1057N/A# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
1589N/A# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
1057N/A# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
1057N/A# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
1057N/A# and limitations under the License.
1057N/A# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
1057N/A# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
1057N/A# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
1057N/A# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
2437N/A# Copyright (c) 2007, 2011, Oracle
and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
2557N/Amsgstr "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To: \nPOT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-08 12:05+0900\nPO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\nLast-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\nLanguage-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type:
text/plain; charset=UTF-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nPlural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
2437N/A"To continue, execute 'pkg update-format' as a privileged user and then try "
2437N/A"again. Please note that updating the format of the image will render it "
2437N/A"unusable with older versions of the pkg(5) system."
2506N/Amsgstr "要继续,请作为特权用户执行 'pkg update-format',然后重试。请注意,更新映像的格式将会使映像无法用于早期版本的 pkg(5) 系统。"
2557N/A"[-nvq] [-g path_or_uri ...] [--accept]\n"
2557N/A" [--licenses] [--no-be-activate] [--no-index] [--no-refresh]\n"
2557N/A" [--no-backup-be | --require-backup-be] [--backup-be-name name]\n"
2557N/A" [--deny-new-be | --require-new-be] [--be-name name]\n"
2557N/A" [--reject pkg_fmri_pattern ... ] pkg_fmri_pattern ..."
2557N/Amsgstr "[-nvq] [-g path_or_uri ...] [--accept]\n [--licenses] [--no-be-activate] [--no-index] [--no-refresh]\n [--no-backup-be | --require-backup-be] [--backup-be-name name]\n [--deny-new-be | --require-new-be] [--be-name name]\n [--reject pkg_fmri_pattern ... ] pkg_fmri_pattern ..."
2557N/A"[-nvq] [--no-be-activate] [--no-index]\n"
2557N/A" [--no-backup-be | --require-backup-be] [--backup-be-name]\n"
2557N/A" [--deny-new-be | --require-new-be] [--be-name name]\n"
2557N/Amsgstr "[-nvq] [--no-be-activate] [--no-index]\n [--no-backup-be | --require-backup-be] [--backup-be-name]\n [--deny-new-be | --require-new-be] [--be-name name]\n pkg_fmri_pattern ..."
2557N/A"[-fnvq] [-g path_or_uri ...] [--accept]\n"
2557N/A" [--licenses] [--no-be-activate] [--no-index] [--no-refresh]\n"
2557N/A" [--no-backup-be | --require-backup-be] [--backup-be-name]\n"
2557N/A" [--deny-new-be | --require-new-be] [--be-name name]\n"
2557N/A" [--reject pkg_fmri_pattern ...] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]"
2557N/Amsgstr "[-fnvq] [-g path_or_uri ...] [--accept]\n [--licenses] [--no-be-activate] [--no-index] [--no-refresh]\n [--no-backup-be | --require-backup-be] [--backup-be-name]\n [--deny-new-be | --require-new-be] [--be-name name]\n [--reject pkg_fmri_pattern ...] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]"
2437N/A"[-Hafnsuv] [-g path_or_uri ...] [--no-refresh]\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "[-Hafnsuv] [-g path_or_uri ...] [--no-refresh]\n [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]"
2095N/Amsgid "[--full] [publisher ...]"
2437N/Amsgstr "[--full] [publisher ...]"
2437N/Amsgid "[-lr] [-g path_or_uri ...] [--license] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]"
2437N/Amsgstr "[-lr] [-g path_or_uri ...] [--license] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]"
2437N/A"[-Hmr] [-a attribute=pattern ...] [-g path_or_uri ...]\n"
2437N/A" [-o attribute ...] [-s sort_key] [-t action_type ...]\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "[-Hmr] [-a attribute=pattern ...] [-g path_or_uri ...]\n [-o attribute ...] [-s sort_key] [-t action_type ...]\n [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]"
2095N/Amsgid "[-HIaflpr] [-o attribute ...] [-s repo_uri] query"
2437N/Amsgstr "[-HIaflpr] [-o attribute ...] [-s repo_uri] query"
2095N/Amsgid "[-Hqv] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]"
2095N/Amsgstr "[-Hqv] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]"
2095N/Amsgid "[--accept] [--licenses] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]"
2095N/Amsgstr "[--accept] [--licenses] [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]"
2557N/A"[-nv] [--no-be-activate]\n"
2557N/A" [--no-backup-be | --require-backup-be] [--backup-be-name name]\n"
2557N/A" [--deny-new-be | --require-new-be] [--be-name name]\n"
2557N/A" (--tagged tag-name ... | path-to-file ...)"
2557N/Amsgstr "[-nv] [--no-be-activate]\n [--no-backup-be | --require-backup-be] [--backup-be-name name]\n [--deny-new-be | --require-new-be] [--be-name name]\n (--tagged tag-name ... | path-to-file ...)"
2095N/A"[-FPUfz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--zone]\n"
2095N/A" [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh]\n"
2095N/A" [--variant <variant_spec>=<instance> ...]\n"
2095N/A" [-g uri|--origin=uri ...] [-m uri|--mirror=uri ...]\n"
2437N/A" [--facet <facet_spec>=(True|False) ...]\n"
2506N/A" [(-p|--publisher) [<name>=]<repo_uri>] dir"
2506N/Amsgstr "[-FPUfz] [--force] [--full|--partial|--user] [--zone]\n [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert] [--no-refresh]\n [--variant <variant_spec>=<instance> ...]\n [-g uri|--origin=uri ...] [-m uri|--mirror=uri ...]\n [--facet <facet_spec>=(True|False) ...]\n [(-p|--publisher) [<name>=]<repo_uri>] dir"
2557N/A"[-nvq] [-g path_or_uri ...]\n"
2557N/A" [--accept] [--licenses] [--no-be-activate]\n"
2557N/A" [--no-backup-be | --require-backup-be] [--backup-be-name name]\n"
2557N/A" [--deny-new-be | --require-new-be] [--be-name name]\n"
2557N/A" <variant_spec>=<instance> ..."
2557N/Amsgstr "[-nvq] [-g path_or_uri ...]\n [--accept] [--licenses] [--no-be-activate]\n [--no-backup-be | --require-backup-be] [--backup-be-name name]\n [--deny-new-be | --require-new-be] [--be-name name]\n <variant_spec>=<instance> ..."
2557N/A"[-nvq] [-g path_or_uri ...]\n"
2557N/A" [--accept] [--licenses] [--no-be-activate]\n"
2557N/A" [--no-backup-be | --require-backup-be] [--backup-be-name name]\n"
2557N/A" [--deny-new-be | --require-new-be] [--be-name name]\n"
2557N/A" <facet_spec>=[True|False|None] ..."
2557N/Amsgstr "[-nvq] [-g path_or_uri ...]\n [--accept] [--licenses] [--no-be-activate]\n [--no-backup-be | --require-backup-be] [--backup-be-name name]\n [--deny-new-be | --require-new-be] [--be-name name]\n <facet_spec>=[True|False|None] ..."
2506N/Amsgid "[-aH] [-F format] [<mediator> ...]"
2506N/Amsgstr "[-aH] [-F format] [<mediator> ...]"
2557N/A"[-nv] [-I <implementation>]\n"
2557N/A" [-V <version>] [--no-be-activate]\n"
2557N/A" [--no-backup-be | --require-backup-be] [--backup-be-name name]\n"
2506N/A" [--deny-new-be | --require-new-be] [--be-name name]\n"
2557N/Amsgstr "[-nv] [-I <implementation>]\n [-V <version>] [--no-be-activate]\n [--no-backup-be | --require-backup-be] [--backup-be-name name]\n [--deny-new-be | --require-new-be] [--be-name name]\n <mediator> ..."
2557N/A"[-nvIV] [--no-be-activate]\n"
2557N/A" [--no-backup-be | --require-backup-be] [--backup-be-name]\n"
2557N/A" [--deny-new-be | --require-new-be] [--be-name name]\n"
2557N/Amsgstr "[-nvIV] [--no-be-activate]\n [--no-backup-be | --require-backup-be] [--backup-be-name]\n [--deny-new-be | --require-new-be] [--be-name name]\n <mediator> ..."
2095N/Amsgid "[-H] [<variant_spec>]"
2437N/Amsgid "[pkg_fmri_pattern] ..."
2437N/Amsgstr "[pkg_fmri_pattern] ..."
2506N/Amsgid "[-n] [-c reason] [pkg_fmri_pattern] ..."
2506N/Amsgstr "[-n] [-c reason] [pkg_fmri_pattern] ..."
2506N/Amsgid "[-n] [pkg_name_pattern] ..."
2506N/Amsgstr "[-n] [pkg_name_pattern] ..."
2437N/Amsgstr "[-H] [propname ...]"
2095N/A"[-Ped] [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert]\n"
2095N/A" [-g origin_to_add|--add-origin=origin_to_add ...]\n"
2095N/A" [-G origin_to_remove|--remove-origin=origin_to_remove ...]\n"
2095N/A" [-m mirror_to_add|--add-mirror=mirror_to_add ...]\n"
2095N/A" [-M mirror_to_remove|--remove-mirror=mirror_to_remove ...]\n"
2095N/A" [-p repo_uri] [--enable] [--disable] [--no-refresh]\n"
2095N/A" [--reset-uuid] [--non-sticky] [--sticky]\n"
2095N/A" [--search-after=publisher]\n"
2095N/A" [--search-before=publisher]\n"
2095N/A" [--approve-ca-cert=path_to_CA]\n"
2095N/A" [--revoke-ca-cert=hash_of_CA_to_revoke]\n"
2095N/A" [--unset-ca-cert=hash_of_CA_to_unset]\n"
2095N/A" [--set-property name_of_property=value]\n"
2095N/A" [--add-property-value name_of_property=value_to_add]\n"
2095N/A" [--remove-property-value name_of_property=value_to_remove]\n"
2095N/A" [--unset-property name_of_property_to_delete]\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "[-Ped] [-k ssl_key] [-c ssl_cert]\n [-g origin_to_add|--add-origin=origin_to_add ...]\n [-G origin_to_remove|--remove-origin=origin_to_remove ...]\n [-m mirror_to_add|--add-mirror=mirror_to_add ...]\n [-M mirror_to_remove|--remove-mirror=mirror_to_remove ...]\n [-p repo_uri] [--enable] [--disable] [--no-refresh]\n [--reset-uuid] [--non-sticky] [--sticky]\n [--search-after=publisher]\n [--search-before=publisher]\n [--search-first]\n [--approve-ca-cert=path_to_CA]\n [--revoke-ca-cert=hash_of_CA_to_revoke]\n [--unset-ca-cert=hash_of_CA_to_unset]\n [--set-property name_of_property=value]\n [--add-property-value name_of_property=value_to_add]\n [--remove-property-value name_of_property=value_to_remove]\n [--unset-property name_of_property_to_delete]\n [publisher]"
2543N/Amsgid "[-HPn] [publisher ...]"
2543N/Amsgstr "[-HPn] [publisher ...]"
2437N/Amsgid "[-Hl] [-t [time|time-time],...] [-n number] [-o column,...]"
2437N/Amsgstr "[-Hl] [-t [time|time-time],...] [-n number] [-o column,...]"
2543N/A"[-fnvq] [--accept] [--licenses] [--no-index]\n"
2543N/A" [--no-refresh] [--no-pkg-updates] [--linked-md-only]\n"
2437N/A" [--prop-linked <propname>=<propvalue> ...]\n"
2543N/Amsgstr "[-fnvq] [--accept] [--licenses] [--no-index]\n [--no-refresh] [--no-pkg-updates] [--linked-md-only]\n [--allow-relink]\n [--prop-linked <propname>=<propvalue> ...]\n (-c|-p) <li-name> <dir>"
2437N/Amsgid "[-fnvq] [-a|-l <li-name>] [--linked-md-only]"
2437N/Amsgstr "[-fnvq] [-a|-l <li-name>] [--linked-md-only]"
2543N/Amsgid "[-H] [-l <li-name>] [propname ...]"
2543N/Amsgstr "[-H] [-l <li-name>] [propname ...]"
2543N/A"[-nvq] [--accept] [--licenses] [--no-index]\n"
2543N/A" [--no-refresh] [--no-parent-sync] [--no-pkg-updates]\n"
2437N/A" [--linked-md-only] [-a|-l <name>]"
2543N/Amsgstr "[-nvq] [--accept] [--licenses] [--no-index]\n [--no-refresh] [--no-parent-sync] [--no-pkg-updates]\n [--linked-md-only] [-a|-l <name>]"
2437N/A"[-nvq] [--accept] [--licenses] [--no-index] [--no-refresh]\n"
2437N/A" [--no-parent-sync] [--no-pkg-updates]\n"
2437N/A" [--linked-md-only] <propname>=<propvalue> ..."
2506N/Amsgstr "[-nvq] [--accept] [--licenses] [--no-index] [--no-refresh]\n [--no-parent-sync] [--no-pkg-updates]\n [--linked-md-only] <propname>=<propvalue> ..."
2557N/Amsgid "Private subcommand usage, options subject to change at any time:"
2557N/Amsgstr "专用子命令用法、选项有可能会随时更改:"
1589N/A#. The full usage message isn't desired.
1589N/Amsgid "Try `pkg --help or -?' for more information."
1703N/Amsgstr "有关更多信息,请尝试 'pkg --help' 或 'pkg -?'。"
684N/A" pkg [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "用法:\n pkg [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "\n选项:\n -R dir\n --help 或 -?\n\n环境:\n PKG_IMAGE"
684N/Amsgid "no packages installed"
2095N/Amsgid "no packages installed or available for installation"
2095N/Amsgstr "没有安装软件包,或没有可供安装的软件包"
2095N/A"no packages are installed or are installed and have newer versions available"
2506N/Amsgstr "没有安装软件包,或已安装软件包但没有可用的较新版本"
2095N/Amsgid "no packages matching '%s' known"
2506N/A"no packages matching '%s' allowed by installed incorporations, or image "
2095N/A"variants that are known or installed"
2506N/Amsgstr "已安装的 incorporation 或者已知或已安装的映像变量不允许任何软件包与 '%s' 匹配"
2095N/A"no packages matching '%s' are installed and have newer versions available"
2506N/Amsgstr "没有安装与 '%s' 匹配的任何软件包且没有任何较新版本可用"
2095N/Amsgid "no packages matching '%s' installed"
2095N/Amsgstr "没有安装与 '%s' 匹配的任何软件包"
2095N/Amsgid "Verifying: %(pkg_name)-50s %(result)7s"
2095N/Amsgstr "确认: %(pkg_name)-50s %(result)7s"
1057N/Amsgid "Created ZFS snapshot: %s"
1703N/A"The following packages require their licenses to be accepted before they can "
2506N/Amsgstr "需要先接受以下软件包的许可证,然后才能对其进行修复:"
1703N/A"To indicate that you agree to and accept the terms of the licenses of the "
1703N/A"packages listed above, use the --accept option. To display all of the "
1703N/A"related licenses, use the --licenses option."
2506N/Amsgstr "要指示您同意并接受上面所列的软件包的许可证条款,请使用 --accept 选项。要显示所有相关的许可证,请使用 --licenses 选项。"
1589N/A"Requested \"fix\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
1589N/A"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
2506N/Amsgstr "请求的 \"fix\" 操作会影响在实时映像中无法修改的文件。\n请在备用引导环境中重试此操作。"
1589N/Amsgid "-v and -q may not be combined"
2506N/Amsgid "%(pkg_name)-70s %(result)7s"
2506N/Amsgstr "%(pkg_name)-70s %(result)7s"
684N/A"All other patterns matched installed packages. %s"
2506N/Amsgstr "\n所有其他模式都与安装的软件包匹配。%s"
2557N/A"WARNING: The boot environment being modified is not the active one. "
2557N/A"made in the active BE will not be reflected on the next boot.\n"
2557N/Amsgstr "警告:当前所修改的引导环境不是处于活动状态的引导环境。\n在活动引导环境中所做的更改在下一次引导时不会反映出来。\n"
2557N/A"WARNING: The boot environment being modified is not the active one. "
2557N/A"made will not be reflected on the next boot.\n"
2557N/Amsgstr "警告:当前所修改的引导环境不是处于活动状态的引导环境。\n所做的更改在下一次引导时不会反映出来。\n"
2506N/Amsgid "Packages to install:"
2506N/Amsgid "Mediators to change:"
2506N/Amsgid "Estimated space available:"
2506N/Amsgid "Estimated space to be consumed:"
2506N/Amsgid "Create boot environment:"
2437N/A#. Only show activation status if verbose or if new BE
2506N/Amsgid "Activate boot environment:"
2557N/Amsgid "Create backup boot environment:"
2557N/Amsgid "Rebuild boot archive:"
2437N/Amsgid "Solver dependency errors:"
2437N/Amsgid "No updates available for this image."
2437N/Amsgid "No updates necessary for this image."
1703N/A"The following packages require their licenses to be accepted before they can "
2506N/Amsgstr "需要先接受以下软件包的许可证,然后才能对其进行安装或更新:"
1589N/A"An unexpected error happened while preparing for %s:"
2437N/A"%s failed (linked image exception(s)):\n"
1589N/Amsgid "%s cannot be done on live image"
1589N/A"Requested \"%s\" operation would affect files that cannot be modified in "
1589N/A"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
2506N/Amsgstr "请求的 \"%s\" 操作会影响在实时映像中无法修改的文件。\n请在备用引导环境中重试此操作。"
2437N/A"(Failure to consistently execute pkg commands as a privileged user is often "
2437N/A"a source of this problem.)"
2506N/Amsgstr "\n(无法作为特权用户一致地执行 pkg 命令通常是导致出现此问题的根源。)"
1589N/Amsgid "An unexpected error happened during %s: %s"
2437N/A"The following unexpected or editable files and directories were\n"
2437N/A"salvaged while executing the requested package operation; they\n"
2506N/A"have been moved to the displayed location in the image:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "在执行所请求的软件包操作时挽救了以下\n意外的或可编辑的文件和目录;它们已\n被移到映像中所显示的位置:\n"
2437N/Amsgid "No image rooted at '%s' (set by $PKG_IMAGE)"
2437N/Amsgstr "没有映像位于 '%s'(由 $PKG_IMAGE 设置)"
1589N/Amsgid "No image rooted at '%s'"
1589N/A"%s failed (inventory exception):\n"
1589N/A"WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before\n"
2437N/A"running %(op)s. Please update pkg(5) by executing 'pkg install\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "警告:pkg(5) 好像已过时,在运行 %(op)s 之前应对其进行更新。\n请作为特权用户执行 'pkg install\npkg:
/package/pkg' 来更新 pkg(5),然后重试 %(op)s。"
1589N/Amsgid "Cannot remove '%s' due to the following packages that depend on it:"
1741N/Amsgstr "无法删除 '%s',由于与其相关的以下软件包:"
2437N/Amsgid "The proposed operation cannot be performed on a live image."
2437N/A"Please provide one of the package FMRIs listed above to the install command."
2506N/Amsgstr "请为 install 命令提供上面列出的某个软件包 FMRI。"
2437N/Amsgid "NOTE: Please review release notes posted at:\n"
2437N/Amsgstr "注意:请查看位于以下网址的发行说明:\n"
2437N/Amsgid "%(opt1)s may only be used in combination with %(opt2)s"
2437N/Amsgstr "%(opt1)s 只能与 %(opt2)s 组合使用"
2437N/Amsgid "the %(opt1)s and %(opt2)s options may not be combined"
2437N/Amsgstr "不能组合使用 %(opt1)s 和 %(opt2)s 选项"
2437N/Amsgid "option '%s' repeated"
2543N/Amsgid "--parsable expects an integer argument."
2543N/Amsgstr "--parsable 需要一个整数参数。"
2437N/Amsgid "invalid operation stage: '%s'"
2437N/Amsgid "either -c or -p must be specified"
1589N/Amsgid "%s: no variants specified"
1589N/Amsgid "%s: variants must to be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
1741N/Amsgstr "%s: 变量的格式必须是“<名称>=<值>”。"
1589N/Amsgid "%s: duplicate variant specified: %s"
1703N/Amsgid "%s: no facets specified"
1703N/Amsgid "%s: facets must to be of the form 'facet....=[True|False|None]'"
1703N/Amsgstr "%s: 侧面的格式必须是 'facet....=[True|False|None]'"
1703N/Amsgid "%s: facets must to be of the form 'facet....=[True|False|None]'."
1703N/Amsgstr "%s: 侧面的格式必须是 'facet....=[True|False|None]'。"
1589N/Amsgid "at least one package name required"
2557N/Amsgid "at least one file path or tag name required"
2506N/A#. Don't pollute other output formats.
2506N/Amsgid "no matching mediators found"
2506N/Amsgid "at least one mediator must be specified"
2506N/A"a mediator version
and/or implementation must be specified using -V and -I"
2506N/Amsgstr "必须使用 -V 和 -I 指定一个中介版本和/或实现"
2506N/Amsgid "No changes required."
2437N/Amsgid " %s (group dependency of '%s')"
2506N/Amsgid "At least one package to freeze must be given when -c is used."
2506N/Amsgstr "当使用 -c 时,必须指定至少一个要冻结的软件包。"
2557N/Amsgid "-H may only be specified when listing the currently frozen packages."
2557N/Amsgstr "只有在列出当前冻结的软件包时才可以指定 -H。"
2506N/Amsgid "%(name)s was frozen at %(ver)s"
2506N/Amsgstr "%(name)s 在 %(ver)s 上已被冻结"
2095N/A"The repository returned a malformed result.\n"
1109N/A"The problematic structure:%r"
2506N/Amsgstr "系统信息库返回了格式错误的结果。\n有问题的结构: %r"
2095N/A"The repository returned an invalid or unsupported action.\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "系统信息库返回了无效或不受支持的操作。\n%s"
1589N/Amsgid "at least one search term must be provided"
1589N/Amsgid "action level options ('%s') to -o cannot be used with the -p option"
1703N/Amsgstr "对 -o 的操作级别选项 ('%s') 不能与 -p 选项结合使用"
2095N/Amsgid "The repository returned a malformed result:%r"
2095N/Amsgstr "系统信息库返回了格式错误的结果: %r"
1589N/A"action level options to -o cannot be used with the queries that return "
2506N/Amsgstr "对 -o 的操作级别选项不能与可返回软件包的查询结合使用"
1109N/A"The search index appears corrupted. Please rebuild the index with 'pkg "
2506N/Amsgstr "搜索索引似乎已被破坏。请使用 'pkg rebuild-index' 重新生成索引。"
1589N/Amsgid "-l and -r may not be combined"
1589N/Amsgid "must request remote info for specific packages"
1057N/A#. XXX even more info on the publisher would be nice?
1589N/A"pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified are\n"
684N/A"installed on the system. Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
2506N/Amsgstr "pkg: info:系统中没有安装任何与您指定的以下模式匹配的\n软件包。请尝试指定 -r 来进行远程查询:"
1589N/A"pkg: info: no packages matching the following patterns you specified were\n"
684N/A"found in the catalog. Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing,
684N/A"examining the catalogs:"
2506N/Amsgstr "pkg: info:在目录中没有找到任何与您指定的以下模式匹配的\n软件包。请尝试细化模式、刷新和/或\n检查目录:"
1057N/Amsgid "no license information could be found for the following packages:"
684N/Amsgid "Invalid attribute '%s'"
2095N/Amsgid "-a takes an argument of the form <attribute>=<pattern>"
2095N/Amsgstr "-a 采用格式为 <属性>=<模式> 的参数"
1589N/Amsgid "contents: must request remote contents for specific packages"
1589N/Amsgstr "contents: 必须为特定软件包请求远程内容"
1589N/Amsgid "-m and %s may not be specified at the same time"
1703N/Amsgid "pkg: contents: no matching actions found in the listed packages"
1703N/Amsgstr "pkg: contents: 在所列的软件包中没有找到任何匹配的操作"
2095N/A"This package contains no actions with the fields specified using the -o\n"
2095N/A"option. Please specify other fields, or use the -m option to show the raw\n"
2095N/A"These packages contain no actions with the fields specified using the -o\n"
2095N/A"option. Please specify other fields, or use the -m option to show the raw\n"
2095N/Amsgstr[0] "此软件包不包含具有使用 -o 选项指定的字段的任何\n操作。请指定其他字段,或使用 -m 选项显示原始的\n软件包清单。"
2095N/Amsgstr[1] "这些软件包不包含具有使用 -o 选项指定的字段的任何\n操作。请指定其他字段,或使用 -m 选项显示原始的\n软件包清单。"
2095N/A"This package delivers no filesystem content, but may contain metadata. Use\n"
2095N/A"the -o option to specify fields other than 'path', or use the -m option to "
2095N/A"the raw package manifests."
2095N/A"These packages deliver no filesystem content, but may contain metadata. Use\n"
2095N/A"the -o option to specify fields other than 'path', or use the -m option to "
2095N/A"the raw package manifests."
2095N/Amsgstr[0] "此软件包未传送任何文件系统内容,但可能包含元数据。请使用 \n-o 选项指定 'path' 之外的字段,或使用 -m 选项显示\n原始的软件包清单。"
2095N/Amsgstr[1] "这些软件包未传送任何文件系统内容,但可能包含元数据。请使用 \n-o 选项指定 'path' 之外的字段,或使用 -m 选项显示\n原始的软件包清单。"
1589N/A"pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
1589N/A"installed on the system. Try specifying -r to query remotely:"
2506N/Amsgstr "pkg: contents: 系统中没有安装任何与您指定的以下模式匹配的\n软件包。请尝试指定 -r 来进行远程查询:"
1589N/A"pkg: contents: no packages matching the following patterns you specified "
1589N/A"found in the catalog. Try relaxing the patterns, refreshing,
2506N/Amsgstr "pkg: contents:在目录中没有找到任何与您指定的以下模式匹配的\\n\n软件包。请尝试放宽模式、刷新和/或\\n\n检查目录:"
684N/Amsgid "pkg: %s/%s catalogs successfully updated:"
2437N/Amsgstr "pkg: %s/%s 目录已成功更新:"
1057N/Amsgid "'pkg publisher' will show a list of publishers."
