# spec file for package gnome-mime-data
# Copyright (c) 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# This file and all modifications and additions to the pristine
# package are under the same license as the package itself.
%define owner padraig
%define OSR LFI#105446 (gnome Exec. summary):n/a
Name: gnome-mime-data
License: LGPL
Group: System/GUI/GNOME
BuildArchitectures: noarch
Version: 2.18.0
Release: 2
Distribution: Java Desktop System
Vendor: Gnome Community
Summary: MIME Type and Application Database for the GNOME Desktop
Source: http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/%{name}/2.18/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
Source1: gnome-realplay.keys
%if %build_l10n
Source2: l10n-configure.sh
# owner:padraig date:2004-10-05 type:branding
Patch1: gnome-mime-data-01-set-mozilla-default.diff
# owner:padraig date:2004-10-05 type:branding
Patch2: gnome-mime-data-02-text-plain-handler.diff
# owner:padraig date:2004-10-05 type:branding
Patch3: gnome-mime-data-03-always-use-app.diff
# owner:padraig date:2004-10-05 type:branding
Patch4: gnome-mime-data-04-swf-handler.diff
# owner:padraig date:2004-10-05 type:branding
Patch5: gnome-mime-data-05-jar-handler.diff
# owner:padraig date:2004-09-07 type:branding
Patch6: gnome-mime-data-06-pdfviewer.diff
# owner:padraig date:2004-11-10 type:branding
Patch7: gnome-mime-data-07-shellscript.diff
# owner:padraig date:2005-02-01 type:branding
Patch8: gnome-mime-data-08-associate-glade-files.diff
# owner:padraig date:2005-05-10 type:bug bugster:6267137 bugzilla:303532
Patch9: gnome-mime-data-09-return-path-pattern.diff
URL: http://www.gnome.org
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
Docdir: %{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}
Autoreqprov: on
%define gnome_common_version 2.4.0
BuildRequires: gnome-common >= %{gnome_common_version}
BuildRequires: intltool
BuildRequires: glib2
PreReq: RealPlayer
Prereq: coreutils
MIME Type and Application Database for the GNOME Desktop that allows the
GNOME Virtual Filesystem to associate data files with their icon and
description, and to launch them with suitable applications.
%setup -q
%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p1
%patch3 -p1
%patch4 -p1
%patch5 -p1
%patch6 -p1
%patch7 -p1
%patch8 -p1
%patch9 -p1
%ifos linux
if [ -x /usr/bin/getconf ]; then
CPUS=`/usr/sbin/psrinfo | grep on-line | wc -l | tr -d ' '`
if test "x$CPUS" = "x" -o $CPUS = 0; then
libtoolize --force
intltoolize --force --copy --automake
%if %build_l10n
bash -x %SOURCE2 --enable-copyright
automake -a -c -f
./configure --prefix=%{_prefix} \
--sysconfdir=%{_sysconfdir} \
make -j $CPUS
#Copy zh_HK from zh_TW
#Fixes bug 4930405
install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/locale/zh_HK/LC_MESSAGES
install --mode=0644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/*.mo \
install --mode=0644 %SOURCE1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/mime-info
install -p -m644 "%{_datadir}/mime-info/gnome-realplay.keys" \
# This package is so small, it's not worth doing a -devel package
# just for the pkgconfig file.
* Wed Aug 29 2007 - damien.carbery@sun.com
- Add intltoolize call to update intltool scripts.
* Wed Apr 04 2007 - damien.carbery@sun.com
- Bump to 2.18.0.
* Fri Jan 26 2007 - alvaro@sun.com
- gnome-mime-data-01-realplay-g11n-keys.diff removed.
It was empty. Patches renamed.
* Thu Nov 09 2006 - damien.carbery@sun.com
- Bump to 2.4.3.
* Wed Jul 27 2005 - narayana.pattipati@wipro.com
- Removed patch gnome-mime-data-08-add-nfs-mime.diff because its not
required anymore after nfs:// method removal from gnome-vfs. Renamed
the following patches accordingly.
* Tue May 10 2005 - vinay.mandyakoppal@wipro.com
- Added patch gnome-mime-data-14-return-path-pattern.diff given by
Antonio Xu <Antonio.Xu@Sun.COM> to add pattern "Return-path"
for message.rfc822. fixes bug #6267137.
* Fri May 06 2005 - glynn.foster@sun.com
- Bump to 2.4.2
* Wed Apr 06 2005 - dermot.mccluskey@sun.com
- 6241631: added gnome-realplay.keys, which overwrites
/usr/share/mime-info/realplay.keys in %post. This sets
RP as the player for most possible media types.
* Thu Mar 31 2005 - glynn.foster@wipro.com
- Removed jmplay as default player for many media types in
preference of realplayer. It still defaults back to some
though. Remove the realplayer patch since it's now bogus.
