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# A simple Makefile to build the dev-guide.
# Examples:
# $ make book (makes the pdf using rst2pdf)
# $ make xmlbook (makes docbook using rst2docbook)
# $ make check (makes pdfs from each book fragment)
# $ make chpt1.pdf (makes a single pdf)
# $ make -e IGNORE_ERRORS=true chpt4.pdf
# $ make clobber
# Note: in order for the pdf to build, we need to have
# library/python-2/python-imaging-26 installed, due to
# the png logo we use in macros.txt, referenced by
# set this to make the build to ignore errors in RST documents.
# XXX unused at present - unsure if rst2docbook is correct, or whether we want
# to go to the docutils xml, then apply XSLT et al to get to docbook instead.
# For now, $RST2DOCBOOK gets used.
# when building the pdf book, we add specific options here
# our version of docutils doesn't work with rst2pdf at the moment, so we need
# to apply a patch to that code. We apply a similar patch to docbook.py
# pull down a local copy of rst2pdf and rst2docbook.py
@if [ ! -f $(CREATEPDF) ]; then \
@if [ ! -f $(DOCBOOKPY) ]; then \
cd $(DOCTMP) ; \
cd ../../../../../ ; \
# XXX this is ugly; \
# tries to build all fragments, then builds the book itself
# and concatenate into a single file, to render our book
@# XXX this is ugly, but means we get to reuse the %.pdf & %.xml targets
@if [ -s $(DOCTMP)/$*.rst-output.txt ]; then \
exit 1;\
fi; \
# convenience targets to build a single fragment