Copyright (c) 2008, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
For the avoidance of doubt, except that if any license choice other
than GPL or LGPL is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to
use only the General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) at this time
for any software where a choice of GPL license versions is made
available with the language indicating that GPLv2 or any later
version may be used, or where a choice of which version of the GPL
is applied is otherwise unspecified.
Afin d'écarter le moindre doute, à moins qu'un choix de licence autre que
la GPL ou LGPL ne soit proposé et donc appliqué à sa place, Sun a décidé,
pour le moment, d'utiliser uniquement la General Public License version 2 (GPLv2)
pour tout logiciel où le choix de versions de licences GPL s'accompagne d'une mention
indiquant que la GPLv2 ou toute version ultérieure peut être utilisée, ou pour tout
logiciel où le choix de version de la GPL à appliquer n'est spécifié en aucune manière.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of Avahi.
This file is distributed under the same license as the avahi package.
Lucas Saboya <>, 2008.
Igor Pires Soares <>, 2008.
Taylon Silmer <>, 2009.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of Tracker.
Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the tracker package.
Luiz Armesto <>, 2007, 2008.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2008.
Henrique P Machado <>, 2008.
Fábio Nogueira <>, 2008.
Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc
This file is distributed under the same license as the tracker package.
Desktop Discuss <>
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of Dia.
Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Francisco Petrúcio Cavalcante Junior <>, 2000.
Alexandre Folle de Menezes <>, 2003, 2006.
Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira <>, 2003.
Everson Santos Araujo <>, 2004.
Afonso Celso Medina <>, 2004, 2005.
Igor Pires Soares <>, 2008.
Og Maciel <>, 2009.
Copyright for
Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc
This file is distributed under the same license as the fsexam package.
Desktop Discuss <>
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of dasher.
Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the dasher package.
Rodrigo Lima <>, 2004.
Goedson Teixeira Paixao <>, 2004-2006.
Og Maciel <>, 2006-2007, 2009.
Vladimir Melo <>, 2007.
Rodrigo Flores <>, 2007.
Fabricio Godoy <>, 2008.
Djavan Fagundes <>, 2008.
Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc
This file is distributed under the same license as the dasher package.
Desktop Discuss <>
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of gok.
Copyright (C) 2003-2005, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the gok package.
Alexandre Folle de Menezes <>, 2003.
Maurício de Lemos Rodrigues Collares Neto <>, 2003-2004.
Afonso Celso Medina <>, 2004.
Goedson Teixeira Paixao <>, 2004-2005.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2007, 2008.
Og Maciel <>, 2007-2008.
Washington Lins <>, 2007.
André Gondim <>, 2009.
Jonh Wendell <>, 2009.
Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese Translation for AT-SPI
Copyright (C) 2003, 2008 Gnome Foundation
This file is distributed under the same license as the at-spi package.
Gustavo Noronha Silva <>, 2003.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2008.
Og Maciel <>, 2009.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of Mousetweaks.
Copyright (C) 1999-2009 the Mousetweaks authors.
This file is distributed under the same license as the mousetweaks package.
Luiz Armesto <>, 2008.
Enrico Nicoletto <>, 2008.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2008, 2009.
André Gondim <>, 2009.
Fabrício Godoy <>, 2009.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of Orca.
Copyright (C) 2004-2009 the Orca authors.
This file is distributed under the same license as the orca package.
Raphael Higino <In Memoriam>, 2004-2005.
Jonh Wendell <>, 2007.
Fábio Nogueira <>, 2007.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2007-2009.
Og Maciel <>, 2007, 2009.
Djavan Fagundes <>, 2007.
Tiago Melo Casal <>, 2007-2009.
Michel Recondo <>, 2008.
André Gondim <> 2009.
Jonh Wendell <>, 2009.
Marco de Freitas <>, 2009.
Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc
This file is distributed under the same license as the orca package.
Desktop Discuss <>
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of quick-lounge-applet.
Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the quick-lounge-applet package.
Raphael Higino (In Memoriam), 2004.
Fábio Nogueira <>, 2008.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of gnome-netstatus
This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-netstatus package.
Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Estêvão Samuel Procópio <>, 2004.
Everson Santos Araujo <>, 2004.
Guilherme de S. Pastore <>, 2005.
César Veiga <>, 2009.
Henrique P. Machado <>, 2009.
Djavan Fagundes <>, 2009.
Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc
This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-netstatus package.
Desktop Discuss <>
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of file-roller.
Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Marcus Brito <>, 2002.
David Barzilay <>, 2003.
Gustavo Noronha Silva <>, 2004.
Goedson Teixeira Paixão <>, 2004.
Afonso Celso Medina <>, 2005.
Rodrigo Flores <>, 2007.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2007-2008.
Og Maciel <>, 2007-2008.
Fabrício Godoy <>, 2008.
Fábio Nogueira <>, 2008.
Fabrício Godoy <>, 2009.
Krix Apolinário <>, 2009.
Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc
This file is distributed under the same license as the file-roller package.
Desktop Discuss <>
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of the GNOME Calculator.
Copyright (C) 2003-2009 the GNOME Calculator authors.
This file is distributed under the same license as the gcalctool package.
Alexandre Folle de Menezes <>, 2003.
Joao Emanuel <>, 2003.
Estêvão Samuel Procópio <>, 2004.
Raphael Higino <>, 2004.
Afonso Celso Medina <>, 2005.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2007-2009.
Og Maciel <>, 2007-2009.
Fabrício Godoy <>, 2008.
Rodrigo L. M. Flores <>, 2009.
