4)
To build ColdSync
1. Extract the coldsync package
2. cd into the coldsync directory
3. Run configure to build the make files
4. Run configure to build the make files
e.g LDFLAGS=-L/usr/lib CFLAGS=-I/usr/include ./configure \
--prefix=/tmp/coldsync --with-libusb
5. If solaris 9 edit the file src/config.c and add the function below
to the code
int setenv(name, value, clobber)
char *name;
char *value;
int clobber;
char *malloc();
char *getenv();
char *cp;
if (clobber == 0 && getenv(name) != 0)
return (0);
if ((cp = malloc(strlen(name) + strlen(value) + 2)) == 0)
return (1);
sprintf(cp, "%s=%s", name, value);
return (putenv(cp));
6. The code suffers from endian issues relating to the numports in the file
libpconn/PConnection_libusb.c in particular the function pconn_libusb_open().
To fix this for big endian machines add the line shown below before the
following code:
for (i = 0; i < ci.numPorts; i++) {
"ConnectionInfo: entry %d function %s on port %d\n",
(ci.connections[i].portFunctionID <= hs_usbfun_MAX)
? hs_usb_functions[ci.connections[i].portFunctionID]
: "unknown",
if (ci.connections[i].portFunctionID == hs_usbfun_Hotsync)
u->hotsync_ep = ci.connections[i].port;
Line to add for big endian machines (sparc)
ci.numPorts=(((ci.numPorts &0xff) <<8) | (((ci.numPorts) & 0xff00) >> 8));
7. type gmake to build coldsync
8. type gmake install to install coldsync
To use ColdSync
1. Run the command coldsync --help
2. Use coldsync -m list -t libusb to list files.
3. Use coldsync -t libusb -mb /tmp to backup device to /tmp directory
2.5 USB CCID IFD Handler
This is the opensource USB CCID IFD Handler built to operate
with the Solaris Smartcard Framework. It supports a number
of USB CCID compliant smartcard readers.
Refer to usb_ccid_ifd(3SMARTCARD).
Packages available are:
SUNWusbccid -
SUNWusbccidS - the source package
3.0 libusb data structures and interfaces and
writing libusb applications
3.1 libusb data structures and interfaces
3.2 Writing libusb applications
Please also see the programming info/docs in
3.1 libusb data structures and interfaces
Data Structures:
usb_descriptor_header -- standard USB descriptor header
usb_device_descriptor -- standard USB device descriptor
usb_config_descriptor -- standard USB configuration descriptor with
some extras
usb_interface_descriptor -- stardard USB interface descriptor with some
usb_endpoint_descriptor -- standard USB endpoint descriptor with some
usb_hid_descriptor -- standard USB HID descriptor
usb_string_descriptor -- standard string descriptor
usb_ctrl_setup -- standard USB setup bytes
- Libusb data structures
usb_bus -- structure describing a USB bus in the system
usb_device -- structure describing a device on a USB bus
usb_interface -- structure describing a USB interface
- Initialization and discovery
usb_init -- Initializes libusb
usb_find_busses -- Finds all USB busses in the system
usb_find_devices -- Finds all devices on all USB busses
usb_busses -- Linked list of USB busses in the system
usb_get_busses -- Returns usb_busses
- Device operations
usb_open -- Opens a USB device
usb_close -- Closes a USB device
usb_claim_interface -- Claim an interface of a device
usb_release_interface -- Releases a previously claimed interface
- Control Transfers
usb_control_msg -- Send a control message to a device
usb_get_string -- Retrieves a string descriptor from a device
usb_get_string_simple -- Retrieves a string descriptor from a device
using the first language
usb_get_descriptor -- Retrieves the Device / Config Descriptor
usb_get_descriptor_by_endpoint -- Retrieves Descriptor using non default
control endpint (*)
usb_set_configuration -- Sets the active configuration of a device
usb_set_altinterface -- Sets the active alternate setting of the
current interface
usb_clear_halt -- Clears any halt status on an endpoint
usb_resetep -- Resets state of an endpoint
usb_reset -- Resets a device
- Bulk Transfers
usb_bulk_write -- Write data to a bulk endpoint
usb_bulk_read -- Read data from a bulk endpoint
- Interrupt Transfers
usb_interrupt_write -- Write data to an interrupt endpoint (**)
usb_interrupt_read -- Read data from an interrupt endpoint
- Miscellaneous
usb_strerror -- usb error string
usb_set_debug -- set debug level
(*) Not implemented for Sun plugins (Solaris , Sun Ray)
(**) Not implemented for Sun Ray plugins
(Refer to and for more details)
For all libusb interfaces:
cc [ flag ...] -I/usr/include file [ library ... ]
-L/usr/lib -R/usr/lib -lusb
#include <usb.h>
| Interface Stability | External |
| MT-Level | Unsafe |
libusb Library Data Structures
usb_descriptor_header - structure describing the standard USB
descriptor header
The usb_descriptor_header structure has the following fields:
uint8_t bLength length of the descriptor
uint8_t bDescriptorType type of the descriptor
The following sizes are defined
The following types are defined
usb_device_descriptor - standard USB device descriptor
The device descriptor usb_device_descriptor defines device-wide attributes.
