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# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
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# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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"""NIS classes used by nscfg."""
from __future__ import print_function
from .nssbase import Nssbase
import os, pwd, grp
# NIS Domain class shared by all NIS components.
class NisDomain(Nssbase):
"""Network Information Service (NIS) class. Represents the configuration
of a NIS Domain. See defaultdomain(4) for details."""
SERVICE = 'svc:/network/nis/domain'
DEFPG = 'config'
DEFPROP = '' # No default property
DOC = "# See ypfiles(4) and defaultdomain(4) for details.\n"
# Supported Property groups
ALLPGS = [ 'config', ]
ALLPROPS = { 'domainname': True, 'ypservers': False, 'securenets': False }
BACKEND = '' # Set to backend name if nss_backend
# domainname specifics
LEGACY_YPDIR = '/var/yp'
LEGACY_YPBINDDIR = '/var/yp/binding'
LEGACYDEFDOM = 'defaultdomain'
DOMNAME = 'domainname'
DOMTYPE = 'hostname'
YPSERVERS = 'ypservers'
SECURENETS = 'securenets'
YPASTRING = 'astring'
UNCPROP = ( 'domainname', 'hostname' , '' )
VALUE_AUTH = 'solaris.smf.value.name-service.nis.domain'
def __init__(self):
def export_from_smf(self):
"""Export from SMF. Re-generate the following configuration file:
domainname, ypservers, securenets
Non-existent or empty domain name means no domain."""
self.print_msg('exporting NIS DOMAIN legacy...')
# Get domainname property
domain = self.get_prop_val(prop=self.DOMNAME)
if domain == None or domain == '':
os.unlink(self.legacy_path()) # delete old and exit
return self.NOCHANGE # Already deleted
return self.SUCCESS
# Get ypservers data
ypservers = None
yps = self.get_prop_val_list(prop=self.YPSERVERS)
if type(yps) == type(()) and len(yps) > 0:
ypservers = '\n'.join(yps)
ypservers += '\n'
# securenets single line per smf propval
securenets = None
snet = self.get_prop_val_list(prop=self.SECURENETS)
if type(snet) == type(()) and len(snet) > 0:
securenets = ''
for sarr in snet:
if type(sarr) != type('') or len(sarr.split()) != 2:
continue # wrong number of args
securenets += sarr # sarr is a 'netmask network'
securenets += '\n' # per line
if securenets == '':
securenets = None
# Create domain directory
if not os.path.isdir(self.LEGACY_YPDIR):
return self.FAIL # No top level yp dir
if not os.path.isdir(self.LEGACY_YPBINDDIR):
return self.FAIL # No Binding dir
domdir = os.path.join(self.LEGACY_YPBINDDIR, domain)
if not os.path.isdir(domdir): # No domain dir
uid = pwd.getpwnam('root').pw_uid
gid = grp.getgrnam('root').gr_gid
os.mkdir(domdir, 0755)
os.chown(domdir, uid, gid)
return self.FAIL
ddret = self.NOCHANGE
ysret = self.NOCHANGE
snret = self.NOCHANGE
# Write defaultdomain
self.print_msg('exporting defaultdomain.')
data = domain + '\n'
# Save to temp file, no header
if not self.save_to_tmp(False, data):
return self.FAIL
ddret = self.tmp_to_legacy()
if ddret == self.FAIL:
self.print_msg('fail move to legacy...')
return self.FAIL
# Write ypservers if it exists
if ypservers != None:
self.print_msg('exporting ypservers.')
# Save to temp file, with header
if not self.save_to_tmp(True, ypservers):
return self.FAIL
ysret = self.tmp_to_legacy()
if ysret == self.FAIL:
self.print_msg('fail move to legacy...')
return self.FAIL
# write securenets if it exists
if securenets != None:
self.print_msg('exporting securenets.')
# Save to temp file, with header
if not self.save_to_tmp(True, securenets):
return self.FAIL
snret = self.tmp_to_legacy()
if snret == self.FAIL:
self.print_msg('fail move to legacy...')
return self.FAIL
if ddret == self.NOCHANGE and ysret == self.NOCHANGE and \
snret == self.NOCHANGE:
return self.NOCHANGE
self.print_msg('successful export.')
return self.SUCCESS
def import_to_smf(self):
"""Import to SMF. Configure SMF using /var/yp configuration.
