mail.local - store mail in a mailbox
mmaaiill..llooccaall [--77] [--bb] [--dd] [--DD _m_b_d_b] [--ll] [--ff _f_r_o_m|--rr _f_r_o_m] [--hh _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e
] _u_s_e_r _._._.
MMaaiill..llooccaall reads the standard input up to an end-of-file and appends it
to each _u_s_e_r_'_s mmaaiill file. The _u_s_e_r must be a valid user name.
The options are as follows:
--77 Do not advertise 8BITMIME support in LMTP mode.
--bb Return a permanent error instead of a temporary error if a
mailbox exceeds quota.
--dd Specify this is a delivery (for backward compatibility).
This option has no effect.
--DD _m_b_d_b Specify the name of the mailbox database which is used to
look up local recipient names. This option defaults to "pw",
which means use getpwnam().
--ff _f_r_o_m Specify the sender's name.
--ll Turn on LMTP mode.
--rr _f_r_o_m Specify the sender's name (for backward compatibility). Same
as -f.
--hh _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e
Store incoming mail in _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e in the user's home directory
instead of a system mail spool directory.
The next options are only available if mmaaiill..llooccaall has been compiled
--HH _h_a_s_h_t_y_p_e_h_a_s_h_d_e_p_t_h
Select hashed mail directories. Valid hash types are uu for user
name and mm for MD5 (requires compilation with -DHASHSPOOLMD5).
Example: --HH _u_2 selects user name hashing with a hash depth of 2.
Note: there must be no space between the hash type and the
--pp _p_a_t_h
Specify an alternate mail spool path.
--nn Specify that the domain part of recipient addresses in LMTP mode
should not be stripped.
Individual mail messages in the mailbox are delimited by an empty line
followed by a line beginning with the string ``From ''. A line con-
taining the string ``From '', the sender's name and a time stamp is
prepended to each delivered mail message. A blank line is appended to
each message. A greater-than character (``>'') is prepended to any
line in the message which could be mistaken for a ``From '' delimiter
line (that is, a line beginning with the five characters ``From '' fol-
lowing a blank line).
The mail files are exclusively locked with flock(2) while mail is
appended, and a uusseerr..lloocckk file also is created while the mailbox is
locked for compatibility with older MUAs.
If the ``biff'' service is returned by getservbyname(3), the biff
server is notified of delivered mail.
The mmaaiill..llooccaall utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.
TZ Used to set the appropriate time zone on the timestamp.
/tmp/local.XXXXXX temporary files
/var/mail/user user's default mailbox directory
/var/mail/user.lock lock file for a user's default mailbox
mail(1), xsend(1), flock(2), getservbyname(3), comsat(8), sendmail(8)
mmaaiill..llooccaall escapes only "^From " lines that follow an empty line. If
all lines starting with "From " should be escaped, use the 'E' flag for
the local mailer in the file.
A superset of mmaaiill..llooccaall (handling mailbox reading as well as mail
delivery) appeared in Version 7 AT&T UNIX as the program mmaaiill.
$Date: 2013-11-22 20:51:51 $ MAIL.LOCAL(8)