msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: v3untrans_xscreensaver-4.10.po\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-02-23 11:22+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-05-31 17:29+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: INBUSS Kft <>\n"
"Language-Team: Hungarian <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-conf.c:731
msgid "Browse..."
msgstr "Tallózás... "
#: driver/demo-Gtk-conf.c:1023
msgid "Select file."
msgstr "Válasszon ki egy fájlt."
#: driver/demo-Gtk-support.c:121
#, c-format
msgid "Couldn't find pixmap file: %s"
msgstr "Pixmap fájl nem található: %s"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-support.c:130
#, c-format
msgid "Error loading pixmap file: %s"
msgstr "Hiba a pixmap fájl betöltése közben: %s"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:155 driver/
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:45
msgid "XScreenSaver"
msgstr "XScreenSaver"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:176 driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:56
msgid "_File"
msgstr "_Fájl"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:196 driver/
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:50
msgid "_Blank Screen Now"
msgstr "Képernyő _elsötétítése"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:205 driver/
msgid ""
"Activate the XScreenSaver daemon now (locking the screen if so configured.)"
msgstr ""
"Az XScreenSaver démon aktiválása (képernyő zárolása, ha úgy van beállítva.)"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:209 driver/
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:60
msgid "_Lock Screen Now"
msgstr "Képernyő _zárolása"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:218 driver/
msgid "Lock the screen now (even if \"Lock Screen\" is unchecked.)"
msgstr ""
"Képernyő zárolása (akkor is ha a \"Képernyő zárolása\" nincs beállítva.)"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:222 driver/
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:58
msgid "_Kill Daemon"
msgstr "Démon _kilövése"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:231 driver/
msgid "Tell the running XScreenSaver daemon to exit."
msgstr "A futtatott XScreenSaver démon lépjen ki."
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:235 driver/
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:66
msgid "_Restart Daemon"
msgstr "Démon _újraindítása"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:244 driver/
msgid "Kill and re-launch the XScreenSaver daemon."
msgstr "Az XScreenSaver démon kilövése és újraindítása."
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:257 driver/
msgid "_Exit"
msgstr "_Kilépés"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:266 driver/
msgid ""
"Exit the xscreensaver-demo program (but leave the XScreenSaver daemon "
"running in the background.)"
msgstr ""
"Kilépés az xscreensaver demo programból (de az XScreenSaver démon továbbra "
"is fusson a háttérben.)"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:270 driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:57
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Súgó"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:290 driver/
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:46
msgid "_About..."
msgstr "_Névjegy..."
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:299 driver/
msgid "Display version information."
msgstr "Információ megjelenítése a verzióról."
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:303 driver/
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:55
msgid "_Documentation..."
msgstr "_Dokumentáció..."
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:312 driver/
msgid "Go to the documentation on the XScreenSaver web page."
msgstr "Menjen az XScreenSaver weboldalon levő dokumentációra."
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:342 driver/
msgid "Cycle After"
msgstr "Monitor lekapcsolása ennyi idő után:"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:364 driver/
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:43
msgid "Whether a password should be required to un-blank the screen."
msgstr "Szükséges legyen-e jelszó a képernyő visszahozásához?"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:366 driver/
msgid "Lock Screen After"
msgstr "Képernyő zárolása ennyi idő után:"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:374 driver/
msgid "Blank After"
msgstr "Elsötétítés ennyi idő után:"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:397 driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:447
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:461 driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1010
#: driver/ driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:27
msgid "How long before the monitor goes completely black."
msgstr "Mennyi idő alatt sötétüljön el teljesen a monitor?"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:401 driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:413
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:425 driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1014
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1026 driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1038
#: driver/ driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:73
msgid "minutes"
msgstr "perc"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:476 driver/demo-Gtk.c:2893
#: driver/
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Előnézet"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:484 driver/
msgid ""
"Demo the selected screen saver in full-screen mode (click the mouse to "
msgstr ""
"A kiválasztott képernyővédő előnézete a teljes képernyőn (a visszatéréshez "
"kattintson az egérrel.)"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:486 driver/
msgid "Settings..."
msgstr "Beállítások..."
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:494 driver/
msgid "Customization and explanation of the selected screen saver."
msgstr "A kiválasztott képernyővédő beállítása és leírása."
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:515 driver/
msgid "Mode:"
msgstr "Mód:"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:533 driver/
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:14
msgid "Disable Screen Saver"
msgstr "Képernyővédő tiltása"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:536 driver/
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:5
msgid "Blank Screen Only"
msgstr "Csak üres képernyő"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:539 driver/
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:33
msgid "Only One Screen Saver"
msgstr "Csak egyetlen képernyővédő"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:542 driver/
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:36
msgid "Random Screen Saver"
msgstr "Véletlenszerű képernyővédő"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:565 driver/demo-Gtk.c:2150
#: driver/
msgid "Use"
msgstr "Használat"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:585 driver/demo-Gtk.c:2160
#: driver/
msgid "Screen Saver"
msgstr "Képernyővédő"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:638 driver/
msgid "\\/"
msgstr "\\/"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:646 driver/
msgid ""
"Run the next screen saver in the list in full-screen mode (click the mouse "
"to return.)"
msgstr ""
"A listán szereplő következő képernyővédő futtatása teljes képernyős módban "
"(a visszatéréshez kattintson az egérrel.)"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:648
msgid "/\\"
msgstr "/\\"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:656 driver/
msgid ""
"Run the previous screen saver in the list in full-screen mode (click the "
"mouse to return.)"
msgstr ""
"A listán szereplő előző képernyővédő futtatása teljes képernyős módban(a "
"visszatéréshez kattintson az egérrel.)"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:658 driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1601
#: driver/ driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:11
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Leírás"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:685 driver/
msgid "Display Modes"
msgstr "Megjelenítési módok"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:701 driver/
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:12
msgid "Diagnostics"
msgstr "Diagnosztikák"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:745 driver/
msgid "Whether the daemon should print lots of debugging information."
msgstr "A démon sok hibakeresési információt írjon-e ki?"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:747 driver/
msgid "Verbose Diagnostics"
msgstr "Bővebb diagnosztikák"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:762 driver/
msgid ""
"Whether any error output of the display modes should be redirected to the "
msgstr ""
"A megjelenítési módok bármilyen hibaüzenetét átirányítsa-e a képernyőre?"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:764 driver/
msgid "Display Subprocess Errors"
msgstr "Alfolyamat-hibák megjelenítése"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:779 driver/
msgid ""
"Whether the splash screen (with the version number and `Help' button) should "
"be momentarily displayed when the daemon first starts up."
msgstr ""
"A nyitókép (a verziószámmal és a `Súgó' gombbal) megjelenjen-e egy "
"pillanatra, mikor először elindul a démon?"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:781 driver/
msgid "Display Splash Screen at Startup"
msgstr "A nyitókép megjelenítése az indításkor"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:790 driver/
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:8
msgid "Colormaps"
msgstr "Színtérképek"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:834 driver/
msgid ""
"Whether to install a private colormap when running in 8-bit mode on the "
"default Visual."
msgstr ""
"Használjon-e privát színtérképet 8 bites képernyőszínmélység használata "
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:836 driver/
msgid "Install Colormap"
msgstr "Színtérkép telepítése"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:859 driver/
msgid ""
"Whether the screen should slowly fade to black when the screen saver "
msgstr "A képernyővédő aktiválódásakor lassan sötétüljön-e el a képernyő?"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:861 driver/
msgid "Fade To Black When Blanking"
msgstr "Elsötétülés, mikor eltűnik a kép"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:876 driver/
msgid ""
"Whether the screen should slowly fade in from black when the screen saver "
msgstr "A képernyővédő deaktiválásakor lassan világosodjon-e ki a képernyő?"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:878 driver/
msgid "Fade From Black When Unblanking"
msgstr "Kivilágosodás, mikor visszatér a kép"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:904 driver/
msgid "Fade Duration"
msgstr "Elsötétülés időtartama"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:922 driver/
msgid "How long it should take for the screen to fade in and out."
msgstr "Mennyi ideig tartson a képernyő elsötétülése, illetve kivilágosodása?"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:926 driver/
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:76
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "másodperc"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:936 driver/
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:15
msgid "Display Power Management"
msgstr "Energiakezelés megjelenítése"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:980 driver/
msgid "Whether the monitor should be powered down after a while."
msgstr "Lekapcsoljon-e a monitor egy idő után?"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:982 driver/
msgid "Power Management Enabled"
msgstr "Energiakezelés engedélyezve"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1050 driver/
msgid "Off After"
msgstr "Kikapcsolás ennyi idő után:"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1063 driver/
msgid "Suspend After"
msgstr "Felfüggesztés ennyi idő után:"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1076 driver/
msgid "Standby After"
msgstr "Energiatakarékos üzemmód ennyi idő után:"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1099 driver/
msgid "How long until the monitor goes into power-saving mode."
msgstr "Mennyi idő után álljon át a monitor energiatakarékos üzemmódra?"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1113 driver/
msgid "How long until the monitor powers down."
msgstr "Mennyi idő után kapcsoljon le a monitor?"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1117 driver/
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:28
msgid "Image Manipulation"
msgstr "Kép változtatása"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1161 driver/
msgid ""
"Whether the image-manipulating modes should be allowed to operate on an "
"image of your desktop."
msgstr ""
"Engedélyezi-e, hogy bizonyos képkezelő eljárások a munkafelület képét "
"használják fel?"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1163 driver/
msgid "Grab Desktop Images"
msgstr "Munkafelület képeinek használata"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1178 driver/
msgid ""
"Whether the image-manipulating modes should operate on images captured from "
"the system's video input (if there is one)."
msgstr ""
"Engedélyezi-e, hogy bizonyos képkezelő eljárások a rendszerre "
"csatlakoztatott kamera képét használják fel (ha van ilyen)?"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1180 driver/
msgid "Grab Video Frames"
msgstr "Kamera képeinek használata"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1195 driver/
msgid ""
"Whether the image-manipulating modes should operate on random images loaded "
"from disk."
msgstr ""
"Engedélyezi-e, hogy bizonyos képkezelő eljárások a lemezen levő "
"véletlenszerűen kiválasztott képeket használják fel?"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1197 driver/
msgid "Choose Random Image:"
msgstr "Véletlenszerű kép kiválasztása:"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1230 driver/
msgid "The directory from which images will be randomly chosen."
msgstr "A könyvtár, melyből a képek véletlenszerűen lesznek kiválasztva."
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1232 driver/
msgid "Browse"
msgstr "Tallózás"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1240 driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1593
#: driver/ driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:2
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Haladó"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1438 driver/
msgid "XScreenSaver: Mode-Specific Settings"
msgstr "XScreenSaver: Módspecifikus beállítások"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1460 driver/
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:37
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Beállítások"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1489 driver/
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:39
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Standard"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1526 driver/
msgid "Visual:"
msgstr "Vizuális:"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1544 driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1567
#: driver/demo-Gtk.c:1548 driver/demo-Gtk.c:2912
#: driver/ driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:3
msgid "Any"
msgstr "Bármelyik"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1545 driver/
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:4
msgid "Best"
msgstr "Legjobb"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1546 driver/
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:9
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Alapértelmezett"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1547 driver/
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:10
msgid "Default-N"
msgstr "Alapértelmezett-N"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1548 driver/
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:21
msgid "GL"
msgstr "GL"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1549 driver/
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:42
msgid "TrueColor"
msgstr "24 bites színmélység"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1550 driver/
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:35
msgid "PseudoColor"
msgstr "Álszín"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1551 driver/
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:40
msgid "StaticGray"
msgstr "Statikus-szürke"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1552 driver/
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:25
msgid "GrayScale"
msgstr "Szürke-skála"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1553 driver/
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:13
msgid "DirectColor"
msgstr "16 bites színmélység"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1554 driver/
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:7
msgid "Color"
msgstr "Szín"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1555 driver/
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:24
msgid "Gray"
msgstr "Szürke"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1556 driver/
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:30
msgid "Mono"
msgstr "Mono"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1566 driver/
msgid ""
"The X visual type that this demo will require. If that visual is available "
"it will be used, otherwise, this demo will not be run."
msgstr ""
"Az X vizuáltípus kell a bemutatóhoz. Ha ez elérhető, ez lesz használva, "
"különben a bemutató nem futtatható."
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1569 driver/
msgid "Command Line:"
msgstr "Parancssor:"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1641 driver/
msgid "Documentation..."
msgstr "Dokumentáció..."
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1649 driver/
msgid "Click here to read the manual for this display mode, if it has one."
msgstr "Kattintson ide ezen megjelenítési mód kézikönyvéhez (ha van ilyen)."
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1674 driver/
msgid "Advanced >>"
msgstr "Haladó >>"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1682 driver/
msgid "Edit the command line directly."
msgstr "Közvetlenül a parancssor szerkesztése."
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1684 driver/
msgid "Standard <<"
msgstr "Standard <<"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1692 driver/
msgid "Back to the graphical configuration options."
msgstr "Vissza a grafikai beállításokhoz."
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1703 driver/demo-Gtk.c:743
#: driver/
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: driver/demo-Gtk-widgets.c:1712 driver/
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Mégsem"
#: driver/demo-Gtk.c:651
msgid "For updates, check"
msgstr "Frissítésekért látogasson ide:"
#: driver/demo-Gtk.c:785
msgid ""
"No Help URL has been specified.\n"
msgstr ""
"Súgó URL nincs megadva.\n"
#: driver/demo-Gtk.c:875
msgid ""
"The xscreensaver daemon did not start up properly.\n"
msgstr ""
"Az xscreensaver démon nem megfelelően indult.\n"
#: driver/demo-Gtk.c:881
msgid ""
"You are running as root. This usually means that xscreensaver\n"
"was unable to contact your X server because access control is\n"
"turned on. Try running this command:\n"
" xhost +localhost\n"
"and then selecting `File / Restart Daemon'.\n"
"Note that turning off access control will allow anyone logged\n"
"on to this machine to access your screen, which might be\n"
"considered a security problem. Please read the xscreensaver\n"
"manual and FAQ for more information.\n"
"You shouldn't run X as root. Instead, you should log in as a\n"
"normal user, and `su' as necessary."
msgstr ""
"You are running as root. This usually means that xscreensaver\n"
"was unable to contact your X server because access control is\n"
"turned on. Try running this command:\n"
" xhost +localhost\n"
"and then selecting `File / Restart Daemon'.\n"
"Note that turning off access control will allow anyone logged\n"
"on to this machine to access your screen, which might be\n"
"considered a security problem. Please read the xscreensaver\n"
"manual and FAQ for more information.\n"
"You shouldn't run X as root. Instead, you should log in as a\n"
"normal user, and `su' as necessary."
#: driver/demo-Gtk.c:897
msgid "Please check your $PATH and permissions."
msgstr "Kérem ellenőrizze $PATH-t és jogosultságait!"
#: driver/demo-Gtk.c:932
msgid ""
"Couldn't determine init file name!\n"
msgstr ""
"Az init fájlnév nem meghatározható!\n"
#: driver/demo-Gtk.c:937
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Couldn't write %s\n"
msgstr ""
"%s nem írható\n"
#: driver/demo-Gtk.c:996
msgid ""
"no `manualCommand' resource set."
msgstr ""
"nincs `manualCommand' forrás beállítva."
#: driver/demo-Gtk.c:1177
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unparsable time format: \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
"Értelmezhetetlen időformátum: \"%s\"\n"
#: driver/demo-Gtk.c:1848
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Directory does not exist: \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""
"A könyvtár nem létezik: \"%s\"\n"
#: driver/demo-Gtk.c:2592
msgid "Descriptions not available: no XML support compiled in."
msgstr "Leírások nem hozzáférhetők: nincs XML támogatás."
#: driver/demo-Gtk.c:2597
msgid "No description available."
msgstr "Nincs hozzáférhető leírás."
#: driver/demo-Gtk.c:2864
msgid "Blank Screen"
msgstr "Üres képernyő"
#: driver/demo-Gtk.c:2870
msgid "Screen Saver Disabled"
msgstr "Képernyővédő letiltva"
#: driver/demo-Gtk.c:3058
#, c-format
msgid ""
"file \"%s\" has changed, reloading.\n"
msgstr ""
"\"%s\" fájl megváltozott, újratöltés.\n"
#: driver/demo-Gtk.c:3140
msgid "No Preview"
msgstr "Nincs előnézet"
#: driver/demo-Gtk.c:3140
msgid "Available"
msgstr "Hozzáférhető"
#: driver/demo-Gtk.c:3141
msgid "Not"
msgstr "Nem"
#: driver/demo-Gtk.c:3141
msgid "Installed"
msgstr "Telepítve"
#: driver/demo-Gtk.c:3842
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The XScreenSaver daemon doesn't seem to be running\n"
"on display \"%s\". Launch it now?"
msgstr ""
"Úgy tűnik, az XScreenSaver démon nem fut\n"
"a(z) \"%s\" képernyőn. Most elindítja?"
#: driver/demo-Gtk.c:3852
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s is running as user \"%s\" on host \"%s\".\n"
"But the xscreensaver managing display \"%s\"\n"
"is running as user \"%s\" on host \"%s\".\n"
"Since they are different users, they won't be reading/writing\n"
"the same ~/.xscreensaver file, so %s isn't\n"
"going to work right.\n"
"You should either re-run %s as \"%s\", or re-run\n"
"xscreensaver as \"%s\".\n"
"Restart the xscreensaver daemon now?\n"
msgstr ""
"%s is running as user \"%s\" on host \"%s\".\n"
"But the xscreensaver managing display \"%s\"\n"
"is running as user \"%s\" on host \"%s\".\n"
"Mivel különböző felhasználók, they won't be reading/writing\n"
"ugyanazon ~/.xscreensaver fájlt, így %s nem\n"
"fog rendesen működni.\n"
"Vagy újra kell futtatni %s-t mint \"%s\"-t, vagy újrafuttatni\n"
"az xscreensaver-t mint \"%s\"-t.\n"
"Újraindítja most az xscreensaver démont?\n"
#: driver/demo-Gtk.c:3877
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s is running as user \"%s\" on host \"%s\".\n"
"But the xscreensaver managing display \"%s\"\n"
"is running as user \"%s\" on host \"%s\".\n"
"If those two machines don't share a file system (that is,\n"
"if they don't see the same ~%s/.xscreensaver file) then\n"
"%s won't work right.\n"
"Restart the daemon on \"%s\" as \"%s\" now?\n"
msgstr ""
"%s is running as user \"%s\" on host \"%s\".\n"
"But the xscreensaver managing display \"%s\"\n"
"is running as user \"%s\" on host \"%s\".\n"
"If those two machines don't share a file system (that is,\n"
"if they don't see the same ~%s/.xscreensaver file) then\n"
"%s won't work right.\n"
"Restart the daemon on \"%s\" as \"%s\" now?\n"
#: driver/demo-Gtk.c:3899
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This is %s version %s.\n"
"But the xscreensaver managing display \"%s\"\n"
"is version %s. This could cause problems.\n"
"Restart the xscreensaver daemon now?\n"
msgstr ""
"Ez %s, %s verzió,\n"
"azonban az xscreensaver-kezelő \"%s\" képernyő\n"
"%s verzió. Ez problémákat okozhat.\n"
"Újraindítja most az xscreensaver démont?\n"
#: driver/demo-Gtk.c:4352
#, c-format
msgid "%s: unknown option: %s\n"
msgstr "%s: ismeretlen beállítás: %s\n"
#: driver/demo-Gtk.c:4424
msgid "Screensaver Preferences"
msgstr "Képernyővédő beállítások"
#: driver/lock-Gtk.c:195
msgid "AT-enabled lock dialog"
msgstr "AT-enabled lock dialog"
#: driver/lock-Gtk.c:210
msgid "AT lock dialog frame1"
msgstr "AT lock dialog frame1"
#: driver/lock-Gtk.c:219
msgid "AT lock dialog vbox"
msgstr "AT lock dialog vbox"
#: driver/lock-Gtk.c:236
msgid "AT lock dialog hbox"
msgstr "AT lock dialog hbox"
#: driver/lock-Gtk.c:250
msgid "AT-enabled lock dialog frame2"
msgstr "AT-enabled lock dialog frame2"
#: driver/lock-Gtk.c:255
msgid "AT-enabled lock dialog image "
msgstr "AT-enabled lock dialog image "
#: driver/lock-Gtk.c:266
msgid "Percent of time you have to enter the password. "
msgstr "A jelszó megadásához rendelkezésre álló idő, százalékban."
#: driver/lock-Gtk.c:275 driver/lock-Gtk.c:574
#: driver/
msgid "Screensaver"
msgstr "Képernyővédő"
#: driver/lock-Gtk.c:287
msgid "AT text vbox2 "
msgstr "AT text vbox2 "
#: driver/lock-Gtk.c:290
msgid "AT text vbox2 label1"
msgstr "AT text vbox2 label1"
#: driver/lock-Gtk.c:297 driver/lock-Gtk.c:587
msgid "<b>This display is locked.</b>"
msgstr "<b>Ez a képernyő zárolva van.</b>"
#: driver/lock-Gtk.c:304
msgid "AT text vbox2 label2"
msgstr "AT text vbox2 label2"
#: driver/lock-Gtk.c:318 driver/lock-Gtk.c:603
msgid " User:"
msgstr " Felhasználó:"
#: driver/lock-Gtk.c:351 driver/lock-Gtk.c:633
msgid " Pin:"
msgstr " Pin:"
#: driver/lock-Gtk.c:365 driver/lock-Gtk.c:646
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Jelszó:"
#: driver/lock-Gtk.c:397
msgid "AT vbox2 hbox1"
msgstr "AT vbox2 hbox1"
#: driver/lock-Gtk.c:400
msgid "AT vbox2 table user"
msgstr "AT vbox2 table user"
#: driver/lock-Gtk.c:403
msgid "AT vbox2 table pin"
msgstr "AT vbox2 table pin"
#: driver/lock-Gtk.c:406
msgid "AT vbox2 table USER"
msgstr "AT vbox2 table USER"
#: driver/lock-Gtk.c:410
msgid "AT pwd or pin hbox2"
msgstr "AT pwd or pin hbox2"
#: driver/lock-Gtk.c:416
msgid "AT hhox2 atk pwd"
msgstr "AT hbox2 atk pwd"
#: driver/lock-Gtk.c:422 driver/lock-Gtk.c:680
msgid "%d-%b-%y (%a); %I:%M %p"
msgstr "%d-%b-%y (%a); %I:%M %p"
#: driver/lock-Gtk.c:445
msgid "AT vbox2 label5"
msgstr "AT vbox2 label5"
#: driver/lock-Gtk.c:465
msgid "AT vbox2 button"
msgstr "AT vbox2 button"
#: driver/lock-Gtk.c:749
msgid "<b>Checking...</b>"
msgstr "<b>Ellenőrzés...</b>"
#: driver/lock.c:1893
msgid "Timed out!"
msgstr "Időtúllépés"
#: driver/lock.c:1897
msgid "Sorry!"
msgstr ""
#: driver/
msgid "Change screensaver properties"
msgstr "Képernyővédő tulajdonságainak megváltoztatása"
#: driver/
msgid "/\");"
msgstr "/\");"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:1
msgid "*"
msgstr "*"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:6
msgid "Choose _Random Image:"
msgstr "_Véletlenszerű kép kiválasztása:"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:16
msgid "Display Subprocess _Errors"
msgstr "Alfolyamat _hibák megjelenítése"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:17
msgid "Display _Splash Screen at Startup"
msgstr "Indításkor a _nyitókép megjelenítése"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:18
msgid "F_ade Duration"
msgstr "El_sötétülés időtartama"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:19
msgid "Fade from Black When _Unblanking"
msgstr "Kivilágosodás feketéből a visszahozáskor"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:20
msgid "Fade to Black when _Blanking"
msgstr "Elsötétülés feketére, mikor _eltűnik a kép"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:22
msgid "Grab Desktop _Images"
msgstr "Munkafelület képeinek _használata"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:23
msgid "Grab _Video Frames"
msgstr "_Kamera képeinek használata"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:26
msgid "How long before passwdTimeout."
msgstr "Jelszó időtúllépés hossza."
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:29
msgid "Install _Colormap"
msgstr "Színtérkép _telepítése"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:31
msgid ""
"No Preview\n"
msgstr ""
"Nincs elérhető\n"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:34
msgid "Preview of screen saver"
msgstr "Képernyővédő előnézet"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:38
msgid "Stand_by After"
msgstr "_Energiatakarékos üzemmód ennyi idő után:"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:41
msgid "Sus_pend After"
msgstr "Fel_függesztés ennyi idő után:"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:44
msgid "Whether passwdTimeout is disabled or enabled."
msgstr "Van-e jelszó időtúllépés figyelés."
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:47
msgid "_Advanced"
msgstr "_Haladó"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:48
msgid "_Advanced >>"
msgstr "_Haladó >>"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:49
msgid "_Blank After"
msgstr "_Elsötétítés ennyi idő után:"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:51
msgid "_Browse"
msgstr "_Tallózás"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:52
msgid "_Command Line:"
msgstr "_Parancssor:"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:53
msgid "_Cycle After"
msgstr "_Lekapcsolás ennyi idő után:"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:54
msgid "_Display Modes"
msgstr "_Megjelenítési módok"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:59
msgid "_Lock Screen After"
msgstr "Képernyő _zárolása ennyi idő után"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:61
msgid "_Mode:"
msgstr "_Mód:"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:62
msgid "_Off After"
msgstr "_Kikapcsolás ennyi idő után:"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:63
msgid "_Power Management Enabled"
msgstr "_Energiakezelés engedélyezve"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:64
msgid "_Preview"
msgstr "_Előnézet"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:65
msgid "_Quit"
msgstr "_Kilépés"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:67
msgid "_Settings..."
msgstr "_Beállítások..."