Daniel S. Koda <>, 2009.
Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese Translation.
Copyright © 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Marcelo Toledo <>, 2002.
Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc
This file is distributed under the same license as the gtkam package.
Desktop Discuss <>
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of Brasero
Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Brasero's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
This file is distributed under the same license as the Brasero package.
Vladimir Melo <>, 2007, 2009.
Og Maciel <>, 2007, 2009.
Raphael Higino <In Memorian>, 2007.
Djavan Fagundes <>, 2008.
Lucas Hermann Negri <>, 2008.
Carlos Eduardo Moreira dos Santos <>, 2008.
César Veiga <>, 2008, 2009.
Fabrício Godoy <>, 2009.
André Gondim <>, 2009.
Copyright (C) 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc
This file is distributed under the same license as the brasero package.
Desktop Discuss <>
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of sound-juicer.
Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the sound-juicer package.
Raphael Higino <In memoriam>, 2004-2005.
Afonso Celso Medina <>, 2005.
Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <, 2006.
Og Maciel <>, 2006-2009.
Vladimir Melo <>, 2008.
Djavan Fagundes <>, 2008.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2009.
Enrico Nicoletto <>, 2009.
André Gondim <>, 2009.
Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of libbonobo.
Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the libbonobo package.
Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira <>, 2000.
Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <>, 2002, 2004, 2005.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2006.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation for GConf-Editor.
Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <>, 2002-2003.
David Barzilay <>, 2003.
Goedson Teixeira Paixao <>, 2004.
Welther José O. Esteves <>, 2004.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2006, 2009.
Og Maciel <>, 2007.
Washington Lins <>, 2007.
Fabrício Godoy <>, 2008.
André Gondim <>, 2009.
Confiram as traduções de "set", "unset", "get" e "listener" no gconf.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of gconf.
Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the gconf package.
Alexandre Hautequest <>, 1999.
Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira <>, 2000-2001.
David Barzilay <>, 2003.
Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <>, 2004-2006.
Vladimir Melo <>, 2008.
Fabrício Godoy <>, 2008.
Henrique P. Machado <>, 2008.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2009.
André Gondim <>, 2009.
listener → atendente
get → obter
set → definir
unset → limpar
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of bug-buddy.
Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the bug-buddy package.
Juan Carlos Castro y Castro <>, 2000, 2001.
David Barzilay <>, 2003.
Afonso Celso Medina <>, 2005.
Guilherme de S. Pastore <>, 2005, 2006.
Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <>, 2006.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2006.
Fábio Nogueira <>, 2007-2008.
Og Maciel <>, 2007.
Vladimir Melo <>, 2008.
Michel Recondo <>, 2008.
Djavan Fagundes <>, 2008.
Fabrício Godoy <>, 2009.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of gdesklets.
Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the gdesklets package.
Tiago Cardoso Menezes <>, 2003.
Raphael Higino <>, 2004.
Luiz Fernando da Silva Armesto <>, 2007.
Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc
This file is distributed under the same license as the gdesklet package.
Desktop Discuss <>
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of GNOME Control Center.
Copyright (C) 1999-2008 The GNOME Control Center authors.
This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-control-center package.
Ivan Passos <>, 1999.
Sandro Nunes Henrique <>, 1999.
Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira <>, 2000-2001.
Tiago Cardoso Menezes <>, 2003.
Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <>, 2004, 2006.
Alex Camacho Castilho <>, 2004.
Guilherme de S. Pastore <>, 2004-2005.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2006, 2008.
Luiz Armesto <>, 2007-2008.
Og Maciel <>, 2007, 2009.
Washington Lins <>, 2007.
Raul Pereira <>, 2007.
Jonh Wendell <>, 2008, 2009
Henrique P Machado <>, 2008-2009.
Fabrício Godoy <>, 2008.
Djavan Fagundes <>, 2008, 2009.
André Gondim <>, 2009.
Krix Apolinário <>, 2009.
Copyright (C) 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc
This file is distributed under the same license as the control-center package.
Desktop Discuss <>
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of gnome-control-center.
Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-control-center package.
Ivan Passos <>, 1999.
Sandro Nunes Henrique <>, 1999.
Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira <>, 2000-2001.
Tiago Cardoso Menezes <>, 2003.
Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <>, 2004, 2006.
Alex Camacho Castilho <>, 2004.
Guilherme de S. Pastore <>, 2004, 2005.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2006, 2008.
Luiz Fernando S. Armesto <>, 2007.
Og Maciel <>, 2007.
Washington Lins <>, 2007.
Raul Pereira <>, 2007.
Djavan Fagundes <>, 2008.
Jonh Wendell <>, 2009.
Krix Apolinário <>, 2009.
Vladimir Melo <>, 2009.
Henrique P. Machado <>, 2009.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of zenity.
Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the zenity package.
Alexandre Folle de Menezes <>, 2003.
Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <>, 2004, 2006.
Og Maciel <>, 2007.
Fábio Nogueira <>, 2007-2008, 2009.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of gdm2.
Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the gdm2 package.
Jorge Godoy <>
E. A. Tacão <>
Francisco Petrúcio Cavalcante Junior <>
Gustavo Noronha Silva <>, 2003, 2004.
David Barzilay <>, 2003.
Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira <>, 2004.
Afonso Celso Medina <>, 2004, 2005.
Alexandre Folle de Menezes <>, 2003, 2005-2006.
Guilherme de S. Pastore <>, 2006.
Washington Lins <>, 2007.
Raul Pereira <>, 2007.
Rafael Sfair <>, 2007.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2007-2008.
Luiz Armesto <>, 2007.
