Version 83:
Compatible with clients using versions 72-82.
pkg.client.api.ImageInterface has changed as follows:
* Introduced new non-linked image interfaces:
* Changed methods:
* Added method:
Version 82:
Compatible with clients using versions 72-81.
pkg.client.api.PackageInfo has changed as follows:
* added a new field 'last_install' to record the package last install time
* added a new field 'last_update' to record the package last update time
Version 81:
Compatible with clients using versions 72-80.
pkg.client.api.ImageInterface has changed as follows:
* Introduced new non-linked image interfaces:
* Added a new function to get the list of dehydrated publishers:
pkg.client.api_errors has changed as follows:
* Added a no_repo_pubs property to PlanCreationException
that contains a list of publishers that have no package
repository configured.
pkg.client.api.PlanDescription has changed as follows:
* Added methods:
pkg.client.progress has changed as follows:
* Removed methods from ProgressTracker:
Version 80:
Compatible with clients using versions 72-79.
pkg.client.api.ImageInterface has changed as follows:
* Added optional 'implicit' parameter to gen_facets() and
gen_variants() methods to get effective value of facets and
boolean variants.
Version 79:
Compatible with clients using versions 72-78.
pkg.client.api.PlanDescription has changed as follows:
* Added get_editable_changes() function to return the list of
"editable" files that will be moved, removed, installed, or
updated during the planned operation.
Version 78:
Compatible with clients using versions 72-77.
pkg.client.api.ImageInterface has changed as follows:
* Added 'li_recurse' parameter to
- gen_plan_update()
- gen_plan_uninstall()
- gen_plan_install()
- gen_plan_change_varcets()
These allow to run the above operations recursively in linked images.
* Added 'ignore_missing' parameter to
- gen_plan_uninstall()
- gen_plan_update()
This changes the behavior of uninstall and update to not fail if a
package for the requested operation is not found.
Version 77:
Compatible with clients using versions 72-76.
pkg.client.api.ImageInterface has changed as follows:
* Added 'act_timeout' parameter to
- gen_plan_update()
- gen_plan_uninstall()
- gen_plan_install()
- gen_plan_change_varcets()
These allow to use synchronous SMF actuators including a timeout.
Version 76:
Compatible with clients using versions 72-75 [1].
pkg.client.api.ImageInterface has changed as follows:
* The generator functions 'gen_facets()' has been updated to
give more information about what facets are changing.
Previously a 2 value tuple was returned, now a 4 value tuple
is returned.
* [1] This is actually an incompatible change to the old
'gen_facets()' behavior, but since gen_facets was only
introduced in the previous version of the client API it's
unlikely that anyone outside of the pkg gate has adopted it's
use. But since we'd like to avoid an incompatible client API
change we're going to ignore this issue.
* The parsable package plan output format for facet changes has
been changed. Previously a tuple with 2 values was returned;
now a tuple with 6 values is returned.
* Added 'li_parent_sync' parameter to 'gen_plan_uninstall()'.
* Added 'li_md_only' and 'li_pkg_updates' parameters to
'gen_plan_detach()' and 'detach_linked_children()'
Version 75:
Compatible with clients using versions 72-74.
pkg.client.api.ImageInterface has changed as follows:
* New generator functions 'gen_variants()' and 'gen_facets()' to
retrieve the current list of facets or variants currently
(implicitly or explicitly) set in the image. See 'pydoc
pkg.client.api' for details.
Version 74:
Compatible with clients using versions 72-74.
The PlanDescription now has interfaces to
determine whether or not release notes were generated
for this operation, whether or not they must be displayed,
and a method of retrieving the release notes line by
Version 73:
Compatible with clients using version 72.
A per-origin/mirror property has been added, and the transport
updated to allow for multiple paths to a given URI.
pkg.client.publisher.RepositoryURI has changed as follows:
* proxies attribute has been added, allowing origins
and mirrors to be specified with individual HTTP proxies,
each represented by a pkg.client.publisher.ProxyURI object.
Multiple proxies for the same URI may not be configured
at present.
* proxy attribute is now deprecated, and attempts to set
both 'proxies' and 'proxy' in the constructor will result
in an error.
pkg.client.api_errors has changed as follows:
* UnknownRepositoryOrigin and UnknownRepositoryMirror
exceptions have been changed to include a message
when a RepositoryURI with a proxy is being used,
printing that proxy.
* The Exceptions DuplicateSyspubOrigin and
DuplicateSyspubMirror have been added for cases where we
attempt to add a user-origin or user-mirror that is already
provided by the system publisher.
* The Exceptions RemoveSyspubOrigin and RemoveSyspubMirror
have been added for cases where we attempt to remove origins
or mirrors that are proxied by the system publisher.