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:68
msgid "_Standard <<"
msgstr "_Standard <<"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:69
msgid "_Verbose Dialognostics"
msgstr "_Bővebb diagnosztikák"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:70
msgid "_Visual:"
msgstr "_Vizuális:"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:71
msgid "_passwdTimeout After"
msgstr "Jelszó időtúllépés ideje"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:72
msgid "dialog1"
msgstr "1. párbeszédablak"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:74
msgid "no preview"
msgstr "nincs előnézet"
#: driver/xscreensaver-demo.glade2.h:75
msgid "preview"
msgstr "előnézet"
#: hacks/config/anemone.xml.h:1
msgid "Anemone"
msgstr "Szellőrózsa"
#: hacks/config/anemone.xml.h:2
msgid "Arms"
msgstr "Fegyver"
#: hacks/config/anemone.xml.h:3 hacks/config/ant.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/apollonian.xml.h:5 hacks/config/atlantis.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:8 hacks/config/atunnel.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/barcode.xml.h:4 hacks/config/blaster.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/blitspin.xml.h:4 hacks/config/bouboule.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/bouncingcow.xml.h:6 hacks/config/boxed.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/braid.xml.h:4 hacks/config/bubble3d.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/bubbles.xml.h:8 hacks/config/bumps.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/cage.xml.h:2 hacks/config/circuit.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/cloudlife.xml.h:3 hacks/config/compass.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/coral.xml.h:7 hacks/config/critical.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/crystal.xml.h:6 hacks/config/cubenetic.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/cynosure.xml.h:4 hacks/config/dangerball.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/decayscreen.xml.h:2 hacks/config/deluxe.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/demon.xml.h:4 hacks/config/discrete.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/distort.xml.h:4 hacks/config/drift.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/endgame.xml.h:3 hacks/config/engine.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/epicycle.xml.h:5 hacks/config/eruption.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/euler2d.xml.h:3 hacks/config/extrusion.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/fadeplot.xml.h:4 hacks/config/flag.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/flame.xml.h:6 hacks/config/flipscreen3d.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/flow.xml.h:5 hacks/config/fluidballs.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/flyingtoasters.xml.h:5 hacks/config/forest.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/galaxy.xml.h:3 hacks/config/gears.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/gflux.xml.h:7 hacks/config/glblur.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/glforestfire.xml.h:4 hacks/config/glplanet.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/glsnake.xml.h:5 hacks/config/gltext.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/goop.xml.h:4 hacks/config/grav.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/greynetic.xml.h:1 hacks/config/halo.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/hopalong.xml.h:9 hacks/config/hyperball.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/hypercube.xml.h:2 hacks/config/ifs.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/interference.xml.h:5 hacks/config/jigglypuff.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/jigsaw.xml.h:3 hacks/config/juggle.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/julia.xml.h:2 hacks/config/kaleidescope.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/klein.xml.h:2 hacks/config/kumppa.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/lament.xml.h:2 hacks/config/laser.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:10 hacks/config/lightning.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/lisa.xml.h:2 hacks/config/lissie.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/lmorph.xml.h:3 hacks/config/loop.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/maze.xml.h:4 hacks/config/menger.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/metaballs.xml.h:4 hacks/config/moebius.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/moire2.xml.h:2 hacks/config/molecule.xml.h:10
#: hacks/config/morph3d.xml.h:3 hacks/config/mountain.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/munch.xml.h:4 hacks/config/nerverot.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/penetrate.xml.h:3 hacks/config/penrose.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/petri.xml.h:5 hacks/config/phosphor.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/piecewise.xml.h:4 hacks/config/pipes.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/polyominoes.xml.h:2 hacks/config/popsquares.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/pulsar.xml.h:11 hacks/config/pyro.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/qix.xml.h:7 hacks/config/queens.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/rd-bomb.xml.h:9 hacks/config/ripples.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/rocks.xml.h:4 hacks/config/rotor.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/rubik.xml.h:3 hacks/config/sballs.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/shadebobs.xml.h:3 hacks/config/sierpinski.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/sierpinski3d.xml.h:2 hacks/config/slidescreen.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/slip.xml.h:2 hacks/config/speedmine.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/sphere.xml.h:2 hacks/config/spheremonics.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/spiral.xml.h:3 hacks/config/spotlight.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/sproingies.xml.h:2 hacks/config/squiral.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/stairs.xml.h:1 hacks/config/starfish.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/starwars.xml.h:6 hacks/config/strange.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/superquadrics.xml.h:4 hacks/config/swirl.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/t3d.xml.h:6 hacks/config/thornbird.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/triangle.xml.h:1 hacks/config/truchet.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/twang.xml.h:3 hacks/config/vines.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/webcollage.xml.h:4 hacks/config/worm.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:7 hacks/config/xfishtank.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/xflame.xml.h:4 hacks/config/xjack.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/xmatrix.xml.h:5 hacks/config/xmountains.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/xrayswarm.xml.h:2 hacks/config/zoom.xml.h:2
msgid "Fast"
msgstr "Gyors"
#: hacks/config/anemone.xml.h:4 hacks/config/blaster.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/bouboule.xml.h:4 hacks/config/coral.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/cubenetic.xml.h:9 hacks/config/eruption.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/euler2d.xml.h:4 hacks/config/flame.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/fluidballs.xml.h:6 hacks/config/kaleidescope.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/lisa.xml.h:3 hacks/config/pedal.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/petri.xml.h:7 hacks/config/qix.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/thornbird.xml.h:3 hacks/config/whirlwindwarp.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/xfishtank.xml.h:4
msgid "Few"
msgstr "Néhány"
#: hacks/config/anemone.xml.h:5 hacks/config/ant.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/apollonian.xml.h:7 hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:19
#: hacks/config/blaster.xml.h:7 hacks/config/bouboule.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/braid.xml.h:7 hacks/config/coral.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/critical.xml.h:5 hacks/config/crystal.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/cubenetic.xml.h:13 hacks/config/cynosure.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/deco.xml.h:5 hacks/config/deluxe.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/demon.xml.h:6 hacks/config/discrete.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/drift.xml.h:9 hacks/config/epicycle.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/eruption.xml.h:12 hacks/config/euler2d.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/fadeplot.xml.h:6 hacks/config/flag.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/flame.xml.h:11 hacks/config/flow.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/fluidballs.xml.h:13 hacks/config/forest.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/galaxy.xml.h:6 hacks/config/grav.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/halo.xml.h:4 hacks/config/hopalong.xml.h:15
#: hacks/config/ifs.xml.h:3 hacks/config/imsmap.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/interference.xml.h:11 hacks/config/julia.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/kaleidescope.xml.h:6 hacks/config/laser.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/lightning.xml.h:3 hacks/config/lisa.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/lissie.xml.h:6 hacks/config/loop.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/metaballs.xml.h:6 hacks/config/moire.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/moire2.xml.h:3 hacks/config/mountain.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/nerverot.xml.h:15 hacks/config/pedal.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/penrose.xml.h:7 hacks/config/petri.xml.h:11
#: hacks/config/polyominoes.xml.h:5 hacks/config/qix.xml.h:14
#: hacks/config/rd-bomb.xml.h:12 hacks/config/ripples.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/rocks.xml.h:5 hacks/config/rotor.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/shadebobs.xml.h:5 hacks/config/sierpinski.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/slip.xml.h:4 hacks/config/sphere.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/spiral.xml.h:6 hacks/config/squiral.xml.h:10
#: hacks/config/starfish.xml.h:5 hacks/config/strange.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/swirl.xml.h:3 hacks/config/thornbird.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/triangle.xml.h:3 hacks/config/vines.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/whirlwindwarp.xml.h:4 hacks/config/worm.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:12 hacks/config/xfishtank.xml.h:8
msgid "Many"
msgstr "Sok"
#: hacks/config/anemone.xml.h:6 hacks/config/ant.xml.h:11
#: hacks/config/apollonian.xml.h:8 hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:20
#: hacks/config/bouboule.xml.h:6 hacks/config/braid.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/critical.xml.h:6 hacks/config/crystal.xml.h:10
#: hacks/config/cynosure.xml.h:7 hacks/config/deco.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/deluxe.xml.h:7 hacks/config/demon.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/discrete.xml.h:6 hacks/config/drift.xml.h:10
#: hacks/config/epicycle.xml.h:9 hacks/config/eruption.xml.h:14
#: hacks/config/euler2d.xml.h:9 hacks/config/fadeplot.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/flag.xml.h:6 hacks/config/flame.xml.h:12
#: hacks/config/flow.xml.h:10 hacks/config/forest.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/galaxy.xml.h:7 hacks/config/grav.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/halo.xml.h:6 hacks/config/hopalong.xml.h:17
#: hacks/config/ifs.xml.h:4 hacks/config/imsmap.xml.h:10
#: hacks/config/interference.xml.h:12 hacks/config/julia.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/laser.xml.h:8 hacks/config/lightning.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/lisa.xml.h:6 hacks/config/lissie.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/loop.xml.h:5 hacks/config/metaballs.xml.h:10
#: hacks/config/moire.xml.h:7 hacks/config/moire2.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/mountain.xml.h:6 hacks/config/penrose.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/polyominoes.xml.h:6 hacks/config/popsquares.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/rd-bomb.xml.h:13 hacks/config/rocks.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/rotor.xml.h:7 hacks/config/shadebobs.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/sierpinski.xml.h:5 hacks/config/slip.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/sphere.xml.h:4 hacks/config/spiral.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/squiral.xml.h:11 hacks/config/starfish.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/strange.xml.h:6 hacks/config/swirl.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/thornbird.xml.h:5 hacks/config/triangle.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/vines.xml.h:3 hacks/config/worm.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:17 hacks/config/xfishtank.xml.h:9
msgid "Number of Colors"
msgstr "Színek száma"
#: hacks/config/anemone.xml.h:7 hacks/config/pyro.xml.h:8
msgid "Often"
msgstr "Gyakran"
#: hacks/config/anemone.xml.h:8
msgid "Rarely"
msgstr "Ritkán"
#: hacks/config/anemone.xml.h:9 hacks/config/ant.xml.h:15
#: hacks/config/apollonian.xml.h:11 hacks/config/atlantis.xml.h:13
#: hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:27 hacks/config/atunnel.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/barcode.xml.h:6 hacks/config/blaster.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/blitspin.xml.h:7 hacks/config/bouboule.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/bouncingcow.xml.h:10 hacks/config/boxed.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/braid.xml.h:11 hacks/config/bubble3d.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/bubbles.xml.h:10 hacks/config/bumps.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/cage.xml.h:4 hacks/config/circuit.xml.h:10
#: hacks/config/cloudlife.xml.h:11 hacks/config/compass.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/coral.xml.h:12 hacks/config/critical.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/crystal.xml.h:11 hacks/config/cubenetic.xml.h:22
#: hacks/config/cynosure.xml.h:9 hacks/config/dangerball.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/decayscreen.xml.h:17 hacks/config/deluxe.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/demon.xml.h:8 hacks/config/discrete.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/distort.xml.h:11 hacks/config/drift.xml.h:12
#: hacks/config/endgame.xml.h:5 hacks/config/engine.xml.h:13
#: hacks/config/epicycle.xml.h:10 hacks/config/eruption.xml.h:19
#: hacks/config/euler2d.xml.h:14 hacks/config/extrusion.xml.h:11
#: hacks/config/fadeplot.xml.h:8 hacks/config/flag.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/flame.xml.h:14 hacks/config/flipscreen3d.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/flow.xml.h:14 hacks/config/fluidballs.xml.h:18
#: hacks/config/flyingtoasters.xml.h:10 hacks/config/forest.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/galaxy.xml.h:10 hacks/config/gears.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/gflux.xml.h:13 hacks/config/glblur.xml.h:14
#: hacks/config/glforestfire.xml.h:14 hacks/config/glplanet.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/glsnake.xml.h:12 hacks/config/gltext.xml.h:13
#: hacks/config/goop.xml.h:10 hacks/config/grav.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/greynetic.xml.h:3 hacks/config/halo.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/hopalong.xml.h:21 hacks/config/hyperball.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/hypercube.xml.h:7 hacks/config/ifs.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/interference.xml.h:14 hacks/config/jigglypuff.xml.h:16
#: hacks/config/jigsaw.xml.h:5 hacks/config/juggle.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/julia.xml.h:8 hacks/config/kaleidescope.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/klein.xml.h:7 hacks/config/kumppa.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/lament.xml.h:6 hacks/config/laser.xml.h:10
#: hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:27 hacks/config/lightning.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/lisa.xml.h:8 hacks/config/lissie.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/lmorph.xml.h:11 hacks/config/loop.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/maze.xml.h:14 hacks/config/menger.xml.h:16
#: hacks/config/metaballs.xml.h:13 hacks/config/moebius.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/moire2.xml.h:6 hacks/config/molecule.xml.h:22
#: hacks/config/morph3d.xml.h:6 hacks/config/mountain.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/munch.xml.h:8 hacks/config/nerverot.xml.h:20
#: hacks/config/penetrate.xml.h:6 hacks/config/penrose.xml.h:11
#: hacks/config/petri.xml.h:23 hacks/config/phosphor.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/piecewise.xml.h:9 hacks/config/pipes.xml.h:16
#: hacks/config/polyominoes.xml.h:10 hacks/config/popsquares.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/pulsar.xml.h:15 hacks/config/pyro.xml.h:13
#: hacks/config/qix.xml.h:19 hacks/config/queens.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/rd-bomb.xml.h:17 hacks/config/ripples.xml.h:11
#: hacks/config/rocks.xml.h:9 hacks/config/rotor.xml.h:11
#: hacks/config/rubik.xml.h:9 hacks/config/sballs.xml.h:13
#: hacks/config/shadebobs.xml.h:9 hacks/config/sierpinski.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/sierpinski3d.xml.h:8 hacks/config/slidescreen.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/slip.xml.h:7 hacks/config/speedmine.xml.h:14
#: hacks/config/sphere.xml.h:5 hacks/config/spheremonics.xml.h:19
#: hacks/config/spiral.xml.h:9 hacks/config/spotlight.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/sproingies.xml.h:6 hacks/config/squiral.xml.h:15
#: hacks/config/stairs.xml.h:3 hacks/config/starfish.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/starwars.xml.h:12 hacks/config/strange.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/superquadrics.xml.h:8 hacks/config/swirl.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/t3d.xml.h:11 hacks/config/thornbird.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/triangle.xml.h:5 hacks/config/truchet.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/twang.xml.h:9 hacks/config/vines.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/webcollage.xml.h:7 hacks/config/worm.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:22 hacks/config/xfishtank.xml.h:10
#: hacks/config/xflame.xml.h:5 hacks/config/xjack.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/xmatrix.xml.h:15 hacks/config/xmountains.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/xrayswarm.xml.h:3 hacks/config/zoom.xml.h:6
msgid "Slow"
msgstr "Lassú"
#: hacks/config/anemone.xml.h:10 hacks/config/ant.xml.h:17
#: hacks/config/apollonian.xml.h:12 hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:29
#: hacks/config/atunnel.xml.h:7 hacks/config/barcode.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/blaster.xml.h:10 hacks/config/bouboule.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/braid.xml.h:12 hacks/config/bubble3d.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/bubbles.xml.h:11 hacks/config/bumps.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/cage.xml.h:6 hacks/config/circuit.xml.h:11
#: hacks/config/cloudlife.xml.h:13 hacks/config/compass.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/coral.xml.h:14 hacks/config/critical.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/crystal.xml.h:12 hacks/config/cubenetic.xml.h:24
#: hacks/config/cynosure.xml.h:10 hacks/config/dangerball.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/decayscreen.xml.h:18 hacks/config/deluxe.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/demon.xml.h:10 hacks/config/discrete.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/distort.xml.h:13 hacks/config/drift.xml.h:13
#: hacks/config/endgame.xml.h:6 hacks/config/engine.xml.h:14
#: hacks/config/epicycle.xml.h:11 hacks/config/eruption.xml.h:20
#: hacks/config/euler2d.xml.h:15 hacks/config/extrusion.xml.h:13
#: hacks/config/fadeplot.xml.h:10 hacks/config/flag.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/flame.xml.h:15 hacks/config/flipscreen3d.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/flow.xml.h:17 hacks/config/fluidballs.xml.h:20
#: hacks/config/forest.xml.h:6 hacks/config/galaxy.xml.h:11
#: hacks/config/glblur.xml.h:17 hacks/config/glforestfire.xml.h:15
#: hacks/config/glplanet.xml.h:8 hacks/config/gltext.xml.h:15
#: hacks/config/goop.xml.h:11 hacks/config/grav.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/greynetic.xml.h:4 hacks/config/halo.xml.h:10
#: hacks/config/hopalong.xml.h:23 hacks/config/hyperball.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/hypercube.xml.h:8 hacks/config/ifs.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/jigsaw.xml.h:7 hacks/config/juggle.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/julia.xml.h:10 hacks/config/kaleidescope.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/klein.xml.h:8 hacks/config/kumppa.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/lament.xml.h:7 hacks/config/laser.xml.h:11
#: hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:30 hacks/config/lightning.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/lisa.xml.h:9 hacks/config/lissie.xml.h:11
#: hacks/config/lmorph.xml.h:12 hacks/config/loop.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/menger.xml.h:18 hacks/config/metaballs.xml.h:15
#: hacks/config/moebius.xml.h:10 hacks/config/moire2.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/molecule.xml.h:24 hacks/config/morph3d.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/mountain.xml.h:8 hacks/config/munch.xml.h:10
#: hacks/config/nerverot.xml.h:22 hacks/config/penrose.xml.h:12
#: hacks/config/petri.xml.h:25 hacks/config/phosphor.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/piecewise.xml.h:11 hacks/config/pipes.xml.h:17
#: hacks/config/polyominoes.xml.h:11 hacks/config/popsquares.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/pulsar.xml.h:17 hacks/config/qix.xml.h:22
#: hacks/config/queens.xml.h:6 hacks/config/rotor.xml.h:12
#: hacks/config/rubik.xml.h:11 hacks/config/sballs.xml.h:14
#: hacks/config/shadebobs.xml.h:10 hacks/config/sierpinski.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/sierpinski3d.xml.h:10 hacks/config/slidescreen.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/slip.xml.h:9 hacks/config/speedmine.xml.h:16
#: hacks/config/sphere.xml.h:6 hacks/config/spheremonics.xml.h:22
#: hacks/config/spiral.xml.h:10 hacks/config/spotlight.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/sproingies.xml.h:8 hacks/config/squiral.xml.h:17
#: hacks/config/stairs.xml.h:5 hacks/config/starfish.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/strange.xml.h:8 hacks/config/superquadrics.xml.h:10
#: hacks/config/swirl.xml.h:7 hacks/config/t3d.xml.h:13
#: hacks/config/thornbird.xml.h:8 hacks/config/triangle.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/truchet.xml.h:3 hacks/config/twang.xml.h:10
#: hacks/config/vines.xml.h:5 hacks/config/webcollage.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/whirlygig.xml.h:13 hacks/config/worm.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:25 hacks/config/xflame.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/xjack.xml.h:3 hacks/config/xmatrix.xml.h:18
#: hacks/config/xmountains.xml.h:5 hacks/config/xrayswarm.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/zoom.xml.h:7
msgid "Speed"
msgstr "Sebesség"
#: hacks/config/anemone.xml.h:11
msgid "Tentacles"
msgstr "Polipkar"
#: hacks/config/anemone.xml.h:12 hacks/config/deluxe.xml.h:10
#: hacks/config/lmorph.xml.h:13 hacks/config/starfish.xml.h:11
#: hacks/config/thornbird.xml.h:9
msgid "Thick"
msgstr "Vastag"
#: hacks/config/anemone.xml.h:13 hacks/config/moire2.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/thornbird.xml.h:10
msgid "Thickness"
msgstr "Vastagság"
#: hacks/config/anemone.xml.h:14 hacks/config/deluxe.xml.h:11
#: hacks/config/lmorph.xml.h:14 hacks/config/starfish.xml.h:12
#: hacks/config/thornbird.xml.h:11
msgid "Thin"
msgstr "Vékony"
#: hacks/config/anemone.xml.h:15
msgid "Turn speed"
msgstr "Fordulási sebesség"
#: hacks/config/anemone.xml.h:16 hacks/config/ant.xml.h:22
#: hacks/config/apollonian.xml.h:13 hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:33
#: hacks/config/bouboule.xml.h:11 hacks/config/braid.xml.h:13
#: hacks/config/critical.xml.h:9 hacks/config/crystal.xml.h:13
#: hacks/config/cynosure.xml.h:11 hacks/config/deco.xml.h:11
#: hacks/config/deluxe.xml.h:14 hacks/config/demon.xml.h:13
#: hacks/config/discrete.xml.h:11 hacks/config/drift.xml.h:14
#: hacks/config/epicycle.xml.h:14 hacks/config/euler2d.xml.h:17
#: hacks/config/fadeplot.xml.h:12 hacks/config/flag.xml.h:14
#: hacks/config/flame.xml.h:16 hacks/config/flow.xml.h:19
#: hacks/config/forest.xml.h:8 hacks/config/galaxy.xml.h:13
#: hacks/config/grav.xml.h:11 hacks/config/halo.xml.h:13
#: hacks/config/hopalong.xml.h:25 hacks/config/ifs.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/imsmap.xml.h:15 hacks/config/interference.xml.h:16
#: hacks/config/julia.xml.h:12 hacks/config/laser.xml.h:12
#: hacks/config/lightning.xml.h:8 hacks/config/lisa.xml.h:12
#: hacks/config/lissie.xml.h:13 hacks/config/loop.xml.h:12
#: hacks/config/metaballs.xml.h:16 hacks/config/moire.xml.h:11
#: hacks/config/moire2.xml.h:9 hacks/config/mountain.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/nerverot.xml.h:23 hacks/config/penrose.xml.h:13
#: hacks/config/polyominoes.xml.h:12 hacks/config/rd-bomb.xml.h:20
#: hacks/config/rocks.xml.h:13 hacks/config/rotor.xml.h:13
#: hacks/config/shadebobs.xml.h:12 hacks/config/sierpinski.xml.h:12
#: hacks/config/slip.xml.h:12 hacks/config/sphere.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/spiral.xml.h:12 hacks/config/squiral.xml.h:19
#: hacks/config/starfish.xml.h:15 hacks/config/strange.xml.h:11
#: hacks/config/swirl.xml.h:9 hacks/config/thornbird.xml.h:13
#: hacks/config/triangle.xml.h:8 hacks/config/vines.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/worm.xml.h:10 hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:28
#: hacks/config/xfishtank.xml.h:11
msgid "Two"
msgstr "Kettő"
#: hacks/config/anemone.xml.h:17
msgid "Wiggling tentacles. By Gabriel Finch."
msgstr "Tekergőző polipkarok. Készítette: Gabriel Finch."
#: hacks/config/anemone.xml.h:18
msgid "Withdraw freqency"
msgstr "Gyakoriság visszavonás"
#: hacks/config/ant.xml.h:1
msgid ""
"A cellular automaton that is really a two-dimensional Turing machine: as the "
"heads (``ants'') walk along the screen, they change pixel values in their "
"path. Then, as they pass over changed pixels, their behavior is influenced. "
"Written by David Bagley."
msgstr ""
"A sejtautomata valójában egy kétdimenziós Turing-gép: ahogy a fejek "
"(``hangyák'') végigsétálnak a képernyőn, útvonalukon megváltoztatják a pixel "
"értékeket. Aztán, ahogy átmennek a megváltozott pixeleken, ez hatással van a "
"viselkedésükre is. Írta: David Bagley."
#: hacks/config/ant.xml.h:2
msgid "Ant"
msgstr "Hangya"
#: hacks/config/ant.xml.h:3
msgid "Ant Size"
msgstr "Hangya mérete"
#: hacks/config/ant.xml.h:4
msgid "Ants Count"
msgstr "Hangyák száma"
#: hacks/config/ant.xml.h:5
msgid "Draw Eyes"
msgstr "Szemek rajzolása"
#: hacks/config/ant.xml.h:7
msgid "Four Sided Cells"
msgstr "Négyoldalú cellák"
#: hacks/config/ant.xml.h:8 hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:13
#: hacks/config/cloudlife.xml.h:7 hacks/config/cubenetic.xml.h:11
#: hacks/config/demon.xml.h:5 hacks/config/discrete.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/distort.xml.h:5 hacks/config/fadeplot.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/flag.xml.h:4 hacks/config/flow.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/fluidballs.xml.h:12 hacks/config/halftone.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/hopalong.xml.h:13 hacks/config/interference.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/julia.xml.h:5 hacks/config/lissie.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/loop.xml.h:2 hacks/config/moire.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/piecewise.xml.h:5 hacks/config/rd-bomb.xml.h:11
#: hacks/config/rorschach.xml.h:5 hacks/config/rubik.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/sierpinski.xml.h:3 hacks/config/slip.xml.h:3
msgid "Large"
msgstr "Nagy"
#: hacks/config/ant.xml.h:10
msgid "Nine Sided Cells"
msgstr "Kilencoldalú cellák"
#: hacks/config/ant.xml.h:12
msgid "Random Cell Shape"
msgstr "Véletlenszerű cellaforma"
#: hacks/config/ant.xml.h:13 hacks/config/speedmine.xml.h:11
msgid "Sharp Turns"
msgstr "Éles kanyarok"
#: hacks/config/ant.xml.h:14
msgid "Six Sided Cells"
msgstr "Hatoldalú cellák"
#: hacks/config/ant.xml.h:16 hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:28
#: hacks/config/cloudlife.xml.h:12 hacks/config/cubenetic.xml.h:23
#: hacks/config/demon.xml.h:9 hacks/config/discrete.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/distort.xml.h:12 hacks/config/fadeplot.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/flag.xml.h:8 hacks/config/flow.xml.h:16
#: hacks/config/fluidballs.xml.h:19 hacks/config/halftone.xml.h:14
#: hacks/config/hopalong.xml.h:22 hacks/config/interference.xml.h:15
#: hacks/config/julia.xml.h:9 hacks/config/lissie.xml.h:10
#: hacks/config/loop.xml.h:8 hacks/config/metaballs.xml.h:14
#: hacks/config/moire.xml.h:9 hacks/config/piecewise.xml.h:10
#: hacks/config/rd-bomb.xml.h:18 hacks/config/rorschach.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/rubik.xml.h:10 hacks/config/sierpinski.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/slip.xml.h:8
msgid "Small"
msgstr "Kicsi"
#: hacks/config/ant.xml.h:18
msgid "Three Sided Cells"
msgstr "Háromoldalú cellák"
#: hacks/config/ant.xml.h:19 hacks/config/demon.xml.h:12
#: hacks/config/discrete.xml.h:10 hacks/config/fadeplot.xml.h:11
#: hacks/config/flag.xml.h:13 hacks/config/flow.xml.h:18
#: hacks/config/lissie.xml.h:12 hacks/config/loop.xml.h:11
#: hacks/config/rubik.xml.h:12 hacks/config/sierpinski.xml.h:11
#: hacks/config/slip.xml.h:11
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Időtúllépés"
#: hacks/config/ant.xml.h:20
msgid "Truchet Lines"
msgstr "Truchet vonalak"
#: hacks/config/ant.xml.h:21
msgid "Twelve Sided Cells"
msgstr "Tizenkét oldalú cellák"
#: hacks/config/apollonian.xml.h:1
msgid "Apollonian"
msgstr "Apollóni"
#: hacks/config/apollonian.xml.h:2
msgid "Deep"
msgstr "Mély"
#: hacks/config/apollonian.xml.h:3
msgid "Depth"
msgstr "Mélység"
#: hacks/config/apollonian.xml.h:4
msgid "Draw Labels"
msgstr "Címkék rajzolása"
#: hacks/config/apollonian.xml.h:6
msgid "Include Alternate Geometries"
msgstr "Alternatív geometriákat tartalmaz"
#: hacks/config/apollonian.xml.h:9
msgid ""
"Packs a large circle with smaller circles, demonstrating the Descartes "
"Circle Theorem. Written by Allan R. Wilks and David Bagley."
msgstr ""
"Egy nagy kört kisebb körökkel tölt fel, ábrázolva Descartes körelméletét. "
"írta: Allan R. Wilks és David Bagley."
#: hacks/config/apollonian.xml.h:10
msgid "Shallow"
msgstr "Sekély"
#: hacks/config/atlantis.xml.h:1
msgid "Agressive"
msgstr "Agresszív"
#: hacks/config/atlantis.xml.h:2
msgid "Atlantis"
msgstr "Atlantisz"
#: hacks/config/atlantis.xml.h:3
msgid "Clear Water"
msgstr "Tiszta víz"
#: hacks/config/atlantis.xml.h:5
msgid "Flat Background"
msgstr "Sima háttér"
#: hacks/config/atlantis.xml.h:6
msgid "Gradient Background"
msgstr "Színátmenetes háttér"
#: hacks/config/atlantis.xml.h:7
msgid "Number of Sharks"
msgstr "Cápák száma"
#: hacks/config/atlantis.xml.h:8
msgid "Shark Proximity"
msgstr "Cápa közelsége"
#: hacks/config/atlantis.xml.h:9
msgid "Shark Speed"
msgstr "Cápa sebessége"
#: hacks/config/atlantis.xml.h:10
msgid "Shimmering Water"
msgstr "Csillámló víz"
#: hacks/config/atlantis.xml.h:11 hacks/config/atunnel.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/boxed.xml.h:5 hacks/config/bubble3d.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/cage.xml.h:3 hacks/config/circuit.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/cubenetic.xml.h:21 hacks/config/dangerball.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/endgame.xml.h:4 hacks/config/engine.xml.h:12
#: hacks/config/extrusion.xml.h:10 hacks/config/flipscreen3d.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/fluidballs.xml.h:17 hacks/config/flurry.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/gears.xml.h:6 hacks/config/gflux.xml.h:12
#: hacks/config/glblur.xml.h:13 hacks/config/glforestfire.xml.h:13
#: hacks/config/glplanet.xml.h:5 hacks/config/glslideshow.xml.h:10
#: hacks/config/glsnake.xml.h:10 hacks/config/gltext.xml.h:12
#: hacks/config/jigglypuff.xml.h:15 hacks/config/klein.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/lament.xml.h:5 hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:26
#: hacks/config/menger.xml.h:15 hacks/config/moebius.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/molecule.xml.h:21 hacks/config/morph3d.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/pipes.xml.h:15 hacks/config/pulsar.xml.h:14
#: hacks/config/queens.xml.h:3 hacks/config/rubik.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/sballs.xml.h:12 hacks/config/sierpinski3d.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/spheremonics.xml.h:18 hacks/config/sproingies.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/stairs.xml.h:2 hacks/config/starwars.xml.h:11
#: hacks/config/superquadrics.xml.h:7
msgid "Show Frames-per-Second"
msgstr "Mutassa, hogy hány kép jelenik meg másodpercenként"
#: hacks/config/atlantis.xml.h:12
msgid "Shy"
msgstr "Szégyenlős"
#: hacks/config/atlantis.xml.h:14 hacks/config/boxed.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/cage.xml.h:5 hacks/config/extrusion.xml.h:12
#: hacks/config/gears.xml.h:8 hacks/config/glblur.xml.h:15
#: hacks/config/glplanet.xml.h:7 hacks/config/glsnake.xml.h:13
#: hacks/config/gltext.xml.h:14 hacks/config/menger.xml.h:17
#: hacks/config/molecule.xml.h:23 hacks/config/munch.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/sierpinski3d.xml.h:9 hacks/config/speedmine.xml.h:15
#: hacks/config/spheremonics.xml.h:21 hacks/config/sproingies.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/stairs.xml.h:4 hacks/config/stonerview.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/superquadrics.xml.h:9
msgid "Solid"
msgstr "Szolid"
#: hacks/config/atlantis.xml.h:15
msgid ""
"This is xfishtank writ large: a GL animation of a number of sharks, "
"dolphins, and whales. The swimming motions are great. Originally written by "
"Mark Kilgard."
msgstr ""
"Ez az xfishtank: számos cápa, delfin és bálna GL animációja. Nagyszerűek az "
"úszó mozgások. Eredeti szerző:Mark Kilgard."
#: hacks/config/atlantis.xml.h:16
msgid "Whale Speed"
msgstr "Bálna sebessége"
#: hacks/config/atlantis.xml.h:17 hacks/config/atunnel.xml.h:10
#: hacks/config/boxed.xml.h:8 hacks/config/cage.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/dangerball.xml.h:11 hacks/config/extrusion.xml.h:19
#: hacks/config/flyingtoasters.xml.h:13 hacks/config/gears.xml.h:11
#: hacks/config/glblur.xml.h:20 hacks/config/glforestfire.xml.h:20
#: hacks/config/glplanet.xml.h:11 hacks/config/glsnake.xml.h:16
#: hacks/config/gltext.xml.h:18 hacks/config/jigglypuff.xml.h:25
#: hacks/config/lament.xml.h:9 hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:32
#: hacks/config/menger.xml.h:21 hacks/config/moebius.xml.h:11
#: hacks/config/molecule.xml.h:26 hacks/config/pulsar.xml.h:20
#: hacks/config/sballs.xml.h:18 hacks/config/sierpinski3d.xml.h:12
#: hacks/config/speedmine.xml.h:19 hacks/config/spheremonics.xml.h:26
#: hacks/config/sproingies.xml.h:10 hacks/config/stairs.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/stonerview.xml.h:4 hacks/config/superquadrics.xml.h:12
msgid "Wireframe"
msgstr "Drótváz"
#: hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:1
msgid "Attraction"
msgstr "Vonzás"
#: hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:2
msgid "Ball Count"
msgstr "Labdaszám"
#: hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:3
msgid "Ball Mass"
msgstr "Labda tömege"
#: hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:4 hacks/config/fluidballs.xml.h:3
msgid "Balls"
msgstr "Labdák"
#: hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:5
msgid "Bounce Off Walls"
msgstr "Lepattannak a falakról"
#: hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:6 hacks/config/hopalong.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/interference.xml.h:3 hacks/config/qix.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/wander.xml.h:3
msgid "Color Contrast"
msgstr "Színkontraszt"
#: hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:7
msgid "Environmental Viscosity"
msgstr "Környezeti súrlódás"
#: hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:9
msgid "Filled Splines"
msgstr "Töltött spline-ok"
#: hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:10 hacks/config/ccurve.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/cloudlife.xml.h:5 hacks/config/cubenetic.xml.h:10
#: hacks/config/euler2d.xml.h:5 hacks/config/flame.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/glslideshow.xml.h:6 hacks/config/goop.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/halftone.xml.h:7 hacks/config/hopalong.xml.h:10
#: hacks/config/hyperball.xml.h:3 hacks/config/hypercube.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/interference.xml.h:6 hacks/config/jigglypuff.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/kumppa.xml.h:4 hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:12
#: hacks/config/nerverot.xml.h:11 hacks/config/petri.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/pyro.xml.h:5 hacks/config/qix.xml.h:10
#: hacks/config/speedmine.xml.h:5 hacks/config/spheremonics.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/spiral.xml.h:4 hacks/config/squiral.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/strange.xml.h:3 hacks/config/superquadrics.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/t3d.xml.h:7 hacks/config/twang.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/wander.xml.h:8
msgid "High"
msgstr "Magas"
#: hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:11
msgid "Ignore Screen Edges"
msgstr "Képernyőszegélyek mellőzése"
#: hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:12
msgid "Inward"
msgstr "Befelé"
#. #### -graphmode [none]
#: hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:15
msgid ""
"Like qix, this uses a simple simple motion model to generate many different "
"display modes. The control points attract each other up to a certain "
"distance, and then begin to repel each other. The attraction/repulsion is "
"proportional to the distance between any two particles, similar to the "
"strong and weak nuclear forces. One of the most interesting ways to watch "
"this hack is simply as bouncing balls, because their motions and "
"interactions with each other are so odd. Sometimes two balls will get into a "
"tight orbit around each other, to be interrupted later by a third, or by the "
"edge of the screen. It looks quite chaotic. Written by Jamie Zawinski, based "
"on Lisp code by John Pezaris."
msgstr ""
"Mint a qix, egyszerű mozgási modelleket használ a sok különböző "
"megjelenítési mód létrehozására. A kontrollpontok egy bizonyos távolságon "
"belül vonzzák, majd taszítani kezdik egymást. A vonzás/taszítás arányos a "
"két részecske közti távolsággal, hasonlóan az erős és gyenge nukleáris "
"erőkhöz. Érdekes egyszerű, pattogó labdákként szemlélni őket, mert mozgásuk "
"és kölcsönhatásaik oly különlegesek. Néha két labda szorosan egymás körül "
"kering, és ezt megzavarja egy harmadik, vagy éppen a képernyő széle. Elég "
"zűrzavarosnak tűnik. írta: Jamie Zawinski, John Pezaris Lisp-kódja alapján."
