* Created on Mar 30, 2005
package impl.jena;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.mindswap.exceptions.NotImplementedException;
import org.mindswap.owl.OWLClass;
import org.mindswap.owl.OWLDataProperty;
import org.mindswap.owl.OWLDataValue;
import org.mindswap.owl.OWLFactory;
import org.mindswap.owl.OWLIndividual;
import org.mindswap.owl.OWLModel;
import org.mindswap.owl.OWLObjectProperty;
import org.mindswap.owl.OWLOntology;
import org.mindswap.owl.OWLProperty;
import org.mindswap.owl.vocabulary.SWRL;
import org.mindswap.query.ABoxQuery;
import org.mindswap.query.ABoxQueryParser;
import org.mindswap.swrl.Atom;
import org.mindswap.swrl.AtomList;
import org.mindswap.swrl.BuiltinAtom;
import org.mindswap.swrl.SWRLDataObject;
import org.mindswap.swrl.SWRLDataValue;
import org.mindswap.swrl.SWRLDataVariable;
import org.mindswap.swrl.SWRLFactory;
import org.mindswap.swrl.SWRLFactoryCreator;
import org.mindswap.swrl.SWRLIndividual;
import org.mindswap.swrl.SWRLIndividualObject;
import org.mindswap.swrl.SWRLIndividualVariable;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.enhanced.EnhGraph;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Node;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Triple;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.query.Expression;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.impl.LiteralImpl;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdql.Query;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdql.parser.ParsedLiteral;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdql.parser.Q_Equal;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdql.parser.Q_GreaterThan;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdql.parser.Q_GreaterThanOrEqual;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdql.parser.Q_LessThan;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdql.parser.Q_LessThanOrEqual;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdql.parser.Q_NotEqual;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RDF;
* @author Evren Sirin
public class RDQLParser implements ABoxQueryParser {
private static final String varNS = "var:";
private OWLModel model;
public RDQLParser(OWLModel model) {
this.model = model;
public ABoxQuery parse( String rdqlString ) {
try {
OWLOntology ont = OWLFactory.createOntology();
SWRLFactory swrl = SWRLFactoryCreator.createFactory( ont );
List resultVars = new ArrayList();
Map vars = new HashMap();
Query rdql = new Query( rdqlString );
AtomList atomList = swrl.createList();
for( Iterator i = rdql.getTriplePatterns().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
Triple t = (Triple) i.next();
if( t.getPredicate().isVariable() )
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Variables cannot be used in predicate position in AboxQuery");
Atom atom = null;
URI pred = new URI( t.getPredicate().getURI() );
if( pred.toString().equals( RDF.type.getURI() ) ) {
if( t.getObject().isVariable() )
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Variables cannot be used as objects of rdf:type triples in ABoxQuery");
OWLClass c = ont.createClass( new URI( t.getObject().getURI() ) );
SWRLIndividualObject arg = makeIndividalObject( t.getSubject(), ont );
atom = swrl.createClassAtom( c, arg );
vars.put(t.getSubject().toString(), arg);
else {
OWLProperty p = model.getProperty( pred );
if( p == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( pred + " is not a known [Object|Data]Property." );
else if( p instanceof OWLDataProperty ) {
OWLDataProperty dp = ont.createDataProperty( p.getURI() ) ;
SWRLIndividualObject arg1 = makeIndividalObject( t.getSubject(), ont );
SWRLDataObject arg2 = makeDataObject( t.getObject(), ont );
vars.put(t.getSubject().toString(), arg1);