Version 72:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-71.
pkg.client.api.ImageInterface has changed as follows:
* New functions added: img_plandir(), is_active_liveroot_be(),
isparent(), linked_publisher_check(), load_plan(), set_alt_repos()
* Functions removed: set_stage()
* Removed "runid" parameter from: __init__()
* Removed "accept" parameter from: gen_plan_*()
* Removed "show_licenses" parameter from: gen_plan_*()
* Added "pubcheck" parameter to:
gen_plan_sync(), gen_plan_update()
pkg.client.api.PlanDescription has changed as follows:
* Removed __init__() parameters: img, backup_be, backup_be_name,
new_be, be_activate, be_name
* Added __init__() parameters: op
* Removed methods: get_parsable_mediators(), get_parsable_varcets(),
get_salvaged(), get_services()
* Removed properties: is_active_root_be
* Added methods: getstate(), setstate(), fromstate()
* Added properties: executed, services, mediators, varcets,
plan_desc, salvaged, plan_type, update_index
Version 71:
Compatible with clients using versions 66-70.
pkg.client.api_errors has changed as follows:
* Added UnprivilegedUserError to indicate when the current user
does not have sufficient privileges to modify the image.
Version 70:
Compatible with clients using versions 66-69.
pkg.client.api.ImageInterface has changed as follows:
* A new boolean property named is_liveroot has been added to
allow API consumers to determine if the image to be modified
is for the live system root.
Version 69:
Compatible with clients using versions 66-68.
pkg.client.api.ImageInterface has changed as follows:
* get_pkg_list() and info() now have an optional boolean
parameter named 'ranked' that controls whether only
packages for the highest-ranked matching publisher should
be returned. See 'pydoc pkg.client.api' for details.
Version 68:
Compatible with clients using versions 66-67.
pkg.client.api.ImageInterface has changed as follows:
* New functions for managing client history have been added:
abort(), gen_history(), clear_history(), and purge_history().
See 'pydoc pkg.client.api' for details.
* New constants for decoding history entries have been added
named after the pattern RESULT_*. See 'pydoc pkg.client.api'
for details.
pkg.client.api_errors has changed as follows:
* New exceptions for bad history requests or history parsing
errors have been added. (HistoryLoadException, etc.)
Version 67:
Compatible with clients using version 66.
pkg.client.api.ImageInterface has changed as follows:
* planning functions such as gen_plan_install that allow
specifying a be_name now also support specifying a
backup_be_name, and the ability to create a backup BE
by setting backup_be=True.
pkg.client.api.PlanDescription has changed as follows:
* New properties named 'backup_be' and 'backup_be_name' have been
added to allow callers to determine whether a backup BE will be
created and what name was specified for it.
* The new property 'is_active_root_be' has been added to allow
consumers to determine if the image being modified is for the
live, active root BE.
Version 66:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-63.
The incompatible change is that attach_linked_child, audit_linked,
audit_linked_children, and detach_linked_children now return a tuple
containing the return value, any errors, and either None or a dictionary
representing the parsable output for the operation. All the *_rvdict2rv
functions have been changed similar except they return a list of
The following are the compatible changes:
pkg.client.api.ImageInterface has changed as follows:
* gen_plan_* now takes an optional argument, parsable version, which is
either None or contains the version of parsable output to generate.
pkg.client.api.PlanDescription has changed as follows:
* get_parsable_mediators and get_parsable_varcets have been added as
functions which return the raw structures for mediators, variants, and
facets rather than the formatted strings which get_mediators and
get_varcets do.
Version 65:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-64.
pkg.client.api.ImageInterface has changed as follows:
* get_pkg_list() yields five values instead of four; the fifth is a
dictionary of package attributes.
pkg.client.api.PackageInfo has changed as follows:
* added get_attr_values() to return the values of named package
Version 64:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-63.
pkg.client.api_errors has changed as follows:
* The ImageLocationAmbiguous exception has been removed. The client
API no longer requires the image to be found at '/' on Solaris.
Clients are free to enforce whatever restrictions on image root
they desire.
Version 63:
Compatible with clients using version 62.
pkg.client.api.ImageInterface has changed as follows:
* added new 'mediators' property has been added
to get a dictionary of the configured mediation
* added gen_available_mediators() to get the list of
available mediations for installed packages.
* added gen_plan_set_mediators() for planning an
operation to set link mediation.
pkg.client.api.PlanDescription has changed as follows:
* added get_mediators() method to get a list of
strings describing the mediation changes for a plan.
pkg.client.api_errors has changed as follows:
* added an invalid_mediations property to PlanCreationException
that contains a dictionary of any mediations found to be
invalid for the plan with a key set for each aspect that was
Version 62:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-61.
pkg.client.api.PackageInfo has changed as follows:
* the 'fmri' property is now a PkgFmri object instead of a
pkg.client.api.PlanDescription has changed as follows:
* get_services() now returns a list of tuples of strings,
see pkg.client.api for details.