Please refer to the USB 2.0 spec, section 9.6.1. The USB 2.0 spec is
available at
The usb_device_descriptor structure has the following fields:
A device descriptor has the following fields:
uint8_t bLength Size of this descriptor,
in bytes.
uint8_t bDescriptorType Set to USB_DT_DEVICE.
uint16_t bcdUSB USB specification release
number supported, in bcd.
uint8_t bDeviceClass Class code (see below).
uint8_t bDeviceSubClass Subclass code (see USB 2.0
specification of applicable
device class for information.)
uint8_t bDeviceProtocol Protocol code (see USB 2.0
specification of applicable
device class for information.)
uint8_t bMaxPacketSize0 Maximum packet size of
endpoint 0.
uint16_t idVendor vendor ID value.
uint16_t idProduct product ID value.
uint16_t bcdDevice Device release number in
binary coded decimal.
uint8_t iManufacturer Index of optional manufacturer
description string.
Valid if > 0.
uint8_t iProduct Index of optional product
description string.
Valid if > 0.
uint8_t iSerialNumber Index of optional serial
number string.
Valid if > 0.
uint8_t bNumConfigurations Number of available
The following values are defined for the bDeviceClass field:
usb_config_descriptor - USB configuration descriptor
The configuration descriptor usb_config_descriptor defines attributes of a
configuration. A configuration contains of one or more interfaces. A
configuration descriptor acts as a header for the group of other
descriptors describing the subcomponents (i.e. interfaces, endpoints) of
a configuration. Please refer to the USB 2.0 spec, section 9.6.3.
The USB 2.0 spec is available at
A configuration descriptor has the following fields:
uint8_t bLength Size of this descriptor,
in bytes.
uint8_t bDescriptorType Set to USB_DT_CONFIG
uint16_t wTotalLength Total length of data returned,
including this and all other
descriptors in this
uint8_t bNumInterfaces Number of interfaces in this
uint8_t bConfigurationValue ID of this configuration
uint8_t iConfiguration Index of optional configuration
string. Valid if > 0.
uint8_t bmAttributes Configuration characteristics
(see below).
uint8_t bMaxPower Maximum power consumption, in
2mA units.
struct usb_interface
*interface pointer to interface descriptor
uchar_t *extra extra descriptors
int extralen length of extra descriptors
USB_MAXCONFIG provides the limit on the number of configurations.
usb_interface_descriptor - USB interface descriptor
The interface descriptor usb_interface_descriptor defines attributes of an
interface. A configuration contains one or more interfaces. An
interface contains one or more endpoints.
Please refer to the USB 2.0 spec, section 9.6.5. The USB 2.0 spec is
available at
An interface descriptor has the following fields:
uint8_t bLength Size of this descriptor,
in bytes.
uint8_t bDescriptorType Set to USB_DT_INTERFACE
uint8_t bInterfaceNumber Interface number (0-based).
uint8_t bAlternateSetting Alternate setting number for
this interface and its
endpoints (0-based).
uint8_t bNumEndpoints Number of endpoints,
excluding endpoint 0.
uint8_t bInterfaceClass Interface Class code
(see below).
uint8_t bInterfaceSubClass Sub class code. (See USB 2.0
specification of applicable
interface class for
uint8_t bInterfaceProtocol Protocol code. (See USB 2.0
specification of applicable
interface class for
uint8_t iInterface Index of optional string
describing this interface.