vars.put(t.getObject().toString(), arg2);
atom = swrl.createDataPropertyAtom( dp, arg1, arg2 );
else {
OWLObjectProperty op = ont.createObjectProperty( p.getURI() ) ;
SWRLIndividualObject arg1 = makeIndividalObject( t.getSubject(), ont );
SWRLIndividualObject arg2 = makeIndividalObject( t.getObject(), ont );
vars.put(t.getSubject().toString(), arg1);
vars.put(t.getObject().toString(), arg2);
atom = swrl.createIndividualPropertyAtom( op, arg1, arg2 );
atomList = atomList.add( atom );
for( Iterator i = rdql.getConstraints().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
Expression expr = (Expression) i.next();
SWRLDataObject arg1 = makeDataObject( expr.getArg(0), ont) ;
SWRLDataObject arg2 = makeDataObject( expr.getArg(1), ont );
BuiltinAtom atom = null;
if ( expr instanceof Q_Equal )
atom = swrl.createEqual( arg1, arg2 );
else if ( expr instanceof Q_NotEqual )
atom = swrl.createNotEqual( arg1, arg2 );
else if ( expr instanceof Q_GreaterThan )
atom = swrl.createGreaterThan( arg1, arg2 );
else if ( expr instanceof Q_GreaterThanOrEqual )
atom = swrl.createGreaterThanOrEqual( arg1, arg2 );
else if ( expr instanceof Q_LessThan )
atom = swrl.createLessThan( arg1, arg2 );
else if ( expr instanceof Q_LessThanOrEqual )
atom = swrl.createLessThanOrEqual( arg1, arg2 );
throw new NotImplementedException();
atomList.add( atom );
for( Iterator i = rdql.getResultVars().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
String var = (String) i.next();
resultVars.add( vars.get( "?" + var ) );
return new ABoxQuery( atomList, resultVars );
} catch(URISyntaxException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( e.getInput() + " is not a valid URI!");
private SWRLDataObject makeDataObject( Expression expr, OWLOntology ont ) throws URISyntaxException {
if( expr.isVariable() ) {
OWLIndividual ind = ont.createInstance( SWRL.Variable, new URI( varNS + expr.getName() ) );
return (SWRLDataObject) ind.castTo(SWRLDataVariable.class);
else if( expr.isConstant() ) {
OWLDataValue value = null;
if( expr instanceof ParsedLiteral ) {
ParsedLiteral lit = (ParsedLiteral) expr;
if( lit.isNode() ) {
throw new NotImplementedException();
else if( lit.isInt() ) {
value = ont.createDataValue( new Long( lit.getInt()) );
else if( lit.isDouble() ) {
value = ont.createDataValue( new Double( lit.getInt()) );
else if( lit.isBoolean() ) {
value = ont.createDataValue( lit.getBoolean() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE );
else if( lit.isString() ) {
value = ont.createDataValue( lit.getString() );
else if( lit.isURI() ) {
value = ont.createDataValue( URI.create( lit.getURI() ) );
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
value = ont.createDataValue( expr.getValue() );
return (SWRLDataValue) value.castTo(SWRLDataValue.class);
else {
throw new NotImplementedException();
private SWRLDataObject makeDataObject( Node node, OWLOntology ont ) throws URISyntaxException {
if( node.isVariable() ) {
OWLIndividual ind = ont.createInstance( SWRL.Variable, new URI( varNS + node.getName() ) );
return (SWRLDataObject) ind.castTo(SWRLDataVariable.class);
else {
OWLDataValue value = new OWLDataValueImpl( new LiteralImpl( node, (EnhGraph) ont.getImplementation() ) );
return (SWRLDataValue) value.castTo(SWRLDataValue.class);
private SWRLIndividualObject makeIndividalObject( Node node, OWLOntology ont ) throws URISyntaxException {
if( node.isVariable() ) {
OWLIndividual ind = ont.createInstance( SWRL.Variable, new URI( varNS + node.getName() ) );
return (SWRLIndividualObject) ind.castTo( SWRLIndividualVariable.class );
else {
OWLIndividual ind = ont.createInstance( org.mindswap.owl.vocabulary.OWL.Thing, new URI(
node.getURI() ) );
return (SWRLIndividualObject) ind.castTo( SWRLIndividual.class );