* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
* (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
* or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
* file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
* If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
* fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
* information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
* Copyright (c) 1995, by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
#pragma ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI"
* doupdate.c
* XCurses Library
* Copyright 1990, 1995 by Mortice Kern Systems Inc. All rights reserved.
#ifdef M_RCSID
#ifndef lint
static char const rcsID[] = "$Header: /rd/src/libc/xcurses/rcs/doupdate.c 1.9 1995/07/26 17:45:06 ant Exp $";
#include <private.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <signal.h>
#undef SIGTSTP
* Disable typeahead trapping because it slow down updated dramatically
* on MPE/iX.
#ifdef MPE_STUB
* This value is the ideal length for the cursor addressing sequence
* being four bytes long, ie. "<escape><cursor addressing code><row><col>".
* eg. VT52 - "\EYrc" or ADM3A - "\E=rc"
#define JUMP_SIZE 4
* This value is the ideal length for the clear-to-eol sequence
* being two bytes long, ie "<escape><clear eol code>".
#define CEOL_SIZE 2
#define GOTO(r,c) (__m_mvcur(curscr->_cury, curscr->_curx,r,c,__m_outc),\
curscr->_cury = r, curscr->_curx = c)
typedef struct cost_op {
short cost;
short op;
} lcost;
typedef void (*t_action)(int, int);
static jmp_buf breakout;
#define LC(i,j) (lc[(i) * (LINES + 1) + (j)])
static lcost *lc = (lcost *) 0;
static unsigned long *nhash = (unsigned long *) 0;
static t_action *del = (t_action *) 0;
static t_action *ins_rep = (t_action *) 0;
static WINDOW *newscr;
STATIC void erase_bottom(int);
STATIC void clear_bottom(int);
STATIC void complex(void);
STATIC int cost(int, int);
STATIC void lines_delete(int, int);
STATIC void lines_insert(int, int);
STATIC void lines_replace(int, int);
STATIC void script(int, int);
STATIC int scroll_dn(int);
STATIC int scroll_up(int);
STATIC void simple(void);
STATIC void text_replace(int);
STATIC void block_over(int, int, int);
* Wrapper that streams Curses output.
* All escape sequences going to the screen come through here.
* All ordinary characters go to the screen via the putc in doupdate.c
int ch;
return putc(ch, __m_screen->_of);
* Allocate or grow doupdate() structures.
void *new;
static short nlines = 0;
if (lines <= 0)
return -1;
if (lines <= nlines)
return 0;
new = m_malloc((lines+1) * (lines+1) * sizeof *lc);
if (new == (void *) 0)
return -1;
if (lc != (lcost *) 0)
lc = (lcost *) new;
new = m_malloc((lines + lines) * sizeof *del);
if (new == (void *) 0)
return -1;
if (del != (t_action *) 0)
del = (t_action *) new;
ins_rep = del + lines;
new = m_malloc(lines * sizeof *nhash);
if (new == (void *) 0)
return -1;
if (nhash != (unsigned long *) 0)
nhash = (unsigned long *) new;
nlines = lines;
return 0;
int y;
int i;
for (i = y; i < LINES; ++i) {
(void) __m_cc_erase(curscr, i, 0, i, curscr->_maxx-1);
__m_cc_hash(curscr, __m_screen->_hash, i);
* Clear from the start of the current row to bottom of screen.
int y;
/* Restore default color pair before doing area clears. */
if (back_color_erase)
(void) vid_puts(WA_NORMAL, 0, (void *) 0, __m_outc);
if (y == 0 && clear_screen != (char *) 0) {
(void) tputs(clear_screen, 1, __m_outc);
} else {
(void) __m_mvcur(-1, -1, y, 0, __m_outc);
if (clr_eos != (char *) 0) {
(void) tputs(clr_eos, 1, __m_outc);
} else if (clr_eol != (char *) 0) {
for (;;) {
(void) tputs(clr_eol, 1, __m_outc);
if (LINES <= y)
(void) __m_mvcur(y, 0, y+1, 0, __m_outc);
curscr->_cury = y;
curscr->_curx = 0;
* Replace a line of text.