Version 61:
Compatible with clients using version 60.
pkg.client.api.PlanDescription has changed as follows:
* Added the following new interfaces
pkg.client.api.prepare has changed as follows:
* may now raise api_errors.ImageInsufficientSpace exception
pkg.client.api.execute has changed as follows:
* may now raise api_errors.ImageInsufficientSpace exception
Version 60:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-59.
pkg.client.api.ImageInterface has changed as follows:
* Uninstall no longer supports recursive removal. As such,
the recursive_removal parameter of plan_uninstall and
gen_plan_uninstall has been removed.
Version 59:
Compatible with clients using versions 57-59.
pkg.client.api.ImageInterface has changed as follows:
* introduced new linked image interfaces:
* introduced new non-linked image interfaces:
* deprecated:
pkg.client.api_errors has changed as follows:
* introduced LinkedImageException
* updated PlanCreationException
Version 58:
Compatible with clients using version 57:
pkg.client.api.ImageInterface has changed as follows:
* added a 'be_activate' parameter to all plan_*() functions to
allow clients to control whether any new BE created during
operations is set as the active one on next boot.
pkg.client.api.PlanDescription has changed as follows:
* added 'activate_be' boolean property so clients can determine
whether be activation was requested at planning time.
Version 57:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-56:
pkg.client.api.ImageInterface has changed as follows:
* get_preferred_publisher has been replaced with
* set_pub_search_after has been removed
* set_pub_search_before has been removed
* search_after, search_before, and search_first have been added as
options to add_publisher and update_publisher
* The write_syspub_0 function has been added.
pkg.client.publisher.RepositoryURI has changed as follows:
* proxy and system attributes have been added
* The get_host function has been added.
* The change_scheme function has been added.
pkg.client.publisher.Repository has changed as follows:
* a proxy attribute has been added and may be set during initialization
pkg.client.publisher.Publisher has changed as follows:
* The repositories attribute which contained a list of Repository
objects has been replaced by the repository attribute which contains a
single Repository object.
* The selected_repository attribute has been removed.
* A sys_pub attribute has been added which indicates whether a publisher
is a system publisher.
* The add_repository function has been replaced with the set_repository
* The has_configuration function has been added which attempts to
determine whether a publisher has been configured by a user.
* The remove_repository function has had its arguments removed.
* The set_selected_repository function has been removed.
Version 56:
Compatible with clients using version 55:
pkg.client.api.ImageInterface has changed as follows:
* added a get_salvaged() method to the PlanDescription class to
get the list of files or directories that were salvaged during
the executed package operation
Version 55:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-54:
pkg.client.publisher.Publisher has changed as follows:
* The following functions have been removed:
* verify_chain has had the mandatory parameter cur_pathlen added which
indicates how many certificates exist between cert and the leaf cert.
* approve_ca_cert has had the 'manual' parameter removed as only the
user can approve a certificate now.
Version 54:
Compatible with clients using versions 53-54:
pkg.client.api.ImageInterface has changed as follows:
* added avoid_pkgs, get_avoid_list functions to client
interface to manage group dependency behavior.
Version 53:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-52:
General changes:
* Support for pkg(5) archives has been added; a file URI
containing the location of an archive can be used anywhere
that a repository location is (except for search).
* Publishers are no longer required to have origins or mirrors
so that sticky state and search order can be retained when
installing packages from temporary sources.
* The client API now supports the use of temporary sources of
package during during operations.
pkg.client.api.ImageInterface has changed as follows:
* get_pkg_list() is now a locking operation and cannot be used
at the same time as other functions (such as a multi-threaded
* get_pkg_categories() is now a locking operation and cannot be
used at the same time as other functions (such as a multi-
threaded scenario)
* add_publisher() now permits publishers with no repository
origins or mirrors to be added.
* update_publisher() now permits publishers to be updated even
if the new object has no origins or mirrors.
* info(), get_pkg_categories(), get_pkg_list(), get_manifest(),
plan_install(), plan_update(), plan_update_all(), and
plan_change_varcets() now have a 'repos' parameter for
specifying temporary package repositories for use during
the operation.
pkg.client.progress has changed as follows:
* There are new methods for tracking the progress of archive
creation: archive_set_goal(), archive_add_progress(),
and archive_done(). See 'pydoc pkg.client.progress' for
pkg.client.api_errors has changed as follows:
* The PublisherOriginRequired exception class has been removed.
* The new Exception NoPublisherRepositories was added. It is
raised whenever an attempt to perform a transport operation
for a publisher with no transport configuration is made.
Version 52:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-51:
pkg.client.publisher.Publisher has changed as follows:
* The following functions have been made private:
add_cert, get_certs_by_name, get_crl, check_extensions
* check_critical was removed.
* verify_chain had an additional, optional, argument added to it. The
usages paramter defines what uses the certificate needs to allow.
If this parameter isn't set, then it's assumed that the certificate
should be able to be used for all known uses.
* The following constants were added to be used as values to the usages
parameter for verify chain.