1741N/Amsgstr "'pkg publisher' 将会显示一个发布者列表。"
2095N/Amsgid "Could not refresh the catalog for %s\n"
2095N/A"The origin URIs for '%(pubname)s' do not appear to point to a valid pkg "
2095N/A"Please verify the repository's location and the client's network "
2506N/Amsgstr "'%(pubname)s' 的源 URI 似乎未指向有效的 pkg 系统信息库。\n请检验系统信息库的位置和客户机的网络配置。\n其他详细信息:\n\n%(details)s"
2095N/A"The specified URI does not appear to point to a valid pkg repository.\n"
2095N/A"Please check the URI and the client's network configuration.\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "指定的 URI 似乎未指向有效的 pkg 系统信息库。\n请检查 URI 和客户机的网络配置。\n其他详细信息:\n\n%s"
2095N/A"properties to be set must be of the form '<name>=<value>'. This is what was "
2506N/Amsgstr "要设置的属性的格式必须为“<名称>=<值>”。所提供的属性为: %s"
2095N/Amsgid "a property may only be set once in a command. %s was set twice"
2095N/Amsgstr "在命令中对属性只能设置一次。%s 已设置两次"
2095N/A"property values to be added must be of the form '<name>=<value>'. This is "
2506N/Amsgstr "要添加的属性值的格式必须为“<名称>=<值>”。所提供的属性值为: %s"
2095N/A"property values to be removed must be of the form '<name>=<value>'. This is "
2506N/Amsgstr "要删除的属性值的格式必须为“<名称>=<值>”。所提供的属性值为: %s"
1057N/Amsgid "requires a publisher name"
1057N/Amsgid "only one publisher name may be specified"
1703N/A"the -O and -g, --add-origin, -G, or --remove-origin options may not be "
2506N/Amsgstr "不能组合使用 -O 和 -g、--add-origin、-G 或 --remove-origin 选项"
2437N/Amsgid "search-before, search-after, and search-first (-P) may not be combined"
2437N/Amsgstr "不能组合使用 search-before、search-after 和 search-first (-P)"
2095N/A"the -p option may not be combined with the -g, --add-origin, -G, --remove-"
2095N/A"origin, -m, --add-mirror, -M, --remove-mirror, --enable, --disable, --no-"
2437N/A"refresh, or --reset-uuid options"
2506N/Amsgstr "-p 选项不可与 -g、--add-origin、-G、--remove-origin、-m、--add-mirror、-M、--remove-mirror、--enable、--disable、--no-refresh 或 --reset-uuid 选项组合使用"
2095N/A"To add a publisher using this repository, execute the following command as "
2095N/A" pkg set-publisher -g %s <publisher>\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "\n要使用此系统信息库添加发布者,请以特权用户身份执行\n以下命令:\n\n pkg set-publisher -g %s <发布者>\n"
2095N/A"The specified repository did not contain any publisher configuration\n"
2095N/A"information. This is likely the result of a repository configuration\n"
2095N/A"error. Please contact the repository administrator for further\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "\n指定的系统信息库不包含任何发布者配置\n信息。这可能是由于系统信息库\n配置出错。请与系统信息库管理员联系以获得进一步\n帮助。"
2095N/A" The specified repository location is not a known source of publisher\n"
2095N/A" configuration updates for '%s'.\n"
2095N/A" This new repository location must be added as an origin to the "
2095N/A" to accept configuration updates from this repository."
2506N/Amsgstr " 指定的系统信息库位置不是 '%s' 的发布者配置更新\n 的已知源。\n\n 此新系统信息库位置必须作为源添加到发布者,\n 以从此系统信息库接受配置更新。"
2095N/Amsgid " Added publisher(s): %s"
2095N/Amsgid " Updated publisher(s): %s"
2437N/A#. None of the origins or mirrors for the publisher
2437N/A#. use SSL schemes so the cert and key information
2437N/Amsgid "Publisher '%s' does not have any SSL-based origins or mirrors."
2437N/Amsgstr "发布者 '%s' 没有任何基于 SSL 的源或镜像。"
1589N/Amsgid "at least one publisher must be specified"
1057N/Amsgid "Removal failed for '%(pub)s': %(msg)s"
1057N/Amsgstr "删除 '%(pub)s' 失败: %(msg)s"
2095N/Amsgid "Unrecognized format %(format)s. Supported formats: %(valid)s"
2095N/Amsgstr "无法识别的格式 %(format)s。支持的格式: %(valid)s"
2437N/A#. XXX get the real origin status
1057N/A#. XXX get the real mirror status
1057N/Amsgid " Cert. Effective Date:"
1057N/Amsgid "Cert. Expiration Date:"
2437N/Amsgid " Sig. Required Names:"
1589N/Amsgid "requires a property name and value"
2095N/Amsgid "requires a property name and at least one value"
2437N/Amsgid "Signature-policy %s doesn't allow additional parameters."
1589N/Amsgid "requires at least one property name"
1589N/Amsgid "no such property: %s"
2437N/Amsgid "linked image property arguments must be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
2437N/Amsgstr "链接映像属性参数的格式必须是“<名称>=<值>”。"
2437N/Amsgid "invalid linked image property: '%s'."
2437N/Amsgid "linked image property specified multiple times: '%s'."
2437N/Amsgid "%(op)s: no such property: %(p)s"
2437N/Amsgstr "%(op)s: 没有这样的属性: %(p)s"
2437N/Amsgid "cannot specify linked image property: '%s'"
2437N/Amsgid "a linked image name and path must be specified"
2437N/Amsgid "Facet arguments must be of the form '<name>=(True|False)'"
2437N/Amsgstr "侧面参数的格式必须是“<名称>=(True|False)”"
1589N/Amsgid "variant arguments must be of the form '<name>=<value>'."
1741N/Amsgstr "变量参数的格式必须是“<名称>=<值>”。"
2095N/Amsgid "an image directory path must be specified"
1589N/Amsgid "only one image directory path may be specified"
2095N/A"--no-refresh cannot be used with -p unless a publisher prefix is provided."
2506N/Amsgstr "无法组合使用 --no-refresh 和 -p,除非提供发布者前缀。"
2095N/A"The URI '%(pub_url)s' does not appear to point to a valid pkg repository.\n"
2095N/A"Please check the repository's location and the client's network "
2506N/Amsgstr "URI '%(pub_url)s' 似乎未指向有效的 pkg 系统信息库。\n请检查系统信息库的位置和客户机的网络配置。\n其他详细信息:\n\n%(error)s"
2437N/Amsgid "command does not take operands ('%s')"
2437N/Amsgid "Argument to -n must be numeric"
2437N/Amsgid "Argument to -n must be positive"
2437N/A#. Translators: 'command' and 'reason' are
2437N/A#. keywords and should not be translated
2437N/Amsgid "'command' and 'reason' columns cannot be used together."
2437N/Amsgstr "'command' 与 'reason' 列不能一起使用。"
2437N/Amsgid "The '%s' column must be the last item in the -o list"
2437N/Amsgstr "'%s' 列必须是 -o 列表中的最后一项"
2437N/Amsgid "Unknown output column '%s'"
2437N/Amsgid "-H and -l may not be combined"
2437N/Amsgid "-o and -l may not be combined"
2437N/Amsgid "-n and -t may not be combined"
2437N/A"History operation appeared to end before it started. Start time: %"
2437N/A"(start_time)s, End time: %(end_time)s"
2506N/Amsgstr "历史记录操作的结束时间好像早于开始时间。开始时间:%(start_time)s,结束时间:%(end_time)s"
2437N/Amsgid "Duplicate column specified: %s"
1589N/A"The following proxy configuration is set in the environment:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "\n在此环境中设置了以下代理配置:\n"
2437N/Amsgid "Image format updated."
2437N/Amsgid "Image format already current."
2437N/Amsgid "version: command does not take operands ('%s')"
2437N/Amsgstr "version: 命令没有操作数 ('%s')"
684N/Amsgid "illegal global option -- %s"
1057N/Amsgid "%(opt)s takes argument of form name=value, not %(arg)s"
1057N/Amsgstr "%(opt)s 采用“名称=值”格式而不是 %(arg)s 格式的参数"
2095N/Amsgid "unknown subcommand '%s'"
1589N/Amsgid "no subcommand specified"
2437N/Amsgid "runid must be an integer"
1057N/Amsgid "-R not allowed for %s subcommand"
1589N/Amsgid "illegal option -- %s"
2437N/A"Could not find image. Use the -R option or set $PKG_IMAGE to the\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "找不到映像。请使用 -R 选项或者将 $PKG_IMAGE 设置为某个\n映像的位置。"
2437N/A"This is an internal error in pkg(5) version %(version)s. Please let the\n"
2437N/A"developers know about this problem by including the information above (and\n"
2437N/A"this message) when filing a bug at:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "\n\n这是 pkg(5) 版本 %(version)s 中的一个内部错误。\n请告知开发者该问题,在以下位置\n记录错误时应包括上述信息:\n\n%(bug_uri)s"
2437N/A"Linked image exception(s):\n"
1589N/A"Errors were encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file data "
2506N/Amsgstr "\n尝试为请求的操作检索软件包或文件数据时\n出现错误。"
2095N/A"An error was encountered while attempting to read image state information\n"
2095N/A"to perform the requested operation. Details follow:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "\n在尝试读取映像状态信息以执行请求操作时\n出现错误。详细信息如下:\n\n%s"
2095N/A"Unable to contact a valid package repository. This may be due to a problem "
2095N/A"with the repository, network misconfiguration, or an incorrect pkg client "
2095N/A"configuration. Please verify the client's network configuration and "
2506N/Amsgstr "\n无法连接有效的软件包系统信息库。这可能是由于系统信息库出现问题、网络配置错误或 pkg 客户机配置不正确。请检验客户机的网络配置和系统信息库的位置。"
1589N/A"An error was encountered while attempting to load history information\n"
1589N/A"about past client operations."
2506N/Amsgstr "尝试装入有关过去的客户机操作的历史记录信息时\n出现错误。"
1589N/A"An error was encountered while attempting to store information about the\n"
1589N/A"current operation in client history."
2506N/Amsgstr "尝试在客户机历史记录中存储有关当前操作的信息时\n出现错误。"
1589N/Amsgid "An error was encountered while attempting to purge client history."
2095N/A"The pkg command appears out of sync with the libraries provided\n"
2437N/A"Despite the error while indexing, the operation has completed successfuly."
2506N/Amsgstr "\n\n尽管在建立索引时出现错误,但操作已成功完成。"
1703N/A#. The full usage message isn't desired.
1741N/Amsgstr "属性参数的格式必须是“<区段.属性>=<值>”。"
1703N/Amsgid "Install, update and remove software packages"
1057N/Amsgid "Administration and Configuration"
1057N/Amsgid "Application and Web Servers"
1057N/Amsgid "Configuration and Preferences"
1057N/Amsgid "Enterprise Management"
1057N/Amsgid "Graphics and Imaging"
1057N/Amsgid "High Performance Computing"
1703N/Amsgid "Integrated Development Environments"
1703N/Amsgid "Internationalization"
1109N/Amsgid "Multimedia Libraries"
1703N/Amsgid "Plug-ins and Run-times"
1703N/Amsgid "Source Code Management"
2095N/A"A boolean which determines if the Details panel in the Install Remove "
2095N/A"progress dialog is expanded or not."
2095N/Amsgstr "一个布尔值,用于确定是否展开了安装/删除进度对话框中的详细信息面板。"
1057N/A"A boolean which determines if the Start Page should be shown on startup or "
2506N/Amsgstr "一个布尔值,用于确定应该在启动时显示起始页面还是显示初始列表视图。"
1589N/A"A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should save its state on "
1589N/A"exit and use it on restart. The state is the selected publisher and the size "
1589N/A"and position of horizontal and vertical dividers."
2506N/Amsgstr "一个布尔值,用于确定软件包管理器是否应在退出时保存其状态并在重新启动时使用该状态。此状态是选定的发布者以及水平和垂直分隔条的尺寸和位置。"
1703N/A"A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should show confirmation "
1703N/A"dialog when the updates are found after performing Updates operation (Checks "
1703N/A"if updates are available) or it should go straight to the update all "
2506N/Amsgstr "一个布尔值,用于确定软件包管理器是应在执行更新操作(检查是否有可用更新)之后找到更新时显示确认对话框,还是应直接执行全部更新操作。"
1703N/A"A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should show confirmation "
1703N/A"dialog when the user selected some packages for installation or update."
2506N/Amsgstr "一个布尔值,用于确定软件包管理器是否应在用户选择了一些要安装或更新的软件包时显示确认对话框。"
1703N/A"A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should show confirmation "
1703N/A"dialog when the user selected some packages for removal."
2506N/Amsgstr "一个布尔值,用于确定软件包管理器是否应在用户选择了一些要删除的软件包时显示确认对话框。"
1589N/A"A boolean which determines whether Package Manager should start in search "
2506N/Amsgstr "一个布尔值,用于确定软件包管理器是否应在搜索模式下启动。"
1589N/A"A string which determines if the repository is shown or not in the error "
2506N/Amsgstr "一个字符串,用于确定系统信息库是否显示在错误对话框中。"
1589N/Amsgid "A string which stores the last publisher used by package manager."
1741N/Amsgstr "一个字符串,用于存储软件包管理器上次使用的发布者。"
1057N/A"An integer which identifies the initial show filter value to be displayed "
1057N/A"when packagemanager starts. 0 corresponds to All Packages."
2506N/Amsgstr "一个整数,用于确定要在软件包管理器启动时显示的初始显示过滤器值。0 对应于“所有软件包”。"
1589N/A"An integer which identifies the initial toplevel section to be expanded when "
1589N/A"packagemanager starts. 0 = \"All Categories\", 2 = \"Applications\" (the "
2506N/Amsgstr "一个整数,用于确定要在软件包管理器启动时展开的初始顶层区段。0 =“所有类别”,2 =“应用程序”(缺省)"
1109N/A"An integer which specifies the initial height of the application main "
1109N/A"window, overridden if there is not enough screen available."
2506N/Amsgstr "一个整数,用于指定应用程序主窗口的初始高度,如果没有足够的屏幕空间可用,则将被覆盖。"
1109N/A"An integer which specifies the initial horizonatal divider position of the "
1109N/A"application, which separates the category panel from the list panel."
2506N/Amsgstr "一个整数,用于指定应用程序的初始水平分隔条位置。该分隔条用于将类别面板与列表面板分隔开。"
1109N/A"An integer which specifies the initial vertical divider position of the "
1109N/A"application, which separates the details panel from the list panel."
2506N/Amsgstr "一个整数,用于指定应用程序的初始垂直分隔条位置。该分隔条用于将详细信息面板与列表面板分隔开。"
1109N/A"An integer which specifies the initial width of the application main window, "
1109N/A"overridden if there is not enough screen available."
2506N/Amsgstr "一个整数,用于指定应用程序主窗口的初始宽度,如果没有足够的屏幕空间可用,则将被覆盖。"
1589N/A"An integer which specifies the maximum number of entries to store for search "
2506N/Amsgstr "一个整数,用于指定为完成搜索而存储的最大条目数。"
1589N/A"Comma separated list of repositories which we show if there are API errors "
2506N/Amsgstr "逗号分隔的系统信息库列表,用于显示在搜索这些系统信息库时是否存在 API 错误"
1703N/Amsgid "Display confirmation dialog after Check for updates"
1703N/Amsgid "Display remove packages confirmation dialog"
1589N/Amsgid "Display selected publisher at startup"
2095N/Amsgid "Expand Details in Install Remove"
1589N/Amsgid "Initial application height"
1589N/Amsgid "Initial application horizonatal divider position"
1589N/Amsgid "Initial application vertical divider position"
1589N/Amsgid "Initial application width"
1589N/Amsgid "Initial section value"
1057N/Amsgid "Initial show filter value"
2437N/Amsgid "Last Add Publisher Certificate Path"
2437N/Amsgid "Last Export Selections Path"
1589N/Amsgid "Last publisher used by package manager"
2437N/Amsgid "Maximum entries for Search Completion"
1057N/Amsgid "Show Start Page on startup"
1057N/Amsgid "Start Page Update URL"
2095N/Amsgid "Start in search mode"
1057N/A"The location from which to fetch updates to the Package Manager Start Page."
2506N/Amsgstr "用于从中获取软件包管理器起始页面更新的位置。"
2437N/Amsgid "The path for the last Publisher Certificate added to packagemanager."
2437N/Amsgstr "上次添加到软件包管理器的发布者证书的路径。"
1589N/Amsgid "The path for the last set of selections exported from packagemanager."
1741N/Amsgstr "上次从软件包管理器中导出的一组选定项的路径。"
2437N/Amsgid "<b>Add, modify and remove publishers</b>"
2437N/Amsgid "<b>Apply the following changes:</b>"
2437N/Amsgid "<b>Certificates for publisher</b>"
2437N/Amsgid "<b>Delete, rename and activate boot environments</b>"
2437N/Amsgstr "<b>删除、重命名和激活引导环境</b>"
2437N/Amsgid "<b>Installable Version:</b>"
2437N/Amsgid "<b>Installed Version:</b>"
2437N/Amsgid "<b>Language choices for any package:</b>"
2437N/Amsgstr "<b>适用于任何软件包的语言选项:</b>"
2437N/Amsgid "<b>Other component choices:</b>"
2437N/Amsgid "<b>Publisher added successfully</b>"
2437N/Amsgid "<b>Recent Searches</b>"
2437N/Amsgid "<b>Review the packages to be installed or udpated</b>"
2437N/Amsgstr "<b>查看要安装或更新的软件包</b>"
2437N/Amsgid "<b>Show Confirmation Dialog</b>"
2437N/Amsgid "<b>Update Manager</b>"
2437N/Amsgid "<b>Updates completed successfully</b>"
2437N/Amsgid "<b>Version to Install:</b>"
2437N/Amsgid "<b>View Package Manager Logs</b>"
2437N/Amsgid "<b>When installing packages from any publisher:</b>"
2437N/Amsgstr "<b>安装来自任何发布者的软件包时:</b>"
2437N/Amsgid "<b>When installing packages from this publisher:</b>"
2437N/Amsgstr "<b>安装来自此发布者的软件包时:</b>"
2437N/Amsgid "<b>_SSL Key and Certificate</b>"
2437N/Amsgstr "<b>SSL 密钥和证书(_S)</b>"
2437N/Amsgid "<big><b>Package Manager Web Installer</b></big>"
2437N/Amsgstr "<big><b>软件包管理器 Web 安装程序</b></big>"
2437N/Amsgid "<i><b>Example:</b> oracle, opensolaris</i>"
2437N/Amsgstr "<i><b>示例:</b>oracle、opensolaris</i>"
2437N/A"<i><b>Note:</b> This global signature policy maybe overridden by stricter "
2437N/A"settings in an individual publisher signature policy</i>"
2506N/Amsgstr "<i><b>注:</b>此全局签名策略可以被单独的发布者签名策略中更为严格的设置所覆盖</i>"
2437N/A"<i><b>Note:</b> This signature policy may be overridden by stricter settings "
2437N/A"in the global signature policy</i>"
2506N/Amsgstr "<i><b>注:</b>此签名策略可以被全局签名策略中更为严格的设置所覆盖</i>"
2437N/Amsgid "<span foreground=\"blue\"><u>What's this?</u></span>"
2437N/Amsgstr "<span foreground=\"blue\"><u>这是什么?</u></span>"
2437N/A"A new boot environment has been created and will be given the\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "已创建了一个新的引导环境,并为其指定\n以下名称。"
2437N/Amsgid "Adding Publisher Complete"
2437N/Amsgid "Browse for SSL Certificate"
2437N/Amsgid "Cancel current operation"
2437N/Amsgid "Check for and install all available Updates."
2437N/Amsgid "Checking package dependencies..."
2437N/Amsgid "Clear Recent Searc_hes"
2437N/A"Copyright (c) 2008, 2010, Oracle
and/or its affiliates.\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "版权所有 (c) 2008, 2010, Oracle 和/或其附属公司。\n保留所有权利。"
2437N/Amsgid "Currently active boot environment"
2437N/Amsgid "Do not notify me about these publishers again."
2437N/Amsgid "Edit->Preferences: Signature Policy"
2437N/Amsgid "Install _all languages"
2437N/Amsgid "Install _only these languages:"
2437N/Amsgid "Install all _development files"
2437N/Amsgid "Install all do_cumentation"
2437N/Amsgid "Manage Boot Environments"
2437N/Amsgid "Manage _Boot Environments..."
2437N/Amsgid "On Package _Install/Update"
2437N/Amsgid "One or more _valid signatures are required"
2437N/Amsgid "Package Version Info"
2437N/Amsgid "Re_gistration Details"
2437N/Amsgid "Read the release notes before restarting the system."
2437N/Amsgid "Read the release notes."
2437N/Amsgid "Remember current state on _exit"
2437N/Amsgid "Search Publisher Errors"
2437N/Amsgid "Search errors with the following publishers:"
2437N/Amsgid "Set publisher priorities using arrows."
2437N/Amsgid "Show Start Page on _startup"
2437N/Amsgid "Show _all publisher results"
2437N/Amsgid "Signatures are _ignored"
2437N/Amsgid "Signatures are _optional, but must be valid if provided"
2437N/Amsgstr "签名是可选的,但如果提供则必须有效(_O)"
2437N/Amsgid "Signatures are _required and certificate names must include:"
2437N/Amsgstr "签名是必需的且证书名称必须包括(_R):"
2437N/Amsgid "Specify the publisher URI and optional alias"
2437N/Amsgid "The following will be added to your system:"
2437N/Amsgid "This is a secure publisher."
2437N/A"This publisher requires an SSL key and an SSL certificate.\n"
2437N/A"Specify the location of these files."
2506N/Amsgstr "此发布者需要 SSL 密钥和 SSL 证书。\n请指定这些文件的位置。"
2437N/Amsgid "View Global _Policy..."
2437N/Amsgid "_Do not show this confirmation dialog again"
2437N/Amsgid "_Export Selections..."
2506N/Amsgid "_Manage Publishers..."
2506N/Amsgid "_Optional Components"
2437N/Amsgid "_Package Version Info"
2506N/Amsgid "_Registration Details"
1057N/A"unknown action type '%(type)s' in package '%(fmri)s' in action '%(action)s'"
2506N/Amsgstr "操作 '%(action)s' 中软件包 '%(fmri)s' 中的操作类型 '%(type)s' 未知"
1057N/Amsgid "unknown action type '%(type)s' in action '%(action)s'"
1703N/Amsgstr "操作 '%(action)s' 中的操作类型 '%(type)s' 未知"
1057N/A"Malformed action in package '%(fmri)s' at position: %(pos)d:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "位于位置 %(pos)d 处的软件包 '%(fmri)s' 中的不规则操作:\n %(action)s\n%(marker)s"
1057N/A"Malformed action at position: %(pos)d:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "位于位置 %(pos)d 处的不规则操作:\n %(action)s\n%(marker)s"
1057N/Amsgid "invalid action in package %(fmri)s: %(action)s: %(error)s"
1057N/Amsgstr "软件包 %(fmri)s 中的无效操作: %(action)s: %(error)s"
1057N/Amsgid "invalid action, '%(action)s': %(error)s"
1057N/Amsgstr "无效操作 '%(action)s': %(error)s"
2095N/A"The action '%(action)s' in package '%(fmri)s' has invalid attribute(s):\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "软件包 '%(fmri)s' 中的操作 '%(action)s' 具有无效属性:\n %(act_errors)s"
2095N/A"The action '%(action)s' has invalid attribute(s):\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "操作 '%(action)s' 具有无效属性:\n %(act_errors)s"
2506N/A"Action payload '%(name)s' was not found in any of the provided locations:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "在所提供的任何位置中都没有找到操作有效载荷 '%(name)s':\n%(basedirs)s"
2506N/A"Action payload '%(name)s' was not found in any of the provided sources:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "在所提供的任何源中都没有找到操作有效载荷 '%(name)s':\n%(sources)s"
1703N/Amsgid "Missing type attribute"
1703N/Amsgid "Unknown type (%s) in depend action"
1741N/Amsgstr "depend 操作中有未知类型 (%s)"
2437N/Amsgid "Package is not installed in parent image %s"
2437N/A#. package is from a different publisher
2437N/Amsgid "Package in parent is from a different publisher: %s"
2437N/Amsgstr "父项中的软件包来自一个不同的发布者: %s"
2437N/Amsgid "Parent image has a newer version of package %s"
2437N/Amsgid "Parent image has an older version of package %s"
2095N/Amsgid "%(dep_type)s dependency %(dep_val)s is downrev (%(inst_ver)s)"
2095N/Amsgstr "%(dep_type)s 相关项 %(dep_val)s 是 downrev (%(inst_ver)s)"
2095N/Amsgid "%(dep_type)s dependency %(dep_val)s is uprev (%(inst_ver)s)"
2095N/Amsgstr "%(dep_type)s 相关项 %(dep_val)s 是 uprev (%(inst_ver)s)"
2095N/A"%s dependency on an obsolete package (%s);this package must be uninstalled "
2506N/Amsgstr "%s 是过时软件包 (%s) 的相关项;必须手动卸载此软件包"
2437N/Amsgid "Required dependency on one of %s not met"
2095N/Amsgid "Required dependency %s is not installed"
2506N/Amsgid "a predicate may only be specified for conditional dependencies"
2506N/Amsgid "the root-image attribute is only valid for origin dependencies"
2506N/Amsgstr "root-image 属性只对源相关项有效"
2506N/Amsgid "invalid %(attr)s value '%(value)s': %(error)s"
2506N/Amsgstr "无效的 %(attr)s 值 '%(value)s': %(error)s"
2095N/A#. User has replaced directory with a
2095N/A#. link, or a package has been poorly
2095N/A#. implemented. It isn't safe to
2095N/A#. simply re-create the directory as
2095N/A#. that won't restore the files that
2095N/A#. are supposed to be contained within.
2095N/A"Unable to create directory %s; it has been replaced with a link. To "
2095N/A"continue, please remove the link or restore the directory to its original "
2506N/Amsgstr "无法创建目录 %s;它已替换为一个链接。如果要继续,请删除链接或将该目录恢复到其原始位置并重试。"
2095N/A#. User has replaced directory with mountpoint,
2095N/A#. or a package has been poorly implemented.
2095N/A#. User has replaced item with mountpoint, or a
2095N/A#. package has been poorly implemented.
2095N/A"Unable to remove %s; it is in use as a mountpoint. To continue, please "
2095N/A"unmount the filesystem at the target location and try again."
2506N/Amsgstr "无法删除 %s;它正在作为安装点使用。如果要继续,请在目标位置卸载文件系统并重试。"
2095N/A#. filesystems, so give a more generic
2095N/A"Unable to remove %s; it is in use by the system, another process, or as a "
2506N/Amsgstr "无法删除 %s;它正在由系统、其他进程或作为安装点使用。"
2437N/A"Action data hash verification failure: expected: %(expected)s computed: %"
2437N/A"(actual)s action: %(action)s"
2506N/Amsgstr "操作数据散列验证失败:预期值: %(expected)s 计算值: %(actual)s 操作: %(action)s"
2095N/Amsgid "Timestamp: %(found)s should be %(expected)s"
2095N/Amsgstr "时间戳: %(found)s 应为 %(expected)s"
2095N/Amsgid "Size: %(found)d bytes should be %(expected)d"
2095N/Amsgstr "大小: %(found)d 字节数应为 %(expected)d"
2095N/Amsgid "Elfhash: %(found)s should be %(expected)s"
2095N/Amsgstr "Elfhash: %(found)s 应为 %(expected)s"
2095N/Amsgid "Hash: %(found)s should be %(expected)s"
2095N/Amsgstr "散列: %(found)s 应为 %(expected)s"
2095N/Amsgid "Skipping: Permission Denied"
2095N/Amsgid "Unexpected Error: %s"
2095N/Amsgid "Unexpected Exception: %s"
2506N/Amsgid "no value specified for key attribute '%s'"
2506N/Amsgid "%s attribute may only be specified once"
2437N/Amsgid "Empty path attribute"
2095N/A"Unable to create %(path)s; a parent directory %(p)s has been replaced with a "
2095N/A"file or link. Please restore the parent directory and try again."
2506N/Amsgstr "无法创建 %(path)s;父目录 %(p)s 已替换为一个文件或链接。请恢复父目录并重试。"
2095N/Amsgid "mode is required; value must be of the form '644', '0644', or '04755'."