If the domainname files does not exists, there is no domain."""
self.print_msg('importing legacy defaultdomain...')
# Check for domainname first
legacy = self.legacy_path()
err = False
# First check for nis/domain un-configuration
if not os.path.exists(legacy): # No domainname , no import
return self.NOCONFIG
# Import default domain
lines = self.load_legacy()
if lines == None or len(lines) != 1:
return self.NOCONFIG
domain = lines[0]
self.print_msg(' processed domain: ', domain)
yserv = []
snet = []
# LOAD ypservers if it exists
# Check for top level yp dir
# Binding dir and domaindir
if os.path.isdir(self.LEGACY_YPDIR) and \
domdir = os.path.join(self.LEGACY_YPBINDDIR, domain)
if os.path.isdir(domdir): # domain dir
self.print_msg('importing legacy ypservers...')
lines = self.load_legacy()
if lines == None:
lines = []
for s in lines:
s = s.translate(None, '\t ')
if len(s) > 0:
if s.startswith('#'): # Skip comments
if not self.typecheck(self.YPHOSTTYPE, s):
emsg = 'Illegal value (%s): %s' % \
(self.YPHOSTTYPE, s)
err = True
if err:
return self.FAIL
self.print_msg(' processed ypservers yserv: ', yserv)
# LOAD securenets if it exists
self.print_msg('importing legacy securenets...')
lines = self.load_legacy()
if lines == None:
lines = []
self.traceit(' legacy securenets...', lines)
for s in lines:
if len(s) > 0:
if s.startswith('#'): # Skip comments
if len(s.split()) != 2: # must have 2 fields
self.print_msg(' processed securenets snet: ', snet)
# Exit before write processing
if self.no_write:
return self.SUCCESS
# delete old property group
self.print_msg(' delete customizations.')
if not self.delcust_pg(self.DEFPG):
return self.FAIL
# Commit the property group
if not self.commit():
return self.FAIL
# load property group
self.print_msg(' loading pg...')
# Add domainname
self.traceit(' adding: domainname ', domain)
ret = self.add_prop_val(self.DEFPG, self.DOMNAME, self.DOMTYPE, domain)
if not ret:
return self.FAIL
if len(yserv) > 0:
self.traceit(' adding: ypservers ', yserv)
if not self.add_prop_val(self.DEFPG, \
self.YPSERVERS, self.YPHOSTTYPE, yserv):
self.traceit(' ERR adding ypservers: ', yserv)
return self.FAIL
if len(snet) > 0:
self.traceit(' adding: securenets ', snet)
if not self.add_prop_val(self.DEFPG, \
self.SECURENETS, self.YPASTRING, snet):
self.traceit(' ERR adding securenets: ', snet)
return self.FAIL
# Commit the property group
self.print_msg(' committing pg...')
if not self.commit(self.DEFPG):
return self.FAIL
# validate
self.print_msg(' validating pg...')
if not self.validate():
return self.FAIL
self.print_msg('successful import.')
return self.SUCCESS
def unconfig_smf(self):
"""Unconfigure SMF. Reset DEFPG."""
self.print_msg('unconfiguring NIS DOMAIN...')
self.print_msg('Delete customizations.')
if not self.delcust_pg(self.DEFPG):
return self.FAIL
# Commit the property group
if not self.commit():
return self.FAIL
self.print_msg('successful unconfigure.')
return self.SUCCESS
def is_populated(self):
"""Is SMF populated with this service? True/False"""
pgs = self.get_pgs()
if pgs != None:
if self.DEFPG in pgs: # default PG must exist
return True
return False
# This Function is a bit different for nis/domain, because
# domainname is a single line with no comments. So check to see
# if there is a domainname and it matches the property before
# determining if nis/domain is configured or not.
def is_configured(self):
"""Is this SMF service configured from SMF data?"""