* The principal scheme is to overwrite the region of a line between
* the first and last differing characters. A clear-eol is used to
* optimise an update region that consist largely of blanks. This can
* happen fairly often in the case of scrolled lines or full redraws.
* Miller's line redraw algorithm, used in the 'S' editor [Mil87],
* should be re-investigated to see if it is simple and fast enough for
* our needs, and if it can be adapted to handle the ceol_standout_glitch
* (HP 2392A terminals) and multibyte character sequences.
* Very early versions of this code applied a Gosling algorithm column
* wise in addition to the row-wise used in complex(). It was removed
* in favour of both computation and transmission speed. The assumption
* being that overwrites of a line region occured far more frequently
* than the need to insert/delete several isolated characters.
* References:
* [Mil87] W. Miller, A Software Tools Sampler, Prentice-Hall, 1987
int row;
short npair;
attr_t cookie, nattr;
cchar_t *optr, *nptr;
int col, last, tail, jump, count;
/* Before replacing a line of text, check for type-ahead. */
if (__m_screen->_flags & S_ISATTY) {
unsigned char cc;
if (read(__m_screen->_kfd, &cc, sizeof cc) == sizeof cc) {
(void) ungetch(cc);
longjmp(breakout, 1);
col = newscr->_first[row];
if (col < 0)
col = 0;
last = newscr->_last[row];
if (COLS < last)
last = COLS;
if (clr_eol != (char *) 0) {
/* Find start of blank tail region. */
nptr = &newscr->_line[row][COLS];
for (tail = COLS; 0 < tail; --tail) {
if (!__m_cc_compare(--nptr, &newscr->_bg, 1))
/* Only consider clear-to-end-of-line optimization if the
* blank tail falls within the end of the dirty region by
* more than ideal length of clear-to-end-of-line sequence.
* Else disable the check by forcing tail to be at the
* end-of-line.
if (last < tail + CEOL_SIZE)
tail = COLS;
optr = &curscr->_line[row][col];
nptr = &newscr->_line[row][col];
for (jump = -1; col < last; ) {
/* Skip common regions. */
for (count = 0; __m_cc_compare(optr, nptr, 1); ++count) {
/* Advance before possible goto. */
if (last <= ++col)
goto done;
/* Move the cursor by redrawing characters or using
* cursor motion commands. The first time that we
* address this row, jump equals -1, so that the cursor
* will be forced to the correct screen line. Once
* there, we should be able to track the cursor motion
* along the line and jump only when the cost of redrawing
* to column N is more expensive than a jump to column N.
if (jump < count) {
/* First time addressing this row or cost of
* jumping cheaper than redrawing.
jump = JUMP_SIZE;
GOTO(row, col);
count = 0;
/* If attributes at start of field are different
* force an attribute cookie to be dropped.
if (ceol_standout_glitch
&& (optr->_at != nptr->_at || optr->_co != nptr->_co))
} else {
/* Redraw to move short distance. */
optr -= count;
nptr -= count;
col -= count;
/* Write difference region. */
while (col < last
&& (!__m_cc_compare(optr, nptr, 1) || 0 < count--)) {
/* Check for clear-to-end-of-line optimization. */
if (clr_eol != (char *) 0 && tail <= col) {
/* For HP terminals, only clear-to-end-of-line
* once the attributes have been turned off.
* Other terminals, we can proceed normally.
if (!ceol_standout_glitch
curscr->_curx = col;
goto done;
/* Make sure we don't scroll the screen by writing
* to the bottom right corner.
if (COLS <= col && LINES-1 <= row
&& auto_right_margin && !eat_newline_glitch) {
/*** TODO
*** Insert character/auto_right_margin
*** hacks for writting into the last
*** column of the last line so as not
*** to scroll.
curscr->_curx = col;
goto done;
/* Remember any existing attribute cookie. */
cookie = optr->_at & WA_COOKIE;
nattr = nptr->_at;
npair = nptr->_co;
/* Change attribute state. On HP terminals we also
* have to check for attribute cookies that may need
* to be changed.