#: hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:16 hacks/config/deluxe.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/lmorph.xml.h:7 hacks/config/pedal.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/starfish.xml.h:4 hacks/config/whirlygig.xml.h:10
msgid "Lines"
msgstr "Vonalak"
#: hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:17 hacks/config/braid.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/cynosure.xml.h:5 hacks/config/drift.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/eruption.xml.h:11 hacks/config/euler2d.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/galaxy.xml.h:5 hacks/config/juggle.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/klein.xml.h:4 hacks/config/laser.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/menger.xml.h:4 hacks/config/metaballs.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/munch.xml.h:5 hacks/config/nerverot.xml.h:13
#: hacks/config/petri.xml.h:9 hacks/config/polyominoes.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/rotor.xml.h:5 hacks/config/shadebobs.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/sierpinski3d.xml.h:3 hacks/config/spheremonics.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/wander.xml.h:10 hacks/config/whirlwindwarp.xml.h:3
msgid "Long"
msgstr "Hosszú"
#: hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:18 hacks/config/ccurve.xml.h:10
#: hacks/config/cloudlife.xml.h:8 hacks/config/cubenetic.xml.h:12
#: hacks/config/euler2d.xml.h:7 hacks/config/flame.xml.h:10
#: hacks/config/glslideshow.xml.h:9 hacks/config/goop.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/halftone.xml.h:9 hacks/config/hopalong.xml.h:14
#: hacks/config/hyperball.xml.h:6 hacks/config/hypercube.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/interference.xml.h:9 hacks/config/jigglypuff.xml.h:11
#: hacks/config/kumppa.xml.h:6 hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:14
#: hacks/config/nerverot.xml.h:14 hacks/config/petri.xml.h:10
#: hacks/config/pyro.xml.h:7 hacks/config/qix.xml.h:13
#: hacks/config/speedmine.xml.h:6 hacks/config/spheremonics.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/spiral.xml.h:5 hacks/config/squiral.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/strange.xml.h:4 hacks/config/superquadrics.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/t3d.xml.h:8 hacks/config/twang.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/wander.xml.h:11
msgid "Low"
msgstr "Alacsony"
#: hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:21
msgid "Orbital Mode"
msgstr "Keringési mód"
#: hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:22
msgid "Outward"
msgstr "Kifelé"
#: hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:23
msgid "Polygons"
msgstr "Sokszögek"
#: hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:24 hacks/config/spotlight.xml.h:3
msgid "Radius"
msgstr "Sugár"
#: hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:25
msgid "Repulsion Threshold"
msgstr "Taszítási küszöb"
#: hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:26 hacks/config/braid.xml.h:10
#: hacks/config/cynosure.xml.h:8 hacks/config/drift.xml.h:11
#: hacks/config/eruption.xml.h:18 hacks/config/euler2d.xml.h:12
#: hacks/config/galaxy.xml.h:8 hacks/config/klein.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/laser.xml.h:9 hacks/config/menger.xml.h:14
#: hacks/config/metaballs.xml.h:12 hacks/config/munch.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/nerverot.xml.h:19 hacks/config/petri.xml.h:22
#: hacks/config/polyominoes.xml.h:9 hacks/config/rotor.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/shadebobs.xml.h:8 hacks/config/sierpinski3d.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/spheremonics.xml.h:17 hacks/config/wander.xml.h:12
#: hacks/config/whirlwindwarp.xml.h:6
msgid "Short"
msgstr "Rövid"
#: hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:30
msgid "Splines"
msgstr "Spline-ok"
#: hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:31
msgid "Tails"
msgstr "Farkak"
#: hacks/config/attraction.xml.h:32 hacks/config/euler2d.xml.h:16
#: hacks/config/juggle.xml.h:10
msgid "Trail Length"
msgstr "Nyom hossza"
#: hacks/config/atunnel.xml.h:1
msgid "Atunnel"
msgstr "Atunnel"
#: hacks/config/atunnel.xml.h:2
msgid ""
"Draws an animation of a textured tunnel in GL. Requires OpenGL, and a "
"machine with fast hardware support for texture maps. Written by Eric "
"Lassauge and Roman Podobedov."
msgstr ""
"Textúrázott alagút animációját rajzolja meg három dimenzióban. Szükséges "
"hozzá OpenGL és gyors, a textúrázást támogató számítógép. írta: Eric "
"Lassauge és Roman Podobedov."
#: hacks/config/atunnel.xml.h:4 hacks/config/distort.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/glforestfire.xml.h:10 hacks/config/lament.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/sballs.xml.h:6
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normál"
#: hacks/config/atunnel.xml.h:8 hacks/config/glforestfire.xml.h:18
#: hacks/config/lament.xml.h:8 hacks/config/sballs.xml.h:17
msgid "Untextured"
msgstr "Textúrázatlan"
#: hacks/config/atunnel.xml.h:9
msgid "Use light"
msgstr "Fény használata"
#: hacks/config/barcode.xml.h:1
msgid "Barcode"
msgstr "Vonalkód"
#: hacks/config/barcode.xml.h:2
msgid "Barcode Clock (24 Hour)"
msgstr "Vonalkód óra (24 órás)"
#: hacks/config/barcode.xml.h:3
msgid "Barcode Clock (AM/PM)"
msgstr "Vonalkód óra (de./du.)"
#: hacks/config/barcode.xml.h:5
msgid "Scrolling Barcodes"
msgstr "Gördülő vonalkódok"
#: hacks/config/barcode.xml.h:8
msgid ""
"This draws a random sequence of colorful barcodes scrolling across your "
"screen. CONSUME! By Dan Bornstein."
msgstr ""
"Színes vonalkódok véletlenszerű sorozát rajzolja meg a képernyőn "
"végiggördülve. By Dan Bornstein."
#: hacks/config/blaster.xml.h:1
msgid "Blaster"
msgstr "Blaster"
#. #### -mother_ship_color1 [white]
#: hacks/config/blaster.xml.h:3
msgid ""
"Draws a simulation of flying space-combat robots (cleverly disguised as "
"colored circles) doing battle in front of a moving star field. Written by "
"Jonathan Lin."
msgstr ""
"Repülő harci űrrobotok szimulációja (amelyek agyafúrt módon színesköröknek "
"álcázzák magukat), amint egy mozgó csillagmező előtt háborúznak. írta: "
"Jonathan Lin."
#: hacks/config/blaster.xml.h:6 hacks/config/penetrate.xml.h:4
msgid "Lasers"
msgstr "Lézerek"
#: hacks/config/blaster.xml.h:8
msgid "Robots"
msgstr "Robotok"
#: hacks/config/blaster.xml.h:11
msgid "Stars"
msgstr "Csillagok"
#: hacks/config/blitspin.xml.h:1
msgid "90 deg Rotation Speed"
msgstr "90 fokos forgatás sebessége"
#: hacks/config/blitspin.xml.h:2
msgid "Bitmap to rotate"
msgstr "Bitmap a forgatáshoz"
#: hacks/config/blitspin.xml.h:3
msgid "BlitSpin"
msgstr "Blitspin"
#: hacks/config/blitspin.xml.h:5
msgid "Fuzzy Rotation Speed"
msgstr "Fuzzy forgatási sebesség"
#: hacks/config/blitspin.xml.h:6
msgid "Grab Screen"
msgstr "Képernyő használata"
#: hacks/config/blitspin.xml.h:8
msgid ""
"The ``blitspin'' hack repeatedly rotates a bitmap by 90 degrees by using "
"logical operations: the bitmap is divided into quadrants, and the quadrants "
"are shifted clockwise. Then the same thing is done again with progressively "
"smaller quadrants, except that all sub-quadrants of a given size are rotated "
"in parallel. Written by Jamie Zawinski based on some cool SmallTalk code "
"seen in in Byte Magazine in 1981. As you watch it, the image appears to "
"dissolve into static and then reconstitute itself, but rotated. You can "
"provide the image to use, as an XBM or XPM file, or tell it to grab a screen "
"image and rotate that."
msgstr ""
"The ``blitspin'' hack ismétlődően forgat egy bitmap-et 90 fokban, "
"logikaiműveletek használatával: a bitmap-et kvadránsokra osztja, és a "
"kvadránsok az óramutató járásával megegyezően forognak. Eztuán ugyanez "
"történik a fokozatosan csökkenő méretű kvadránsokkal, csak minden al-"
"kvadráns párhuzamosan forog. Jamie Zawinski írta néhány, a Byte Magazine-ban "
"látottSmallTalk kód alapján 1981-ben. Ahogy figyeli, úgy tűnik, mintha a kép "
"eltűnne, majd újra megalkotná önmagát, csak megforgatva. Megadhatja a "
"használandó képet, egy XBM vagy XPM fájlt, vagy beállíthatja, hogy egy "
"képernyőképet forgasson."
#: hacks/config/bouboule.xml.h:1
msgid "Bouboule"
msgstr "Bouboule"
#: hacks/config/bouboule.xml.h:2 hacks/config/rocks.xml.h:3
msgid "Do Red/Blue 3D seperation"
msgstr "Piros/kék 3 dimenziós szétválasztás"
#: hacks/config/bouboule.xml.h:7
msgid "Number of Spots"
msgstr "Foltok száma"
#: hacks/config/bouboule.xml.h:10
msgid ""
"This draws what looks like a spinning, deforming baloon with varying-sized "
"spots painted on its invisible surface. Written by Jeremie Petit."
msgstr ""
"Pörgő, alakját váltó léggömböt rajzol, melynek láthatatlan felületére "
"különböző méretű foltokat fest. írta: Jeremie Petit"
#: hacks/config/bouncingcow.xml.h:1
msgid "A Cow. A Trampoline. Together, they fight crime. By Jamie Zawinski."
msgstr ""
"Egy Tehén. Egy Gumiasztal. Együtt harcolnak a bűnözés ellen. By Jamie "
#: hacks/config/bouncingcow.xml.h:2 hacks/config/boxed.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/flyingtoasters.xml.h:3 hacks/config/gears.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/gflux.xml.h:1 hacks/config/jigglypuff.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/pyro.xml.h:1 hacks/config/rd-bomb.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/rocks.xml.h:1 hacks/config/starwars.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/xfishtank.xml.h:1
msgid "Animation Speed"
msgstr "Animáció sebessége"
#: hacks/config/bouncingcow.xml.h:3
msgid "Beefy Cow"
msgstr "Húsos tehén"
#: hacks/config/bouncingcow.xml.h:4
msgid "Bounce Speed"
msgstr "Ugrálási sebesség"
#: hacks/config/bouncingcow.xml.h:5
msgid "BouncingCow"
msgstr "Ugráló Tehén"
#: hacks/config/bouncingcow.xml.h:7
msgid "Herd"
msgstr "Csorda"
#: hacks/config/bouncingcow.xml.h:8
msgid "Moo"
msgstr "Múú"
#: hacks/config/bouncingcow.xml.h:9
msgid "Number of Cows"
msgstr "Tehenek száma"
#: hacks/config/bouncingcow.xml.h:11
msgid "Wireframe Cow"
msgstr "Drótvázas tehén"
#: hacks/config/boxed.xml.h:2
msgid "Boxed"
msgstr "Boxed"
#: hacks/config/boxed.xml.h:3
msgid ""
"Draws a box full of 3D bouncing balls that explode. Written by Sander van "
msgstr ""
"Rajzol egy dobozt, tele van három dimenziós, pattogó labdákkal, amelyek "
"felrobbannak. írta: Sander van Grieken"
#: hacks/config/braid.xml.h:1
msgid "Braid"
msgstr "Fonat"
#: hacks/config/braid.xml.h:2
msgid ""
"Draws random color-cycling inter-braided concentric circles. Written by John "
msgstr ""
"Véletlenszerű, színes, összefonódó koncentrikus köröket rajzol. írta: "
#: hacks/config/braid.xml.h:3 hacks/config/bsod.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/ccurve.xml.h:7 hacks/config/coral.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/cynosure.xml.h:3 hacks/config/deco.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/drift.xml.h:2 hacks/config/epicycle.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/eruption.xml.h:3 hacks/config/euler2d.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/flame.xml.h:5 hacks/config/galaxy.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/glsnake.xml.h:4 hacks/config/helix.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/hopalong.xml.h:2 hacks/config/imsmap.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/klein.xml.h:1 hacks/config/laser.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/menger.xml.h:2 hacks/config/metaballs.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/moire.xml.h:3 hacks/config/molecule.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/munch.xml.h:3 hacks/config/nerverot.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/pedal.xml.h:3 hacks/config/penrose.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/polyominoes.xml.h:1 hacks/config/rorschach.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/rotzoomer.xml.h:5 hacks/config/shadebobs.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/sierpinski3d.xml.h:1 hacks/config/spheremonics.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/starfish.xml.h:2 hacks/config/vidwhacker.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/wander.xml.h:7 hacks/config/xspirograph.xml.h:3
msgid "Duration"
msgstr "Időtartam"
#: hacks/config/braid.xml.h:5 hacks/config/epicycle.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/nerverot.xml.h:12
msgid "Line Thickness"
msgstr "Vonalvastagság"
#: hacks/config/braid.xml.h:8
msgid "Max Rings"
msgstr "Maximális körök"
#: hacks/config/bsod.xml.h:1 hacks/config/molecule.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/vidwhacker.xml.h:1 hacks/config/webcollage.xml.h:1
msgid "2 minutes"
msgstr "2 perc"
#: hacks/config/bsod.xml.h:2 hacks/config/molecule.xml.h:2
msgid "5 seconds"
msgstr "5 másodperc"
#: hacks/config/bsod.xml.h:3
msgid "AmigaDOS"
msgstr "AmigaDOS"
#: hacks/config/bsod.xml.h:4
msgid "Apple II"
msgstr "Apple II"
#: hacks/config/bsod.xml.h:5
msgid "Atari"
msgstr "Atari"
#: hacks/config/bsod.xml.h:6
msgid "BSD"
msgstr "BSD"
#: hacks/config/bsod.xml.h:7
msgid "BSOD"
msgstr "BSOD"
#: hacks/config/bsod.xml.h:8
msgid ""
"BSOD stands for ``Blue Screen of Death.'' The finest in personal computer "
"emulation, this hack simulates popular screen savers from a number of less "
"robust operating systems. Written by Jamie Zawinski."
msgstr ""
"A BSOD ``A halálkék képernyője'' A legjobb a személyi "
"számítógépesemulációkban, népszerű képernyővédőket szimulál több, kevésbé "
"robosztus operációs rendszerről. írta: Jamie Zawinski"
#: hacks/config/bsod.xml.h:10
msgid "HPUX"
msgstr "HPUX"
#: hacks/config/bsod.xml.h:11
msgid "Linux"
msgstr "Linux"
#: hacks/config/bsod.xml.h:12
msgid "Mac Bomb"
msgstr "Mac Bomb"
#: hacks/config/bsod.xml.h:13
msgid "MacOS X"
msgstr "MacOS X"
#: hacks/config/bsod.xml.h:14
msgid "MacsBug"
msgstr "MacsBug"
#: hacks/config/bsod.xml.h:15
msgid "NCD X Terminal"
msgstr "NCD X Terminál"
#: hacks/config/bsod.xml.h:16
msgid "OS/390"
msgstr "OS/390"
#: hacks/config/bsod.xml.h:17
msgid "SCO"
msgstr "SCO"
#: hacks/config/bsod.xml.h:18
msgid "Sad Mac"
msgstr "Szomorú Mac"
#: hacks/config/bsod.xml.h:19
msgid "Solaris"
msgstr "Solaris"
#: hacks/config/bsod.xml.h:20
msgid "Sparc Linux"
msgstr "Sparc Linux"
#: hacks/config/bsod.xml.h:21
msgid "Windows 2000"
msgstr "Windows 2000"
#: hacks/config/bsod.xml.h:22
msgid "Windows 3.1"
msgstr "Windows 3.1"
#: hacks/config/bsod.xml.h:23
msgid "Windows NT"
msgstr "Windows NT"
#: hacks/config/bubble3d.xml.h:1
msgid "Bubble3D"
msgstr "3dBuborék"
#: hacks/config/bubble3d.xml.h:2
msgid ""
"Draws a stream of rising, undulating 3D bubbles, rising toward the top of "
"the screen, with nice specular reflections. Written by Richard Jones."
msgstr ""
"Rajzol egy emelkedő, hullámzó, három dimenziós buborékokból álló áramlatot, "
"amely látványosan a képernyő teteje felé halad tükröző visszaverődésekkel. "
"írta: Richard Jones."
#: hacks/config/bubbles.xml.h:1 hacks/config/xfishtank.xml.h:2
msgid "Bubbles"
msgstr "Buborékok"
#: hacks/config/bubbles.xml.h:2
msgid "Bubbles Fall"
msgstr "Buborékok leesnek"
#: hacks/config/bubbles.xml.h:3
msgid "Bubbles Float"
msgstr "Buborékok lebegnek"
#: hacks/config/bubbles.xml.h:4
msgid "Bubbles Rise"
msgstr "Buborékok emelkednek"
#: hacks/config/bubbles.xml.h:5
msgid "Bubbles exist in three dimensions"
msgstr "A buborékok három dimenziósak"
#: hacks/config/bubbles.xml.h:6
msgid "Don't hide bubbles when they pop"
msgstr "Ne rejse el a buborékokat, mikor kipukkadnak"
#: hacks/config/bubbles.xml.h:7
msgid "Draw circles instead of pixmap bubbles"
msgstr "Körök rajzolása a pixmap buborékok helyett"
#: hacks/config/bubbles.xml.h:9
msgid "Leave Trails"
msgstr "Nyomok meghagyása"
#: hacks/config/bubbles.xml.h:12
msgid ""
"This simulates the kind of bubble formation that happens when water boils:"
"small bubbles appear, and as they get closer to each other, they combine to "
"form larger bubbles, which eventually pop. Written by James Macnicol."
msgstr ""
"Ez a víz forrásakor történő buborék-átalakulásokat szimulálja: kis buborékok "
"jelennek meg, és ahogy közel érnek egymáshoz, nagyobb buborékokatalkotnak, "
"ami a végén kipukkad. írta: James Macnicol."
#. #### -invert
#: hacks/config/bumps.xml.h:2
msgid ""
"A bit like `Spotlight', except that instead of merely exposing part of your "
"desktop, it creates a bump map from it. Basically, it 3D-izes a roaming "
"section of your desktop, based on color intensity. Written by Shane Smit."
msgstr ""
"Egy kicsit olyan, mint a `Reflektorfény', de nem csupán a munkafelület egyes "
"részeit emeli ki, hanem hepehupa-térképet készít. Alapvetően ez a színek "
"erősségén alapuló, három dimenzióssá alakító eljárás. írta: Shane Smit."
#: hacks/config/bumps.xml.h:3
msgid "Bumps"
msgstr "Hepehupák"
#: hacks/config/cage.xml.h:1
msgid "Cage"
msgstr "Kalitka"
#: hacks/config/cage.xml.h:7
msgid ""
"This draws Escher's ``Impossible Cage,'' a 3d analog of a moebius strip, and "
"rotates it in three dimensions. Written by Marcelo Vianna."
msgstr ""
"Lerajzolja az Escher-féle ``Lehetetlen kalitkát,'' a Möbius szalag 3D "
"analógiája, és három dimenzióba forgatja. írta: Marcelo Vianna."
#: hacks/config/ccurve.xml.h:1
msgid "0 seconds"
msgstr "0 másodperc"
#: hacks/config/ccurve.xml.h:2 hacks/config/epicycle.xml.h:1
msgid "1 minute"
msgstr "1 perc"
#: hacks/config/ccurve.xml.h:3 hacks/config/epicycle.xml.h:2
msgid "1 second"
msgstr "1 másodperc"
#: hacks/config/ccurve.xml.h:4
msgid "C Curve"
msgstr "C Görbe"
#: hacks/config/ccurve.xml.h:5
msgid "Delay"
msgstr "Késleltetés"
#: hacks/config/ccurve.xml.h:6 hacks/config/coral.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/imsmap.xml.h:5 hacks/config/kumppa.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/qix.xml.h:6 hacks/config/squiral.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/wander.xml.h:4 hacks/config/xmatrix.xml.h:3
msgid "Density"
msgstr "Sűrűség"
#: hacks/config/ccurve.xml.h:8
msgid ""
"Generates self-similar linear fractals, including the classic ``C Curve.'' "
"Written by Rick Campbell."
msgstr ""
"Önhasonló lineáris fraktálokat generál, köztük van a klasszikus ``C Görbe.'' "
"írta: Rick Campbell."
#: hacks/config/circuit.xml.h:1
msgid "Animates a number of 3D electronic components. Written by Ben Buxton."
msgstr "Három dimenziós elektronikus komponenseket animál. írta: Ben Buxton."
#: hacks/config/circuit.xml.h:2
msgid "Circuit"
msgstr "Áramkör"
#: hacks/config/circuit.xml.h:3 hacks/config/gflux.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/pulsar.xml.h:2
msgid "Directional Lighting"
msgstr "Irányított világítás"
#: hacks/config/circuit.xml.h:5
msgid "Flat Coloring"
msgstr "Lapos színezés"
#: hacks/config/circuit.xml.h:6
msgid "Parts"
msgstr "Részek"
#: hacks/config/circuit.xml.h:7 hacks/config/flipscreen3d.xml.h:4
msgid "Rotate"
msgstr "Forgatás"
#: hacks/config/circuit.xml.h:8
msgid "Rotation Speed"
msgstr "Forgási sebesség"
#: hacks/config/circuit.xml.h:12 hacks/config/dangerball.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/engine.xml.h:15 hacks/config/klein.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/whirlygig.xml.h:14
msgid "Spin"
msgstr "Pörgés"
#: hacks/config/cloudlife.xml.h:1 hacks/config/demon.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/petri.xml.h:1
msgid "Cell Size"
msgstr "Cellaméret"
#: hacks/config/cloudlife.xml.h:2
msgid "CloudLife"
msgstr "CloudLife"
#: hacks/config/cloudlife.xml.h:4
msgid ""
"Generates cloud-like formations based on a variant of Conway's Life The "
"difference is that cells have a maximum age, after which they count as 3 for "
"populating the next generation. This makes long-lived formations explode "
"instead of just sitting there burning a hole in your screen. Written by Don "
msgstr ""
"Felhőszerű alakzatokat képez, a Conway's Life egyik variációja alapján. A "
"különbség, hogy a celláknak van egy maximális élettartamuk, és a hosszú időt "
"megélt alakzatok szétrobbannak, ahelyett, hogy csak ülnének ott és lyukat "
"égetnének a képernyőbe. írta: Don Marti"
#: hacks/config/cloudlife.xml.h:6
msgid "Initial Density"
msgstr "Kezdeti sűrűség"
#: hacks/config/cloudlife.xml.h:9
msgid "Max Age"
msgstr "Maximális élettartam"
#: hacks/config/cloudlife.xml.h:10
msgid "Old"
msgstr "Öreg"
#: hacks/config/cloudlife.xml.h:14
msgid "Young"
msgstr "Fiatal"
#: hacks/config/compass.xml.h:1
msgid "Compass"
msgstr "Iránytű"
#: hacks/config/compass.xml.h:2 hacks/config/deluxe.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/interference.xml.h:4 hacks/config/kumppa.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/nerverot.xml.h:6 hacks/config/piecewise.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/pipes.xml.h:4
msgid "Double Buffer"
msgstr "Dupla puffer"
#: hacks/config/compass.xml.h:6
msgid ""
"This draws a compass, with all elements spinning about randomly, for that "
"``lost and nauseous'' feeling. Written by Jamie Zawinski."
msgstr ""
"Ez egy iránytűt rajzol, melyen minden elem véletlenszerűen pörög, az "
"elveszettség és émelygés érzetét keltve. írta: Jamie Zawinski."
#: hacks/config/coral.xml.h:1 hacks/config/deco.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/helix.xml.h:1 hacks/config/imsmap.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/jigsaw.xml.h:2 hacks/config/moire.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/pedal.xml.h:1 hacks/config/rorschach.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/rotzoomer.xml.h:2 hacks/config/wander.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/xspirograph.xml.h:1
msgid "1 Minute"
msgstr "1 perc"
#: hacks/config/coral.xml.h:2 hacks/config/deco.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/helix.xml.h:2 hacks/config/imsmap.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/moire.xml.h:2 hacks/config/pedal.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/penrose.xml.h:1 hacks/config/rorschach.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/xspirograph.xml.h:2
msgid "1 Second"
msgstr "1 másodperc"
#: hacks/config/coral.xml.h:3
msgid "Coral"
msgstr "Korall"
#: hacks/config/coral.xml.h:4 hacks/config/gflux.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/glblur.xml.h:2 hacks/config/imsmap.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:6 hacks/config/pyro.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/qix.xml.h:5 hacks/config/squiral.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:4
msgid "Dense"
msgstr "Sűrű"
#: hacks/config/coral.xml.h:10 hacks/config/squiral.xml.h:14
msgid "Seeds"
msgstr "Csírák"
#: hacks/config/coral.xml.h:11
msgid ""
"Simulates coral growth, albeit somewhat slowly. Written by Frederick Roeber."
msgstr ""
"A korall növekedését szimulálja, eléggé lassan. írta: Frederick Roeber."
#: hacks/config/coral.xml.h:13 hacks/config/gflux.xml.h:14
#: hacks/config/glblur.xml.h:16 hacks/config/imsmap.xml.h:13
#: hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:29 hacks/config/pyro.xml.h:14
#: hacks/config/qix.xml.h:21 hacks/config/squiral.xml.h:16
#: hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:24 hacks/config/xmatrix.xml.h:17
msgid "Sparse"
msgstr "Ritka"
#: hacks/config/cosmos.xml.h:1
msgid "Cosmos"
msgstr "Kozmosz"
#: hacks/config/cosmos.xml.h:2
msgid ""
"Draws fireworks and zooming, fading flares. By Tom Campbell. You can find it "
"at &lt;;"
msgstr ""
"Tüzijátékot rajzol és belenagyít, halványuló fénycsíkokkal. Tom Campbell "
rta.Megtalálható a &lt;; címen"
#: hacks/config/critical.xml.h:1
msgid "Critical"
msgstr "Kritikus"
#. #### -trail [50]
#: hacks/config/critical.xml.h:3
msgid ""
"Draws a system of self-organizing lines. It starts out as random squiggles, "
"but after a few iterations, order begins to appear. Written by Martin Pool."
msgstr ""
"Önszerveződő vonalak rendszerét rajzolja meg. Véletlenszerű, "
"cirkalmasvonalakkal kezdődik, de néhány ismételgetés után lassan "
"kibontakozik a rend. írta: Martin Pool."
#: hacks/config/crystal.xml.h:1
msgid "Center on Screen"
msgstr "A képernyő közepére"
#: hacks/config/crystal.xml.h:2 hacks/config/deluxe.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/fadeplot.xml.h:1 hacks/config/flow.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/galaxy.xml.h:1 hacks/config/glforestfire.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/grav.xml.h:1 hacks/config/julia.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/laser.xml.h:1 hacks/config/lisa.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/lissie.xml.h:2 hacks/config/morph3d.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/mountain.xml.h:1 hacks/config/piecewise.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/qix.xml.h:4 hacks/config/rocks.xml.h:2
#: hacks/config/rotor.xml.h:2 hacks/config/rubik.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/shadebobs.xml.h:1 hacks/config/sierpinski.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/slip.xml.h:1 hacks/config/spiral.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/sproingies.xml.h:1 hacks/config/superquadrics.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/swirl.xml.h:1 hacks/config/worm.xml.h:3
msgid "Count"
msgstr "Számolás"
#: hacks/config/crystal.xml.h:3
msgid "Crystal"
msgstr "Kristály"
#: hacks/config/crystal.xml.h:4
msgid "Draw Cell"
msgstr "Cella rajzolása"
#: hacks/config/crystal.xml.h:5 hacks/config/spheremonics.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:6
msgid "Draw Grid"
msgstr "Rács rajzolása"
#: hacks/config/crystal.xml.h:7
msgid "Horizontal Symmetries"
msgstr "Vízszintes szimmetriák"
#: hacks/config/crystal.xml.h:9
msgid ""
"Moving polygons, similar to a kaleidescope (more like a kaleidescope than "
"the hack called `kaleid,' actually.) This one by Jouk Jansen."
msgstr "Mozgó sokszögek, hasonló a kaleidoszkóphoz. írta: Jouk Jansen."
#: hacks/config/crystal.xml.h:14
msgid "Vertical Symmetries"
msgstr "Függőleges szimmetriák"
#: hacks/config/cubenetic.xml.h:1
msgid "Boxes"
msgstr "Dobozok"
#: hacks/config/cubenetic.xml.h:2
msgid "Cubenetic"
msgstr "Cubenetic"
#: hacks/config/cubenetic.xml.h:3
msgid "Display Solid Colors"
msgstr "Homogén színek megjelenítése"
#: hacks/config/cubenetic.xml.h:4
msgid "Display Surface Patterns"
msgstr "Felületminták megjelenítése"
#: hacks/config/cubenetic.xml.h:5
msgid "Display Wireframe"
msgstr "Drótváz megjelenítése"
#: hacks/config/cubenetic.xml.h:6 hacks/config/glblur.xml.h:3
#: hacks/config/gltext.xml.h:2 hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/menger.xml.h:1 hacks/config/molecule.xml.h:4
#: hacks/config/spheremonics.xml.h:1
msgid "Don't Rotate"
msgstr "Ne forgassa"
#: hacks/config/cubenetic.xml.h:7
msgid ""
"Draws a pulsating set of overlapping boxes with ever-chaning blobby patterns "
"undulating across their surfaces. It's sort of a cubist Lavalite. Written by "
"Jamie Zawinski."
msgstr ""
"Egymást részben fedő, lüktető dobozokat rajzol, foltos motívumokkal, melya "
"felületükön áthullámzik. írta: Jamie Zawinski."
