pkg(5): image packaging system
1. Overview
License actions provide a way to deliver the textual data
contained within licenses, copyright notices, disclaimers, or
other legally-related documents that need to be associated with
the contents of a package. They also provide a way for packages
to provide guidance to pkg(5) clients as to how this information
should be presented or if it requires acceptance by the user
before the package can be delivered into an image.
This proposal has the following core goals for the implementation
of license acceptance functionality:
* Support for non-interactive and interactive package operations
* Enablement of package creators to provide guidance to pkg(5)
client API consumers as to how licensing or other informational
data should be presented and interacted with
* Enablement of administrators and users to query and report on
the licensing or other informational data related to packages
contained within an image
* Enablement of administrators and users to restrict what packages
can be delivered into an image based on the package's provided
licensing information.
To achieve these goals, changes must be made to the following
pkg(5) components:
* License Actions
* Image configuration
* Client API
* BUI: pkg.depotd(1m)
* CLI: pkg(1), pkgsend(1)
* GUI: packagemanager(1), updatemanager(1)
This proposal omits the GUI programs as a separate team will
develop and deliver the enhancements related to the changes
discussed here.
2. License Action attribute changes and additions
Currently, the license attribute of license actions is not
restrictive enough in what characters are allowed for the
name of the license. To ensure cross-platform compatibility
and consistent naming, it is proposed that the license
attribute's definition be amended as follows:
license This attribute provides a description for the license
to help describe the license in a meaningful way. Some
examples might include:
- "GPL v2 only"
- "GPL with Specific Exception"
A recommended list of descriptions for common open-
source licenses, ang guidelines for custom licenses
will be added to the license action documentation to
encourage consistency. This value must be unique
within a package.
To support license acceptance functionality, new attributes for
license actions are needed to allow packages to provide guidance
to pkg(5) API consumers:
class This optional attribute is primarily for use in
filter and query operations. It is intended that
only short, descriptive text be used here. As
such, the content of this value will be limited to
the characters [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9 _-.,]*. While
this value is optional, its usage is strongly
encouraged, and so a recommended list of classes
for common open-source licenses, and guidelines
for custom licenses will be added to the license
action documentation. This value must be unique
within a package.
must-accept A boolean value indicating whether this license
must be accepted by a user before the related
package can be installed or updated. Acceptable
values are "true" or "false". Omission of this
attribute must be considered equivalent to
"false". The reason for this is that many
licenses (especially copyleft ones) do not
require this and clients should not prompt for it
unless provided guidance to do so by the package
must-display A boolean value indicating whether the content of
the action's payload must be displayed by clients
during packaging operations. Omission of this
value must be considered equivalent to "false".
3. Image configuration additions
Note that changes proposed in this section implicitly depend on
on upcoming changes to the image configuration format for the
client. As such, how policies, etc. are stored is not discussed
here other than to note that they will be stored within the image
To enable administrators and users to effectively manage the
packages contained within an image, users need to be able to
define, on a per-publisher basis, what the behaviour of the
packaging system and clients should be in the following key
areas related to licenses:
* filtering
Administrators and users need to be able to define a policy
that can be used to determine what packages are delivered into
an image based on licensing information defined in packages.
* acceptance
Administrators and users need to be able to define a policy
that can be used to determine what behaviour clients should
exhibit when encountering a license that requires explicit
It is believed that a clear delineation between image properties
(which describe the image itself) and policies (which provide
guidance to pkg(5) clients) will be helpful to end-users from a
usage and documentation standpoint. As such, a new policy system
has been devised to allow users to provide guidance to the pkg(5)
system and clients on a per-publisher (and/or global) level based
on the policy in question. Per-publisher values will override
the global value based on the publisher of the package that is
being evaluated by the client API.
The following new policies will be created, and can all be set at
a global or per-publisher level:
license-policy A keyword indicating what the behaviour of clients
should be when the license of a package requires
acceptance. The following keywords are supported:
accept Automatically accepts any license with
must-accept=true after license
filtering has been applied.
decline Automatically declines any license
with must-accept=false after license
filtering has been applied.
explicit Requires explicit acceptance of any
licenses with must-accept=true by the
user after licensing filtering has
been applied. This could be
implemented as an interactive prompt,
or by a failure of the client with a
requirement to pass an explicit
command-line option for acceptance.