2095N/Amsgstr "模式是必需的,值的格式必须是 '644'、'0644' 或 '04755'。"
2506N/Amsgid "mode may only be specified once"
2095N/A"'%s' is not a valid mode; value must be of the form '644', '0644', or "
2506N/Amsgstr "'%s' 不是有效模式;值的格式必须是 '644'、'0644' 或 '04755'。"
2506N/Amsgid "owner may only be specified once"
2506N/Amsgid "group may only be specified once"
2095N/A"'%(path)s' cannot be installed; the owner '%(owner)s' was removed by '%"
2506N/Amsgstr "无法安装 '%(path)s';所有者 '%(owner)s' 已由 '%(src_fmri)s' 删除。"
2095N/A"'%(path)s' cannot be installed; '%(owner)s' is an unknown or invalid user."
2506N/Amsgstr "无法安装 '%(path)s';'%(owner)s' 是未知或无效用户。"
2095N/A"'%(path)s' cannot be installed; the group '%(group)s' was removed by '%"
2506N/Amsgstr "无法安装 '%(path)s';组 '%(group)s' 已由 '%(src_fmri)s' 删除。"
2095N/A"'%(path)s' cannot be installed; '%(group)s' is an unknown or invalid group."
2506N/Amsgstr "无法安装 '%(path)s';'%(group)s' 是未知或无效组。"
2095N/Amsgid "Owner: %s is unknown"
2095N/Amsgid "Group: %s is unknown "
2095N/Amsgid "Missing: %s does not exist"
2095N/Amsgid "Skipping: Permission denied"
2095N/Amsgid "File Type: '%(found)s' should be '%(expected)s'"
2095N/Amsgstr "文件类型: '%(found)s' 应为 '%(expected)s'"
2095N/A"Owner: '%(found_name)s (%(found_id)d)' should be '%(expected_name)s (%"
2506N/Amsgstr "所有者: '%(found_name)s (%(found_id)d)' 应为 '%(expected_name)s (%(expected_id)d)'"
2095N/A"Group: '%(found_name)s (%(found_id)s)' should be '%(expected_name)s (%"
2506N/Amsgstr "组: '%(found_name)s (%(found_id)s)' 应为 '%(expected_name)s (%(expected_id)s)'"
2095N/Amsgid "Mode: 0%(found).3o should be 0%(expected).3o"
2095N/Amsgstr "模式: 0%(found).3o 应为 0%(expected).3o"
2506N/Amsgid "%s may only be specified once"
2506N/Amsgid "%s must be an integer"
2095N/A"Cannot install '%(final_path)s'; parent directory %(parent_dir)s is a link "
2095N/A"to %(parent_target)s. To continue, move the directory to its original "
2506N/Amsgstr "无法安装 '%(final_path)s';父目录 %(parent_dir)s 是一个指向 %(parent_target)s 的链接。如果要继续,请将该目录移动至其原始位置并重试。"
2095N/Amsgid "Group cannot be installed without group database files present."
2095N/Amsgid "%(entry)s: '%(found)s' should be '%(expected)s'"
2095N/Amsgstr "%(entry)s: '%(found)s' 应为 '%(expected)s'"
2095N/A#. User or another process has removed target for
2095N/A#. hardlink, a package hasn't declared correct
2095N/A#. dependencies, or the target hasn't been installed
2095N/Amsgid "Unable to create hard link %(path)s; target %(target)s is missing."
2095N/Amsgstr "无法创建硬链接 %(path)s;缺少目标 %(target)s。"
2095N/Amsgid "Target '%s' does not exist"
2095N/Amsgid "Broken: Path and Target (%s) inodes not the same"
2095N/Amsgstr "已中断:路径和目标 (%s) inode 不相同"
1703N/Amsgid "License file %s does not exist."
1703N/Amsgid "Hash: '%(found)s' should be '%(expected)s'"
1741N/Amsgstr "散列: '%(found)s' 应该是 '%(expected)s'"
2095N/Amsgid "Target: '%(found)s' should be '%(expected)s'"
2095N/Amsgstr "目标: '%(found)s' 应为 '%(expected)s'"
2506N/A"a mediator must be provided when mediator-version, mediator-implementation, "
2506N/A"or mediator-priority is specified"
2506N/Amsgstr "当指定了 mediator-version、mediator-implementation 或 mediator-priority 时,必须提供中介"
2506N/A"a mediator-version or mediator-implementation must be provided if a mediator "
2506N/Amsgstr "如果指定了中介,则必须提供 mediator-version 或 mediator-implementation"
2095N/Amsgid "Missing algorithm attribute"
2095N/Amsgid "The signature value did not match the expected value. action:%s"
2095N/Amsgid "The signature value did not match the expected value. Res: %s"
2095N/Amsgid "%s was expected to be a RSA key but could not be read correctly."
2095N/Amsgstr "%s 应为 RSA 密钥,但不能正确读取。"
2095N/Amsgid "User cannot be installed without user database files present."
2095N/Amsgstr "无法安装用户,因为用户数据库文件不存在。"
2437N/A#. we're going to update root and path so prepare an error
2437N/A#. message with the existing values now.
2437N/Amsgid "Path outside alternate root: root=%s, path=%s"
2437N/Amsgstr "路径在备用根之外:根=%s,路径=%s"
2437N/A"Multi-package datastreams are not supported.\n"
2437N/A"Please use pkgtrans(1) to convert this bundle to multiple\n"
2437N/A"filesystem format packages."
2506N/Amsgstr "不支持多软件包数据流。\n请使用 pkgtrans(1) 将此捆绑包转换成\n多个文件系统格式软件包。"
1703N/Amsgid "Unknown info_needed type: %s"
1703N/Amsgstr "未知 info_needed 类型: %s"
1703N/A#. API consumer passed an unknown type for img_path.
1703N/Amsgid "Unknown img_path type."
2437N/A#. If image format update is needed to perform refresh,
2437N/A#. continue on and allow failure to happen later since
2437N/A#. an implicit refresh failing for this reason isn't
2437N/A#. important. (This allows planning installs and updates
2437N/A#. before the format of an image is updated. Yes, this
2437N/A#. means that if the refresh was needed to do that, then
2437N/A#. this isn't useful, but this is as good as it gets.)
2437N/A"Skipping publisher metadata refresh;image rooted at %s must have its format "
2437N/A"updated before a refresh can occur."
2506N/Amsgstr "正在跳过发布者元数据刷新;位于 %s 的映像必须更新其格式,然后才能执行刷新操作。"
2557N/Amsgid "Start time must be older than finish time: %s"
2557N/Amsgid "No history entries found for %s"
2557N/A"Invalid time format '%s'. Please use %%Y-%%m-%%dT%%H:%%M:%%S or\n"
2557N/Amsgstr "无效的时间格式 '%s'。请使用 %%Y-%%m-%%dT%%H:%%M:%%S 或\n%%Y-%%m-%%dT%%H:%%M:%%S-%%Y-%%m-%%dT%%H:%%M:%%S"
2437N/A"The pkg client api module can not be invoked from an setuid executable."
2506N/Amsgstr "\n无法从 setuid 可执行程序调用 pkg 客户机 api 模块。"
2095N/A"The image cannot be modified as it is currently in use by another package "
2095N/A"client: %(pid_name)s on %(host)s, pid %(pid)s."
2095N/Amsgstr "无法修改映像,因为它当前正在由其他软件包客户机使用: %(pid_name)s(位于 %(host)s 上),pid %(pid)s。"
2095N/A"The image cannot be modified as it is currently in use by another package "
2095N/A"client: %(pid_name)s on an unknown host, pid %(pid)s."
2506N/Amsgstr "无法修改映像,因为它当前正在由其他软件包客户机使用: %(pid_name)s(位于未知主机上),pid %(pid)s。"
2095N/A"The image cannot be modified as it is currently in use by another package "
2095N/A"client: pid %(pid)s on %(host)s."
2095N/Amsgstr "无法修改映像,因为它当前正在由其他软件包客户机使用: pid %(pid)s(位于 %(host)s 上)。"
2095N/A"The image cannot be modified as it is currently in use by another package "
2095N/Amsgstr "无法修改映像,因为它当前正在由其他软件包客户机使用。"
2437N/A"The image rooted at %s is written in an older format and must be updated "
2437N/A"before the requested operation can be performed."
2506N/Amsgstr "位于 %s 的映像是以旧格式写入的,必须对其进行更新,然后才能执行所请求的操作。"
2506N/A"Insufficent disk space available (%(avail)s)for estimated need (%(needed)s) "
2506N/Amsgstr "可用的磁盘空间 (%(avail)s) 不足,%(use)s 估计需要 (%(needed)s)"
2095N/A"The requested operation cannot be completed due to invalid package "
2095N/A"metadata. Details follow:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "无法完成请求的操作,因为软件包元数据无效。详细信息如下:\n\n%s"
1703N/Amsgid " License requires acceptance."
1703N/Amsgid " License must be viewed."
2095N/A"The plan for the current operation is no longer valid. The image has likely "
2095N/A"been modified by another process or client. Please try the operation again."
2095N/Amsgstr "当前操作的计划不再有效。映像可能已由其他进程或客户机修改。请重试此操作。"
1589N/A"Invalid package state change attempted '%(states)s' for package '%(fmri)s'."
2506N/Amsgstr "对软件包 '%(fmri)s' 尝试的软件包状态 '%(states)s' 更改无效。"
2437N/A"because of insufficient permissions. Please try the command again as a "
2506N/Amsgstr "无法对 %s 进行操作,\n因为权限不足。请作为特权用户重试该命令。"
2437N/A"Could not complete the operation because of insufficient permissions.\n"
2437N/A"Please try the command again as a privileged user.\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "\n无法完成操作,因为权限不足。\n请作为特权用户重试该命令。\n"
1057N/A"because the file is in use. Please stop using the file and try the\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "由于文件在使用中,无法对 %s\n进行操作。请停止使用此文件,然后重试此\n操作。"
2095N/Amsgid "Could not complete the operation on %s: read-only filesystem."
2095N/Amsgstr "无法对 %s 完成此操作:只读文件系统。"
1589N/Amsgid "Could not complete the operation: read-only filesystem."
2437N/Amsgid "The following pattern(s) did not match any packages:"
2437N/Amsgid "'%s' matches multiple packages"
2437N/Amsgid "'%s' is an illegal FMRI"
2437N/Amsgid "The following different patterns specify the same package(s):"
2437N/A"The following pattern(s) did not match any allowable packages. Try\n"
2506N/A"using a different matching pattern, or refreshing publisher information:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "以下模式与所允许的任何软件包都不匹配。请尝试\n使用一个不同的匹配模式或刷新发布者信息:\n"
2506N/A"The following pattern(s) only matched packages rejected by user request. "
2506N/A"using a different matching pattern, or refreshing publisher information:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "以下模式仅与用户请求拒绝的软件包匹配。请尝试\n使用一个不同的匹配模式或刷新发布者信息:\n"
2437N/A"The following pattern(s) only matched packages that are not available\n"
2437N/A"for the current image's architecture, zone type,
and/or other variant:"
2506N/Amsgstr "以下模式仅与对当前映像的体系结构、区域类型和/或其他变量\n不可用的软件包相匹配:"
1703N/A"The following patterns only matched packages that are from publishers other "
1703N/A"than that which supplied the already installed version of this package"
2506N/Amsgstr "以下模式仅与来自这样的发布者的软件包匹配,即提供此软件包的已安装版本的发布者以外的发布者"
1109N/Amsgid "'%s' matches no installed packages"
1109N/Amsgid "'%s' is an illegal fmri"
1057N/Amsgid "'%s' supports the following architectures: %s"
1057N/Amsgid "Image architecture is defined as: %s"
1589N/Amsgid "'%(p)s' depends on obsolete package '%(op)s'"
1703N/Amsgstr "'%(p)s' 取决于过时的软件包 '%(op)s'"
1589N/A"The proposed operation can not be performed for the following package(s) as "
1589N/A"they are already installed: "
2506N/Amsgstr "无法对以下软件包执行建议的操作,因为这些软件包已安装:"
2506N/Amsgid "The following mediations are not syntactically valid:"
1703N/Amsgid "No solution was found to satisfy constraints"
2437N/A"Syncing this linked image would require the following package updates:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "同步此链接映像将需要以下软件包更新:\n"
2437N/A"The proposed operation on this parent image can not be performed because\n"
2437N/A"temporary origins were specified and this image has children. Please "
2437N/A"retry the operation again without specifying any temporary origins, or if\n"
2437N/A"packages from additional origins are required, please configure those "
2506N/Amsgstr "\n无法对此父映像执行所建议的操作,因为\n指定了临时源且此映像具有子项。请在\n不指定任何临时源的情况下重试此操作,如果\n需要来自其他源的软件包,请永久配置\n这些源。"
2095N/Amsgid "Package %(pkg)s is missing a dependency: %(dep)s"
2095N/Amsgstr "软件包 %(pkg)s 缺少一个相关项: %(dep)s"
2437N/Amsgid "The following files are not packaged in this image:"
2437N/A"The following packages are already installed in this image; use uninstall to "
2506N/Amsgstr "以下软件包已安装在此映像中;请使用 uninstall 来避开这些软件包:"
2437N/A"The following packages are a target of group dependencies; use install to "
2506N/Amsgstr "以下软件包是组相关项的目标;请使用 install 来包括这些软件包:"
2543N/A"The following packages are not on the avoid list, so they\n"
2543N/A"cannot be removed from it."
2543N/Amsgstr "以下软件包不在避免列表中,所以无法\n从该列表中删除它们。"
2437N/A"Invalid child image publisher configuration. Child image publisher\n"
2437N/A"configuration must be a superset of the parent image publisher "
2437N/A"Please update the child publisher configuration to match the parent. If "
2437N/A"child image is a zone this can be done automatically by detaching and\n"
2437N/A"The parent image has the following enabled publishers:"
2506N/Amsgstr "\n子映像发布者配置无效。子映像发布者\n配置必须是父映像发布者配置的超集。\n请更新子发布者配置以匹配父项。如果子映像\n是一个区域,这可以通过分离和附加区域\n来自动实现。\n\n父映像具有以下已启用的发布者:"
2437N/A"The child image has the following enabled publishers:"
2437N/Amsgid "The following packages all deliver %(action)s actions to %(kv)s:\n"
2437N/Amsgstr "以下软件包均向 %(kv)s 提供了 %(action)s 操作:\n"
2437N/A"These packages may not be installed together. Any non-conflicting set may\n"
2437N/A"be, or the packages must be corrected before they can be installed."
2506N/Amsgstr "这些软件包无法安装在一起。可能存在非冲突设置,\n否则必须更正这些软件包,然后才能安装它们。"
2437N/Amsgid "The package %(pfmri)s delivers multiple copies of %(action)s %(kv)s"
2437N/Amsgstr "软件包 %(pfmri)s 向 %(kv)s 提供了 %(action)s 的多个副本"
2437N/A"This package must be corrected before it can be installed."
2506N/Amsgstr "\n必须更正此软件包,然后才能安装它。"
2437N/Amsgid "The following packages deliver conflicting action types to %s:\n"
2437N/Amsgstr "以下软件包向 %s 提供了冲突的操作类型:\n"
2437N/A"The package %(pfmri)s delivers conflicting action types (%(types)s) to %(kv)s"
2506N/Amsgstr "软件包 %(pfmri)s 向 %(kv)s 提供了冲突的操作类型 (%(types)s)"
2437N/A"The requested change to the system attempts to install multiple actions\n"
2437N/A"for %(a)s '%(k)s' with conflicting attributes:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "所请求的系统更改试图为 %(a)s '%(k)s' 安装具有冲突属性的\n多个操作:\n\n"
2437N/Amsgid " %(n)d package delivers '%(a)s':\n"
2437N/Amsgstr " %(n)d 个软件包提供了 '%(a)s':\n"
2437N/Amsgid " %(n)d packages deliver '%(a)s':\n"
2437N/Amsgstr " %(n)d 个软件包提供了 '%(a)s':\n"
2437N/Amsgid " %d packages deliver '%s', including:\n"
2437N/Amsgstr " %d 个软件包提供了 '%s',包括:\n"
2437N/A"These packages may not be installed together. Any non-conflicting set may\n"
2437N/A"be, or the packages must be corrected before they can be installed."
2506N/Amsgstr "\n这些软件包无法安装在一起。可能存在非冲突设置,\n或者必须更正这些软件包,然后才能安装它们。"
2437N/A#. Used for a two-element list
2437N/Amsgid "%(penultimate)s and %(ultimate)s"
2437N/Amsgstr "%(penultimate)s 和 %(ultimate)s"
2437N/A#. In order to properly i18n this construct, we create two templates:
2437N/A#. one for each element save the last, and one that tacks on the last
2437N/A#. 'elementtemplate' is for each element through the penultimate
2437N/A#. 'listtemplate' concatenates the concatenation of non-ultimate elements
2437N/A#. and the ultimate element.
2437N/Amsgid "%(list)sand %(tail)s"
2437N/Amsgstr "%(list)s 和 %(tail)s"
2095N/A"Requested operation failed for action %(action)s:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "对操作 %(action)s 的请求操作失败:\n%(details)s"
2095N/A"Requested operation failed for package %(fmri)s:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "对软件包 %(fmri)s 的请求操作失败:\n%(details)s"
1589N/A"The FMRI '%s' does not contain publisher information and cannot be used for "
2506N/Amsgstr "FMRI '%s' 不包含发布者信息,无法用于目录操作。"
1589N/A"Catalog meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%(op)"
2506N/Amsgstr "目录 meta_root '%(root)s' 无效;无法完成操作: '%(op)s'。"
1589N/Amsgid "The following catalog files have incorrect permissions:\n"
1589N/Amsgid "\t%(fname)s: expected mode: %(emode)s, found mode: %(fmode)s\n"
1703N/Amsgstr "\t%(fname)s: 预期的模式: %(emode)s,找到的模式: %(fmode)s\n"
1589N/Amsgid "The signature data for the '%s' catalog file is not valid."
1589N/A"Unable to determine the updates needed for the current catalog using the "
1589N/A"provided catalog update data in '%s'."
2506N/Amsgstr "无法使用 '%s' 中提供的目录更新数据确定当前目录所需的更新。"
1589N/A"Unable to perform '%(op)s' operation for catalog %(name)s; completion would "
1589N/A"result in a duplicate entry for package '%(fmri)s'."
2506N/Amsgstr "无法对目录 %(name)s 执行 '%(op)s' 操作;完成时会导致软件包 '%(fmri)s' 有重复的条目。"
1589N/Amsgid "Catalog updates can only be applied to an on-disk catalog."
1589N/Amsgid "Catalog file '%s' is invalid."
2095N/A"The content of the catalog for publisher '%s' doesn't match the catalog's "
2095N/A"attributes. This is likely the result of a mix of older and newer catalog "
2095N/A"files being provided for the publisher."
2095N/Amsgstr "发布者 '%s' 的目录内容与目录的属性不匹配。这可能是由于为发布者提供的目录文件是新旧混合的。"
1589N/A"Unable to determine the updates needed for the catalog using the provided "
1589N/A"catalog update data in '%s'. The specified catalog updates are for an older "
1589N/A"version of the catalog and cannot be used."
2506N/Amsgstr "无法使用 '%s' 中提供的目录更新数据确定此目录所需的更新。指定的目录更新适用于较旧版本的目录,因而无法使用。"
1589N/Amsgid "'%s' could not be found in the catalog."
1589N/Amsgid "Unknown catalog update type '%s'"
1589N/Amsgid "Unrecognized, unknown, or invalid CatalogPart '%s'"
1741N/Amsgstr "无法识别的、未知的或无效的 CatalogPart '%s'"
1057N/A"No matching package could be found for the following FMRIs in any of the "
1057N/A"catalogs for the current publishers:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "在当前发布者的任何目录中都找不到适合于以下 FMRI 的匹配软件包:\n"
1589N/Amsgid "%s (pattern did not match)\n"
1589N/Amsgid "%s (publisher did not match)\n"
1589N/Amsgid "%s (version did not match)\n"
1589N/Amsgid "The search at url %s returned no results."
1703N/Amsgstr "在 url %s 中的搜索未返回任何结果。"
2095N/Amsgid "Some repositories failed to respond appropriately:\n"
1589N/Amsgid "%s did not return a valid response.\n"
2095N/Amsgid "Some repositories don't support requested search operation:\n"
2095N/Amsgstr "有些系统信息库不支持请求的搜索操作:\n"
1589N/A"Search performance is degraded.\n"
1589N/A"Run 'pkg rebuild-index' to improve search speed."
2506N/Amsgstr "搜索性能降级。\n请运行 'pkg rebuild-index' 提高搜索速度。"
2095N/Amsgid "Search repository does not support the requested protocol:"
2437N/A"This is happening because the following packages needed to be repaired as\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "\n之所以会发生此行为是因为在执行此操作的过程中\n需要修复以下软件包:\n\n "
2437N/A"You will need to reestablish your access to the repository or remove the\n"
2437N/A"packages in the list above."
2506N/Amsgstr "\n\n您将需要重新建立对系统信息库的访问,或者删除\n以上列表中的软件包。"
2437N/Amsgid "Unable to contact valid package repository"
2095N/A"The provided p5i data is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
2506N/Amsgstr "提供的 p5i 数据的格式不可识别,或者数据中未包含有效的发布者信息: %s"
2095N/A"The provided p5i data is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
2506N/Amsgstr "提供的 p5i 数据的格式不可识别,或者数据中未包含有效的发布者信息。"
2437N/A"The provided p5s data is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
2506N/Amsgstr "提供的 p5s 数据的格式不可识别,或者数据中未包含有效的发布者信息: %s"
2437N/A"The provided p5s data is in an unrecognized format or does not contain valid "
2506N/Amsgstr "提供的 p5s 数据的格式不可识别,或者数据中未包含有效的发布者信息。"
1057N/Amsgid "Unsupported pkg(5) publisher information data format."
1741N/Amsgstr "不受支持的 pkg(5) 发布者信息数据格式。"
2437N/Amsgid "Unsupported pkg(5) publisher and image information data format."
2437N/Amsgstr "不受支持的 pkg(5) 发布者和映像信息数据格式。"
2437N/Amsgid "%s is not a supported version for creating a syspub response."
2437N/Amsgstr "%s 不是可用于创建 syspub 响应的受支持版本。"
1057N/A"Error encountered while retrieving data from '%s':\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "从 '%s' 中检索数据时遇到错误:\n%s"
1057N/Amsgid "Error encountered while retrieving data from: %s"
1057N/Amsgid "'%s' is not a valid location."
1589N/Amsgid "'%s' is not a valid boot environment name."
1589N/Amsgid "The boot environment '%s' already exists."
1057N/A"Boot environment naming during package install is not supported on this\n"
2437N/A"version of OpenSolaris. Please update without the --be-name option."
2506N/Amsgstr "此版本的 OpenSolaris 不支持在软件包安装期间进行引导环境命名。\n请在不使用 --be-name 选项的情况下进行更新。"
1057N/Amsgid "Unable to clone the current boot environment."
1057N/A"A problem occurred while attempting to rename the boot environment\n"
1057N/A"currently named %(orig)s to %(dest)s."
2506N/Amsgstr "尝试将当前名为 %(orig)s 的引导环境重命名\n为 %(dest)s 时出现问题。"
1057N/Amsgid "Unable to mount %(name)s at %(mt)s"
1703N/Amsgstr "无法在 %(mt)s 处挂载 %(name)s"
1057N/A"Naming a boot environment when operating on a non-live image is\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "不允许在对非实时映像执行操作时命名\n引导环境。"
1057N/Amsgid "Info does not recognize the following options:"
1589N/A"Publisher meta_root '%(root)s' is invalid; unable to complete operation: '%"
2506N/Amsgstr "发布者 meta_root '%(root)s' 无效;无法完成操作: '%(op)s'。"
2095N/Amsgid "'%s' is not a valid publisher alias."
1057N/Amsgid "'%s' is not a valid publisher name."
2437N/A"'%(pkg_pub)s' is a reserved publisher and does not contain the requested "
2437N/A"package: pkg:/%(pkg_name)s"
2506N/Amsgstr "'%(pkg_pub)s' 是一个保留的发布者并且未包含所请求的软件包:pkg:/%(pkg_name)s"
1057N/A"'%(value)s' is not a valid value for repository attribute '%(attribute)s'."
2506N/Amsgstr "'%(value)s' 不是系统信息库属性 '%(attribute)s' 的有效值。"
1057N/Amsgid "'%s' is not a valid repository collection type."
1057N/Amsgstr "'%s' 不是有效的系统信息库集合类型。"
1057N/Amsgid "'%s' is not a valid URI."
1057N/Amsgid "'%s' is not a valid URI priority; integer value expected."
1057N/Amsgstr "'%s' 不是有效的 URI 优先级;应为整数值。"
1057N/Amsgid "'%s' is not a valid repository URI sort policy."
1057N/Amsgstr "'%s' 不是有效的系统信息库 URI 排序策略。"
1057N/Amsgid "Publisher '%s' is disabled and cannot be used for packaging operations."
1741N/Amsgstr "发布者 '%s' 已被禁用,无法用于打包操作。"
1057N/Amsgid "A publisher with the same name or alias as '%s' already exists."
1741N/Amsgstr "已存在一个具有与 '%s' 相同名称或别名的发布者。"
1057N/A"A repository with the same name or origin URIs already exists for publisher "
2506N/Amsgstr "发布者 '%s' 已存在一个具有相同名称或源 URI 的系统信息库。"
1703N/Amsgid "Mirror '%s' already exists for the specified publisher."
1741N/Amsgstr "指定的发布者的镜像 '%s' 已存在。"
1703N/Amsgid "Origin '%s' already exists for the specified publisher."
2437N/A"Unable to retrieve requested package data for publisher %s; no repositories "
2437N/A"are currently configured for use with this publisher."
2506N/Amsgstr "无法为发布者 %s 检索所请求的软件包数据;当前没有配置适用于此发布者的系统信息库。"
1703N/Amsgid "Cannot search a repository before or after itself"
1741N/Amsgstr "无法在系统信息库本身之前或之后搜索系统信息库"
2506N/A"%s is an unknown publisher; no other publishers can be ordered relative to "
2506N/Amsgstr "%s 是一个未知发布者;无法相对于它对其他发布者进行排序。"
1057N/Amsgid "Cannot remove the selected repository for a publisher."
1057N/Amsgid "Unknown legal URI '%s'."
1057N/Amsgid "Unknown publisher '%s'."
2095N/A"The repository at %(location)s does not contain package data for %(unknown)"
2095N/A"This is either because the repository location is not valid, or because the "
2095N/A"provided publisher does not match those known by the repository."
2506N/Amsgstr "%(location)s 中的系统信息库不包含 %(unknown)s 的软件包数据;仅包含 %(known)s 的软件包数据。\n\n这可能是因为系统信息库位置无效,或者是因为提供的发布者与此系统信息库已知的发布者不匹配。"
2095N/A"One or more of the repository origin(s) listed below contains package data "
2095N/A"for %(known)s; not %(unknown)s:\n"
2095N/A"This is either because one of the repository origins is not valid for this "
2095N/A"publisher, or because the list of known publishers retrieved from the "
2095N/A"repository origin does not match the client."
2506N/Amsgstr "下面列出的一个或多个系统信息库源包含 %(known)s 的软件包数据,而不包含 %(unknown)s 的软件包数据:\n\n%(origins)s\n\n这可能是因为其中一个系统信息库源对此发布者无效,或者是因为从系统信息库源中检索的已知发布者列表与客户机不匹配。"
2095N/A"The specified publisher repository does not contain any package data for %"
2095N/A"(unknown)s; only %(known)s."
2095N/Amsgstr "指定的发布者系统信息库不包含 %(unknown)s 的任何软件包数据;仅包含 %(known)s 的软件包数据。"
1057N/Amsgid "Unknown related URI '%s'."