Version 51:
Compatible with clients using versions 46-50:
pkg.client.api.PlanDescription has changed as follows:
* get_solver_errors() was added to allow retrieval of extended
error information for plan_*() functions. See 'pydoc
pkg.client.api' for details.
Version 50:
Compatible with clients using versions 46-49:
pkg.client.api.ImageInterface changed as follows:
* The new function plan_revert() was added to allow planning
an operation for reverting specific or tagged packaged
Version 49:
Compatible with clients using versions 46-48:
pkg.client.api.ImageInterface has changed as follows:
* plan_install and plan_update take an optional
argument to reject packages in solution.
Version 48:
Compatible with clients using versions 46-47.
pkg.client.api.ImageInterface has changed as follows:
* The ImageInterface class constructor now accepts an
exact_match parameter that allows consumers to control
whether an attempt to find an image starting from the
specified directory is made. See 'pydoc pkg.client.api'
for detailed usage.
* If the exact_match parameter of the class constructor is
False, an ImageLocationAmbiguous exception will be raised
on Solaris if the image is not found at '/'. Other platforms
will continue to accept an image found at any location.
* A new property named 'progresstracker' was added to allow
consumers to change the ProgressTracker object used by the
API object instance after class initialization. See 'pydoc
pkg.client.api' for detailed usage.
pkg.client.api_errors has changed as follows:
* A new ImageLocationAmbiguous exception was added.
Version 47:
Compatible with clients using version 46.
pkg.client.api.ImageInterface has changed as follows:
* A new function named 'update_format' has been added to allow
clients to upgrade images in older formats to the newest one.
By default, images rooted at '/' or that are for a zone are
automatically upgraded to the newest format if the user of
the client has sufficient privileges.
pkg.client.api_errors has changed as follows:
* A new exception named 'ImageFormatUpdateNeeded' has been added
that may be raised by the API whenever an API operation
requires that the image be updated to a new format before
the operation can be performed.
Version 46:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-45.
pkg.client.api.ImageInterface has changed as follows:
* The actual_cmd parameter is no longer a parameter to the
plan_update_all function. Instead that information is stored in the
global_settings object. It's used when looking for the trust anchors
of the image from which pkg was run.
Version 45:
Compatible with clients using versions 43-44.
pkg.client.api.ImageInterface has changed as follows:
* A new planning function, plan_update, has been added which
allows in place downgrades of packages.
Version 44:
Compatible with clients using version 43.
pkg.client.api.ImageInterface has changed as follows:
* A new property 'last_modified' was added that returns a UTC
datetime object representing the time the image's metadata
was last changed.
Version 43:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-42.
pkg.client.api.ImageInterface has changed as follows:
* A new boot environment will now only be created if required
for image-modifying operations (except for plan_update_all
which continues to always create one by default).
* The verbose parameter has been removed from the plan_*
* All plan_* functions now accept an additional boolean named
'new_be' that indicates whether a new boot environment should
be created for the operation. This overrides the deafult
behaviour that only creates one if needed.
pkg.client.api.PlanDescription has changed as follows:
* get_services(), get_varcets(), and get_actions() were added
to allow clients more access to plan information.
* A boolean property named new_be was added that indicates
whether the planned operation will requires a new boot
Version 42:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-41.
pkg.client.api_errors has changed as follows:
* The MainDictParsingException class was removed
* The BadPublisherAlias and IndexLockedException
exceptions were added.
pkg.client.publisher has changed as follows:
* The inter_certs property was renamed to intermediate_certs.
Version 41:
Compatible with clients using versions 40-41.
Allows the client to handle signed packages. This includes the
addition of a large number of optional parameters to the
client/publisher class. It also makes changes to image creation to
allow image properties to be set during the process. New subclasses
of ApiException were created to indicate different error conditions
associated with signing failures.
Version 40:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-39.
The pkg.client.api ImageInterface has changed as follows:
* The info() method no longer detects and returns multiple
matches for patterns and instead will return all matches
for a given pattern.
* The ImageInterface.INFO_MULTI_MATCH property has been
* The PackageInfo.PREF_PUBLISHER attribute and data has been
* Illegal patterns will cause info() to raise an exception
Version 39:
Compatible with clients using versions 36-38.
Introduces the notion of a system repository to the publisher
heirarchy. This specific type of repository is a subclass of
RepositoryURI. A few new api exceptions are added, too.
Version 38:
Compatible with clients using versions 36-37.
The pkg.client.api now supports file-based repository access for all
operations. All related classes have been updated to support URIs
that use the 'file' scheme.
Version 37:
Compatible with clients using version 36.
The pkg.client.api ImageInterface has changed as follows:
* Whenever an unexpected change in the state or structure
of the image is encountered during install, remove, or
update operations (such as a missing file, directory,
or inability to remove an item) and it cannot be
recovered from without user intervention, an
ActionExecutionError exception is raised.
Version 36:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-35.