if (ATTR_STATE != nattr
|| optr->_at != nattr || optr->_co != npair) {
(void) vid_puts(
nattr, npair, (void *) 0, __m_outc
/* Remember new or existing cookie. */
cookie = WA_COOKIE;
/* Don't display internal characters. */
if (nptr->_f)
(void) __m_cc_write(nptr);
/* Update copy of screen image. */
*optr++ = *nptr++;
optr->_at |= cookie;
curscr->_curx = col;
/* Check the attributes at the end of the field with
* those of start of the next common region. If they
* differ, force another iteration of the write-loop
* that will change the attribute state.
if (ceol_standout_glitch && col < COLS
&& ATTR_STATE != (optr->_at & ~WA_COOKIE))
goto write_loop;
/* Before leaving this line, check if we have to turn off
* attributes and record a cookie.
if (!move_standout_mode && ATTR_STATE != WA_NORMAL) {
/* ceol_standout_glitch, which affects HP terminals,
* drops hidden cookies on the screen where ever the
* cursor is, so disabling attributes before a cursor
* motion operation could disturb existing highlights.
if (ceol_standout_glitch)
/* Attributes on an HP terminal do not cross lines. */
(void) vid_puts(WA_NORMAL, 0, (void *) 0, __m_outc);
/* Re-check for clear to end-of-line optimization. */
if (clr_eol != (char *) 0 && tail <= col && col < last) {
/* Is the tail of the current screen image non-blank? */
for (tail = col; tail < COLS; ++tail, ++optr)
if (!__m_cc_compare(optr, &newscr->_bg, 1))
/* If tail didn't reach the right margin of
* the current screen image, then we will
* make it look like the new image with a
* clear to end-of-line.
if (tail < COLS) {
/* Restore default color pair before area clear. */
if (back_color_erase)
(void) vid_puts(
WA_NORMAL, 0, (void *) 0, __m_outc
(void) tputs(clr_eol, 1, __m_outc);
__m_cc_erase(curscr, row, tail, row, COLS-1);
/* Line wrapping checks. */
if (COLS <= curscr->_curx) {
if (auto_right_margin && row < LINES-1) {
if (eat_newline_glitch) {
curscr->_curx = 0;
* Replace a block of lines.
* Only ever used for complex().
lines_replace(from, to_1)
int from, to_1;
for (; from < to_1; ++from)
* Delete a block of lines.
* Only ever used for complex().
lines_delete(from, to_1)
int from, to_1;
int count = to_1 - from;
if (LINES <= to_1) {
} else {
GOTO(from, 0);
(void) winsdelln(curscr, -count);
if (parm_delete_line != (char *) 0) {
/* Assume that the sequence to delete more than one
* line is faster than repeated single delete_lines.
(void) tputs(
parm_delete_line, (long) count,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
), count, __m_outc
} else if (delete_line != (char *) 0) {
while (from++ < to_1)
(void) tputs(delete_line, 1, __m_outc);
} else {
/* Error -- what to do. */
* Insert a block of lines.
* Only ever used for complex().
* We must assume that insert_line and parm_insert_line reset the
* cursor column to zero. Therefore it is text_replace() responsiblity
* to move the cursor to the correct column to begin the update.
lines_insert(from, to_1)
int from, to_1;
int row, count = to_1 - from;
/* Position the cursor and insert a block of lines into the screen
* image now, insert lines into the physical screen, then draw the
* new screen lines.
GOTO(from, 0);
(void) winsdelln(curscr, count);
if (parm_insert_line != (char *) 0) {
/* Assume that the sequence to insert more than one line is
* faster than repeated single insert_lines.
(void) tputs(
parm_insert_line, (long) count,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
), count, __m_outc
} else if (insert_line != (char *) 0) {
/* For the single line insert we use to iterate moving
* the cursor, inserting, and then drawing a line. That
* would appear to be slow but visually appealing. However,
* people on slow terminals want speed and those on fast
* terminal won't see it.