Copyright (C) 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc
This file is distributed under the same license as the gdm package.
Desktop Discuss <>
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of nautilus.
Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the nautilus package.
Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira <>, 2000-2001.
Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <>, 2002-2003, 2006.
Gustavo Noronha Silva <>, 2002-2003.
Alexandre Folle de Menezes <>, 2003.
Goedson Teixeira Paixao <>, 2004.
Raphael Higino <In memoriam>, 2004-2005.
Afonso Celso Medina <>, 2005.
Guilherme de S. Pastore <>, 2006.
Leonardo Fereira Fontenelle <>, 2006-2008.
Og Maciel <>, 2007-2009.
Rodrigo Flores <>, 2007.
Vladimir Melo <>, 2008-2009.
Fabrício Godoy <>, 2008-2009.
Jonh Wendell <>, 2009.
André Gondim <>, 2009.
Krix Apolinário <>, 2009.
Copyright (C) 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc
This file is distributed under the same license as the nautilus package.
Desktop Discuss <>
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of gtksourceview
This file is distributed under the same license as the gtksourceview package.
Fabio Rafael da Rosa <>, 2003.
Afonso Celso Medina <>, 2005.
Alexandre Folle de Menezes <>, 2005.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2007, 2008, 2009.
Washington Ferreira Lins Neto <>, 2007.
Og Maciel <>, 2007-2008.
Enrico Nicoletto <>, 2008.
Taylon Silmer <>, 2009.
Henrique P Machado <>, 2009.
Fábio Nogueira <>, 2009.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of gtksourceview
This file is distributed under the same license as the gtksourceview package.
Fabio Rafael da Rosa <>, 2003.
Afonso Celso Medina <>, 2005.
Alexandre Folle de Menezes <>, 2005.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2007.
Washington Ferreira Lins Neto <>, 2007.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of yelp.
Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <>, 2002.
Estêvão Samuel Procópio <>, 2003-2005.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2006.
Vladimir Melo <>, 2007.
Og Maciel <>, 2007.
Jonh Wendell <>, 2008
Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc
This file is distributed under the same license as the yelp package.
Desktop Discuss <>
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of ghex
Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the ghex package.
Edson A. Tacão <>, 2000.
Alexandre Folle de Menezes <>, 2002-2003.
Raphael Higino <In memoriam>, 2004.
Fábio Nogueira <>, 2008.
Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc
This file is distributed under the same license as the ghex package.
Desktop Discuss <>
Copyright for
Pidgin Portuguese (Brazilian) translation
Copyright (C) 2003-2007, Maurício de Lemos Rodrigues Collares Neto <>
Copyright (C) 2008-2009, Rodrigo Luiz Marques Flores <>
This file is distributed under the same license as the Pidgin package.
Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc
This file is distributed under the same license as the pidgin package.
Desktop Discuss <>
Copyright for
Brazilian Poruguese translation of the GIMP.
Copyright (C) 1999-2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the gimp package.
Cyro Mendes de Moraes Neto <>, 1999.
Marcia Norie Nakaza <>, 2000.
Alexandre Folle de Menezes <>, 2002-2003.
Joao S. O. Bueno <>, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008.
Og Maciel <>,2009.
Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of gthumb.
Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the gthumb package.
Gustavo Noronha Silva <>, 2001-2003.
Joao Paulo Gomes Vanzuita <>, 2004.
Viviani Ap. dos Santos <>, 2004.
Raphael Higino <>, 2004-2006.
Igor Pires Soares <>, 2007.
Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc
This file is distributed under the same license as the gthumb package.
Desktop Discuss <>
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of eog.
Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the eog package.
Eduardo Belloti <>, 2000.
Francisco Petrúcio Cavalcante Junior <>, 2001.
Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <>, 2002, 2006.
David Barzilay <>, 2003.
Gustavo Noronha Silva <>, 2003.
Goedson Teixeira Paixão <>, 2004.
Welther José O. Esteves <>, 2004.
Afonso Celso Medina <>, 2005.
Guilherme de S. Pastore <>, 2005.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2006-2009.
Og Maciel <>, 2007.
Rodrigo Flores <>, 2007.
Hugo Doria <>, 2008.
Vladimir Melo <>, 2008, 2009.
César Veiga <>, 2009.
Krix Apolinário <>, 2009.
Wancharle Sebastião Quirino <>, 2009.
Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation for libbonoboui.
Copyright (C) 2002, 2005-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <>, 2002.
Afonso Celso Medina <>, 2005.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2006-2007.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of GNOME Keyring.
Copyright (C) 2004-2009 the GNOME Keyring authors.
This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-keyring package.
Guilherme de S. Pastore <>, 2004-2005.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2006, 2008, 2009.
Vladimir Melo <>, 2007.
Hugo Doria <>, 2007-2008.
Enrico Nicoletto <>, 2008.
Daniel S. Koda <>, 2009.
Michel Recondo <>, 2009.
Fabrício Godoy <>, 2009.
André Gondim <>, 2009.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of libgnome.
Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Alexandre Hautequest <>, 1999.
Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira <>, 2000-2002.
Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <>, 2002-2004, 2006.
Raphael Higino <in memoriam>, 2005.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2006-2008.
Og Maciel <>, 2007-2008.
Henrique P Machado <>, 2008.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of GNOME Media.
Copyright (C) 2001-2009 the GNOME Media authors.
This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-media package.
Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira <>, 2001.
Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <>, 2002-2003.
Raphael Higino <In Memoriam>, 2004-2005.
Licio Fernando Nascimento da Fonseca <>, 2006.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2006, 2008, 2009.