#: hacks/config/cubenetic.xml.h:14 hacks/config/glblur.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/gltext.xml.h:5 hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:19
#: hacks/config/menger.xml.h:7 hacks/config/molecule.xml.h:14
#: hacks/config/spheremonics.xml.h:10
msgid "Rotate around X and Y axes"
msgstr "Forgatás az X és az Y tengelyek körül"
#: hacks/config/cubenetic.xml.h:15 hacks/config/glblur.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/gltext.xml.h:6 hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:20
#: hacks/config/menger.xml.h:8 hacks/config/molecule.xml.h:15
#: hacks/config/spheremonics.xml.h:11
msgid "Rotate around X and Z axes"
msgstr "Forgatás az X és a Z tengelyek körül"
#: hacks/config/cubenetic.xml.h:16 hacks/config/glblur.xml.h:8
#: hacks/config/gltext.xml.h:7 hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:21
#: hacks/config/menger.xml.h:9 hacks/config/molecule.xml.h:16
#: hacks/config/spheremonics.xml.h:12
msgid "Rotate around X axis"
msgstr "Forgatás az X tengely körül"
#: hacks/config/cubenetic.xml.h:17 hacks/config/glblur.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/gltext.xml.h:8 hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:22
#: hacks/config/menger.xml.h:10 hacks/config/molecule.xml.h:17
#: hacks/config/spheremonics.xml.h:13
msgid "Rotate around Y and Z axes"
msgstr "Forgatás az Y és a Z tengelyek körül"
#: hacks/config/cubenetic.xml.h:18 hacks/config/glblur.xml.h:10
#: hacks/config/gltext.xml.h:9 hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:23
#: hacks/config/menger.xml.h:11 hacks/config/molecule.xml.h:18
#: hacks/config/spheremonics.xml.h:14
msgid "Rotate around Y axis"
msgstr "Forgatás az Y tengely körül"
#: hacks/config/cubenetic.xml.h:19 hacks/config/glblur.xml.h:11
#: hacks/config/gltext.xml.h:10 hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:24
#: hacks/config/menger.xml.h:12 hacks/config/molecule.xml.h:19
#: hacks/config/spheremonics.xml.h:15
msgid "Rotate around Z axis"
msgstr "Forgatás a Z tengely körül"
#: hacks/config/cubenetic.xml.h:20 hacks/config/glblur.xml.h:12
#: hacks/config/gltext.xml.h:11 hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:25
#: hacks/config/menger.xml.h:13 hacks/config/molecule.xml.h:20
#: hacks/config/spheremonics.xml.h:16
msgid "Rotate around all three axes"
msgstr "Forgatás mindhárom tengely körül"
#: hacks/config/cubenetic.xml.h:25
msgid "Surface Pattern Complexity"
msgstr "Felületminta összetettsége"
#: hacks/config/cubenetic.xml.h:26
msgid "Surface Pattern Overlap"
msgstr "Felületminta átfedése"
#: hacks/config/cubenetic.xml.h:27
msgid "Surface Pattern Speed"
msgstr "Felületminta sebessége"
#: hacks/config/cubenetic.xml.h:28 hacks/config/dangerball.xml.h:10
#: hacks/config/engine.xml.h:18 hacks/config/glblur.xml.h:19
#: hacks/config/glforestfire.xml.h:19 hacks/config/gltext.xml.h:17
#: hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:31 hacks/config/menger.xml.h:20
#: hacks/config/molecule.xml.h:25 hacks/config/spheremonics.xml.h:25
#: hacks/config/wander.xml.h:15
msgid "Wander"
msgstr "Vándorlás"
#: hacks/config/cynosure.xml.h:1
msgid ""
"A hack similar to `greynetic', but less frenetic. The first implementation "
"was by Stephen Linhart; then Ozymandias G. Desiderata wrote a Java applet "
"clone. That clone was discovered by Jamie Zawinski, and ported to C for "
"inclusion here."
msgstr ""
"A `greynetic'-hez hasonló, de kevésbé frenetikus. Az első kivitelezés "
"Stephen Linhart nevéhez fűződik; később Ozymandias G. Desiderata írta a Java "
"alkalmazás-klónt. Ezt fedezte fel Jamie Zawinski, aki C -nyelvre portolta."
#: hacks/config/cynosure.xml.h:2
msgid "Cynosure"
msgstr "Sarkcsillag"
#: hacks/config/dangerball.xml.h:1
msgid "DangerBall"
msgstr "Vészlabda"
#: hacks/config/dangerball.xml.h:2
msgid ""
"Draws a ball that periodically extrudes many random spikes. Ouch! Written by "
"Jamie Zawinski."
msgstr ""
"Rajzol egy labdát, amely időszakosan töviseket lő ki. Auuu! írta: Jamie "
#: hacks/config/dangerball.xml.h:7
msgid "Spike Count"
msgstr "Tüskék száma"
#: hacks/config/dangerball.xml.h:8
msgid "Spike Growth"
msgstr "Tüskék növekedése"
#: hacks/config/decayscreen.xml.h:1
msgid "DecayScreen"
msgstr "DecayScreen"
#: hacks/config/decayscreen.xml.h:3
msgid "Fuzzy Melt"
msgstr "Fuzzy olvasztás"
#: hacks/config/decayscreen.xml.h:4
msgid "Melt Away From Center"
msgstr "Középről kifelé olvasztás"
#: hacks/config/decayscreen.xml.h:5
msgid "Melt Down"
msgstr "Olvadás le"
#: hacks/config/decayscreen.xml.h:6
msgid "Melt Down, Left"
msgstr "Olvadás le, balra"
#: hacks/config/decayscreen.xml.h:7
msgid "Melt Down, Right"
msgstr "Olvadás le, jobbra"
#: hacks/config/decayscreen.xml.h:8
msgid "Melt Left"
msgstr "Olvadás balra"
#: hacks/config/decayscreen.xml.h:9
msgid "Melt Right"
msgstr "Olvadás jobbra"
#: hacks/config/decayscreen.xml.h:10
msgid "Melt Towards Center"
msgstr "Középre olvadás"
#: hacks/config/decayscreen.xml.h:11
msgid "Melt Up"
msgstr "Olvadás fel"
#: hacks/config/decayscreen.xml.h:12
msgid "Melt Up, Left"
msgstr "Olvadás fel, balra"
#: hacks/config/decayscreen.xml.h:13
msgid "Melt Up, Right"
msgstr "Olvadás fel, jobbra"
#: hacks/config/decayscreen.xml.h:14
msgid "Melty Melt"
msgstr "Olvadó olvadás"
#: hacks/config/decayscreen.xml.h:15
msgid "Random Melt Style"
msgstr "Véletlenszerű olvadási stílus"
#: hacks/config/decayscreen.xml.h:16
msgid "Shuffle Melt"
msgstr "Csoszogó olvadás"
#: hacks/config/decayscreen.xml.h:19
msgid "Stretchy Melt"
msgstr "Nyúlós olvadás"
#: hacks/config/decayscreen.xml.h:20
msgid ""
"This takes an image and makes it melt. You've no doubt seen this effect "
"before, but no screensaver would really be complete without it. It works "
"best if there's something colorful visible. Warning, if the effect continues "
"after the screen saver is off, seek medical attention. Written by David "
"Wald, Vivek Khera, Jamie Zawinski, and Vince Levey."
msgstr ""
"Ez fog egy képet és megolvasztja. Biztosan látta már ezt az effektust, deegy "
"képernyővédő sem lenne igazán teljes nélküle. Színes háttérrel mutata "
"legjobban. Vigyázat, ha a képernyővédő lekapcsolása után is folytatódik a "
"hatás, forduljon kezelőorvosához! írta: David Wald, Vivek Khera, Jamie "
"Zawinski, és Vince Levey."
#: hacks/config/deco.xml.h:3
msgid "Deco"
msgstr "Deco"
#: hacks/config/deco.xml.h:6 hacks/config/menger.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/sierpinski3d.xml.h:4
msgid "Max Depth"
msgstr "Maximális mélység"
#: hacks/config/deco.xml.h:7
msgid "Min Size"
msgstr "Minimális méret"
#. #### -cycle-delay [1000000]
#: hacks/config/deco.xml.h:10
msgid ""
"This one subdivides and colors rectangles randomly. It looks kind of like "
"Brady-Bunch-era rec-room wall paneling. (Raven says: ``this screensaver is "
"ugly enough to peel paint.'') Written by Jamie Zawinski, inspired by Java "
"code by Michael Bayne."
msgstr ""
"Véletlenszerűen szétválasztja és kiszínezi a téglalapokat. (Raven szerint "
"elég csúnya ahhoz, hogy lemálljon tőle a festék.) írta: Jamie Zawinski, "
"egyMichael Bayne-féle Java kódtól inspirálva."
#: hacks/config/deco.xml.h:12 hacks/config/rd-bomb.xml.h:23
#: hacks/config/whirlygig.xml.h:20 hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:33
#: hacks/config/zoom.xml.h:10
msgid "x"
msgstr "x"
#: hacks/config/deluxe.xml.h:2
msgid "Deluxe"
msgstr "Luxus"
#: hacks/config/deluxe.xml.h:12
msgid ""
"This draws a pulsing sequence of stars, circles, and lines. It would look "
"better if it was faster, but as far as I can tell, there is no way to make "
"this be both: fast, and flicker-free. Yet another reason X sucks. Written by "
"Jamie Zawinski."
msgstr ""
"Csillagok, körök és vonalak pulzáló láncolatát rajozolja meg. Talán jobban "
"nézne ki, ha gyorsabb lenne, de amennyire én tudom, nem lehet egyszerre "
"gyors is, meg villogás-mentes is. írta: Jamie Zawinski"
#: hacks/config/deluxe.xml.h:13
msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "Átlátszóság"
#: hacks/config/demon.xml.h:1
msgid ""
"A cellular automaton that starts with a random field, and organizes it into "
"stripes and spirals. Written by David Bagley."
msgstr ""
"Egy sejtautomata, amely egy véletlenszerű mezőn kezd, majd csíkokba és "
"spirálokba rendezi azt. írta: David Bagley"
#: hacks/config/demon.xml.h:3
msgid "Demon"
msgstr "Démon"
#: hacks/config/demon.xml.h:11
msgid "States"
msgstr "Állapotok"
#: hacks/config/discrete.xml.h:1
msgid "Discrete"
msgstr "Diszkrét"
#: hacks/config/discrete.xml.h:5
msgid ""
"More ``discrete map'' systems, including new variants of Hopalong and Julia, "
"and a few others. Written by Tim Auckland."
msgstr ""
"Újabb ``discrete map'' rendszerek, köztük a Hupalong és Julia, valamint "
"mások új változataival. írta: Tim Auckland."
#: hacks/config/distort.xml.h:1
msgid "Black Hole"
msgstr "Fekete lyuk"
#: hacks/config/distort.xml.h:2
msgid "Bounce"
msgstr "Ugrálás"
#: hacks/config/distort.xml.h:3
msgid "Distort"
msgstr "Torzítás"
#: hacks/config/distort.xml.h:6
msgid "Lens Count"
msgstr "Lencseszám"
#: hacks/config/distort.xml.h:7
msgid "Lens Size"
msgstr "Lencseméret"
#: hacks/config/distort.xml.h:8
msgid "Magnify"
msgstr "Nagyítás"
#: hacks/config/distort.xml.h:10
msgid "Reflect"
msgstr "Tükrözés"
#: hacks/config/distort.xml.h:14
msgid "Swamp Thing"
msgstr "Mocsári dolog"
#: hacks/config/distort.xml.h:15
msgid ""
"This hack grabs an image of the screen, and then lets a transparent lens "
"wander around the screen, magnifying whatever is underneath. Written by "
"Jonas Munsin."
msgstr ""
"Egy átlátszó lencse vándorol végig a képernyőn, amely nagyító alá vonja,ami "
"éppen alatta van. írta: Jonas Munsin."
#: hacks/config/distort.xml.h:16 hacks/config/moire.xml.h:12
#: hacks/config/rd-bomb.xml.h:21 hacks/config/ripples.xml.h:15
#: hacks/config/rotzoomer.xml.h:10 hacks/config/swirl.xml.h:10
#: hacks/config/twang.xml.h:15 hacks/config/xflame.xml.h:7
msgid "Use Shared Memory"
msgstr "Megosztott memória használata"
#: hacks/config/distort.xml.h:17
msgid "Vortex"
msgstr "Örvény"
#: hacks/config/drift.xml.h:1
msgid "Drift"
msgstr "Áramlás"
#: hacks/config/drift.xml.h:4
msgid "Fractal Growth"
msgstr "Fraktális növekedés"
#: hacks/config/drift.xml.h:5
msgid "High Dimensional Sphere"
msgstr "Sokdimenziós szféra"
#: hacks/config/drift.xml.h:6
msgid ""
"How could one possibly describe this except as ``drifting recursive fractal "
"cosmic flames?'' Another fine hack from the Scott Draves collection of fine "
msgstr ""
"\"Sodródó, rekurzív, fraktális, kozmikus lángok \"-másképp nem isírható le. "
"Egy újabb szép darab Scott Draves hack-gyűjteményéből."
#: hacks/config/drift.xml.h:7
msgid "Lissojous Figures"
msgstr "Lissajous figurák"
#: hacks/config/electricsheep.xml.h:1
msgid ""
"ElectricSheep is an xscreensaver module that displays mpeg video of an "
"animated fractal flame. In the background, it contributes render cycles to "
"the next animation. Periodically it uploades completed frames to the server, "
"where they are compressed for distribution to all clients. This program is "
"recommended only if you have a high bandwidth, always-on connection to the "
"Internet. By Scott Draves. You can find it at &lt;http://www.electricsheep."
msgstr ""
"Az ElektromosBirka egy xscreensaver modul, ami egy animált fraktál láng mpeg "
"videóját mutatja. Közben a számítógép a háttérben a következő animációs "
"kockák egyikének számolásához kontributál. Az elkészült képkockákat "
"periodikusan feltölti a kiszolgálóra, ahol az tömörítésre kerül, és a "
"kliensek letöltik. A programot csak nagy sávszéleséggel és állandó internet "
"kapcsolattal rendelkezőknek ajánljuk. Scott Draves írta, letölthető a &lt;"
"; címről."
#: hacks/config/electricsheep.xml.h:2 hacks/config/glslideshow.xml.h:4
msgid "Frame Rate"
msgstr "Képráta"
#: hacks/config/electricsheep.xml.h:3
msgid "Hide Sheep"
msgstr "Birka elrejtése"
#: hacks/config/electricsheep.xml.h:4
msgid "Megabytes of Local Sheep Storage"
msgstr "Helyi birkaraktár megabájtjai"
#: hacks/config/electricsheep.xml.h:5
msgid "Nickname"
msgstr "Becenév"
#: hacks/config/electricsheep.xml.h:6
msgid "Repititions of each Sheep"
msgstr "Mindegyik bárány megismétlése"
#: hacks/config/electricsheep.xml.h:7
msgid "Standalone"
msgstr "Önálló"
#: hacks/config/electricsheep.xml.h:8
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"
#: hacks/config/endgame.xml.h:1
msgid ""
"Black slips out of three mating nets, but the fourth one holds him tight! A "
"brilliant composition! Written by Blair Tennessy."
msgstr ""
"Sötét kicsúszik a három mattoló karmai közül, de a negyedik sarokba "
"szorítja! Brilliáns kompozíció! írta: Blair Tennessy."
#: hacks/config/endgame.xml.h:2
msgid "Endgame"
msgstr "Végjáték"
#: hacks/config/engine.xml.h:1
msgid "Audi Quattro (5 cylinders)"
msgstr "Audi Quattro (5 hengeres)"
#: hacks/config/engine.xml.h:2
msgid "BMW M3 (4 cylinders)"
msgstr "BMW M3 (4 hengeres)"
#: hacks/config/engine.xml.h:3
msgid "BMW M5 (6 cylinders)"
msgstr "BMW M5 (6 hengeres)"
#: hacks/config/engine.xml.h:4
msgid "Corvette Z06 (8 cylinders, V)"
msgstr "Corvette Z06 (8 hengeres, V)"
#: hacks/config/engine.xml.h:5
msgid "Dodge Viper (10 cylinders, V)"
msgstr "Dodge Viper (10 hengeres, V)"
#: hacks/config/engine.xml.h:6
msgid ""
"Draws a simple model of an engine that floats around the screen. Written by "
"Ben Buxton and Ed Beroset."
msgstr ""
"Egyszerű gépmodellt rajzol fel, amely körbeszáll a képernyőn.írta: Ben "
"Buxton és Ed Beroset."
#: hacks/config/engine.xml.h:7
msgid "Engine"
msgstr "Motor"
#: hacks/config/engine.xml.h:9
msgid "Jaguar XKE (12 cylinders, V)"
msgstr "Jaguar XKE (12 hengeres, V)"
#: hacks/config/engine.xml.h:10
msgid "Porsche 911 (6 cylinders, flat)"
msgstr "Porsche 911 (6 hengeres, lapos)"
#: hacks/config/engine.xml.h:11
msgid "Random Engine"
msgstr "Véletlenszerű motor"
#: hacks/config/engine.xml.h:16
msgid "Subaru XT (6 cylinders, V)"
msgstr "Subaru XT (6 hengeres, V)"
#: hacks/config/engine.xml.h:17
msgid "VW Beetle (4 cylinders, flat)"
msgstr "VW Beetle (4 hengeres, lapos)"
#: hacks/config/epicycle.xml.h:4
msgid "Epicycle"
msgstr "Epicycle"
#: hacks/config/epicycle.xml.h:6
msgid "Harmonics"
msgstr "Harmónikusok"
#. #### -size_factor_max [2.05]
#: hacks/config/epicycle.xml.h:13
msgid ""
"This program draws the path traced out by a point on the edge of a circle. "
"That circle rotates around a point on the rim of another circle, and so on, "
"several times. These were the basis for the pre-heliocentric model of "
"planetary motion. Written by James Youngman."
msgstr ""
"Ez a program a kör egyik pontja által kijelölt útvonalat rajozolja meg.A kör "
"egy másik kör egyik pontja körül forog, és így tovább. Ez volt a "
"bolygómozgás pre-heliocentrikus modelljének alapja. írta: James Youngman."
#: hacks/config/eruption.xml.h:1
msgid "An exposive version of XFlame. By W.P. van Paassen."
msgstr "Az XFlame egyik változata. írta: W.P. van Paassen."
#: hacks/config/eruption.xml.h:2
msgid "Cooling factor"
msgstr "Hűtési faktor"
#: hacks/config/eruption.xml.h:4
msgid "Eruption"
msgstr "Kitörés"
#: hacks/config/eruption.xml.h:7 hacks/config/fluidballs.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/qix.xml.h:9 hacks/config/speedmine.xml.h:4
msgid "Gravity"
msgstr "Gravitáció"
#: hacks/config/eruption.xml.h:8
msgid "Heat"
msgstr "Hő"
#: hacks/config/eruption.xml.h:9
msgid "Inferno"
msgstr "Pokol"
#: hacks/config/eruption.xml.h:10
msgid "Little"
msgstr "Kicsi"
#: hacks/config/eruption.xml.h:13
msgid "Negative"
msgstr "Negatív"
#: hacks/config/eruption.xml.h:15
msgid "Number of Particles"
msgstr "Részecskék száma"
#: hacks/config/eruption.xml.h:16
msgid "Pleasant"
msgstr "Kellemes"
#: hacks/config/eruption.xml.h:17
msgid "Positive"
msgstr "Pozitív"
#: hacks/config/euler2d.xml.h:2
msgid "Euler2d"
msgstr "Euler2d"
#: hacks/config/euler2d.xml.h:10 hacks/config/whirlwindwarp.xml.h:5
msgid "Particles"
msgstr "Részecskék"
#: hacks/config/euler2d.xml.h:11
msgid "Power"
msgstr "Erő"
#: hacks/config/euler2d.xml.h:13
msgid ""
"Simulates two dimensional Incompressible Inviscid Fluid Flow. Written by "
"Stephen Montgomery-Smith."
msgstr "Kétdimenziós folyadék áramlása. írta: Stephen Montgomery-Smith."
#: hacks/config/extrusion.xml.h:1
msgid ""
"Draws various rotating extruded shapes that twist around, lengthen, and turn "
"inside out. Created by David Konerding from the samples that come with the "
"GL Extrusion library by Linas Vepstas."
msgstr ""
"Különböző forgó, préselt formák körbecsavarodnak, meghosszabbodnak és "
"kifordulnak. írta: David Konerding."
#: hacks/config/extrusion.xml.h:2
msgid "Extrusion"
msgstr "Kilökés"
#: hacks/config/extrusion.xml.h:4
msgid "Helix 2"
msgstr "Spirálvonal 2"
#: hacks/config/extrusion.xml.h:5
msgid "Helix 3"
msgstr "Spirálvonal 3"
#: hacks/config/extrusion.xml.h:6
msgid "Helix 4"
msgstr "Spirálvonal 4"
#: hacks/config/extrusion.xml.h:7
msgid "Join Offset"
msgstr "Eltolás csatlakoztatása"
#: hacks/config/extrusion.xml.h:8
msgid "Random Object"
msgstr "Véletlenszerű objektum"
#: hacks/config/extrusion.xml.h:9
msgid "Screw"
msgstr "Csavar"
#: hacks/config/extrusion.xml.h:14
msgid "Taper"
msgstr "Csökken"
#: hacks/config/extrusion.xml.h:15
msgid "Texture Image"
msgstr "Textúrakép"
#: hacks/config/extrusion.xml.h:16
msgid "Twistoid"
msgstr "Twistoid"
#: hacks/config/extrusion.xml.h:17 hacks/config/glplanet.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/pulsar.xml.h:19
msgid "Use Flat Coloring"
msgstr "Egyenletes színezés használata"
#: hacks/config/extrusion.xml.h:18 hacks/config/glplanet.xml.h:10
msgid "Use Lighting"
msgstr "Világítás használata"
#: hacks/config/fadeplot.xml.h:2
msgid ""
"Draws what looks like a waving ribbon following a sinusoidal path. Written "
"by Bas van Gaalen and Charles Vidal."
msgstr ""
"Lengetőző szalag, amely meghatározott útvonalat követ.írta: Bas van Gaalen "
"és Charles Vidal."
#: hacks/config/fadeplot.xml.h:3
msgid "FadePlot"
msgstr "FadePlot"
#: hacks/config/flag.xml.h:1
msgid "Bitmap for Flag"
msgstr "Bitmap a zászlóhoz"
#: hacks/config/flag.xml.h:3
msgid "Flag"
msgstr "Zászló"
#: hacks/config/flag.xml.h:10
msgid "Text for Flag"
msgstr "Szöveg a zászlóhoz"
#. #### -size [-7]
#: hacks/config/flag.xml.h:12
msgid ""
"This draws a waving colored flag, that undulates its way around the screen. "
"The trick is the flag can contain arbitrary text and images. By default, it "
"displays either the current system name and OS type, or a picture of "
"``Bob,'' but you can replace the text or the image with a command-line "
"option. Written by Charles Vidal and Jamie Zawinski."
msgstr ""
"Egy lengő, színes zászló rajza, amely végighullámzik a képernyőn. A trükk "
"az, hogy a zászló tetszés szerinti szöveget és képeket tartalmazhat. Az "
"alapértelmezett szöveget és képet kicserélheti egy parancssor-beállítással. "
"írta: Charles Vidal és Jamie Zawinski."
#: hacks/config/flame.xml.h:1 hacks/config/jigsaw.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/maze.xml.h:1 hacks/config/rotzoomer.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/wander.xml.h:1
msgid "0 Seconds"
msgstr "0 másodperc"
#: hacks/config/flame.xml.h:2 hacks/config/glslideshow.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/maze.xml.h:2
msgid "10 Seconds"
msgstr "10 másodperc"
#: hacks/config/flame.xml.h:3
msgid "Another iterative fractal generator. Written by Scott Draves."
msgstr "Egy másik ismétlődő fraktális generátor. írta: Scott Draves"
#: hacks/config/flame.xml.h:4 hacks/config/jigglypuff.xml.h:4
msgid "Complexity"
msgstr "Összetettség"
#: hacks/config/flame.xml.h:8
msgid "Flame"
msgstr "Láng"
#: hacks/config/flame.xml.h:13
msgid "Number of Fractals"
msgstr "Fraktálok száma"
#: hacks/config/flipscreen3d.xml.h:2
msgid "Flipscreen3d"
msgstr "Flipscreen3d"
#: hacks/config/flipscreen3d.xml.h:3
msgid ""
"Grabs an image of the desktop, turns it into a GL texture map, and spins it "
"around and deforms it in various ways. Written by Ben Buxton."
msgstr ""
"Fogja a munkafelület egyik képét, egy háromdimenziós felületre vetíti,és "
"körbetekeri, és átalakítja többféleképpen. írta: Ben Buxton"
#: hacks/config/flow.xml.h:1
msgid "Allow 2D Attractors"
msgstr "2D Attractors engedélyezése"
#. #### -slow [True]
#: hacks/config/flow.xml.h:3
msgid ""
"Another series of strange attractors: a flowing series of points, making "
"strange rotational shapes. Written by Jeff Butterworth."
msgstr ""
"Áramló pontok sorozata, amelyek furcsa, forgó alakokat vesznek fel.írta: "
"Jeff Butterworth."
#: hacks/config/flow.xml.h:6
msgid "Flow"
msgstr "Áramlás"
#: hacks/config/flow.xml.h:7
msgid "Freeze Some Bees"
msgstr "Néhány méh befagyasztása"
#: hacks/config/flow.xml.h:11
msgid "Ride a Trained Bee"
msgstr "Hajtás egy edzett méhhel "
#: hacks/config/flow.xml.h:12
msgid "Rotate Around Attractor"
msgstr "Forgatás az Attractor körül"
#: hacks/config/flow.xml.h:13
msgid "Show Bounding Box"
msgstr "Összekötő doboz megjelenítése"
#: hacks/config/flow.xml.h:15
msgid "Slow Bees with Antifreeze"
msgstr "A befogyasztás-mentes méhek megjelenítése"
#: hacks/config/flow.xml.h:20
msgid "Zoom In and Out"
msgstr "Nagyítás és kicsinyítés"
#: hacks/config/fluidballs.xml.h:1
msgid " Freefall"
msgstr " Szabadesés"
#: hacks/config/fluidballs.xml.h:2
msgid "Ball Size"
msgstr "Labdaméret"
#: hacks/config/fluidballs.xml.h:4
msgid "Clay"
msgstr "Agyag"
#: hacks/config/fluidballs.xml.h:7
msgid "FluidBalls"
msgstr "Folyadéklabdák"
#: hacks/config/fluidballs.xml.h:8 hacks/config/twang.xml.h:4
msgid "Friction"
msgstr "Súrlódás"
#: hacks/config/fluidballs.xml.h:10
msgid "Hurricane"
msgstr "Hurrikán"
#: hacks/config/fluidballs.xml.h:11
msgid "Jupiter"
msgstr "Jupiter"
#: hacks/config/fluidballs.xml.h:14
msgid ""
"Models the physics of bouncing balls, or of particles in a gas or fluid, "
"depending on the settings. If \"Shake Box\" is selected, then every now and "
"then, the box will be rotated, changing which direction is down (in order to "
"keep the settled balls in motion.) By Peter Birtles and Jamie Zawinski."
msgstr ""
"Modellezi a pattogó labdák, vagy gáz- ill. folyadékrészecskék fizikáját, a "
"beállításoktól függően. Ha a \"Doboz felrázása\" be van kapcsolva, időnként "
"meg lesz forgatva (így a lesüllyedt labdák továbbra is mozgásban maradnak). "
"írta: Peter Birtles és Jamie Zawinski."
#: hacks/config/fluidballs.xml.h:15
msgid "Rubber"
msgstr "Gumi"
#: hacks/config/fluidballs.xml.h:16
msgid "Shake Box"
msgstr "Doboz felrázása"
#: hacks/config/fluidballs.xml.h:21 hacks/config/glforestfire.xml.h:16
msgid "Still"
msgstr "Mozdulatlan"
#: hacks/config/fluidballs.xml.h:22
msgid "Various Ball Sizes"
msgstr "Különféle labdaméretek"
#: hacks/config/fluidballs.xml.h:23
msgid "Wind"
msgstr "Szél"
#: hacks/config/flurry.xml.h:1
msgid "Binary"
msgstr "Bináris"
#: hacks/config/flurry.xml.h:2
msgid "Classic"
msgstr "Klasszikus"
#: hacks/config/flurry.xml.h:3
msgid "Fire"
msgstr "Tűz"
#: hacks/config/flurry.xml.h:4
msgid "Flurry"
msgstr "Izgalom"
#: hacks/config/flurry.xml.h:5
msgid "Insane"
msgstr "Őrült"
#: hacks/config/flurry.xml.h:6
msgid "Psychedelic"
msgstr "Pszichedelikus"
#: hacks/config/flurry.xml.h:7
msgid "RGB"
msgstr "RGB"
#: hacks/config/flurry.xml.h:8 hacks/config/jigglypuff.xml.h:13
#: hacks/config/sballs.xml.h:10 hacks/config/whirlygig.xml.h:12
msgid "Random"
msgstr "Véletlenszerű"
#: hacks/config/flurry.xml.h:10
msgid ""
"This port of the OSX screensaver of the same name draws a colourful star"
"(fish)like flurry of particles. xscreensaver port by Tobias Sargeant &lt;"
"; Original Mac version by Calum Robinson &lt;"
msgstr ""
"Az OS-X ugyanilyen nevű képernyővédőjének átirata, mely színes (tengeri)"
"csillag alakú részecskéket tart mozgásban. Az átirat Tobias Sargeant &lt;"
"; nevéhez fűződik, az eredeti Mac verziót "
"Calum Robinson &lt;; írta."
#: hacks/config/flurry.xml.h:11
msgid "Water"
msgstr "Víz"
#: hacks/config/flyingtoasters.xml.h:1
msgid ""
"A fleet of 3d space-age jet-powered flying toasters (and toast!) Inspired by "
"the ancient Berkeley Systems After Dark flying toasters. By Jamie Zawinski "
"and Baconmonkey."
msgstr ""
"Három dimenziós, űrkorszaki jet-meghajtású repülő kenyérpirító-flotta (és "
"pirítósok!), melyeket a Berkeley Systems ősi sötétedés utáni repülő "
"kenyérpirítói ihlettek. írta: Jamie Zawinski és Baconmonkey."
