# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.
# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
# Copyright (c) 2013, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
from . import testutils
if __name__ == "__main__":
import pkg5unittest
import copy
import os
import six
import time
import unittest
import certgenerator
import shutil
from six.moves import http_client
from six.moves.urllib.error import HTTPError
from six.moves.urllib.parse import quote
from six.moves.urllib.request import urlopen
from pkg.client.debugvalues import DebugValues
import pkg.fmri
HTTPDEPOT_USER = "pkg5srv"
class _Apache(object):
# An array that can be used to build our svcs(1) wrapper.
default_svcs_conf = [
["svc:/application/pkg/server:default", "online" ],
["svc:/application/pkg/server:usr", "online" ],
# an instance which we have a writable_root for
["svc:/application/pkg/server:windex", "online" ],
# repositories that we will not serve
["svc:/application/pkg/server:off", "offline"],
["svc:/application/pkg/server:writable", "online" ],
["svc:/application/pkg/server:solitary", "offline"]
# An array that can be used to build our svcprop(1)
# wrapper in conjunction with svcs_conf. This array
# must be in the same order as svcs_conf and the rows
# must correspond.
default_svcprop_conf = [
# inst_root readonly standalone writable_root
["{rdir1}", "true", "false", "\"\""],
["{rdir2}", "true", "false", "\"\""],
["{rdir3}", "true", "false", "{index_dir}"],
# we intentionally use non-existent repository
# paths in these services, and check they aren't
# present in the httpd.conf later.
["/pkg5/there/aint", "true", "false", "\"\""],
["/pkg5/nobody/here", "false", "false", "\"\""],
["/pkg5/but/us/chickens", "true", "true", "\"\""],
sample_pkg = """
open sample@1.0,5.11-0
add file tmp/sample mode=0444 owner=root group=bin path=/usr/bin/sample
sample_pkg_11 = """
open sample@1.1,5.11-0
add file tmp/updated mode=0444 owner=root group=bin path=/usr/bin/sample
new_pkg = """
open new@1.0,5.11-0
add file tmp/new mode=0444 owner=root group=bin path=/usr/bin/new
another_pkg = """
open another@1.0,5.11-0
add file tmp/another mode=0444 owner=root group=bin path=/usr/bin/another
carrots_pkg = """
open pkg://carrots/carrots@1.0,5.11-0
add file tmp/another mode=0444 owner=root group=bin path=/usr/bin/carrots
misc_files = ["tmp/sample", "tmp/updated", "tmp/another", "tmp/new"]
_svcs_template = \
# This script produces false svcs(1) output, using
# a list of space separated strings, with each string
# of the format <fmri>%<state>
# eg.
# SERVICE_STATUS="svc:/application/pkg/server:foo%online svc:/application/pkg/server:default%offline svc:/application/pkg/server:usr%online"
# We expect to be called with 'svcs -H -o fmri <fmri>' but completely ignore
# the <fmri> argument.
set -- `getopt o:H $*`
for i in $* ; do
case $i in
-H) minus_h=$i; shift;;
-o) minus_o=$2; shift;;
*) break;;
if [ "${{minus_o}}" ]; then
if [ -z "${{minus_h}}" ]; then
echo "FMRI"
for service in $SERVICE_STATUS ; do
echo $service | sed -e 's/%/ /' | read fmri state
echo $fmri
exit 0
if [ -z "${{minus_h}}" ]; then
printf "%-14s%6s %s\n" STATE STIME FMRI
for service in $SERVICE_STATUS ; do
echo $service | sed -e 's/%/ /' | read fmri state
printf "%-14s%9s %s\n" $state 00:00:00 $fmri
_svcprop_template = \
# This script produces false svcprop(1) output, using
# a list of space separated strings, with each string
# of the format <fmri>%<state>%<inst_root>%<readonly>%<standalone>%<writable_root>
# eg.
# SERVICE_PROPS="svc:/application/pkg/server:foo%online%/space/repo%true%false%/space/writable_root"
# we expect to be called as "svcprop -c -p <property> <fmri>"
# which is enough svcprop(1) functionalty for these tests. Any other
# command line options will cause us to return nonsense.
typeset -A prop_state
typeset -A prop_readonly
typeset -A prop_inst_root
typeset -A prop_standalone
typeset -A prop_writable_root
for service in $SERVICE_PROPS ; do
echo $service | sed -e 's/%/ /g' | \
read fmri state inst_root readonly standalone writable_root
# create a hashable version of the FMRI
fmri=$(echo $fmri | sed -e 's/\///g' -e 's/://g')
FMRI=$(echo $4 | sed -e 's/\///g' -e 's/://g')
case $3 in
echo ${{prop_inst_root[$FMRI]}}
echo ${{prop_readonly[$FMRI]}}
echo ${{prop_standalone[$FMRI]}}
echo ${{prop_writable_root[$FMRI]}}
echo ${{prop_state[$FMRI]}}
echo "Completely bogus svcprop output. Sorry."
