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<!ENTITY cmd "enchant">
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<refentry id="enchant-1">
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<refmiscinfo class="date">30 Jul 2008</refmiscinfo>
<refmiscinfo class="sectdesc">&man1;</refmiscinfo>
<refmiscinfo class="software">&release;</refmiscinfo>
<refmiscinfo class="arch">generic</refmiscinfo>
<refmiscinfo class="copyright">&suncopy;</refmiscinfo>
<refnamediv id="enchant-1-name">
a spell checker
a spell checker
<refsynopsisdiv id="enchant-1-synp"><title>&synp-tt;</title>
<arg choice="opt"><option>a</option></arg>
<arg choice="opt"><option>d <replaceable>dictionary</replaceable></option></arg>
<arg choice="opt"><option>l</option></arg>
<arg choice="opt"><option>L</option></arg>
<arg choice="opt"><option>v</option></arg>
<arg choice="opt"><option role="nodash"><replaceable>file</replaceable></option></arg>
<refsect1 id="enchant-1-desc"><title>&desc-tt;</title>
<command>&cmd;</command> is an ispell-compatible spellchecker.
<refsect1 id="enchant-1-opts"><title>&opts-tt;</title>
<para>The following options are supported:</para>
<variablelist termlength="medium">
<listitem><para>List alternatives.</para>
<varlistentry><term><option>d </option><replaceable>dictionary</replaceable></term>
Uses the specified <replaceable>dictionary</replaceable>.
<listitem><para>List only the misspellings.</para>
line numbers in the output.</para>
<listitem><para>Displays version information.</para>
<refsect1 id="enchant-1-oper"><title>OPERANDS</title>
<para>The following operands are supported:</para>
<variablelist termlength="medium">
<varlistentry><term><option role="nodash"><replaceable>file</replaceable></option></term>
The text <replaceable>file</replaceable> to be checked. If this parameter is
not specified, then standard input is used.
<refsect1 id="enchant-1-file"><title>&file-tt;</title>
<para>The following files are used by this application:</para>
<variablelist termlength="medium">
<varlistentry><term><filename>enchant.ordering;</filename> </term><listitem>
<para>Enchant has a global and a per-user ordering file named
<filename>enchant.ordering</filename>. It lets the user specify which spelling
backend to use for individual languages in the case when you
care which backend gets used. The global file is located in
$(datadir)/enchant and the per-user file is located in
~/.enchant. The per-user file takes precedence, if found.</para>
<para>The ordering file takes the form language_tag:<comma-
separated list of spelling backends>. Currently it supports
following backends: aspell, myspell, ispell, uspell,
hspell. The comma-separated list may not include spaces. '*'
is used to mean "use this ordering for all languages, unless
instructed otherwise." For example:
<refsect1 id="enchant-1-attr"><title>&attr-tt;</title>
<para>See <olink targetdocent="REFMAN2" localinfo="attributes-5"><citerefentry>
for descriptions of the following attributes:</para>
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2" colsep="1" rowsep="1"><colspec colname="COLSPEC0" colwidth="1*">
<colspec colname="COLSPEC1" colwidth="1*">
<row><entry align="center" valign="middle">ATTRIBUTE TYPE</entry><entry align="center"
valign="middle">ATTRIBUTE VALUE</entry></row>
<row><entry colname="COLSPEC0"><para>Interface stability</para></entry><entry
<refsect1 id="enchant-1-also"><title>&also-tt;</title>
<!--Reference to another man page-->
<!--Reference to a Help manual-->
<!--Reference to a book.-->
<refsect1 id="enchant-1-note"><title>&note-tt;</title>
Unless configured otherwise, Enchant's Myspell, Ispell, and
Uspell backends will look for dictionaries in directories
specific to Enchant, and will not use your system-wide
installed dictionaries. This is for pragmatic reasons since
many distributions install these dictionaries into different
Like the enchant.ordering file described above, Enchant
looks in the global directory for these dictionaries and a
per-user directory. The per-user directory takes precedence
if it is found. Enchant looks for Myspell dictionaries in
$(datadir)/enchant/myspell and ~/.enchant/myspell. Enchant
looks for Ispell dictionaries in $(datadir)/enchant/ispell
and ~/.enchant/ispell. Enchant looks for Uspell dic-
tionaries in $(datadir)/enchant/uspell and ~/.enchant/uspell.
Packagers and users may wish to make symbolic links to the
system-wide dictionary directories. Or, preferably, use the
--with-myspell-dir, --with-ispell-dir, and --with-uspell-dir
'configure' arguments.
Written by Jeff Cai, Sun Microsystems Inc., 2009.