Valid if > 0.
uchar_t *extra extra descriptors
int extralen length of extra descriptors
The following values are defined for the bInterfaceClass field:
Refer to for details about USB device classes.
USB_MAXINTERFACES provides the limit on the number of interfaces.
usb_endpoint_descriptor - USB endpoint descriptor
The endpoint descriptor usb_endpoint_descriptor defines attributes of an
endpoint. An endpoint is a uniquely addressable portion of a USB device
that is a source or sink of data.
Please refer to the USB 2.0 spec, section 9.6.6. The USB 2.0 spec is
available at
An endpoint descriptor has the following fields:
uint8_t bLength Size of this descriptor,
in bytes.
uint8_t bDescriptorType Set to USB_DT_ENDPOINT
uint8_t bEndpointAddress Address of this endpoint.
uint8_t bmAttributes Endpoint attributes (see
uint16_t wMaxPacketSize Maximum packet size.
uint8_t bInterval Polling interval for interrupt
and isochronous endpoints.
NAK rate for high-speed control
and bulk endpoints.
uint8_t bRefresh
uint8_t bSynchAddress
uchar_t *extra extra descriptors
int extralen length of extra descriptors
The following values are defined for endpoint descriptor fields:
usb_hid_descriptor - USB hid descriptor
The hid descriptor has the following fields:
uint8_t bLength size of descriptor in bytes
uint8_t bDescriptorType set to USB_DT_HID
uint8_t bcdHID HID spec release
uint8_t bCountryCode country code
uint8_t bNumDescriptors no. of class descriptors
usb_string_descriptor - USB string descriptor
The string descriptor has the following fields:
uint8_t bLength size of descriptor in bytes
uint8_t bDescriptorType set to USB_DT_STRING
uint16_t wData[1]; unicode data
usb_ctrl_setup - USB control setup bytes
The usb_ctrl_setup structure has the following fields:
uint8_t bRequestType characteristics of request
uint8_t bRequest request or command
uint16_t wValue value which varies according
to command
uint16_t wIndex value which varies according
to command
uint16_t wLength number of bytes to transfer
The following values are defined for bRequestType:
The following values are defined for bRequest:
Refer to for details.
To assist in byte swapping:
USB_LE16_TO_CPU macro to swap bytes
usb_bus - structure describing a USB bus in the system
A usb_bus structure describes a bus.
All usb_bus structures are linked in the usb_busses linked list.
The usb_bus structure has the following fields:
struct usb_device *next, *prev linked list entries
char dirname directory name of the USB bus
struct usb_device *devices linked list of usb_device structures
uint32_t location
usb_device - structure describing a USB device on a USB bus
A usb_device structure describes a USB device.
All usb_device structures are linked in the usb_busses devices
linked list.
The usb_device structure has the following fields:
struct usb_device *next, *prev linked list entries
char filename device node name
struct usb_bus *bus pointer to its usb_bus structure
struct usb_device_descriptor
descriptor standard USB device descriptor
struct usb_config_descriptor
*config pointer to standard USB config
void *dev OS Specific
usb_interface - structure describing a USB interface on a USB device
A usb_interface structure describes an interface on a USB device.
The usb_interface structure has the following fields:
struct usb_interface_descriptor
*altsetting pointer to standard USB interface
int num_altsetting number of alternates
USB_MAXALTSETTING is the limit on num_altsetting.
Initialization and discovery
libusb Library Functions
(NOTE: The error return values mentioned are not part of standard libusb
spec. There is inconsistency in the error return values of the
various libusb implementations)
usb_init - initialization of libusb.
void usb_init();
usb_init sets up some internal structures. usb_init must be called
before any other libusb functions.
usb_find_busses - finds all USB devices on all USB busses in the
int usb_find_busses(void);
usb_find_busses finds all busses in the system and returns the
number of changes compared to the previous call to usb_find_busses.
Returns the total of new and removed busses.
usb_find_devices - finds all devices on each bus.
int usb_find_devices(void);
usb_find_devices will find all of the devices on each bus.
This function should be called after usb_find_busses. It returns the
number of changes previous to this call
Returns the total of new devices and devices removed.
usb_get_busses - returns usb_busses linked list.
usb_busses - linked list.
struct usb_bus *usb_busses;
struct usb_bus *usb_get_busses(void);
usb_get_busses returns a pointer the the usb_busses linked list.