# A very minimal httpd.conf, which contains an Include directive
# that we will use to reference our pkg5 depot-config.conf file. We leave
# an Alias pointing to /server-status to make this server distinctive
# for this test case.
_default_httpd_conf = \
"""ServerRoot "/usr/apache2/2.4"
PidFile "{runtime_dir}/default_httpd.pid"
Listen {port}
LoadModule access_compat_module libexec/mod_access_compat.so
LoadModule alias_module libexec/mod_alias.so
LoadModule authz_core_module libexec/mod_authz_core.so
LoadModule dir_module libexec/mod_dir.so
LoadModule headers_module libexec/mod_headers.so
LoadModule log_config_module libexec/mod_log_config.so
LoadModule mpm_worker_module libexec/mod_mpm_worker.so
LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/mod_rewrite.so
LoadModule ssl_module libexec/mod_ssl.so
LoadModule status_module libexec/mod_status.so
LoadModule unixd_module libexec/mod_unixd.so
User webservd
Group webservd
ServerAdmin you@yourhost.com
DocumentRoot "/var/apache2/2.4/htdocs"
<Directory "/var/apache2/2.4/htdocs">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Require all granted
<IfModule dir_module>
DirectoryIndex index.html
LogFormat \"%h %l %u %t \\\"%r\\\" %>s %b\" common
ErrorLog "{runtime_dir}/error_log"
CustomLog "{runtime_dir}/access_log" common
LogLevel debug
# Reference the depot.conf file generated by pkg.depot-config, which makes this
# web server into something that can serve pkg(7) repositories.
Include {depot_conf}
SSLRandomSeed startup builtin
SSLRandomSeed connect builtin
# We enable server-status here, using /pkg5test-server-status to it to make the
# URI distinctive.
<Location /pkg5test-server-status>
SetHandler server-status
def setUp(self):
self.sc = None
pkg5unittest.ApacheDepotTestCase.setUp(self, ["test1",
"test2", "test3"])
self.rdir1 = self.dcs[1].get_repodir()
self.rdir2 = self.dcs[2].get_repodir()
self.rdir3 = self.dcs[3].get_repodir()
self.index_dir = os.path.join(self.test_root,
self.default_depot_runtime = os.path.join(self.test_root,
self.default_depot_conf = os.path.join(
self.default_depot_runtime, "depot_httpd.conf")
self.depot_conf_fragment = os.path.join(
self.default_depot_runtime, "depot.conf")
self.depot_port = self.next_free_port
self.next_free_port += 1
def _set_smf_state(self, svcs_conf=default_svcs_conf,
"""Create wrapper scripts for svcprop and svcs based on the
arrays of arrays passed in as arguments. By default, the
following responses are configured using the class variables
svcs_conf and svcprop_conf:
pkg/server:default and pkg/server:usr can be served by the
depot-config as they are marked readonly=true, standalone=false.
pkg/server:off is ineligible, because it is reported as being
offline for these tests.
pkg/server:writable and pkg/server:solitary are both not
eligible to be served by the depot, the former, because it
is not marked as readonly, the latter because it is marked
as standalone.
# we don't want to modify our arguments
_svcs_conf = copy.deepcopy(svcs_conf)
_svcprop_conf = copy.deepcopy(svcprop_conf)
# ensure the arrays are the same length.
self.assertTrue(len(_svcs_conf) == len(_svcprop_conf))
for index, conf in enumerate(_svcs_conf):
fmri = conf[0]
state = conf[1]
_svcprop_conf[index].insert(0, fmri)
_svcprop_conf[index].insert(1, state)
rdirs = {"rdir1": self.rdir1, "rdir2": self.rdir2,
"rdir3": self.rdir3, "index_dir": self.index_dir}
# construct two strings we can use as parameters to our
# __svc*_template values
_svcs_conf = " ".join(["%".join([value for value in item])
for item in _svcs_conf])
_svcprop_conf = " ".join(["%".join(
[value.format(**rdirs) for value in item])
for item in _svcprop_conf])
self.smf_cmds = {
"usr/bin/svcs": self._svcs_template.format(_svcs_conf),
"usr/bin/svcprop": self._svcprop_template.format(_svcprop_conf)
self.make_misc_files(self.smf_cmds, "smf_cmds", mode=0o755)
def start_depot(self, build_indexes=True):
hc = pkg5unittest.HttpDepotController(
self.default_depot_conf, self.depot_port,
self.default_depot_runtime, testcase=self)
self.register_apache_controller("depot", hc)
if build_indexes:
# we won't return until indexes are built
u = urlopen(
class TestHttpDepot(_Apache, pkg5unittest.ApacheDepotTestCase):
"""Tests that exercise the pkg.depot-config CLI as well as checking the
functionality of the depot-config itself for configuring http service.
This test class will fail if not run as root, since many of the tests
use 'pkg.depot-config -a' which will attempt to chown a directory to
The default_svcs_conf having an instance name of 'usr' is not a
coincidence: we use it there so that we catch RewriteRules that
mistakenly try to serve content from the root filesystem ('/') rather
than from beneath our DocumentRoot (assuming that test systems always
have a /usr directory)
def test_0_htdepot(self):
"""A basic test to see that we can start the depot,
as part of this, by starting the depot, ApacheController will
ping the "/ URI of the server."""