* Fri Mar 11 2005 - dinoop.thomas@wipro.com
- Added patch gnome-mime-data-14-associate-java-files.diff to
associate java files with netbeans.
Fixes bug #6229767.
* Thu Feb 03 2005 - dinoop.thomas@wipro.com
- Added patch gnome-mime-data-13-associate-glade-files.diff to
associate glade files with glade tool.
Fixes bug #6222813.
* Fri Nov 26 2004 - laca@sun.com
- removed patch 13
* Thu Nov 18 2004 - laca@sun.com
- added patch gnome-mime-data-13-acroread-mozilla-wrappers.diff
* Wed Nov 10 2004 - archana.shah@wipro.com
- Added patch gnome-mime-data-12-shellscript.diff to add flags for
shell scripts' mime types.
* Tue Oct 05 2004 - takao.fujiwara@sun.com
- Updated gnome-mime-data-02-make-jmplay-default-player.diff to add x-gsm mime
Fixed 6173640
* Wed Sep 15 2004 - archana.shah@wipro.com
- Added patch gnome-mime-data-11-pdfviewer.diff.
Fixes bug# 5100997
* Wed Jul 14 2004 - narayana.pattipati@wipro.com
- Added patch gnome-mime-data-10-add-nfs-mime.diff to add entries for
x-directory/nfs-mount and x-directory/nfs-share mime types to enable
browsing nfs:// locations. Fixes bugtraq bug#5034725.
* Thu Jul 08 2004 - damien.donlon@sun.com
- Updated l10n content to gnome-mime-data-l10n-po-1.2.tar.bz2
* Wed Jul 07 2004 - dermot.mccluskey@sun.com
- added "-j $CPUS" to make to speed up builds
* Wed Jun 23 2004 - narayana.pattipati@wipro.com
- Added patch gnome-mime-data-09-realplayer-command-change.diff to
fix the problem of mime association for realplayer by correcting
the command name. Fixes bugtraq bug#5061307
* Wed May 12 2004 - damien.donlon@sun.com
- Updated l10n content to gnome-mime-data-l10n-po-1.1.tar.bz2
* Tue Apr 27 2004 - vijaykumar.patwari@wipro.com
- Set mozilla as the default browser for text/html mime type.
* Mon Mar 29 2004 - damien.donlon@sun.com
- Updated l10n content to gnome-mime-data-l10n-po-1.0.tar.bz2
* Mon Mar 22 2004 - <takao.fujiwara@sun.com>
- Replaced gnome-mime-data-08-i18n-keys.diff with
* Mon Feb 23 2004 <ghee.teo@sun.com>
- Repatched gnome-mime-data-02-make-jmplay-default-player.diff for
* Mon Feb 23 2004 - <stephen.browne@sun.com>
- New tarball 2.4.1, ported patches, still two patches to do
* Thu Jan 29 2004 - <dermot.mccluskey@sun.com>
- Add dependency on intltool
* Mon Dec 15 2003 - <glynn.foster@sun.com
- Add back the man pages, and some patches.
* Mon Oct 20 2003 - <ghee.teo@sun.com
- Added patch gnome-mime-data-04-text-plain-handler.diff which was in
Mercury so that gedit is lauched instead of text viewer for nautilus
on a text/*.
* Wed Oct 15 2003 - <markmc@sun.com> 2.4.0-2
- Re-add the view-as-webpage diff.
* Tue Oct 07 2003 - ghee.teo@sun.com
- Updated to use GNOME 2.4 for Quicksilver. Deleted one patch and
renumbered the other one.
* Thu Aug 21 2003 - ghee.teo@sun.com
- Updated gnome-vfs.applications to include all the real formats
that realplay itself understand since the current definitions is
rather limiting. simply updated the Patch3.
* Wed Aug 20 2003 - ghee.teo@sun.com
- updated gnome-vfs.applications, gnome-vfs.keys.in and gnome-vfs.mime
to include some of the more obscure mime types that jmplay can
handle including x-gsm, rmf, ogg, mvr, x-jmx.
* Mon Aug 18 2003 - brian.nitz@sun.com
- created a patch to add jmplay as default media player.
* Mon Aug 11 2003 - <stephen.browne@sun.com>
- new tarball, reset release
* Mon Jul 28 2003 - <markmc@sun.com>
- Make pdfs get opened in the gpdf component by default
* Wed Jul 09 2003 - <michael.twomey@sun.com>
- add in sun po files
* Mon Jul 07 2003 - <niall.power@sun.com>
- added patch to shortlist nautilus_audio_view for viewing directory contents.
* Thu May 13 2003 - ghee.teo@Sun.COM
- Created new spec file for gnome-mime-data