Applications can also directly access this linked list through
the external variable usb_busses.
Device Operations
usb_open - open a usb device and return a device handle
usb_dev_handle *usb_open(usb_device *device);
device pointer to usb_device structure
usb_open is required for opening a device for use. usb_open must be
called before attempting to perform any operations to the device.
It accepts a pointer to the usb_device struct which is used to build
the device lists. The usb_dev_handle pointer that is returned is for
a particular interface that will be claimed (see usb_claim_interface).
For operating on another interface usb_open will need to be called
again for a unique dev_handle pointer.
Upon successful completion, usb_open() returns a pointer to
the usb_dev_handle structure. This handle is opaque and
the struct usb_dev_handle is not visible to the application.
Upon failure, usb_open() returns NULL.
NULL the device could not be opened.
!= NULL valid usb_dev_handle pointer
usb_close - closes a usb device
int usb_close(usb_dev_handle *dev);
dev pointer to a usb device handle acquired through usb_open
usb_close closes a device opened with usb_open. No further operations
may be performed on the handle after usb_close is called. usb_close
must be called after the application has completed performing all
operations to the device. It takes the device handle as an
argument. The application is responsible for releasing the interface
before calling usb_close.
If the device can not be closed, a negative errno is returned.
< 0 the device could not be closed. A negative errno
is returned:
EINTR interrupted system call
EIO error accessing device
ENOMEM not enough memory
EACCESS permission denied
EBUSY device is busy
ENODEV device does not exist
EINVAL invalid usb_dev_handle pointer
== 0 device was successfully closed
usb_claim_interface - claims an interface from the active configuration
int usb_claim_interface(usb_dev_handle *dev, int interface);
dev pointer to a usb device handle acquired through usb_open
interface interface number
usb_claim_interface claims the interface for the active configuration
of a device. dev is the device handle for the device whose interface is
to be accessed.
The interface value is the bInterfaceNumber field from the
interface descriptor.
If the interface can not be claimed, a negative errno is returned.
usb_claim_interface must be performed prior to any endpoint access.
< 0 the interface could not claimed. A negative errno
is returned:
EINTR interrupted system call
EIO error accessing device
ENOMEM not enough memory
EACCESS permission denied
EBUSY interface is already claimed
ENODEV device does not exist
EINVAL invalid usb_device pointer or interface
== 0 the interface was successfully claimed
usb_release_interface - releases an interface
int usb_release_interface(usb_dev_handle *dev, int interface);
dev pointer to a usb device handle acquired through usb_open
interface interface number
usb_release_interface releases an interface previously claimed
by usb_claim_interface.
The interface value is the bInterfaceNumber field from the
interface descriptor.
If the interface can not be released, a negative errno is returned.
< 0 the interface could not claimed. A negative errno
is returned:
EINTR interrupted system call
EIO error accessing device
ENOMEM not enough memory
EACCESS permission denied
ENODEV device does not exist
EINVAL invalid usb_device pointer
or interface was not claimed
== 0 the interface was successfully released
Control Transfers
usb_control_msg - Performs a control request
int usb_control_msg(usb_dev_handle *dev, int requesttype,
int request, int value, int index, char *bytes, int size,
int timeout);
dev pointer to a usb device handle acquired through usb_open
requesttype bmRequestType
request bRequest
value wValue
index wIndex
bytes data buffer
size length of data buffer
timeout timeout in milliseconds
usb_control_msg performs a control request to the default control pipe
on a device.
The parameters mirror the types of the similar name in the USB
< 0 the request could not be performed. A negative errno
is returned:
EINTR interrupted system call
EIO error accessing device or timeout
ENOMEM not enough memory
EACCESS permission denied or
interface was not claimed
ENODEV device does not exist
EINVAL invalid usb_device pointer
>= 0 the request was successfully performed
0 or more bytes were transferred.
usb_get_string - Retrieves a string descriptor from a device
and returns a Unicode string
usb_get_string_simple - Retrieves a string descriptor from a device
and returns an ASCII string
int usb_get_string(usb_dev_handle *dev, int index, int langid,
char *buf, size_t buflen);
int usb_get_string_simple(usb_dev_handle *dev, int index,
char *buf, size_t buflen);
dev pointer to a usb device handle acquired through usb_open
index string index
langid language identifier
buf data buffer
buflen length of data buffer
usb_get_string retrieves the string descriptor specified by index
and langid from a device.