# ensure we fail when not supplying the required argument
self.depotconfig("", exit=2, fill_missing_args=False)
# the httpd.conf should reference our repositories
self.file_contains(self.ac.conf, [self.rdir1, self.rdir2,
self.rdir3, self.index_dir])
# it should not reference the repositories that we have
# marked as offline, writable or standalone
self.file_doesnt_contain(self.ac.conf, ["/pkg5/there/aint",
"/pkg5/nobody/here", "/pkg5/but/us/chickens"])
def test_1_htdepot_usage(self):
"""Tests that we show a usage message."""
ret, output = self.depotconfig("", fill_missing_args=False,
out=True, exit=2)
self.assertTrue("Usage:" in output,
"No usage string printed: {0}".format(output))
ret, output = self.depotconfig("--help", out=True, exit=2)
self.assertTrue("Usage:" in output,
"No usage string printed: {0}".format(output))
def test_2_htinvalid_root(self):
"""We return an error given an invalid image root"""
# check for incorrectly-formed -d options
self.depotconfig("-d usr -F -r /dev/null", exit=2)
# ensure we pick up invalid -d directories
for invalid_root in ["usr=/dev/null",
"foo=/etc/passwd", "alt=/proc"]:
ret, output, err = self.depotconfig(
"-d {0} -F".format(invalid_root), out=True, stderr=True,
expected = invalid_root.split("=")[1]
self.assertTrue(expected in err,
"error message did not contain {0}: {1}".format(
expected, err))
# ensure we also catch invalid SMF inst_roots
svcs_conf = [["svc:/application/pkg/server:default", "online" ]]
svcprop_conf = [["/tmp", "true", "false"]]
self._set_smf_state(svcs_conf, svcprop_conf)
ret, output, err = self.depotconfig("", out=True, stderr=True,
self.assertTrue("/tmp" in err, "error message did not contain "
# ensure we pick up invalid writable_root directories
ret, output, err = self.depotconfig("-d blah={0}=/dev/null".format(
self.rdir1), out=True, stderr=True, exit=1)
# but check that we allow valid writeable_roots
ret, output, err = self.depotconfig("-d blah={0}={1}".format(
self.rdir1, self.index_dir), out=True, stderr=True)
"PKG5_WRITABLE_ROOT_blah {0}".format(self.index_dir))
def test_3_invalid_htcache_dir(self):
"""We return an error given an invalid cache_dir"""
for invalid_cache in ["/dev/null", "/etc/passwd"]:
ret, output, err = self.depotconfig("-c {0}".format(
invalid_cache), out=True, stderr=True, exit=1)
self.assertTrue(invalid_cache in err, "error message "
"did not contain {0}: {1}".format(invalid_cache, err))
def test_4_invalid_hthostname(self):
"""We return an error given an invalid hostname"""
for invalid_host in ["", "pkgsysrepotestname", "."]:
ret, output, err = self.depotconfig("-h {0}".format(
invalid_host), out=True, stderr=True, exit=1)
self.assertTrue(invalid_host in err, "error message "
"did not contain {0}: {1}".format(invalid_host, err))
def test_5_invalid_htlogs_dir(self):
"""We return an error given an invalid logs_dir"""
for invalid_log in ["/dev/null", "/etc/passwd"]:
ret, output, err = self.depotconfig("-l {0}".format(invalid_log),
out=True, stderr=True, exit=1)
self.assertTrue(invalid_log in err, "error message "
"did not contain {0}: {1}".format(invalid_log, err))
for invalid_log in ["/proc"]:
port = self.next_free_port
self.depotconfig("-l {0} -p {1}".format(invalid_log, port),
def test_6_invalid_htport(self):
"""We return an error given an invalid port"""
for invalid_port in [999999, "bobcat", "-1234"]:
ret, output, err = self.depotconfig("-p {0}".format(invalid_port),
out=True, stderr=True, exit=1)
self.assertTrue(str(invalid_port) in err, "error message "
"did not contain {0}: {1}".format(invalid_port, err))
def test_7_invalid_htruntime_dir(self):
"""We return an error given an invalid runtime_dir"""
for invalid_runtime in ["/dev/null", "/etc/passwd", "/proc"]:
ret, output, err = self.depotconfig("-r {0}".format(
invalid_runtime), out=True, stderr=True, exit=1)
self.assertTrue(invalid_runtime in err, "error message "
"did not contain {0}: {1}".format(invalid_runtime, err))
def test_8_invalid_htcache_size(self):
"""We return an error given an invalid cache_size"""
for invalid_csize in ["cats", "-1234"]:
ret, output, err = self.depotconfig(
"-s {0}".format(invalid_csize), out=True, stderr=True,
self.assertTrue(str(invalid_csize) in err, "error message "
"did not contain {0}: {1}".format(invalid_csize, err))
def test_9_invalid_httemplates_dir(self):
"""We return an error given an invalid templates_dir"""
for invalid_tmp in ["/dev/null", "/etc/passwd", "/proc"]:
ret, output, err = self.depotconfig("-T {0}".format(invalid_tmp),
out=True, stderr=True, exit=1)
self.assertTrue(invalid_tmp in err, "error message "
"did not contain {0}: {1}".format(invalid_tmp, err))
def test_10_httype(self):
"""We return an error given an invalid type option."""