for (row = from; row < to_1; ++row)
(void) tputs(insert_line, 1, __m_outc);
} else {
/* Error -- what to do. */
for (row = from; row < to_1; ++row)
int n;
int count = n;
int start, finish, to, row;
if (scroll_forward != (char *) 0) {
while (0 < n--)
(void) tputs(scroll_forward, 1, __m_outc);
} else if (parm_delete_line != (char *) 0 && 1 < n) {
GOTO(0, 0);
(void) tputs(
parm_delete_line, (long) n,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
), n, __m_outc
} else if (delete_line != (char *) 0) {
GOTO(0, 0);
while (0 < n--)
(void) tputs(delete_line, 1, __m_outc);
} else {
return 0;
/* Scroll recorded image. */
start = 0;
finish = count-1;
to = lines;
(void) __m_cc_erase(curscr, start, 0, finish, curscr->_maxx-1);
(void) __m_ptr_move(
(void **) curscr->_line, curscr->_maxy, start, finish, to
return 1;
int n;
int count = n;
int start, finish, to, row;
if (LINES < n)
return 0;
if (scroll_reverse != (char *) 0) {
GOTO(0, 0);
while (0 < n--)
(void) tputs(scroll_reverse, 1, __m_outc);
} else if (parm_insert_line != (char *) 0 && 1 < n) {
GOTO(0, 0);
(void) tputs(
parm_insert_line, (long) n,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
), n, __m_outc
} else if (insert_line != (char *) 0) {
GOTO(0, 0);
while (0 < n--)
(void) tputs(insert_line, 1, __m_outc);
} else {
return 0;
/* Scroll recorded image. */
start = lines - count;
finish = lines - 1;
to = 0;
(void) __m_cc_erase(curscr, start, 0, finish, curscr->_maxx-1);
(void) __m_ptr_move(
(void **) curscr->_line, curscr->_maxy, start, finish, to
return 1;
#ifdef NEVER
is_same_line(old, new, count)
cchar_t *old, *new;
int count;
while (0 < count--)
if (!__m_cc_compare(old, new, 1))
return 0;
return 1;
#endif /* NEVER */
* Dynamic programming algorithm for the string edit problem.
* This is a modified Gosling cost algorithm that takes into account
* null/move operations.
* Costs for move, delete, replace, and insert are 0, 1, 2, and 3
* repectively.
cost(fr, lr)
int fr, lr;
register lcost *lcp;
register int or, nr, cc;
register unsigned long *ohash = __m_screen->_hash;
cchar_t **oline = curscr->_line;
cchar_t **nline = newscr->_line;
int linesz = COLS * sizeof **oline;
/* Prepare initial row and column of cost matrix.
* 0 3 6 9 ...
* 1
* 2
* 3
* :
LC(fr,fr).cost = 0;
for (cc = 1, ++lr, nr = fr+1; nr <= lr; ++nr, ++cc) {
/* Top row is 3, 6, 9, ... */
LC(fr,nr).cost = cc * 3;
LC(fr,nr).op = 'i';
/* Left column is 1, 2, 3, ... */
LC(nr,fr).cost = cc;
LC(nr,fr).op = 'd';
for (--lr, or = fr; or <= lr; ++or) {
for (nr = fr; nr <= lr; ++nr) {
lcp = &LC(or+1,nr+1);
/* Assume move op. */
lcp->cost = LC(or,nr).cost;
lcp->op = 'm';
if (ohash[or] != nhash[nr]
#ifdef NEVER
/* Should no longer require this code. Using the POSIX 32-bit CRC to
* generate a hash value should be sufficient now, since text_replace()
* will compare the contents of a line and output only the dirty regions.
|| !is_same_line(oline[or], nline[nr], linesz)
) {
/* Lines are different, assume replace op. */
lcp->cost += 2;
lcp->op = 'r';
/* Compare insert op. */
if ((cc = LC(or+1,nr).cost + 3) < lcp->cost) {
lcp->cost = cc;
lcp->op = 'i';
/* Compare delete op. */
if ((cc = LC(or,nr+1).cost + 1) < lcp->cost) {
lcp->cost = cc;
lcp->op = 'd';
return LC(lr+1,lr+1).cost;
* Build edit script.
* Normally this would be a recursve routine doing the deletes, inserts,
* and replaces on individual lines. Instead we build the script so that
* we can later do the operations on a block basis. For terminals with
* parm_delete or parm_insert strings this will be better in terms of the
* number of characters sent to delete and insert a block of lines.
* Also we can optimize the script so that tail inserts become replaces.