if self.is_enabled(): # Service is already 'online'
return True
pgs = self.get_pgs()
if pgs == None:
return False
if not self.DEFPG in pgs: # default PG must exist
return False
# Must have a domainname
domain = self.get_prop_val(prop=self.DOMNAME)
if domain == None:
return False
dom_is_conf = False
has_dom = False
srv_is_conf = False
sec_is_conf = False
# First check domainname
if domain == '':
if not self.legacy_exists(): # [1] no domain / no legacy file
dom_is_conf = True
if not self.legacy_exists(): # [2] domain / no legacy file
dom_is_conf = True
lines = self.load_legacy() # domain / legacy file
if type(lines) == type([]) and len(lines) > 0:
if lines[0] == domain:
dom_is_conf = True # [3] domain / legacy file match
has_dom = True
# Unless there is a configured domain, there cannot be anything else
if not dom_is_conf: # [4] unconfigured
return False
# if property is configured but not generated that is ok.
if not has_dom: # [1] or [2]
return True
# Check for other generated configuration files
if not os.path.isdir(self.LEGACY_YPDIR):
return False
if os.path.isdir(self.LEGACY_YPDIR) and \
domdir = os.path.join(self.LEGACY_YPBINDDIR, domain)
if not os.path.isdir(domdir): # domain dir must also exist
return False
return False # Missing ypbind tree
# Directory structure is ok.
# Next check ypservers
if self.legacy_exists()and not self.is_autogenerated():
return False
# Finally check securenets
if self.legacy_exists()and not self.is_autogenerated():
return False
# Domain name, dirs and optional files are configured
return True
# NIS Client class - nsswitch client side component
class NisClient(Nssbase):
"""Network Information Service (NIS) class. Represents the configuration
of the NIS client. See ypinit(1m) for details."""
SERVICE = 'svc:/network/nis/client'
LEGACYDIR = '/etc'
DEFPG = 'config'
DEFPROP = '' # No default property
# Supported Property groups
ALLPGS = [ 'config', ]
'use_broadcast': False, 'use_ypsetme': False,
BACKEND = 'nss_nis' # Set to backend name if nss_backend
VALUE_AUTH = 'solaris.smf.value.name-service.nis.client'
def __init__(self):
def export_from_smf(self):
"""Do nothing for nis/client. No properties to auto export."""
self.print_msg('successful export.')
return self.SUCCESS
def import_to_smf(self):
"""Do nothing for nis/client. No properties to auto import."""
self.print_msg('successful import.')
return self.SUCCESS
def unconfig_smf(self):
"""Unconfigure SMF. Reset DEFPG."""
self.print_msg('unconfiguring NIS client...')
self.print_msg('Delete customizations.')
if not self.delcust_pg(self.DEFPG):
return self.FAIL
# Commit the property group
if not self.commit():
return self.FAIL
self.print_msg('successful unconfigure.')
return self.SUCCESS
def is_populated(self):
"""Is SMF populated with this service? True/False"""
pgs = self.get_pgs()
if pgs != None:
if self.DEFPG in pgs: # default PG exists
return True
return False
def is_configured(self):
"""Is this SMF service configured from SMF data?"""
if self.is_enabled(): # Service is already 'online'
return True
if self.is_populated(): # Service must be populated
return True
return False
# NIS Server class - For ypserv
class NisServer(Nssbase):
"""Network Information Service (NIS) class. Represents the configuration
of the NIS server. See ypserv(1m) for details."""
SERVICE = 'svc:/network/nis/server'
LEGACYDIR = '/etc'
DEFPG = 'config'
DEFPROP = '' # No default property
# Supported Property groups
ALLPGS = [ 'config', ]
'service_dns': False,
BACKEND = 'nss_dns' # Set to backend name if nss_backend
VALUE_AUTH = 'solaris.smf.value.name-service.nis.server'
def __init__(self):
def export_from_smf(self):
"""Do nothing for nis/server. No properties to auto export."""
self.print_msg('successful export.')
return self.SUCCESS
def import_to_smf(self):
"""Do nothing for nis/server. No properties to auto import."""
self.print_msg('successful import.')
return self.SUCCESS
def unconfig_smf(self):
"""Unconfigure SMF. Reset DEFPG."""