invalid_type = "weblogic"
ret, output, err = self.depotconfig("-t {0}".format(invalid_type),
out=True, stderr=True, exit=2)
self.assertTrue(invalid_type in err, "error message "
"did not contain {0}: {1}".format(invalid_type, err))
# ensure we work with the supported type
self.depotconfig("-t apache2")
self.depotconfig("-t apache22")
def test_11_htbui(self):
"""We can perform a series of HTTP requests against the BUI."""
fmris = self.pkgsend_bulk(self.dcs[1].get_repo_url(),
r2_fmris = self.pkgsend_bulk(self.dcs[2].get_repo_url(),
fmri = pkg.fmri.PkgFmri(fmris[0])
esc_full_fmri = fmri.get_url_path()
conf = {"prefix": "default",
"esc_full_fmri": esc_full_fmri}
# a series of BUI paths we should be able to access
paths = [
def get_url(url_path):
url_obj = urlopen(url_path, timeout=10)
self.assertTrue(url_obj.code == 200,
"Failed to open {0}: {1}".format(url_path,
except HTTPError as e:
self.debug("Failed to open {0}: {1}".format(
url_path, e))
for p in paths:
get_url("{0}{1}".format(self.ac.url, p.format(**conf)))
# test that pkg.depot-config detects missing repos
broken_rdir = self.rdir2 + "foo"
os.rename(self.rdir2, broken_rdir)
self.depotconfig("", exit=1)
# test that when we break one of the repositories we're
# serving, the remaining repositories are still accessible
# from the bui. We need to fix the repo dir before rebuilding
# the configuration, then break it once the depot has started.
os.rename(broken_rdir, self.rdir2)
os.rename(self.rdir2, broken_rdir)
# check the first request to the BUI works as expected
# and check that we get a 404 for the missing repo
bad_url = "{0}/usr/test2/en/catalog.shtml".format(self.ac.url)
raised_404 = False
url_obj = urlopen(bad_url, timeout=10)
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code == 404:
raised_404 = True
self.assertTrue(raised_404, "Didn't get a 404 opening {0}".format(
# check that we can still reach other valid paths
paths = [
for p in paths:
get_url("{0}{1}".format(self.ac.url, p.format(**conf)))
os.rename(broken_rdir, self.rdir2)
def test_12_htpkgclient(self):
"""A depot-config can act as a repository server for pkg(1)
clients, with all functionality supported."""
# publish some sample packages to our repositories
for dc_num in self.dcs:
rurl = self.dcs[dc_num].get_repo_url()
self.pkgsend_bulk(rurl, self.sample_pkg)
self.pkgsend_bulk(rurl, self.sample_pkg_11)
self.pkgsend_bulk(self.dcs[2].get_repo_url(), self.new_pkg)
self.pkgrepo("-s {0} refresh".format(self.dcs[2].get_repo_url()))
# test that we can access the default publisher
self.pkg("set-publisher -p {0}/default".format(self.ac.url))
self.pkg("install sample@1.0")
self.file_contains("usr/bin/sample", "tmp/sample")
self.file_contains("usr/bin/sample", "tmp/updated")
# test that we can access specific publishers, this time from
# a different repository, served by the same depot-config.
self.pkg("set-publisher -p {0}/usr/test2".format(self.ac.url))
self.pkg("contents -r new")
self.pkg("set-publisher -G '*' test2")
ret, output = self.pkg(
"search -o action.raw -s {0}/usr new".format(self.ac.url),
self.assertTrue("path=usr/bin/new" in output)
# publish a new package, and ensure we can install it
self.pkgsend_bulk(self.dcs[1].get_repo_url(), self.another_pkg)
self.pkg("install another")
self.file_contains("usr/bin/another", "tmp/another")
# add a new publisher to an existing repository and ensure it
# is visible from the repository
self.pkgrepo("-s {0} add-publisher carrots".format(self.rdir1))
self.pkgsend_bulk(self.dcs[1].get_repo_url(), self.carrots_pkg)
self.pkg("set-publisher -g {0}/default/carrots carrots".format(
def test_13_htpkgrecv(self):
"""A depot-config can act as a repository server for pkgrecv(1)
rurl = self.dcs[1].get_repo_url()
first = self.pkgsend_bulk(rurl, self.sample_pkg)
second = self.pkgsend_bulk(rurl, self.sample_pkg_11)
self.pkgsend_bulk(self.dcs[2].get_repo_url(), self.new_pkg)
# gather the FMRIs we published and the URL-quoted version
first_fmri = pkg.fmri.PkgFmri(first[0])
second_fmri = pkg.fmri.PkgFmri(second[0])
first_ver = quote(str(first_fmri.version))
second_ver = quote(str(second_fmri.version))
ret, output = self.pkgrecv(command="-s {0}/default --newest".format(
self.ac.url), out=True)
sec_fmri_nobuild = pkg.fmri.PkgFmri(second[0]).get_fmri(
self.assertTrue(sec_fmri_nobuild in output)
dest = os.path.join(self.test_root, "test_13_hgpkgrecv")
# pull down raw package contents
self.pkgrecv(command="-s {0}/default -m all-versions --raw "
"-d {1} '*'".format(self.ac.url, dest))
# Quickly sanity check the contents
self.assertTrue(os.listdir(dest) == ["sample"])
set(os.listdir(os.path.join(dest, "sample"))) ==
set([first_ver, second_ver]))