1057N/Amsgid "Unknown repository '%s'."
1057N/Amsgid "Unknown repository mirror '%s'."
2437N/A"Publisher '%(pub)s' has no repositories that support the '%(op)s' operation."
2506N/Amsgstr "发布者 '%(pub)s' 没有支持 '%(op)s' 操作的系统信息库。"
2095N/A"The specified package repository does not provide publisher configuration "
2095N/Amsgstr "指定的软件包系统信息库未提供发布者配置信息。"
2095N/A"The package repository at %s does not provide publisher configuration "
2095N/A"information or the information provided is incomplete."
2095N/Amsgstr "%s 中的软件包系统信息库未提供发布者配置信息,或提供的信息不完整。"
2095N/A"One of the package repository origins for %s does not provide publisher "
2095N/A"configuration information or the information provided is incomplete."
2095N/Amsgstr "%s 的其中一个软件包系统信息库源未提供发布者配置信息,或提供的信息不完整。"
1057N/Amsgid "Unknown repository origin '%s'"
2437N/A"The URI '%(uri)s' uses the unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s'. Supported "
2437N/A"schemes are file://, http://, and https://."
2506N/Amsgstr "URI '%(uri)s' 使用了不受支持的模式 '%(scheme)s'。受支持的模式有 file://、http:// 和 https://。"
2437N/A"The specified URI uses an unsupported scheme. Supported schemes are: "
2437N/A"file://, http://, and https://."
2506N/Amsgstr "指定的 URI 使用了不受支持的模式。受支持的模式有:file://、http:// 和 https://。"
1057N/Amsgid "'%(attr)s' is not supported for '%(scheme)s'."
1703N/Amsgstr "'%(scheme)s' 不支持 '%(attr)s'。"
2437N/A"pkg is configured to use the system repository (via the use-system-repo\n"
2437N/A"property) but it could not get the host and port from\n"
2437N/A"the PKG_SYSREPO_URL environment variable was not set. Please try enabling "
2437N/A"of those services or setting the PKG_SYSREPO_URL environment variable.\n"
2095N/A"The relevant signature action is found in %(pfmri)s and has a hash of %(hsh)s"
2506N/Amsgstr "在 %(pfmri)s 中找到了相关签名操作,具有的散列值为 %(hsh)s"
2095N/Amsgid "The package involved is:%s"
2095N/Amsgid "The relevant signature action's value attribute is %s"
2095N/A"The signature action %(act)s was made using a version (%(ver)s) this version "
2095N/A"of pkg(5) doesn't understand."
2095N/Amsgstr "使用此版本的 pkg(5) 无法识别的版本 (%(ver)s) 进行了签名操作 %(act)s。"
2095N/A"Certificate %s has been modified on disk. Its hash value is not what was "
2095N/Amsgstr "已修改了磁盘上的证书 %s。其散列值不是所需的值。"
2095N/Amsgid "Chain was rooted in an untrusted self-signed certificate.\n"
2095N/Amsgstr "此链是在不可信的自行签名证书中生成的。\n"
2095N/Amsgid "The following problems were encountered:\n"
2095N/A"The certificate which issued this certificate:%(subj)s could not be found. "
2095N/A"The issuer is:%(issuer)s\n"
2095N/Amsgstr "无法找到颁发此证书: %(subj)s 的证书。颁发者是:%(issuer)s\n"
2095N/A"This certificate was revoked:%(cert)s for this reason:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "已吊销此证书: %(cert)s,原因是:\n%(reason)s"
2095N/A"A signature in %(pfmri)s could not be verified for this reason:\n"
2095N/A"The signature's hash is %(hash)s"
2506N/Amsgstr "无法验证 %(pfmri)s 中的签名,原因是:\n%(reason)s\n此签名的散列值是 %(hash)s"
2095N/A"The signature with this signature value:\n"
2095N/A" could not be verified for this reason:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "无法验证具有此签名值:\n%(sigval)s\n的签名,原因是:\n%(reason)s\n"
2095N/A"The policy for %(pub_str)s requires signatures to be present but no "
2095N/A"signature was found in %(fmri_str)s."
2506N/Amsgstr "%(pub_str)s 的策略要求提供签名,但在 %(fmri_str)s 中未找到任何签名。"
2095N/A"The policy for %(pub_str)s requires signatures to be present but no "
2506N/Amsgstr "%(pub_str)s 的策略要求提供签名,但未找到任何签名。"
2095N/A"The policy for %(pub_str)s requires certain CNs to be seen in a chain of "
2095N/A"trust. The following required names couldn't be found for this package:%"
2506N/Amsgstr "%(pub_str)s 的策略要求在信任链中显示某些 CN。在软件包 %(fmri_str)s 中未找到下列所需的名称。\n%(missing)s"
2095N/A"The policy for %(pub_str)s requires certain CNs to be seen in a chain of "
2095N/A"trust. The following required names couldn't be found.\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "%(pub_str)s 的策略要求在信任链中显示某些 CN。未找到下列所需的名称。\n%(missing)s"
2095N/A"The certificate whose subject is %(cert)s could not be verified because it "
2095N/A"uses a critical extension that pkg5 cannot handle yet.\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "无法验证主题为 %(cert)s 的证书,因为它使用了 pkg5 尚不能处理的关键扩展。\n扩展名: %(name)s\n扩展值: %(val)s"
2437N/A"The certificate whose subject is %(cert)s could not be verified because it "
2437N/A"has an extension with a value that pkg(5) does not understand.\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "无法验证主题为 %(cert)s 的证书,因为它具有 pkg(5) 无法识别的扩展值。\n扩展名:%(name)s\n扩展值:%(val)s"
2437N/A"The certificate whose subject is %(cert)s could not be verified because it "
2437N/A"has been used inappropriately. The way it is used means that the value for "
2437N/A"extension %(name)s must include '%(use)s' but the value was '%(val)s'."
2506N/Amsgstr "无法验证主题为 %(cert)s 的证书,因为它使用不当。它的使用方式意味着扩展 %(name)s 的值必须包括 '%(use)s',但该值为 '%(val)s'。"
2437N/A"The certificate whose subject is %(cert)s could not be verified because it "
2437N/A"has been used inappropriately. There can only be %(cl)s certificates "
2437N/A"between this certificate and the leaf certificate. There are %(al)s "
2437N/A"certificates between this certificate and the leaf in this chain."
2506N/Amsgstr "无法验证其主题为 %(cert)s 的证书,因为它的使用不当。在此证书与叶证书之间只能有 %(cl)s 证书。在此证书与此链中的叶之间只能有 %(al)s 证书。"
2437N/A"The signature to be added to the package has the same hash (%(hash)s), "
2437N/A"algorithm (%(algorithm)s), and version (%(version)s) as an existing "
2437N/A"signature, but doesn't match the signature exactly. For this signature to "
2437N/A"be added, the existing signature must be removed."
2506N/Amsgstr "要添加到软件包的签名与某个现有的签名具有相同的散列 (%(hash)s)、算法 (%(algorithm)s) 和版本 (%(version)s),但是不与该签名完全匹配。要想添加此签名,必须删除现有的签名。"
2437N/Amsgid "The package being signed was %(pkg)s"
2437N/A"%s could not be signed because it already has two copies of this signature "
2437N/A"in it. One of those signature actions must be removed before the package is "
2506N/Amsgstr "无法签署 %s,因为其中已有此签名的两个副本。在将软件包授予用户之前,必须删除其中一个签名操作。"
1057N/A"Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%(uri)s', "
1057N/A"has expired. Please install a valid certificate."
2506N/Amsgstr "访问 '%(uri)s' 所需的发布者 '%(pub)s' 的证书 '%(cert)s' 已过期。请安装有效证书。"
1057N/A"Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', has expired. Please install "
2506N/Amsgstr "发布者 '%(pub)s' 的证书 '%(cert)s' 已过期。请安装有效证书。"
1057N/A"Certificate '%(cert)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', has expired. Please "
1057N/A"install a valid certificate."
2506N/Amsgstr "访问 '%(uri)s' 所需的证书 '%(cert)s' 已过期。请安装有效证书。"
1057N/Amsgid "Certificate '%s' has expired. Please install a valid certificate."
1057N/Amsgstr "证书 '%s' 已过期。请安装有效证书。"
1057N/A"Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
1057N/A"will expire in '%(days)s' days."
2506N/Amsgstr "访问 '%(uri)s' 所需的发布者 '%(pub)s' 的证书 '%(cert)s' 将在 '%(days)s' 天内过期。"
1057N/A"Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' will expire in '%(days)s' "
2506N/Amsgstr "发布者 '%(pub)s' 的证书 '%(cert)s' 将在 '%(days)s' 天内过期。"
1057N/A"Certificate '%(cert)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', will expire in '%(days)"
2506N/Amsgstr "访问 '%(uri)s' 所需的证书 '%(cert)s' 将在 '%(days)s' 天内过期。"
1057N/Amsgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' will expire in '%(days)s' days."
1057N/Amsgstr "证书 '%(cert)s' 将在 '%(days)s' 天内过期。"
1057N/A"Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
2506N/Amsgstr "访问 '%(uri)s' 所需的发布者 '%(pub)s' 的证书 '%(cert)s' 无效。"
1057N/Amsgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' is invalid."
1741N/Amsgstr "发布者 '%(pub)s' 的证书 '%(cert)s' 无效。"
1057N/Amsgid "Certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s' is invalid."
1703N/Amsgstr "访问 '%(uri)s' 所需的证书 '%(cert)s' 无效。"
1057N/Amsgid "Invalid certificate '%s'."
1589N/A"Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to access '%"
2506N/Amsgstr "找不到访问 '%(uri)s' 所需的发布者 '%(pub)s' 的密钥 '%(key)s'。"
1589N/Amsgid "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
1741N/Amsgstr "找不到发布者 '%(pub)s' 的密钥 '%(key)s'。"
1589N/Amsgid "Unable to locate key '%(key)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
1741N/Amsgstr "找不到访问 '%(uri)s' 所需的密钥 '%(key)s'。"
1589N/Amsgid "Unable to locate key '%s'."
1057N/A"Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' needed to "
2506N/Amsgstr "找不到访问 '%(uri)s' 所需的发布者 '%(pub)s' 的证书 '%(cert)s'。"
1057N/Amsgid "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s'."
1741N/Amsgstr "找不到发布者 '%(pub)s' 的证书 '%(cert)s'。"
1057N/Amsgid "Unable to locate certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s'."
1703N/Amsgstr "找不到访问 '%(uri)s' 所需的证书 '%(cert)s'。"
1057N/Amsgid "Unable to locate certificate '%s'."
1057N/A"Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s', needed to access '%(uri)s', "
1057N/A"has a future effective date."
2506N/Amsgstr "访问 '%(uri)s' 所需的发布者 '%(pub)s' 的证书 '%(cert)s' 具有一个将来的生效日期。"
1057N/A"Certificate '%(cert)s' for publisher '%(pub)s' has a future effective date."
2506N/Amsgstr "发布者 '%(pub)s' 的证书 '%(cert)s' 具有一个将来的生效日期。"
1057N/A"Certificate '%(cert)s' needed to access '%(uri)s' has a future effective "
2506N/Amsgstr "访问 '%(uri)s' 所需的证书 '%(cert)s' 具有一个将来的生效日期。"
1057N/Amsgid "Certificate '%s' has a future effective date."
1057N/Amsgstr "证书 '%s' 具有一个将来的生效日期。"
1057N/Amsgid "Gave a bad response:%s"
1589N/Amsgid "The signature data for the manifest of the '%s' package is not valid."
1703N/Amsgstr "'%s' 软件包的清单的签名数据无效。"
1589N/Amsgid "The signature data for the manifest is not valid."
1589N/A"there is already an image at: %s.\n"
1589N/A"To override, use the -f (force) option."
2506N/Amsgstr "以下位置中已存在一个映像: %s。\n要进行覆盖,请使用 -f(强制)选项。"
2437N/Amsgid "The configuration data for the image rooted at %s is empty or missing."
2437N/Amsgstr "位于 %s 的映像的配置数据为空或丢失。"
2437N/A"The image rooted at %s is invalid or is not supported by this version of the "
2506N/Amsgstr "位于 %s 的映像无效或者不受此版本的映像包管理系统支持。"
1589N/A"the specified image path is not empty: %s.\n"
1589N/A"To override, use the -f (force) option."
2506N/Amsgstr "指定的映像路径不为空: %s。\n要进行覆盖,请使用 -f(强制)选项。"
2437N/Amsgid "Invalid linked image attach property: %s"
2437N/Amsgid "Invalid linked image attach property value: %s"
2437N/Amsgid "Linked image type does not support child attach: %s"
2437N/Amsgid "Linked image type does not support parent attach: %s"
2437N/Amsgid "Cannot attach root image as child"
2437N/Amsgid "Can't initialize child image (%(lin)s) at path: %(path)s"
2437N/Amsgstr "无法初始化位于以下路径的子映像 (%(lin)s):%(path)s"
2437N/Amsgid "Can't initialize child image at path: %s"
2437N/Amsgid "Linked image is diverged: %s"
2437N/Amsgid "A linked child image with this name already exists: %s"
2437N/Amsgid "Child image '%(cpath)s' is nested within another image: '%(ipath)s'"
2437N/Amsgstr "子映像 '%(cpath)s' 嵌套在了另一映像 '%(ipath)s' 中"
2437N/A"Child image '%(path)s' is not located within the parent's altroot '%(altroot)"
2506N/Amsgstr "子映像 '%(path)s' 没有位于父项的 altroot '%(altroot)s' 中"
2437N/A"Child image '%(cpath)s' is not nested within the parent image '%(ppath)s'"
2506N/Amsgstr "子映像 '%(cpath)s' 没有嵌套在父映像 '%(ppath)s' 中"
2437N/Amsgid "Can't access child image (%(lin)s) at path: %(path)s"
2437N/Amsgstr "无法访问位于以下路径的子映像 (%(lin)s):%(path)s"
2437N/Amsgid "Can't access child image at path: %s"
2437N/Amsgid "Child path not absolute: %s"
2437N/Amsgid "Unknown child linked image: %s"
2506N/A"The following subprocess returned an unexpected exit code of %(rv)d:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "以下子进程返回了意外的退出代码 %(rv)d:\n %(cmd)s"
2506N/A"And generated the following error message:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "\n并生成了以下错误消息:\n%(errout)s"
2437N/Amsgid "Linked image type does not support child detach: %s"
2437N/Amsgid "Parent linked to child, can not detach child: %s"
2437N/Amsgstr "父项已链接到子项,无法分离子项: %s"
2437N/Amsgid "Linked image type does not support parent detach: %s"
2437N/Amsgid "Image already a linked child: %s"
2437N/Amsgid "Invalid linked image name: %s"
2437N/Amsgid "Can't link image to itself."
2437N/Amsgid "Can't initialize parent image at path: %s"
2437N/Amsgid "Parent path not absolute: %s"
2437N/Amsgid "Can't access parent image at path: %s"
2437N/A"Parent image '%(path)s' is not located within the child's altroot '%(altroot)"
2506N/Amsgstr "父映像 '%(path)s' 没有位于子项的 altroot '%(altroot)s' 中"
2506N/A"A '%(op)s' operation failed for child '%(lin)s' with an unexpected\n"
2506N/A"return value of %(exitrv)d and the following error message:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "\n对子项 '%(lin)s' 的 '%(op)s' 操作失败,返回了异常的\n返回值 %(exitrv)d 和以下错误消息:\n%(errout)s\n\n"
2437N/Amsgid "Current image already a linked child: %s"
2437N/Amsgid "Current image is not a linked child: %s"
2506N/A"The following packages were frozen at two different versions by\n"
2506N/A"the patterns provided. The package stem and the versions it was frozen at "
2506N/Amsgstr "提供的模式冻结了以下软件包的两个不同\n版本。下面提供了软件包主干和被冻结的\n版本:"
2506N/A"The following patterns contained wildcards but matched no\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "以下模式包含通配符但与任何已安装的软件包\n都不匹配。"
2506N/A"The following patterns attempted to freeze the listed packages\n"
2506N/A"at a version different from the version at which the packages are installed."
2506N/Amsgstr "以下模式试图冻结所列出软件包的已安装版本\n之外的版本。"
2506N/A"The following patterns don't match installed packages and\n"
2506N/A"contain no version information. Uninstalled packages can only be frozen by\n"
2506N/A"providing a version at which to freeze them."
2506N/Amsgstr "以下模式与已安装的软件包不匹配且\n未包含版本信息。对于已卸载的软件包,只能通过\n提供要冻结的版本来冻结它们。"
2506N/Amsgid "The freeze state file '%s' is invalid."
2506N/A"The freeze state file '%(loc)s' was expected to have a version of %(exp)s, "
2506N/A"but its version was %(found)s"
2506N/Amsgstr "冻结状态文件 '%(loc)s' 的版本预期是 %(exp)s,但它的版本是 %(found)s"
2543N/A"JSON could not parse the following data:\n"
2543N/Amsgstr "因为此错误:\n%(err)s\nJSON 无法解析以下数据:\n%(data)s"
684N/Amsgid "pkg: unable to create an auto snapshot. pkg recovery is disabled."
684N/Amsgstr "pkg: 无法创建自动快照。pkg 恢复被禁用。"
1589N/Amsgid "pkg: A system error %(e)s was caught executing %(cmd)s"
1703N/Amsgstr "pkg: 执行 %(cmd)s 时出现系统错误 %(e)s"
1589N/A"with a return code of %(ret)d."
2506N/Amsgstr "pkg: '%(cmd)s' 失败。\n返回代码为 %(ret)d。"
684N/Amsgid "pkg: unable to activate %s"
2095N/Amsgid "unable to unmount BE %(be_name)s mounted at %(be_path)s"
2095N/Amsgstr "无法卸载 %(be_path)s 中安装的 BE %(be_name)s"
2437N/A"A clone of %(be_name)s exists and has been updated and activated.\n"
2437N/A"On the next boot the Boot Environment %(be_name_clone)s will be\n"
2437N/A"mounted on '/'. Reboot when ready to switch to this updated BE.\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "\n%(be_name)s 的克隆已存在,且已被更新并激活。在下次\n引导时,引导环境 %(be_name_clone)s 将挂载到 '/'上。\n在准备好切换到此更新的引导环境时重新引导。\n"
2437N/A"A clone of %(be_name)s exists and has been updated. To set the\n"
2437N/A"new BE as the active one on next boot, execute the following\n"
2437N/A"command as a privileged user and reboot when ready to switch to\n"
2437N/A"beadm activate %(be_name_clone)s\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "\n%(be_name)s 的克隆已存在且已更新。要将新的引导环境\n设置为下次引导时的活动引导环境,请以特权用户身份执行\n以下命令并在准备好切换到该更新的引导环境时\n重新引导:\n\nbeadm activate %(be_name_clone)s\n"
2437N/A#. Delete the snapshot that was taken before we
2437N/A#. updated the image and the boot archive.
684N/Amsgid "%s has been updated successfully"
684N/A" The running system has not been modified. Modifications were only made to a "
684N/A"clone of the running system. This clone is mounted at %s should you wish to "
2506N/Amsgstr " 没有修改正在运行的系统。仅对正在运行的系统的克隆进行了修改。如果要对其进行检查,此克隆挂载在 %s 处。"
684N/Amsgid "pkg: unable to rollback BE %s and restore image"
684N/Amsgstr "pkg: 无法回滚引导环境 %s 和恢复映像"
684N/Amsgid "%s failed to be updated. No changes have been made to %s."
684N/Amsgstr "%s 更新失败。没有对 %s 进行任何更改。"
684N/Amsgid "pkg: unable to destroy snapshot %s"
1057N/Amsgid "pkg: unable to create BE %s"
1589N/Amsgid "pkg: unable to mount BE %(name)s on %(clone_dir)s"
1703N/Amsgstr "pkg: 无法在 %(clone_dir)s 上挂载引导环境 %(name)s"
1589N/A"The Boot Environment %(name)s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken "
1589N/A"before the failed attempt and is mounted here %(clone_dir)s. Use 'beadm "
1589N/A"unmount %(clone_name)s' and then 'beadm activate %(clone_name)s' if you wish "
2506N/Amsgstr "引导环境 %(name)s 更新失败。快照是在尝试更新失败之前实施的,并且已挂载在 %(clone_dir)s 处。如果要引导至此引导环境,请使用 'beadm unmount %(clone_name)s',然后使用 'beadm activate %(clone_name)s'。"
684N/A"The Boot Environment %s failed to be updated. A snapshot was taken before "
684N/A"the failed attempt and has been restored so no changes have been made to %s."
2506N/Amsgstr "引导环境 %s 更新失败。快照是在尝试更新失败之前实施的,并且已进行了恢复,因此,没有对 %s 进行任何更改。"
2557N/A#. Installed with later version but can't upgrade
2557N/A#. Upgradeable Version: None
2557N/A#. Not Installed with later version and can't install
2557N/A#. Installable Version: None
2437N/A"The trust anchors for the image were expected to be found in %s, but that is "
2095N/A"not a directory. Please set the image property 'trust-anchor-directory' to "
2506N/Amsgstr "预期在 %s 中找到映像的信任锚,但它不是一个目录。请将映像属性 'trust-anchor-directory' 设置为正确的路径。"
2437N/Amsgid "Publisher '%s' is a system publisher and cannot be moved."
2437N/Amsgstr "发布者 '%s' 是一个系统发布者且无法移动。"
2095N/Amsgid "Package State Update Phase"
2437N/A#. Remove manifests of packages that were removed from the
2437N/A#. system. Some packages may have only had facets or
2437N/A#. variants changed, so don't remove those.
2095N/Amsgid "Package Cache Update Phase"
2095N/Amsgid "Image State Update Phase"
2095N/Amsgid "pkg(5) update check failed."
2095N/A"At least one name must be provided for the signature-required-names policy."
2506N/Amsgstr "必须为“签名必需的名称”策略至少提供一个名称。"
2437N/A"Publisher '%s' is a system publisher and other publishers cannot be moved "
2506N/Amsgstr "发布者 '%s' 是一个系统发布者,且其他发布者无法相对于它进行移动。"
2437N/Amsgid "%s is a system publisher and cannot be unset."
2437N/Amsgstr "%s 是一个系统发布者且无法取消设置。"
2506N/A"A link targeting itself or part of a link loop was found at '%s'; a file or "
2506N/A"directory was expected. Please remove the link and try again."
2506N/Amsgstr "在 '%s' 处发现了一个目标是其自身或链接循环的一部分的链接;需要是一个文件或目录。请删除该链接并重试。"
2437N/Amsgid "This version rejected by user request"
1703N/Amsgid "This version excluded by specified installation version"
2437N/Amsgid "This version is excluded by installed incorporation {0}"
2437N/Amsgstr "已安装的 incorporation {0} 排除了此版本"
2506N/A"This version is excluded by a freeze on {0} at version {1}. The reason for "
2506N/Amsgstr "对 {0} 的版本 {1} 的冻结排除了此版本。该冻结的理由是:{2}"
2506N/Amsgid "This version is excluded by a freeze on {0} at version {1}."
2506N/Amsgstr "对 {0} 的版本 {1} 的冻结排除了此版本。"
1703N/Amsgid "No matching version of %s can be installed:"
2437N/A#. no version of this package is allowed
2437N/Amsgid "The installed package %s is not permissible."
2437N/Amsgid "Plan Creation: dependency error(s) in proposed packages:"
2437N/Amsgstr "计划创建:建议的软件包中存在相关项错误:"
2437N/Amsgid "Plan Creation: Errors in installed packages due to proposed changes:"
2437N/Amsgstr "计划创建:由于建议的更改而导致已安装的软件包中出现错误:"
2437N/A#. both error detection methods insufficent.
2437N/Amsgid "Plan Creation: Package solver is unable to compute solution."
2437N/Amsgstr "计划创建:软件包解析器无法计算解决方案。"
2437N/Amsgid "Dependency analysis is unable to determine exact cause."
2437N/Amsgid "Try specifying expected results to obtain more detailed error messages."
2437N/Amsgstr "尝试指定预期的结果以获取更详细的错误消息。"
2437N/Amsgid "Include specific version of packages you wish installed."
2437N/A"Plan Creation: Package solver has not found a solution to update to latest "
2506N/Amsgstr "计划创建:软件包解析器未找到用于更新到最新可用版本的解决方案。"
2437N/Amsgid "This may indicate an overly constrained set of packages are installed."
2437N/Amsgid "latest incorporations:"
2437N/A"The following indicates why the system cannot update to the latest version:"
2506N/Amsgstr "下面说明了系统无法更新到最新版本的原因:"
2095N/Amsgid "Package contains invalid or unsupported actions"
2437N/Amsgid "Excluded by proposed incorporation '{0}'"
2437N/Amsgstr "被建议的 incorporation '{0}' 排除"
2437N/Amsgid "Package contains 'exclude' dependency {0} on installed package"
2437N/Amsgstr "软件包包含依赖于已安装软件包的 'exclude' 相关项 {0}"
2437N/Amsgid "All versions matching 'exclude' dependency {0} are rejected"
2437N/Amsgstr "与 'exclude' 相关项 {0} 匹配的所有版本都被拒绝"
2437N/Amsgid "All acceptable versions of '{0}' dependency on {1} are obsolete"
2437N/Amsgstr "依赖于 {1} 的 '{0}' 相关项的所有可接受版本都已过时"
2437N/Amsgid "All acceptable versions of '{0}' dependencies on {1} are obsolete"
2437N/Amsgstr "依赖于 {1} 的 '{0}' 相关项的所有可接受版本都已过时"
2437N/Amsgid "A version for '{0}' dependency on {1} cannot be found"
2437N/Amsgstr "未找到依赖于 {1} 的 '{0}' 相关项的某个版本"
2437N/Amsgid "All versions matching '{0}' dependency {1} are rejected"
2437N/Amsgstr "与 '{0}' 相关项 {1} 匹配的所有版本都被拒绝"
2437N/Amsgid "No suitable version of installed package %s found"
2437N/Amsgstr "未找到已安装的软件包 %s 的合适版本"
2437N/Amsgid "%s %s [already rejected; see above]"
2437N/Amsgstr "%s %s [已被拒绝;请参见以上内容]"
2437N/Amsgid "No suitable version of required package %s found:"
2437N/Amsgid "List of integers, not %s, expected"
2437N/Amsgid "Currently installed package '{0}' is from sticky publisher '{1}'."
2437N/Amsgstr "当前安装的软件包 '{0}' 来自粘性发布者 '{1}'。"
2437N/Amsgid "Package is from publisher other than specified one."
2437N/Amsgid "Higher ranked publisher {0} was selected"
2437N/Amsgid "Package publisher is ranked lower in search order"
2437N/Amsgid "Newer version {0} is already installed"
1703N/Amsgid "Package doesn't support image architecture"
2437N/Amsgid "Package doesn't support image variant {0}"
2437N/A#. package is not installed in parent
2437N/Amsgid "Package is not installed in parent image: {0}"
2437N/A#. package is from a different publisher in the parent
2437N/Amsgid "Package in parent is from a different publisher: {0}"
2437N/Amsgstr "父项中的软件包来自一个不同的发布者: {0}"
2437N/Amsgid "Parent image has a incompatible newer version: {0}"
2437N/Amsgstr "父映像具有一个不兼容的较新版本: {0}"
2437N/Amsgid "Parent image has an older version of package: {0}"
2437N/Amsgstr "父映像具有一个较旧版本的软件包: {0}"
2437N/Amsgid "Installed version in root image is too old for origin dependency %s"
2437N/Amsgstr "根映像中的已安装版本对源相关项 %s 而言太旧"
2437N/A"Installed version in image being upgraded is too old for origin dependency %s"
2506N/Amsgstr "正在升级的映像中的已安装版本对源相关项 %s 而言太旧"
2437N/Amsgid "Recursing into linked image: %s"
2437N/Amsgid "Returning from linked image: %s"
1703N/Amsgid "Retrieving catalog '%s'..."