* This saves unnecessary inserts operations when the tail can just be
* overwritten.
script(fr, lr)
int fr, lr;
int i, j;
cchar_t *cp;
i = j = lr + 1;
memset(del, 0, sizeof *del * LINES);
memset(ins_rep, 0, sizeof *ins_rep * LINES);
do {
/* We don't have to bounds check i or j becuase row fr and
* column fr of lc have been preset in order to guarantee the
* correct motion.
switch (LC(i,j).op) {
case 'i':
ins_rep[j] = lines_insert;
case 'd':
del[i] = lines_delete;
case 'm':
case 'r':
ins_rep[j] = lines_replace;
} while (fr < i || fr < j);
/* Optimize Tail Inserts */
for (i = LINES-1; 0 <= i && ins_rep[i] == lines_insert; --i) {
/* Make each character in the screen line image invalid. */
for (cp = curscr->_line[i], j = 0; j < COLS; ++j, ++cp)
cp->_n = -1;
ins_rep[i] = lines_replace;
* Complex update algorithm using insert/delete line operations.
* References:
* [MyM86] E.W. Myers & W. Miller, Row Replacement Algorithms for
* Screen Editors, TR 86-19, Dept. Computer Science, U. of Arizona
* [MyM87] E.W. Myers & W. Miller, A Simple Row Replacement Method,
* TR 86-28, Dept. Computer Science, U. of Arizona
* [Mil87] W. Miller, A Software Tools Sampler, Prentice-Hall, 1987
* [Gos81] James Gosling, A redisplay algorithm, Proceedings of the
* ACM Symposium on Text Manipulation, SIGPLAN Notices,
* 16(6) June 1981, pg 123-129
* All the above were reviewed and experimented with. Due to the nature of
* Curses' having to handling overlapping WINDOWs, the only suitable
* algorithum is [Gos81]. The others are better suited to editor type
* applications that have one window being the entire terminal screen.
int fr = -1;
int i, j, lr;
t_action func;
/* Find block of lines to change */
for (i = 0; i < LINES; ++i) {
if (newscr->_first[i] < newscr->_last[i]) {
/* Compute new hash. */
__m_cc_hash(newscr, nhash, i);
if (fr == -1)
fr = i;
lr = i;
} else {
/* Line not dirty so hash same as before. */
nhash[i] = __m_screen->_hash[i];
if (fr != -1) {
/* Gosling */
cost(fr, lr);
script(fr, lr);
/* Do deletes first in reverse order. */
for (j = lr; fr <= j; --j) {
if (del[j] != (t_action) 0) {
for (i = j-1; fr <= i; --i)
if (del[i] == (t_action) 0)
lines_delete(i+1, j+1);
j = i;
/* Do insert/replace in forward order. */
for (i = fr; i <= lr; ++i) {
if ((func = ins_rep[i]) != (t_action) 0) {
/* Find size of block */
for (j = i; j <= lr && ins_rep[j] == func; ++j)
(*func)(i, j);
i = j-1;
/* _line[], which contains pointers to screen lines,
* may be shuffled.
for (i = fr; i <= lr; ++i) {
/* Save new hash for next update. */
__m_screen->_hash[i] = nhash[i];
/* Mark line as untouched. */
newscr->_first[i] = newscr->_maxx;
newscr->_last[i] = -1;
* Simple screen update algorithm
* We perform a simple incremental update of the terminal screen.
* Only the segment of a line that was touched is replaced on the
* line.
int row;
for (row = 0; row < LINES; ++row) {
if (newscr->_first[row] < newscr->_last[row]) {
/* Mark line as untouched. */
newscr->_first[row] = newscr->_maxx;
newscr->_last[row] = -1;
if (__m_screen->_flags & S_INS_DEL_LINE)
__m_cc_hash(newscr, nhash, row);
newscr->_flags &= ~W_REDRAW_WINDOW;
* Send all changes made to _newscr to the physical terminal.
* If idlok() is set TRUE then doupdate will try and use hardware insert
* and delete line sequences in an effort to optimize output. idlok()
* should really only be used in applications that want a proper scrolling
* effect.
* Added scroll heuristic to handle special case where a full size window
* with full size scroll region, will scroll the window and replace dirty
* lines instead of performing usual cost/script operations.
