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<refentry id="libaudiofile-3">
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<refmiscinfo class="date">3 Apr2003</refmiscinfo>
<refmiscinfo class="sectdesc">&man3;</refmiscinfo>
<refmiscinfo class="software">&release;</refmiscinfo>
<refmiscinfo class="arch">generic</refmiscinfo>
<refmiscinfo class="copyright">&suncopy;</refmiscinfo>
audio file library</primary></indexterm><refnamediv id="libaudiofile-3-name">
<refname>&cmd;</refname><refpurpose>audio file library</refpurpose></refnamediv>
<refsynopsisdiv id="libaudiofile-3-synp"><title>&synp-tt;</title>
<cmdsynopsis><command>#include &lt;audiofile.h></command>
<cmdsynopsis><command>#include &lt;aupvlist.h></command>
<cmdsynopsis><command>#include &lt;af_vfs.h></command>
<refsect1 id="libaudiofile-3-desc"><title>&desc-tt;</title>
<para>The audio file library provides a uniform programming interface to standard
digital audio file formats. This library allows the processing of audio data
to and from audio files of many common formats (currently AIFF, AIFF-C, WAVE,
NeXT/Sun .snd/.au, and IRCAM). The library also supports compression (currently
G.711 mu-law, A-law, IMA, and MS ADPCM) as well as PCM formats of all flavors
(signed and unsigned integer, floating point and double-precision floating
<para><filename>audiofile.h</filename> contains all of the public interfaces
to the library. <filename>aupvlist.h</filename> contains the interfaces to
the parameter value list data structures and routines. <filename>af_vfs.h
</filename> should only be included if using audio file library through virtual
file operations.</para>
<refsect1 id="libaudiofile-3-exde"><title>&exde-tt;</title>
<para>One premise of the audio file library is that the data presented to
an application need not be in the same format as the data contained in the
file. Another, however, is that the capabilities of the file format are exposed
to the application programmer should the programmer wish to take advantage
of them.</para>
<para>To read from a file containing audio data, you typically use the following
sequence of function calls:</para>
<screen>AFfilehandle afOpenFile (const char *filename, const char *mode, AFfilesetup setup);
int afReadFrames (AFfilehandle, int track, void *buffer, int frameCount);
int afCloseFile (AFfilehandle file);</screen>
<para>To write to a file, you typically use a similar sequence of commands:
<screen>AFfilesetup afNewFileSetup (void);
AFfilehandle afOpenFile (const char *filename, const char *mode, AFfilesetup setup);
int afWriteFrames (AFfilehandle, int track, const void *buffer,
int frameCount);
int afCloseFile (AFfilehandle file);</screen>
<para>Data format transparency is achieved in the audio file library by providing
the data in a virtual format. The virtual format consists of a virtual byte
order and a virtual sample format. Virtual byte order is by default set to
the host byte order and does not depend on the native byte order of the file
format being used. Virtual sample format is by default in an uncompressed
<para>The current audio file library does not support the concept of a virtual
sampling rate, but this may be supported in the future.</para>
<para>At present, the audio file library supports only CCITT G.711 mu-law/A-law
<para>An audio file is manipulated through the <literal>AFfilehandle</literal>
opaque data type. Calls to the library are made with this file handle as an
argument. When opening a file for writing, another opaque data structure called <literal>
AFfilesetup</literal> is used. This structure is then passed to calls that
set various file parameters at the time the file is created, such as its file
type and data format. Such properties cannot be modified for an existing file.
<refsect2 id="libaudiofile-3-exde-func"><title>Functions</title>
<para>The following functions are available through the library:</para>
a file setup structure.</para>
<varlistentry><term>afFreeFileSetup</term><listitem><para>Free a file setup
<varlistentry><term>afOpenFile</term><listitem><para>Create a file handle
structure given a file name and optionally a file setup.</para>
<varlistentry><term>afCloseFile</term><listitem><para>Close an open audio
<varlistentry><term>afSyncFile</term><listitem><para>Update an audio file
that has been opened for writing.</para>
</term><listitem><para>Set virtual format for audio data within a specified
<para>Set parameters of an <literal>AFfilesetup</literal> structure which
will be used to open an audio file for writing.</para>
<varlistentry><term>afQuery</term><listitem><para>Query regarding the capabilities
of the audio file library.</para>
<varlistentry><term>afQueryLong</term><listitem><para>Query whether the data
is of type <literal>long</literal>.</para>
<varlistentry><term>afQueryPointer</term><listitem><para>Query whether the
data is of type <literal>pointer</literal>.</para>
<varlistentry><term>afQueryDouble</term><listitem><para>Query whether the
data is of type <literal>double</literal>.</para>
<varlistentry><term>afSetLoop*</term><listitem><para>The group of functions
that set loop parameters.</para>
<varlistentry><term>afGetLoop*</term><listitem><para>The group of functions
that get loop parameters.</para>
<varlistentry><term>afSetMark*</term><listitem><para>The group of functions
that set mark parameters.</para>
<varlistentry><term>afGetMark*</term><listitem><para>The group of functions
that get mark parameters.</para>
<varlistentry><term>afSetInst*</term><listitem><para>The group of functions
that set instrument parameters.</para>
<varlistentry><term>afGetInst*</term><listitem><para>The group of functions
that get instrument parameters.</para>
<varlistentry><term>afGetAESChannelData</term><listitem><para>Get AES channel
data for a given audio file.</para>
<varlistentry><term>afSetAESChannelData</term><listitem><para>Set AES channel
data for a given audio file.</para>
<varlistentry><term>afInitAESChannelData</term><listitem><para>Specify that
storage space is to be allocated for AES channel status data in a given audio
<varlistentry><term>afInitAESChannelDataTo</term><listitem><para>Specify whether
storage space is to be allocated for AES channel status data in a given audio
<refsect1 id="libaudiofile-3-file"><title>&file-tt;</title>
<para>The following files are used by this application:</para>
<variablelist termlength="wide"><varlistentry><term><filename>/usr/&cmd;.so
</filename></term><listitem><para>Audio file shared library</para>
<para>Public interfaces C header file</para>
<para>Parameter value list C header file</para>
<para>Virtual File System C header file</para>
<refsect1 id="libaudiofile-3-attr"><title>&attr-tt;</title>
<para>See <olink targetdocent="REFMAN5" localinfo="attributes-5"><citerefentry>
for descriptions of the following attributes:</para>
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2" colsep="1" rowsep="1"><colspec colname="COLSPEC0" colwidth="1*">
<colspec colname="COLSPEC1" colwidth="1*">
<row><entry align="center" valign="middle">ATTRIBUTE TYPE</entry><entry align="center"
valign="middle">ATTRIBUTE VALUE</entry></row>
<row><entry colname="COLSPEC0"><para>Interface stability</para></entry><entry colname="COLSPEC1"><para>Volatile</para></entry></row>
<refsect1 id="libaudiofile-3-also"><title>&also-tt;</title>
<!--Reference to another man page-->
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<!--Reference to a book.-->
<refsect1 id="libaudiofile-3-note"><title>&note-tt;</title>
<para>Written by Ghee Teo, Sun Microsystems Inc., 2003. This library is provided
as an Open Source project by Silicon Graphics.</para>