# grab one of the manifests we just downloaded, and check that
# the file content is present and correct.
mf_path = os.path.sep.join([dest, "sample", second_ver])
mf = pkg.manifest.Manifest()
mf.set_content(pathname=os.path.join(mf_path, "manifest.file"))
f_ac = mf.actions[0]
self.assertTrue(f_ac.attrs["path"] == "usr/bin/sample")
f_path = os.path.join(mf_path, f_ac.hash)
self.file_contains(f_path, "tmp/updated")
def test_14_htpkgrepo(self):
"""Test that only the 'pkgrepo refresh' command works with the
depot-config only when the -A flag is enabled and only on
the repository that has a writable root. Test that the index
does indeed get updated when a refresh is performed and that
new package contents are visible."""
rurl = self.dcs[1].get_repo_url()
nosearch_rurl = self.dcs[2].get_repo_url()
writable_rurl = self.dcs[3].get_repo_url()
self.pkgsend_bulk(rurl, self.sample_pkg)
# we have a search index on rurl
self.pkgrepo("-s {0} refresh".format(rurl))
self.pkgsend_bulk(writable_rurl, self.sample_pkg)
# we have no search index on nosearch_rurl
self.pkgsend_bulk(nosearch_rurl, self.sample_pkg)
# allow index refreshes for repositories that support them
# (ie. have a writable root)
depot_url = "{0}/default".format(self.ac.url)
windex_url = "{0}/windex".format(self.ac.url)
nosearch_url = "{0}/usr".format(self.ac.url)
# verify that list commands work
ret, output = self.pkgrepo("-s {0} list -F tsv".format(depot_url),
self.assertTrue("pkg://test1/sample@1.0" in output)
self.assertTrue("pkg://test1/new@1.0" not in output)
# rebuild, remove and set commands should fail, the latter two
# with exit code 2
self.pkgrepo("-s {0} rebuild".format(depot_url), exit=1)
self.pkgrepo("-s {0} remove sample".format(depot_url), exit=2)
self.pkgrepo("-s {0} set -p test1 foo/bar=baz".format(depot_url),
# verify that status works
self.pkgrepo("-s {0} info".format(depot_url))
self.assertTrue("test1 1 online" in self.reduceSpaces(self.output))
# verify search works for packages in the repository
self.pkg("set-publisher -p {0}".format(depot_url))
self.pkg("search -s {0} msgsh".format("{0}".format(depot_url)),
self.pkg("search -s {0} /usr/bin/sample".format(depot_url))
# Can't refresh this repo since it doesn't have a writable root
self.pkgrepo("-s {0} refresh".format(depot_url), exit=1)
# verify that search fails for repositories that don't have
# a pre-existing search index in the repository
self.pkg("search -s {0} /usr/bin/sample".format(nosearch_url), exit=1)
# publish a new package, and verify it doesn't appear in the
# search results for the repo with the writable_root
self.pkgsend_bulk(writable_rurl, self.new_pkg)
self.pkg("search -s {0} /usr/bin/new".format(windex_url), exit=1)
# now refresh the index
self.pkgrepo("-s {0} refresh".format(windex_url))
# there isn't a synchronous option to pkgrepo, so wait a bit
# then make sure we do see this new package.
# we should now get search results for that new package
ret, output = self.pkg("search -s {0} /usr/bin/new".format(windex_url),
self.assertTrue("usr/bin/new" in output)
ret, output = self.pkgrepo("-s {0} list -F tsv".format(windex_url),
self.assertTrue("pkg://test3/sample@1.0" in output)
self.assertTrue("pkg://test3/new@1.0" in output)
# ensure that refresh --no-catalog works, but refresh --no-index
# does not.
self.pkgrepo("-s {0} refresh --no-catalog".format(windex_url))
self.pkgrepo("-s {0} refresh --no-index".format(windex_url), exit=1)
# check that when we start the depot without -A, we cannot
# issue refresh commands.
self.pkgrepo("-s {0} refresh".format(windex_url), exit=1)
def test_15_htheaders(self):
"""Test that the correct Content-Type and Cache-control headers
are sent from the depot for the responses that we care about."""
