:vim set expandtab:
1. Problem
We prefer having "fat" packages, to having a plurality of speciated
nodes in our version tree. That is, we hope to have exception
packages have a single platform attribute. This means that we have
build files on platform A and B
commit fat package containing (A, B) files
as the gross ordering of operations. Taken strictly, this ordering
would be too restrictive, particularly once the set of platforms
which might participate in a package goes beyond two.
2. Ways to handle multi-platform transactions
Treat every transaction on v as an update to the version, v. A
platform-specific update would include both common files and the
platform-tagged or architecture-tagged files. If common files
differed between v:t_1 and v:t_2, then this transaction isn't
valid--it's branch modifying.
Otherwise, the v:t_2 package contains the common files and the set
of flavoured files submitted so far.
(This approach evades the problem of expecting a platform-specific
update to only replace files with alternate versions.)