#: hacks/config/flyingtoasters.xml.h:2
msgid "Air Speed"
msgstr "Levegő sebessége"
#: hacks/config/flyingtoasters.xml.h:4
msgid "Chrome Toasters"
msgstr "Króm kenyérpirítók"
#: hacks/config/flyingtoasters.xml.h:6
msgid "Flying Toasters"
msgstr "Repülő kenyérpirítók"
#: hacks/config/flyingtoasters.xml.h:7 hacks/config/jigglypuff.xml.h:12
#: hacks/config/juggle.xml.h:7 hacks/config/pipes.xml.h:11
msgid "None"
msgstr "Nincs"
#: hacks/config/flyingtoasters.xml.h:8
msgid "Number of Slices"
msgstr "Szeletek száma"
#: hacks/config/flyingtoasters.xml.h:9
msgid "Number of Toasters"
msgstr "Kenyérpirítók száma"
#: hacks/config/flyingtoasters.xml.h:11
msgid "Solid Colors"
msgstr "Homogén színek"
#: hacks/config/flyingtoasters.xml.h:12
msgid "Swarm"
msgstr "Raj"
#: hacks/config/forest.xml.h:2 hacks/config/glforestfire.xml.h:6
msgid "Forest"
msgstr "Erdő"
#: hacks/config/forest.xml.h:7
msgid ""
"This draws fractal trees. Written by Peter Baumung. Everybody loves "
"fractals, right?"
msgstr ""
"Ez fraktális fákat rajzol. írta: Peter Baumung. Mindenki imádja a "
"fraktálokat, nem?"
#: hacks/config/galaxy.xml.h:4
msgid "Galaxy"
msgstr "Galaxis"
#: hacks/config/galaxy.xml.h:9 hacks/config/lisa.xml.h:7
#: hacks/config/lissie.xml.h:8 hacks/config/loop.xml.h:6
#: hacks/config/penrose.xml.h:10 hacks/config/rotor.xml.h:10
#: hacks/config/rubik.xml.h:8 hacks/config/sproingies.xml.h:5
#: hacks/config/wander.xml.h:13 hacks/config/worm.xml.h:7
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Méret"
#: hacks/config/galaxy.xml.h:12
msgid ""
"This draws spinning galaxies, which then collide and scatter their stars to "
"the, uh, four winds or something. Originally an Amiga program by Uli "
msgstr ""
"Ez pörgő galaxisokat rajzol, amelyek szétszórják és ütköztetik a "
"csillagjaikat. Eredetileg egy Amiga program, írta: Uli Siegmund."
#: hacks/config/gears.xml.h:3
msgid "Gears"
msgstr "Fogaskerekek"
#: hacks/config/gears.xml.h:4
msgid "Planetary Gear System"
msgstr "Bolygó fogaskerék-rendszer"
#: hacks/config/gears.xml.h:5 hacks/config/goop.xml.h:9
msgid "Rotational Speed"
msgstr "Forgási sebesség"
#: hacks/config/gears.xml.h:9
msgid ""
"This draws sets of turning, interlocking gears, rotating in three "
"dimensions. Another GL hack, by Danny Sung, Brian Paul, Ed Mackey, and Jamie "
msgstr ""
"Összekapcsolódó, három dimenzióban forgó fogaskerekeket rajzol. Újabb GL "
"hack, írta: Danny Sung, Brian Paul, Ed Mackey, és Jamie Zawinski."
#: hacks/config/gears.xml.h:10
msgid "Three Gear System"
msgstr "Hármas fogaskerékrendszer"
#: hacks/config/gflux.xml.h:2
msgid "Checkerboard"
msgstr "Ostábla"
#. #### -zoom [1.0]
#: hacks/config/gflux.xml.h:6
msgid ""
"Draws a rippling waves on a rotating wireframe grid, using GL. Written by "
"Josiah Pease."
msgstr ""
"Fodrozódó hullámokat rajzol egy forgó hálózatra, GL használatával. írta: "
"Josiah Pease."
#: hacks/config/gflux.xml.h:8
msgid "Flat Lighting"
msgstr "Tompa világítás"
#: hacks/config/gflux.xml.h:9
msgid "GFlux"
msgstr "GFlux"
#: hacks/config/gflux.xml.h:10
msgid "Mesh Density"
msgstr "Hálósűrűség"
#: hacks/config/gflux.xml.h:11
msgid "Screen Image"
msgstr "Képernyőkép"
#: hacks/config/gflux.xml.h:15 hacks/config/interference.xml.h:18
msgid "Wave Speed"
msgstr "Hullámsebesség"
#: hacks/config/gflux.xml.h:16
msgid "Waves"
msgstr "Hullámok"
#: hacks/config/gflux.xml.h:17
msgid "Wire Mesh"
msgstr "Drótháló"
#: hacks/config/glblur.xml.h:1
msgid "Blur Smoothness"
msgstr "Homály simasága"
#: hacks/config/glblur.xml.h:5
msgid "GLBlur"
msgstr "GLBlur"
#: hacks/config/glblur.xml.h:18
msgid ""
"This program draws a box and a few line segments, and generates a radial "
"blur outward from it. This creates flowing field effects. This is done by "
"rendering the scene into a small texture, then repeatedly rendering "
"increasingly-enlarged and increasingly-transparent versions of that texture "
"onto the frame buffer. As such, it's quite graphics intensive: don't bother "
"trying to run this if you don't have hardware-accelerated OpenGL texture "
"support. It will hurt your machine bad."
msgstr "Ez a program egy dobozt rajzol és néhány vonalszegmenst"
#: hacks/config/glforestfire.xml.h:2
msgid "Desert"
msgstr "Sivatag"
#: hacks/config/glforestfire.xml.h:3
msgid ""
"Draws an animation of sprinkling fire-like 3D triangles in a landscape "
"filled with trees. Requires OpenGL, and a machine with fast hardware support "
"for texture maps. Written by Eric Lassauge &lt;;."
msgstr ""
"Fákkal megtöltött tájképen végigfutó, tűzszerű 3D háromszögeket rajzoló "
"animáció.OpenGL szükséges a futtatásához, és egy gyors hardverű számítógép."
"Eric Lassauge munkája &lt;;."
#: hacks/config/glforestfire.xml.h:5
msgid "Fog"
msgstr "Köd"
#: hacks/config/glforestfire.xml.h:7
msgid "GLForestFire"
msgstr "GLForestFire"
#: hacks/config/glforestfire.xml.h:8
msgid "Huge Fire"
msgstr "Óriási tűz"
#: hacks/config/glforestfire.xml.h:9
msgid "No shadow"
msgstr "Nincs árnyék"
#: hacks/config/glforestfire.xml.h:11
msgid "Number of trees"
msgstr "A fák száma"
#: hacks/config/glforestfire.xml.h:12
msgid "Rain"
msgstr "Eső"
#: hacks/config/glforestfire.xml.h:17
msgid "Track mouse"
msgstr "Egér követése"
#: hacks/config/glplanet.xml.h:1
msgid ""
"Draws a planet bouncing around in space. Written by David Konerding. The "
"built-in image is a map of the earth (extracted from `xearth'), but you can "
"wrap any texture around the sphere, e.g., the planetary textures that come "
"with `ssystem'."
msgstr ""
"Egy űrben keringő bolygót ábrázol. írta: David Konerding. A beépített kép "
"egy (az`xearth'-ből származó) Föld-térkép, de bármely textúra alkothatja a "
#: hacks/config/glplanet.xml.h:3
msgid "GLPlanet"
msgstr "GLPlanet"
#: hacks/config/glplanet.xml.h:4
msgid "Image File"
msgstr "Képfájl"
#: hacks/config/glslideshow.xml.h:2
msgid "5 Minutes"
msgstr "5 perc "
#: hacks/config/glslideshow.xml.h:3
msgid "Fade Between Images"
msgstr "Elsötétül a képek között"
#: hacks/config/glslideshow.xml.h:5
msgid "GLSlideshow"
msgstr "GLSlideshow"
#: hacks/config/glslideshow.xml.h:7
msgid "Image Duration"
msgstr "Kép időtartama"
#: hacks/config/glslideshow.xml.h:8
msgid ""
"Loads a random sequence of images and smoothly scans and zooms around in "
"each, fading from pan to pan. You can set the directory from which images "
"are loaded on the \"Advanced\" tab. This program requires a good video card "
"capable of supporting large textures. Written by Mike Oliphant and Jamie "
msgstr ""
"Betölt egy véletlenszerű képsort és simán körbepásztázza, belenagyít "
"mindegyikbe. Kiválaszthatja, hogy a képsorok melyik könyvtárból "
"származzanak, a \"Haladó\" beállításnál. Ehhez a programhoz jó videókártya "
"szükséges a nagy textúrák alkalmazása miatt. írta: Mike Oliphant és Jamie "
#: hacks/config/glsnake.xml.h:1 hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:1
msgid "1"
msgstr "1"
#: hacks/config/glsnake.xml.h:2 hacks/config/penrose.xml.h:2
msgid "30 Seconds"
msgstr "30 másodperc"
#: hacks/config/glsnake.xml.h:3
msgid ""
"Draws a simulation of the Rubik's Snake puzzle. Written by Jamie Wilkinson, "
"Andrew Bennetts, and Peter Aylett."
msgstr ""
"Rubik kígyó-kirakójának szimulációját rajzolja meg. írta: Jamie Wilkinson, "
"Andrew Bennetts, és Peter Aylett."
#: hacks/config/glsnake.xml.h:6
msgid "GlSnake"
msgstr "GlSnake"
#: hacks/config/glsnake.xml.h:7
msgid "Loose"
msgstr "Elveszít"
#: hacks/config/glsnake.xml.h:8
msgid "Packing"
msgstr "Csomagolás"
#: hacks/config/glsnake.xml.h:9
msgid "Scary Colors"
msgstr "Ijesztő színek"
#: hacks/config/glsnake.xml.h:11
msgid "Show Labels"
msgstr "Címkék megjelenítése"
#: hacks/config/glsnake.xml.h:14
msgid "Tight"
msgstr "Szoros"
#: hacks/config/glsnake.xml.h:15 hacks/config/rocks.xml.h:14
msgid "Velocity"
msgstr "Sebesség"
#: hacks/config/glsnake.xml.h:17
msgid "Y Rotation"
msgstr "Forgatás az Y tengelyen"
#: hacks/config/glsnake.xml.h:18
msgid "Z Rotation"
msgstr "Forgatás a Z tengelyen"
#: hacks/config/gltext.xml.h:1
msgid ""
"Displays a few lines of text spinning around in a solid 3D font. Written by "
"Jamie Zawinski."
msgstr ""
"Néhány sor egyszínű, háromdimenziós, körbeforgó szöveget jelenít meg. írta:"
"Jamie Zawinski."
#: hacks/config/gltext.xml.h:4
msgid "GLText"
msgstr "GLText"
#: hacks/config/gltext.xml.h:16 hacks/config/noseguy.xml.h:6
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Szöveg"
#: hacks/config/goban.xml.h:1
msgid "Goban"
msgstr "Goban"
#. #### write me
#: hacks/config/goban.xml.h:3
msgid ""
"Replays historical games of go (aka wei-chi and baduk) on the screen. By "
"Scott Draves. You can find it at &lt;;."
msgstr ""
"Történelmi go játszmák visszajátszása. Scott Drave követte el. Letölthető a "
"&lt;; címről."
#: hacks/config/goop.xml.h:1
msgid "Additive Colors (reflected light)"
msgstr "Adalékszínek (visszavert fény)"
#: hacks/config/goop.xml.h:2
msgid "Blob Count"
msgstr "Foltok száma"
#: hacks/config/goop.xml.h:3
msgid "Elasticity"
msgstr "Rugalmasság"
#: hacks/config/goop.xml.h:5
msgid "Goop"
msgstr "Goop"
#: hacks/config/goop.xml.h:8
msgid "Opaque Blobs"
msgstr "Átlátszatlan foltok"
#: hacks/config/goop.xml.h:12
msgid "Speed Limit"
msgstr "Sebességhatár"
#: hacks/config/goop.xml.h:13
msgid "Subtractive Colors (transmitted light)"
msgstr "Szubsztraktív színek (átszűrődő fény)"
#: hacks/config/goop.xml.h:14
msgid ""
"This draws set of animating, transparent, amoeba-like blobs. The blobs "
"change shape as they wander around the screen, and they are translucent, so "
"you can see the lower blobs through the higher ones, and when one passes "
"over another, their colors merge. Written by Jamie Zawinski. I got the idea "
"for this from a cool mouse pad I have, which achieves the same kind of "
"effect in real life by having several layers plastic with colored oil "
"between them. Written by Jamie Zawinski."
msgstr ""
"Átlátszó, mozgó, amőbaszerű foltokat rajzol. A foltok a képernyőt "
"körbebarangolva alakot váltanak, és mivel áttetszőek, az eltakart foltok is "
"látszanak. Mikor az egyik folt átmegy a másikon, összemosódnak a színeik."
"írta: Jamie Zawinski."
#: hacks/config/goop.xml.h:15
msgid "Transparent Blobs"
msgstr "Átlátszó foltok"
#: hacks/config/goop.xml.h:16
msgid "XOR Blobs"
msgstr "XOR foltok"
#: hacks/config/grav.xml.h:3
msgid "Grav"
msgstr "Grav"
#: hacks/config/grav.xml.h:6
msgid "Object Trails"
msgstr "Objektumok nyoma"
#: hacks/config/grav.xml.h:7
msgid "Orbital Decay"
msgstr "Légkör határa"
#: hacks/config/grav.xml.h:10
msgid ""
"This program draws a simple orbital simulation. If you turn on trails, it "
"looks kind of like a cloud-chamber photograph. Written by Greg Bowering."
msgstr ""
"Ez a program egy egyszerű orbitális szimulációt rajzol meg. Ha bekapcsolja a "
"nyomokat, úgy néz ki, mint egy felhő-kamra képe. írta: Greg Bowering."
#: hacks/config/greynetic.xml.h:2
msgid "Greynetic"
msgstr "Greynetic"
#: hacks/config/greynetic.xml.h:5
msgid ""
"This draws random colored and stippled rectangles. Written by Jamie Zawinski."
msgstr ""
"Véletlenszerű színű, pontvonalas téglalapokat rajzol. írta: Jamie Zawinski."
#: hacks/config/halftone.xml.h:1
msgid "Delay (Large = low cpu load)"
msgstr "Késleltetés (Nagy = alacsony processzorterhelés)"
#: hacks/config/halftone.xml.h:2
msgid "Dot fill factor"
msgstr "Pont-kitöltési faktor"
#: hacks/config/halftone.xml.h:3
msgid "Dot size"
msgstr "Pontméret"
#: hacks/config/halftone.xml.h:4
msgid ""
"Draws the gravity force in each point on the screen seen through a halftone "
"dot pattern. The gravity force is calculated from a set of moving mass "
"points. View it from a distance for best effect. Written by Peter Jaric &lt;"
msgstr ""
"A képernyő pontjába eső gravitációs erőt rajzolja ki egy pontmintával. A "
"gravitációs erő néhány mozgó tömeg alapján számolódik. Nézze távolabbról a "
"legjobb hatás elérése érdekében. Írta Peter Jaric &lt;;."
#: hacks/config/halftone.xml.h:5
msgid "Gravity points"
msgstr "Gravitációs pontok"
#: hacks/config/halftone.xml.h:6
msgid "Halftone"
msgstr "Halftone"
#: hacks/config/halftone.xml.h:10
msgid "Maximum mass"
msgstr "Maximális tömeg"
#: hacks/config/halftone.xml.h:11
msgid "Maximum speed"
msgstr "Maximális sebesség"
#: hacks/config/halftone.xml.h:12
msgid "Minimum mass"
msgstr "Minimális tömeg"
#: hacks/config/halftone.xml.h:13
msgid "Minimum speed"
msgstr "Minimális sebesség"
#: hacks/config/halo.xml.h:1
msgid "Animate Circles"
msgstr "Körök animálása"
#: hacks/config/halo.xml.h:3
msgid "Halo"
msgstr "Halo"
#: hacks/config/halo.xml.h:5
msgid "Number of Circles"
msgstr "Körök száma"
#: hacks/config/halo.xml.h:7 hacks/config/imsmap.xml.h:11
msgid "Random Mode"
msgstr "Véletlenszerű mód"
#: hacks/config/halo.xml.h:8
msgid "Seuss Mode"
msgstr "Seuss mód"
#. #### -no-cycle
#: hacks/config/halo.xml.h:12
msgid ""
"This draws trippy psychedelic circular patterns that hurt to look at. It can "
"also animate the control-points, but that takes a lot of CPU and bandwidth. "
"Written by Jamie Zawinski."
msgstr ""
"Halucinatív körkörös motívumokat rajzol, amelyekre fáj ránézni. A kontroll-"
"pontokat is tudja animálni, nagy processzorterheléssel jár, és nagy "
"sávszélességet igényel. írta: Jamie Zawinski."
#: hacks/config/helix.xml.h:4
msgid "Helix"
msgstr "Spirálvonal"
#: hacks/config/helix.xml.h:5
msgid ""
"This repeatedly generates spirally string-art-ish patterns. Written by Jamie "
msgstr ""
"Újra és újra spirálszerű, művészies motívumokat hoz létre. írta: Jamie "
#: hacks/config/hopalong.xml.h:3
msgid "EJK1"
msgstr "EJK1"
#: hacks/config/hopalong.xml.h:4
msgid "EJK2"
msgstr "EJK2"
#: hacks/config/hopalong.xml.h:5
msgid "EJK3"
msgstr "EJK3"
#: hacks/config/hopalong.xml.h:6
msgid "EJK4"
msgstr "EJK4"
#: hacks/config/hopalong.xml.h:7
msgid "EJK5"
msgstr "EJK5"
#: hacks/config/hopalong.xml.h:8
msgid "EJK6"
msgstr "EJK7"
#: hacks/config/hopalong.xml.h:11
msgid "Hopalong"
msgstr "Hopalong"
#: hacks/config/hopalong.xml.h:12
msgid "Jong"
msgstr "Jong"
#: hacks/config/hopalong.xml.h:16
msgid "Martin"
msgstr "Martin"
#: hacks/config/hopalong.xml.h:18
msgid "Popcorn"
msgstr "Popcorn"
#: hacks/config/hopalong.xml.h:19
msgid "RR"
msgstr "RR"
#: hacks/config/hopalong.xml.h:20
msgid "Sine"
msgstr "Szinusz"
#: hacks/config/hopalong.xml.h:24
msgid ""
"This draws lacy fractal patterns, based on iteration in the imaginary plane, "
"from a 1986 Scientific American article. Mostly written by Patrick Naughton."
msgstr ""
"Csipkeszerű fraktális motívumokat rajzol, amely egy képzeletbeli síkon "
"valóismétléseken, egy 1986-os Scientific American cikken alapul. írta: "
"Patrick Naughton."
#: hacks/config/hyperball.xml.h:1 hacks/config/hypercube.xml.h:1
msgid "Far"
msgstr "Távol"
#: hacks/config/hyperball.xml.h:4
msgid "Hyperball"
msgstr "Hiperlabda"
#: hacks/config/hyperball.xml.h:5
msgid ""
"Hyperball is to hypercube as dodecahedron is to cube: this displays a 2D "
"projection of the sequence of 3D objects which are the projections of the 4D "
"analog to the dodecahedron. Written by Joe Keane."
msgstr ""
"A hiperlabda a hiperkockához viszonyítva olyan, mint a dodekaéder a "
"kockához: háromdimenziós objektumok sorozatának kétdimenziós kivetítése, "
"amely a dodekaéder négydimenziós analógjai. írta: Joe Keane"
#: hacks/config/hyperball.xml.h:7 hacks/config/hypercube.xml.h:6
msgid "Near"
msgstr "Közel"
#: hacks/config/hyperball.xml.h:10 hacks/config/hypercube.xml.h:11
msgid "XW Rotation"
msgstr "XW forgatás"
#: hacks/config/hyperball.xml.h:11 hacks/config/hypercube.xml.h:12
msgid "XY Rotation"
msgstr "XY forgatás"
#: hacks/config/hyperball.xml.h:12 hacks/config/hypercube.xml.h:13
msgid "XZ Rotation"
msgstr "XZ forgatás"
#: hacks/config/hyperball.xml.h:13 hacks/config/hypercube.xml.h:14
msgid "YW Rotation"
msgstr "YW forgatás"
#: hacks/config/hyperball.xml.h:14 hacks/config/hypercube.xml.h:15
msgid "YZ Rotation"
msgstr "YZ forgatás"
#: hacks/config/hyperball.xml.h:15 hacks/config/hypercube.xml.h:16
msgid "ZW Rotation"
msgstr "ZW forgatás"
#: hacks/config/hyperball.xml.h:16 hacks/config/hypercube.xml.h:17
#: hacks/config/zoom.xml.h:8
msgid "Zoom"
msgstr "Nagyítás"
#: hacks/config/hypercube.xml.h:4
msgid "Hypercube"
msgstr "Hiperkocka"
#. #### -color7 [#00FFD0]
#: hacks/config/hypercube.xml.h:10
msgid ""
"This displays 2D projections of the sequence of 3D objects which are the "
"projections of the 4D analog to the cube: as a square is composed of four "
"lines, each touching two others; and a cube is composed of six squares, each "
"touching four others; a hypercube is composed of eight cubes, each touching "
"six others. To make it easier to visualize the rotation, it uses a different "
"color for the edges of each face. Don't think about it too long, or your "
"brain will melt. Written by Joe Keane, Fritz Mueller, and Jamie Zawinski."
msgstr ""
"Háromdimenziós objektumok sorozatának kétdimenziós kivetítését jeleníti meg, "
"amely a kocka négydimenziós analógiájának kivetítései. A négyzet 4 egymást "
"metsző vonalból áll, a kocka hat négyzetből áll, a hiperkocka 6 kockából "
"áll, minden kocka érint mésik hatot. Hogy könnyebb legyen a forgatás "
"elképzelése, a széleken különböző színeket használ. Ha túl sokat gondolkodik "
"rajta, felolvad az agya! írta: Joe Keane, Fritz Mueller, és Jamie Zawinski."
#: hacks/config/ifs.xml.h:2
msgid "IFS"
msgstr "IFS"
#: hacks/config/ifs.xml.h:7
msgid ""
"This one draws spinning, colliding iterated-function-system images. Written "
"by Massimino Pascal."
msgstr ""
"Ez a program forgó, összeütköző iterált képeket rajzol. írta: Massimino "
#: hacks/config/imsmap.xml.h:3
msgid "Brightness Gradients"
msgstr "Világossági gradiensek"
#: hacks/config/imsmap.xml.h:7
msgid "Hue Gradients"
msgstr "Színárnyalat gradiensek"
#: hacks/config/imsmap.xml.h:8
msgid "IMSmap"
msgstr "IMSmap"
#: hacks/config/imsmap.xml.h:12
msgid "Saturation Gradients"
msgstr "Telítettség gradiensek"
#: hacks/config/imsmap.xml.h:14
msgid ""
"This generates random cloud-like patterns. It looks quite different in "
"monochrome and color. The basic idea is to take four points on the edge of "
"the image, and assign each a random ``elevation''. Then find the point "
"between them, and give it a value which is the average of the other four, "
"plus some small random offset. Then coloration is done based on elevation. "
"The color selection is done by binding the elevation to either hue, "
"saturation, or brightness, and assigning random values to the others. The "
"``brightness'' mode tends to yield cloudlike patterns, and the others tend "
"to generate images that look like heat-maps or CAT-scans. Written by Juergen "
"Nickelsen and Jamie Zawinski."
msgstr ""
"Véletlenszerű, felhő-jellegű motívumokat hoz létre. Az egyszínű és a színes "
"változat eléggé különbözik. írta: Juergen Nickelsen és Jamie Zawinski."
#: hacks/config/interference.xml.h:1
msgid "Anim Speed"
msgstr "Animáció sebessége"
#: hacks/config/interference.xml.h:2
msgid ""
"Another color-field hack, this one works by computing decaying sinusoidal "
"waves, and allowing them to interfere with each other as their origins move. "
"Written by Hannu Mallat."
msgstr ""
"Egy újabb színmezős hack, szinuszhullámok interferenciáján alapul.írta: "
"Hannu Mallat."
#: hacks/config/interference.xml.h:7
msgid "Interference"
msgstr "Interferencia"
#: hacks/config/interference.xml.h:10 hacks/config/t3d.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:11 hacks/config/zoom.xml.h:5
msgid "Magnification"
msgstr "Nagyítás"
#: hacks/config/interference.xml.h:13
msgid "Number of Waves"
msgstr "Hullámok száma"
#: hacks/config/interference.xml.h:17
msgid "Wave Size"
msgstr "Hullámok mérete"
#: hacks/config/jigglypuff.xml.h:2
msgid "Chrome"
msgstr "Króm"
#: hacks/config/jigglypuff.xml.h:3
msgid "Clown barf"
msgstr "Műhányás"
#: hacks/config/jigglypuff.xml.h:5
msgid "Cycle"
msgstr "Kör"
#: hacks/config/jigglypuff.xml.h:7
msgid "Flower box"
msgstr "Virágdoboz"
#: hacks/config/jigglypuff.xml.h:9
msgid "Inertial damping"
msgstr "Tehetetlenségi kiegyenlítés"
#: hacks/config/jigglypuff.xml.h:10
msgid "JigglyPuff"
msgstr "JigglyPuff"
#: hacks/config/jigglypuff.xml.h:14
msgid "Rotation speed"
msgstr "Forgatási sebesség"
#: hacks/config/jigglypuff.xml.h:17 hacks/config/sphere.xml.h:7
msgid "Sphere"
msgstr "Gömb"
#: hacks/config/jigglypuff.xml.h:18
msgid "Sphere strength"
msgstr "Szféraerősség"
#: hacks/config/jigglypuff.xml.h:19
msgid "Spookiness"
msgstr "Kísértetiesség"
#: hacks/config/jigglypuff.xml.h:20
msgid "Spoooooky"
msgstr "Kíííííísérteties"
#: hacks/config/jigglypuff.xml.h:21 hacks/config/sballs.xml.h:16
msgid "Tetrahedron"
msgstr "Tetraéder"
#: hacks/config/jigglypuff.xml.h:22
msgid ""
"This little gem does bad things with quasi-spherical objects. The gist of it "
"is that you have what is, structurally, a tetrahedron with tesselated faces. "
"the vertices on these faces have forces on them in the form of one "
"proportional to their distance from the surface of a sphere, and one which "
"is proportional to how far they differ from some ideal distance from their "
"neighbors. They also have inertia. The forces and distance are parameters "
"and there are also a couple of visual parameters. The resulting effect can "
"range from a shape that does nothing, to a frenetic polygon storm. Somewhere "
"in between there it usually manifests as a blob that jiggles in a kind of "
"disturbing manner. woo. It doesn't matter, however. You should just pick "
"'random'. It overrides all the other options, except for fps, delay and "
"complexity. By Keith Macleod"
msgstr ""
"Ez a kis gyöngyszem rossz dolgokat művel kvázi gömbölyű objektumokkal. "
"Lényegében adott egy tetraéder, mozaikos felszínekkel.írta: Keith Macleod"
#: hacks/config/jigglypuff.xml.h:23
msgid "Vertex-vertex behavior"
msgstr "Örvény-örvény viselkedés"
#: hacks/config/jigglypuff.xml.h:24
msgid "Vertex-vertex force"
msgstr "Örvény-örvény erő"
#: hacks/config/jigglypuff.xml.h:26
msgid "collapse"
msgstr "összeomlás"
#: hacks/config/jigglypuff.xml.h:27
msgid "expand"
msgstr "kiterjeszt"
#: hacks/config/jigglypuff.xml.h:28
msgid "none"
msgstr "nincs"
#: hacks/config/jigglypuff.xml.h:29
msgid "strong"
msgstr "erős"
#: hacks/config/jigsaw.xml.h:4
msgid "Jigsaw"
msgstr "Kirakó"
#: hacks/config/jigsaw.xml.h:6
msgid "Solved Duration"
msgstr "Határozott időtartam"
#: hacks/config/jigsaw.xml.h:8
msgid ""
"This grabs a screen image, carves it up into a jigsaw puzzle, shuffles it, "
"and then solves the puzzle. This works especially well when you feed it an "
"external video signal instead of letting it grab the screen image (actually, "
"I guess this is generally true...) When it is grabbing a video image, it is "
"sometimes pretty hard to guess what the image is going to look like once the "
"puzzle is solved. Written by Jamie Zawinski."
msgstr ""
"Fog egy képernyőképet, kirakójátékká alakítja, összekeveri, majd kirakja a "
"rejtvényt. Különösen akkor működik jól, ha egy külső videót használhat a "
"képernyőkép helyett. írta: Jamie Zawinski."
#: hacks/config/juggle.xml.h:1
msgid "Checkered Balls"
msgstr "Tarka labdák"
#. -pattern would be a really long, confusing option menu
#: hacks/config/juggle.xml.h:3
msgid "Draws a juggling stick-man. Written by Tim Auckland."
msgstr "Egy zsonglőrködő pálcikaembert rajzol. írta: Tim Auckland."
#: hacks/config/juggle.xml.h:5
msgid "Juggle"
msgstr "Bűvészkedés"
#: hacks/config/julia.xml.h:3 hacks/config/rorschach.xml.h:4
msgid "Iterations"
msgstr "Ismételgetések"
#: hacks/config/julia.xml.h:4
msgid "Julia"
msgstr "Julia"
#: hacks/config/julia.xml.h:11
msgid ""
"This one draws spinning, animating (are you detecting a pattern here yet?) "
"explorations of the Julia set. You've probably seen static images of this "
"fractal form before, but it's a lot of fun to watch in motion as well. One "
"interesting thing is that there is a small swinging dot passing in front of "
"the image, which indicates the control point from which the rest of the "
"image was generated. Written by Sean McCullough."
msgstr ""
"A program egy mozgó, pörgő Julia-fraktált jelenít meg. Már biztosan látott "
"állóképeket erről a fraktálról, de nagyon mulatságos mozgás közben is látni. "
"További érdekesség, hogy egy kis táncoló pont mutatja a képen azt a vezérlő "
"pontot, amelyhez képest a kép nagy részének generálása történt. írta: Sean "
#. #### -spring_constant [5]
#: hacks/config/kaleidescope.xml.h:2
msgid ""
"Another clone of an ancient meme, consisting largely of frenetic rotational "
"motion of colored lines. This one is by Ron Tapia. The motion is nice, but I "
"think it needs more solids, or perhaps just brighter colors. More variations "
"in the rotational speed might help, too."
msgstr ""
"Megint egy régi darab klónja, nagyjából frenetikus, forgó, színes vonalakból "
"áll. Ezt Roy Tapia alkotta. "
#: hacks/config/kaleidescope.xml.h:5
msgid "Kaleidescope"
msgstr "Kaleidoszkóp"
#: hacks/config/kaleidescope.xml.h:7 hacks/config/qix.xml.h:18
msgid "Segments"
msgstr "Szegmensek"
#: hacks/config/kaleidescope.xml.h:10
msgid "Symmetry"
msgstr "Szimmetria"
#: hacks/config/kaleidescope.xml.h:11
msgid "Trails"
msgstr "Nyomok"
#: hacks/config/klein.xml.h:3
msgid "Klein"
msgstr "Klein"
#: hacks/config/klein.xml.h:10
msgid ""
"This draws a visualization of a Klein bottle or some other interesting "
"parametric surfaces. Written by Andrey Mirtchovski."
msgstr ""
"Ez a program egy Klein-üveget, vagy más érdekes paraméteres felületet "
"jelenít meg. írta: Andrey Mirtchovski."