self.print_msg('unconfiguring NIS SERVER...')
self.print_msg('Delete customizations.')
if not self.delcust_pg(self.DEFPG):
return self.FAIL
# Commit the property group
if not self.commit():
return self.FAIL
self.print_msg('successful unconfigure.')
return self.SUCCESS
def is_populated(self):
"""Is SMF populated with this service? True/False"""
pgs = self.get_pgs()
if pgs != None:
if self.DEFPG in pgs: # default PG exists
return True
return False
def is_configured(self):
"""Is this SMF service configured from SMF data?"""
if self.is_enabled(): # Service is already 'online'
return True
if self.is_populated(): # Service must be populated
return True
return False
# NIS Xfr class - For ypxfrd
class NisXfr(Nssbase):
"""Network Information Service (NIS) class. Represents the configuration
of the NIS transfer daemon (ypxfrd). See ypxfrd(1m) for details."""
SERVICE = 'svc:/network/nis/xfr'
LEGACYDIR = '/etc'
DEFPG = 'config'
DEFPROP = '' # No default property
# Supported Property groups
ALLPGS = [ 'config', ]
BACKEND = '' # Set to backend name if nss_backend
def __init__(self):
def export_from_smf(self):
"""Do nothing for nis/xfr. No properties to auto export."""
self.print_msg('successful export.')
return self.SUCCESS
def import_to_smf(self):
"""Do nothing for nis/xfr. No properties to auto import."""
self.print_msg('successful import.')
return self.SUCCESS
def unconfig_smf(self):
"""Unconfigure SMF. Do nothing. No configuration files."""
self.print_msg('successful unconfigure.')
return self.SUCCESS
def is_populated(self):
"""Is SMF populated with this service? Yes. (no SMF config)"""
return True
def is_configured(self):
"""Is this SMF service configured from SMF data?"""
return True
# NIS Passwd class - for rpc.yppasswdd
class NisPasswd(Nssbase):
"""Network Information Service (NIS) class. Represents the configuration
of the NIS Passwd daemon. See rpc.yppasswdd(1m) for details."""
SERVICE = 'svc:/network/nis/passwd'
LEGACYDIR = '/etc'
DEFPG = 'config'
DEFPROP = '' # No default property
# Supported Property groups
ALLPGS = [ 'config', ]
BACKEND = '' # Set to backend name if nss_backend
def __init__(self):
def export_from_smf(self):
"""Do nothing for nis/passwd. No properties to auto export."""
self.print_msg('successful export.')
return self.SUCCESS
def import_to_smf(self):
"""Do nothing for nis/passwd. No properties to auto import."""
self.print_msg('successful import.')
return self.SUCCESS
def unconfig_smf(self):
"""Unconfigure SMF. Do nothing. No configuration files."""
self.print_msg('successful unconfigure.')
return self.SUCCESS
def is_populated(self):
"""Is SMF populated with this service? Yes. (no SMF config)"""
return True
def is_configured(self):
"""Is this SMF service configured from SMF data?"""
return True
# NIS Update class - for rpc.ypupdated
class NisUpdate(Nssbase):
"""Network Information Service (NIS) class. Represents the configuration
of the NIS Update daemon. See rpc.ypupdated(1m) for details."""
SERVICE = 'svc:/network/nis/update'
LEGACYDIR = '/etc'
DEFPG = 'config'
DEFPROP = '' # No default property
# Supported Property groups
ALLPGS = [ 'config', ]
BACKEND = '' # Set to backend name if nss_backend
def __init__(self):
def export_from_smf(self):
"""Do nothing for nis/update. No properties to auto export."""
self.print_msg('successful export.')
return self.SUCCESS
def import_to_smf(self):
"""Do nothing for nis/update. No properties to auto import."""
self.print_msg('successful import.')
return self.SUCCESS
def unconfig_smf(self):
"""Unconfigure SMF. Do nothing. No configuration files."""
self.print_msg('successful unconfigure.')
return self.SUCCESS
def is_populated(self):
"""Is SMF populated with this service? Yes. (no SMF config)"""
return True
def is_configured(self):
"""Is this SMF service configured from SMF data?"""
return True