# spec file for package libotr
# Copyright (c) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# This file and all modifications and additions to the pristine
# package are under the same license as the package itself.
%define owner hawklu
# bugdb :
%define OSR 12724:3.2.0
Name: libotr
Version: 3.2.0
Release: 1
License: GPL
Group: Applications/Internet
Distribution: Java Desktop System
Vendor: Cypherpunks Canada
Summary: Off-the-Record (OTR) Messaging plugin for GAIM
Source: http://www.cypherpunks.ca/otr/libotr-%{version}.tar.gz
URL: http://www.cypherpunks.ca/otr/
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
Docdir: %{_defaultdocdir}/pidgin
Autoreqprov: on
Off-the-Record (OTR) Messaging allows you to have private
conversations over instant messaging.
This is a plugin for pdgin which implements Off-the-Record
Messaging over any IM network pidgin supports.
%setup -q
%ifos linux
if [ -x /usr/bin/getconf ]; then
CPUS=`/usr/sbin/psrinfo | grep on-line | wc -l | tr -d ' '`
if test "x$CPUS" = "x" -o $CPUS = 0; then
#build libotr
cd ../libotr*
glib-gettextize -f
libtoolize --force
aclocal $ACLOCAL_FLAGS -I .
automake -a -c -f
./configure \
--prefix=%{_prefix} \
--mandir=%{_mandir} \
make -j $CPUS
# pidgin-otr looks for files like <libotr/message.h> so we must copy them to
# my_build_tmp/libotr and point CFLAGS to my_build_tmp to be found.
if [ -d my_build_tmp ]; then rm -rf my_build_tmp; fi;
mkdir my_build_tmp; mkdir my_build_tmp/libotr;
cp src/*.h my_build_tmp/libotr
cp toolkit/*.h my_build_tmp/libotr
make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install \
* Thu Jan 07 2009 - brian.lu@sun.com
- Change the owner to hawklu
* Wed Mar 11 2009 - elaine.xiong@sun.com
- Change ownership to elaine.
* Thu Jul 23 2008 - damien.carbery@sun.com
- Move libotr from pidgin-otr.spec to libotr.spec. This makes is easier to
track for ARC and Legal reviews.
* Mon Jul 21 2008 - rick.ju@sun.com
- Bump to 3.2.0.
* Tue Nov 06 2007 - rick.ju@sun.com
- bump to libotr 3.1.0 and pidgin-otr 3.1.0
* Tue Jun 01 2007 - rick.ju@sun.com
- fix the source0 url
* Tue May 30 2007 - rick.ju@sun.com
- bump to pidgin-otr 3.0.1
* Tue Apr 03 2007 - rick.ju@sun.com
- Add a gaim-otr-03-gtk-dialog.diff for bug#632728
* Thu Jan 18 2007 - damien.carbery@sun.com
- Remove the code from %install that deletes $RPM_BUILD_ROOT as it trashes the
'make install' of gaim when part of SUNWgnome-im-client build.
* Thu Dec 21 2006 - damien.carbery@sun.com
- Remove *.a and *.la files in %install.
* Mon Dec 18 2006 - rick.ju@sun.com
- Add this new spec for libotr and gaim-otr