Version 12:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-11.
pkg.server.api changed as follows:
* New constants 'PKG_STATE_RENAMED' and 'PKG_STATE_OBSOLETE' were
added to assist in determining package state information returned
from functions to the CatalogInterface class.
* The fmris() function of CatalogInterface now has an 'ordered'
parameter to control whether FMRIs are returned in ascending name,
descending version order.
* A new function named 'gen_allowed_packages' was added to
CatalogInterface to determine a list of packages allowed based on
the FMRI of a package that incorporates other packages.
* A new function named 'gen_packages' was added to
CatalogInterface as a replacement for the removed functions
get_matching_version_fmris() and get_matching_pattern_fmris(). It
provides superior filtering capabilities and includes package state
and attribute information.
Version 11:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-10.
pkg.server.api changed as follows:
* A new property named 'version' was added to the CatalogInterface
class to expose the version format of the catalog.
* The 'rename_requests' property was removed from the ConfigInterface
class as the stat it represented was for functionality that was
never implemented.
* A new property named 'publisher' that returns the Publisher
object for the publisher related to the request was added to the
RequestInterface class.
Version 10:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-9.
pkg.server.api changed as follows:
* The PackageInfo.PREF_PUBLISHER property and data was removed.
* The CatalogInterface.INFO_MULTI_MATCH property was removed and
the info() method no longer detects and considers multiple
matches for a single pattern an error.
Version 9:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-8.
pkg.server.api changed as follows:
* All feed related properties retrieved or set using the
(get|set)_repo_* methods are no longer valid. Instead,
all feed-related configuration information must be
retrieved using the new depot configuration methods
found in the ConfigInterface class.
Version 8:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-7.
pkg.server.api changed as follows:
* The return type of changed so that instead
of returning the fmri string in the result, it returns a PkgFmri
Version 7:
Compatible with clients using version 6.
CatalogInterface has changed as follows:
* A new function named 'info' was added to provide a way to
retrieved package information. It returns a PackageInfo
object representing the set of available package information.
See pydoc 'pkg.client.api.PackageInfo' for more information.
* A new function named 'get_entry_all_variants' was added to
provide access to the list of variants for a given package.
pkg.server.api changed as follows:
* New classes representing package metadata and license
information were added to pkg.api_common.
pkg.server.api_errors changed as follows:
* A new exception named 'UnrecognizedOptionsToInfo' was added.
Version 6:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-5.
* get_matching_pattern_fmris() and get_matching_version_fmris()
now return a tuple of (fmris, unmatched). Where 'fmris' is
a list of matching FMRIs, and 'unmatched' is a dict of
unmatched patterns or versions indexed by match criteria.
* package_count now returns the number of unique packages in the
catalog instead of the unique number of package versions.
* package_version_count, a new property, was added that contains
the number of unique package versions in the catalog.
* get_repo_attrs was renamed to get_repo_properties
* get_repo_attr_value was renamed to get_repo_property_value
Version 5:
Compatible with clients using Versions 3-4.
ConfigInterface.get_repo_attr_value() has changed as follows:
* Section 'feed' attribute 'authority' has been removed. It has been
replaced by section 'publisher' attribute 'prefix'.
* Section 'publisher' with attributes 'alias' and 'prefix' was added.
* New attributes were added for section 'repository': 'collection_type',
'legal_uris', 'mirrors', 'origins', 'refresh_seconds',
'registration_uri', and 'related_uris'. See the pydoc for
pkg.server.api.ConfigInterface for details.
Version 4:
Compatible with clients using Version 3.
Changes: has changed as follows:
* A docstring has been added; see pydoc pkg.server.api for details.
* Added optional keyword 'matching_version' that allows consumers to
filter search results based on version.
* Added optional, boolean keyword 'return_latest' that causes only the
the newest versions of packages to be returned when 'return_type'
Version 3:
Incompatible with clients using Versions 0-2.
Changes: has changed as follows:
* Added optional, boolean keyword 'case_sensitive'. This indicates
whether a case-sensitive search should be performed.
* Added optional keyword argument 'return_type'. This determines
whether results should be returned as Query.RETURN_ACTIONS or
* Added optional, integer keyword argument 'start_point'. This
specifies how many matching results should be skipped before
returning anything.
* Added optional, integer keyword argument 'num_to_return'. This
indicates how many results should be returned before the search
is aborted.
* search_done() was removed. Previously, after calling search(), api
consumers would have to call search_done(). This is no longer
Version 2:
Incompatible with clients using Versions 0-1.
CatalogInterface.get_matching_version_fmris() no longer accepts the constraint
parameter. However, as before, it expects a list of version strings for the
'versions' parameter. These version strings may now contain the wildcard
characters '*' and '?'.
Version 1:
Incompatible with clients using Version 0.
CatalogInterface.search_done() was added to perform cleanup after all results
have been retrieved from search(). now returns a generator object, instead of a list
object, that requires that CatalogInterface.search_done() is called after all
of the desired results have been retrieved for proper cleanup.
Version 0:
Initial api version, containing the following:
class BaseInterface
-- used to instantiate other interface objects
class CatalogInterface
def __init__(self, version_id, base):
def fmris(self):
def get_matching_pattern_fmris(self, patterns):
def get_matching_version_fmris(self, versions,
def search(self, token):
class ConfigInterface
def __init__(self, version_id, base):
def get_repo_attrs(self):
def get_repo_attr_value(self, section, attr):
class RequestInterface
def __init__(self, version_id, base):
def get_accepted_languages(self):
def get_rel_path(self, uri):
def log(self, msg):
def url(self, path='', qs='', script_name=None, relative=None):