Guilherme de S. Pastore <>, 2006.
Og Maciel <>, 2007.
Fabrício Godoy <>, 2008.
Djavan Fagundes <>, 2008.
Jonh Wendell <>, 2009.
André Gondim <>, 2009.
Henrique P Machado <>, 2009.
Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc
This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-media package.
Desktop Discuss <>
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of gst-plugins-good.
This file is distributed under the same license as the gst-plugins-good package.
Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Fabrício Godoy <>, 2008-2009.
data flow -> fluxo de dados
streaming -> fluxo contínuo
clock -> temporizador
Copyright (C) 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc
This file is distributed under the same license as the gst-plugin-good package.
Desktop Discuss <>, 2009.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of gst-plugins-base.
Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the gst-plugins-base package.
Fabrício Godoy <>, 2008-2009.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of GStreamer.
Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the GStreamer package.
Fabrício Godoy <>, 2008-2009.
pipeline -> fila de processamento
sink -> consumidor
flow -> fluxo
stream -> fluxo
preroll -> preparar
clock -> temporizador
sources + sinks = pad
element + element + ... = bin
description of media formats = caps
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of Totem.
Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Bastien Nocera.
This file is distributed under the same license as the totem package.
Welther José O. Esteves <>, 2004.
Afonso Celso Medina <>, 2005.
Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <>, 2005
Guilherme de S. Pastore <>, 2006.
Alexandre Folle de Menezes <>, 2002-2003, 2006.
Raphael Higino <In memoriam>, 2004-2005, 2007.
Og Maciel <>, 2007-2008.
Vladimir Melo <>, 2007, 2009.
Djavan Fagundes <>, 2008, 2009.
Taylon Silmer <>, 2009.
André Gondim <>, 2009.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2009
Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc
This file is distributed under the same license as the totem package.
Desktop Discuss <>
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of rhythmbox.
Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the rhythmbox package.
Alexandre Folle de Menezes <>, 2003.
Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <>, 2003.
Afonso Celso Medina <>, 2005, 2006.
Raphael Higino <In memoriam>, 2004, 2005, 2006.
Vinicius Pinheiro <>, 2006.
Guilherme de S. Pastore <>, 2006.
Lucas Mazzardo Veloso <>, 2007.
Raul Pereira <>, 2007.
Washington Lins <>, 2007.
Vladimir Melo <>, 2007, 2008, 2009.
Og Maciel <>, 2006-2009.
Fábio Nogueira <>, 2008.
Fabrício Godoy <>, 2008-2009.
Enrico Nicoletto <>, 2008.
Howard Zheng <>, 2009.
César Veiga <>, 2009.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2009.
Copyright for
Alacarte Menu Editor.
Copyright (C) 2006 Travis Watkins
This file is distributed under the same license as the Alacarte package.
Licio Fonseca <>, 2006.
Og Maciel <>, 2006.
Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc
This file is distributed under the same license as the alacarte package.
Desktop Discuss <>
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of libwnck.
Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <>, 2002-2005, 2006.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2006.
Og Maciel <>, 2006-2007.
Jonh Wendell <>, 2008.
Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of GNOME Menus.
Copyright (C) 2004-2008 the GNOME Menu authors.
This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-menus package.
Raphael Higino <In Memoriam>, 2004-2005.
Afonso Celso Medina <>, 2005.
Og Maciel <>, 2006-2007.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2007, 2008.
Fabrício Godoy <>, 2008
Krix Apolinário <>, 2009.
Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc
This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-menus package.
Desktop Discuss <>
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of gnome-panel.
Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-panel package.
Elvis Pfützenreuter <>
Sandro Nunes Henrique <>
Rodrigo Stulzer Lopes <>
Ricardo Soares Guimarães <>
Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira <>, 2000-2001.
Alexandre Folle de Menezes <>, 2002.
Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <>, 2002-2003, 2006.
Gustavo Noronha Silva <>, 2003.
Welther José O. Esteves <>, 2004.
Raphael Higino <In Memoriam>, 2004-2005.
Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <>, 2007.
Og Maciel <>, 2007-2009.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2007-2008.
Vladimir Melo <>, 2008, 2009.
Fábio Nogueira <>, 2008.
André Gondim <>, 2009.
Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of gnome-desktop.
Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-desktop package.
Elvis Pfützenreuter <>, 1999.
Sandro Nunes Henrique <>, 1999.
Rodrigo Stulzer Lopes <>, 1999.
Ricardo Soares Guimarães <>, 1999.
Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira <>, 2000-2001.
Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <>, 2003-2005.
Licio Fernando Nascimento da Fonseca <>, 2006.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2006.
Andre Noel <>, 2007.
Og Maciel <>, 2007.
Hugo Doria <>, 2007.
Fabrício Godoy <>, 2008.
Djavan Fagundes <>, 2008.
Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc
This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-desktop package.
Desktop Discuss <>
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of Evince.
Copyright (C) 2004-2009 the Evince authors.
This file is distributed under the same license as the evince package.
Raphael Higino <In Memoriam>, 2004-2005, 2007.
Licio Fernando <>, ?.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2006-2008.
Washington Lins <>, 2007.
Rodrigo Flores <>, 2007.
Hugo Doria <>, 2007-2008.
Vladimir Melo <>, 2008, 2009.
Taylon Silmer <>, 2009.
Fabrício Godoy <>, 2009.
André Gondim <>, 2009.
Og Maciel <>, 2009.
Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese Translation of Gnome Pilot
Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Derived from pt_PT translation of Carlos Morgado <>
Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira <>, 2000-2001.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2006.
