For the avoidance of doubt, except that if any license choice other
than GPL or LGPL is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to
use only the General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) at this time
for any software where a choice of GPL license versions is made
available with the language indicating that GPLv2 or any later
version may be used, or where a choice of which version of the GPL
is applied is otherwise unspecified.
Package %name consists of the following components:
- gnome-applets-%{gapplets.version}
- gnome-netstatus-%{gnetstatus.version}
- deskbar-applet-%{deskbar_applet.version}
Licensing and copyright information for gnome-applets-%{gapplets.version}:
License: GNU Library General Public License Version 2
License: GNU Free Documentation Licence Version 1.1
You can find more information in the following directory:
accessx-status/COPYING: GNU LGPL
README: more information about gnome-applets
stickynotes/README: more information stickynotes
cpufreq/README: more information cpufreq
geyes/README: more information geyes
mini-commander/README: more information mini-commander
trashapplet/README: more information trashapplet
gkb-new/README: more information gkb-new
null_applet/README: more information null_applet
AUTHORS: Authors of gnome-applets
gweather/AUTHORS: Authors of gweather
cpufreq/AUTHORS: Authors of cpufreq
geyes/AUTHORS: Authors of geyes
multiload/AUTHORS: Authors of multiload
mini-commander/AUTHORS: Authors of mini-commander
drivemount/AUTHORS: Authors of drivemount
gkb-new/AUTHORS: Authors of gkb-new
accessx-status/AUTHORS: Authors of accessx-status
mixer/AUTHORS: Authors of mixer
modemlights/AUTHORS: Authors of modemlights
MAINTAINERS: Maintainers of gnome-applets
ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors of gnome-applets
stickynotes/ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors of stickynotes
charpick/ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors of charpick
gswitchit/ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors of gswitchit
gweather/ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors of gweather
cpufreq/ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors of cpufreq
cpufreq/help/ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors in the help files for cpufreq
geyes/docs/ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors in the documentation for geyes
geyes/ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors of geyes
multiload/ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors of multiload
mini-commander/ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors of mini-commander
drivemount/ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors of drivemount
drivemount/help/ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors in the help files for drivemount
trashapplet/docs/ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors in the documentation for drivemount
trashapplet/ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors of trashapplet
gkb-new/ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors of gkb-new
accessx-status/docs/ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors in the documentation for accessx-status
accessx-status/ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors of accessx-status
battstat/ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors of battstat
null_applet/ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors of null_applet
mixer/ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors of mixer
modemlights/ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors of modemlights
invest-applet/ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors of invest-applet
po/ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors in the po files for gnome-applets
NEWS.bz2: list of all important changes in gnome-applets
geyes/NEWS.bz2: list of all important changes in geyes
mini-commander/NEWS.bz2: list of all important changes in mini-commander
The sources of gnome-applets-%{gapplets.version} were downloaded
from %{gapplets.SOURCE0.url}
Licensing and copyright information for gnome-netstatus-%{gnetstatus.version}:
License: GNU General Public License Version 2
You can find more information in the following directory:
README: more information about gnome-netstatus
NEWS: list of all important changes in gnome-netstatus
AUTHORS: Authors of gnome-netstatus
MAINTAINERS: Maintainers of gnome-netstatus
ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors of gnome-netstatus
po/ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors in the po files for gnome-netstatus
help/ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors in the help files for gnome-netstatus
The sources of gnome-netstatus-%{gnetstatus.version} were downloaded
from %{gnetstatus.SOURCE0.url}
Licensing and copyright information for deskbar-applet-%{deskbar_applet.version}:
License: GNU General Public License Version 2
You can find more information in the following directory:
README: more information about deskbar-applet
AUTHORS: Authors of deskbar-applet
MAINTAINERS: Maintainers of deskbar-applet
NEWS: list of all important changes in deskbar-applet
ChangeLog.bz2: list of all changes and authors of deskbar-applet
help/ChangeLog: list of all changes and authors in the help files for deskbar-applet
po/ChangeLog: list of all changes and authors in the po files for deskbar-applet
The sources of deskbar-applet-%{deskbar_applet.version} were downloaded
from %{deskbar_applet.SOURCE0.url}