The interface for pkg.client.api.remote_search has changed as follows:
* A new parameter, prune_versions, has been added which, when true,
causes remote search to remove versions a user is unlikely to be
interested in.
* The return type of remote_search and local_search has changed. Where
the string representation used to be returned, a FMRI object is now
Version 35:
Compatible with clients using version 34.
The ImageInterface class has changed as follows:
* A new method named parse_fmri_patterns has been added to
help clients parse user input and transform any valid patterns
into FMRI objects that can be used for comparison. See pydoc
'pkg.client.api' for details.
* New constants for the parse_fmri_patterns method were added:
Version 34:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-33.
The pkg.client.publisher.Publisher class has changed as follows:
* The deprecated get_ssl_creds() and set_origin() methods
were removed. These functions have been marked as
deprecated since the client API was first versioned
and should not have been used by any clients.
Version 33:
Compatible with clients using version 32.
The ImageInterface class has changed as follows:
* file and directory actions will now have their mode validated
if failure occurs during plan execution to determine if bad
package metadata was the cause of execution failure. In
addition, the client API will catch failures due to corrupt
or invalid package metadata and re-raise them as an
InvalidPackageErrors exception.
The pkg.client.api_errors module has changed as follows:
* The InvalidPackageErrors exception was added. See 'pydoc
pkg.client.api_errors' for details.
Version 32:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-31.
The ImageInterface class has changed as follows:
* The add_publisher and update_publisher methods now validate
the image's publisher configuration against the origins of
the publisher. If any of the origins are found to not match,
an UnknownRepositoryPublishers exception will be raised.
If one of the new repository origins does not provide
publisher configuration information or it is incomplete,
a RepoPubConfigUnavailable exception will be raised.
The pkg.client.api module has changed as follows:
* A new method named image_create has been added. See 'pydoc
pkg.client.api' for details.
The pkg.client.api_errors module has changed as follows:
* UnknownRepositoryPublishers, RepoPubConfigUnavailable, and
UnknownErrors expections have been added for use by the
pkg.client.api. API consumers are reminded that they should
catch all ApiException class exceptions, although catching
specific exception subclasses for case-by-case handling in
addition to that is acceptable.
Version 31:
Compatible with clients using version 30.
All image-modifying operations now lock the image for exclusive use
by the current thread and process. If the lock cannot be obtained,
an ImageLockedError exception will be raised.
The ImageInterface class has changed as follows:
* A new property named 'blocking_locks' has been added to allow
clients to control image locking behaviour. See 'pydoc
pkg.client.api.ImageInterface' for details.
* The prepare() and execute_plan() methods will now raise an
InvalidPlanError if the image state has changed since the
plan was originally created. This is likely the result of
another client or process modifying the image.
Version 30:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-29:
The ProgressTracker class has changed as follows:
* ver_output_warning() and ver_output_info() were added so that
callers can choose to output warning and info verification
messages separately from errors.
Version 29:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-28:
The ImageInterface class has changed as follows:
* set_plan_license_status() was added. This is used to indicate
whether licenses for the packages being operated on have been
accepted or displayed. Clients must do this if the related
license requires acceptance or display.
The LicenseInfo class has changed as follows:
* get_text() may now trigger a remote retrieval of the license
payload if needed to return the text.
* The related package FMRI and license attributes are now
properties: fmri, license, must_accept, and must_display.
The PlanDescription class has changed as follows:
* get_changes() is now a generator function.
* get_licenses() was added to allow clients to retrieve the
list of licenses related to the plan's operations as well
as the current accepted and displayed status of each.
Version 28:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-27:
CatalogRefreshException.message was changed to
CatalogRefreshException.errmessage to work around a change
introduced in python2.5 and removed in python2.6 (Exception.message,
if used, triggers a deprecation warning).
Version 27:
Compatible with clients using versions 25-26:
The get_manifest function has been added to the api to allow clients
to retrieve the manifest directly.
Version 26:
Compatible with clients using version 25.
The client API has changed such that an immediate refresh is always
performed when the 'refresh_catalogs' parameter is True for install,
update, and change variant operations.
Version 25:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-24:
The PackageInfo class has changed as follows:
* The NOT_INSTALLED constant has been removed as checking
for the presence of INSTALLED should be sufficient.
* A new constant named 'KNOWN' has been added. It indicates
that the package is currently available from a publisher's
* A new constant named 'UPGRADABLE' has been added. It
indicates that a new version of the package is available.
The following new api functions were added to ImageInterface (see
'pydoc pkg.client.api.ImageInterface' for more information):
* get_pkg_categories
* get_pkg_list
Version 24:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-23.
The pkg.client.api module has changed as follows:
* plan_install no longer takes a filters argument
* plan_change_variant changed to plan_change_varcets.
w/ argument list changes.
* Added get_pub_search_order
* Added set_pub_search_after
* Added set_pub_search_before
Version 23:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-22.