Henrique P Machado <>, 2008.
A terminologia usada na tradução procura manter consistência com a
documentação oficial em português do Palm V. Os dois termos mais
importantes são: cradle == berço e conduit == canal.
Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of gnome-power-manager.
Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-power-manager package.
Raphael Higino <In Memoriam>, 2004-2005.
Licio Fernando <>, 2005.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2006-2008.
Og Maciel <>, 2007.
Fábio Nogueira <>, 2008.
Copyright (C) 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc
This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-power-manager package.
Desktop Discuss <>
Copyright for
Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of vino.
Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the vino package.
Raphael Higino <In Memoriam>, 2004-2006.
Igor Pires Soares <>, 2007.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2007.
Jonh Wendell <>, 2007,2009.
Og Maciel <>, 2007-2008.
Vladimir Melo <>, 2008.
Enrico Nicoletto <>, 2008.
Fábio Nogueira <>, 2008, 2009.
Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc
This file is distributed under the same license as the vino package.
Desktop Discuss <>
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of gnome-session.
Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-session package.
Elvis Pfützenreuter <>
Sandro Nunes Henrique <>
Rodrigo Stulzer Lopes <>
Ricardo Soares Guimarães <>
Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira <>, 2000-2001.
Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <>, 2002-2005.
Og Maciel <>, 2007-2009.
Vladimir Melo <>, 2008.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2008.
Djavan Fagundes <>, 2008.
André Gondim <>, 2009.
Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc
This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-session package.
Desktop Discuss <>
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of gnome-system-monitor.
Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-system-monitor package.
Francisco Petrúcio Cavalcante Junior <>, 2002.
Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <>, 2002, 2006.
Afonso Celso Medina <>, 2004.
Raphael Higino <>, 2005.
Vinicius Pinheiro <>, 2006.
Og Maciel <>, 2007, 2009.
Washington Lins <>, 2007.
Vladimir Melo <>, 2007.
Hugo Doria <>, 2007-2008.
Thiago Lima Demétrio <>, 2008.
Djavan Fagundes <>, 2008.
André Gondim <>, 2009.
Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Copyright for
Portuguese Brazilian translation of gnome-system-tools.
Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-system-tools package.
Francisco Petrúcio Cavalcante Junior <>, 2000.
Roberto Janny Teixeira Junior <>, 2000.
Bernardo Silveira <>, 2003.
Welther José O. Esteves <>, 2004.
Raphael Higino <>, 2004, 2005.
Guilherme de S. Pastore <>, 2005.
Copyright (C) 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc
This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-system-tools package.
Desktop Discuss <>
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of the GNOME Terminal.
Copyright (C) 2002-2008 the GNOME Terminal authors.
This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-terminal package.
Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <>, 2002, 2003.
Alexandre Folle de Menezes <>, 2003.
Gustavo Noronha Silva <>, 2004, 2005.
Goedson Teixeira Paixão <>, 2005?.
Guilherme de S. Pastore <>, 2005.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2007-2008.
Hugo Doria <>, 2008.
Rodrigo Luiz Marques Flores <>, 2008.
Og Maciel <>, 2008.
Enrico Nicoletto <>, 2009.
Fabrício Godoy <>, 2009.
César Veiga <>, 2009.
Henrique P Machado <>, 2009.
Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of gedit.
Copyright (C) 1999-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the gedit package.
Frederic L. W. Meunier <>, 1999.
Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <>, 2000.
Francisco Petrucio Cavalcante Junior <>, 2002.
David Barzilay <>, 2003.
Gustavo Noronha Silva <>, 2004.
João Emanuel <>, 2004.
João Paulo Gomes Vanzuita <>, 2004.
Raphael Higino <In Memoriam>, 2004-2005.
Everson Santos Araujo <>, 2005-2006.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2006-2008.
Jonh Wendell <>, 2008.
Fabrício Godoy <>, 2008.
Og Maciel <>, 2007, 2009.
César Veiga <>, 2009.
André Gondim <>, 2009.
Jader Henrique da Silva <>, 2009.
Fábio Nogueira <>, 2008, 2009.
Carlos José Pereira <>, 2009
Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of gnome-icon-theme.
Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-icon-theme
Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <>, 2002, 2003.
Tiago Cardoso Menezes <>, 2003.
Raphael Higino <In Memoriam>, 2004-2005.
Djavan Fagundes <>, 2007
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of gnome-backgrounds.
Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-backgrounds package.
Raphael Higino <>, 2005.
Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <>, 2006.
Alexandre Folle de Menezes <>, 2006.
Og Maciel <>, 2008
Copyright for
This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
Copyright for
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of gnome-themes.
Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-themes package.
Alexandre Folle de Menezes <>, 2003,2005.
Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <>, 2004.
Og Maciel <>, 2006-2007.
Djavan Fagundes <>, 2008.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of glade3.
Copyright (C) 2002-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the glade3 package.
Gustavo Noronha Silva <>, 2002, 2004.
Alexandre Folle de Menezes <>, 2003.
Afonso Celso Medina <>, 2004.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2007-2008.
Fabrício Godoy <>, 2008.
Igor Pires Soares <igor@projetofedora>, 2007,2008,2009.
Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of GNOME Utils.
Copyright (C) 1999-2008 the GNOME Utils authors.
This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-utils package.
Alexandre Hautequest <>, 1999.
Ariel Bressan da Silva <>, 2000.
Francisco Petrúcio Cavalcante Junior <>, 2001.
Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <>, 2002.
Welther José O. Esteves <>, 2004.