1703N/Amsgid "Caching catalogs ..."
1703N/Amsgid "Loading catalog cache ..."
2095N/Amsgid "Refreshing catalog %(current)d/%(total)d %(publisher)s"
2095N/Amsgstr "正在刷新目录 %(current)d/%(total)d %(publisher)s"
2437N/Amsgid "Cannot enable or disable a system publisher"
2437N/Amsgid "Cannot change the stickiness of a system publisher"
1703N/A"Unable to retrieve package data for publisher '%(prefix)s' from one\n"
1703N/A"of the following origin(s):\n"
1703N/A"The catalog retrieved from one of the origin(s) listed above only\n"
1703N/A"contains package data for: %(pubs)s.\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "\n无法从以下源之一检索发布者 '%(prefix)s' 的\n软件包数据:\n\n%(origins)s\n\n从上面所列的源之一中检索到的目录仅\n包含 %(pubs)s 的软件包数据。\n"
1703N/A"This is either a result of invalid origin information being provided\n"
1703N/A"for publisher '%s', or because the wrong publisher name was\n"
1703N/A"provided when this publisher was added.\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "这是因为提供给发布者 '%s' 的源信息\n无效,或者是因为在添加此发布者时提供了\n错误的发布者名称。\n"
1703N/A"To resolve this issue, correct the origin information provided for\n"
1703N/A"publisher '%(prefix)s' using the pkg set-publisher subcommand, or re-add\n"
1703N/A"the publisher using the correct name and remove the '%(prefix)s'\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "要解决此问题,请使用 pkg set-publisher 子命令更正为\n发布者 '%(prefix)s' 提供的源信息,或者使用\n正确的名称重新添加此发布者,然后删除 '%(prefix)s'\n发布者。\n"
1703N/A"To re-add this publisher with the correct name, execute the following\n"
1703N/A"commands as a privileged user:\n"
1703N/A"pkg set-publisher -P -g %(origin)s %(pub)s\n"
1703N/A"pkg unset-publisher %(prefix)s\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "要使用正确的名称重新添加此发布者,请以特权用户\n身份执行以下命令:\n\npkg set-publisher -P -g %(origin)s %(pub)s\npkg unset-publisher %(prefix)s\n"
1703N/A"The origin(s) listed above contain package data for more than one\n"
1703N/A"publisher, but this issue can likely be resolved by executing one\n"
1703N/A"of the following commands as a privileged user:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "上面所列的源包含多个发布者的软件包\n数据,但通过以特权用户身份执行以下命令之一\n有可能可解决此问题:\n"
1703N/Amsgid "pkg set-publisher -P -g %(origin)s %(pub)s\n"
1703N/Amsgstr "pkg set-publisher -P -g %(origin)s %(pub)s\n"
1703N/A"Afterwards, the old publisher should be removed by executing the\n"
1703N/A"following command as a privileged user:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "然后,应该通过以特权用户身份执行以下\n命令删除旧的发布者:\n\npkg unset-publisher %s\n"
2095N/A"The file with hash %s was expected to be a PEM certificate but it could not "
2095N/Amsgstr "具有散列值 %s 的文件应为 PEM 证书,但它无法读取。"
2506N/A"The following string was expected to be a PEM certificate, but it could not "
2506N/Amsgstr "以下字符串预期是一个 PEM 证书,但无法将其作为证书进行解析:\n%s"
2095N/A"Cannot remove a value from the property %(name)s because the property does "
2095N/Amsgstr "无法从属性 %(name)s 中删除值,因为此属性不存在。"
2095N/A"Cannot remove a value from a single valued property, unset must be used. The "
2095N/A"property name is '%(name)s' and the current value is '%(value)s'"
2095N/Amsgstr "无法从单值属性中删除值,必须使用复位。属性名称是 '%(name)s',当前值是 '%(value)s'"
2437N/A"Cannot remove the value %(value)s from the property %(name)s because the "
2437N/A"value is not in the property's list."
2437N/Amsgstr "无法从属性 %(name)s 中删除值 %(value)s,因为此值没有位于此属性列表中。"
2095N/Amsgid "The CRL file %s is not in a recognized format."
2095N/Amsgstr "无法识别 CRL 文件 %s 的格式。"
2437N/Amsgid "Cannot set a property for a system publisher. The property was:%s"
2437N/Amsgstr "无法设置系统发布者的某个属性。该属性为:%s"
2095N/Amsgid "%(val)s is not a valid value for this property:%(prop)s"
2095N/Amsgstr "%(val)s 不是此属性: %(prop)s 的有效值"
2437N/Amsgid "The %s signature-policy takes no argument."
2437N/Amsgid "Cannot unset a property for a system publisher. The property was:%s"
2437N/Amsgstr "无法取消设置系统发布者的某个属性。该属性为:%s"
2437N/Amsgid "Cannot unset a property for a system publisher."
2095N/A"The configuration file for the repository is invalid or incomplete:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "系统信息库的配置文件无效或不完整:\n%s"
2095N/Amsgid "Search temporarily unavailable."
2095N/A"Property name '%s' is not valid. Section names may not contain: tabs, "
2095N/A"newlines, carriage returns, form feeds, vertical tabs, slashes, backslashes, "
2506N/Amsgstr "属性名称 '%s' 无效。区段名不可包含:制表符、换行符、回车、换页符、垂直制表符、斜杠、反斜杠或非 ASCII 字符。"
2437N/Amsgid "Property template name '%s' is not valid."
2437N/A"'%(value)s' is less than the minimum of '%(minimum)s' permitted for property "
2437N/A"'%(prop)s' in section '%(section)s'."
2506N/Amsgstr "'%(value)s' 小于区段 '%(section)s' 中的属性 '%(prop)s' 允许的最小值 '%(minimum)s'。"
2437N/A"'%(value)s' is greater than the maximum of '%(maximum)s' permitted for "
2437N/A"property '%(prop)s' in section '%(section)s'."
2506N/Amsgstr "'%(value)s' 大于区段 '%(section)s' 中的属性 '%(prop)s' 允许的最大值 '%(maximum)s'。"
2437N/A"Invalid value '%(value)s' for property '%(prop)s' in section '%(section)s'."
2506N/Amsgstr "区段 '%(section)s' 中属性 '%(prop)s' 的值 '%(value)s' 无效。"
2437N/Amsgid "Invalid value '%(value)s' for %(prop)s."
2437N/Amsgstr "%(prop)s 的值 '%(value)s' 无效。"
2437N/A"Property '%(prop)s' in section '%(section)s' doesn't allow multiple values."
2506N/Amsgstr "区段 '%(section)s' 中的属性 '%(prop)s' 不允许有多个值。"
2437N/Amsgid "Property %s doesn't allow multiple values."
2437N/A"Value '%(value)s' not found in the list of values for property '%(prop)s' in "
2506N/Amsgstr "在区段 '%(section)s' 中,在属性 '%(prop)s' 的值列表中没有发现值 '%(value)s'。"
2437N/Amsgid "Value '%(value)s' not found in the list of values for %(prop)s ."
2437N/Amsgstr "在 %(prop)s 的值列表中没有发现值 '%(value)s'。"
2095N/A"Section name '%s' is not valid. Section names may not contain: tabs, "
2095N/A"newlines, carriage returns, form feeds, vertical tabs, slashes, backslashes, "
2095N/Amsgstr "区段名 '%s' 无效。区段名不可包含:制表符、换行符、回车、换页符、垂直制表符、斜杠、反斜杠或非 ASCII 字符。"
2437N/Amsgid "Section template name '%s' is not valid."
2437N/Amsgid "Unknown property '%(prop)s' in section '%(section)s'."
2437N/Amsgstr "区段 '%(section)s' 中有未知的属性 '%(prop)s'。"
2095N/Amsgid "Unknown property section: %s."
2095N/A"Property name '%(name)s' is not valid. Property names may not contain: "
2095N/A"tabs, newlines, carriage returns, form feeds, vertical tabs, slashes, or "
2095N/A"backslashes and must also match the regular expression: %(exp)s"
2095N/Amsgstr "属性名称 '%(name)s' 无效。属性名称不可包含:制表符、换行符、回车、换页符、垂直制表符、斜杠或反斜杠,且还必须匹配正则表达式: %(exp)s"
2095N/A"Section name '%(name)s' is not valid. Section names may not contain: tabs, "
2095N/A"newlines, carriage returns, form feeds, vertical tabs, slashes, or "
2095N/A"backslashes and must also match the regular expression: %(exp)s"
2095N/Amsgstr "区段名 '%(name)s' 无效。区段名不可包含:制表符、换行符、回车、换页符、垂直制表符、斜杠或反斜杠,且还必须匹配正则表达式: %(exp)s"
2095N/A"Unable to read configuration data for SMF FMRI '%(fmri)s':\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "无法读取 SMF FMRI '%(fmri)s' 的配置数据:\n%(errmsg)s"
2095N/A"Unable to write configuration data for SMF FMRI '%(fmri)s':\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "无法写入 SMF FMRI '%(fmri)s' 的配置数据:\n%(errmsg)s"
2095N/Amsgid "Writing configuration data to SMF is not supported at this time."
1703N/A"The FileManager cannot %(cre)s %(ent)s because it is configured read-only."
2506N/Amsgstr "文件管理器无法 %(cre)s %(ent)s,因为它配置为只读。"
2437N/A"%(src)s was removed while FileManager was attempting to insert it into the "
2506N/Amsgstr "%(src)s 在文件管理器尝试将其作为 %(dest)s 插入到高速缓存中时被删除。"
1703N/Amsgid "FileManager was unable to create %s or the directories containing it."
1703N/Amsgstr "文件管理器无法创建 %s 或包含它的目录。"
1703N/A"The following paths were found but cannot be accounted for by any of the "
2506N/Amsgstr "找到以下路径,但无法通过任何已知布局进行说明:\n%s"
2506N/A"Couldn't find '%s' in any of the specified search directories:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "在指定的任何搜索目录中都无法找到 '%s':\n%s"
2437N/A"More than one $PKGDEPEND_RUNPATH token was set on the same action in this "
2506N/Amsgstr "在此清单中,在同一操作上设置了多个 $PKGDEPEND_RUNPATH 标记。"
1703N/Amsgid "Subclasses of Dependency must implement dep_key. Current class is %s"
1703N/Amsgstr "相关项的子类必须实现 dep_key。当前类为 %s"
1703N/Amsgid "%s had this elf error:%s"
1703N/A"%(pp)s (which will be installed at %(ip)s) had this token, %(tok)s, in its "
1703N/A"run path: %(rp)s. It is not currently possible to automatically expand this "
1703N/A"token. Please specify its value on the command line."
2506N/Amsgstr "%(pp)s(将安装于 %(ip)s)在其运行路径 %(rp)s 中具有此标记 %(tok)s。当前无法自动展开此标记。请在命令行上指定其值。"
1703N/Amsgid "Could not find the file for %(name)s imported in %(localpath)s"
1703N/Amsgstr "找不到在 %(localpath)s 中导入的 %(name)s 的文件"
2095N/A"The file to be installed at %(ip)s declares a python version of %(decl_v)s. "
2095N/A"However, the path suggests that the version should be %(inst_v)s. The text "
2095N/A"of the file can be found at %(lp)s"
2095N/Amsgstr "要在 %(ip)s 中安装的文件声明的 python 版本为 %(decl_v)s。但是,此路径表明此版本应为 %(inst_v)s。在 %(lp)s 中可找到此文件的文本"
2506N/A"The file to be installed at %(ip)s appears to be a python file but contains "
2506N/A"a syntax error that prevents it from being analyzed. The text of the file "
2506N/A"can be foundat %(lp)s. The error happened on line %(line)s at offset %(col)"
2506N/Amsgstr "要在 %(ip)s 中安装的文件好像是一个 python 文件,但它包含的一个语法错误导致无法对其进行分析。在 %(lp)s 中可找到此文件的文本。错误发生在第 %(line)s 行,偏移量 %(col)s。问题如下:\n%(txt)s"
2095N/A"exited with return code %(rc)s and this message:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "命令 %(cmd)s\n退出,并返回代码 %(rc)s 和以下消息:\n%(err)s"
2095N/A"The command %(cmd)s produced the following lines which cannot be "
2506N/Amsgstr "命令 %(cmd)s 生成了无法识别的下列行:\n%(lines)s"
2095N/A"The file to be installed in %(ip)s does not specify a specific version of "
2095N/A"python either in its installed path nor in its text. Such a file cannot be "
2095N/A"analyzed for dependencies since the version of python it will be used with "
2095N/A"is unknown. The text of the file is here: %(lp)s."
2506N/Amsgstr "要在 %(ip)s 中安装的文件未在其安装路径或文本中指定 python 的特定版本。无法针对相关项分析此类文件,因为它要使用的 python 版本是未知的。文件的文本位于此处: %(lp)s。"
2095N/Amsgid "%(lp)s says it should be run with '%(bin)s' which is a relative path."
2095N/Amsgstr "%(lp)s 表明应该使用相对路径 '%(bin)s' 来运行。"
2095N/Amsgid "FMRI does not appear to be valid"
2095N/Amsgid "more than one set of dependencies found: %s"
2095N/A#. we can't satisfy the dependency at all
2095N/Amsgid "cannot resolve FMRI to a delivered file"
2095N/Amsgid "FMRI is delivered by multiple files: %s"
2095N/Amsgid "%s actions cannot deliver SMF manifests"
2095N/Amsgid "Unable to parse SMF manifest %s"
2095N/Amsgid "Problem resolving %(fmri)s: %(err)s"
2095N/Amsgstr "解析 %(fmri)s 时出现问题: %(err)s"
2095N/Amsgid "Problem determining dependencies for %(fmri)s:%(err)s"
2095N/Amsgstr "确定 %(fmri)s 的相关项时出现问题: %(err)s"
2095N/A"Unable to generate SMF dependency on %(dep_fmri)s declared in %(proto_file)s "
2506N/Amsgstr "无法生成 %(fmri)s 在 %(proto_file)s 中声明的 %(dep_fmri)s 的 SMF 相关项: %(err)s"
1703N/Amsgid "FMRI '%s' is missing version information."
2437N/Amsgid "Missing '/' after publisher name"
2557N/A"The <b>libbe</b> library was not found on your system.\n"
2557N/A"All functions for managing Boot Environments are disabled"
2557N/Amsgstr "在您的系统中找不到 <b>libbe</b> 库。\n用于管理引导环境的所有功能都已被禁用"
2557N/Amsgid "Boot Environment Confirmation"
2557N/Amsgid "Loading Boot Environment Information"
2557N/Amsgid "Fetching BE entries..."
2557N/Amsgid "Applying changes, please wait ..."
2557N/Amsgid "<b>Couldn't change Active Boot Environment to:</b>\n"
2557N/Amsgstr "<b>无法将活动引导环境更改为:</b>\n"
2557N/Amsgid "<b>Couldn't delete Boot Environments:</b>\n"
2557N/Amsgid "<b>Couldn't rename Boot Environments:</b>\n"
2557N/Amsgstr "<b>无法重命名引导环境:</b>\n"
2557N/A"The <b>libbe</b> library couldn't prepare list of Boot Environments.\n"
2557N/A"All functions for managing Boot Environments are disabled"
2557N/Amsgstr "<b>libbe</b> 库无法准备引导环境的列表。\n用于管理引导环境的所有功能都已被禁用"
2557N/Amsgid "Fetching information..."
2557N/Amsgid "Installable versions... "
2557N/Amsgid "Fetching dependencies information..."
2557N/Amsgid "Fetching legal information..."
2557N/A"This might be caused by network problem while accessing the repository."
2557N/Amsgstr "\n这可能是由于访问系统信息库时出现网络问题所致。"
2557N/Amsgid "Dependencies info not available for this package..."
2557N/Amsgid "Files Details not available for this package..."
2557N/Amsgid "Information not available for this package..."
2557N/Amsgid "No versions available"
2557N/Amsgid "Export Selections Confirmation"
2557N/Amsgid "<b>Export the following to a Web Install .p5i file:</b>"
2557N/Amsgstr "<b>将以下项导出到 WebInstall .p5i 文件:</b>"
2557N/Amsgid "Export Selections Error"
2557N/Amsgid "An unknown error occurred"
2557N/A"Please let the developers know about this problem by filing a bug together "
2557N/A"with the error details listed below at:"
2557N/Amsgstr "请通过报告该错误并附上下面列出的错误详细信息,让开发者了解这一问题:"
2557N/A"List of configured publishers:"
2557N/A"Please include output from:\n"
2557N/A#. For the remove, we are not showing the download stage
2557N/Amsgid "Review the package to be removed"
2557N/Amsgid_plural "Review the packages to be removed"
2557N/Amsgid "Update Optional Components"
2557N/Amsgid "Updates Confirmation"
2557N/Amsgid "Review the package to be Updated"
2557N/Amsgid_plural "Review the packages to be Updated"
2557N/Amsgid "Install Confirmation"
2557N/Amsgid "Review the package to be Installed"
2557N/Amsgid_plural "Review the packages to be Installed"
2557N/Amsgid "Ensuring %s is up to date..."
2557N/Amsgid "Inventory exception:\n"
2557N/A"Please check the network connection.\n"
2557N/A"Is the repository accessible?\n"
2557N/Amsgstr "请检查网络连接。\n该系统信息库是否可访问?\n\n%s"
2557N/A"Unable to contact a valid package depot. Please check your network settings "
2557N/A"and attempt to contact the server using a web browser.\n"
2557N/Amsgstr "\n无法连接有效的软件包仓库。请检查您的网络设置,并尝试使用 Web 浏览器连接服务器。\n\n%s"
2557N/A"pkg(5) appears to be out of date and should be updated.\n"
2557N/Amsgstr "pkg(5) 似乎已过期,应进行更新。\n请更新 %s 软件包"
2557N/A"Due to the following packages that depend on it:\n"
2557N/Amsgstr "无法删除:\n\t%s\n由于与其相关的以下软件包:\n"
2557N/A"Press %(button)s button to continue removal without\n"
2557N/Amsgstr "请按 %(button)s 按钮继续在没有 \t%(package)s 的\n情况下继续执行删除\n"
2557N/A"Failure to consistently execute pkg commands when running %s as a privileged "
2557N/A"user is often a source of this problem."
2557N/Amsgstr "\n运行 %s 时无法作为特权用户一致地执行 pkg 命令通常是导致出现此问题的根源。"
2557N/A"To rebuild index, please execute the following command as a privileged user:"
2557N/Amsgstr "\n要重新生成索引,请作为特权用户执行以下命令:"
2557N/Amsgstr "\n\tpkg rebuild-index"
2557N/A"There was an error during installation. The search index is corrupted. You "
2557N/A"might want try to fix this problem by executing the following command as a "
2557N/Amsgstr "安装期间发生错误。搜索索引已破坏。您可能需要尝试作为特权用户运行以下命令来修复此问题:\n\tpkg rebuild-index"
2557N/Amsgid "This is a Live Image. The install operation can't be performed."
2557N/A"The requested operation would affect files that cannot be modified in the "
2557N/A"Please retry this operation on an alternate boot environment."
2557N/Amsgstr "请求的操作会影响在实时映像中无法修改的文件。\n请在备用引导环境中重试此操作。"
2557N/A"There was an error during installation.\n"
2557N/A"The Plan of the operation is missing and the operation can't be finished. "
2557N/A"You might want try to fix this problem by restarting %s\n"
2557N/Amsgstr "安装期间出现错误。\n缺少操作计划,因而操作无法完成。您可能需要通过重新启动 %s 来尝试修复此问题\n"
2557N/A"There was an error during installation.\n"
2557N/A"The State of the image is incorrect and the operation can't be finished. You "
2557N/A"might want try to fix this problem by restarting %s\n"
2557N/Amsgstr "安装期间出现错误。\n映像的状态不正确,因而操作无法完成。您可能需要通过重新启动 %s 来尝试修复此问题\n"
2557N/Amsgid "Specifying BE Name not supported.\n"
2557N/A"Despite the error while indexing, the image-update, install, or uninstall "
2557N/A"has completed successfuly."
2557N/Amsgstr "\n\n尽管在建立索引时出现错误,但映像更新、安装或卸载已成功完成。"
2557N/Amsgid "Gathering package information, please wait..."
2557N/Amsgid "Gathering package information"
2557N/Amsgid "All packages already installed."
2557N/Amsgid "No updates necessary"
2557N/Amsgid "No updates available"
2557N/Amsgid "All features already installed"
2557N/Amsgid "Review the package which will be affected by Updates"
2557N/Amsgid_plural "Review the packages which will be affected by Updates"
2604N/Amsgid "No further information available"
2557N/A"An unknown error occurred in the %s stage.\n"
2557N/A"Please let the developers know about this problem by filing a bug together "
2557N/A"with the error details listed below at:\n"
2557N/Amsgstr "%s 阶段中出现了未知错误。\n请通过报告该错误并附上下面列出的错误详细信息,让开发者了解这一问题:\n"
2557N/Amsgid "Exception traceback:\n"
2557N/Amsgid "List of configured publishers:"
2557N/Amsgid "Downloaded %(current)s of %(total)s"
2557N/Amsgstr "已下载 %(current)s(共 %(total)s)"
2557N/Amsgid "%(cur)d of %(goal)d - %(name)s"
2557N/Amsgstr "当前为 %(cur)d(共 %(goal)d)- %(name)s"
2557N/Amsgid "Installation completed successfully"
2557N/Amsgid "Packages removed successfully"
2557N/Amsgid "Packages updated successfully"
2557N/Amsgid "Optional components updated successfully"
2557N/A"Not enough disk space, the selected action cannot be performed.\n"
2557N/A"Click OK to manage your existing BEs and free up disk space or Cancel to "
2557N/Amsgstr "磁盘空间不足,无法执行选定的操作。\n\n单击“确定”以管理现有 BE 并释放磁盘空间,或单击“取消”以取消该操作。"
2557N/Amsgid "Not Enough Disk Space"
2557N/Amsgid "Packages To Be Updated:\n"
2557N/Amsgid "Packages To Be Installed:\n"
2557N/Amsgid "Packages To Be Removed:\n"
2557N/Amsgid "Optional components\n"
2557N/Amsgid "Number of facets set: %s\n"
2557N/A"You must accept the terms of the license before downloading this package."
2557N/Amsgstr "在下载此软件包之前,必须接受许可证条款。"
2557N/Amsgid "You must view the terms of the license before downloading this package."
2557N/Amsgstr "在下载此软件包之前,必须查看许可证条款。"
2557N/Amsgid " Organizational Unit (OU):"
2557N/Amsgid "One or more certificate names must be specified with this option."
2557N/Amsgid "Errors logged: click to view"
2557N/Amsgid "Warnings logged: click to view"
2557N/Amsgid "Version mismatch: expected version %d, got version %d"
2557N/Amsgstr "版本不匹配:预期的版本为 %d,但获得版本 %d"
2557N/Amsgid "%s is not an install image"
2557N/Amsgid "%(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
2557N/Amsgstr "%(version)s(内部版本 %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
2557N/Amsgid "Not available from this publisher"
2557N/Amsgid "Note: \t Certificate is marked to be added"
2557N/Amsgid "Note: \t Certificate is marked to be reinstated"
2557N/Amsgid "License could not be shown due to conversion problem."
2557N/A" All info messages will be logged to stdout"
2557N/Amsgstr "\n 所有信息性消息将记录到 stdout"
2557N/A" All errors and warnings will be logged to stderr"
2557N/Amsgstr "\n 所有错误和警告将记录到 stderr"
2557N/Amsgid "Catalog refresh error:\n"
2557N/Amsgid "Only %(suc)s out of %(tot)s catalogs successfully updated.\n"
2557N/Amsgstr "仅成功更新 %(suc)s 个目录(共 %(tot)s 个)。\n"
2557N/Amsgid "Unable to setup log:\n"
2557N/Amsgid "All errors and warnings will be logged to stderr"
2557N/Amsgid "All info messages will be logged to stdout"
2557N/Amsgid "Retrieving catalog '%s'...\n"
2557N/Amsgid "Caching catalogs ...\n"
2557N/Amsgid "Loading catalog cache ...\n"
2557N/Amsgid "Refreshing catalog %s\n"
2557N/Amsgid "Finished refreshing catalog %s\n"
2557N/Amsgid "Package %d of %d: %s\n"
2557N/Amsgstr "第 %d 个软件包(共 %d 个): %s\n"
2557N/Amsgid "Manage Publishers Confirmation"
2557N/Amsgid "<b>Certificates for publisher %s</b>"
2557N/Amsgid "<b>Publisher certificates</b>"
2557N/A"The publisher certificate:\n"
2557N/Amsgid "Modify Publisher - %s"
2557N/Amsgid "Add Publisher Certificate"
2557N/A"was expected to be a PEM certificate but it could not be read."
2557N/Amsgstr "文件:\n %s\n应当是一个 PEM 证书,但它无法读取。"
2557N/Amsgid "Reinstate Publisher Certificate"
2557N/A"To reinstate the publisher certificate:\n"
2557N/A"the original certificate file must be selected."
2557N/Amsgstr "要恢复发布者证书:\n %s\n必须选择原始证书文件。"
2557N/Amsgid "Alias contains invalid characters"
2557N/Amsgid "Alias already in use"
2557N/Amsgid "Removing publisher %s\n"
2557N/Amsgid "Publisher %s succesfully removed\n"
2557N/Amsgid "Adding publisher %s\n"
2557N/Amsgid "Updating publisher %s\n"
2557N/Amsgid "Publisher %s succesfully added\n"
2557N/Amsgid "Publisher %s succesfully updated\n"
2557N/Amsgid "Disable Publisher:\n"
2557N/Amsgid_plural "Disable Publishers:\n"
2557N/Amsgid_plural "Enable Publishers:\n"
2557N/Amsgid_plural "Remove Publishers:\n"
2557N/Amsgid "Set sticky Publisher:\n"
2557N/Amsgid_plural "Set sticky Publishers:\n"
2557N/Amsgid "Unset sticky Publisher:\n"
2557N/Amsgid_plural "Unset sticky Publishers:\n"
2557N/Amsgid "Change Priorities:\n"
2557N/Amsgid "Apply the following change:"
2557N/Amsgid_plural "Apply the following changes:"
2557N/Amsgid "%(enable)s publisher %(name)s\n"
2557N/Amsgstr "%(enable)s 发布者 %(name)s\n"
2557N/Amsgid "Changing priority for publisher %s\n"
2557N/Amsgid "%(update)s publisher %(name)s\n"
2557N/Amsgstr "%(update)s 发布者 %(name)s\n"
2557N/Amsgid "Cannot be modified or removed."