This is the default value.
license-accept A list of values that will be used to mark any
license with a matching description or class as
accepted automatically if they require acceptance.
This value is undefined by default.
license-decline A list of values that will be used to mark any
license with a matching description or class as
declined automatically, regardless of whether they
require acceptance. This value is undefined by
license-display A keyword indicating what the behaviour of the
client should be when displaying the text of
license actions. The following keywords are
all Suggests clients display the text of all
license actions, but must display the text
of license actions that have
auto The default value for the image
configuration, which indicates that
clients must display the text of license
actions that have must-display=true.
The following, existing image properties will become policies and
can only be set on a global basis:
The following, existing image properties will become policies and
can be set on a global or per-publisher basis:
The following, existing image properties will be removed as they
were never implemented and are being replaced by functionality
discussed in this proposal:
Finally, it should be noted that the existing 'property' subcommands
cannot be used to alter or view policies and the proposed 'policy'
subcommands likewise cannot be used to alter or view properties.
4. Client API
4.1 pkg.client.api
The client API, to enable license acceptance functionality
enforcement and control for clients, will need to change in
the following ways:
* Plan creation will be changed to analyze and determine license
acceptance and or build a list of licenses and their acceptance
status for packages being installed or updated.
* The ImagePlan object will have a new method named 'get_licenses'
added. After plan creation is finished, consumers may call this
method to retrieve a list of tuples containing a LicenseInfo
object, whether the license is allowed by image policy, and the
current acceptance status of the license as detailed later. The
default acceptance status of a license will be 'declined' unless
otherwise defined by image policy or operation policy.
* The ImagePlan object will have a new method named
'set_license_status' which will allow callers to mark the explicit
acceptance of a package's license by a user:
set_license_status(fmri, class=None, description=None, status)
Either 'class' or 'description' must be provided.
* To allow pkg.client.api consumers access to set_license_status
and get_licenses(), equivalent wrapper functions will be added
to the PlanDescription object provided by the API.
* Two new exceptions will be added to pkg.client.api_errors. The
first will be named 'PlanExecutionError' and be used as a base
exception class for all plan execution errors. The second
exception will be named 'PlanExecutionLicenseError' and will
inherit from the first exception, while being used to indicate
that a licensing related error occurred.
* Plan execution will be changed to verify that each license
that has must-accept=True has been marked as accepted. If
any license has not been marked as accepted, and requires
acceptance, a 'PlanExecutionLicenseError' will be raised.
* Plan execution will be changed to record each package that is
part of the operation using pkg.client.history. The full FMRI,
the classes and descriptions identifying the licenses contained
within the package, and acceptance status of each license within
a package will be recorded. The following statuses will be used
to indicate a package's license acceptance:
* accepted
Indicates that the license was accepted through the API,
presumably by the user.
* accepted-policy
Indicates that the license was automatically accepted
based on image policy.
* declined
Indicates that the license required acceptance and was not
marked as accepted.
* declined-policy
Indicates that the license was automatically rejected
based on image policy.
* not-applicable
Indicates that the license did not require acceptance and
was not declined by policy.
To ease logging of license acceptance information, and to
accurately reflect operation failure, the following changes will
be made to pkg.client.history:
* New operation result constants will be added:
Used to indicate that an operation failed because a
license that required acceptance was not marked as
Used to indicate that an operation failed because a
license was declined based on image policy.
* log_operation_error() will be changed to ensure that the new
'PlanExecutionLicenseError' triggers an appropriate failure
result as noted above.
* A new method to log license status information about a package
will be added:
log_pkg_license(class=None, description=None, status)
Either 'class' or 'description' must be provided.
* A new method to log operation information about a package will
be added:
log_pkg_operation(operation, old_fmri, new_fmri)
5. BUI
5.1. pkg.depotd(1m)
The pkg.depotd(1m) server that pkg(5) provides will be changed
such that its output matches that of the CLI when listing licenses
as much as possible, such as showing the "license" attribute of
a license action.
6. CLI
6.1. pkg(1)
The pkg(1) client that pkg(5) provides needs to be enhanced to
provide the following functionality:
* A mechanism to temporarily override client behaviour, provide
intial policy values during image-creation, or to provide
explicit user intent (such as license acceptance).