Afonso Celso Medina <>, 2005.
Guilherme de S. Pastore <>, 2005-2006.
Luiz Fernando S. Armesto <>, 2007.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2007-2009.
Og Maciel <>, 2007-2008.
Rodrigo Flores <>, 2007.
Hugo Doria <>, 2007, 2008.
Djavan Fagundes <>, 2008, 2009.
Krix Apolinário <>, 2009.
Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of gnome-vfs.
Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-vfs package.
Alexandre Hautequest <>, 1999.
Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira <>, 2000-2001.
David Barzilay <>, 2003.
Everson Santos Araujo <>, 2004.
Raphael Higino <>, 2004-2005, 2007.
Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <>, 2006.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2006, 2009.
Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of shared-mime-info.
Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the shared-mime-info package.
Raphael Higino <In memorian>, 2004-2007.
Djavan Fagundes <>, 2008.
Copyright for
translation of gnome-mime-data.HEAD.pt_BR.po to Portuguese
GNOME vfs translation for Brazilian Portuguese.
Copyright (C) 1999-2001,2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Alexandre Hautequest <>, 1999.
Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira <>, 2000-2001.
David Barzilay <>, 2003
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of metacity.
Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Sun G11n <>, 2002.
Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <>, 2002, 2003, 2006.
Gustavo Noronha Silva <>, 2004.
Alexandre Folle de Menezes <>, 2005.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2007, 2008.
Raul Pereira <>, 2007.
Og Maciel <>, 2007-2008.
Rodrigo Flores <>, 2007.
Djavan Fagundes <>, 2008, 2009.
Vladimir Melo <>, 2009.
Henrique P Machado <>, 2009.
Fábio Nogueira <>, 2009.
Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Copyright for
translation of gtkspell-2.0.6-pre1.po to Brazilian Portuguese
This file is distributed under the same license as the gtkspell-2.0.6-pre1 package.
Copyright (C) 2005 THE gtkspell-2.0.6-pre1'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER.
Renan Mathias Fernandes <>, 2005.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation for libgsf.
Copyright (C) 2009 libgsf's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
This file is distributed under the same license as the libgsf package.
Djavan Fagundes <>, 2009.
Copyright for
Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc
This file is distributed under the same license as the nwam-manager package.
Desktop Discuss <>
Copyright for
Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc
This file is distributed under the same license as the ospm package.
Desktop Discuss <>
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of Seahorse.
Copyright (C) 2000-2008 the Seahorse authors.
This file is distributed under the same license as the seahorse package.
Fábio Rafael da Rosa <>, 2003.
Max Reinhold Jahnke <>, 2004.
Luiz Armesto <>, 2007.
Raphael Higino <In memoriam>, 2004, 2007.
Djavan Fagundes <>, 2008.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2008-2009.
Henrique P. Machado <>, 2009.
André Gondim <>, 2009
Carlos José Pereira <>, 2009
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguse translation of xdg-user-dirs-gtk.
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the xdg-user-dirs-gtk package.
Raphael Higino <In Memoriam>, 2007.
Fábio Nogueira <>, 2008.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation for xdg-user-dirs
Copyright © 2007 xdg-user-dirs
This file is distributed under the same license as the xdg-user-dirs package.
based on the Portuguese translation by:
Duarte Loreto <>
Copyright (C) 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc
This file is distributed under the same license as the xdg-user-dirs package.
Desktop Discuss <>
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of evolution.
Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira <>, 2000-2004.
Afonso Celso Medina <>, 2004, 2005.
Washington Lins <>, 2007, 2008.
Guilherme de S. Pastore <>, 2007.
Raul Pereira <>, 2007.
Rodrigo Flores <>, 2007.
Vladimir Melo <>, 2008
Fabrício Godoy <>, 2008
Og Maciel <>, 2008.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2008, 2009.
André Gondim <>, 2009
Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc
This file is distributed under the same license as the evolution package.
Desktop Discuss <>
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of gtkhtml
Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the gtkhtml package.
Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira <>, 2000, 2004.
Alexandre Folle de Menezes <>, 2002-2003.
Afonso Celso Medina <>, 2005.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2007.
Washington Lins <>, 2007.
Vladimir Melo <>, 2008.
Lucas Hermann Negri <>, 2008.
Og Maciel <>, 2008.
Rodrigo Flores <>, 2008.
Andre Gondim <>, 2009.
Daniel S. Koda <>, 2009.
Copyright for
Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira <>, 2004.
Bruno Guimarães de Faria e Silva <>, 2004.
Afonso Celso Medina <>, 2005.
Washington Lins <>, 2007.
Raul Pereira <>, 2007.
Rodrigo Flores <>, 2007.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2008, 2009.
Djavan Fagundes <>, 2008.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of evolution-data-server.
Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira <>, 2003,2004.
Afonso Celso Medina <>, 2005.
Alexandre Folle de Menezes <>, 2006.
Raul Pereira <>, 2007.
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2007, 2008.
Washington Lins <>, 2007, 2008.
Fabrício Godoy <>, 2008.
Vladimir Melo <>, 2008, 2009.
Andre Gondim <>, 2009.
Djavan Fagundes <>, 2009.
Copyright for
This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
Copyright for
Brazilian Portuguese translation of evolution-webcal.
Copyright (C) 2004,2005,2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is distributed under the same license as the evolution-webcal package.
Raphael Higino <>, 2004.
Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira <>, 2004.
Afonso Celso Medina <>, 2005.
Washington Lins <>, 2007.
Copyright for
translation of virt-manager to Brazilian Portuguese
This file is distributed under the same license as the virt-manager package.
