/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
* lib/krb5/krb/int-proto.h
* Copyright 1990,1991 the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Export of this software from the United States of America may
* require a specific license from the United States Government.
* It is the responsibility of any person or organization contemplating
* export to obtain such a license before exporting.
* WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and
* distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and
* without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
* notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and
* this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that
* the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining
* to distribution of the software without specific, written prior
* permission. Furthermore if you modify this software you must label
* your software as modified software and not distribute it in such a
* fashion that it might be confused with the original M.I.T. software.
* M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of
* this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
* or implied warranty.
* Function prototypes for Kerberos V5 library internal functions.
krb5_tgtname(krb5_context context, const krb5_data *, const krb5_data *,
krb5_principal *);
krb5int_libdefault_boolean(krb5_context, const krb5_data *, const char *,
int *);
krb5int_libdefault_string(krb5_context context, const krb5_data *realm,
const char *option, char **ret_value);
krb5_error_code krb5_ser_authdata_init (krb5_context);
krb5_error_code krb5_ser_address_init (krb5_context);
krb5_error_code krb5_ser_authenticator_init (krb5_context);
krb5_error_code krb5_ser_checksum_init (krb5_context);
krb5_error_code krb5_ser_keyblock_init (krb5_context);
krb5_error_code krb5_ser_principal_init (krb5_context);
krb5_error_code krb5_ser_authdata_context_init (krb5_context);
krb5_preauth_supply_preauth_data(krb5_context context,
krb5_gic_opt_ext *opte,
const char *attr,
const char *value);
krb5_get_cred_from_kdc_opt(krb5_context context, krb5_ccache ccache,
krb5_creds *in_cred, krb5_creds **out_cred,
krb5_creds ***tgts, int kdcopt);
krb5int_construct_matching_creds(krb5_context context, krb5_flags options,
krb5_creds *in_creds, krb5_creds *mcreds,
krb5_flags *fields);
#define in_clock_skew(date, now) (labs((date)-(now)) < context->clockskew)
#define IS_TGS_PRINC(c, p) \
(krb5_princ_size((c), (p)) == 2 && \
data_eq_string(*krb5_princ_component((c), (p), 0), KRB5_TGS_NAME))
/* Utility functions for zero-terminated enctype lists. */
size_t krb5int_count_etypes(const krb5_enctype *list);
krb5_error_code krb5int_copy_etypes(const krb5_enctype *old_list,
krb5_enctype **new_list);
krb5_get_cred_via_tkt_ext (krb5_context context, krb5_creds *tkt,
krb5_flags kdcoptions, krb5_address *const *address,
krb5_pa_data **in_padata,
krb5_creds *in_cred,
krb5_error_code (*gcvt_fct)(krb5_context,
krb5_keyblock *,
krb5_kdc_req *,
void *),
void *gcvt_data,
krb5_pa_data ***out_padata,
krb5_pa_data ***enc_padata,
krb5_creds **out_cred,
krb5_keyblock **out_subkey);
* Solaris Kerberos
* Modified to return the krb5_kdc_req associated with request_data
* for use by the DTrace probes.
krb5int_make_tgs_request_ext(krb5_context context,
krb5_flags kdcoptions,
const krb5_ticket_times *timestruct,
const krb5_enctype *ktypes,
krb5_const_principal sname,
krb5_address *const *addrs,
krb5_authdata *const *authorization_data,
krb5_pa_data *const *padata,
const krb5_data *second_ticket,
krb5_creds *in_cred,
krb5_error_code (*pacb_fct)(krb5_context,
krb5_keyblock *,
krb5_kdc_req *,
void *),
void *pacb_data,
krb5_data *request_data,
krb5_timestamp *timestamp,
krb5_int32 *nonce,
krb5_keyblock **subkey,
krb5_kdc_req **retreq);
/* Solaris Kerberos - see krb5int_make_tgs_request_ext */
krb5int_make_tgs_request(krb5_context context,
krb5_creds *tkt,
krb5_flags kdcoptions,
krb5_address *const *address,
krb5_pa_data **in_padata,
krb5_creds *in_cred,
krb5_error_code (*pacb_fct)(krb5_context,
krb5_keyblock *,
krb5_kdc_req *,
void *),
void *pacb_data,
krb5_data *request_data,
krb5_timestamp *timestamp,
krb5_int32 *nonce,
krb5_keyblock **subkey,
krb5_kdc_req **retreq);
krb5int_process_tgs_reply(krb5_context context,
krb5_data *response_data,
krb5_creds *tkt,
krb5_flags kdcoptions,
krb5_address *const *address,
krb5_pa_data **in_padata,
krb5_creds *in_cred,
krb5_timestamp timestamp,
krb5_int32 nonce,
krb5_keyblock *subkey,
krb5_pa_data ***out_padata,
krb5_pa_data ***out_enc_padata,
krb5_creds **out_cred,
const char *hostname_used);
krb5_error_code krb5int_send_tgs(krb5_context, krb5_flags,
const krb5_ticket_times *,
const krb5_enctype *,
krb5_const_principal, krb5_address *const *,
krb5_authdata *const *,
krb5_pa_data *const *, const krb5_data *,
krb5_creds *,
krb5_error_code (*gcvt_fct)(krb5_context,
krb5_keyblock *,
krb5_kdc_req *,
void *),
void *gcvt_data, krb5_response *,
krb5_keyblock **subkey);
/* The subkey field is an output parameter; if a
* tgs-rep is received then the subkey will be filled
* in with the subkey needed to decrypt the TGS
* response. Otherwise it will be set to null.
krb5_error_code krb5int_decode_tgs_rep(krb5_context, krb5_data *,
const krb5_keyblock *, krb5_keyusage,
krb5_kdc_rep ** );
/* Utility functions for zero-terminated enctype lists. */
size_t krb5int_count_etypes(const krb5_enctype *list);
krb5_error_code krb5int_copy_etypes(const krb5_enctype *old_list,
krb5_enctype **new_list);
#endif /* KRB5_INT_FUNC_PROTO__ */