2ronwalf * Tell the reasoner to compute the subclass relations between all the named classes and find
2ronwalf * the instances of each class. The results will be cached and subsequent calls to queyr the
2ronwalf// * Used to enable/disable the attached reasoner for some period of time. Using reasoner to
2ronwalf// * frequently. Using this function, attached reasoner can be disabled and enabled back when
13daenzerorama * Removes all RDF statements from the model with the given OWLIndividual in
14daenzerorama * its object or subject therefore removing each occurrence of the given individual.
14daenzerorama * This is a convenience method for removeIndividuals(ind, false)
13daenzerorama * @param ind the individual to remove
14daenzerorama * @see #removeIndividuals(OWLIndividual, boolean)
13daenzerorama /**
14daenzerorama * Removes all RDF statements from the model with the given OWLIndividual in
14daenzerorama * its object or subject therefore removing each occurrence of the given individual.
14daenzerorama * If the <code>recursive</code> parameter is set, the method iterates recursively
14daenzerorama * through all properties of the given individual and removes them all.
14daenzerorama * ATTENTION: Use the recursive mode only when you are sure that your data is
14daenzerorama * structured in a tree and not in a graph (as OWL and OWL-S usually is). Otherwise
14daenzerorama * unexpected behaviour may be observed.
14daenzerorama * @param ind the individual to remove
14daenzerorama * @param recursive true, if recursive removal is desired. false otherwise
14daenzerorama /**
11daenzerorama * Returns all properties for a class. Note that a class is an instance in OWL and therefore
11daenzerorama * the properties given to the instance at definition are returned and NOT the
11daenzerorama * properties that are declared for this class. Use
11daenzerorama * <code>getDeclaredProperties(OWLClass claz)</code> instead.
11daenzerorama * @param claz the class whose properties will be returned
11daenzerorama * @return all properties (data- and object-properties) of the given class
11daenzerorama * @see #getDeclaredProperties(OWLClass)
11daenzerorama /**
11daenzerorama * Returns all declared properties for a class. Use
11daenzerorama * <code>getDeclaredProperties(OWLClass claz)</code> if you want the properties
11daenzerorama * of the instance at class defintion.
11daenzerorama * @param claz the class whose properties will be returned
11daenzerorama * @return all properties (data- and object-properties) of the given class
11daenzerorama * @see #getDeclaredProperties(OWLClass)
11daenzerorama /**
11daenzerorama * Returns all declared properties for a class. Use
11daenzerorama * <code>getDeclaredProperties(OWLClass claz)</code> if you want the properties
11daenzerorama * of the instance at class defintion.
11daenzerorama * @param claz the class whose properties will be returned
11daenzerorama * @param direct true, if only properties of the given class itself should be returned. false, if properties of superclasses should be returned too
11daenzerorama * @return all properties (data- and object-properties) of the given class
11daenzerorama * @see #getDeclaredProperties(OWLClass)
11daenzerorama /**
22daenzerorama /**
28daenzerorama * Returns a list with all individuals that do not belong to the OWL-S language
28daenzerorama * definition and its base and helpers languages such as OWL, RDF or SWRL.
28daenzerorama * @return all individuals do not belong to the OWL-S language definition
28daenzerorama /**
22daenzerorama * Returns a list with all classes that do not belong to the OWL-S language
22daenzerorama * definition and its base and helpers languages such as OWL, RDF or SWRL.
22daenzerorama * @return all classes do not belong to the OWL-S language definition
22daenzerorama /**
22daenzerorama * Returns a list with all object properties that do not belong to the OWL-S language
22daenzerorama * definition and its base and helpers languages such as OWL, RDF or SWRL.
22daenzerorama * @return all object properties do not belong to the OWL-S language definition
22daenzerorama /**
22daenzerorama * Returns a list with all datatype properties that do not belong to the OWL-S language
22daenzerorama * definition and its base and helpers languages such as OWL, RDF or SWRL.
22daenzerorama * @return all datatype do not belong to the OWL-S language definition