2557N/A"Note: this may may be the result of specifying a https Origin, but no SSL "
2557N/Amsgstr "注:这可能是因为指定了一个 https 源,但没有指定 SSL 密钥和证书。\n"
2557N/A"Note: this error may be the result of specifing a https URI, but no SSL key "
2557N/Amsgstr "注:发生此错误可能是因为指定了一个 https URI,但没有指定 SSL 密钥和证书。\n"
2557N/Amsgid "Specify SSL Key File"
2557N/Amsgid "Specify SSL Certificate File"
2557N/A"Origin URI: %(origin_url)s\n"
2557N/A"has %(number_pubs)d publishers associated with it.\n"
2557N/A"%(client_name)s will attempt to add the first publisher, %(pub_name)s.\n"
2557N/A"To add the remaining publishers use the command:\n"
2557N/A"'pkg %(user_image_root)sset-publisher -p %(origin_url)s'"
2557N/Amsgstr "源 URI: %(origin_url)s\n有 %(number_pubs)d 个与其关联的发布者。\n%(client_name)s 将尝试添加第一个发布者 %(pub_name)s。\n要添加其余的发布者,请使用以下命令:\n'pkg %(user_image_root)sset-publisher -p %(origin_url)s'"
2557N/Amsgid "SSL should not be specified"
2557N/Amsgid "SSL Key not found at specified location"
2557N/Amsgid "SSL Certificate not found at specified location"
2557N/Amsgid_plural "Enabling Publishers"
2557N/Amsgid_plural "Disabling Publishers"
2557N/A"The URI '%(uri)s' points to a publisher '%(publisher)s' which already exists "
2557N/Amsgstr "URI '%(uri)s' 指向系统上已存在的发布者 '%(publisher)s'。"
2557N/Amsgid "There are no publishers associated with the URI '%s'."
2557N/Amsgstr "没有与 URI '%s' 关联的发布者。"
2557N/Amsgid "View packages in %(s1)s%(pub)s%(e1)s"
2557N/Amsgstr "在 %(s1)s%(pub)s%(e1)s 中查看软件包"
2557N/Amsgid "Go to Search %(s1)sAll Publishers%(e1)s page"
2557N/Amsgstr "转至“搜索 %(s1)s所有发布者%(e1)s”页面"
2557N/Amsgid "Search within %(s1)sAll Publishers%(e1)s"
2557N/Amsgstr "在 %(s1)s所有发布者%(e1)s 中搜索"
2557N/Amsgid "View %(s1)sAll Installed Packages%(e1)s"
2557N/Amsgstr "查看 %(s1)s所有已安装的软件包%(e1)s"
2557N/Amsgid "Display %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s"
2557N/Amsgstr "显示 %(s1)s搜索帮助%(e1)s"
2557N/Amsgid "Loading %(s1)sSearch Help%(e1)s ..."
2557N/Amsgstr "正在装入 %(s1)s搜索帮助%(e1)s ..."
2557N/Amsgid "Display %(s1)sManage Publishers%(e1)s"
2557N/Amsgstr "显示 %(s1)s管理发布者%(e1)s"
2557N/Amsgid "Loading %(s1)sManage Publishers%(e1)s ..."
2557N/Amsgstr "正在加载 %(s1)s管理发布者%(e1)s ..."
2557N/Amsgid "Change View to %(s1)sAll Packages%(e1)s"
2557N/Amsgstr "将视图更改为 %(s1)s所有软件包%(e1)s"
2557N/Amsgid "Empty Action not supported"
2557N/Amsgid "Action not supported: %s"
2557N/A"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
2557N/A"TD><TD><h3><b>Search All Publishers</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> "
2557N/A"There is nothing to search as there are no configured or enabled publishers."
2557N/Amsgstr "alt='[信息]' title='信息' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>搜索所有发布者</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>没有可供搜索的对象,因为没有配置或启用发布者。</TD></TR>"
2557N/Amsgstr "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><b>建议:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD>"
2557N/A"<li style='padding-left:7px'>Add or enable publishers: <a href='pm?pm-"
2557N/A"action=internal&search=%s'>Manage Publishers</a></li></TD></TR>"
2557N/Amsgstr "<li style='padding-left:7px'>添加或启用发布者:<a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%s'>管理发布者</a></li></TD></TR>"
2557N/A"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
2557N/A"TD><TD><h3><b>Search All Publishers</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> "
2557N/A"Use the Search field to search for packages within the following Publishers:"
2557N/Amsgstr "alt='[信息]' title='信息' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>搜索所有发布者</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> 使用“搜索”字段可在以下发布者中搜索软件包:</TD></TR>"
2557N/A"<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Click on the Publishers below to "
2557N/A"view their list of packages:</TD></TR>"
2557N/Amsgstr "<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>单击下面的发布者可查看其软件包列表:</TD></TR>"
2557N/A"<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Click on the link below to view "
2557N/A"the full list of packages:</TD></TR>"
2557N/Amsgstr "<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>单击下面的链接可查看完整的软件包列表:</TD></TR>"
2557N/A"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
2557N/A"TD><TD><h3><b>Search in All Installed Packages</b></h3><TD></TD></"
2557N/A"TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> Search is <b>not</b> supported in All Installed "
2557N/Amsgstr "alt='[信息]' title='信息' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>在“所有已安装的软件包”中搜索</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD><b>不</b>支持在“所有已安装的软件包”中搜索。</TD></TR>"
2557N/A"<li style='padding-left:7px'>Return to view All Installed Packages <a "
2557N/Amsgstr "<li style='padding-left:7px'>返回查看“所有已安装的软件包<a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%s'>(已安装)</a>”</li>"
2557N/A"<li style='padding-left:7px'>Search for <b>%(text)s</b> using All Publishers "
2557N/A"<a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%(all_pubs)s'>(Search)</a></li>"
2557N/Amsgstr "<li style='padding-left:7px'>使用“所有发布者<a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%(all_pubs)s'>(搜索)</a>”搜索 <b>%(text)s</b></li>"
2557N/A"<li style='padding-left:7px'>See <a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%"
2557N/A"s'>Search Help</a></li></TD></TR>"
2557N/Amsgstr "<li style='padding-left:7px'>请参见<a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%s'>搜索帮助</a></li></TD></TR>"
2557N/A"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
2557N/A"TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>No "
2557N/A"packages found in <b>%(pub)s</b> matching <b>%(text)s</b></TD></TR>"
2557N/Amsgstr "alt='[信息]' title='信息' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>搜索结果</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>在 <b>%(pub)s</b> 中找不到任何与 <b>%(text)s</b> 匹配的软件包</TD></TR>"
2557N/A"TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
2557N/A"style='padding-left:7px'>Check your spelling</li><li style='padding-"
2557N/A"left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
2557N/Amsgstr "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><b>建议:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li style='padding-left:7px'>检查您的拼写</li><li style='padding-left:7px'>尝试新的搜索词条</li>"
2557N/A"<li style='padding-left:7px'>Search for <b>%(text)s</b> within <a href='pm?"
2557N/A"pm-action=internal&search=%(all_pubs)s'>All Publishers</a></li>"
2557N/Amsgstr "<li style='padding-left:7px'>在<a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%(all_pubs)s'>所有发布者</a>中搜索 <b>%(text)s</b></li>"
2557N/A"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
2557N/A"TD><TD><h3><b>Recent Searches</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> Access "
2557N/A"stored results from recent searches in this session.</TD></TR>"
2557N/Amsgstr "alt='[信息]' title='信息' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>最近的搜索</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>在此会话中访问最近的搜索的已存储结果。</TD></TR>"
2557N/Amsgid "Click on the search results link below to view the stored results:"
2557N/A"Click on one of the search results links below to view the stored results:"
2557N/Amsgstr[0] "单击下面的搜索结果链接查看已存储结果:"
2557N/Amsgstr[1] "单击下面的搜索结果链接之一查看已存储结果:"
2557N/A"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>View "
2557N/Amsgstr "alt='[信息]' title='信息' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>查看软件包</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>"
2557N/A"There is one package in this category, however it is not visible in the "
2557N/A"<li style='padding-left:7px'><b>%s</b></li>"
2557N/A"There are a number of packages in this category, however they are not "
2557N/A"visible in the selected View:\n"
2557N/A"<li style='padding-left:7px'><b>%s</b></li>"
2557N/Amsgstr[0] "此目录中存在一个软件包,但该软件包在选定的视图中不可见:\n<li style='padding-left:7px'><b>%s</b></li>"
2557N/Amsgstr[1] "此目录中存在许多软件包,但这些软件包在选定的视图中不可见:\n<li style='padding-left:7px'><b>%s</b></li>"
2557N/A"<li style='padding-left:7px'><a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%"
2557N/A"s'>Change View to All Packages</a></li>"
2557N/Amsgstr "<li style='padding-left:7px'><a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%s'>将视图更改为“所有软件包”</a></li>"
2557N/A"alt='[Information]' title='Information' ALIGN='bottom'></"
2557N/A"TD><TD><h3><b>Search Results</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>"
2557N/Amsgstr "alt='[信息]' title='信息' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>搜索结果</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>"
2557N/A"Found <b>%(num)s</b> package matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
2557N/A"however it is not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
2557N/A"Found <b>%(num)s</b> packages matching <b>%(text)s</b> in All Packages, "
2557N/A"however they are not listed in the <b>%(filter)s</b> View."
2557N/Amsgstr[0] "已在“所有软件包”中找到 <b>%(num)s</b> 个与 <b>%(text)s</b> 匹配的软件包,但是,该软件包不会在 <b>%(filter)s</b> 视图中列出。"
2557N/Amsgstr[1] "已在“所有软件包”中找到 <b>%(num)s</b> 个与 <b>%(text)s</b> 匹配的软件包,但是,这些软件包不会在 <b>%(filter)s</b> 视图中列出。"
2557N/A"<table border='0' cellpadding='3' style='table-layout:fixed' ><TR><TD><IMG "
2557N/A"alt='[Warning]' title='Warning' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>Search "
2557N/A"Warning</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Search using only the "
2557N/A"wildcard character, <b>*</b>, is not supported in All Publishers</TD></TR>"
2557N/Amsgstr "<table border='0' cellpadding='3' style='table-layout:fixed' ><TR><TD><IMG SRC = '%(base)s/%(prefix)
sdialog-warning.png' style='border-style: none' alt='[警告]' title='警告' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>搜索警告</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>“所有发布者”不支持仅使用通配字符 <b>*</b> 进行搜索</TD></TR>"
2557N/A"TD><TD<TD><b>Suggestions:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li "
2557N/A"style='padding-left:7px'>Try new search terms</li>"
2557N/Amsgstr "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><b>建议:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><li style='padding-left:7px'>尝试新的搜索词条</li>"
2557N/A"<li style='padding-left:7px'>Return to <a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search="
2557N/A"%s'>Search All Publishers</a></li>"
2557N/Amsgstr "<li style='padding-left:7px'>返回至<a href='pm?pm-action=internal&search=%s'>搜索所有发布者</a></li>"
2557N/A"<table border='0' cellpadding='3' style='table-layout:fixed' ><TR><TD><a "
2557N/A"style='border-style: none' alt='[Warning]' title='Warning' ALIGN='bottom'></"
2557N/A"TD><TD><h3><b>Warning</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Unable to load "
2557N/A"the following URI: </TD></TR>"
2557N/Amsgstr "<table border='0' cellpadding='3' style='table-layout:fixed' ><TR><TD><a href='stub'></a><IMG SRC = '%(base)s/%(prefix)
sdialog-warning.png' style='border-style: none' alt='[警告]' title='警告' ALIGN='bottom'></TD><TD><h3><b>警告</b></h3><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>无法找到以下 URI:</TD></TR>"
2557N/Amsgstr "<TR><TD></TD><TD<TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD><b>建议:</b><br></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD<TD>"
2557N/A"<li style='padding-left:7px'>Return to <a href='pm?pm-action=internal&uri=%"
2557N/A"s'>Start Page</a></li></TD></TR>"
2557N/Amsgstr "<li style='padding-left:7px'>返回至<a href='pm?pm-action=internal&uri=%s'>起始页面</a></li></TD></TR>"
2557N/Amsgid "The <b>libbe</b> library was not found on your system."
2557N/Amsgstr "在系统上找不到 <b>libbe</b> 库。"
2557N/A"A boot environment (BE) contains the operating\n"
2557N/A"system image and updated packages. The\n"
2557N/A"system will boot into the new BE on restart."
2557N/Amsgstr "引导环境 (Boot Environment, BE) 包含操作\n系统映像和更新的软件包。在重新\n启动时,系统将引导至新的 BE。"
2557N/Amsgid "Renaming BE, please wait..."
2557N/A"Could not change the BE name to:\n"
2557N/A"The following name will be used instead:\n"
2557N/Amsgstr "无法将 BE 名称更改为:\n\t%s\n\n将改用以下名称:\n\t%s"
2557N/A"Could not restart the system.\n"
2557N/A"Please restart the system manually."
2557N/Amsgstr "无法重新启动系统。\n请手动重新启动系统。"
2557N/Amsgid "This name already exists."
2557N/Amsgid "BE name contains invalid character."
2557N/Amsgid "<b>Upgradeable Version:</b>"
2557N/Amsgid "Yes, %(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
2557N/Amsgstr "是,%(version)s(内部版本 %(build)s-%(branch)s)"
2557N/Amsgid "Installed package is up-to-date"
2557N/Amsgid "The latest version of %s cannot be installed."
2557N/Amsgid "Cannot upgrade to the latest version of %s."
2557N/Amsgid "All specified publishers are already on the system."
2557N/Amsgid " (No origin specified in the p5i file)\n"
2557N/Amsgstr " (没有在 p5i 文件中指定源)\n"
2557N/Amsgid "Publishers can <b>only</b> be added if they have an origin specified."
2557N/Amsgstr "只有当发布者指定了源时,<b>才能</b>添加发布者。"
2557N/Amsgid "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust this new publisher "
2557N/Amsgid_plural "Click Proceed <b>only</b> if you trust these new publishers "
2557N/Amsgstr[0] "<b>仅</b>当您信任此新发布者时才单击“继续”"
2557N/Amsgstr[1] "<b>仅</b>当您信任这些新发布者时才单击“继续”"
2557N/Amsgid "The following publisher is disabled:\n"
2557N/Amsgid_plural "The following publishers are disabled:\n"
2557N/A"Clicking OK will enable the publisher before proceeding with install. On "
2557N/A"completion it will be disabled again."
2557N/A"Clicking OK will enable the publishers before proceeding with install.\n"
2557N/A"On completion they will be disabled again."
2557N/Amsgstr[0] "\n在继续安装之前,单击“确定”将会启用此发布者。安装完成时它将再次被禁用。"
2557N/Amsgstr[1] "\n在继续安装之前,单击“确定”将会启用这些发布者。\n安装完成时它们将再次被禁用。"
2557N/Amsgid_plural "Disabled Publishers"
2557N/Amsgid "Web Installer Error: %s"
2437N/Amsgid "sort_file_max_size must be greater than 0"
2437N/Amsgstr "sort_file_max_size 必须大于 0"
1703N/Amsgid "Reading Existing Index"
2506N/Amsgid "Multiple values for %(key)s in %(actions)s"
2506N/Amsgstr "%(actions)s 中的 %(key)s 有多个值"
2506N/Amsgid "Multiple values for %(key)s in %(manifest)s"
2506N/Amsgstr "%(manifest)s 中的 %(key)s 有多个值"
2506N/Amsgid "unable to read config file: %s "
2506N/Amsgid "missing or corrupt pkglintrc file %(config_file)s: %(err)s"
2506N/Amsgstr "pkglintrc 文件 %(config_file)s 缺少或已损坏:%(err)s"
2437N/Amsgid "Invalid release string: %s"
2437N/Amsgid "loading extensions: duplicate checker name %(name)s: %(class)s"
2437N/Amsgstr "正在加载扩展: 重复的检验器名称 %(name)s: %(class)s"
2506N/A"loading extension %(checker)s: duplicate pkglint_id %(pkglint_id)s in %"
2506N/Amsgstr "正在加载扩展 %(checker)s: %(method)s 中有重复的 pkglint_id %(pkglint_id)s"
2095N/Amsgid "Error parsing config value for %(key)s: %(err)s"
2095N/Amsgstr "解析 %(key)s 的配置值时出现错误: %(err)s"
2095N/A"Either a cache directory, or some local manifest files must be provided."
2095N/Amsgstr "必须提供一个缓存目录或一些本地清单文件。"
2095N/A"A cache directory must be provided if using reference or lint repositories."
2095N/Amsgstr "如果要使用引用或 lint 系统信息库,必须提供一个缓存目录。"
2095N/Amsgid "Ignoring -l option, existing image found."
2095N/Amsgstr "正在忽略 -l 选项,已找到现有映像。"
2095N/Amsgid "Unable to create lint image: %s"
2095N/Amsgid "Ignoring -r option, existing image found."
2095N/Amsgstr "正在忽略 -r 选项,已找到现有映像。"
2095N/Amsgid "Unable to create reference image: %s"
2095N/Amsgid "Unable to access any pkglint images under %s"
2095N/Amsgstr "无法访问 %s 下的任何 pkglint 映像"
2095N/A"%s does not subclass a known Checker subclass intended for use by pkglint "
2506N/Amsgstr "对 pkglint 扩展要使用的已知 Checker 子类,%s 并不生成该子类的子类"
2095N/Amsgid "Total number of checks found: %s"
2437N/Amsgid "unable to construct fmri from %s"
2095N/Amsgid "get_fmri(pattern) %(pattern)s matched %(count)s packages: %(pkgs)s"
2095N/Amsgstr "get_fmri(pattern) %(pattern)s 匹配了 %(count)s 个软件包: %(pkgs)s"
2095N/Amsgid "Unable to get image at %(dir)s: %(reason)s"
2095N/Amsgstr "无法在 %(dir)s 中获取映像: %(reason)s"
2095N/Amsgid "pkglint only supports a single publisher per image."
2095N/Amsgstr "pkglint 仅支持一个映像有一个发布者。"
2095N/Amsgid "Creating image at %s"
2506N/Amsgid "Not running %(check)s checks on linted action %(action)s"
2506N/Amsgstr "未在使用 pkglint 程序检查的操作 %(action)s 上运行 %(check)s 检查"
2437N/Amsgid "obsolete package: %s"
2437N/Amsgid "loop detected in rename: %s"
2506N/Amsgid "%s is not set in manifest"
2095N/Amsgid "%(value)s is not a valid level"
2506N/Amsgid "Linted message: %(id)s %(msg)s"
2506N/Amsgstr "使用 pkglint 程序检查的消息:%(id)s %(msg)s"
2095N/Amsgid "checks OpenSolaris packages for common action errors"
2095N/Amsgstr "检查 OpenSolaris 软件包中是否存在常见操作错误"
2095N/Amsgid "Username %(name)s in %(pkg)s > 8 chars"
2095N/Amsgstr "%(pkg)s 中的用户名 %(name)s 长度 > 8 个字符"
2095N/A"Username %(name)s in %(pkg)s does not have an initial lower-case "
2506N/Amsgstr "%(pkg)s 中的用户名 %(name)s 最开始的字符不是小写字母字符"
2095N/Amsgid "Username %(name)s in %(pkg)s is invalid - see passwd(4)"
2095N/Amsgstr "%(pkg)s 中的用户名 %(name)s 无效 - 请参见 passwd(4)"
2437N/Amsgid "User names should be valid."
2095N/Amsgid "checks OpenSolaris packages for common errors"
2095N/Amsgstr "检查 OpenSolaris 软件包中是否存在常见错误"
2437N/A#. a default error message used if we've parsed the
2437N/A#. data file, but haven't thrown any exceptions
2437N/Amsgid "no sections found in data file %s"
2437N/Amsgid "unable to parse data file %(path)s: %(err)s"
2437N/Amsgstr "无法解析数据文件 %(path)s:%(err)s"
2437N/Amsgid "Missing attribute '%(key)s' in %(pkg)s"
2437N/Amsgstr "%(pkg)s 中缺少属性 '%(key)s'"
2437N/Amsgid "Standard package attributes should be present."
2437N/A"sections %(ref_sections)s for %(fmri)s."
2437N/A"have a 'category' key for section %(section)s."
2437N/A"defined for the section %(section)s: %(ref_cats)s from %(path)s"
2437N/Amsgid "Empty description in %s"
2437N/Amsgid "Description matches summary in %s"
2437N/Amsgid "A package's description should not match its summary."
2095N/A#. dictionaries mapping path names to a list of tuples that are
2095N/A#. installing to that path name. Each tuple represents a single
2095N/A#. action and the fmri that delivers that action, to allow for a
2095N/A#. given fmri delivering multiple copies of actions that install
2095N/A#. eg. pathdb[path] = [(fmri, action), (fmri, action) ... ]
2095N/A#. The paths dictionaries for large repositories are rather
2095N/A#. memory hungry and may well be useful services for other
2095N/A#. checkers, so could be rolled into the engine itself (at the
2095N/A#. cost of all checker classes paying the toll on engine
2095N/A#. We maintain similar dictionaries for other attributes that
2095N/A#. should not be duplicated across (and within) manifests.
2095N/Amsgid "Checks for duplicate IPS actions."
2095N/Amsgid "Seeding reference action duplicates dictionaries."
2095N/Amsgid "Seeding lint action duplicates dictionaries."
2095N/Amsgid "Seeding local action duplicates dictionaries."
2437N/Amsgid "Paths should be unique."
2437N/Amsgid "Driver names should be unique."
2437N/Amsgid "User names should be unique."
2437N/Amsgid "UIDs should be unique."
2437N/Amsgid "Group names should be unique."
2437N/Amsgid "GIDs should be unique."
2095N/A"path %(path)s is reference-counted but has different attributes across %"
2095N/A"(count)s duplicates: %(suspects)s"
2506N/Amsgstr "已对路径 %(path)s 进行引用计数,但在 %(count)s 个副本间具有不同的属性: %(suspects)s"
2437N/Amsgid "Duplicated reference counted actions should have the same attrs."
2437N/Amsgstr "重复的引用计数操作应当具有相同的属性。"
2437N/A"%(attr_name)s %(name)s is a duplicate delivered by %(pkgs)s under all "
2506N/Amsgstr "%(attr_name)s %(name)s 是在所有变量组合下由 %(pkgs)s 提供的一个副本"
2095N/A"%(attr_name)s %(name)s is a duplicate delivered by %(pkgs)s declaring "
2095N/A"overlapping variants %(vars)s"
2506N/Amsgstr "%(attr_name)s %(name)s 是 %(pkgs)s 传送的副本,并声明覆盖变量 %(vars)s"
2095N/Amsgid "path %(path)s is delivered by multiple action types across %(pkgs)s"
2095N/Amsgstr "路径 %(path)s 由多个操作类型在 %(pkgs)s 间传送"
2437N/Amsgid "Paths should be delivered by one action type only."
2506N/Amsgid "Overlaying actions should be valid."
2506N/A"path %(path)s missing 'preserve' attribute for 'overlay=allow' action in %"
2506N/Amsgstr "在 %(fmri)s 中,路径 %(path)s 缺少 'overlay=allow' 操作的 'preserve' 属性"
2506N/A"path %(path)s has duplicate 'overlay=true' actions for the following "
2506N/A"variants across across %(fmris)s: %(var)s"
2506N/Amsgstr "在 %(fmris)s 中,对于以下变量,路径 %(path)s 具有重复的 'overlay=true' 操作: %(var)s"
2506N/A"path %(path)s has duplicate 'overlay=allow' actions for the following "
2506N/A"variants across across %(fmris)s: %(var)s"
2506N/Amsgstr "在 %(fmris)s 中,对于以下变量,路径 %(path)s 具有重复的 'overlay=allow' 操作: %(var)s"
2506N/A"path %(path)s uses overlay='true' actions but has duplicate 'overlay=allow' "
2506N/A"actions for the following variants across %(fmris)s: %(vars)s"
2506N/Amsgstr "在 %(fmris)s 中,对于以下变量,路径 %(path)s 使用 overlay='true' 操作但具有重复的 'overlay=allow' 操作: %(vars)s"
2506N/A"path %(path)s uses 'overlay=true' actions but has no corresponding "
2506N/A"'overlay=allow' actions across %(fmris)s"
2506N/Amsgstr "在 %(fmris)s 中,路径 %(path)s 使用 'overlay=true' 操作但没有对应的 'overlay=allow' 操作"
2506N/A"path %(path)s has mismatching attributes for 'overlay=true' and "
2506N/A"'overlay=allow' action-pairs across %(fmris)s"
2506N/Amsgstr "在 %(fmris)s 中,路径 %(path)s 对于 'overlay=true' 和 'overlay=allow' 操作对具有不匹配的属性"
2506N/Amsgid "path %(path)s has both overlay and non-overlay actions across %(fmris)s"
2506N/Amsgstr "在 %(fmris)s 中,路径 %(path)s 同时具有 overlay 和 non-overlay 操作"
2095N/Amsgid "Various checks on actions"
2437N/Amsgid "Seeding reference action dictionaries."
2437N/Amsgid "Seeding lint action dictionaries."
2437N/Amsgid "Seeding local action dictionaries."
2095N/Amsgid "underscore in attribute name %(key)s in %(fmri)s"
2095N/Amsgstr "在 %(fmri)s 的属性名 %(key)s 中存在下划线"
2506N/A"underscore in obsolete 'set' action name %(name)s should be %(new)s in %"
2506N/Amsgstr "过时的 'set' 操作名称 %(name)s 中的下划线在 %(fmri)s 中应当为 %(new)s"
2437N/Amsgid "underscore in 'set' action name %(name)s in %(fmri)s"
2437N/Amsgstr "%(fmri)s 中的 'set' 操作名称 %(name)s 中包含下划线"
2437N/Amsgid "Underscores are discouraged in action attributes."
2437N/A"directory action for %(path)s delivered in %(pkg)s with mode=%(mode)s that "
2506N/Amsgstr "%(pkg)s 中提供的 %(path)s 目录操作的 mode=%(mode)s 不具有可执行位"
2437N/Amsgid "broken mode mode=%(mode)s delivered in action for %(path)s in %(pkg)s"
2506N/Amsgstr "%(pkg)s 中 %(path)s 的操作中提供了不正确的模式 mode=%(mode)s"
2437N/Amsgid "mode=%(mode)s is too short in action for %(path)s in %(pkg)s"
2437N/Amsgstr "%(pkg)s 中 %(path)s 的操作中 mode=%(mode)s 太短"
2437N/Amsgid "unusual mode mode=%(mode)s delivered in action for %(path)s in %(pkg)s"
2437N/Amsgstr "%(pkg)s 中 %(path)s 的操作中提供了异常的模式 mode=%(mode)s"
2506N/Amsgid "Paths should not have unusual permissions."
2095N/Amsgid "%(attr)s missing from legacy action in %(pkg)s"
2095N/Amsgstr "%(pkg)s 中的遗留操作缺少 %(attr)s"
2095N/Amsgid "legacy action in %s does not contain a REV= string"
2095N/Amsgstr "%s 中的遗留操作不包含 REV= 字符串"
2437N/A#. we've tried to rename to ourselves
2437N/A"legacy package %(legacy)s did not result in a dependency on %(pkg)s when "
2506N/Amsgstr "在执行软件包重命名时,传统软件包 %(legacy)s 没有产生依赖于 %(pkg)s 的相关项"
2437N/Amsgid "legacy package %(legacy)s did not result in a dependency on %(pkg)s"
2437N/Amsgstr "传统软件包 %(legacy)s 没有产生依赖于 %(pkg)s 的相关项"
2437N/Amsgid "'legacy' actions should have valid attributes."