The pkg.client.api module has changed as follows:
* PackageInfo objects no longer take a "state" parameter, but a
"states" parameter, and the corresponding "state" member is now
"states", and is a list of states, rather than a single value.
Version 22:
Compatible with clients using version 21.
Adds the description field to the PackageInfo class.
Version 21:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-20.
The pkg.client.api_errors module has changed as follows:
* All CatalogCacheError class exceptions were removed as the
catalog cache no longer exists.
Version 20:
Compatible with clients using version 19.
The following exceptions were added to pkg.client.api_errors:
class ReadOnlyFileSystemException(PermissionsException):
"""Used to indicate that the operation was attempted on a
read-only filesystem"""
Version 19:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-18.
The ImageInterface class changed as follows:
* plan_update_all no longer returns a third value, the exception
caught. This value was never set.
* plan_install no longer returns a second value, the exception
caught. This value was never set.
Version 18:
Compatible with clients using versions 15-17.
The following exceptions were added to pkg.client.api_errors:
class SetDisabledPublisherPreferred(PublisherError):
"""Used to indicate an attempt to set a disabled publisher as
the preferred publisher was made."""
Version 17:
Compatible with clients using versions 15-16.
The following properties were added to pkg.client.api
ImageInterface class:
The absolute pathname of the filesystem root of the image.
This property is read-only.
Version 16:
Compatible with clients using version 15.
The following exceptions were added to pkg.client.api_errors:
class NoSuchKey(CertificateError):
"""Used to indicate that a key could not be found."""
Version 15:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-14.
The unfound_fmris variable in the
pkg.client.api_errors.PlanCreationException class is now called
Version 14:
Compatible with clients using versions 12-14.
The following methods were added to pkg.client.publisher.Publisher:
def create_meta_root(self):
"""Create the publisher's meta_root."""
def remove_meta_root(self):
"""Removes the publisher's meta_root."""
Version 13:
Compatible with clients using version 12.
By default, publisher repositories will be checked for new metadata no more
than once every four hours unless otherwise requested. Each time a
publisher's selected repository is checked for updates, the client will
store a timestamp (in UTC) marking when the refresh was performed.
ImageInterface.refresh() has changed as follows:
* Changed 'full_refresh' to an optional keyword argument that defaults
to False.
* Added optional boolean keyword 'immediate' that allows the client to
request that a publisher be checked for updates even if a check is
not yet needed.
* Changed to properly use progress tracker for refreshing of publisher
* Now only refreshes publisher metadata based on the update interval
specified by the refresh_seconds property on the publisher's
ImageInterface.update_publisher() has changed as follows:
* When updating a publisher with 'refresh_allowed' set to False, its
catalog will no longer be removed. Instead, it is marked as needing
refresh, and the next time the client can do so, it will.
pkg.client.publisher.Publisher has changed as follows:
* New property 'last_refreshed':
A datetime object representing the time (in UTC) the
publisher's selected repository was last refreshed for new
metadata (such as catalog updates). 'None' if the publisher
hasn't been refreshed yet or the time is not available.
The above property will be automatically set by the api as needed
although api consumers are free to retrieve its value. Manually
setting this value is not recommended.
* New property 'meta_root':
The absolute pathname of the directory where the publisher's
metadata should be written to and read from.
The above property will be automatically set by the api as needed
although api consumers are free to retrieve its value. Manually
setting this value is not recommended.
* New property 'needs_refresh':
A boolean value indicating whether the publisher's metadata for
the currently selected repository needs to be refreshed.
Version 12:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-12
This versions adds local_search and remote_search to the api and removes
those functions from pkg.client.image.
Version 11:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-10
This version changes all parameter names and property names from 'authority'
to 'publisher'. For example, parameters named 'auths' were changed to
'pubs'; parameters named 'authent' were changed to 'pubent' and so forth.
In addition, the following new api functions were added to ImageInterface:
def add_publisher(self, pub, refresh_allowed=True):
"""Add the provided publisher object to the image
def get_preferred_publisher(self):
"""Returns the preferred publisher object for the image."""
def get_publisher(self, prefix=None, alias=None, duplicate=False):
"""Retrieves a publisher object matching the provided prefix
(name) or alias.
'duplicate' is an optional boolean value indicating whether
a copy of the publisher object should be returned instead
of the original.
def get_publishers(self, duplicate=False):
"""Returns a list of the publisher objects for the current
'duplicate' is an optional boolean value indicating whether
copies of the publisher objects should be returned instead
of the originals.
def get_publisher_last_update_time(self, prefix=None, alias=None):
"""Returns a datetime object representing the last time the
catalog for a publisher was modified or None."""
def has_publisher(self, prefix=None, alias=None):
"""Retrieves a publisher object matching the provided prefix
(name) or alias."""
def remove_publisher(self, prefix=None, alias=None):
"""Removes a publisher object matching the provided prefix
(name) or alias."""
def set_preferred_publisher(self, prefix=None, alias=None):
"""Sets the preferred publisher for the image."""
def update_publisher(self, pub, refresh_allowed=True):
"""Replaces an existing publisher object with the provided one
using the _source_object_id identifier set during copy."""
def update_publisher(self, pub, refresh_allowed=True):
"""Replaces an existing publisher object with the provided one
using the _source_object_id identifier set during copy.