fmris = self.pkgsend_bulk(self.dcs[1].get_repo_url(),
self.pkgrepo("-s {0} refresh".format(self.dcs[1].get_repo_url()))
# Create an image so we have something to search with.
# This technically isn't necessary anymore, but the test suite
# runs with some debug flags to make it (intentionally)
# difficult to mess with the root image of the test system
# (even though calling 'pkg search -s' would never actually
# modify it) Creating an image is just the easier thing to do
# here.
ret, output = self.pkg("search -s {0}/default -H -o action.hash "
"-r /usr/bin/sample".format(self.ac.url), out=True)
file_hash = output.strip()
fmri = pkg.fmri.PkgFmri(fmris[0])
esc_short_fmri = fmri.get_fmri(anarchy=True).replace(
"pkg:/", "")
esc_short_fmri = esc_short_fmri.replace(",", "%2C")
esc_short_fmri = esc_short_fmri.replace(":", "%3A")
# a dictionary of paths we should be able to access, along with
# expected header (name,value) pairs for each
paths = {
[("Content-Type", "application/vnd.pkg5.info")],
[("Cache-Control", "no-cache")],
"must-revalidate, no-transform, max-age=31536000"),
("Content-Type", "text/plain;charset=utf-8")],
[("Cache-Control", "no-cache"),
("Content-Type", "text/plain;charset=utf-8")],
"must-revalidate, no-transform, max-age=31536000"),
("Content-Type", "application/data")]
def header_contains(url, header, value):
"""Check that HTTP 'header' from 'url' contains an
expected value 'value'."""
ret = False
u = urlopen(url)
if six.PY2:
h = u.headers.get(header, "")
# HTTPMessage inherits from
# email.Message in Python 3 so that it
# has a different method
h = u.headers.get_all(header, "")
if value in h:
return True
except Exception as e:
self.assertTrue(False, "Error opening {0}: {1}".format(
url, e))
return ret
for path in paths:
for headers in paths[path]:
name, value = headers
url = "{0}{1}".format(self.ac.url, path)
self.assertTrue(header_contains(url, name, value),
"{0} did not contain the header {1}={2}".format(
url, name, value))
def test_16_htfragment(self):
"""Test that the fragment httpd.conf generated by pkg.depot-config
can be used in a standard Apache configuration, but that
pkg(1) admin and search operations fail."""
self.pkgrepo("-s {0} add-publisher carrots".format(
# We shouldn't be able to supply a writable root when running
# in fragment mode
self.depotconfig("-l {0} -F -d usr={1} -d spaghetti={2}={3} "
"-P testpkg5".format(
self.default_depot_runtime, self.rdir1, self.rdir2,
self.index_dir), exit=2)
self.depotconfig("-l {0} -F -d usr={1} -d spaghetti={2} "
"-P testpkg5".format(
self.default_depot_runtime, self.rdir1, self.rdir2))
default_httpd_conf_path = os.path.join(self.test_root,
httpd_conf = open(default_httpd_conf_path, "w")
# Start an Apache instance
ac = pkg5unittest.ApacheController(default_httpd_conf_path,
self.depot_port, self.default_depot_runtime, testcase=self)
self.register_apache_controller("depot", ac)
# verify the instance is definitely the one using our custom
# httpd.conf
u = urlopen("{0}/pkg5test-server-status".format(self.ac.url))
self.assertTrue(u.code == http_client.OK,
"Error getting pkg5-server-status")
# add publishers for the two repositories being served by this
# Apache instance
self.pkg("set-publisher -p {0}/testpkg5/usr".format(self.ac.url))
self.pkg("set-publisher -p {0}/testpkg5/spaghetti".format(self.ac.url))
# install packages from the two different publishers in the
# first repository
self.pkg("install sample")
self.pkg("install carrots")
# install a package from the second repository
self.pkg("install new")
# we can't perform remote search or admin operations, since
# we've no supporting mod_wsgi process.
self.pkg("search -r new", exit=1)
self.pkgrepo("-s {0}/testpkg5/usr refresh".format(
self.ac.url), exit=1)
class TestHttpsDepot(_Apache, pkg5unittest.HTTPSTestClass):
"""Tests that exercise the pkg.depot-config CLI as well as checking the
functionality of the depot-config itself for configuring https service.
This test class will fail if not run as root, since many of the tests
use 'pkg.depot-config -a' which will attempt to chown a directory to
def test_0_invalid_option_combo(self):
"""We return an error given an invalid option combo."""
cert = os.path.join(self.test_root, "tmp",
key = os.path.join(self.test_root, "tmp",
# Test that without --https, providing certs or keys will fail.
dummy_ret, dummy_output, err = self.depotconfig(
"--cert {0} --key {1}".format(cert, key),
out=True, stderr=True, exit=2)
self.assertTrue(len(err), "error message: Without --https, "
"providing cert or key should fail but succeeded "
dummy_ret, dummy_output, err = self.depotconfig(
"--ca-cert {0} --ca-key {1}".format(cert, key),
out=True, stderr=True, exit=2)
self.assertTrue(len(err), "error message: Without --https, "
"providing cert or key should fail but succeeded "
dummy_ret, dummy_output, err = self.depotconfig(
"--cert-chain {0}".format(cert), out=True, stderr=True, exit=2)
self.assertTrue(len(err), "error message: Without --https, "
"providing cert or key should fail but succeeded "
# Checking that HTTPS is not supported in fragment mode.
dummy_ret, dummy_output, err = self.depotconfig(
"--https -F", out=True, stderr=True, exit=2)
self.assertTrue(len(err), "error message: Without --https, "
"providing cert or key should fail but succeeded "
def test_1_missing_combo_options(self):
"""We return errors if the option in a combo is not specified
at the same time."""
