# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.
# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
# Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms.
RSYNC_ACCT = <rsyncaccount>@pkg.opensolaris.org
RSYNC_SRC = /site/apache2/logs/.
RSYNC_FLAGS = -rz --size-only --rsync-path=/opt/sfw/bin/rsync
# RC2a for 2008.05 released on 24 Apr.
# 30-day window for recent activity.
AN_FLAGS = -a 2008-04-24 -w 30
access_log.catalog := PATTERN = " /catalog"
access_log.filelist := PATTERN = " /filelist"
access_log.manifest := PATTERN = " /manifest"
access_log.search := PATTERN = " /search"
ACCESS_LOGS:sh = ls access_log.[0-9]* 2>/dev/null || exit 0
SPLITS = $(ACCESS_LOGS:access_log.%=split.%)
IPS_ACTIVE = $(ACCESS_LOGS:access_log.%=ip.%.pkl)
RAW_CATALOG = $(SPLITS:split.%=raw.catalog.%)
CAT_IPS_ACTIVE = $(RAW_CATALOG:raw.catalog.%=catalog-ip.%.pkl)
RAW_FILELIST = $(SPLITS:split.%=raw.filelist.%)
RAW_MANIFEST = $(SPLITS:split.%=raw.manifest.%)
RAW_SEARCH = $(SPLITS:split.%=raw.search.%)
cat_active_ips.html \
catalog.html \
filelist.html \
search.html \
SUMMARIES = $(REPORTS_HTML:%.html=%-summary.html)
all: index.html
index.html: summary.html $(SUMMARIES)
python $(LOG_HOME)/in_header.py > header
python $(LOG_HOME)/in_footer.py > footer
cat header summary.html $(SUMMARIES) footer > index.html
# Run on an updated log set.
run: retrieve
dmake -j 4 -m parallel all
# Remove any symlinks we filled for processing.
find . -type l -name raw.\* | xargs rm -f
time rsync $(RSYNC_FLAGS) $(RSYNC_ACCT):$(RSYNC_SRC) .
rm -f *.html
clobber: clean
rm -f split.*
rm -f raw.*
rm -f ip.*
summary.html: $(SUMMARIES)
time python $(LOG_HOME)/an2_ip.py -s $(SUMMARIES:%-summary.html=%) > $@
catalog.html : $(LOG_HOME)/an_catalog.py
filelist.html : $(LOG_HOME)/an_filelist.py
manifest.html : $(LOG_HOME)/an_manifest.py
search.html : $(LOG_HOME)/an_search.py
%-summary.html: %.html
catalog.html: $(RAW_CATALOG)
time python $(LOG_HOME)/an_catalog.py $(AN_FLAGS) -s $(RAW_CATALOG) > $@
filelist.html: $(RAW_FILELIST)
time python $(LOG_HOME)/an_filelist.py $(AN_FLAGS) -s $(RAW_FILELIST) > $@
search.html: $(RAW_SEARCH)
time python $(LOG_HOME)/an_search.py $(AN_FLAGS) -s $(RAW_SEARCH) > $@
manifest.html: $(RAW_MANIFEST)
time python $(LOG_HOME)/an_manifest.py $(AN_FLAGS) -s $(RAW_MANIFEST) > $@
active_ips.html: $(IPS_ACTIVE)
time python $(LOG_HOME)/an2_ip_active.py $(IPS_ACTIVE) > $@
cp active_ips.html active_ips-summary.html
cat_active_ips.html: $(CAT_IPS_ACTIVE)
time python $(LOG_HOME)/an2_ip_active.py $(CAT_IPS_ACTIVE) > $@
cp cat_active_ips.html cat_active_ips-summary.html
# each log should be processed for IP addresses, which we reduce to [day, hash,
# geo] tuples
ip.%: split.%
time python $(LOG_HOME)/an_ip_active.py $(AN_FLAGS) -s raw.$(@:split.%=%) > $@
splits: empty $(SPLITS) $(IPS_ACTIVE) $(CAT_IPS_ACTIVE)
raw.catalog.%: split.%
[ -f $@ ] || ln -sf empty $@
raw.manifest.%: split.%
[ -f $@ ] || ln -sf empty $@
raw.filelist.%: split.%
[ -f $@ ] || ln -sf empty $@
raw.search.%: split.%
[ -f $@ ] || ln -sf empty $@
ip.%.pkl: access_log.%
python $(LOG_HOME)/an_ip_active.py -S ip -t $(<:access_log.%=%) $<
catalog-ip.%.pkl: raw.catalog.%
python $(LOG_HOME)/an_ip_active.py -S catalog-ip -t $(<:raw.catalog.%=%) $<
split.%: access_log.%
$(LOG_HOME)/split.awk $(<:access_log.%=%) $<
touch $@
touch empty
echo $(SPLITS)