'refresh_allowed' is an optional boolean value indicating
whether a refresh of publisher metadata (such as its catalog)
should be performed if transport information is changed for a
repository, mirror, or origin. If False, no attempt will be
made to retrieve publisher metadata."""
def log_operation_end(self, error=None, result=None):
"""Marks the end of an operation to be recorded in image
'result' should be a pkg.client.history constant value
representing the outcome of an operation. If not provided,
and 'error' is provided, the final result of the operation will
be based on the class of 'error' and 'error' will be recorded
for the current operation. If 'result' and 'error' is not
provided, success is assumed."""
def log_operation_error(self, error):
"""Adds an error to the list of errors to be recorded in image
history for the current opreation."""
def log_operation_start(self, name):
"""Marks the start of an operation to be recorded in image
def parse_p5i(self, fileobj=None, location=None):
"""Reads the pkg(5) publisher json formatted data at 'location'
or from the provided file-like object 'fileobj' and returns a
list of tuples of the format (publisher object, pkg_names).
pkg_names is a list of strings representing package names or
FMRIs. If any pkg_names not specific to a publisher were
provided, the last tuple returned will be of the format (None,
'fileobj' is an optional file-like object that must support a
'read' method for retrieving data.
'location' is an optional string value that should either start
with a leading slash and be pathname of a file or a URI string.
'fileobj' or 'location' must be provided."""
def write_p5i(self, fileobj, pkg_names=None, pubs=None):
"""Writes the publisher, repository, and provided package names
to the provided file-like object 'fileobj' in json p5i format.
'fileobj' is only required to have a 'write' method that accepts
data to be written as a parameter.
'pkg_names' is a dict of lists, tuples, or sets indexed by
publisher prefix that contain package names, FMRI strings, or
package info objects. A prefix of "" can be used for packages
that are not specific to a publisher.
'pubs' is an optional list of publisher prefixes or Publisher
objects. If not provided, the information for all publishers
(excluding those disabled) will be output."""
Version 10:
Incompatible with clients using versions 0-9
This version changes the interface to info. It removes the action info
and licenses flag and replaces them with a set of options to allow
the caller control over which information is retrieved.
Version 9:
Compatible with clients using versions 0-8
This version adds an optional argument to plan_update_all to allow the
specification of a name for the clone of the BE which is made. It also
exposes check_be_name as part of the api.
Version 8:
Compatible with clients using versions 0-7
This version introduces InvalidDepotResponseException. The
exception is thrown when operations that refresh the catalog
discover that the server is not a pkg depot. Clients of the api
should catch this exception and respond appropriately.
Version 7:
Compatible with clients using versions 0-6
Ignore the pkg_client_name parameter passed to api.ImageInterface() if
pkg.client.global_settings.client_name isn't None. This latter object
is now the preferred way to set the client name, and the
pkg_client_name parameter may be ignored or removed in the future.
Version 6:
Compatible with clients using versions 0-5
Adds a new field to PackageInfo, category_info_list, which is a list of
PackageCategory objects. These objects contain the scheme and category
information for packages.
Version 5:
Compatible with clients using versions 0-4 as long as they have a generic
APIException. This is the case for PackageManager and UpdateManaget.
plan_install and plan_update_all can now raise PermissionsException.
Version 4:
Compatible with clients using versions 1, 2, and 3
Modifies where certain progress tracking calls were made, calling
evaluate_start much sooner.
Adds refresh tracking to This allows for active feedback when
the catalogs of authorities are being refreshed.
Version 3:
Compatible with clients using Versions 1 and 2
Adds an optional argument to info which determines whether detailed information
about actions will be returned
Adds the following new fields to PackageInfo objects: links, hardlinks,
files, dirs, dependencies
Version 2:
Compatible with clients using Version 1
Adds the optional argument update_index to plan_install, plan_uninstall, and
plan_update_all. When the argument is false, no automatic update to the
index occurs. By default, the argument is true.
Version 1:
Incompatible with clients using Version 0
plan_install now returns a tuple of whether there is anything to do and
a catalog refresh exception, if one was caught. In this, it mirrors the
first and third return values from plan_update_all.