cert = os.path.join(self.test_root, "tmp",
key = os.path.join(self.test_root, "tmp",
self.depotconfig("--https --cert {0}".format(cert), exit=2)
self.depotconfig("--https --key {0}".format(key), exit=2)
self.depotconfig("--https --ca-cert {0}".format(cert), exit=2)
self.depotconfig("--https --ca-key {0}".format(key), exit=2)
self.depotconfig("--https --cert-chain {0}".format(cert), exit=2)
def test_2_invalid_cert_key_dir(self):
"""We return an error given an invalid cer_key_dir."""
for invalid_certkey_dir in ["/dev/null", "/etc/passwd"]:
ret, output, err = self.depotconfig("--https "
"--cert-key-dir {0}".format(
invalid_certkey_dir), out=True, stderr=True, exit=1)
self.assertTrue(invalid_certkey_dir in err, "error message "
"did not contain {0}: {1}".format(invalid_certkey_dir, err))
def test_3_non_exist_cert_key(self):
"""We return an error given an non-exist cert or key."""
non_exist_cert = os.path.join(self.test_root,
non_exist_key = os.path.join(self.test_root,
exist_cert = os.path.join(self.test_root, "tmp",
exist_key = os.path.join(self.test_root, "tmp",
# Test checking user provided server cert works.
dummy_ret, dummy_output, err = self.depotconfig("--https "
"--cert {0} --key {1}".format(non_exist_cert, exist_key),
out=True, stderr=True, exit=1)
self.assertTrue(non_exist_cert in err, "error message "
"did not contain {0}: {1}".format(non_exist_cert, err))
# Test checking user provided server key works.
dummy_ret, dummy_output, err = self.depotconfig("--https "
"--cert {0} --key {1}".format(exist_cert, non_exist_key),
out=True, stderr=True, exit=1)
self.assertTrue(non_exist_key in err, "error message "
"did not contain {0}: {1}".format(non_exist_key, err))
# Test checking user provided cert chain file works.
dummy_ret, dummy_output, err = self.depotconfig("--https "
"--cert {0} --key {1} --cert-chain {2}".format(
exist_cert, exist_key, non_exist_cert),
out=True, stderr=True, exit=1)
self.assertTrue(non_exist_cert in err, "error message "
"did not contain {0}: {1}".format(non_exist_cert, err))
# Test checking user provided CA cert file works.
tmp_dir = os.path.join(self.test_root, "tmp")
dummy_ret, dummy_output, err = self.depotconfig("--https "
"--ca-cert {0} --ca-key {1} --cert-key-dir {2}".format(
non_exist_cert, exist_key, tmp_dir),
out=True, stderr=True, exit=1)
self.assertTrue(non_exist_cert in err, "error message "
"did not contain {0}: {1}".format(non_exist_cert, err))
# Test checking user provided CA key file works.
dummy_ret, dummy_output, err = self.depotconfig("--https "
"--ca-cert {0} --ca-key {1} --cert-key-dir {2}".format(
exist_cert, non_exist_key, tmp_dir),
out=True, stderr=True, exit=1)
self.assertTrue(non_exist_key in err, "error message "
"did not contain {0}: {1}".format(non_exist_key, err))
def test_4_invalid_smf_fmri(self):
"""We return an error given an invalid pkg/depot smf fmri."""
some_fake_file = os.path.join(self.test_root, "tmp",
tmp_dir = os.path.join(self.test_root, "tmp")
# Test with invalid fmri.
for invalid_fmri in ["svc:", "svc://notexist", some_fake_file]:
dummy_ret, dummy_output, err = self.depotconfig(
"--https --cert-key-dir {0} --smf-fmri {1}".format(
tmp_dir, invalid_fmri), out=True, stderr=True)
self.assertTrue(len(err), "error message: SMF FMRI "
"setting should fail but succeeded instead.")
# Test with wrong fmri.
wrong_fmri = "pkg/server:default"
dummy_ret, dummy_output, err = self.depotconfig(
"--https --cert-key-dir {0} --smf-fmri {1}".format(
tmp_dir, wrong_fmri), out=True, stderr=True, exit=1)
self.assertTrue(len(err), "error message: SMF FMRI "
"setting should fail but succeeded instead.")
def test_5_https_gen_cert(self):
"""Test that https functionality works as expected."""
