# spec file for package SUNWIPython
# includes module(s): ipython
# This file and all modifications and additions to the pristine
# package are under the same license as the package itself.
%use ipython = ipython.spec
SUNW_BaseDir: %{_basedir}
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=%{_pkg_config_path}
export ACLOCAL_FLAGS="-I %{_datadir}/aclocal"
export LDFLAGS="%_ldflags"
# install man page
# Delete irunner because it depends on pexpect which is not in Solaris.
%{?pkgbuild_postprocess: %pkgbuild_postprocess -v -c "%{version}:%{jds_version}:%{name}:$RPM_ARCH:%(date +%%Y-%%m-%%d):%{support_level}" $RPM_BUILD_ROOT}