Version 0:
def __init__(self, img_path, version_id, progesstracker,
cancel_state_callable, pkg_client_name):
"""Constructs an ImageInterface. img_path should point to an
existing image. version_id indicates the version of the api
the client is expecting to use. progesstracker is the
progresstracker the client wants the api to use for UI
callbacks. cancel_state_callable is a function which the client
wishes to have called each time whether the operation can be
canceled changes. It can raise VersionException and
def plan_install(self, pkg_list, filters, refresh_catalogs=True,
noexecute=False, verbose=False):
"""Contructs a plan to install the packages provided in
pkg_list. pkg_list is a list of packages to install. filters
is a list of filters to apply to the actions of the installed
packages. refresh_catalogs controls whether the catalogs will
automatically be refreshed. noexecute determines whether the
history will be recorded after planning is finished. verbose
controls whether verbose debugging output will be printed to the
terminal. Its existence is temporary. If there are things to do
to complete the install, it returns True, otherwise it returns
False. It can raise InvalidCertException, PlanCreationException,
NetworkUnavailableException, and InventoryException. The
noexecute argument is included for compatibility with
operational history. The hope is it can be removed in the
def plan_uninstall(self, pkg_list, recursive_removal, noexecute=False,
"""Contructs a plan to uninstall the packages provided in
pkg_list. pkg_list is a list of packages to install.
recursive_removal controls whether recursive removal is
allowed. noexecute determines whether the history will be
recorded after planning is finished. verbose controls whether
verbose debugging output will be printed to the terminal. Its
existence is temporary. If there are things to do to complete
the uninstall, it returns True, otherwise it returns False. It
can raise NonLeafPackageException and PlanCreationException."""
def plan_update_all(self, actual_cmd, refresh_catalogs=True,
noexecute=False, force=False, pkgs_must_be_up_to_date=None,
"""Creates a plan to update all packages on the system to the
latest known versions. actual_cmd is the command used to start
the client. It is used to determine the image to check whether
SUNWipkg is up to date. refresh_catalogs controls whether the
catalogs will automatically be refreshed. noexecute determines
whether the history will be recorded after planning is finished.
force controls whether update should proceed even if ipkg is not
up to date. verbose controls whether verbose debugging output
will be printed to the terminal. Its existence is temporary. It
returns a tuple of three things. The first is a boolean which
tells the client whether there is anything to do. The second
tells whether the image is an opensolaris image. The third is
either None, or an exception which indicates partial success.
This is currently used to indicate a failure in refreshing
catalogs. It can raise CatalogRefreshException,
IpkgOutOfDateException, NetworkUnavailableException, and
def describe(self):
"""Returns None if no plan is ready yet, otherwise returns
a PlanDescription"""
def prepare(self):
"""Takes care of things which must be done before the plan
can be executed. This includes downloading the packages to
disk and preparing the indexes to be updated during
execution. It can raise ProblematicPermissionsIndexException,
and PlanMissingException. Should only be called once a
plan_X method has been called."""
def execute_plan(self, be_name=None):
"""Executes the plan. This is uncancelable one it begins. It
can raise CorruptedIndexException,
ProblematicPermissionsIndexException, ImageplanStateException,
ImageUpdateOnLiveImageException, and PlanMissingException.
Should only be called after the prepare method has been
def refresh(self, full_refresh, auths=None):
"""Refreshes the catalogs. full_refresh controls whether to do
a full retrieval of the catalog from the publisher or only
update the existing catalog. auths is a list of authorities to
refresh. Passing an empty list or using the default value means
all known authorities will be refreshed. While it currently
returns an image object, this is an expedient for allowing
existing code to work while the rest of the API is put into
def info(self, fmri_strings, local, get_licenses):
"""Gathers information about fmris. fmri_strings is a list
of fmri_names for which information is desired. local
determines whether to retrieve the information locally.
get_licenses determines whether to retrieve the text of
the licenses. It returns a dictionary of lists. The keys
for the dictionary are the constants specified in the class
definition. The values are lists of PackageInfo objects or
def can_be_canceled(self):
"""Returns true if the API is in a cancelable state."""
def reset(self):
"""Resets the API back the the initial state. Note:
this does not necessarily return the disk to its initial state
since the indexes or download cache may have been changed by
the prepare method."""
def cancel(self):
"""Used for asynchronous cancelation. It returns the API
to the state it was in prior to the current method being
invoked. Canceling during a plan phase returns the API to
its initial state. Canceling during prepare puts the API
into the state it was in just after planning had completed.
Plan execution cannot be canceled. A call to this method blocks
until the canelation has happened. Note: this does not
necessarily return the disk to its initial state since the
indexes or download cache may have been changed by the
prepare method."""
class PlanDescription(object):
"""A class which describes the changes the plan will make. It
provides a list of tuples of PackageInfo's. The first item in the
tuple is the package that is being changed. The second item in the
tuple is the package that will be in the image after the change."""
def get_changes(self):
class LicenseInfo(object):
"""A class representing the license information a package
def get_text(self):
class PackageInfo(object):
"""A class capturing the information about packages that a client
could need. The fmri is guaranteed to be set. All other values may
be None, depending on how the PackageInfo instance was created."""
# Possible package installation states
def __str__(self):