2437N/Amsgstr "'legacy' 操作应具有有效的属性。"
2095N/Amsgid "unknown action found in %s"
2437N/Amsgid "'unknown' actions should never occur."
2437N/Amsgstr "永远不应出现 'unknown' 操作。"
2437N/Amsgid "dependency on obsolete package in %s:"
2437N/A"obsolete dependency check skipped: unable to find dependency %(dep)s for %"
2506N/Amsgstr "已跳过过时相关性检查:未找到 %(pkg)s 的相关项 %(dep)s"
2437N/Amsgid "Packages should not have dependencies on obsolete packages."
2437N/Amsgstr "软件包不应具有依赖于过时软件包的相关项。"
2437N/Amsgid "pkg(5) FMRIs should be valid."
2437N/Amsgstr "pkg(5) FMRI 应当是有效的。"
2095N/Amsgid "license action in %(pkg)s has a path attribute, %(path)s"
2095N/Amsgstr "%(pkg)s 中的许可证操作具有路径属性 %(path)s"
2437N/Amsgid "'license' actions should not have paths."
2437N/Amsgstr "'license' 操作不应具有路径。"
2506N/Amsgid "Publication error with action in %(pkg)s: %(details)s"
2506N/Amsgstr "%(pkg)s 中的操作具有发布错误: %(details)s"
2506N/Amsgid "Publication checks for actions."
2095N/Amsgid "Checks for errors within the scope of a single manifest."
2095N/Amsgid "Seeding reference manifest duplicates dictionaries."
2095N/Amsgid "Seeding lint manifest duplicates dictionaries."
2506N/Amsgstr "准备 lint 字典以检查重复的清单文件。"
2095N/Amsgid "obsolete package %(pkg)s has %(key)s attribute"
2095N/Amsgstr "过时软件包 %(pkg)s 具有 %(key)s 属性"
2095N/A"obsolete package %s contains actions other than set or signature actions"
2506N/Amsgstr "过时软件包 %s 包含 set 或 signature 操作之外的操作"
2437N/Amsgid "Obsolete packages should have valid contents."
2095N/A"renamed package %s contains actions other than set, depend or signature "
2506N/Amsgstr "重命名软件包 %s 包含 set、depend 或 signature 操作之外的操作。"
2437N/A"renamed package %s does not declare a 'require' dependency indicating what "
2506N/Amsgstr "重命名的软件包 %s 没有声明 'require' 相关项,以指示它被重命名为什么"
2437N/Amsgid "unable to follow renames for %s: possible missing package"
2506N/Amsgstr "无法跟踪 %s 重命名历史:可能缺少软件包"
2437N/Amsgid "package renaming: %s"
2437N/Amsgid "Renamed packages should have valid contents."
2095N/Amsgid "variant(s) %(vars)s not defined by %(pkg)s"
2095N/Amsgstr "%(pkg)s 未定义变量 %(vars)s"
2095N/Amsgid "variant(s) %(vars)s not in list of known values for variants in %(pkg)s"
2095N/Amsgstr "变量 %(vars)s 不在 %(pkg)s 中变量的已知值列表中"
2437N/Amsgid "Variants used by packages should be valid."
2095N/Amsgid "last name component %(name)s in package name clashes across %(pkgs)s"
2095N/Amsgstr "%(pkgs)s 间软件包名中的姓氏组件 %(name)s 发生冲突"
2437N/Amsgid "Packages are encouraged to use unique leaf names."
2095N/Amsgid "duplicate depend actions in %(pkg)s %(actions)s"
2095N/Amsgstr "%(pkg)s %(actions)s 中的 depend 操作重复"
2095N/Amsgid "no fmri attribute in depend action in %s"
2095N/Amsgstr "在 %s 中的 depend 操作中没有任何 fmri 属性"
2437N/Amsgid "Packages should not have duplicate 'depend' actions."
2437N/Amsgstr "软件包不应具有重复的 'depend' 操作。"
2095N/Amsgid "duplicate set actions on %(names)s in %(pkg)s"
2095N/Amsgstr "%(pkg)s 中的 %(names)s 上的 set 操作重复"
2437N/Amsgid "Packages should not have duplicate 'set' actions."
2437N/Amsgstr "软件包不应具有重复的 'set' 操作。"
2437N/Amsgid "%(forv)s '%(v)s' specified multiple times"
2437N/Amsgstr "%(forv)s '%(v)s' 指定了多次"
1703N/A"%(fp)s contains an action which is missing the expected attribute: %(at)s.\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "%(fp)s 包含的操作缺少预期属性: %(at)s。\n此操作是: %(act)s"
1703N/Amsgid "Attribute value '%s' not 'true' or 'false'"
1703N/Amsgstr "属性值 '%s' 不是 'true' 或 'false'"
2506N/Amsgid "'%s' is not a valid mediator; only alphanumeric characters are allowed"
2506N/Amsgstr "'%s' 不是有效的中介;只允许使用字母数字字符"
2506N/Amsgid "'%(value)s' is not a valid mediator-version: %(error)s"
2506N/Amsgstr "'%(value)s' 不是有效的 mediator-version: %(error)s"
2506N/Amsgid "'%s' is not a valid mediator-version"
2506N/Amsgstr "'%s' 不是有效的 mediator-version"
2506N/A"'%(value)s' is not a valid mediator-implementation; only alphanumeric "
2506N/A"characters and a version dot-sequence following a single '@' are allowed: %"
2506N/Amsgstr "'%(value)s' 不是有效的 mediator-implementation;只允许使用字母数字字符和跟在单个 '@' 之后的版本点序列: %(error)s"
2506N/A"'%s' is not a valid mediator-implementation; only alphanumeric characters "
2506N/A"and a version dot-sequence following a single '@' are allowed"
2506N/Amsgstr "'%s' 不是有效的 mediator-implementation;只允许使用字母数字字符和跟在单个 '@' 之后的版本点序列"
2506N/A"'%s' is not a valid mediator-priority; valid values are 'site' or 'vendor'"
2506N/Amsgstr "'%s' 不是有效的 mediator-priority;有效值为 'site' 或 'vendor'"
2437N/Amsgid "illegal argument -- %s"
2437N/Amsgid "'%s' and '%s' have the same meaning"
2437N/Amsgstr "'%s' 和 '%s' 具有相同的含义"
2437N/Amsgid "%s is not in a supported or recognizable archive index format."
2437N/Amsgstr "%s 的归档索引格式不受支持或不可识别。"
2437N/Amsgid "Archive %s is missing, unsupported, or corrupt."
2437N/A"Package archive %(arc_name)s contains corrupt entries for the requested "
2506N/Amsgstr "软件包归档 %(arc_name)s 包含所请求软件包文件的损坏条目:\n%(files)s。"
2437N/A"Package archive %(arc_name)s does not contain the requested package file"
2506N/Amsgstr "软件包归档 %(arc_name)s 未包含所请求的软件包文件:\n%(files)s。"
2437N/A"No package manifest for package '%(pfmri)s' exists in archive %(arc_name)s."
2506N/Amsgstr "归档 %(arc_name)s 中不存在软件包 '%(pfmri)s' 的软件包清单。"
2506N/A"The file dependency %(src)s delivered in package %(pkg)s has paths which "
2506N/A"resolve to multiple packages under this combination of variants:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "在以下变量组合下,软件包 %(pkg)s 中提供的文件相关项 %(src)s 具有解析为多个软件包的路径:\n%(vars)s\n操作为:\n%(acts)s"
2506N/A"The file dependency %(src)s has paths whichresolve to multiple packages "
2437N/A"under this combination of variants:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "在以下变量组合下,文件相关项 %(src)s 具有解析为多个软件包的路径:\n%(vars)s\n操作为:\n%(acts)s"
2506N/A"The file dependency %(src)s delivered in %(pkg)s has paths which resolve to "
2506N/Amsgstr "%(pkg)s 中提供的文件相关项 %(src)s 具有解析为多个软件包的路径。\n操作为:\n%(acts)s"
2506N/A"The file dependency %(src)s has paths which resolve to multiple packages.\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "文件相关项 %(src)s 具有解析为多个软件包的路径。\n操作为:\n%(acts)s"
2437N/A"The file dependency %(src)s depends on a path delivered by multiple "
2437N/A"packages. Those packages are:%(pkgs)s"
2506N/Amsgstr "文件相关项 %(src)s 依赖于由多个软件包提供的一个路径。这些软件包为:%(pkgs)s"
2437N/A"%(pth)s has unresolved dependency '%(dep)s' under the following combinations "
2506N/Amsgstr "在以下变量组合下,%(pth)s 具有无法解析的相关项 '%(dep)s':\n%(combo)s"
2506N/Amsgid "%(pth)s has unresolved dependency '%(dep)s'."
2506N/Amsgstr "%(pth)s 具有无法解析的相关项 '%(dep)s'。"
2437N/A"The action delivering %(path)s is tagged with a variant type or value not "
2437N/A"tagged on the package. Dependencies on this file may fail to be reported.\n"
2437N/A"The action's variants are: %(act)s\n"
2437N/A"The package's variants are: %(pkg)s"
2506N/Amsgstr "提供 %(path)s 的操作由软件包上未标记的变量类型或值标记。可能无法报告此文件的相关项。\n操作的变量为:%(act)s\n软件包的变量为:%(pkg)s"
2506N/A"The package %(pkg)s contains depend actions with values in their fmri "
2506N/A"attributes which are not valid fmris. The bad values are:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "软件包 %(pkg)s 包含 fmri 属性中有值的 depend 操作,但这些值不是有效的 fmri。错误的值为: \n%(fmris)s\n"
2506N/A"The manifest '%(path)s' has an invalid package FMRI:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "清单 '%(path)s' 具有无效的软件包 FMRI:\n\t%(exc)s"
2506N/Amsgid "\t%(r)-15s Variant '%(kind)s' is not declared.\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "\t未声明 %(r)-15s 变量 '%(kind)s'。\n"
2506N/A"\t%(r)-15s Variant '%(kind)s' is not declared to have value '%(val)s'.\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "\t%(r)-15s 变量 '%(kind)s' 未声明为具有值 '%(val)s'。\n"
2506N/A"The package '%(pkg)s' contains actions with the\n"
2506N/A"paths seen below which have variants set on them which are not set on the\n"
2506N/A"package. These variants must be set on the package or removed from the "
2506N/Amsgstr "软件包 '%(pkg)s' 包含的某些操作中的路径(如下所示)具有\n已在操作上设置但未在软件包上设置的变量。\n必须在软件包上设置这些变量或者将其从操作中删除。\n\n%(rvs)s"
2506N/A"The package '%(pkg)s' contains manually specified dependencies\n"
2506N/A"which have variants set on them which are not set on the package. These\n"
2506N/A"variants must be set on the package or removed from the actions.\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "软件包 '%(pkg)s' 包含的某些手动指定的相关项具有\n已在操作上设置但未在软件包上设置的变量。\n必须在软件包上设置这些变量或者将其从操作中删除。\n\n%(rvs)s"
2437N/A"Manifest specified multiple values for %s rather than a single colon-"
2506N/Amsgstr "清单为 %s 指定了多个值,而不是一个由冒号分隔的字符串。"
2437N/A"Manifest did not specify any entries for %s, expecting a colon-separated "
2506N/Amsgstr "清单未为 %s 指定任何条目,应当指定一个以冒号分隔的字符串。"
1703N/Amsgid "Unsupported scheme '%(scheme)s' in URL: '%(url)s'."
1703N/Amsgstr "URL '%(url)s' 中不受支持的方案 '%(scheme)s'。"
1703N/Amsgid "Malformed URL: '%s'."
1703N/Amsgid "Invalid repository URL: '%(url)s': %(msg)s"
1703N/Amsgstr "无效的系统信息库 URL: '%(url)s': %(msg)s"
1703N/A"'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s'; status '%(status)s': %"
2506N/Amsgstr "事务 ID '%(trans_id)s' 的 '%(op)s' 失败;状态 '%(status)s': %(msg)s"
1703N/Amsgid "'%(op)s' failed for transaction ID '%(trans_id)s': %(msg)s"
1703N/Amsgstr "事务 ID '%(trans_id)s' 的 '%(op)s' 失败: %(msg)s"
1703N/A"'%(op)s' failed; unable to initiate transaction:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "'%(op)s' 失败;无法启动事务:\n%(msg)s"
1703N/A"Unable to initiate transaction:\n"
1703N/A"Unsupported operation '%(op)s' for the specified repository type '%(type)s'."
2506N/Amsgstr "指定的系统信息库类型 '%(type)s' 不支持操作 '%(op)s'。"
2095N/Amsgid "The file to be added is not a file. The path given was %s."
2095N/Amsgstr "要添加的文件不是一个文件。提供的路径是 %s。"
1703N/A"An error occurred while trying to initialize the repository directory "
2506N/Amsgstr "在尝试初始化系统信息库目录结构时出现错误:\n%s"
2095N/Amsgid "Unknown failure; no transaction ID provided in response."
2095N/Amsgstr "未知故障;响应中没有提供任何事务 ID。"
1703N/Amsgid "An unparseable character in query at position : %d"
1741N/Amsgstr "在以下位置的查询中出现不可解析的字符: %d"
1703N/Amsgid "In query %(query)s, %(name)s had a bad value of '%(bv)s'."
1741N/Amsgstr "在查询 %(query)s 中,%(name)s 具有一个错误的值 '%(bv)s'。"
1703N/A"A query is expected to have five fields: case sensitivity, return type, "
1703N/A"number of results to return, the number at which to start returning results, "
1703N/A"and the text of the query. The query provided lacked at least one of those "
2506N/Amsgstr "查询应该具有五个字段:区分大小写、返回类型、要返回的结果数、要开始返回结果的编号和查询文字。提供的查询至少缺少这些字段中的一个字段:\n%s"
1703N/Amsgid "Could not parse query."
1703N/Amsgid "Problem occurred with: %s"
1703N/Amsgid "This expression produces action results:"
1703N/Amsgid "This expression produces package results:"
1703N/A"'AND' and 'OR' require those expressions to produce the same type of results."
2506N/Amsgstr "'AND' 和 'OR' 需要这些表达式来生成相同类型的结果。"
2095N/A#. Used even if hostname is undefined.
2095N/A"The search index cannot be modified as it is currently in use by another "
2095N/A"process: pid %(pid)s on %(host)s."
2095N/Amsgstr "无法修改搜索索引,因为它当前正在由另一个进程使用: pid %(pid)s(位于 %(host)s 上)。"
2095N/A"The search index cannot be modified as it is currently in use by another "
2095N/Amsgstr "无法修改搜索索引,因为它当前正在由另一个进程使用。"
1703N/Amsgid "Info does not recognize the following options: %s"
2095N/Amsgid "Directory listing not allowed."
2095N/Amsgid "A valid package FMRI must be specified."
2095N/Amsgid "The specified Action Type, '%s', is not valid."
2437N/Amsgid "The specified Action attribute value, '%s', is not valid."
2437N/Amsgstr "指定的 Action 属性值 '%s' 无效。"
2095N/Amsgid "file/1 must be sent a file."
2095N/Amsgstr "必须将 file/1 发送给一个文件。"
2095N/Amsgid "No matching package found in repository."
2095N/Amsgstr "在系统信息库中未找到任何匹配的软件包。"
2095N/Amsgid "Unable to generate statistics."
2095N/A"A package repository (or a directory with content) already exists at '%s'."
2506N/Amsgstr "在 '%s' 中已存在软件包系统信息库(或具有内容的目录)。"
2095N/Amsgid "No file could be found for the specified hash name: '%s'."
2095N/Amsgstr "未能为指定的散列名称找到任何文件: '%s'。"
2095N/Amsgid "The specified path does not contain a valid package repository."
2095N/Amsgstr "指定的路径不包含有效的软件包系统信息库。"
2095N/Amsgid "The path '%s' does not contain a valid package repository."
2095N/Amsgstr "路径 '%s' 不包含有效的软件包系统信息库。"
2095N/A"This operation requires that a default publisher has been set or that a "
2095N/A"publisher be specified in the FMRI '%s'."
2506N/Amsgstr "此操作要求设置缺省发布者或在 FMRI '%s' 中指定发布者。"
2095N/Amsgid "No transaction matching '%s' could be found."
2095N/A#. Even if the host is none, use this message.
2095N/A"The repository cannot be modified as it is currently in use by another "
2095N/A"process: pid %(pid)s on %(host)s."
2506N/Amsgstr "无法修改系统信息库,因为它当前正在由另一个进程使用: pid %(pid)s(位于 %(host)s 上)。"
2095N/A"The repository cannot be modified as it is currently in use by another "
2506N/Amsgstr "无法修改系统信息库,因为它当前正在由另一个进程使用。"
2095N/Amsgid "No manifest could be found for the FMRI: '%s'."
2095N/Amsgstr "未能为 FMRI 找到任何清单: '%s'。"
2095N/A"The requested operation cannot be performed when the repository is used in "
2506N/Amsgstr "在镜像模式下使用系统信息库时,无法执行请求的操作。"
2095N/A"The requested operation could not be completed as a default publisher has "
2506N/Amsgstr "无法完成请求的操作,因为尚未配置缺省发布者。"
2095N/Amsgid "The repository is read-only and cannot be modified."
2095N/Amsgid "No token was provided to search."
2095N/Amsgid "The specified search token '%s' is invalid."
2095N/Amsgid "Search functionality is temporarily unavailable."
2095N/Amsgid "Publisher '%s' already exists."
2095N/A"No publisher was specified or no default publisher has been configured for "
2506N/Amsgstr "没有为系统信息库指定任何发布者,或尚未为它配置任何缺省发布者。"
2095N/Amsgid "No publisher matching '%s' could be found."
2095N/Amsgstr "未找到任何与 '%s' 匹配的发布者。"
2506N/Amsgid "Skipping %(name)s; invalid manifest: %(error)s"
2506N/Amsgstr "跳过 %(name)s;无效的清单: %(error)s"
2095N/A#. Create the transformed catalog.
2095N/Amsgid "Transforming repository catalog; this process will take some time."
2095N/Amsgstr "正在转换系统信息库目录,此过程需要花费一些时间。"
1109N/A"Index corrupted or out of date. Removing old index directory (%s) and "
1109N/A"rebuilding search indexes."
2506N/Amsgstr "索引已被破坏或过期。即将删除旧的索引目录 (%s) 并重新生成搜索索引。"
1057N/Amsgid "writable root not writable by current user id or group."
1057N/Amsgstr "可写根目录不能按当前用户 ID 或组写入。"
1057N/Amsgid "unable to write to index directory."
2437N/A#. First, dump all search data as it will be invalidated
2437N/A#. as soon as the catalog is updated.
2437N/A#. Next, remove all of the packages to be removed
2437N/A#. from the catalog (if they are present). That way
2437N/A#. any active clients are less likely to be surprised
2437N/A#. when files for packages start disappearing.
2437N/Amsgid "Analyze removed packages"
2437N/Amsgid "Analyze repository packages"
2437N/Amsgid "Remove package manifests"
2437N/Amsgid "Remove package files"
1703N/Amsgid "Unrecognized or malformed data in operation payload: '%s'."
1703N/Amsgstr "操作有效载荷中存在不可识别或格式错误的数据: '%s'。"
1703N/Amsgid "The specified client_release is invalid: '%s'"
1703N/Amsgstr "指定的 client_release 无效: '%s'"
1703N/Amsgid "'The specified FMRI, '%s', has an invalid version."
1741N/Amsgstr "指定的 FMRI '%s' 的版本无效。"
1703N/Amsgid "The specified FMRI, '%s', already exists or has been restricted."
1741N/Amsgstr "指定的 FMRI '%s' 已存在或受到限制。"
1703N/A"The specified FMRI, '%s', must include the publisher prefix as the "
1703N/A"repository contains package data for more than one publisher or a default "
1703N/A"publisher has not been defined."
2506N/Amsgstr "当系统信息库包含多个发布者的软件包数据,或尚未定义缺省发布者时,指定的 FMRI '%s' 必须包含发布者前缀。"
2095N/Amsgid "Need an existing instance of %s to exist to append to it"
2095N/Amsgstr "需存在 %s 的现有实例,才能为它追加签名"
2095N/Amsgid "Only a signature can be appended to an existing package"
1703N/Amsgid "The specified FMRI, '%s', is invalid."
2095N/Amsgid "No Transaction matching ID '%s' could be found."
2095N/Amsgstr "未找到任何与 ID '%s' 匹配的事务。"
1703N/Amsgid "Transaction ID '%s' is already open."
2437N/A"An obsolete package cannot contain actions other than 'set' and 'signature'."
2506N/Amsgstr "过时的软件包不能包含除 'set' 和 'signature' 以外的操作。"
2437N/A"A renamed package cannot contain actions other than 'set', 'depend', and "
2506N/Amsgstr "重命名的软件包不能包含除 'set'、'depend' 和 'signature' 以外的操作。"
1703N/Amsgid "A package may not be marked for both obsoletion and renaming."
1703N/Amsgid "A '%s' action cannot be present in an obsolete package: %s"
1703N/Amsgstr "'%s' 操作不能出现在过时的软件包中: %s"
1703N/Amsgid "A '%s' action cannot be present in a renamed package: %s"
1703N/Amsgstr "'%s' 操作不能出现在重命名的软件包中: %s"
1703N/Amsgid "A renamed package must contain at least one 'depend' action."
1703N/Amsgstr "重命名的软件包必须至少包含一个 'depend' 操作。"
2095N/A"At least one certificate has not been delivered for the signature action."
2506N/Amsgstr "至少还需为 signature 操作传送一个证书。"
2437N/Amsgid "FMRI pattern might implicitly match more than one service instance."
2437N/Amsgstr "FMRI 模式可以隐式匹配多个服务实例。"
2437N/Amsgid "Actuators for %(attr)s will not be run for %(fmri)s."
2437N/Amsgstr "%(attr)s 的执行器将不能针对 %(fmri)s 进行运行。"
2095N/Amsgid "All Installed Packages"
1703N/Amsgid "All Publishers (Search)"
2095N/Amsgid "Type text to search for the package."
2095N/Amsgid "Refresh list of packages and package status"
2095N/Amsgstr "通过选中复选框选择软件包,然后单击“安装/更新”以进行安装/更新"
2095N/Amsgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Remove selected"
2095N/Amsgstr "通过选中复选框选择软件包,然后单击“删除”以删除选定项"
2095N/Amsgid "Checks if updates are available"
2095N/Amsgid "Click to toggle selections"
2095N/Amsgid "Not Installed Packages"
2506N/A"Publisher: %(o)s failed to respond\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "发布者: %(o)s 未能响应\n%(msg)s"
2506N/A"Publisher: %s: invalid response\n"
2506N/A"A valid response was not returned."
2506N/Amsgstr "发布者: %s:无效的响应\n没有返回有效的响应。"
1703N/Amsgid "Search Errors: click to view"
1589N/Amsgid "all selection toggle"
1589N/A#. Only enable the first section. Later other sections are enabled
1589N/A#. in __add_category_to_section() if the section contains any categories
1589N/A#. which in turn contain some packages.
1589N/Amsgid "Search all publishers"
1589N/Amsgid "Search current publisher"
1589N/Amsgid "Refreshing package catalog information"
1057N/Amsgid "Selected for Removal:"
2437N/Amsgstr "通过选中复选框选择软件包,然后单击“安装/更新”以进行安装/更新。"
1703N/Amsgid "Select packages by marking the checkbox and click to Remove selected."
1703N/Amsgstr "通过选中复选框选择软件包,然后单击“删除”以删除选定项。"
1703N/Amsgid "Loading package list"
1589N/A#. This can happen if the repository does not
1589N/Amsgid "Selected publisher does not contain any packages."
2437N/Amsgid "Invalid category name [%(cat)s] for package %(pack)s"
2437N/Amsgstr "软件包 %(pack)s 的类别名称 [%(cat)s] 无效"
1589N/Amsgid "Total: %(total)s Selected: %(selected)s"
1703N/Amsgstr "总数: %(total)s 选定数: %(selected)s"
1589N/A"Searching %(s1)s%(active_pub)s%(e1)s for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
2506N/Amsgstr "正在 %(s1)s%(active_pub)s%(e1)s 中搜索 %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
1589N/Amsgid "Searching for %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
1703N/Amsgstr "正在搜索 %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s ..."
2095N/Amsgid "%(number)d package found matching %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s"
2095N/Amsgid_plural "%(number)d packages found matching %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s"
2095N/Amsgstr[0] "找到 %(number)d 个与 %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s 匹配的软件包"
2095N/Amsgstr[1] "找到 %(number)d 个与 %(s1)s%(search_text)s%(e1)s 匹配的软件包"
1589N/Amsgid "Unable to initialize gtk"
2437N/A"To continue, the target image must be upgraded before it can be used. See "
2437N/A"pkg(1) update-format for more information."
2506N/Amsgstr "要继续,必须先升级目标映像,然后才能使用该映像。有关更多信息,请参见 pkg(1) update-format。"
1703N/A" pkgdepend [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
2095N/A" pkgdepend generate [-IMm] -d dir [-d dir] [-D name=value] [-k path]\n"
2095N/A" pkgdepend [options] resolve [-dmosv] manifest ...\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "用法:\n pkgdepend [选项] 命令 [命令选项] [操作数]\n\n子命令:\n pkgdepend generate [-IMm] -d 目录 [-d 目录] [-D 名称=值] [-k 路径]\n 清单路径\n pkgdepend [选项] resolve [-dmosv] 清单 ...\n\n选项:\n -R 目录\n --help 或 -?\n环境:\n PKG_IMAGE"
2095N/Amsgid "The proto directory %s could not be found."
1703N/Amsgid "-D arguments must be of the form 'name=value'."
2095N/Amsgid "Generate only accepts one or two arguments."
2095N/Amsgstr "Generate 仅接受一个或两个参数。"
1703N/A"ORIGIN may not be specified using -D. It will be inferred from the\n"
1703N/A"install paths of the files."
2506N/Amsgstr "不能使用 -D 指定 ORIGIN。将根据文件的安装\n路径将其推断出来。"
1703N/Amsgid "The manifest file %s could not be found."
2095N/Amsgid "At least one proto directory must be provided."
1703N/A"Could not parse manifest %(manifest)s because of the following line:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "无法解析清单 %(manifest)s,因为以下行:\n%(line)s"
1703N/Amsgid "-o cannot be used with -d or -s"
1703N/Amsgstr "-o 不能与 -d 或 -s 结合使用"
1703N/Amsgid "The output directory %s is not a directory."
2506N/A"Could not parse one or more manifests because of the following line:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "无法解析一个或多个清单,这是因为以下行: \n%s"
1703N/Amsgid "Could not open %s to echo manifest"
1703N/Amsgid "Could not open output file %s for writing"
1703N/Amsgid "Out dir %s does not exist and could not be created. Error is: %s"
1741N/Amsgstr "输出目录 %s 不存在,并且无法创建该目录。错误是: %s"
1703N/Amsgid "generate subcommand doesn't use -R"
2095N/A"The %(cmd)s command appears out of sync with the libraries provided\n"
2095N/A#. The full usage message isn't desired.
2095N/Amsgid "Try `pkgrepo --help or -?' for more information."