Copyright (C) 2006 THE pt_BR'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER.
Diego Búrigo Zacarão <>, 2006.
Valnir Ferreira Jr. <>, 2006.
Igor Pires Soares <>, 2006,2007,2008.
Taylon Silmer <>, 2008.
Copyright for SUNWdia
Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
For the avoidance of doubt, except that if any license choice other
than GPL or LGPL is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to
use only the General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) at this time
for any software where a choice of GPL license versions is made
available with the language indicating that GPLv2 or any later
version may be used, or where a choice of which version of the GPL
is applied is otherwise unspecified.
Licensing and copyright information for %{name}
License: GNU General Public License Version 2
You can find more information in the following directory:
AUTHORS: List of authors of dia
ChangeLog.bz2: List of all changes and authors of dia
po/ChangeLog.bz2: List of all l10n changes and authors of dia
NEWS.bz2: List of the most important changes to dia
README: More information about dia
The sources of dia-%{dia.version} were downloaded
from %{dia.SOURCE0.url}
Copyright for SUNWgnome-a11y-gok
Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
For the avoidance of doubt, except that if any license choice other
than GPL or LGPL is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to
use only the General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) at this time
for any software where a choice of GPL license versions is made
available with the language indicating that GPLv2 or any later
version may be used, or where a choice of which version of the GPL
is applied is otherwise unspecified.
Licensing and copyright information for %{name}:
You can find more information in the following directory:
AUTHORS: list of authors of gok
NEWS.bz2: list of the most important changes in gok
ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors of gok
README: more information about gok
The sources of gok-%{gok.version} were downloaded
from %{gok.SOURCE0.url}
Copyright for SUNWgnome-a11y-reader
Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
For the avoidance of doubt, except that if any license choice other
than GPL or LGPL is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to
use only the General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) at this time
for any software where a choice of GPL license versions is made
available with the language indicating that GPLv2 or any later
version may be used, or where a choice of which version of the GPL
is applied is otherwise unspecified.
Licensing and copyright information for %{name}:
You can find more information in the following directory:
AUTHORS: list of authors of orca
NEWS.bz2: list of the most important changes in orca
ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors of orca
README: more information about orca
The sources of orca-%{orca.version} were downloaded
from %{orca.SOURCE0.url}
Copyright for SUNWgnome-character-map
Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
For the avoidance of doubt, except that if any license choice other
than GPL or LGPL is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to
use only the General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) at this time
for any software where a choice of GPL license versions is made
available with the language indicating that GPLv2 or any later
version may be used, or where a choice of which version of the GPL
is applied is otherwise unspecified.
Licensing and copyright information for %{name}
License: GNU General Public License Version 2
You can find more information in the following directory:
AUTHORS: List of authors of gucharmap
COPYING.UNICODE: Unicode Copyright
ChangeLog.bz2: List of all changes and authors of gucharmap
ChangeLog.pre-2-23.bz2: List of all changes and authors of gucharmap before
version 2.23
help/ChangeLog.pre-2-23.bz2: List of all help changes and authors of
gucharmap before version 2.23
po/ChangeLog.pre-2-23.bz2: List of all l10n changes and authors of
gucharmap before version 2.23
NEWS: List of the most important changes to gucharmap
README: More information about gucharmap
ChangeLog.README: Information on ChangeLog changes from 2.23
The sources of gucharmap-%{gucharmap.version} were downloaded
from %{gucharmap.SOURCE0.url}
Copyright for SUNWgnome-im-client
Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
For the avoidance of doubt, except that if any license choice other
than GPL or LGPL is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to
use only the General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) at this time
for any software where a choice of GPL license versions is made
available with the language indicating that GPLv2 or any later
version may be used, or where a choice of which version of the GPL
is applied is otherwise unspecified.
Package %name consists of the following components:
- pidgin-%{pidgin.version}
- pidginotr-%{pidginotr.version}
- libotr-%{libotr.version}
Licensing and copyright information for pidgin-%{pidgin.version}:
License: GNU General Public License Version 2
You can find more information in the following directory:
COPYRIGHT: list of authors of Pidgin
ChangeLog: List of the most important changes in Pidgin
README: more information about Pidgin
The sources of pidgin-%{pidgin.version} were downloaded
from %{pidgin.SOURCE0.url}
Licensing and copyright information for pidginotr-%{pidginotr.version}:
License: GNU General Public License Version 2
You can find more information in the following directory:
ChangeLog: List of the changes in pidgin-otr
README: information about pidgin-otr
AUTHORS: list of authors of pidgin-otr
NEWS: List of the important changes in pidgin-otr
The sources of pidgin-otr-%{pidginotr.version} were downloaded
from %{pidginotr.SOURCE0.url}
Licensing and copyright information for libotr-%{libotr.version}:
License: GNU General Public License Version 2
GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2
You can find more information in the following directory:
ChangeLog: List of changes in libotr
README: more information about libotr
AUTHORS: list of authors of libotr
NEWS: List of the important changes in pidgin-otr
The sources of libotr-%{libotr.version} were downloaded
from %{libotr.SOURCE0.url}
Copyright for SUNWgnome-pdf-viewer
Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
For the avoidance of doubt, except that if any license choice other
than GPL or LGPL is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to
use only the General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) at this time
for any software where a choice of GPL license versions is made
available with the language indicating that GPLv2 or any later
version may be used, or where a choice of which version of the GPL
is applied is otherwise unspecified.
