# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.
# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
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# Copyright (c) 2009, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import pkg.flavor.base as base
import pkg.flavor.depthlimitedmf as modulefinder
from pkg.misc import force_str
from pkg.portable import PD_LOCAL_PATH, PD_PROTO_DIR
class PythonModuleMissingPath(base.DependencyAnalysisError):
"""Exception that is raised when a module reports a module as a
dependency without a path to that module."""
def __init__(self, name, localpath):
self.name = name
self.localpath = localpath
def __str__(self):
return _("Could not find the file for {name} imported "
"in {localpath}").format(**self.__dict__)
class PythonMismatchedVersion(base.DependencyAnalysisError):
"""Exception that is raised when a module is installed into a path
associated with a known version of python (/usr/lib/python2.7 for
example) but has a different version of python specified in its
#! line (#!/usr/bin/python3.4 for example)."""
def __init__(self, installed_version, declared_version, local_file,
self.inst_v = installed_version
self.decl_v = declared_version
self.lp = local_file
self.ip = installed_path
def __str__(self):
return _("The file to be installed at {ip} declares a "
"python version of {decl_v}. However, the path suggests "
"that the version should be {inst_v}. The text of the "
"file can be found at {lp}").format(**self.__dict__)
class PythonSyntaxError(base.DependencyAnalysisError):
"""Exception that is raised when a python file to be analyzed contains a
syntax error."""
def __init__(self, s_err, installed_path, local_file):
self.ip = installed_path
self.lp = local_file
self.line = s_err.lineno
self.col = s_err.offset
self.txt = str(s_err)
def __str__(self):
return _("The file to be installed at {ip} appears to be a "
"python file but contains a syntax error that prevents "
"it from being analyzed. The text of the file can be found"
"at {lp}. The error happened on line {line} at offset "
"{col}. The problem was:\n{txt}").format(**self.__dict__)
class PythonSubprocessError(base.DependencyAnalysisError):
"""This exception is raised when the subprocess created to analyze the
module using a different version of python exits with an error code."""
def __init__(self, rc, cmd, err):
self.rc = rc
self.cmd = cmd
self.err = err
def __str__(self):
return _("The command {cmd}\nexited with return code {rc} "
"and this message:\n{err}").format(**self.__dict__)
class PythonSubprocessBadLine(base.DependencyAnalysisError):
"""This exception is used when the output from the subprocess does not
follow the expected format."""
def __init__(self, cmd, lines):
self.lines = "\n".join(lines)
self.cmd = cmd
def __str__(self):
return _("The command {cmd} produced the following lines "
"which cannot be understood:\n{lines}").format(
class PythonUnspecifiedVersion(base.PublishingDependency):
"""This exception is used when an executable file starts with
#!/usr/bin/python and is not installed into a location from which its
python version may be inferred."""
def __init__(self, local_file, installed_path):
self.lp = local_file
self.ip = installed_path
def __str__(self):
return _("The file to be installed in {ip} does not specify "
"a specific version of python either in its installed path "
"nor in its text. Such a file cannot be analyzed for "
"dependencies since the version of python it will be used "
"with is unknown. The text of the file is here: "
class PythonDependency(base.PublishingDependency):
"""Class representing the dependency created by importing a module
in python."""
def __init__(self, action, base_names, run_paths, pkg_vars, proto_dir):
base.PublishingDependency.__init__(self, action,
base_names, run_paths, pkg_vars, proto_dir, "python")
def __repr__(self):
return "PythonDep({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})".format(self.action,
self.base_names, self.run_paths, self.pkg_vars)
py_bin_re = re.compile(
py_lib_re = re.compile(r"^usr/lib/python(?P<major>\d+)\.(?P<minor>\d+)/")
def process_python_dependencies(action, pkg_vars, script_path, run_paths):
"""Analyze the file delivered by the action for any python dependencies.
The 'action' parameter contain the action which delivers the file.
The 'pkg_vars' parameter contains the variants against which
the action's package was published.
The 'script_path' parameter is None of the file is not executable, or
is the path for the binary which is used to execute the file.
The 'run_paths' parameter is a list of paths that should be searched
for modules.
