ejabberdctl 1M "18 March 2008" "Version 2.0.5" "ejabberdctl"
ejabberdctl \(em ejabberd Jabber/XMPP server control interface

ejabberdctl [--node node] [vhost server] command [options]


ejabberd is packaged as a SMF service on OpenSolaris, and should be started and stopped using SMF. Its service name is: svc:/network/xmpp:ejabberd ejabberdctl can be used to debug ejabberd server, and perform many other administrative tasks. User should have Ejabberd Management profile to manage ejabberd service and to run ejabberdctl command, otherwise there would be cookie file access permission issue.


--node " node" Specifies the erlang node on which command will be performed. Default value is ejabberd@localhost. Node name has the following syntax: name@host host can either be a short hostname (usually it coincides with \(gahostname\(ga) or a FQDN (see erl(1) manual page and look for options -name and -sname for details). If the node name does not contain symbol @, then a short hostname (that is, \(gahostname\(ga) is appended by erlang runtime system automatically.

vhost " server" Specifies the virtual host server for which command will be executed. There are only few commands that needs vhost argument.


start Start an ejabberd node in background mode. This is the default method.

live Start an ejabberd node in live(interactive) mode. An erlang shell is attached to the started server, showing log messages and allowing to execute interactive commands.

debug Attach an interactive Erlang shell to a running ejabberd node. This allows to execute commands interactively on a running ejabberd server. To detach it, press Ctrl+G, q, <Return>.

stop Stop ejabberd server and shut down the node.

restart Restart ejabberd server.

status Get ejabberd server status.

reopen-log Request ejabberd server to reopen its log file.

register " user server password" Register a user with password for a virtual server.

unregister " user server" Unregister user from virtual server.

backup " file" Backup ejabberd user database to a file.

restore " file" Restore ejabberd user database from backup file.

install-fallback " file" Install a database fallback from file.

dump " file" Dump ejabberd user database to a text file.

load " file" Restore ejabberd user database from a text file.

import-file " file" Import user data from jabberd 1.4 spool file. For example, if file is .../example.org/user.xml then imported username will be user and it will be imported to virtual server example.org.

import-dir " dir" Import user data from jabberd 1.4 spool dir. Directory name should be the name of virtual server to import users.

delete-expired-messages Delete expired offline messages from database.

delete-old-messages n Delete offline messages older than n days from database.

mnesia [info] Show informatoin of Mnesia system.

incoming-s2s-number Print number of incoming s2s connections on the node

outgoing-s2s-number Print number of outgoing s2s connections on the node

user-resources " user server" List all connected resources of user user@server.

connected-users-number Report number of established users' sessions.

connected-users List all established users' sessions.

The following commands are vhost specific:

registered-users List all registered users for specified virtual server.


--config file Config file for ejabberd. Default is /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg.

--ctl-config file Config file for ejabberdctl. Default is /etc/ejabberd/ejabberdctl.cfg.

--logs dir Directory for log files. Default is /var/ejabberd/log.

--spool dir Database spool dir. Default is /var/ejabberd/db/ejabberd.


erl(1), mnesia(3).

Ejabberd documentation is available at http://www.process-one.net/en/projects/ejabberd/.


This manual page was adapted by Sergei Golovan <sgolovan@nes.ru> for the Debian system (but may be used by others) from the ejabberd documentation written by Alexey Shchepin <alexey@sevcom.net>. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. The complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html. The manual page was modified for ejabberd-2.0.5 on OpenSolaris.