A new command-line option as shown below will be added to the
pkg(1) client that will allow its usage with applicable sub-
commands. Policy names not applicable to the corresponding
subcommand will effectively be ignored (such as pursue-latest
with the 'fix' subcommand).
--policy <policy-name>=<policy-value>
The following subcommands will allow this option:
* contents
* fix
* history
* update
* info
* install
* list
* uninstall
* verify
image-create will also support the --policy option, but instead of
being used as a temporary override, it will be used to specify the
permanent defaults for the image being created.
* Graceful, informative failure due to license-related exceptions
If a license-related exception occurs during plan execution, a
failure message similar to the following will be displayed:
The following packages are not permitted by image policy
due to the current image's license policies:
License A
The following packages contain licenses that require
acceptance before they can be installed (use --accept
to accept these licenses):
License B
Note that it may be possible for the same license to be marked
as requiring acceptance in one package and not another, and so
the display above may indicate the same license more than
* Display of licenses that require it during packaging operations
pkg(1) will be changed to retrieve and display the text of
any licenses that must be displayed or have been requested
for display after plan creation. The default value is based
on image policy as noted in section 3.
The display of the license text will be the same as the
proposed output for the 'info' subcommand as noted below.
* Improvement of license display by 'info' subcommand
Currently, the info subcommand will display license text for
one or more given FMRIs but does so without any visual
separation other than a newline between distinct license text
output, does not indicate which package the license belongs
to, and does not provide any clear indication of the identity
of a license (e.g. CDDL, BSD, etc.).
The output of this subcommand will be changed so that the
description and class of the license will be shown and a visual
separator will be placed between the output of each license.
The revised output is anticipated to be similar to this:
Package: Foo
License: copyright
Copyright 2009 Example Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Package: Foo
License: Termsv1 "Example Company's License Description v1"
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Vivamus in risus sem, id blandit justo. Maecenas nulla massa,
mollis sed lobortis a, placerat vel elit. Quisque eleifend leo
ipsum. Donec feugiat gravida molestie. Nulla facilisi. Nullam
sit amet ligula sed mauris tempor fermentum quis at purus.
Package: Bar
License: Termsv2 "Example Company's License Description v2"
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Vivamus in risus sem, id blandit justo. Maecenas nulla massa,
mollis sed lobortis a, placerat vel elit.
* A set-policy subcommand will be added to allow setting policy
values that functions as follows:
set-policy [-p publisher] policy-name policy-value ... ...
If -p is not provided, the global policy value will be changed.
One or more pairs of policy name and policy value may be provided
provided to this command to allow setting multiple values using a
single command invocation.
Some options may not be set at the publisher level and this will
result in an error message such as:
$ pkg set-policy -p flush-content-cache-on-success
pkg: set-policy: flush-content-cache-on-success is a global policy
and cannot be set on a per-publisher basis.
* An unset-policy subcommand will be added to allow unsetting or
resetting policy values that functions as follows:
unset-policy [-p publisher] policy-name ...
If -p is not provided, the global policy value will be changed.
Some options may not be set at the publisher level and this will
result in an error message such as:
$ pkg unset-policy -p \
pkg: unset-policy: flush-content-cache-on-success is a global
policy and cannot be unset on a per-publisher basis.
* A policy subcommand will be added for retrieving policy values
that functions as follows:
policy [-H] [-p publisher] policy-name ...
If -p is not provided, then all matching policy values will be
shown instead of those of a specific publisher. 'All' may be
specified to show global values that do not apply to a specific
If -H is provided, headers will be omitted.
One or more policy names may be specified separated by whitespace.
If no policy-names are specified, all policies will be displayed.
Example output:
$ pkg policy
All license-accept
All license-decline
All license-display auto
All license-policy decline license-accept accept
$ pkg policy license-accept
All license-accept license-accept accept
$ pkg policy license-accept license-display
All license-accept
All license-display auto license-accept accept
$ pkg policy license-accept -H
All license-accept license-accept accept
$ pkg policy license-accept -p All
All license-accept decline
$ pkg policy license-accept -p
PUBLISHER POLICY VALUE license-accept accept