# There are three conditions which determine whether python dependency
# analysis is performed on a file with python in its #! line.
# 1) Is the file executable. (Represented in the table below by X)
# 2) Is the file installed into a directory which provides information
# about what version of python should be used for it.
# (Represented by D)
# 3) Does the first line of the file include a specific version of
# python. (Represented by F)
# Conditions || Perform Analysis
# X D F || Y, if F and D disagree, display a warning in the output
# || and use D to analyze the file.
# X D !F || Y
# X !D F || Y
# X !D !F || N, and display a warning in the output.
# !X D F || Y
# !X D !F || Y
# !X !D F || N
# !X !D !F || N
local_file = action.attrs[PD_LOCAL_PATH]
deps = []
errs = []
path_version = None
dir_major = None
dir_minor = None
file_major = None
file_minor = None
cur_major = None
cur_minor = None
executable = bool(script_path)
# Version of python to use to do the analysis.
analysis_major = None
analysis_minor = None
cur_major, cur_minor = sys.version_info[0:2]
install_match = py_lib_re.match(action.attrs["path"])
if install_match:
dir_major = install_match.group("major")
dir_minor = install_match.group("minor")
script_match = None
if script_path:
script_match = py_bin_re.match(script_path)
if script_match:
file_major = script_match.group("major")
file_minor = script_match.group("minor")
if executable:
# Check whether the version of python declared in the #! line
# of the file and the version of python implied by the directory
# the file is delivered into match.
if install_match and script_match and \
(file_major != dir_major or file_minor != dir_minor):
"{0}.{1}".format(dir_major, dir_minor),
"{0}.{1}".format(file_major, file_minor),
local_file, action.attrs["path"]))
if install_match:
analysis_major = dir_major
analysis_minor = dir_minor
elif script_match:
analysis_major = file_major
analysis_minor = file_minor
# An example of this case is an executable file in
# /usr/bin with #!/usr/bin/python as its first line.
local_file, action.attrs["path"]))
elif install_match:
analysis_major = dir_major
analysis_minor = dir_minor
if analysis_major is None or analysis_minor is None:
return deps, errs, {}
analysis_major = int(analysis_major)
analysis_minor = int(analysis_minor)
# If the version implied by the directory hierarchy matches the version
# of python running, use the default analyzer and don't fork and exec.
if cur_major == analysis_major and cur_minor == analysis_minor:
mf = modulefinder.DepthLimitedModuleFinder(
os.path.dirname(action.attrs["path"]), run_paths=run_paths)
loaded_modules = mf.run_script(local_file)
for names, dirs in set([
(tuple(m.get_file_names()), tuple(m.dirs))
for m in loaded_modules
# Add the directory the python file will be
# installed in to the paths used to find modules
# for import. This allows relative imports to
# work correctly.
deps.append(PythonDependency(action, names,
dirs, pkg_vars, action.attrs[PD_PROTO_DIR]))
missing, maybe = mf.any_missing_maybe()
for name in missing:
except SyntaxError as e:
errs.append(PythonSyntaxError(e, action.attrs["path"],
except Exception as e:
return deps, errs, {}
# If the version implied by the directory hierarchy does not match the
# version of python running, it's necessary to fork and run the
# appropriate version of python.
root_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
exec_file = os.path.join(root_dir, "depthlimitedmf.py")
cmd = ["python{0}.{1}".format(analysis_major, analysis_minor), exec_file,
os.path.dirname(action.attrs["path"]), local_file]
newenv = os.environ.copy()
# Tell Python to not create .pyc, .pyo, etc. cache files for any Python
# modules our script imports.
if run_paths:
sp = subprocess.Popen(cmd, env=newenv, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
except Exception as e:
return [], [PythonSubprocessError(None, " ".join(cmd),\
str(e))], {}
out, err = sp.communicate()
out = force_str(out)
if sp.returncode:
errs.append(PythonSubprocessError(sp.returncode, " ".join(cmd),
bad_lines = []
for l in out.splitlines():
l = l.strip()
if l.startswith("DEP "):
names, dirs = eval(l[4:])
except Exception:
deps.append(PythonDependency(action, names,
dirs, pkg_vars, action.attrs[PD_PROTO_DIR]))
elif l.startswith("ERR "):
if bad_lines:
errs.append(PythonSubprocessBadLine(" ".join(cmd), bad_lines))
return deps, errs, {}