<!DOCTYPE REFENTRY PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems//DTD DocBook V3.0-Based SolBook Subset V2.0//EN" [
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<!--ARC : LSARC 2008/346 w3m Text Based Web Browser -->
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<?Pub UDT _bookmark _target>
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<refentry id="w3m-1">
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<refmiscinfo class="date">22 Oct 2008</refmiscinfo>
<refmiscinfo class="sectdesc">&man1;</refmiscinfo>
<refmiscinfo class="software">&release;</refmiscinfo>
<refmiscinfo class="arch">generic</refmiscinfo>
<refmiscinfo class="copyright">&suncopy;</refmiscinfo>
A text based Web browser and pager
<refnamediv id="w3m-1-name">
a text based Web browser and pager
<refsynopsisdiv id="w3m-1-synp">
<arg choice="opt"><option>options</option></arg>
<arg choice="opt"><option>URL or filename</option></arg>
<para>Use "w3m -h" to display a complete list of current options.
<refsect1 id="w3m-1-desc"><title>&desc-tt;</title>
<para>w3m is a World Wide Web (WWW) text based client. It has English and Japanese help files and an option menu and can be configured to use either language. It will display hyper- text markup language (HTML) documents containing links to files residing on the local system, as well as files resid- ing on remote systems. It can display HTML tables and frames. In addition, it can be used as a "pager" in much the same manner as "more" or "less".
</para> </refsect1>
<refsect1 id="w3m-1-opts"><title>&opts-tt;</title>
<para>At start up, w3m will load any local file or remote URL specified at the command line. For help with runtime options, press "H" while running _w_3_m. Command line options are:
-t tab Set tab width
-r Ignore backspace effect
-l line Number of preserved line (default 10000)
-B Load bookmark
-bookmark file
Specify bookmark file
-T type Specify content-type
-m Internet message mode
-v Visual startup mode
-M Monochrome display
-F Automatically render frame
-dump Dump formatted page into stdout
<refsect1 id="w3m-1-attr"><title>&attr-tt;</title>
<para>See <olink targetdocent="REFMAN5" localinfo="attributes-5"><citerefentry>
for descriptions of the following attributes:</para>
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2" colsep="1" rowsep="1"><colspec colname="COLSPEC0" colwidth="1*">
<colspec colname="COLSPEC1" colwidth="1*">
<entry align="center" valign="middle">ATTRIBUTE TYPE</entry>
<entry align="center" valign="middle">ATTRIBUTE VALUE</entry></row> </thead>
<entry colname="COLSPEC0"><para>Interface stability</para></entry>
<entry colname="COLSPEC1"><para>Volatile</para></entry></row> </tbody> </tgroup> </informaltable> </refsect1>
<refsect1 id="w3m-1-also"><title>&also-tt;</title>
<!--Reference to another man page-->
<!--Reference to a Help manual-->
<!--Reference to a book.-->
<citerefentry><refentrytitle>attributes</refentrytitle><manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> </para>
<citetitle>&cmd; Website</citetitle>,
<literal>http://w3m.sourceforge.net/index.en.html</literal> </para> </refsect1>
<refsect1 id="w3m-1-note"><title>&note-tt;</title>
<para>Authored by Akinori ITO <aito@fw.ipsj.or.jp>, Updated by Lei Ju, Sun Microsystems Inc., 2008.</para>