#: hacks/config/klein.xml.h:11
msgid "Use Randomized Surfaces and Primitives"
msgstr "Véletlenszerű felületek és alapműveletek használata"
#: hacks/config/klein.xml.h:12
msgid "Wander Around the Screen"
msgstr "Barangolás a képernyőn"
#: hacks/config/kumppa.xml.h:5
msgid "Kumppa"
msgstr "Kumppa"
#: hacks/config/kumppa.xml.h:7
msgid "Randomize"
msgstr "Véletlenszerűsít"
#: hacks/config/kumppa.xml.h:10
msgid ""
"Spiraling, spinning, and very, very fast splashes of color rush toward the "
"screen. Written by Teemu Suutari."
msgstr ""
"Spirálos, pörgő és nagyon-nagyon gyors színfoltok rohannak a képernyő felé. "
"írta: Teemu Suutari"
#: hacks/config/lament.xml.h:1
msgid ""
"Animates a simulation of Lemarchand's Box, repeatedly solving itself. "
"Requires OpenGL, and a machine with fast hardware support for texture maps. "
"Warning: occasionally opens doors. Written by Jamie Zawinski."
msgstr ""
"A Lemarchand-doboz szimulációját animálja, újra és újra megoldva önmagát. "
"Háromdimenziós gyorsítással rendelkező gépre van szükség. Vigyázat: "
"alkalmanként ajtókat nyit ki. írta: Jamie Zawinski."
#: hacks/config/lament.xml.h:3
msgid "Lament"
msgstr "Panasz"
#: hacks/config/laser.xml.h:4
msgid "Laser"
msgstr "Lézer"
#: hacks/config/laser.xml.h:7
msgid ""
"Moving radiating lines, that look vaguely like scanning laser beams. Written "
"by Pascal Pensa. (Frankie say: relax.)"
msgstr ""
"Mozgó, szétsugárzó vonalak, melyek valamennyire pásztázó lézersugarakra "
"hasonlítanak. írta: Pascal Pensa."
#: hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:2
msgid "10"
msgstr "10"
#: hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:3
msgid "Activity"
msgstr "Aktivitás"
#: hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:4
msgid "Classic Lavalite"
msgstr "Klasszikus Lavalite"
#: hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:5
msgid "Cone Lavalite"
msgstr "Kúp Lavalite"
#: hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:8
msgid ""
"Draws a 3D Simulation a Lava Lite(r): odd-shaped blobs of a mysterious "
"substance are heated, slowly rise to the top of the bottle, and then drop "
"back down as they cool. This program requires OpenGL and a fairly fast "
"machine (both CPU and 3D performance.) Written by Jamie Zawinski. \"LAVA LITE"
"(r) and the configuration of the LAVA(r) brand motion lamp are registered "
"trademarks of Haggerty Enterprises, Inc. The configuration of the globe and "
"base of the motion lamp are registered trademarks of Haggerty Enterprises, "
"Inc. in the U.S.A. and in other countries around the world.\""
msgstr ""
"A Lava lámpa háromdimenziós szimulációját rajzolja meg: különös formájú, "
"titokzatos anyagot melegít, amely lassan felemelkedik az üveg tetejébe, majd "
"visszaesik az aljára, ahogy lehűl. Ehhez a programhoz háromdimenziós "
"gyorsításra és meglehetősen gyors számítógépre van szükség. írta: Jamie "
#: hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:9
msgid "Faceted"
msgstr "Oldalú"
#: hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:11
msgid "Giant Lavalite"
msgstr "Óriás Lavalite"
#: hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:13
msgid "LavaLite"
msgstr "LavaLite"
#: hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:15
msgid "Max Blobs"
msgstr "Maximális foltok"
#: hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:16
msgid "Random Lamp Style"
msgstr "Véletlenszerű lámpastílus"
#: hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:17 hacks/config/spheremonics.xml.h:9
msgid "Resolution"
msgstr "Elhatározás"
#: hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:18
msgid "Rocket Lavalite"
msgstr "Rakéta Lavalite"
#: hacks/config/lavalite.xml.h:28
msgid "Smooth"
msgstr "Egyenletes"
#: hacks/config/lightning.xml.h:2
msgid "Lightning"
msgstr "Villámlás"
#: hacks/config/lightning.xml.h:7
msgid ""
"This one draws crackling fractal lightning bolts. It's simple, direct, and "
"to the point. If only it had sound... Written by Keith Romberg."
msgstr ""
"Ez a program recsegő-ropogó fraktális villámcsapásokat rajzol. Egyszerű, "
"célratörő. Bárcsak lenne hangja is... írta: Keith Romberg."
#: hacks/config/lisa.xml.h:4
msgid "Lisa"
msgstr "Lisa"
#: hacks/config/lisa.xml.h:10
msgid "Steps"
msgstr "Lépések"
#: hacks/config/lisa.xml.h:11
msgid ""
"This draws Lisajous loops, by Caleb Cullen. Remember that device they had "
"the Phantom Zone prisoners in during their trial in Superman? I think that "
"was one of these."
msgstr "Ez a program Lisajous köröket rajzol. írta: Caleb Cullen."
#: hacks/config/lissie.xml.h:1
msgid ""
"Another Lissajous figure. This one draws the progress of circular shapes "
"along a path. Written by Alexander Jolk."
msgstr ""
"Megint egy Lisajous figura. Ez köralakok haladását rajzolja meg egyútvonal "
"mentén. írta: Alexander Jolk."
#: hacks/config/lissie.xml.h:5
msgid "Lissie"
msgstr "Lissie"
#: hacks/config/lmorph.xml.h:1
msgid "Closed Figures"
msgstr "Zárt figurák"
#: hacks/config/lmorph.xml.h:2
msgid "Control Points"
msgstr "Ellenőrző pontok"
#: hacks/config/lmorph.xml.h:4
msgid "Interpolation Steps"
msgstr "Beszúrás lépései"
#: hacks/config/lmorph.xml.h:5
msgid "LMorph"
msgstr "LMorph"
#: hacks/config/lmorph.xml.h:6
msgid "Less"
msgstr "Kevesebb"
#: hacks/config/lmorph.xml.h:8
msgid "More"
msgstr "Több"
#: hacks/config/lmorph.xml.h:9
msgid "Open Figures"
msgstr "Nyílt figurák"
#: hacks/config/lmorph.xml.h:10
msgid "Open and Closed Figures"
msgstr "Nyílt és zárt figurák"
#: hacks/config/lmorph.xml.h:15
msgid ""
"This generates random spline-ish line drawings and morphs between them. "
"Written by Sverre H. Huseby and Glenn T. Lines."
msgstr ""
"Véletlenszerűen rajzol bütyökre emlékeztető vonalakat, és közöttük "
"átváltozik. írta: Sverre H. Huseby and Glenn T. Lines."
#: hacks/config/loop.xml.h:3
msgid "Loop"
msgstr "Hurok"
#: hacks/config/loop.xml.h:10
msgid ""
"This one produces loop-shaped colonies that spawn, age, and eventually die. "
"Written by David Bagley."
msgstr ""
"Ez a program hurok alakú kolóniákat hoz létre, melyek továbbszövődnek, "
"korosodnak és végül elhalnak. írta: David Begley."
#: hacks/config/maze.xml.h:3
msgid "Backtracking Generator"
msgstr "Visszaléptetés generátor"
#: hacks/config/maze.xml.h:5 hacks/config/slidescreen.xml.h:3
msgid "Grid Size"
msgstr "Rács mérete"
#: hacks/config/maze.xml.h:6
msgid "Head Toward Exit"
msgstr "Irány a kijárat"
#: hacks/config/maze.xml.h:7
msgid "Ignorant of Exit Direction"
msgstr "Nem tud a kilépési parancsról"
#: hacks/config/maze.xml.h:8
msgid "Joining Generator"
msgstr "Csatlakozási generátor"
#: hacks/config/maze.xml.h:9
msgid "Maze"
msgstr "Útvesztő"
#: hacks/config/maze.xml.h:10
msgid "Post-Solve Delay"
msgstr "Ismétlési várakozás"
#: hacks/config/maze.xml.h:11
msgid "Pre-Solve Delay"
msgstr "Ismétlési várakozás"
#: hacks/config/maze.xml.h:12
msgid "Random Generator"
msgstr "Véletlen generátor"
#: hacks/config/maze.xml.h:13
msgid "Seeding Generator"
msgstr "generátor"
#: hacks/config/maze.xml.h:15
msgid "Solve Speed"
msgstr "Megoldási sebesség"
#. #### -surround-color [slateblue]
#: hacks/config/maze.xml.h:17
msgid ""
"This is the ancient X maze demo, modified to work with xscreensaver. It "
"generates a random maze, then solves it with visual feedback. Originally by "
"Jim Randell; modified by a cast of thousands."
msgstr ""
"Ez egy régi X maze demó megváltoztatva úgy, hogy az xscreensaver-"
"relműködjön. Véletlenszerű útvesztőt rajzol, melyet meg is fejt. Eredetileg "
"írta: Jim Rendell, s többen módosították."
#: hacks/config/menger.xml.h:6
msgid "Menger"
msgstr "Menger"
#: hacks/config/menger.xml.h:19
msgid ""
"This draws the three-dimensional variant of the recursive Menger Gasket, a "
"cube-based fractal object analagous to the Sierpinski Tetrahedron. Written "
"by Jamie Zawinski."
msgstr ""
"A rekurzív Menger Gasket háromdimenziós variációját rajzolja meg, egy "
"kockaalapú fraktális objektumot, mely a Sierpinski tetraéderrel analóg. írta:"
"Jamie Zawinski."
#: hacks/config/metaballs.xml.h:1
msgid "Big"
msgstr "Nagy"
#: hacks/config/metaballs.xml.h:2
msgid ""
"Draws two dimensional metaballs: overlapping and merging balls with fuzzy "
"edges. By W.P. van Paassen."
msgstr ""
"Kétdimenziós metalabdákat rajzol: egymást elfedő, összemosódó labdákat "
"homályos szélekkel. írta: W.P. van Paassen."
#: hacks/config/metaballs.xml.h:7
msgid "MetaBall Movement"
msgstr "Metalabda mozgás"
#: hacks/config/metaballs.xml.h:8
msgid "MetaBall Radius"
msgstr "Metalabda sugár"
#: hacks/config/metaballs.xml.h:9
msgid "MetaBalls"
msgstr "Metalabdák"
#: hacks/config/metaballs.xml.h:11
msgid "Number of MetaBalls"
msgstr "Metalabdák száma"
#: hacks/config/moebius.xml.h:1
msgid ""
"Another M. C. Escher hack by Marcelo Vianna, this one draws ``Moebius Strip "
"II,'' a GL image of ants walking along the surface of a moebius strip."
msgstr ""
"Újabb M. C. Escher hack, írta: Marcelo Vianna. Egy Moebius-vonal "
"felületénvégigsétáló hangyák GL képe."
#: hacks/config/moebius.xml.h:2
msgid "Draw Ants"
msgstr "Hangyák rajzolása"
#: hacks/config/moebius.xml.h:4
msgid "Mesh Floor"
msgstr "Hálópadló"
#: hacks/config/moebius.xml.h:5
msgid "Moebius"
msgstr "Moebius"
#: hacks/config/moebius.xml.h:8
msgid "Solid Floor"
msgstr "Szilárd padló"
#: hacks/config/moebius.xml.h:9 hacks/config/qix.xml.h:20
msgid "Solid Objects"
msgstr "Egyszínű objektumok"
#: hacks/config/moire.xml.h:6
msgid "Moire"
msgstr "Selyem"
#: hacks/config/moire.xml.h:8 hacks/config/rorschach.xml.h:6
msgid "Offset"
msgstr "Eltolás"
#: hacks/config/moire.xml.h:10
msgid ""
"This one draws cool circular interference patterns. Most of the circles you "
"see aren't explicitly rendered, but show up as a result of interactions "
"between the other pixels that were drawn. Written by Jamie Zawinski, "
"inspired by Java code by Michael Bayne. As he pointed out, the beauty of "
"this one is that the heart of the display algorithm can be expressed with "
"just a pair of loops and a handful of arithmetic, giving it a high ``display "
"hack metric''."
msgstr ""
"Ez a program remek körkörös interferencia motívumokat rajzol. A legtöbb kör "
"explicite nem látszik , csak a többi pixel kölcsönhatásának eredményeként "
"tűnik fel. írta: Jamie Zawinski."
#: hacks/config/moire2.xml.h:1
msgid ""
"Another example of the fun you can have with moire interference patterns; "
"this hack generates fields of concentric circles or ovals, and combines the "
"planes with various operations. The planes are moving independently of one "
"another, causing the interference lines to ``spray.'' Written by Jamie "
msgstr ""
"Újabb példa arra, hogy milyen mókásak lehetneka moire interferencia "
"motívumok; ez a hack koncentrikus körökből és oválisokból álló mezőket hoz "
"létre, és a síkokat különböző műveletekkel kombinálja. írta: Jamie Zawinski."
#: hacks/config/moire2.xml.h:4
msgid "Moire2"
msgstr "Selyem2"
#: hacks/config/molecule.xml.h:3
msgid "Describe Molecule"
msgstr "Molekula leírása"
#: hacks/config/molecule.xml.h:5
msgid "Draw Atomic Bonds"
msgstr "Atomi kötések rajzolása"
#: hacks/config/molecule.xml.h:6
msgid "Draw Atoms"
msgstr "Atomok rajzolása"
#: hacks/config/molecule.xml.h:7 hacks/config/spheremonics.xml.h:2
msgid "Draw Bounding Box"
msgstr "Határoló doboz rajzolása"
#: hacks/config/molecule.xml.h:8
msgid ""
"Draws several different representations of molecules. Some common molecules "
"are built in, and it can also read PDB (Protein Data Base) files as input. "
"Written by Jamie Zawinski."
msgstr ""
"Molekulákat jelenít meg különböző módokon. Néhány közönséges molekula be van "
"építve, de PDB (Protein Data Base) fájlokat is tud olvasni,írta: Jamie "
#: hacks/config/molecule.xml.h:11
msgid "Label Atoms"
msgstr "Atomok címkézése"
#: hacks/config/molecule.xml.h:12
msgid "Molecule"
msgstr "Molekula"
#: hacks/config/molecule.xml.h:13
msgid "PDB File"
msgstr "PDB fájl"
#: hacks/config/morph3d.xml.h:1
msgid ""
"Another 3d shape-changing GL hack, by Marcelo Vianna. It has the same shiny-"
"plastic feel as Superquadrics, as many computer-generated objects do..."
msgstr "Egy újabb alakváltoztató háromdimenziós hack, írta: Marcelo Vianna."
#: hacks/config/morph3d.xml.h:4
msgid "Morph3D"
msgstr "Morph3d"
#: hacks/config/mountain.xml.h:3
msgid ""
"Generates random 3d plots that look vaguely mountainous. Written by Pascal "
msgstr ""
"Véletlenszerű háromdimenziós, bizonytalanul óriásinak tűnő parcellákat "
"rajzol. írta: Pascal Pensa."
#: hacks/config/mountain.xml.h:5
msgid "Mountain"
msgstr "Hegy"
#. #### -logminwidth [7]
#: hacks/config/munch.xml.h:2
msgid ""
"DATAI 2 ADDB 1,2 ROTC 2,-22 XOR 1,2 JRST .-4 As reported by HAKMEM, in 1962, "
"Jackson Wright wrote the above PDP-1 code. That code still lives on in this "
"screenhack, some 35 years later. The number of lines of enclosing code has "
"increased substantially, however. This version is by Tim Showalter."
msgstr ""
"DATAI 2 ADDB 1,2 ROTC 2,-22 XOR 1,2 JRST .-4 HAKMEM szerint 1962-ben Jackson "
"Wright írtaa fenti PDP-1 kódot. Az a kód még mindig él ebben a "
"képernyővédőben, évtizedekkel később. Ezt a verziót Tim Showalter írta."
#: hacks/config/munch.xml.h:6
msgid "Munch"
msgstr "Csámcsogás"
#: hacks/config/munch.xml.h:11 hacks/config/qix.xml.h:26
msgid "XOR"
msgstr "XOR"
#: hacks/config/nerverot.xml.h:1
msgid "Blot Count"
msgstr "Foltszám"
#: hacks/config/nerverot.xml.h:2
msgid "Calm"
msgstr "Nyugodt"
#: hacks/config/nerverot.xml.h:3
msgid "Changes"
msgstr "Cserék"
#: hacks/config/nerverot.xml.h:4
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Színek"
#: hacks/config/nerverot.xml.h:5
msgid "Crunchiness"
msgstr "Ropogósság"
#: hacks/config/nerverot.xml.h:7
msgid ""
"Draws different shapes composed of nervously vibrating squiggles, as if seen "
"through a camera operated by a monkey on crack. By Dan Bornstein."
msgstr ""
"Különböző formákat hoz létre idegesen vibráló cikkcakkokból.írta: Dan "
#: hacks/config/nerverot.xml.h:10
msgid "Frequent"
msgstr "Gyakori"
#: hacks/config/nerverot.xml.h:16
msgid "NerveRot"
msgstr "NerveRot"
#: hacks/config/nerverot.xml.h:17
msgid "Nervousness"
msgstr "Idegesség"
#: hacks/config/nerverot.xml.h:18 hacks/config/pyro.xml.h:12
msgid "Seldom"
msgstr "Ritkán"
#: hacks/config/nerverot.xml.h:21
msgid "Spastic"
msgstr "Görcsös"
#. #### -text-background [?]
#: hacks/config/noseguy.xml.h:2
msgid ""
"A little man with a big nose wanders around your screen saying things. The "
"things which he says can come from a file, or from an external program like "
"`zippy' or `fortune'. This was extracted from `xnlock' by Dan Heller. "
"Colorized by Jamie Zawinski."
msgstr ""
"Egy nagyorrú kisember barangol körbe a képernyőn, és különböző dolgokat "
"mond. Amit mond, származhat egy fájlból, vagy egy külső programból. Dan "
"Heller `xnlock'-ja a forrása, színezte: Jamie Zawinski. "
#: hacks/config/noseguy.xml.h:3
msgid "Get Text from File"
msgstr "Szöveg fájlból"
#: hacks/config/noseguy.xml.h:4
msgid "Get Text from Program"
msgstr "Szöveg egy programból"
#: hacks/config/noseguy.xml.h:5
msgid "Noseguy"
msgstr "Nagyorrú"
#: hacks/config/noseguy.xml.h:7
msgid "Text File"
msgstr "Szövegfájl"
#: hacks/config/noseguy.xml.h:8 hacks/config/phosphor.xml.h:9
#: hacks/config/starwars.xml.h:17
msgid "Text Program"
msgstr "Szövegprogram"
#: hacks/config/noseguy.xml.h:9
msgid "Use Text Below"
msgstr "Az alábbi szöveg használata"
#: hacks/config/pedal.xml.h:7
msgid "Pedal"
msgstr "Pedál"
#. #### -background [black]
#: hacks/config/pedal.xml.h:9
msgid ""
"This is sort of a combination spirograph/string-art. It generates a large, "
"complex polygon, and lets the X server do the bulk of the work by giving it "
"an even/odd winding rule. Written by Dale Moore, based on some ancient PDP-"
"11 code."
msgstr ""
"Ez egyfajta kombinációs spirográf. Egy nagy, összetett sokszöget hoz létre. "
"írta: Dale Moore, egy régi PDP-11 kód alapján."
#: hacks/config/penetrate.xml.h:1
msgid "Always play well"
msgstr "Mindig jól játszik"
#: hacks/config/penetrate.xml.h:2
msgid "Explosions"
msgstr "Robbanások"
#: hacks/config/penetrate.xml.h:5
msgid "Penetrate"
msgstr "Áthatol"
#: hacks/config/penetrate.xml.h:7
msgid "Start badly, but learn"
msgstr "Rosszul kezdett, de tanul"
#: hacks/config/penetrate.xml.h:8
msgid ""
"This hack simulates the classic arcade game Missile Command. Written by Adam "
msgstr ""
"Ez a hack a klasszikus Missile Command árkádjátékot szimulálja. írta:Adam "
#: hacks/config/penrose.xml.h:3
msgid "Draw Ammann Lines"
msgstr "Ammann vonalak rajzolása"
#: hacks/config/penrose.xml.h:4
msgid ""
"Draws quasiperiodic tilings; think of the implications on modern formica "
"technology. Written by Timo Korvola. In April 1997, Sir Roger Penrose, a "
"British math professor who has worked with Stephen Hawking on such topics as "
"relativity, black holes, and whether time has a beginning, filed a copyright-"
"infringement lawsuit against the Kimberly-Clark Corporation, which Penrose "
"said copied a pattern he created (a pattern demonstrating that ``a "
"nonrepeating pattern could exist in nature'') for its Kleenex quilted toilet "
"paper. Penrose said he doesn't like litigation but, ``When it comes to the "
"population of Great Britain being invited by a multinational to wipe their "
"bottoms on what appears to be the work of a Knight of the Realm, then a last "
"stand must be taken.'' As reported by News of the Weird #491, 4-jul-1997."
msgstr "Kváziperiodikus csempézést rajzol. írta: Timo Korvola."
#: hacks/config/penrose.xml.h:9
msgid "Penrose"
msgstr "Penrose"
#: hacks/config/petri.xml.h:2
msgid "Colony Shape"
msgstr "Kolónia-forma"
#: hacks/config/petri.xml.h:3
msgid "Death Comes"
msgstr "Eljő a halál"
#: hacks/config/petri.xml.h:4
msgid "Diamond"
msgstr "Gyémánt"
#: hacks/config/petri.xml.h:6
msgid "Fertility"
msgstr "Termékenység"
#: hacks/config/petri.xml.h:12
msgid "Maxium Lifespan"
msgstr "Maximális élettartam"
#: hacks/config/petri.xml.h:13
msgid "Maxium Rate of Death"
msgstr "Elhalálozás legnagyobb mértéke"
#: hacks/config/petri.xml.h:14
msgid "Maxium Rate of Growth"
msgstr "Növekedés legnagyobb mértéke"
#: hacks/config/petri.xml.h:15
msgid "Minium Lifespan"
msgstr "Minimális élettartam"
#: hacks/config/petri.xml.h:16
msgid "Minium Rate of Death"
msgstr "Elhalálozás legkisebb mértéke"
#: hacks/config/petri.xml.h:17
msgid "Minium Rate of Growth"
msgstr "Növekedés legkisebb mértéke"
#: hacks/config/petri.xml.h:18
msgid "Mold Varieties"
msgstr "Penész változatok"
#: hacks/config/petri.xml.h:19
msgid "Offspring"
msgstr "Sarjadék"
#: hacks/config/petri.xml.h:20
msgid "Petri"
msgstr "Petri"
#: hacks/config/petri.xml.h:21
msgid "Quickly"
msgstr "Gyorsan"
#: hacks/config/petri.xml.h:24
msgid "Slowly"
msgstr "Lassan"
#: hacks/config/petri.xml.h:26
msgid "Square"
msgstr "Négyzet"
#. #### -mem-throttle [22M]
#: hacks/config/petri.xml.h:28
msgid ""
"This simulates colonies of mold growing in a petri dish. Growing colored "
"circles overlap and leave spiral interference in their wake. Written by Dan "
msgstr ""
"A penész növekedését szimulálja egy serpenyőben. A növekvő színes körök "
"elfedik egymást és spirális interferenciák jönnek létre. írta:Dan Bornstein."
#. #### -font [fixed]
#: hacks/config/phosphor.xml.h:2
msgid ""
"Draws a simulation of an old terminal, with large pixels and long-sustain "
"phosphor. It can run any program as a source of the text it displays. "
"Written by Jamie Zawinski."
msgstr ""
"Egy régi terminál szimulációja, nagy pixelekkel és foszforral. Bármely "
"programból származhat a megjelenítendő szöveg. írta: Jamie Zawinski."
#: hacks/config/phosphor.xml.h:3
msgid "Fade"
msgstr "Elhalványul"
#: hacks/config/phosphor.xml.h:5
msgid "Phosphor"
msgstr "Foszfor"
#: hacks/config/phosphor.xml.h:6
msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Lépték"
#: hacks/config/piecewise.xml.h:1
msgid "Color shifting speed"
msgstr "Színváltás sebessége"
#: hacks/config/piecewise.xml.h:6
msgid "Maximum radius"
msgstr "Legnagyobb sugár"
#: hacks/config/piecewise.xml.h:7
msgid "Minimum radius"
msgstr "Legkisebb sugár"
#: hacks/config/piecewise.xml.h:8
msgid "Piecewise"
msgstr "Piecewise"
#: hacks/config/piecewise.xml.h:12
msgid ""
"This draws a bunch of moving circles which switch from visibility to "
"invisibility at intersection points. Written by Geoffrey Irving."
msgstr ""
"Egy csomó mozgó kört rajzol, amelyek a metszőpontokon láthatókból "
"láthatatlanokká válnak. írta: Geoffrey Irving. "
#: hacks/config/pipes.xml.h:1
msgid "Allow Tight Turns"
msgstr "Éles kanyarok engedélyezése"
#: hacks/config/pipes.xml.h:2
msgid "Ball Joints"
msgstr "Összeillesztés"
#: hacks/config/pipes.xml.h:3
msgid "Curved Pipes"
msgstr "Hajlított csövek"
#: hacks/config/pipes.xml.h:6
msgid "Fisheye Lens"
msgstr "Halszem lencsék"
#: hacks/config/pipes.xml.h:7
msgid "Gadgetry"
msgstr "Bigyók"
#. #### -no-rotatepipes
#: hacks/config/pipes.xml.h:9
msgid ""
"If you've ever been in the same room with a Windows NT machine, you've "
"probably seen this GL hack. This version is by Marcelo Vianna."
msgstr ""
"Ha volt már egy Windows NT-gép közelében, akkor talán már láttaezt a GL hack-"
"et. Ezt a verziót írta: Marcelo Vianna. "
#: hacks/config/pipes.xml.h:10
msgid "Lots"
msgstr "Sok"
#: hacks/config/pipes.xml.h:12
msgid "Number of Pipe Systems"
msgstr "Csőrendszerek száma"
#: hacks/config/pipes.xml.h:13
msgid "Pipe Fittings"
msgstr "Cső-illesztések"
#: hacks/config/pipes.xml.h:14
msgid "Pipes"
msgstr "Csövek"
#: hacks/config/pipes.xml.h:18
msgid "System Length"
msgstr "Rendszerhosszúság"
#: hacks/config/polyominoes.xml.h:3
msgid "Identical Pieces"
msgstr "Egyedi darabok"
#: hacks/config/polyominoes.xml.h:7
msgid "Polyominoes"
msgstr "Polyominoes"
#: hacks/config/polyominoes.xml.h:8
msgid ""
"Repeatedly attempts to completely fill a rectangle with irregularly-shaped "
"puzzle pieces. Written by Stephen Montgomery-Smith."
msgstr ""
"Ismételten megpróbál teljesen kitölteni egy téglalapot szabálytalan alakú "
"puzzle darabokkal. írta: Stephen Montgomery-Smith."
#: hacks/config/popsquares.xml.h:1
msgid "Border"
msgstr "Szegély"
#: hacks/config/popsquares.xml.h:2
msgid "End color"
msgstr "Utolsó szín"
#: hacks/config/popsquares.xml.h:7
msgid "Start color"
msgstr "Kezdeti szín"
#: hacks/config/popsquares.xml.h:8
msgid "Subdivision"
msgstr "Alosztály"
#: hacks/config/popsquares.xml.h:9
msgid ""
"This draws a pop-art-ish looking grid of pulsing colors. By Levi Burton."
msgstr "Pop-art jellegű rajz, vibráló színek rácsozata. írta: Levi Burton."
#: hacks/config/popsquares.xml.h:10
msgid "Twitch"
msgstr "Rángatózás"
#: hacks/config/popsquares.xml.h:11
msgid "popsquares"
msgstr "Squiral"
#: hacks/config/pulsar.xml.h:1
msgid "Anti-alias Lines"
msgstr "Anti-alias vonalak"
#: hacks/config/pulsar.xml.h:3
msgid ""
"Draws some intersecting planes, making use of alpha blending, fog, textures, "
"and mipmaps, plus a ``frames per second'' meter so that you can tell how "
"fast your graphics card is... Requires OpenGL. Written by David Konerding."
msgstr ""
"Egymást keresztező síkokat rajzol, alfakötés, köd, textúrák és mipmap-ek "
"felhasználásával, sőt egy ``képkocka/másodperc'' arányt is beállíthatunka "
"grafikus kártyánk gyorsaságának megfelelően. OpenGL szükséges hozzá. írta: "
"David Konerding."
#: hacks/config/pulsar.xml.h:4
msgid "Enable Blending"
msgstr "Keveredés engedélyezése"
#: hacks/config/pulsar.xml.h:5
msgid "Enable Depth Buffer"
msgstr "Mélységpufferolás engedélyezése"
#: hacks/config/pulsar.xml.h:6
msgid "Enable Fog"
msgstr "Köd engedélyezése"
#: hacks/config/pulsar.xml.h:7
msgid "Enable Lighting"
msgstr "Villámlás engedélyezése"
#: hacks/config/pulsar.xml.h:8
msgid "Enable Texture Filtering"
msgstr "Textúraszűrés engedélyezése"
#: hacks/config/pulsar.xml.h:9
msgid "Enable Texture Mipmaps"
msgstr "Textúra mipmap engedélyezése"
#: hacks/config/pulsar.xml.h:10
msgid "Enable Texturing"
msgstr "Textúrázás engedélyezése"
#: hacks/config/pulsar.xml.h:12
msgid "Pulsar"
msgstr "Pulzár"
#: hacks/config/pulsar.xml.h:13
msgid "Quad Count"
msgstr "Négyszögek száma"
#: hacks/config/pulsar.xml.h:16
msgid "Solid Surface"
msgstr "Egyszínű felület"
#: hacks/config/pulsar.xml.h:18
msgid "Texture PPM File"
msgstr "Textúra PPM fájl"
#: hacks/config/pyro.xml.h:3
msgid "Explosive Yield"
msgstr "Robbanási teljesítmény"
#: hacks/config/pyro.xml.h:6
msgid "Launch Frequency"
msgstr "Indítás gyakorisága"
#: hacks/config/pyro.xml.h:9
msgid "Particle Density"
msgstr "Részecskesűrűség"
#: hacks/config/pyro.xml.h:10
msgid "Pyro"
msgstr "Pyro"
#: hacks/config/pyro.xml.h:11
msgid ""
"Pyro draws exploding fireworks. Blah blah blah. Written by Jamie Zawinski."
msgstr ""
"A Pyro felrobbanó tüzijátékokat rajzol. Bla-bla-bla. írta: Jamie Zawinski."