Package %{name} consists of the following components:
- libspectre-%{libspectre.version}
- poppler-data-%{popplerdata.version}
- poppler-%{poppler.version}
- evince-%{evince.version}
Licensing and copyright information for libspectre-%{libspectre.version}
License: GNU General Public License Version 2
You can find more information in the following directory:
AUTHORS: List of authors of libspectre
ChangeLog.bz2: List of all changes and authors of libspectre
NEWS.bz2: List of the most important changes to libspectre
README: More information about libspectre
The sources of libspectre-%{libspectre.version} were downloaded
from %{libspectre.SOURCE0.url}
Licensing and copyright information for poppler-data-%{popplerdata.version}
License: MIT License, GPLv2, Adobe License
You can find more information in the following directory:
GOPYING.adobe: Adobe License
README: More information about poppler-data
The sources of poppler-data-%{poppler.version} were downloaded
from %{popplerdata.SOURCE0.url}
Licensing and copyright information for poppler-%{poppler.version}
License: GNU General Public License Version 2
You can find more information in the following directory:
AUTHORS: List of authors of poppler
cmake/modules/COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS: CMAKE Scripts License
ChangeLog.bz2: List of all changes and authors of poppler
NEWS.bz2: List of the most important changes to poppler
README: More information about poppler
README-XPDF.bz2: Information about xpdf
The sources of poppler-%{poppler.version} were downloaded
from %{poppler.SOURCE0.url}
Licensing and copyright information for evince-%{evince.version}
License: GNU General Public License Version 2
You can find more information in the following directory:
AUTHORS: List of authors of evince
ChangeLog.bz2: List of all changes and authors of evince
po/ChangeLog.bz2: List of all l10n changes and authors of evince
help/ChangeLog.bz2: List of all help changes and authors of evince
NEWS.bz2: List of the most important changes to evince
README: More information about evince
The sources of evince-%{evince.version} were downloaded
from %{evince.SOURCE0.url}
Copyright for SUNWgtk2
Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
For the avoidance of doubt, except that if any license choice other
than GPL or LGPL is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to
use only the General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) at this time
for any software where a choice of GPL license versions is made
available with the language indicating that GPLv2 or any later
version may be used, or where a choice of which version of the GPL
is applied is otherwise unspecified.
Package %name consists of the following component:
- gtk+-%{gtk.version}
Licensing and copyright information for gtk+-%{gtk.version}:
License: GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
You can find more information in the following directory:
AUTHORS: list of authors of gtk+
ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors of gtk+
ChangeLog.gtk-async-file-chooser.bz2: list of all changes and authors of gtk+ for gtk-async-file-chooser
ChangeLog.gtk-printing.bz2: list of all changes and authors of gtk+ printing
ChangeLog.pre-1-0.bz2: list of all changes and authors of gtk+ pre-1-0
ChangeLog.pre-1-2.bz2: list of all changes and authors of gtk+ pre-1-2
ChangeLog.pre-2-0.bz2: list of all changes and authors of gtk+ pre-2-0
ChangeLog.pre-2-2.bz2: list of all changes and authors of gtk+ pre-2-2
ChangeLog.pre-2-4.bz2: list of all changes and authors of gtk+ pre-2-4
ChangeLog.pre-2-6.bz2: list of all changes and authors of gtk+ pre-2-6
ChangeLog.pre-2-8.bz2: list of all changes and authors of gtk+ pre-2-8
ChangeLog.pre-2-10.bz2: list of all changes and authors of gtk+ pre-2-10
gdk-pixbuf/ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors of gdk-pixbuf
po-properties/ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors of po files for gtk+
po/ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors of po files for gtk+
NEWS.bz2: list of the most importa nt changes in gtk+
README: more information about gtk+
The sources of gtk+-%{gtk.version} were downloaded
from %{gtk.SOURCE0.url}
Copyright for SUNWxdg-user-dirs-gtk
Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
For the avoidance of doubt, except that if any license choice other
than GPL or LGPL is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to
use only the General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) at this time
for any software where a choice of GPL license versions is made
available with the language indicating that GPLv2 or any later
version may be used, or where a choice of which version of the GPL
is applied is otherwise unspecified.
Licensing and copyright information for %{name}
License: GNU General Public License Version 2
You can find more information in the following directory:
AUTHORS: List of authors of xdg-user-dirs-gtk
ChangeLog.bz2: List of all changes and authors of xdg-user-dirs-gtk
po/ChangeLog.bz2: List of all l10n changes and authors of xdg-user-dirs-gtk
NEWS: List of the most important changes to xdg-user-dirs-gtk
README: More information about xdg-user-dirs-gtk
The sources of xdg-user-dirs-gtk-%{version} were downloaded
from %{SOURCE0.url}
Copyright for SUNWxdg-user-dirs
Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
For the avoidance of doubt, except that if any license choice other
than GPL or LGPL is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to
use only the General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) at this time
for any software where a choice of GPL license versions is made
available with the language indicating that GPLv2 or any later
version may be used, or where a choice of which version of the GPL
is applied is otherwise unspecified.
Licensing and copyright information for %{name}:
License: GNU General Public License Version 2
License: MIT/X license
You can find more information in the following directory:
AUTHORS: list of authors of xdg-user-dirs
ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors of xdg-user-dirs
po/ChangeLog.bz2: List of all changes and authors of xdg-user-dirs
NEWS: list of the most important changes in xdg-user-dirs
README: more information about xdg-user-dirs
Some source files in xdg-user-dirs-%{version} have the following MIT/X
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files
(the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
The sources of xdg-user-dirs-%{version} were downloaded
from %{SOURCE0.url}