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"""DNS classes used by nscfg."""
from __future__ import print_function
from .nssbase import Nssbase
import os
class DnsClient(Nssbase):
"""Domain Name Service (DNS) class. Represents the configuration
of DNS. See resolv.conf(4) for details."""
SERVICE = 'svc:/network/dns/client'
LEGACY = 'resolv.conf'
LEGACYDIR = '/etc'
DEFPG = 'config'
DEFPROP = '' # No default property
DOC = "# See resolv.conf(4) for details.\n"
# Supported Property groups
ALLPGS = [ 'config', ]
# propname: [ type, multivalued]
ALLPROPS = { 'nameserver': [ 'net_address', True],
'domain': [ 'astring', False],
'search': [ 'astring', True],
'sortlist': [ 'net_address', True],
'options': [ 'astring', False], # XXX really multivalued
ALLPROPLIST = ( 'domain', 'search', 'options', 'sortlist', 'nameserver', )
BACKEND = 'nss_dns'
VALUE_AUTH = 'solaris.smf.value.name-service.dns.client'
NMLIST = ( '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '',
'', '', '',
'', '', )
def __init__(self):
def na_to_sl(self, addr):
"""convert net_address to sort list format (expand netmask)."""
self.print_msg('net_address -> sortlist got: ', addr)
if addr.find('/') == -1: # no netmask to change
return addr
ip, mask = addr.split('/')
im = int(mask)
return None
if im >=0 and im <= 32:
nm = self.NMLIST[im]
return None
ret = "%s/%s" % (ip, nm)
self.print_msg('net_address -> sortlist returns: ', ret)
return ret
def sl_to_na(self, addr):
"""convert sort list to net_address format (compact netmask)."""
self.print_msg('sortlist -> net_address got: ', addr)
if addr.find('/') == -1: # no netmask to change
return addr
ip, mask = addr.split('/')
idx = 0
while idx <= 32:
if self.NMLIST[idx] == mask:
idx += 1
if idx > 32:
return None
ret = "%s/%d" % (ip, idx)
self.print_msg('sortlist -> net_address returns: ', ret)
return ret
def export_from_smf(self):
"""Export from SMF. Re-generate resolv.conf file"""
self.print_msg('exporting DNS legacy...')
# Map SMF properties to DB
db = {}
for p in self.ALLPROPS.keys():
self.traceit('p= ', p)
db[p] = None # Setup properties
if self.ALLPROPS[p][1]:
pval = self.get_prop_val_list(prop=p) # Get Tuple
pval = self.get_prop_val(prop=p) # Get single value
self.traceit(' pval[p]= ', pval)
if pval != None and pval != '':
db[p] = pval # Set Specific
self.traceit('db= ', db)
data = ''
# Generate config props
for p in self.ALLPROPLIST: # Generate config props
val = db[p]
if type(val) == type(()):
if p == 'nameserver': # one nameserver per line
for v in val:
data += "%s\t%s\n" % (p, v)
else: # otherwise combine all values
vv = ''
for v in val:
if p == 'sortlist': # convert net_addr -> sortlist
v = self.na_to_sl(v)
if v == None:
if vv == '':
vv = v
vv = vv + ' ' + v
data += "%s\t%s\n" % (p, vv)
elif type(val) == type(''): # One value, one line
data += "%s\t%s\n" % (p, val)
if data == '': # No resolv.conf
return self.NOCHANGE # Already deleted. No change
return self.SUCCESS # Is a valid configuration
# Save to temp file, no header
if not self.save_to_tmp(True, data):
return self.FAIL
ret = self.tmp_to_legacy()
if ret == self.FAIL:
self.print_msg('fail move to legacy...')
return self.FAIL
self.print_msg('successful export.')
return ret
def import_to_smf(self):
"""Import to SMF. Configure SMF from resolv.conf file."""
self.print_msg('importing DNS legacy...')