#: hacks/config/qix.xml.h:1
msgid "Additive Colors"
msgstr "Additív színek"
#: hacks/config/qix.xml.h:3
msgid "Corners"
msgstr "Közelebb"
#: hacks/config/qix.xml.h:11
msgid "Line Segments"
msgstr "Sorszegmensek"
#: hacks/config/qix.xml.h:12
msgid "Linear Motion"
msgstr "Lineáris mozgás"
#: hacks/config/qix.xml.h:15
msgid "Max Size"
msgstr "Max méret"
#: hacks/config/qix.xml.h:16
msgid "Qix"
msgstr "Qix"
#: hacks/config/qix.xml.h:17
msgid "Random Motion"
msgstr "Véletlenszerű mozgás"
#: hacks/config/qix.xml.h:23
msgid "Subtractive Colors"
msgstr "Szubsztraktív színek"
#: hacks/config/qix.xml.h:24
msgid ""
"This is the swiss army chainsaw of qix programs. It bounces a series of line "
"segments around the screen, and uses variations on this basic motion pattern "
"to produce all sorts of different presentations: line segments, filled "
"polygons, overlapping translucent areas... Written by Jamie Zawinski."
msgstr ""
"Ez a svájci hadi láncfűrész a qix programok között. Vonalszegmensek sorozata "
"buckázik körbe a képernyőn, és ennek az alapmozgásnak különböző változatait "
"használja fel a többi forma létrehozására: vonalszegmensek,kitöltött "
"poligonok, átfedő és áttetsző felületek... írta: Jamie Zawinski."
#: hacks/config/qix.xml.h:25
msgid "Transparent"
msgstr "Átlátszó"
#: hacks/config/queens.xml.h:2
msgid "Queens"
msgstr "Királynők"
#: hacks/config/queens.xml.h:5
msgid ""
"Solves the N-Queens problem (where, in this program, N is between 5 and 10 "
"queens.) The problem is: how may one place N queens on an NxN chessboard "
"such that no queen can attack a sister? Written by Blair Tennessy."
msgstr ""
"Az N-vezér problémát oldja meg (ebben a programban a vezérek száma 5 és 10 "
"között mozog). A feladvány: hogy lehet lerakni N számú vezért egy NxN "
"nagyságú sakktáblára úgy, hogy ne üssék egymást? írta: Blair Tennessy"
#: hacks/config/rd-bomb.xml.h:1
msgid "/"
msgstr "/"
#: hacks/config/rd-bomb.xml.h:3
#, no-c-format
msgid "1%"
msgstr "1%"
#: hacks/config/rd-bomb.xml.h:5
#, no-c-format
msgid "100%"
msgstr "100%"
#: hacks/config/rd-bomb.xml.h:7
msgid ""
"Another variation of the `Bomb' program by Scott Draves. This draws a grid "
"of growing square-like shapes that, once they overtake each other, react in "
"unpredictable ways. ``RD'' stands for reaction-diffusion."
msgstr ""
"Újabb változata Scott Draves `Bomba' programjának. Növekvő, négyzetszerű "
"formák rácsát rajzolja meg, amelyek egymás megelőzésekor előre nem látható "
"módon reagálnak. Az ``RD'' jelentése. reakció-diffúzió."
#: hacks/config/rd-bomb.xml.h:8
msgid "Epoch"
msgstr "Korszak"
#: hacks/config/rd-bomb.xml.h:10
msgid "Fill Screen"
msgstr "Képernyő feltöltése"
#: hacks/config/rd-bomb.xml.h:14
msgid "RD-Bomb"
msgstr "RD-bomba"
#: hacks/config/rd-bomb.xml.h:15
msgid "Reaction/Difusion"
msgstr "Reakció/Diffúzió"
#: hacks/config/rd-bomb.xml.h:16
msgid "Seed Radius"
msgstr "Magsugár"
#: hacks/config/rd-bomb.xml.h:19 hacks/config/twang.xml.h:12
msgid "Tile Size"
msgstr "Cserép méret"
#: hacks/config/rd-bomb.xml.h:22
msgid "Wander Speed"
msgstr "Keringési sebesség"
#: hacks/config/ripples.xml.h:1
msgid "Big Drops"
msgstr "Nagy cseppek"
#: hacks/config/ripples.xml.h:2
msgid "Colors Two"
msgstr "Színek Kettő"
#: hacks/config/ripples.xml.h:3
msgid "Drizzle"
msgstr "Szitálás"
#: hacks/config/ripples.xml.h:5
msgid "Grab Screen Image"
msgstr "Képernyőkép használata"
#: hacks/config/ripples.xml.h:6
msgid "Lighting Effect"
msgstr "Villámlás effekt"
#: hacks/config/ripples.xml.h:8
msgid "Moving Splashes"
msgstr "Mozgó foltok"
#: hacks/config/ripples.xml.h:9
msgid "Psychedelic Colors"
msgstr "Halucinatív színek"
#: hacks/config/ripples.xml.h:10
msgid "Ripples"
msgstr "Fodrozódás"
#: hacks/config/ripples.xml.h:12
msgid "Small Drops"
msgstr "Kis cseppek"
#: hacks/config/ripples.xml.h:13
msgid "Storm"
msgstr "Vihar"
#: hacks/config/ripples.xml.h:14
msgid ""
"This draws rippling interference patterns like splashing water. With the -"
"water option, it manipulates your desktop image to look like something is "
"dripping into it. Written by Tom Hammersley."
msgstr ""
"Gyűrűző interferencia motívumokat rajzol, mely a loccsanó vízre emlékeztet. "
"A -víz beállítással a munkafelület képe olyan lesz, mintha valami csöpögne "
"rá. írta: Tom Hammersley."
#: hacks/config/rocks.xml.h:7
msgid "Rocks"
msgstr "Kövek"
#: hacks/config/rocks.xml.h:8
msgid "Rotation"
msgstr "Forgás"
#: hacks/config/rocks.xml.h:10
msgid "Steering"
msgstr "Kormányzás"
#. #### -right3d [Red]
#: hacks/config/rocks.xml.h:12
msgid ""
"This draws an animation of flight through an asteroid field, with changes in "
"rotation and direction. It can also display 3D separations for red/blue "
"glasses! Mostly written by Jamie Zawinski."
msgstr ""
"Ez egy repülés animációja egy aszteroida-mezőn át, közben változik a forgás "
"és az irány. A piros/kék szemüvegek számára 3D-s szétválasztás "
"megjelenítésre is képes. Legnagyobb részét Jamie Zawinski írta. "
#: hacks/config/rorschach.xml.h:7
msgid "Rorschach"
msgstr "Rorschach"
#: hacks/config/rorschach.xml.h:9
msgid ""
"This generates random inkblot patterns. The algorithm is deceptively simple "
"for how well it works; it merely walks a dot around the screen randomly, and "
"then reflects the image horizontally, vertically, or both. Any deep-seated "
"neurotic tendencies which this program reveals are your own problem. Written "
"by Jamie Zawinski."
msgstr ""
"Véletlenszerű tintafoltos képeket hoz létre. Az algoritmus nagyon egyszerű "
"ahhoz képest, hogy milyen nagyszerűen működik; körbejár egy adott pontot a "
"képernyőn, majd vízszintesen és/vagy függőlegesen tükrözi a képet. "
"Bármilyenmélyen gyökerező idegbajos hajlam, melyet ez a program feltár, az "
"az Ön sajátbaja. írta: Jamie Zawinski."
#: hacks/config/rorschach.xml.h:10
msgid "With X Symmetry"
msgstr "X szimmetriával"
#: hacks/config/rorschach.xml.h:11
msgid "With Y Symmetry"
msgstr "Y szimmetriával"
#: hacks/config/rotor.xml.h:1
msgid ""
"Another ancient xlock demo, this one by Tom Lawrence. It draws a line "
"segment moving along a complex spiraling curve."
msgstr ""
"Ez is egy ősrégi xlock demó, írta: Tim Lawrence. Egy vonalszegmenst rajzol "
"meg, amely egy összetett spirális görbén mozog."
#: hacks/config/rotor.xml.h:4 hacks/config/wander.xml.h:9
msgid "Length"
msgstr "Hossz"
#: hacks/config/rotor.xml.h:8
msgid "Rotor"
msgstr "Rotor"
#: hacks/config/rotzoomer.xml.h:3
msgid "Animate"
msgstr "Animál"
#: hacks/config/rotzoomer.xml.h:4
msgid ""
"Creates a collage of rotated and scaled portions of the screen. Written by "
"Claudio Matsuoka."
msgstr ""
"Kollázst készít a képernyő egyes elforgatott részeiből. írta: Claudio "
#: hacks/config/rotzoomer.xml.h:6
msgid "Rectangle Count"
msgstr "Téglalapok száma"
#: hacks/config/rotzoomer.xml.h:7
msgid "RotZoomer"
msgstr "RotZoomer"
#: hacks/config/rotzoomer.xml.h:8
msgid "Stationary Rectangles"
msgstr "Mozdulatlan téglalapok"
#: hacks/config/rotzoomer.xml.h:9
msgid "Sweeping Arcs"
msgstr "Széles körívek"
#: hacks/config/rotzoomer.xml.h:11
msgid "Wandering Rectangles"
msgstr "Barangoló téglalapok"
#: hacks/config/rubik.xml.h:2
msgid ""
"Draws a Rubik's Cube that rotates in three dimensions and repeatedly "
"shuffles and solves itself. Another fine GL hack by Marcelo Vianna."
msgstr ""
"Egy három dimenzióban mozgó Rubik-kockát rajzol, amely ismétlődően "
"összekeveredik, majd megfejti önmagát. írta: Marcolo Vianna."
#: hacks/config/rubik.xml.h:5
msgid "Rubik"
msgstr "Rubik"
#: hacks/config/rubik.xml.h:7
msgid "Show Shuffling"
msgstr "Összekeveredés megjelenítése"
#: hacks/config/sballs.xml.h:1
msgid "Cube"
msgstr "Kocka"
#: hacks/config/sballs.xml.h:2
msgid "Dodecahedron"
msgstr "Dodekaéder"
#: hacks/config/sballs.xml.h:3
msgid ""
"Draws an animation of textured balls spinning like crazy in GL. Requires "
"OpenGL, and a machine with fast hardware support for texture maps. Written "
"by Eric Lassauge &lt;;."
msgstr ""
"Mintás labdák őrült táncát bemutató 3D-s animáció. OpenGL és gyors gép "
"szükséges.Írta Eric Lassauge &lt;;."
#: hacks/config/sballs.xml.h:5
msgid "Icosahedron"
msgstr "Ikozaéder"
#: hacks/config/sballs.xml.h:7
msgid "Octahedron"
msgstr "Oktaéder"
#: hacks/config/sballs.xml.h:8
msgid "Plane"
msgstr "Sík"
#: hacks/config/sballs.xml.h:9
msgid "Pyramid"
msgstr "Piramis"
#: hacks/config/sballs.xml.h:11
msgid "Sballs"
msgstr "Sballs"
#: hacks/config/sballs.xml.h:15
msgid "Star"
msgstr "Csillag"
#: hacks/config/shadebobs.xml.h:7
msgid "ShadeBobs"
msgstr "ShadeBobs"
#: hacks/config/shadebobs.xml.h:11
msgid ""
"This draws smoothly-shaded oscilating oval patterns, that look something "
"like vapor trails or neon tubes. Written by Shane Smit."
msgstr ""
"Finoman árnyalt, oszcilláló ovális motívumokat rajzol, amelyek gőznyomokra "
"vagy neoncsövekre emlékeztetnek. írta: Shane Smit."
#: hacks/config/sierpinski.xml.h:6
msgid "Sierpinski"
msgstr "Sierpinski"
#: hacks/config/sierpinski.xml.h:10
msgid ""
"This draws the two-dimensional variant of the recursive Sierpinski triangle "
"fractal. Written by Desmond Daignault."
msgstr ""
"A rekurzív Sierpinski háromszög fraktál kétdimenziós változatát rajzolja "
"meg. írta: Desmond Daignault."
#: hacks/config/sierpinski3d.xml.h:7
msgid "Sierpinski3D"
msgstr "Sierpinski3D"
#: hacks/config/sierpinski3d.xml.h:11
msgid ""
"This draws the three-dimensional variant of the recursive Sierpinski "
"triangle fractal, using GL. Written by Tim Robinson and Jamie Zawinski."
msgstr ""
"A rekurzív Sierpinski háromszög fraktál háromdimenziós változatát rajzolja "
"meg GL használatával. írta: Tim Robinson és Jamie Zawinski."
#: hacks/config/slidescreen.xml.h:1 hacks/config/twang.xml.h:1
#: hacks/config/zoom.xml.h:1
msgid "Border Width"
msgstr "Szegély szélessége"
#: hacks/config/slidescreen.xml.h:4
msgid "Slide Speed"
msgstr "Csúszás sebessége"
#: hacks/config/slidescreen.xml.h:5
msgid "SlideScreen"
msgstr "SlidesScreen"
#: hacks/config/slidescreen.xml.h:8
msgid ""
"This takes an image, divides it into a grid, and then randomly shuffles the "
"squares around as if it was one of those annoying ``16-puzzle'' games, where "
"there is a grid of squares, one of which is missing. I hate trying to solve "
"those puzzles, but watching one permute itself is more amusing. Written by "
"Jamie Zawinski."
msgstr ""
"Ez a program fog egy képet, felparcellázza, majd a négyzeteket ide-oda "
"csúsztatja, mint a tologatós kirakókban, ahol az egyik darab hiányzik. írta: "
"Jamie Zawinski."
#: hacks/config/slip.xml.h:6
msgid "Slip"
msgstr "Slip"
#: hacks/config/slip.xml.h:10
msgid ""
"This program throws some random bits on the screen, then sucks them through "
"a jet engine and spews them out the other side. To avoid turning the image "
"completely to mush, every now and then it will and then it interjects some "
"splashes of color into the scene, or go into a spin cycle, or stretch the "
"image like taffy, or (this is my addition) grab an image of your current "
"desktop to chew on. Originally written by Scott Draves; whacked on by Jamie "
msgstr "Ez a program véletlenszerűen biteket dobál a képernyőre, "
#: hacks/config/sonar.xml.h:1
msgid "Ping Subnet"
msgstr "Alhálózat pingelés"
#: hacks/config/sonar.xml.h:2
msgid "Simulation Team Members"
msgstr "Szimulációs csapat tagjai"
#: hacks/config/sonar.xml.h:3
msgid "Sonar"
msgstr "Hanglokátor"
#: hacks/config/sonar.xml.h:4
msgid "Team A Name"
msgstr "Az 'A' csapat neve"
#: hacks/config/sonar.xml.h:5
msgid "Team B Name"
msgstr "A 'B' csapat neve"
#. #### -text-color [#FFFF00]
#: hacks/config/sonar.xml.h:7
msgid ""
"This program draws a simulation of a sonar screen. Written by default, it "
"displays a random assortment of ``bogies'' on the screen, but if compiled "
"properly, it can ping (pun intended) your local network, and actually plot "
"the proximity of the other hosts on your network to you. It would be easy to "
"make it monitor other sources of data, too. (Processes? Active network "
"connections? CPU usage per user?) Written by Stephen Martin."
msgstr ""
"A program egy hanglokátor képernyőjének szimulációját rajzolja meg. írta: "
"Stephen Martin."
#: hacks/config/sonar.xml.h:8
msgid "vs."
msgstr "kontra"
#: hacks/config/speedmine.xml.h:1
msgid "Allow Wall Collisions"
msgstr "Falnak ütközés engedélyezése"
#: hacks/config/speedmine.xml.h:2
msgid "Display Crosshair"
msgstr "Crosshair megjelenítése"
#: hacks/config/speedmine.xml.h:7
msgid "Max Velocity"
msgstr "Maximális sebesség"
#: hacks/config/speedmine.xml.h:8
msgid "Mine Shaft"
msgstr "Bányaakna"
#: hacks/config/speedmine.xml.h:9
msgid "Present Bonuses"
msgstr "Jelenlegi bónuszok"
#: hacks/config/speedmine.xml.h:10
msgid "Rocky Walls"
msgstr "Sziklás falak"
#. #### -psychedelic
#: hacks/config/speedmine.xml.h:13
msgid ""
"Simulates speeding down a rocky mineshaft, or a funky dancing worm. Written "
"by Conrad Parker."
msgstr ""
"Lefelé száguldást szimulál egy bányaaknában, vagy egy funky táncos kukacban. "
"írta: Conrad Parker."
#: hacks/config/speedmine.xml.h:17
msgid "SpeedMine"
msgstr "SpeedMine"
#: hacks/config/speedmine.xml.h:18
msgid "Thrust"
msgstr "Lökés"
#: hacks/config/speedmine.xml.h:20 hacks/config/worm.xml.h:11
msgid "Worm"
msgstr "Kukac"
#: hacks/config/sphere.xml.h:1
msgid ""
"Another of the classic screenhacks of the distant past, this one draws "
"shaded spheres in multiple colors. This hack traces its lineage back to Tom "
"Duff in 1982."
msgstr ""
"Egy másik klasszikus hack a régmúltból, többszínű, satírozott gömböket "
"rajzol. Először 1982-ben Tom Duff alkotott hasonlót."
#: hacks/config/sphereEversion.xml.h:1
msgid "SphereEversion"
msgstr "SphereEversion"
#: hacks/config/sphereEversion.xml.h:2
msgid ""
"SphereEversion draws an animation of a sphere being turned inside out. A "
"sphere can be turned inside out, without any tears, sharp creases or "
"discontinuities, if the surface of the sphere is allowed to intersect "
"itself. This program animates what is known as the Thurston Eversion. "
"Written by Nathaniel Thurston and Michael McGuffin. This program is not "
"included with the XScreenSaver package, but if you don't have it already, "
"you can find it at &lt;;."
msgstr ""
"A SphereEversion egy önmagából kiforduló gömb animációját mutatja be. A gömb "
"anélkül fordul át, hogy elszakadna, gyűrődne vagy folytonosságában "
"megszakadna - ha a gömb önmagával való keresztüldöfését megengedjük. Írta "
"Nathaniel Thurston és Michael McGuffin és a program nem része az "
"xscreensaver csomagnak, de letölthető a &lt;"
"~mjmcguff/eversion/&gt; címről."
#: hacks/config/spheremonics.xml.h:20
msgid "Smoothed Lines"
msgstr "Egyenletes vonalak"
#: hacks/config/spheremonics.xml.h:23
msgid "Spheremonics"
msgstr "Spheremonics"
#: hacks/config/spheremonics.xml.h:24
msgid ""
"These closed objects are commonly called spherical harmonics, although they "
"are only remotely related to the mathematical definition found in the "
"solution to certain wave functions, most notable the eigenfunctions of "
"angular momentum operators. Written by Paul Bourke and Jamie Zawinski."
msgstr ""
"Ezeket a zárt objektumokat általában gömbölyű harmóniáknak nevezik, bár csak "
"távolról kapcsolódnak bizonyos hullámfunkciók megoldásának matematikai "
"definíiójához. írta: Paul Bourke és Jamie Zawinski."
#: hacks/config/spiral.xml.h:2 hacks/config/superquadrics.xml.h:2
msgid "Cycles"
msgstr "Körforgás"
#: hacks/config/spiral.xml.h:7
msgid ""
"Moving circular patterns, by Peter Schmitzberger. Moving circular patterns "
"means moire; interference patterns, of course."
msgstr ""
"Körkörösen mozgó motívumok. írta: Peter Schmitzberger. A körkörösen mozgó "
"motívumok moaré, interferencia mintákat jelentenek."
#: hacks/config/spiral.xml.h:11
msgid "Spiral"
msgstr "Spirál"
#: hacks/config/spotlight.xml.h:1
msgid ""
"Draws a spotlight scanning across a black screen, illumnating the underlying "
"desktop when it passes. Written by Rick Schultz."
msgstr ""
"Sötét képernyőn pásztázó reflektorfényt rajzol, amely megvilágítja a "
"munkaasztalt, amint elhalad fölötte. írta: Rick Schultz."
#: hacks/config/spotlight.xml.h:6
msgid "Spotlight"
msgstr "Reflektorfény"
#: hacks/config/sproingies.xml.h:3
msgid "Q-Bert meets Marble Madness! Written by Ed Mackey."
msgstr "A Q-Bert és a Marble Madness találkozása! írta: Ed Mackey."
#: hacks/config/sproingies.xml.h:9
msgid "Sproingies"
msgstr "Sproingies"
#. #### -cycle
#: hacks/config/squiral.xml.h:4
msgid ""
"Draws a set of interacting, square-spiral-producing automata. The spirals "
"grow outward until they hit something, then they go around it. Written by "
"Jeff Epler."
msgstr "írta: Jeff Epler."
#: hacks/config/squiral.xml.h:6
msgid "Handedness"
msgstr "Bal- vagy jobbkezesség"
#: hacks/config/squiral.xml.h:8
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Bal"
#: hacks/config/squiral.xml.h:12 hacks/config/twang.xml.h:8
msgid "Randomness"
msgstr "Véletlenszerűség"
#: hacks/config/squiral.xml.h:13
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Jobb"
#: hacks/config/squiral.xml.h:18
msgid "Squiral"
msgstr "Squiral"
#: hacks/config/ssystem.xml.h:1
msgid "SSystem"
msgstr "SSystem"
#: hacks/config/ssystem.xml.h:2
msgid ""
"SSystem is a GL Solar System simulator. It simulates flybys of Sun, the nine "
"planets and a few major satellites, with four camera modes. Written by Raul "
"Alonso. This is not included with the XScreenSaver package, but is packaged "
"separately. Note: SSystem does not work as a screen saver on all systems, "
"because it doesn't communicate with xscreensaver properly. It happens to "
"work with some window managers, but not with others, so your mileage may "
"vary. SSystem was once available at &lt;"
"&gt;, but is now gone. You may still be able to find copies elsewhere. "
"SSystem has since evolved into Celestia, found at &lt;http://www.shatters."
"net/celestia/&gt;. Sadly, Celestia does not work with xscreensaver at all. "
"You are encouraged to nag the authors into adding xscreensaver support!"
msgstr ""
"Az SSystem egy naprendszerszimulátor. Közel repül a Naphozt, a kilenc "
"bolygóhoz és a fő holdakhoz, összesen négyféle kamera módban. Írta Raul "
"Alonso.Az SSystem-ből lett továbbfejlesztve a Celestia nevű szoftver, mely "
"azonban már nem működik együtt az xscreensaverrel. Milyen kár..."
#: hacks/config/stairs.xml.h:6
msgid "Stairs"
msgstr "Lépcső"
#: hacks/config/stairs.xml.h:8
msgid ""
"by Marcelo Vianna's third Escher GL hack, this one draws an ``infinite'' "
msgstr ""
"Marcelo Vianna harmadik Escher GL hack-je alapján ez egy ``végtelen'' "
"lépcsősort rajzol."
#: hacks/config/starfish.xml.h:1
msgid "Color Gradients"
msgstr "Színátmenetek"
#: hacks/config/starfish.xml.h:7
msgid "Pulsating Blob"
msgstr "Lüktető folt"
#: hacks/config/starfish.xml.h:10
msgid "Starfish"
msgstr "Tengeri csillag"
#. #### -no-cycle
#: hacks/config/starfish.xml.h:14
msgid ""
"This generates a sequence of undulating, throbbing, star-like patterns which "
"pulsate, rotate, and turn inside out. Another display mode uses these shapes "
"to lay down a field of colors, which are then cycled. The motion is very "
"organic. Written by Jamie Zawinski."
msgstr ""
"Hullámzó, lüktető, csillagszerű motívumok sorozatát rajzolja meg, amely "
"forog, pulzál és kifordul önmagából. Egy másik megjelenítési mód egy "
"színmezőt hoz létre ezekből a alakzatokból, amiket aztán megforgat. írta: "
"Jamie Zawinski."
#: hacks/config/starwars.xml.h:2
msgid "Anti-aliased Lines"
msgstr "Álnév nélküli vonalak"
#: hacks/config/starwars.xml.h:3
msgid "Centered Text"
msgstr "Középre igazított szöveg"
#: hacks/config/starwars.xml.h:4
msgid ""
"Draws a stream of text slowly scrolling into the distance at an angle, over "
"a star field, like at the beginning of the movie of the same name. Written "
"by Jamie Zawinski and Claudio Matauoka."
msgstr ""
"Egy szöveget jelenít meg, amely lassan a távolba vész, amely egy "
"csillagmezőn suhan át, akárcsak az azonos című film kezdetén.írta: Jamie "
"Zawinski és Claudio Matauoka."
#: hacks/config/starwars.xml.h:5
msgid "Fade Out"
msgstr "Elhalványul"
#: hacks/config/starwars.xml.h:7
msgid "Flush Left Text"
msgstr "Szöveg balra igazítása"
#: hacks/config/starwars.xml.h:8
msgid "Flush Right Text"
msgstr "Szöveg jobbra igazítása"
#: hacks/config/starwars.xml.h:9
msgid "Font Point Size"
msgstr "Betűpont-méret"
#: hacks/config/starwars.xml.h:10
msgid "Scroll Speed"
msgstr "Görgetés sebessége"
#: hacks/config/starwars.xml.h:13
msgid "Star Rotation Speed"
msgstr "Csillag forgási sebessége"
#: hacks/config/starwars.xml.h:14
msgid "StarWars"
msgstr "Csillagok Háborúja"
#: hacks/config/starwars.xml.h:15
msgid "Text Columns"
msgstr "Szövegoszlopok"
#: hacks/config/starwars.xml.h:16
msgid "Text Lines"
msgstr "Szövegsorok"
#: hacks/config/starwars.xml.h:18
msgid "Thick Lines"
msgstr "Vastag sorok"
#: hacks/config/starwars.xml.h:19
msgid "Wrap Long Lines"
msgstr "Hosszú sorok tördelése"
#: hacks/config/stonerview.xml.h:1
msgid ""
"Chains of colorful squares dance around each other in complex spiral "
"patterns. Written by Andrew Plotkin, based on SGI's `electropaint' "
msgstr ""
"Színes négyzetek léncolata táncol körbe komplex spirál motívumokban. írta: "
"Andrew Plotkin, az SGI `electropaint' képernyővédője alapján."
#: hacks/config/stonerview.xml.h:3
msgid "StonerView"
msgstr "StonerView"
#: hacks/config/strange.xml.h:1
msgid "Curviness"
msgstr "Görbeség"
#: hacks/config/strange.xml.h:9
msgid "Strange"
msgstr "Furcsa"
#: hacks/config/strange.xml.h:10
msgid ""
"This draws strange attractors: it's a colorful, unpredictably-animating "
"field of dots that swoops and twists around. The motion is very nice. "
"Written by Massimino Pascal."
msgstr ""
"Furcsa attraktorokat rajzol: ez egy színes, kiszámíthatatlanul animáló "
"pontmező, amely lecsap és körbe-körbecsavarodik. Nagyon szép a mozgás. írta: "
"Massimino Pascal."
#: hacks/config/superquadrics.xml.h:3
msgid ""
"Ed Mackey reports that he wrote the first version of this program in BASIC "
"on a Commodore 64 in 1987, as a 320x200 black and white wireframe. Now it is "
"GL and has specular reflections."
msgstr ""
"Ed Mackey bevallása szerint 1987-ben írta e program első verzióját BASIC-ben "
"egy Commodor 64-en, 320x200-as fekete-fehérben. Ma már GL és tükröző "
"visszaverődésekkel teli."
#: hacks/config/superquadrics.xml.h:11
msgid "Superquadrics"
msgstr "Superquadrics"
#: hacks/config/swirl.xml.h:4
msgid ""
"More flowing, swirly patterns. This version is by M. Dobie and R. Taylor, "
"but you might have seen a Mac program similar to this called FlowFazer. "
"There is also a cool Java applet of a similar concept."
msgstr ""
"Még több áramló, örvénylő motívum. Ezt a változatot M. Dobie és R. Taylor "
"írta, de van egy hasonló Mac program is, melynek neve FlowFazer.Létezik egy "
"hasonló koncepcióan alapuló Java applet is."
#: hacks/config/swirl.xml.h:8
msgid "Swirl"
msgstr "Örvény"
#: hacks/config/t3d.xml.h:1
msgid "0 deg"
msgstr "0 fok"
#: hacks/config/t3d.xml.h:2
msgid "5 Minute Tick Marks"
msgstr "5 percenkénti jelzések"
#: hacks/config/t3d.xml.h:3
msgid "90 deg"
msgstr "90 fok"
#: hacks/config/t3d.xml.h:4
msgid "Bigger"
msgstr "Nagyobb"
#: hacks/config/t3d.xml.h:5
msgid "Cycle Seconds"
msgstr "Körforgás másodpercek"
#: hacks/config/t3d.xml.h:10
msgid "Minute Tick Marks"
msgstr "Percjelzők"
#: hacks/config/t3d.xml.h:12
msgid "Smaller"
msgstr "Kisebb"
#: hacks/config/t3d.xml.h:14
msgid "T3D"
msgstr "T3D"
#. #### -hsv [?]
#: hacks/config/t3d.xml.h:16
msgid ""
"This draws a working analog clock composed of floating, throbbing bubbles. "
"Written by Bernd Paysan."
msgstr ""
"Ez egy működő analóg órát rajzol lebegő, lüktető buborékokból. írta: Bernd "
#: hacks/config/t3d.xml.h:17
msgid "Turn Side-to-Side"
msgstr "Oldalról oldara fordítás"
#: hacks/config/t3d.xml.h:18
msgid "Wobbliness"
msgstr "Ingadozás"
#: hacks/config/thornbird.xml.h:1
msgid ""
"Displays a view of the ``Bird in a Thornbush'' fractal. Written by Tim "
msgstr "A``Madár a tövisbokorban'' fraktált jeleníti meg. írta: Tim Auckland."
