Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
0. Format
We're writing the Developer Guide in reStructured Text. Once we're
happy with the content, we'll output XML and convert that to
DocBook-XML to hand over to Documentation for final production.
Heading in rST are based on over- and underlining. Heading levels
are a document-specific convention; our levels are as follows:
==== ----
==== , ---- , ==== , ---- , ~~~~, ````, ^^^^
Inconsistencies with this ordering will lead to document build
1. Files
guide-main.rst is the Developer Guide's outline. It contains the
main document directives; it may also contain shorter sections,
prior to being broken out into separate files.
Each file should begin with its appropriate heading for the Guide as
a whole.
1.1. Titles
Titles are always mixed case. Particular levels may be set in
capitals or small capitals by style sheet.
2. Rest of the directory
Files not starting with guide- are legacy documents from earlier in
the project. If you are rewriting one of these to fit into the
Guide, please rename them; if you don't feel you're the owner,
extract the content, and add an "XXX Copied to guide-....rst" in the
original file.
3. Tools
You can obtain docutils by using easy_install via
$ pfexec easy_install docutils
With a straight docutils installation, you can build the "html"
target out of the Makefile.
To build the PDF version, you will need a pdflatex-capable TeX
installation, such as TeX Live, which is available for download at
The Makefile and docutils expect that the TeX executables are
available via the path.