* Created on Dec 16, 2004
* An abstract view for querying a KnowledgeBase or a single ontology.
* @author Evren Sirin
public interface OWLModel {
* Return the implementation specific object for this model.
* @return
* Refresh the data in this model from the original source.
public void refresh();
* Check if the model is consistent or not. This functions will simply return true if
* there is no reasoner attached or the reasoner used does not support consistency check.
* @return
public boolean isConsistent();
* Prepare the reasoner associated with this model.
public void prepare();
* Tell the reasoner to compute the subclass relations between all the named classes and find
* the instances of each class. The results will be cached and subsequent calls to queyr the
* model will use the cache. This call has no effect if reasoner does not support
* classification.
public void classify();
* Returns true if the model is classifed.
public boolean isClassified();
* Set the reasoner of this model using a reasner name. See OWLFactory.getReasoners() for
* available reasoner names.
* <p>For Jena based implementation available reasoner names are:
* <ul>
* <li>RDFS</li>
* <li>RDFS-Simple</li>
* <li>Transitive</li>
* <li>OWL</li>
* <li>OWL-Mini</li>
* <li>OWL-Micro</li>
* <li>DIG</li>
* <li>Pellet</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @param reasonerName
* Set the reasoner using an implementation specific reasoner object. The exact type of the
* parameter is different for Jena and OWL-API.
* @param reasoner
* @return
// /**
// * answer all the queries may be too expensive especially when the KB is being changed
// * frequently. Using this function, attached reasoner can be disabled and enabled back when
// * needed.
// *
// * @param enabled
// * @return
// */
// public void enableReasoner( boolean enabled );
* The ontology where the changes will go. If this model represents an OWLOntology object
* then it is the same ontology, if th emodel represents a OWLKnowledgeBase then it is the
* base ontology of the KB.
* @return
// /**
// * @return
// */
// public OWLSObjListFactory getListFactory();
// /**
// * @param vocabulary
// * @return
// */
// public OWLSObjListFactory getListFactory(ListVocabulary vocabulary);
* @param uri
* @return
* @param uri
* @return
* @param uri
* @return
* @param uri
* @return
* @param c
* @return
* @param c
* @param uri
* @return
* @param value
* @return
* @param value
* @param language
* @return
* @param value
* @param datatypeURI
* @return
* @param value
* @return
* @param uri
* @return
* @param uri
* @return
* @param uri
* @return
* @param uri
* @return
* @param uri
* @return
* @param uri
* @return
* @param uri
* @return
* @param uri
* @return
* Set the value for the given data property to the given plain literal
* value (no language identifier). All the existing data values (that has
* no language identifier) will be removed.
* @param propURI
* @param value
* @param ind
* @param prop
* @param value
* Set the value for the given data property. All the existing data values
* (that has the same language identifier with the given value) will be removed.
* @param propURI
* @param value
* @param ind
* @param prop
* @param value
* Set the value for the given data property to the given literal by
* determining the RDF datatype from Java class. This function is
* equivalent to <code>setProperty(prop, OWLFactory.createDataValue(value))</code>.
* @param prop
* @param value
* @param ind
* @param prop
* @param value
* @param ind
* @param prop
* @param value
* Removes all RDF statements from the model with the given OWLIndividual in
* its object or subject therefore removing each occurrence of the given individual.
* This is a convenience method for removeIndividuals(ind, false)
* @param ind the individual to remove
* @see #removeIndividuals(OWLIndividual, boolean)
* Removes all RDF statements from the model with the given OWLIndividual in
* its object or subject therefore removing each occurrence of the given individual.
* If the <code>recursive</code> parameter is set, the method iterates recursively
* through all properties of the given individual and removes them all.
* ATTENTION: Use the recursive mode only when you are sure that your data is
* structured in a tree and not in a graph (as OWL and OWL-S usually is). Otherwise
* unexpected behaviour may be observed.
* @param ind the individual to remove
* @param recursive true, if recursive removal is desired. false otherwise
* @param ind
* @param prop
* Removes the specified triple from the Model.
* @param theInd OWLIndividual
* @param theProp OWLProperty
* @param theValue OWLValue
* @param ind
* @param prop
* @param value
* @param ind
* @param prop
* @param value
* @param ind
* @param c
* @param ind
* Returns true if c is an enumerated class (defined with owl:oneOf)
* @param c
* @return
* Returns the enumeration for the class (the list of individuals declared in the
* owl:oneOf list).
* @param c
* @return List of individuals or null if the class is not enumerated
* Check if one class is subclass of another
* @param c1
* @param c2
* @return
* Check if one datatype is subtype of another
* @param uri1
* @param uri2
* @return
* @param t1
* @param t2
* @return
* Check if one type is subsumed by another
* @param uri1
* @param uri2
* @return
* @param t1
* @param t2
* @return
* @param t1
* @param t2
* @return
* @param t1
* @param t2
* @return
* Check if two classes are disjoint. Returns true if there can possibly be no
* individual that may belong ot both classes.
