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<!--ARC : LSARC 2008/721 gftp for OpenSolaris-->
<!ENTITY cmd "gftp">
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<refentry id="gftp-1">
<!-- %Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI; -->
<refmiscinfo class="date">19 Feb 2009</refmiscinfo>
<refmiscinfo class="sectdesc">&man1;</refmiscinfo>
<refmiscinfo class="software">&release;</refmiscinfo>
<refmiscinfo class="arch">generic</refmiscinfo>
<refmiscinfo class="copyright">&suncopy;</refmiscinfo>
<refnamediv id="gftp-1-name"><refname>&cmd;</refname>
<refpurpose>file transfer client</refpurpose></refnamediv>
<refsynopsisdiv id="gftp-1-synp"><title>&synp-tt;</title>
<arg choice="opt"><option>-help</option></arg>
<arg choice="opt"><option>-info</option></arg>
<arg choice="opt"><option>-version</option></arg>
<arg choice="opt"><option role="nodash"><arg choice="opt"><option role="nodash">proto://</option></arg>
<arg choice="opt"><option role="nodash"> <replaceable>user</replaceable> :<arg choice="opt"><option role="nodash"><replaceable>pass</replaceable></option></arg> @</option></arg> <replaceable>server</replaceable> <arg choice="opt"><option role="nodash">: <replaceable>port</replaceable> </option></arg> <arg choice="opt"><option role="nodash">/ <replaceable>directory</replaceable> </option></arg>
<refsect1 id="gftp-1-desc"><title>&desc-tt;</title>
<command>&cmd;</command> is a file transfer client. It currently has a text
interface and a GTK+ 2.x graphical interface. It supports the FTP, FTPS
(control connection only), HTTP, HTTPS, SSH and FSP protocols.
<refsect1 id="gftp-1-opts"><title>&opts-tt;</title>
You may enter a url on the command line that <command>&cmd;</command> will
automatically connect to when it starts up.
<variablelist termlength="medium">
<varlistentry><term><option>-help, -h</option></term>
<listitem><para>Display program usage.</para>
Display some information about how <command>&cmd;</command> was built. Please
send the output of this command when submitting a bug report.
<varlistentry><term><option>-version, -v</option></term>
Display the current version of <command>&cmd;</command>.
<refsect1 id="gexif-1-oper"><title>&oper-tt;</title>
<para>The following operands are supported:</para>
<variablelist termlength="narrow">
<varlistentry><term><option role="nodash"><replaceable>proto</replaceable></option></term>
This specifies the protocol that should be used. It can currently be one of the
following options: ftp, ftps, http, https, ssh, fsp, local and bookmark. If
omitted, the protocol specified by the default_protocol option will be used.
<varlistentry><term><option role="nodash"><replaceable>user</replaceable></option></term>
The username that will be used to log into the remote server. If omitted, your
current username will be used for most protocols. For the FTP protocol, the
anonymous username will be used.
<varlistentry><term><option role="nodash"><replaceable>pass</replaceable></option></term>
The password that will be used to log into the remote server. If omitted, you
will be prompted for the password. If you are using the FTP protocol, and the
username is anonymous, then your email address will be used as the password.
<varlistentry><term><option role="nodash"><replaceable>server</replaceable></option></term>
The remote server to connect.
<varlistentry><term><option role="nodash"><replaceable>port</replaceable></option></term>
The remote port on the server to connect. If omitted, the default port for the
protocol will be used. The port will be looked up in the services(5) file.
<varlistentry><term><option role="nodash"><replaceable>directory</replaceable></option></term>
The directory to change to once you are connected to the remote server.
<refsect1 id="gftp-1-file"><title>&file-tt;</title>
<variablelist termlength="wide">
Per user configuration file. Most of these options can be edited inside
<command>&cmd;</command>. This file is also commented very well.
Per user bookmarks file.
<refsect1 id="gftp-1-attr"><title>&attr-tt;</title>
<para>See <olink targetdocent="REFMAN5" localinfo="attributes-5"><citerefentry>
for descriptions of the following attributes:
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2" colsep="1" rowsep="1"><colspec colname="COLSPEC0" colwidth="1*">
<colspec colname="COLSPEC1" colwidth="1*">
<row><entry align="center" valign="middle">ATTRIBUTE TYPE</entry><entry align="center"
valign="middle">ATTRIBUTE VALUE</entry></row>
<row><entry colname="COLSPEC0"><para>Interface stability</para></entry><entry
<refsect1 id="gftp-1-also"><title>&also-tt;</title>
<!--Reference to another man page-->
<!--Reference to a Help manual-->
<!--Reference to a book.-->
For more information about <command>&cmd;</command>, please refer to
If you find any bugs in <command>&cmd;</command>, please report them to GNOME's
Bugzilla at <literal>http://bugzilla.gnome.org/</literal>.</para>
<refsect1 id="gftp-1-note"><title>&note-tt;</title>
<para>Written by Alfred Peng, Sun Microsystems Inc., 2009. </para>