have_ns = False
err = False
db = []
lines = self.load_legacy()
if lines == None:
return self.NOCONFIG
self.traceit(' loaded legacy: ', lines)
for l in lines:
if l == '': # Skip empty lines
if l[0] == ';' or l[0] == '#': # Skip comment lines
if l.startswith('nameserver'):
dc = l.find('#') # nameserver allows # comments
if dc >= 0:
l = l[:dc]
sc = l.find(';') # Skip end of line ; comments
if sc >= 0:
l = l[:sc]
l = l.rstrip()
vals = l.split()
if len(vals) < 2:
self.traceit(' trying: ', vals)
key = vals[0] # verify key and values
tarray = self.ALLPROPS[key]
if key == 'options': # convert to single valued
v = ' '.join(vals[1:])
vals = [ key, v ]
if not tarray[1] and len(vals) > 2:
vals = vals[0:2]
vals = vals[1:]
for v in vals:
if key == 'sortlist': # convert sortlist -> net_addr
self.traceit(' sl2na >: ', v)
v = self.sl_to_na(v)
self.traceit(' sl2na <: ', v)
if v == None:
if not self.typecheck(tarray[0], v):
emsg = 'Illegal value (%s): %s' % \
(tarray[0], v)
err = True
db.append((key, tarray[0], v))
if err:
return self.FAIL
self.traceit(' processed db: ', db)
# db now holds all key/value pars to send to smf
# resolv.conf can be empty so NOCONFIG is not an error here
# Therefore don't: if len(db) == 0: return self.NOCONFIG
# Exit before write processing
if self.no_write:
return self.SUCCESS
# delete old property group
self.print_msg(' delete customizations.')
if not self.delcust_pg(self.DEFPG):
return self.FAIL
# Commit the property group
if not self.commit():
return self.FAIL
# load property group
self.print_msg(' loading pg...')
# Create the multivalued prop list
mval = {}
mvaltype = {}
self.traceit(' loading mval, mvaltype...', mval, mvaltype)
for prop in self.ALLPROPS.keys():
self.traceit(' loading mval, mvaltype...', mval, mvaltype)
if self.ALLPROPS[prop][1]:
mval[prop] = []
mvaltype[prop] = self.ALLPROPS[prop][0]
self.traceit(' loading mval, mvaltype...', mval, mvaltype)
# Populate the multivalued prop list
for (prop, ptype, val) in db:
if self.ALLPROPS[prop][1] and mvaltype[prop] == ptype:
self.traceit(' mval adding: ', prop, ptype, val)
self.traceit(' populated mval, mvaltype...', mval, mvaltype)
# load the single valued props
for (prop, ptype, val) in db:
self.traceit(' adding: ', prop, ptype, val)
if self.ALLPROPS[prop][1]:
if not self.add_prop_val(self.DEFPG, prop, ptype, val):
self.print_msg(' ERR adding: ', prop, ptype, v)
return self.FAIL
for prop in mval.keys():
if len(mval[prop]) > 0:
self.traceit(' mval adding: ', prop, ptype, mval[prop])
ptype = mvaltype[prop]
if not self.add_prop_val(self.DEFPG, prop, ptype, mval[prop]):
self.print_msg(' ERR adding: ', prop, ptype, mval[prop])
return self.FAIL
# Commit the property group
self.print_msg(' committing pg...')
if not self.commit(self.DEFPG):
return self.FAIL
# validate
self.print_msg(' validating pg...')
if not self.validate():
return self.FAIL
self.print_msg('successful import.')
return self.SUCCESS
def unconfig_smf(self):
"""Unconfigure SMF. Reset DEFPG."""
self.print_msg('unconfiguring DNS...')
self.print_msg('Delete customizations.')
if not self.delcust_pg(self.DEFPG):
return self.FAIL
# Commit the property group
if not self.commit():
return self.FAIL
self.print_msg('successful unconfigure.')
return self.SUCCESS
def is_populated(self):
"""Is SMF populated with this service? True/False"""
pgs = self.get_pgs()
if pgs != None:
if self.DEFPG in pgs: # default PG must exist
return True # All properties are optional
return False