* @param uri1
* @param uri2
* @return
* @param c1
* @param c2
* @return
* Get all the subclasses of the given class
* @param uri
* @return
* @param c
* @return
* Get all the (direct) subclasses of the given class
* @param c
* @param direct
* @return
* Get all the superclasses of the given class
* @param c
* @return
* Get all the (direct) subclasses of the given class
* @param c
* @param direct
* @return
* @param c
* @return
* @param p
* @return
* @param p
* @return
* @param p
* @return
* @param c
* @return
* @param ind
* @param c
* @return
* @param ind
* @return
* @param ind
* @return
* @param ind
* @param prop
* @return
* @param ind
* @param prop
* @return
* @param ind
* @return
* Returns all properties for a class. Note that a class is an instance in OWL and therefore
* the properties given to the instance at definition are returned and NOT the
* properties that are declared for this class. Use
* <code>getDeclaredProperties(OWLClass claz)</code> instead.
* @param claz the class whose properties will be returned
* @return all properties (data- and object-properties) of the given class
* @see #getDeclaredProperties(OWLClass)
* Returns all declared properties for a class. Use
* <code>getDeclaredProperties(OWLClass claz)</code> if you want the properties
* of the instance at class defintion.
* @param claz the class whose properties will be returned
* @return all properties (data- and object-properties) of the given class
* @see #getDeclaredProperties(OWLClass)
* Returns all declared properties for a class. Use
* <code>getDeclaredProperties(OWLClass claz)</code> if you want the properties
* of the instance at class defintion.
* @param claz the class whose properties will be returned
* @param direct true, if only properties of the given class itself should be returned. false, if properties of superclasses should be returned too
* @return all properties (data- and object-properties) of the given class
* @see #getDeclaredProperties(OWLClass)
* @param ind
* @param prop
* @return
* @param ind
* @param prop
* @param lang
* @return
* @param ind
* @param prop
* @return
* @param prop
* @param ind
* @return
* @param prop
* @param ind
* @return
* @param prop
* @param value
* @return
* @param prop
* @param value
* @return
* @param ind
* @param prop
* @return
* @param ind
* @param prop
* @param value
* @return
* Apply the given set of (ground) atoms to the model. Simply adds new assertions to the
* model.
* @param atoms
* @throws UnboundVariableException
* Similar to apply but simply skips the nonground atoms instead of throwing an
* exception.
* @param atoms
* Check if the conjunction of given atoms is entailed by the model.
* @param expr
* @return
* Check if the condition is true in this model. The condition is transformed into an
* <code>ABoxQuery</code> and then it is checked if the conjunction of atoms in the
* query is entailed by the model. This is equivalent to the call
* <code>isTrue( condition.getBody().toQuery() ).</code>
* @param expr
* @return
* Apply the given binding to the condition, thus grounding some of the variables,
* and then check if this condition is true in this model.
* @param expr
* @return
* Answer the given ABoxQuery and return a List of ValueMap's that contains the
* bindings for the result variables of the query. An empty list of answers
* indicates there are no answers for the query. If the query is ground, i.e.
* no variables in the body, then the returned list contains a single empty
* ValueMap object if the atoms in the query are entailed (again an empty list
* in case of failure)
* @param query
* @return
* Answer the given ABoxQuery passing in an initial binding of some of the variables
* in the query. This function returns a List of ValueMap's that contains the
* bindings for the result variables of the query. An empty list of answers
* indicates there are no answers for the query. If the query is ground, i.e.
* no variables in the body, then the returned list contains a single empty
* ValueMap object if the atoms in the query are entailed (again an empty list
* in case of failure)
* @param query
* @param values
* @return
* @param query
* @return
* Checks if this implementation supports locking for concurrent access;
* @return
public boolean isLockSupported();
* Lock the model for read operations. Multiple read operations are allowed for the same
* model. When the model is locked for reading no operation that would modify the model
* should be called. Throws an error if the model does not support concurrency, i.e.
* isLockSupported function returns false.
* @throws LockNotSupportedException
* Lock the model for write operations. No other thread can access the model while there is
* a write lock. Throws an error if the model does not support concurrency, i.e.
* isLockSupported function returns false.
* @throws LockNotSupportedException
* Releases the lock form the matching lockForXXX function.
//added 15.4.2005 by Michael Daenzer for Java-Grounding
// end added
* @param literal
* @return
* Return true if given two individuals are same as each other as dictated by the
* semantics of owl:sameAs.
* @param ind1
* @param ind2
* @return
* Return true if given two individuals are different from each other as
* dictated by the semantics of owl:differentFrom.
* @param ind1
* @param ind2
* @return
* Returns a list with all individuals that do not belong to the OWL-S language
* definition and its base and helpers languages such as OWL, RDF or SWRL.
* @return all individuals do not belong to the OWL-S language definition
* Returns a list with all classes that do not belong to the OWL-S language
* definition and its base and helpers languages such as OWL, RDF or SWRL.
* @return all classes do not belong to the OWL-S language definition
* Returns a list with all object properties that do not belong to the OWL-S language
* definition and its base and helpers languages such as OWL, RDF or SWRL.
* @return all object properties do not belong to the OWL-S language definition
* Returns a list with all datatype properties that do not belong to the OWL-S language
* definition and its base and helpers languages such as OWL, RDF or SWRL.
* @return all datatype do not belong to the OWL-S language definition