self.pkgrepo("-s {0} add-publisher carrots".format(
cert_key_dir = os.path.join(self.default_depot_runtime,
if os.path.isdir(cert_key_dir):
cache_dir = os.path.join(self.test_root, "cache_test_dir")
self.depotconfig("-l {0} -r {1} -c {2} -d usr={3} -d spa={4} -p {5} "
"--https -T {6} -h localhost --cert-key-dir {7}".format(
self.default_depot_runtime, self.default_depot_runtime,
cache_dir, self.rdir1, self.rdir2, self.depot_port,
self.depot_template_dir, cert_key_dir))
server_id = "localhost_{0}".format(self.depot_port)
ca_cert_file = os.path.join(cert_key_dir, "ca_{0}_cert.pem".format(
DebugValues["ssl_ca_file"] = ca_cert_file
# Start an Apache instance
self.default_depot_conf = os.path.join(
self.default_depot_runtime, "depot_httpd.conf")
ac = pkg5unittest.HttpDepotController(self.default_depot_conf,
self.depot_port, self.default_depot_runtime, testcase=self,
self.register_apache_controller("depot", ac)
# add publishers for the two repositories being served by this
# Apache instance.
self.pkg("set-publisher -p {0}/usr".format(self.ac.url))
self.pkg("set-publisher -p {0}/spa".format(self.ac.url))
# install packages from the two different publishers in the
# first repository
self.pkg("install sample")
self.pkg("install carrots")
# install a package from the second repository
self.pkg("install new")
# we can't perform remote search or admin operations, since
# we've no supporting mod_wsgi process.
self.pkg("search -r new", exit=1)
self.pkgrepo("-s {0}/testpkg5/usr refresh".format(
self.ac.url), exit=1)
def test_6_https_cert_chain(self):
"""Test that https functionality with cert chain works as
self.pkgrepo("-s {0} add-publisher carrots".format(
cert_key_dir = os.path.join(self.default_depot_runtime,
if os.path.isdir(cert_key_dir):
cg = certgenerator.CertGenerator(base_dir=cert_key_dir)
cg.make_trust_anchor("ta", https=True)
cg.make_ca_cert("ca_ta", "ta", https=True)
cg.make_cs_cert("cs_ta", "ca_ta", parent_loc="chain_certs",
ta_cert_file = os.path.join(cg.raw_trust_anchor_dir,
ca_cert_file = os.path.join(cg.chain_certs_dir,
cs_cert_file = os.path.join(cg.cs_dir, "cs_ta_cert.pem")
cs_key_file = os.path.join(cg.keys_dir, "cs_ta_key.pem")
cache_dir = os.path.join(self.test_root, "cache_test_dir")
self.depotconfig("-l {0} -r {1} -c {2} -d usr={3} -d spa={4} -p {5} "
"--https -T {6} -h localhost --cert {7} --key {8} "
"--cert-chain {9}".format(
self.default_depot_runtime, self.default_depot_runtime,
cache_dir, self.rdir1, self.rdir2, self.depot_port,
self.depot_template_dir, cs_cert_file, cs_key_file,
DebugValues["ssl_ca_file"] = ta_cert_file
# Start an Apache instance
self.default_depot_conf = os.path.join(
self.default_depot_runtime, "depot_httpd.conf")
ac = pkg5unittest.HttpDepotController(self.default_depot_conf,
self.depot_port, self.default_depot_runtime, testcase=self,
self.register_apache_controller("depot", ac)
# add publishers for the two repositories being served by this
# Apache instance.
self.pkg("set-publisher -p {0}/usr".format(self.ac.url))
self.pkg("set-publisher -p {0}/spa".format(self.ac.url))
# install packages from the two different publishers in the
# first repository
self.pkg("install sample")
self.pkg("install carrots")
# install a package from the second repository
self.pkg("install new")
def test_7_https_provided_ca(self):
"""Test that pkg.depot-config functionality with provided
ca certificate and key works as expected."""
self.pkgrepo("-s {0} add-publisher carrots".format(
cert_key_dir = os.path.join(self.default_depot_runtime,
if os.path.isdir(cert_key_dir):
cg = certgenerator.CertGenerator(base_dir=cert_key_dir)
cg.make_trust_anchor("ta", https=True)
ta_cert_file = os.path.join(cg.raw_trust_anchor_dir,
ta_key_file = os.path.join(cg.keys_dir, "ta_key.pem")
cache_dir = os.path.join(self.test_root, "cache_test_dir")
self.depotconfig("-l {0} -r {1} -c {2} -d usr={3} -d spa={4} -p {5} "
"--https -T {6} -h localhost --ca-cert {7} --ca-key {8} "
"--cert-key-dir {9}".format(
self.default_depot_runtime, self.default_depot_runtime,
cache_dir, self.rdir1, self.rdir2, self.depot_port,
self.depot_template_dir, ta_cert_file, ta_key_file,
DebugValues["ssl_ca_file"] = ta_cert_file
# Start an Apache instance
self.default_depot_conf = os.path.join(
self.default_depot_runtime, "depot_httpd.conf")
ac = pkg5unittest.HttpDepotController(self.default_depot_conf,
self.depot_port, self.default_depot_runtime, testcase=self,
self.register_apache_controller("depot", ac)
# add publishers for the two repositories being served by this
# Apache instance.
self.pkg("set-publisher -p {0}/usr".format(self.ac.url))
self.pkg("set-publisher -p {0}/spa".format(self.ac.url))
# install packages from the two different publishers in the
# first repository
self.pkg("install sample")
self.pkg("install carrots")
# install a package from the second repository
self.pkg("install new")
if __name__ == "__main__":