#ifdef SIGTSTP
int (*oldsig)(int) = signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN);
unsigned char cc;
int min, time, icanon;
if (__m_screen->_flags & S_ISATTY) {
/* Set up non-blocking input for typeahead trapping. */
min = cur_term->_prog.c_cc[VMIN];
time = cur_term->_prog.c_cc[VTIME];
icanon = cur_term->_prog.c_lflag & ICANON;
cur_term->_prog.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;
cur_term->_prog.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
cur_term->_prog.c_lflag &= ~ICANON;
(void) tcsetattr(__m_screen->_kfd, TCSANOW, &cur_term->_prog);
"doupdate(void) using %s algorithm.",
(__m_screen->_flags & S_INS_DEL_LINE) ? "complex" : "simple"
newscr = __m_screen->_newscr;
if (__m_screen->_flags & S_ENDWIN) {
/* Return from temporary escape done with endwin(). */
__m_screen->_flags &= ~S_ENDWIN;
(void) reset_prog_mode();
if (enter_ca_mode != (char *) 0)
(void) tputs(enter_ca_mode, 1, __m_outc);
if (keypad_xmit != (char *) 0)
(void) tputs(keypad_xmit, 1, __m_outc);
if (ena_acs != (char *) 0)
(void) tputs(ena_acs, 1, __m_outc);
/* Force redraw of screen. */
newscr->_flags |= W_CLEAR_WINDOW;
if (setjmp(breakout) == 0) {
if ((__m_screen->_flags & S_ISATTY)
&& read(__m_screen->_kfd, &cc, sizeof cc) == sizeof cc) {
(void) ungetch(cc);
longjmp(breakout, 1);
/* When redrawwing a window, we not only assume that line
* noise may have lost characters, but line noise may have
* generated bogus characters on the screen outside the
* the window in question, in which case redraw the entire
* screen to be sure.
if (newscr->_flags & (W_CLEAR_WINDOW | W_REDRAW_WINDOW)) {
newscr->_flags &= ~W_CLEAR_WINDOW;
(void) wtouchln(newscr, 0, newscr->_maxy, 1);
if (newscr->_flags & W_REDRAW_WINDOW)
#if 0 /* This first expression, of undefined section, is useless
* since newscr->_scroll is unsigned and never LT zero.
else if (newscr->_scroll < 0 && scroll_dn(-newscr->_scroll))
else if (scroll_dn(-newscr->_scroll))
else if (0 < newscr->_scroll && scroll_up(newscr->_scroll))
else if (__m_screen->_flags & S_INS_DEL_LINE)
if (!(newscr->_flags & W_LEAVE_CURSOR))
GOTO(newscr->_cury, newscr->_curx);
if (!(curscr->_flags & W_FLUSH))
(void) fflush(__m_screen->_of);
if (__m_screen->_flags & S_ISATTY) {
/* Restore previous input mode. */
cur_term->_prog.c_cc[VMIN] = min;
cur_term->_prog.c_cc[VTIME] = time;
cur_term->_prog.c_lflag |= icanon;
(void) tcsetattr(__m_screen->_kfd,TCSANOW,&cur_term->_prog);
newscr->_scroll = curscr->_scroll = 0;
#ifdef SIGTSTP
signal(SIGTSTP, oldsig);
return __m_return_code("doupdate", OK);
* If true, the implementation may use hardware insert and delete,
* character features of the terminal. The window parameter
* is ignored.
idcok(WINDOW *w, bool bf)
__m_trace("idcok(%p, %d)", w, bf);
__m_screen->_flags &= ~S_INS_DEL_CHAR;
if (bf)
__m_screen->_flags |= S_INS_DEL_CHAR;
* If true, the implementation may use hardware insert, delete,
* and scroll line features of the terminal. The window parameter
* is ignored.
idlok(WINDOW *w, bool bf)
__m_trace("idlok(%p, %d)", w, bf);
__m_screen->_flags &= ~S_INS_DEL_LINE;
if (bf && has_il())
__m_screen->_flags |= S_INS_DEL_LINE;
return __m_return_code("idlok", OK);
* Use the POSIX 32-bit CRC function to compute a hash value
* for the window line.
__m_cc_hash(w, array, y)
unsigned long *array;
int y;
array[y] = 0;
&array[y], (unsigned char *) w->_line[y],
(size_t) (w->_maxx * sizeof **w->_line)