The string will be returned in Unicode as specified by the USB
usb_get_string_simple is a wrapper around usb_get_string that
retrieves the string description specified by index in the first
language for the descriptor and converts it into C style ASCII.
< 0 the request could not be performed. A negative errno
is returned:
EINTR interrupted system call
EIO error accessing device or timeout
ENOMEM not enough memory
EACCESS permission denied
ENODEV device does not exist
EINVAL invalid usb_device pointer
>= 0 the request was successfully performed
0 or more bytes were transferred.
usb_get_descriptor - Retrives a descriptor given the descriptor
usb_get_descriptor(usb_dev_handle *dev, uchar_t type,
uchar_t index, void *buf, int size);
dev pointer to a usb device handle acquired through usb_open
type descriptor type
index descriptor index
buf data buffer
size size of descriptor requested
usb_get_descriptor returns the descriptor given a descriptor
< 0 Could not retrieve the descriptor. A negative errno
is returned:
EINTR interrupted system call
EIO error accessing device
ENOMEM not enough memory
EACCESS permission denied
EBUSY interfaces are still claimed
ENODEV device does not exist
EINVAL invalid usb_device pointer
or invalid configuration value
== 0 returned requested descriptor.
usb_set_configuration - configures a usb device
int usb_set_configuration(usb_dev_handle *dev, int configuration);
dev pointer to a usb device handle acquired through usb_open
confvalue configuration value
usb_set_configuration sets the active configuration of a device.
dev is the device handle for the device whose configuration is to
be changed.
The argument configuration is the bConfigurationValue
field of the configuration descriptor for this device.
All interfaces must be released prior to setting the configuration.
< 0 the configuration could not set. A negative errno
is returned:
EINTR interrupted system call
EIO error accessing device
ENOMEM not enough memory
EACCESS permission denied
EBUSY interfaces are still claimed
ENODEV device does not exist
EINVAL invalid usb_device pointer
or invalid configuration value
== 0 the configuration was successfully set
usb_set_altinterface - Sets the alternate interface setting of the
active interface
int usb_set_altinterface(usb_dev_handle *dev, int alternate);
dev pointer to a usb device handle acquired through usb_open
alternate a valid alternate setting
usb_set_altinterface sets the alternate setting for the active
interface to the given argument alternate. dev is the device handle for
the device whose interface is to be changed. The alternate argument needs
to be a valid bAlternateSetting entry of the interface descriptor.
This operation can only be performed after the interface has been
< 0 the alternate could not set. A negative errno
is returned:
EINTR interrupted system call
EIO error accessing device
ENOMEM not enough memory
EACCESS permission denied or
interface was not claimed
ENODEV device does not exist
EINVAL invalid usb_device pointer or alternate
== 0 the interface was successfully claimed
usb_resetep -- Resets state for an endpoint
int usb_resetep(usb_dev_handle *dev, unsigned int ep);
dev pointer to a usb device handle acquired through usb_open
ep a valid endpoint address
usb_resetep resets all state for the specified endpoint.
< 0 the endpoint status could not be reset. A negative errno
is returned:
EINTR interrupted system call
EIO error accessing device
ENOMEM not enough memory
EACCESS permission denied
ENODEV device does not exist
EINVAL invalid usb_device pointer or alternate
ENOSUP operation not supported
== 0 the endpoint state was successfully reset
usb_clear_halt - Clears a endpoint halt status
int usb_clear_halt(usb_dev_handle *dev, unsigned int ep);
dev pointer to a usb device handle acquired through usb_open
ep a valid endpoint address
usb_clear_halt clears any halt status on the specified endpoint.
The ep parameter is the value specified in the endpoint descriptor
field bEndpointAddress.
If the underlying implementation supports autoclearing of stalls then
usb_clear_halt will return success immediately.
< 0 the endpoint halt status could not be cleared. A negative errno
is returned:
EINTR interrupted system call
EIO error accessing device
ENOMEM not enough memory
EACCESS permission denied or
interface was not claimed
ENODEV device does not exist
EINVAL invalid usb_device pointer or endpoint
== 0 the endpoint halt status was successfully cleared
usb_reset - Resets a device
int usb_reset(usb_dev_handle *dev);
dev pointer to a usb device handle acquired through usb_open
usb_reset resets the specified device by sending a RESET down
the port the device is connected to.