2095N/Amsgstr "有关更多信息,请尝试 'pkgrepo --help' 或 'pkgrepo -?'。"
2095N/A" pkgrepo [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
2543N/A" pkgrepo create [--version ver] uri_or_path\n"
2437N/A" pkgrepo add-publisher -s repo_uri_or_path publisher ...\n"
2437N/A" pkgrepo get [-F format] [-p publisher ...] -s repo_uri_or_path\n"
2095N/A" pkgrepo info [-F format] [-H] [-p publisher ...]\n"
2543N/A" pkgrepo list [-F format] [-H] [-p publisher ...] -s repo_uri_or_path\n"
2437N/A" pkgrepo rebuild [-p publisher ...] -s repo_uri_or_path\n"
2437N/A" [--no-catalog] [--no-index]\n"
2437N/A" pkgrepo refresh [-p publisher ...] -s repo_uri_or_path\n"
2437N/A" [--no-catalog] [--no-index]\n"
2437N/A" pkgrepo remove [-n] [-p publisher ...] -s repo_uri_or_path\n"
2437N/A" pkgrepo set [-p publisher ...] -s repo_uri_or_path\n"
2095N/A" Displays a usage message."
2543N/Amsgstr "用法:\n pkgrepo [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n\n子命令:\n pkgrepo create [--version ver] uri_or_path\n\n pkgrepo add-publisher -s repo_uri_or_path publisher ...\n\n pkgrepo get [-F format] [-p publisher ...] -s repo_uri_or_path\n [
section/property ...]\n\n pkgrepo info [-F format] [-H] [-p publisher ...]\n -s repo_uri_or_path\n\n pkgrepo list [-F format] [-H] [-p publisher ...] -s repo_uri_or_path\n [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n\n pkgrepo rebuild [-p publisher ...] -s repo_uri_or_path\n [--no-catalog] [--no-index]\n\n pkgrepo refresh [-p publisher ...] -s repo_uri_or_path\n [--no-catalog] [--no-index]\n\n pkgrepo remove [-n] [-p publisher ...] -s repo_uri_or_path\n pkg_fmri_pattern ...\n\n pkgrepo set [-p publisher ...] -s repo_uri_or_path\n
section/property[+|-]=[value] ... 或\n
section/property[+|-]=([value]) ...\n\n pkgrepo help\n pkgrepo version\n\n选项:\n --help 或 -?\n 显示用法消息。"
2437N/Amsgid "At least one package pattern must be provided."
2095N/Amsgid "A package repository location must be provided using -s."
2095N/Amsgstr "必须使用 -s 提供软件包系统信息库位置。"
2437N/A"%(count)d package(s) will be removed:\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "将删除 %(count)d 个软件包:\n%(plist)s"
2437N/Amsgid "Removing packages for publisher %s ..."
2095N/Amsgid "Network repositories are not currently supported for this operation."
2095N/Amsgid "No repository location specified."
2437N/Amsgid "At least one publisher must be specified"
2437N/Amsgid "Invalid publisher prefix '%s'"
2437N/A#. Some of the publishers that were requested for addition
2437N/Amsgid "specified publisher(s) already exist: %s"
2095N/Amsgid "Version must be an integer value."
2095N/Amsgid "Only one repository location may be specified."
2095N/A#. Set minimum widths for section and property name columns by using the
2095N/A#. length of the column headers.
2095N/A#. Don't pollute other output formats.
2095N/Amsgid "no matching properties found"
2095N/A#. Don't pollute other output formats.
2095N/Amsgid "no matching publishers found"
2095N/Amsgid "command does not take operands"
2095N/A"a property name and value must be provided in the form <section/"
2506N/Amsgstr "必须以以下格式提供属性名称和值:<区段/属性>=<值>或<区段/属性>=([\"<值>\" ...])"
2095N/Amsgid "unknown property section '%s'"
2095N/Amsgid "'%s' may not be set using this command"
2095N/Amsgid "unknown property '%s'"
2095N/A#. If there are still no known publishers, this
2095N/A#. operation cannot succeed, so fail now.
2095N/A"One or more publishers must be specified to create and set properties for as "
2506N/Amsgstr "必须指定一个或多个发布者,以在属性不存在时创建和设置属性。"
2095N/A"Unable to set properties for publisher '%(pfx)s':\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "无法设置发布者 '%(pfx)s' 的属性:\n%(details)s"
2095N/A"The pkgrepo command appears out of sync with the libraries provided\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "pkgrepo 命令似乎与 pkg:
/package/pkg 提供的库不\n同步。客户机版本是 %(client)s,而库\nAPI 版本是 %(api)s。"
684N/A" pkgsend [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n"
684N/A"Packager subcommands:\n"
2506N/A" pkgsend generate [-T pattern] [--target file] source ...\n"
2506N/A" pkgsend publish [-b bundle ...] [-d source ...] [-s "
2543N/A" [-T pattern] [--no-catalog] [manifest ...]\n"
1057N/A" --help or -? display usage message\n"
2437N/A" PKG_REPO The path or URI of the destination repository."
2506N/Amsgstr "用法:\n pkgsend [options] command [cmd_options] [operands]\n\nPackager 子命令:\n pkgsend generate [-T pattern] [--target file] source ...\n pkgsend publish [-b bundle ...] [-d source ...] [-s repo_uri_or_path]\n [-T pattern] [--no-catalog] [manifest ...]\n\n选项:\n --help 或 -? 显示用法消息\n\n环境:\n PKG_REPO 目标系统信息库的路径或 URI。"
2437N/A"description attributes may have been generated."
2437N/A"ERROR: class action script used in %(pkg)s: %(path)s belongs to \"%(class)s"
2506N/Amsgstr "错误:%(pkg)s: %(path)s 中使用的类操作脚本属于 \"%(class)s\" 类"
2437N/Amsgid "ERROR: script present in %(pkg)s: %(script)s"
2437N/Amsgstr "错误:%(pkg)s 中存在脚本:%(script)s"
1589N/A"Invalid repository configuration values were specified using --set-property "
1589N/A"or required values are missing. Please provide the correct
and/or required "
1589N/A"values using the --set-property option."
2506N/Amsgstr "使用 --set-property 指定了无效的系统信息库配置值,或缺少所需的值。请使用 --set-property 选项提供正确和/或所需的值。"
1589N/Amsgid "only -e or -n may be specified"
1589N/Amsgid "open requires one package name"
2095N/Amsgid "append requires one package name"
1589N/Amsgid "No transaction ID specified using -t or in $PKG_TRANS_ID."
1589N/Amsgstr "没有使用 -t 或在 $PKG_TRANS_ID 中指定任何事务 ID。"
1589N/Amsgid "No transaction ID specified in $PKG_TRANS_ID"
1589N/Amsgstr "在 $PKG_TRANS_ID 中没有指定任何事务 ID"
1589N/Amsgid "No arguments specified for subcommand."
2095N/Amsgid "invalid action for publication: %s"
2506N/Amsgid "A destination package repository must be provided using -s."
2506N/Amsgstr "必须使用 -s 提供目标软件包系统信息库。"
2506N/Amsgid "WARNING: Omitting signature action '%s'"
1589N/Amsgid "illegal %s option -- %s"
2437N/A" pkgrecv [-s src_uri] [-a] [-d (path|dest_uri)] [-c cache_dir]\n"
2437N/A" [-kr] [-m match] [-n] [--raw] [--key keyfile --cert certfile] \n"
2437N/A" pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] --newest \n"
2437N/A" -a Store the retrieved package data in a pkg(5) "
2437N/A" at the location specified by -d. The file may not\n"
2437N/A" already exist, and this option may only be used "
2437N/A" filesystem-based destinations.\n"
2095N/A" -c cache_dir The path to a directory that will be used to cache\n"
2095N/A" downloaded content. If one is not supplied, the\n"
2095N/A" client will automatically pick a cache directory.\n"
2095N/A" In the case where a download is interrupted, and a\n"
2095N/A" cache directory was automatically chosen, use this\n"
2095N/A" option to resume the download.\n"
2437N/A" -d path_or_uri The filesystem path or URI of the target repository "
2437N/A" republish packages to. The target must already "
2437N/A" New repositories can be created using pkgrepo(1).\n"
1589N/A" -h Display this usage message.\n"
1589N/A" -k Keep the retrieved package content compressed, "
1589N/A" when republishing. Should not be used with "
1589N/A" -m match Controls matching behaviour using the following "
1589N/A" includes all matching timestamps, not just\n"
1589N/A" latest (implies all-versions)\n"
1589N/A" includes all matching versions, not just "
2437N/A" -n Perform a trial run with no changes made.\n"
1589N/A" -r Recursively evaluates all dependencies for the "
1589N/A" list of packages and adds them to the list.\n"
1589N/A" -s src_repo_uri A URI representing the location of a pkg(5)\n"
1589N/A" repository to retrieve package data from.\n"
2437N/A" --newest List the most recent versions of the packages "
2437N/A" from the specified repository and exit. (All other\n"
2437N/A" options except -s will be ignored.)\n"
2437N/A" --raw Retrieve and store the raw package data in a set of\n"
2437N/A" directory structures by stem and version at the "
2437N/A" specified by -d. May only be used with filesystem-\n"
2437N/A" based destinations. This can be used with pkgsend"
2437N/A" include to conveniently modify and republish "
2437N/A" perhaps by correcting file contents or providing\n"
2437N/A" additional package metadata.\n"
2437N/A" --key keyfile Specify a client SSL key file to use for pkg "
2543N/A" --cert certfile Specify a client SSL certificate file to use for "
2437N/A" PKG_DEST Destination directory or URI\n"
2437N/A" PKG_SRC Source URI or path"
2543N/Amsgstr "用法:\n pkgrecv [-s src_uri] [-a] [-d (path|dest_uri)] [-c cache_dir]\n [-kr] [-m match] [-n] [--raw] [--key keyfile --cert certfile] \n (fmri|pattern) ...\n pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] --newest \n\n选项:\n -a 将在 pkg(5) 归档中检索到的软件包数据存储在\n 由 -d 指定的位置。该文件可以不是\n 预先存在的,且此选项仅适用于基于\n 文件系统的目标。\n\n -c cache_dir 用于缓存所下载内容的目录的\n 路径。如果没有提供该目录,客户机\n 将自动选取一个高速缓存目录。\n 如果下载被中断,并且自动选择了\n 某个高速缓存目录,可使用此选项\n 继续进行下载。\n\n -d path_or_uri 要将软件包重新发布到其中的目标系统信息库的\n 文件系统路径或 URI。该目标必须预先存在。\n 可以使用 pkgrepo(1) 创建新的系统信息库。\n\n -h 显示此用法消息。\n\n -k 使检索到的软件包内容保持压缩状态,在重新发布时\n 会被忽略。不应与 pkgsend 一起使用。\n\n -m match 使用下列值控制匹配行为:\n all-timestamps\n 包括所有匹配的时间戳,而不只是\n 最新时间戳(暗指 all-versions)\n all-versions\n 包括所有匹配的版本,而不只是最新版本\n\n -n 在不做更改的情况下执行试运行。\n\n -r 递归评估所提供列表中的软件包的所有依赖项\n 并将其添加到列表中。\n\n -s src_repo_uri 表示要从中检索软件包数据的 pkg(5)\n 系统信息库的位置的 URI。\n\n --newest 列出指定的系统信息库中可用的软件包的最新版本\n 并退出。(除 -s 之外的所有其他\n 选项将被忽略。)\n\n --raw 按主干和版本检索一组目录结构中的原始\n 软件包数据并将其存储在由 -d 指定的位置。\n 仅适用于基于文件系统的目标。\n 此选项可以与 pkgsend(1)\n include 一起使用,以便方便地修改和重新发布软件包,\n 这可以通过更正文件内容或提供\n 额外的软件包元数据来实现。\n\n --key keyfile 指定要用于 pkg 检索的客户机 SSL 密钥文件。\n\n --cert certfile 指定要用于 pkg 检索的客户机 SSL 证书\n 文件。\n\n环境:\n PKG_DEST 目标目录或 URI\n PKG_SRC 源 URI 或路径"
2095N/A"Cached files were preserved in the following directory:\n"
2095N/A"Use pkgrecv -c to resume the interrupted download."
2506N/Amsgstr "\n\n缓存的文件保留在以下目录中:\n\t%s\n使用 pkgrecv -c 恢复已中断的下载。"
1703N/Amsgid "Unable to parse manifest '%(mpath)s' for package '%(pfmri)s'"
1741N/Amsgstr "无法为软件包 '%(pfmri)s' 解析清单 '%(mpath)s'。"
684N/Amsgid "Illegal option -- %s"
1589N/Amsgid "Illegal option value -- %s"
2437N/Amsgid "a destination must be provided"
1589N/Amsgid "a source repository must be provided"
2437N/Amsgid "Retrieving manifests for dependency evaluation ..."
2437N/Amsgid "Target archive '%s' already exists."
2437N/Amsgid "Retrieving packages for publisher %s ..."
2437N/Amsgid "must specify at least one pkgfmri"
2437N/Amsgid "Retrieving and evaluating %d package(s)..."
684N/Amsgid "-n takes no options"
2437N/Amsgid "Processing packages for publisher %s ..."
2437N/Amsgid "To create a repository, use the pkgrepo command."
2437N/Amsgstr "要创建系统信息库,请使用 pkgrepo 命令。"
1589N/A"The repository configuration for the repository located at '%s' is not valid "
1589N/A"or the specified path does not exist. Please correct the configuration of "
1589N/A"the repository or create a new one."
2506N/Amsgstr "位于 '%s' 的系统信息库的系统信息库配置无效,或指定的路径不存在。请更正此系统信息库的配置或创建一个新的系统信息库。"
2437N/Amsgid "Unable to create basedir '%s': %s"
2095N/Amsgid "Skipping %s: already present at destination"
2437N/Amsgid "Storage space quota exceeded."
2437N/Amsgid "No storage space left."
2437N/A"Please verify that the filesystem containing the following directories has "
2506N/Amsgstr "请验证包含以下目录的文件系统是否有足够的空间可用:\n%s"
2506N/A" pkgsign -s path_or_uri [-acikn] [--no-index] [--no-catalog]\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "用法:\n pkgsign -s path_or_uri [-acikn] [--no-index] [--no-catalog]\n (fmri|pattern) ...\n"
2506N/A"The file %s was expected to be a PEM certificate but it could not be read."
2506N/Amsgstr "文件 %s 应为 PEM 证书,但它无法读取。"
2095N/Amsgid "%s was expected to be a certificate but isn't a file."
2095N/Amsgid "%s was expected to be a key file but isn't a file."
2095N/Amsgstr "%s 应为一个密钥文件,而不单纯是一个文件。"
2437N/Amsgid "a repository must be provided"
2095N/A"If a key is given to sign with, its associated certificate must be given."
2095N/Amsgstr "如果提供了用于签名的密钥,必须提供与其关联的证书。"
2095N/Amsgid "If a certificate is given, its associated key must be given."
2095N/Amsgstr "如果提供了证书,必须提供与其关联的密钥。"
2095N/A"Intermediate certificates are only valid if a key and certificate are also "
2095N/Amsgstr "仅当同时提供了密钥和证书,中间证书才会有效。"
2506N/Amsgid "At least one fmri or pattern must be provided to sign."
2506N/Amsgstr "必须至少提供一个 fmri 或模式用于签名。"
2095N/Amsgid "%s is not a recognized signature algorithm."
2095N/A"Using %s as the signature algorithm requires that a key and certificate pair "
2095N/A"be presented using the -k and -c options."
2506N/Amsgstr "要将 %s 用作签名算法,需要使用 -k 和 -c 选项提供一对密钥和证书。"
2095N/A"The %s hash algorithm does not use a key or certificate. Do not use the -k "
2095N/A"or -c options with this algorithm."
2506N/Amsgstr "%s 散列算法不使用密钥或证书。请勿对此算法使用 -k 和 -c 选项。"
684N/A"A text message describing the updates is displayed near the panel's "
684N/A"Notification Area when updates become available if set to true."
2506N/Amsgstr "在更新变得可用时,描述这些更新的文本消息将显示在面板通知区域附近(如果设置为 true)。"
684N/Amsgid "How often to check for updates"
684N/A"How often to check for updates. The valid values are Daily, Weekly, Monthly, "
2506N/Amsgstr "检查更新的频率。有效值为“每天”、“每周”、“每月”、“从不”"
684N/Amsgid "The notify icon is displayed on startup if set to true."
684N/Amsgstr "如果设置为 true,通知图标将在启动时显示。"
684N/A"The time, in seconds, that the updatemanagernotifier should wait, after "
684N/A"starting, before checking for updates."
2506N/Amsgstr "在开始之后,检查更新之前,更新管理器通知程序应该等待的时间(秒)。"
1057N/A"The updatemanagernotifier program terminates after the user activates the "
1057N/A"icon in the notification area if set to true."
2506N/Amsgstr "如果设置为 true,更新管理器通知程序会在用户激活通知区域中的图标之后终止。"
684N/Amsgid "Whether to always display the icon on startup"
684N/Amsgid "Whether to display text message when updates are available"
1057N/Amsgid "Whether to terminate updatemanagernotiifer after icon activation."
1057N/Amsgstr "是否在图标激活之后终止更新管理器通知程序。"
684N/Amsgid "Install available updates"
684N/Amsgid "Notify user when updates are available"
684N/Amsgid "Update Manager Notifier"
2095N/A"<b>Updates are available: </b>\n"
2095N/A"%(updates)s %(installs)s %(removes)s"
2506N/Amsgstr "<b>更新可用:</b>\n%(updates)s %(installs)s %(removes)s"
2095N/A"%(updates)s %(installs)s %(removes)s"
2506N/Amsgstr "更新可用\n%(updates)s %(installs)s %(removes)s"
2095N/A"Please click on icon to update."
2095N/Amsgid "Another instance of UpdateManagerNotify is running"
2543N/A" pkgdiff [-i attribute ...] [-o attribute] [-v variant=value ...]\n"
2543N/Amsgstr "用法:\n pkgdiff [-i attribute ...] [-o attribute] [-v variant=value ...]\n file1 file2"
2437N/Amsgid "variant option incorrect %s"
2437N/Amsgid "two file arguments are required."
2437N/Amsgid "-i and -o options may not be used at the same time."
2437N/Amsgid "For any variant, only one value may be specified."
2437N/Amsgid "Action error in file %(p)s: %(e)s"
2437N/Amsgstr "文件 %(p)s 中出现操作错误:%(e)s"
2437N/Amsgid "Manifest %(path)s doesn't support variant %(vname)s=%(filt)s"
2437N/Amsgstr "清单 %(path)s 不支持变量 %(vname)s=%(filt)s"
2437N/Amsgid "Manifests support different variants %s %s"
2506N/A#. -f is intentionally undocumented.
2437N/A" pkgfmt [-cdu] [file1] ... "
2506N/Amsgstr "用法:\n pkgfmt [-cdu] [file1] ... "
2437N/Amsgid "only one of [cdu] may be specified"
2506N/Amsgid "unsupported format '%s'"
2506N/Amsgid "manifest is not in pkgfmt form"
2506N/A"%s is not in pkgfmt form; run pkgfmt on file without -c or -d to reformat "
2506N/Amsgstr "%s 不是 pkgfmt 格式的;请在不使用 -c 或 -d 的情况下对文件运行 pkgfmt 来重新格式化适当的清单"
2543N/A" %prog [-b build_no] [-c cache_dir] [-f file]\n"
2543N/A" [-l uri] [-p regexp] [-r uri] [-v]\n"
2543N/Amsgstr "\n %prog [-b build_no] [-c cache_dir] [-f file]\n [-l uri] [-p regexp] [-r uri] [-v]\n [manifest ...]\n %prog -L"
2095N/Amsgid "build to use from lint and reference repositories"
2095N/Amsgstr "lint 和引用系统信息库要使用的内部版本"
2095N/Amsgid "directory to use as a repository cache"
2095N/Amsgid "specify an alternative pkglintrc file"
2095N/Amsgid "list checks configured for this session and exit"
2095N/Amsgid "pattern to match FMRIs in lint URI"
2095N/Amsgstr "lint URI 中与 FMRI 匹配的模式"
2095N/Amsgid "reference repository URI"
2095N/Amsgid "produce verbose output, overriding settings in pkglintrc"
2095N/Amsgstr "生成详细输出,覆盖 pkglintrc 中的设置"
2095N/Amsgid "Required -c option missing, no local manifests provided."
2095N/Amsgstr "缺少所需的 -c 选项,未提供任何本地清单。"
2095N/Amsgid "Only one -r option is supported."
2095N/Amsgid "Only one -l option is supported."
2095N/Amsgid "Lint engine setup..."
2095N/Amsgid "Required -c option missing when using repositories."
2095N/Amsgstr "使用系统信息库时缺少必需的 -c 选项。"
2095N/Amsgid "Fatal error in manifest - exiting."
2095N/Amsgid "Starting lint run..."
2095N/Amsgid "Invalid file %s: manifest not encoded in UTF-8: %s"
2095N/Amsgstr "无效文件 %s: 清单未采用 UTF-8 格式编码: %s"
2095N/Amsgid "Unable to read manifest file %s: %s"
2095N/Amsgid "Error in %(file)s line: %(ln)s: %(err)s "
2095N/Amsgstr "%(file)s 行中的错误: %(ln)s: %(err)s "
2095N/Amsgid "Error in file %(file)s: %(err)s"
2095N/Amsgstr "文件 %(file)s 中的错误: %(err)s"
2557N/Amsgid "Error in file %s:
pkg.fmri does not include a version string"
2095N/Amsgid "Manifest %s does not declare fmri."
2437N/A" pkgmerge [-n] -d dest_repo -s variant=value[,...],src_repo ...\n"
2437N/A" The filesystem path or URI of the target repository to "
2437N/A" the merged packages to. The target repository must already\n"
2437N/A" exist; new repositories can be created using pkgrepo(1).\n"
2437N/A" Perform a trial run with no changes made to the target\n"
2437N/A" -s variant=value,src_repo\n"
2437N/A" The variant name and value to use for packages from this "
2437N/A" followed by the filesystem path or URI of the source "
2437N/A" or package archive to retrieve packages from. Multiple "
2437N/A" may be specified separated by commas. The same variants "
2437N/A" be named for all sources. This option may be specified "
2437N/A" Displays a usage message.\n"
2437N/A" The absolute path of the directory where temporary data "
2437N/A" be stored during program execution.\n"
2506N/Amsgstr "用法:\n pkgmerge [-n] -d 目标系统信息库 -s 变量=值[,...],源系统信息库 ...\n [pkg_fmri_pattern ...]\n\n选项:\n -d 目标系统信息库\n 要将合并后的软件包发布到的目标系统信息库的\n 文件系统路径或 URI。目标系统信息库必须预先存在;\n 可以使用 pkgrepo(1) 创建新的系统信息库。\n\n -n\n 在不对目标系统信息库进行更改的情况下\n 执行试运行。\n\n -s 变量=值,源系统信息库\n 要为来自此源的软件包使用的变量名称和值,\n 后跟要从中检索软件包的源系统信息库或\n 软件包归档的文件系统路径或 URI。可以指定以\n 逗号分隔的多个变量。必须为所有源指定相同的\n 变量。此选项可以指定多\n 次。\n\n --help 或 -?\n 显示用法消息。\n\n环境:\n TMPDIR、TEMP、TMP\n 在程序执行期间应将临时数据存储在\n 其中的目录的绝对路径。\n"
2437N/A"At least one variant name, value, and package source must be provided using -"
2506N/Amsgstr "必须使用 -s 提供至少一个变量名称、值和软件包源。"
2437N/Amsgid "A destination package repository must be provided using -d."
2437N/Amsgstr "必须使用 -d 提供目标软件包系统信息库。"
2437N/Amsgid "Source %(source)s missing values for variants: %(missing)s"
2437N/Amsgstr "源 %(source)s 缺少变量的值:%(missing)s"
2437N/Amsgid "No source was specified for variant combination %(combo)s."
2437N/Amsgstr "没有为变量组合 %(combo)s 指定源。"
2437N/A"The following pattern(s) did not match any packages in any of the specified "
2506N/Amsgstr "以下模式与所指定的任何系统信息库中的任何软件包都不匹配:\n%s"
2437N/A"fmris matching the following patterns do not have matching versions across "
2506N/Amsgstr "与以下模式匹配的 fmri 在所有系统信息库中没有匹配的版本:%s"
2437N/Amsgid "package %(pkg)s is tagged as not supporting %(var_name)s %(var_value)s"
2437N/Amsgstr "软件包 %(pkg)s 被标记为不支持 %(var_name)s %(var_value)s"
2543N/A" pkgmogrify [-vi] [-I includedir ...] [-D macro=value ...]\n"
2543N/A" [-O outputfile] [-P printfile] [inputfile ...]"
2543N/Amsgstr "用法:\n pkgmogrify [-vi] [-I includedir ...] [-D macro=value ...]\n [-O outputfile] [-P printfile] [inputfile ...]"
2437N/Amsgid "Missing -> in transform"
2437N/Amsgid "transform (%s) has regexp error (%s) in matching clause"
2437N/Amsgstr "转换 (%s) 的匹配子句中存在正则表达式错误 (%s)"
2437N/Amsgid "transform (%s) has 'drop' operation syntax error"
2437N/Amsgstr "转换 (%s) 存在 'drop' 操作语法错误"
2437N/Amsgid "transform (%s) has 'set' operation syntax error"
2437N/Amsgstr "转换 (%s) 存在 'set' 操作语法错误"
2437N/Amsgid "transform (%s) has 'default' operation syntax error"
2437N/Amsgstr "转换 (%s) 存在 'default' 操作语法错误"
2437N/Amsgid "transform (%s) has 'abort' operation syntax error"
2437N/Amsgstr "转换 (%s) 存在 'abort' 操作语法错误"
2437N/Amsgid "transform (%s) has 'exit' operation syntax error: illegal exit value"
2437N/Amsgstr "转换 (%s) 存在 'exit' 操作语法错误:非法的退出值"
2437N/Amsgid "transform (%s) has 'add' operation syntax error"
2437N/Amsgstr "转换 (%s) 存在 'add' 操作语法错误"
2437N/Amsgid "transform (%s) has 'edit' operation syntax error"
2437N/Amsgstr "转换 (%s) 存在 'edit' 操作语法错误"
2437N/Amsgid "transform (%s) has 'edit' operation with malformedregexp (%s)"
2437N/Amsgstr "转换 (%s) 的 'edit' 操作包含错误格式的正则表达式 (%s)"
2437N/A"transform (%s) has edit operation with replacementstring regexp error %e"
2506N/Amsgstr "转换 (%s) 的 edit 操作存在替换字符串正则表达式错误 %e"
2437N/Amsgid "transform (%s) has 'delete' operation syntax error"
2437N/Amsgstr "转换 (%s) 存在 'delete' 操作语法错误"
2437N/Amsgid "transform (%s) has 'print' operation syntax error"
2437N/Amsgstr "转换 (%s) 存在 'print' 操作语法错误"
2437N/Amsgid "transform (%s) has 'emit' operation syntax error"
2437N/Amsgstr "转换 (%s) 存在 'emit' 操作语法错误"
2437N/Amsgid "unknown transform operation '%s'"
2437N/Amsgid "attribute '%s' not found"
2437N/Amsgid "no match group %d (max %d)"
2437N/Amsgid "Cannot open file: %s"
2437N/Amsgid "File not found: '%s'"
2437N/Amsgid "File %(file)s, line %(line)d: %(exception)s"
2437N/Amsgstr "文件 %(file)s,行 %(line)d:%(exception)s"
2437N/Amsgid "macros must be of form name=value"
2437N/Amsgid "Error processing input arguments: %s"
2437N/Amsgid "Cannot write extra data %s"
2437N/Amsgid "Cannot write output %s"