#: hacks/config/thornbird.xml.h:6
msgid "Points"
msgstr "Pont"
#: hacks/config/thornbird.xml.h:12
msgid "Thornbird"
msgstr "Tövismadár"
#: hacks/config/triangle.xml.h:2
msgid ""
"Generates random mountain ranges using iterative subdivision of triangles. "
"Written by Tobias Gloth."
msgstr ""
"Véletlenszerű hegyvonulatokat hoz létre, háromszögek iteratív felosztásából. "
"írta: Tobias Gloth."
#: hacks/config/triangle.xml.h:7
msgid "Triangle"
msgstr "Háromszög"
#. #### -anim-step-size [3]
#: hacks/config/truchet.xml.h:5
msgid ""
"This draws line- and arc-based Truchet patterns that tile the screen. "
"Written by Adrian Likins."
msgstr ""
"Vonalakon és íveken alapuló Truchet motívumokat rajzol, amelyek becsempézik "
"a képernyőt. írta: Adrian Likins."
#: hacks/config/truchet.xml.h:6
msgid "Truchet"
msgstr "Truchet"
#: hacks/config/twang.xml.h:2
msgid ""
"Divides the screen into a grid, and plucks them. Written by Dan Bornstein."
msgstr "Berácsozza a képernyőt, és megrángatja őket. írta: Dan Bornstein."
#: hacks/config/twang.xml.h:6
msgid "Jumpy"
msgstr "Ugrálós"
#: hacks/config/twang.xml.h:11
msgid "Springiness"
msgstr "Ruganyosság"
#: hacks/config/twang.xml.h:13
msgid "Transference"
msgstr "Átvitel"
#: hacks/config/twang.xml.h:14
msgid "Twang"
msgstr "Pengés"
#. #### -instring [?]
#: hacks/config/vermiculate.xml.h:2
msgid "Draws squiggly worm-like paths. Written by Tyler Pierce."
msgstr "Tekergőző kukacszerű útvonalat rajzol. írta: Tyler Pierce."
#: hacks/config/vermiculate.xml.h:3
msgid "Vermiculate"
msgstr "Féregminta"
#: hacks/config/vidwhacker.xml.h:2 hacks/config/webcollage.xml.h:2
msgid "2 seconds"
msgstr "2 másodperc"
#: hacks/config/vidwhacker.xml.h:4
msgid "Image Directory"
msgstr "Képkönyvtár"
#: hacks/config/vidwhacker.xml.h:5
msgid ""
"This is actually just a shell script that grabs a frame of video from the "
"system's video input, and then uses some PBM filters (chosen at random) to "
"manipulate and recombine the video frame in various ways (edge detection, "
"subtracting the image from a rotated version of itself, etc.) Then it "
"displays that image for a few seconds, and does it again. This works really "
"well if you just feed broadcast television into it."
msgstr ""
"Ez a képernyővédő a videóbemeneten érkező képen végez különféle műveleteket. "
"Különösen érdekes akkor, ha egy televízió képe van rákötve."
#: hacks/config/vidwhacker.xml.h:6
msgid "VidWhacker"
msgstr "VidWhacker"
#: hacks/config/vines.xml.h:6
msgid ""
"This one generates a continuous sequence of small, curvy geometric patterns. "
"It scatters them around your screen until it fills up, then it clears the "
"screen and starts over. Written by Tracy Camp and David Hansen."
msgstr ""
"Ez a program kicsi, görbülő geometrikus motívumok folyamatos sorozatát "
"alkotja meg. Szétszórja őket a képernyőn, és amikor tele lesz, az egész "
"képernyő letisztul és újrakezdődik. írta: Tracy Camp és David Hansen."
#: hacks/config/vines.xml.h:8
msgid "Vines"
msgstr "Kúszónövények"
#: hacks/config/wander.xml.h:5
msgid "Draw Spots"
msgstr "Foltok rajzolása"
#: hacks/config/wander.xml.h:6
msgid ""
"Draws a colorful random-walk, in various forms. Written by Rick Campbell."
msgstr ""
"Színes, véletlenszerű sétát rajzol le, változó formákban. írta: Rick "
#: hacks/config/wander.xml.h:14
msgid "Sustain"
msgstr "Fenntart"
#: hacks/config/webcollage.xml.h:3
msgid "Dictionary File"
msgstr "Szótárfájl"
#: hacks/config/webcollage.xml.h:5
msgid "Overall Filter Program"
msgstr "Általános szűrőprogram"
#: hacks/config/webcollage.xml.h:6
msgid "Per-Image Filter Program"
msgstr "Képenkénti szűrőprogram"
#: hacks/config/webcollage.xml.h:9
msgid ""
"This program makes collages out of random images pulled off of the World "
"Wide Web. It finds these images by doing random web searches, and then "
"extracting images from the returned pages. It can also be set up to filter "
"the images through the `VidWhacker' program, above, which looks really "
"great. (Note that most of the images it finds are text, and not pictures. "
"This is because most of the web is pictures of text. Which is pretty sad.) "
"Written by Jamie Zawinski."
msgstr ""
"Ez a program kollázst készít az internetről véletlenszerű keresés alapján "
"leszedett képekből. írta: Jamie Zawinski."
#: hacks/config/webcollage.xml.h:10
msgid "URL Timeout"
msgstr "URL időtúllépés"
#: hacks/config/webcollage.xml.h:11
msgid "WebCollage"
msgstr "Webkollázs"
#: hacks/config/whirlwindwarp.xml.h:2
msgid ""
"Floating stars are acted upon by a mixture of simple 2D forcefields. The "
"strength of each forcefield changes continuously, and it is also switched on "
"and off at random. By Paul 'Joey' Clark."
msgstr ""
"Csillagok lebegnek kétdimenziós erőterek keverékében. Az egyes erőterek "
"erőssége folyamatosan változik, sőt véletlenszerűen ki- és bekapcsolódik. "
"írta: Paul 'Joey' Clark."
#: hacks/config/whirlwindwarp.xml.h:7
msgid "Trail Size"
msgstr "Nyom mérete"
#: hacks/config/whirlwindwarp.xml.h:8
msgid "WhirlwindWarp"
msgstr "WhirlwindWarp"
#: hacks/config/whirlygig.xml.h:1
msgid "Amplitude"
msgstr "Kilengés"
#: hacks/config/whirlygig.xml.h:2
msgid "Circle"
msgstr "Kör"
#: hacks/config/whirlygig.xml.h:3
msgid "Draws zooming chains of sinusoidal spots. Written by Ashton Trey Belew."
msgstr "írta: Ashton Trey Belew."
#: hacks/config/whirlygig.xml.h:4
msgid "Explain modes"
msgstr "Módok leírása"
#: hacks/config/whirlygig.xml.h:5
msgid "Fun"
msgstr "Móka"
#: hacks/config/whirlygig.xml.h:6
msgid "Funky"
msgstr "Funky"
#: hacks/config/whirlygig.xml.h:7
msgid "Innie"
msgstr "Innie"
#: hacks/config/whirlygig.xml.h:8
msgid "Leave a trail"
msgstr "Nyomot hagy"
#: hacks/config/whirlygig.xml.h:9
msgid "Linear"
msgstr "Lineáris"
#: hacks/config/whirlygig.xml.h:11
msgid "Lissajous"
msgstr "Lissajous"
#: hacks/config/whirlygig.xml.h:15
msgid "Test"
msgstr "Próba"
#: hacks/config/whirlygig.xml.h:16
msgid "Use Double Buffering"
msgstr "Kettős pufferolás használata"
#: hacks/config/whirlygig.xml.h:17
msgid "Whirlies"
msgstr "Forgókák"
#: hacks/config/whirlygig.xml.h:18
msgid "WhirlyGig"
msgstr "WhirlyGig"
#: hacks/config/whirlygig.xml.h:19
msgid "Wrap the screen"
msgstr "Képernyő tördelése"
#. #### -3d
#: hacks/config/worm.xml.h:2
msgid ""
"An ancient xlock hack that draws multicolored worms that crawl around the "
"screen. Written by Brad Taylor, Dave Lemke, Boris Putanec, and Henrik "
msgstr ""
"Egy régi xclock változat, amely sokszínű férgeket rajzol, amint a képernyőn "
"körbetekeregnek. írta: Brad Taylor, Dave Lemke, Boris Putanec, és Henrik "
#: hacks/config/xaos.xml.h:1
msgid "XaoS"
msgstr "XaoS"
#: hacks/config/xaos.xml.h:2
msgid ""
"XaoS generates fast fly-through animations of the Mandelbrot and other "
"fractal sets. Written by Thomas Marsh and Jan Hubicka. This is not included "
"with the XScreenSaver package, but if you don't have it already, you can "
"find it at &lt;;."
msgstr ""
"A XaoS Mandelbrot és más fraktálhalmazok animációit mutatja be. Írta Thomas "
"Marsh és Jan Hubicka."
#: hacks/config/xdaliclock.xml.h:1
msgid "12-Hour Time"
msgstr "12 órás idő"
#: hacks/config/xdaliclock.xml.h:2
msgid "24-Hour Time"
msgstr "24 órás idő"
#: hacks/config/xdaliclock.xml.h:3
msgid "Cycle Colors"
msgstr "Körforgó színek"
#: hacks/config/xdaliclock.xml.h:4
msgid "Display Seconds"
msgstr "Másodpercek megjelenítése"
#: hacks/config/xdaliclock.xml.h:5
msgid "Huge Font"
msgstr "Óriási betű"
#: hacks/config/xdaliclock.xml.h:6 hacks/config/xmatrix.xml.h:10
msgid "Large Font"
msgstr "Nagy betű"
#: hacks/config/xdaliclock.xml.h:7
msgid "Medium Font"
msgstr "Közepes betű"
#: hacks/config/xdaliclock.xml.h:8 hacks/config/xmatrix.xml.h:16
msgid "Small Font"
msgstr "Kicsi betű"
#: hacks/config/xdaliclock.xml.h:9
msgid "XDaliClock"
msgstr "XDaliClock"
#: hacks/config/xdaliclock.xml.h:10
msgid ""
"XDaliClock draws a large digital clock, the numbers of which change by "
"``melting'' into their new shapes. Written by Jamie Zawinski. This is not "
"included with the XScreenSaver package, but if you don't have it already, "
"you can find it at &lt;;."
msgstr ""
"Az XDaliClock egy nagy digitális órát rajtol, melynek számai átfolynak "
"egymásba. Írta Jamie Zawinski."
#: hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:1
msgid "Bright"
msgstr "Fényes"
#: hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:2
msgid "Date/Time Stamp"
msgstr "Dátum/Idő bélyegző"
#: hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:3
msgid "Day Dim"
msgstr "Nappali homály"
#: hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:5
msgid "Display Stars"
msgstr "Csillagok megjelenítése"
#: hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:8
msgid "Label Cities"
msgstr "Városok címkézése"
#: hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:9
msgid "Lower Left"
msgstr "Bal alsó"
#: hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:10
msgid "Lower Right"
msgstr "Jobb alsó"
#: hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:13
msgid "Mercator Projection"
msgstr "Mercator projekció"
#: hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:14
msgid "Night Dim"
msgstr "Éjjeli homály"
#: hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:15
msgid "No Stars"
msgstr "Nincsenek csillagok"
#: hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:16
msgid "North/South Rotation"
msgstr "Észak/Dél forgás"
#: hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:18
msgid "Orthographic Projection"
msgstr "Ortografikus projekció"
#: hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:19
msgid "Real Time"
msgstr "Valós idő"
#: hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:20
msgid "Shaded Image"
msgstr "Árnyékos kép"
#: hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:21
msgid "Sharp"
msgstr "Éles"
#: hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:23
msgid "Spacing"
msgstr "Kitöltés"
#: hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:26
msgid "Terminator Blurry"
msgstr "Terminátor Foltos"
#: hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:27
msgid "Time Warp"
msgstr "Időeltolódás"
#: hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:29
msgid "Upper Left"
msgstr "Bal felső"
#: hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:30
msgid "Upper Right"
msgstr "Jobb felső"
#: hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:31
msgid ""
"XEarth draws an image of the Earth, as seen from your favorite vantage point "
"in space, correctly shaded for the current position of the Sun. Written by "
"Kirk Johnson. This is not included with the XScreenSaver package, but if you "
"don't have it already, you can find it at &lt;"
msgstr ""
"Az XEarth a Föld bolygó képét rajzolja ki, az éppen aktuális napszaknak "
"megfelelően. Írta Kirk Johnson."
#: hacks/config/xearth.xml.h:32
msgid "Xearth"
msgstr "Xföld"
#: hacks/config/xfishtank.xml.h:5
msgid "Fish"
msgstr "Hal"
#: hacks/config/xfishtank.xml.h:6
msgid "Fish Speed"
msgstr "Hal sebessége"
#: hacks/config/xfishtank.xml.h:7
msgid ""
"Fish! This is not included with the XScreenSaver package, but if you don't "
"have it already, you can find it at &lt;"
msgstr "Halak!!!!!"
#: hacks/config/xfishtank.xml.h:12
msgid "XFishTank"
msgstr "XFishTank"
#: hacks/config/xflame.xml.h:1
msgid "Bitmap File"
msgstr "Bitmap fájl"
#: hacks/config/xflame.xml.h:2
msgid ""
"Draws a simulation of pulsing fire. It can also take an arbitrary image and "
"set it on fire too. Written by Carsten Haitzler, hacked on by many others."
msgstr ""
"Lobogó tűz szimulációját rajzolja meg. Tetszőleges képet is választhat, "
"amelyet meg akar gyújtani. írta: Carsten Haitzler."
#: hacks/config/xflame.xml.h:3
msgid "Enable Blooming"
msgstr "Virágzás engedélyezése"
#: hacks/config/xflame.xml.h:8
msgid "Xflame"
msgstr "Xflame"
#. #### -font []
#: hacks/config/xjack.xml.h:5
msgid ""
"This program behaves schizophrenically and makes a lot of typos. Written by "
"Jamie Zawinski. If you haven't seen Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece, ``The "
"Shining,'' you won't get it. Those who have describe this hack as "
msgstr "Ez egy skizofrén módon viselkedő program. írta: Jamie Zawinski."
#: hacks/config/xjack.xml.h:6
msgid "Xjack"
msgstr "Xjack"
#. #### -w []
#: hacks/config/xlyap.xml.h:2
msgid ""
"This generates pretty fractal pictures by doing funky math involving the "
"``Lyapunov exponent.'' It has a cool interactive mode, too. Written by Ron "
msgstr ""
"Csinos fraktálképeket hoz létre a ``Lyapunov-exponens'' felhasználásával."
"Klassz interaktív módja is van. írta: Ron Record."
#: hacks/config/xlyap.xml.h:3
msgid "Xlyap"
msgstr "Xlyap"
#: hacks/config/xmatrix.xml.h:1
msgid ""
"A rendition of the text scrolls seen in the movie ``The Matrix.'' Written by "
"Jamie Zawinski."
msgstr ""
"A Mátrix c. filmből ismert szöveg interpretációja. írta: Jamie Zawinski."
#: hacks/config/xmatrix.xml.h:2
msgid "Binary Encoding"
msgstr "Bináris kódolás"
#: hacks/config/xmatrix.xml.h:4
msgid "Expansion Algorithm"
msgstr "Bővítési algoritmus"
#: hacks/config/xmatrix.xml.h:6
msgid "Full"
msgstr "Tele"
#: hacks/config/xmatrix.xml.h:7
msgid "Genetic Encoding"
msgstr "Genetikus kódolás"
#: hacks/config/xmatrix.xml.h:8
msgid "Hexadecimal Encoding"
msgstr "Hexadecimális kódolás"
#: hacks/config/xmatrix.xml.h:9
msgid "Knock Knock"
msgstr "Kop-kop"
#: hacks/config/xmatrix.xml.h:11
msgid "Matrix Encoding"
msgstr "Mátrix kódolás"
#: hacks/config/xmatrix.xml.h:12
msgid "Phone Number"
msgstr "Telefonszám"
#: hacks/config/xmatrix.xml.h:13
msgid "Run Trace Program"
msgstr "Nyomkövető program futtatása"
#: hacks/config/xmatrix.xml.h:14
msgid "Slider Algorithm"
msgstr "Csúsztatási algoritmus"
#: hacks/config/xmatrix.xml.h:19
msgid "Synergistic Algorithm"
msgstr "Szinergikus algoritmus"
#: hacks/config/xmatrix.xml.h:20
msgid "Xmatrix"
msgstr "Xmatrix"
#: hacks/config/xmountains.xml.h:2
msgid "Reflections"
msgstr "Visszaverődések"
#: hacks/config/xmountains.xml.h:3
msgid "Side View"
msgstr "Oldalnézet"
#: hacks/config/xmountains.xml.h:6
msgid "Top View"
msgstr "Felülnézet"
#. #### -Y float [0.000000] fraction of old value for rg1
#: hacks/config/xmountains.xml.h:8
msgid ""
"XMountains generates realistic-looking fractal terrains of snow-capped "
"mountains near water, with either a top view or a side view. Written by "
"Stephen Booth. This is not included with the XScreenSaver package, but if "
"you don't have it already, you can find it at &lt;"
"~spb/xmountains/&gt;. Be sure to compile it with -DVROOT or it won't work "
"right when launched by the xscreensaver daemon."
msgstr ""
"Az XMountains valódinak kinéző fraktálhegyeket generál hósipkával, vízzel, "
"felső vagy oldalsó nézetből. Stephen Booth írta."
#: hacks/config/xmountains.xml.h:9
msgid "Xmountains"
msgstr "Xhegyek"
#: hacks/config/xrayswarm.xml.h:1
msgid ""
"Draws a few swarms of critters flying around the screen, with nicely faded "
"color trails behind them. Written by Chris Leger."
msgstr ""
"Csóvák egész raja repül körbe a képernyőn, szépen árnyékolt, színes "
"nyomvonalakat hagyva maguk után. írta: Chris Leger."
#: hacks/config/xrayswarm.xml.h:5
msgid "XRaySwarm"
msgstr "XRaySwarm"
#. #### -nonopopup
#: hacks/config/xsnow.xml.h:2
msgid ""
"Draws falling snow and the occasional tiny Santa. By Rick Jansen. You can "
"find it at &lt;;."
msgstr "Hóesést rajzol, meg néha apró Mikulásokat is. Rick Jansen írta."
#: hacks/config/xsnow.xml.h:3
msgid "Xsnow"
msgstr "Xhó"
#: hacks/config/xspirograph.xml.h:4
msgid "Layers"
msgstr "Rétegek"
#: hacks/config/xspirograph.xml.h:5
msgid ""
"Simulates that pen-in-nested-plastic-gears toy from your childhood. By Rohit "
msgstr "Egy régi gyerekjátékot szimulál. írta: Rohit Singh."
#: hacks/config/xspirograph.xml.h:6
msgid "XSpiroGraph"
msgstr "XSpiroGraph"
#: hacks/config/xteevee.xml.h:1
msgid "Color Bars Enabled"
msgstr "Színosáv engedélyezve"
#: hacks/config/xteevee.xml.h:2
msgid "Cycle Through Modes"
msgstr "Módok ciklikus váltogatása"
#: hacks/config/xteevee.xml.h:3
msgid "Rolling Enabled"
msgstr "Görgetés engedélyezve"
#: hacks/config/xteevee.xml.h:4
msgid "Static Enabled"
msgstr "Zaj engedélyezése"
#: hacks/config/xteevee.xml.h:5
msgid "XTeeVee"
msgstr "XTeeVee"
#: hacks/config/xteevee.xml.h:6
msgid ""
"XTeeVee simulates various television problems, including static, loss of "
"vertical hold, and a test pattern. By Greg Knauss."
msgstr ""
"Az XTeeVee különböző televízió-meghibásodásokat szimulál, pl. zaj, "
"függőleges szinkron elvesztése, tesztkép. írta: Greg Knauss."
#: hacks/config/zoom.xml.h:3
msgid "Lens Offset"
msgstr "Lencsék eltolódása"
#: hacks/config/zoom.xml.h:4
msgid "Lenses"
msgstr "Lencsék"
#: hacks/config/zoom.xml.h:9
msgid ""
"Zooms in on a part of the screen and then moves around. With the -lenses "
"option the result is like looking through many overlapping lenses rather "
"than just a simple zoom. Written by James Macnicol."
msgstr ""
"Kinagyítja a képernyő egy-egy részletét, majd körbemegy. A -lencsék "
"beállítással az eredmény olyan, mintha egyszerre több, egymást fedő lencsén "
"néznénk át. írta: James Macnicol."
#~ msgid "AT vbox2 table"
#~ msgstr "AT vbox2 table"
#~ msgid "AT vbox2 table atk pwd"
#~ msgstr "AT vbox2 table atk pwd"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Draws fireworks and zooming, fading flares. By Tom Campbell. You can find "
#~ "it at <>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Tüzijátékot és növekvő, eltűnő fényjeleket rajzol. írta: Tom Campbell."
#~ "Megtalálható még: <> "
#~ msgid ""
#~ "ElectricSheep is an xscreensaver module that displays mpeg video of an "
#~ "animated fractal flame. In the background, it contributes render cycles "
#~ "to the next animation. Periodically it uploades completed frames to the "
#~ "server, where they are compressed for distribution to all clients. This "
#~ "program is recommended only if you have a high bandwidth, always-on "
#~ "connection to the Internet. By Scott Draves. You can find it at <http://"
#~ ">."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Az ElectricSheep egy xscreensaver modul, amely egy mpeg videót jelenít "
#~ "meg egy animált fraktális lángról. A háttérben, it contributes render "
#~ "cycles to the next animation. Időszakosan feltölt completed frames a "
#~ "kiszolgálóra, where they are compressed for distribution to all clients. "
#~ "This program is recommended only if you have a high bandwidth, always-on "
#~ "connection to the Internet. írta: Scott Draves. Megtalálható itt: <http://"
#~ ">."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This port of the OSX screensaver of the same name draws a colourful star"
#~ "(fish)like flurry of particles. xscreensaver port by Tobias Sargeant "
#~ "<> Original Mac version by Calum Robinson "
#~ "<>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Az OSX képernyővédő e portja a részecskék záporából színes csillagot "
#~ "formáz. xscreensaverre portolta: Tobias Sargeant <tobias.sargeant@bigpond."
#~ "com> Az eredeti Mac verziót készítette: Calum Robinson <> "
#~ ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Draws an animation of sprinkling fire-like 3D triangles in a landscape "
#~ "filled with trees. Requires OpenGL, and a machine with fast hardware "
#~ "support for texture maps. Written by Eric Lassauge <lassauge@mail.dotcom."
#~ "fr>."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Három dimenziós tűzszerű háromszögek animációját rajzolja meg egy "
#~ "tájképben, amely fákkal van tele. 3D gyorsítóval rendelkező kép szükséges "
#~ "hozzá. írta: Eric Lassauge <>."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Replays historical games of go (aka wei-chi and baduk) on the screen. By "
#~ "Scott Draves. You can find it at <>."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Híres történelmi játszmákat elevenít fel a képernyőn. írta: Scott Draves. "
#~ "Megtalálható a <> oldalon."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Draws the gravity force in each point on the screen seen through a "
#~ "halftone dot pattern. The gravity force is calculated from a set of "
#~ "moving mass points. View it from a distance for best effect. Written by "
#~ "Peter Jaric <>."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "A képernyő minden pontján ábrázolja a gravitációs erőt. A gravitációs erő "
#~ "a mozgó tömegpontok alapján lett kiszámítva. Távolabbról nézve optimális "
#~ "a hatás. írta: Peter Jaric <>."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Draws an animation of textured balls spinning like crazy in GL. Requires "
#~ "OpenGL, and a machine with fast hardware support for texture maps. "
#~ "Written by Eric Lassauge <>."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Őrült gyorsasággal cikázó, mintázott labdákat animál GL környezetben. "
#~ "Open GL-t és gyors számítógépet igényel. írta: Eric Lassauge "
#~ "<>."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "SphereEversion draws an animation of a sphere being turned inside out. A "
#~ "sphere can be turned inside out, without any tears, sharp creases or "
#~ "discontinuities, if the surface of the sphere is allowed to intersect "
#~ "itself. This program animates what is known as the Thurston Eversion. "
#~ "Written by Nathaniel Thurston and Michael McGuffin. This program is not "
#~ "included with the XScreenSaver package, but if you don't have it already, "
#~ "you can find it at <>."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "A SphereEversion egy önmagából kiforduló gömb animációja. írta: Nathaniel "
#~ "Thurston és Michael McGuffin. Ezt a programot nem tartalmazza az "
#~ "XScreenSaver-csomag, de megtalálható a következő weboldalon: <http://www."
#~ ">."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "SSystem is a GL Solar System simulator. It simulates flybys of Sun, the "
#~ "nine planets and a few major satellites, with four camera modes. Written "
#~ "by Raul Alonso. This is not included with the XScreenSaver package, but "
#~ "is packaged separately. Note: SSystem does not work as a screen saver on "
#~ "all systems, because it doesn't communicate with xscreensaver properly. "
#~ "It happens to work with some window managers, but not with others, so "
#~ "your mileage may vary. SSystem was once available at <"
#~ "~amil/ssystem/>, but is now gone. You may still be able to find copies "
#~ "elsewhere. SSystem has since evolved into Celestia, found at <http://www."
#~ ">. Sadly, Celestia does not work with xscreensaver "
#~ "at all. You are encouraged to nag the authors into adding xscreensaver "
#~ "support!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Az SSystem egy háromdimenziós Solar System szimulátor. Két kamera-"
#~ "modellel szimulálja a Nap körüli kilenc bolygót és néhány főbb holdat. "
#~ "írta: Raul Alonso. Ezt nem tartalmazza az XScreenSaver-csomag. Figyelem: "
#~ "az SSystem nem működik képernyővédőnek az összes rendszeren, mert nem "
#~ "megfefelően kommunikál az xscreensaver-rel, de néhány ablakkezelővel "
#~ "működik. "
#~ msgid ""
#~ "XaoS generates fast fly-through animations of the Mandelbrot and other "
#~ "fractal sets. Written by Thomas Marsh and Jan Hubicka. This is not "
#~ "included with the XScreenSaver package, but if you don't have it already, "
#~ "you can find it at <>."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "A XaoS gyorsan átrepülő animációkaz készít a Mandelbrotból és más "
#~ "fraktálokból. írta: Thomas Marsh és Jan Hubicka. Ezt nem tartalmazza az "
#~ "XScreenSaver-csomagban, de megtalálható a <> "
#~ "weboldalon."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "XDaliClock draws a large digital clock, the numbers of which change by "
#~ "``melting'' into their new shapes. Written by Jamie Zawinski. This is not "
#~ "included with the XScreenSaver package, but if you don't have it already, "
#~ "you can find it at <>."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Az XDaliClock egy nagy digitális órát rajzol, amelynek számai úgy "
#~ "változnak, hogy az új formába átolvadnak. írta: Jamie Zawinski. Ezt nem "
#~ "tartalmazza az XScreenSaver-csomag, de a <> "
#~ "oldalon megtalálható."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "XEarth draws an image of the Earth, as seen from your favorite vantage "
#~ "point in space, correctly shaded for the current position of the Sun. "
#~ "Written by Kirk Johnson. This is not included with the XScreenSaver "
#~ "package, but if you don't have it already, you can find it at <http://www."
#~ ">."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Az XFöld egy képet rajzol a Földről, ahogy az űrből látszik, és "
#~ "árnyékolása a Nap mindenkori állásához igazodik. írta: Kirk Johnson. Ezt "
#~ "nem tartalmazza az XScreenSaver-csomag, de megtalálható a <http://www.cs."
#~ "> oldalon."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Fish! This is not included with the XScreenSaver package, but if you "
#~ "don't have it already, you can find it at <"
#~ "Linux/X11/demos/>."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hal! Ezt nem tartalmazza az XScreenSaver-csomag, de megtalálható a "
#~ "<> oldalon."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "XMountains generates realistic-looking fractal terrains of snow-capped "
#~ "mountains near water, with either a top view or a side view. Written by "
#~ "Stephen Booth. This is not included with the XScreenSaver package, but if "
#~ "you don't have it already, you can find it at <"
#~ "~spb/xmountains/>. Be sure to compile it with -DVROOT or it won't work "
#~ "right when launched by the xscreensaver daemon."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Az XHegyek valósághű fraktális hófödte, vízközeli hegyeket hoz létre, "
#~ "amely felülről vagy oldalnézetből látható. írta: Stephen Booth. Ezt nem "
#~ "tartalmazza az XScreenSaver-csomag, de megtalálható a <http://www.epcc.ed."
#~ "> oldalon. -DVROOT-tal fordítsa, vagy nem fog "
#~ "helyesen működni, ha azxscreensaver démon indítja."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Draws falling snow and the occasional tiny Santa. By Rick Jansen. You can "
#~ "find it at <>."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hull a hó, és alkalmanként feltűnik egy kicsi Télapó. írta: Rick Jansen. "
#~ "Megtalálható a <> oldalon."
#~ msgid "Cant run hacks if logged in as root!"
#~ msgstr "Rendszergazdaként nem futtathatja a hackeket!"
#~ msgid "Please select the image directory."
#~ msgstr "Kérem válassza ki a képkönyvtárat."
#~ msgid "User:"
#~ msgstr "Felhasználó:"
#~ msgid "Pin:"
#~ msgstr "Pin:"
#~ msgid "How long after the screen blanks until a password will be required."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Mennyi idő elteltével szükséges a jelszó, miután a képernyő elsötétült?"
#~ msgid "How long before the screensaver activates."
#~ msgstr "Mennyi idő elteltével aktiválódjon a képernyővédő?"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "How long each display mode should run before choosing a new one (in "
#~ "Random mode.)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Mennyi ideig fussanak az egyes kijelzőmódok, mielőtt új indul el "
#~ "(véletlenszerűmódban)?"
#~ msgid "How long until the monitor goes completely black."
#~ msgstr "Mennyi idő után sötétüljön el teljesen a képernyő?"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Not\n"
#~ "Installed"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nincs\n"
#~ "telepítve"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Whether the image-manipulating modes should operate on images captured "
#~ "from the system's video input (if there is one.)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Engedélyezi-e, hogy bizonyos képkezelő eljárások a rendszerre "
#~ "csatlakoztatott kamera képét használják fel (ha van ilyen)?"
#~ msgid "_Lock Screen After"
#~ msgstr "Képernyő _zárolása ennyi idő után:"
#~ msgid "_Verbose Diagnostics"
#~ msgstr "_Bővebb diagnosztikák"
#~ msgid "not installed"
#~ msgstr "nincs telepítve"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Configure the settings of the screensaver."
#~ msgstr "Képernyővédő beállítások"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Sandpaper"
#~ msgstr "Háttérkép"