After calling usb_reset, the device will need to
re-enumerated and therefore requires finding the new device and
opening a new handle.
The handle used to call usb_reset will no longer work and
the device should be released using usb_close(3LIB).
< 0 the device could not be reset. A negative errno
is returned:
EINTR interrupted system call
EIO error accessing device
ENOMEM not enough memory
EACCESS permission denied
ENODEV device does not exist
EINVAL invalid usb_device pointer
ENOSUP usb_reset is not supported
ENOSUP operation is not supported
== 0 the device was successfully reset
Bulk Transfers
usb_bulk_write - Performs a bulk OUT request
usb_bulk_read - Performs a bulk IN request
int usb_bulk_write(usb_dev_handle *dev, int ep, char *bytes,
int size, int timeout);
int usb_bulk_read(usb_dev_handle *dev, int ep, char *bytes,
int size, int timeout);
dev pointer to a usb device handle acquired through usb_open
ep endpoint address
bytes data buffer
size length of data buffer
timeout timeout in milliseconds
usb_bulk_write performs a bulk OUT request to the endpoint specified
by ep. It returns the number of bytes transferred or a negative errno.
usb_bulk_read performs a bulk IN request from the endpoint specified
by ep. It returns the number of bytes transferred or a negative errno.
< 0 the request could not be performed. A negative errno
is returned:
EINTR interrupted system call
EIO error accessing device or timeout
ENOMEM not enough memory
EACCESS permission denied or
interface was not claimed
ENODEV device does not exist
EINVAL invalid usb_device pointer
>= 0 the request was successfully performed
0 or more bytes were transferred.
Interrupt Transfers
libusb Library Functions usb_interrupt_write(3LIB)
usb_interrupt_write - Performs an interrupt OUT request
usb_interrupt_read - Performs an interrupt IN request
int usb_interrupt_write(usb_dev_handle *dev, int ep, char *bytes,
int size, int timeout);
int usb_interrupt_read(usb_dev_handle *dev, int ep, char *bytes,
int size, int timeout);
dev pointer to a usb device handle acquired through usb_open
ep endpoint address
bytes data buffer
size length of data buffer
timeout timeout in milliseconds
usb_interrupt_write performs a interrupt OUT request to the endpoint
specified by ep.
It returns the number of bytes transferred or a negative errno.
usb_interrupt_read performs a interrupt IN request from the endpoint
specified by ep.
It returns the number of bytes transferred or a negative errno.
< 0 the request could not be performed. A negative errno
is returned:
EINTR interrupted system call
EIO error accessing device or timeout
ENOMEM not enough memory
EACCESS permission denied or
interface was not claimed
ENODEV device does not exist
EINVAL invalid usb_device pointer
ENOSUP operation not supported
>= 0 the request was successfully performed
0 or more bytes were transferred.
usb_strerror - returns error message string
char *usb_strerror(void);
usb_strerror is a wrapper around strerror(3C). It returns
a libusb-specific string if available, otherwise it calls
usb_strerror using errno returned by the implementation.
returns error string
usb_set_debug - Set debug level
void usb_set_debug(int level);
level debug level (0 is no debug messages)
usb_set_debug enables debug messages. level determines the
level of detail of the debug messages. Level ranges from
1 to 5 with 5 being the most verbose.
3.2 Programming guideline
Using libusb involves the following steps:
o usb_init() which initializes the library.
o usb_find_busses() which initializes the usb_busses list.
o usb_find_devices() which finds all USB devices.
o By traversing the usb_busses linked list, the application can
search for a device of interest and acquire a handle on the
device using usb_open().
o The application can set the device configuration of the device
using usb_set_config().
o The application claims an interface using usb_claim_interface().
o The application can access the default endpoint using
usb_control_msg(), bulk endpoints using usb_bulk_read() or
usb_bulk_write(), and interrupt endpoints using usb_interrupt_read()
or interrupt write
o The application releases the interface using usb_release_interface().
o The application closes the device using usb_close();
Please also check the libusb developers guide in
for more info and sample programs