/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
/* Coding Buffer Specifications */
#ifndef __ASN1BUF_H__
#define __ASN1BUF_H__
#include "k5-int.h"
#include "krbasn1.h"
typedef struct code_buffer_rep {
char *base, *bound, *next;
} asn1buf;
/**************** Private Procedures ****************/
#if (__GNUC__ >= 2) && !defined(CONFIG_SMALL)
unsigned int asn1buf_free(const asn1buf *buf);
* requires *buf is allocated
* effects Returns the number of unused, allocated octets in *buf.
#define asn1buf_free(buf) \
(((buf) == NULL || (buf)->base == NULL) \
? 0U \
: (unsigned int)((buf)->bound - (buf)->next + 1))
asn1_error_code asn1buf_ensure_space(asn1buf *buf, const unsigned int amount);
* requires *buf is allocated
* modifies *buf
* effects If buf has less than amount octets of free space, then it is
* expanded to have at least amount octets of free space.
* Returns ENOMEM memory is exhausted.
#define asn1buf_ensure_space(buf,amount) \
((asn1buf_free(buf) < (amount)) \
? (asn1buf_expand((buf), (amount)-asn1buf_free(buf))) \
: 0)
asn1_error_code asn1buf_expand(asn1buf *buf, unsigned int inc);
* requires *buf is allocated
* modifies *buf
* effects Expands *buf by allocating space for inc more octets.
* Returns ENOMEM if memory is exhausted.
int asn1buf_len(const asn1buf *buf);
* requires *buf is allocated
* effects Returns the length of the encoding in *buf.
#define asn1buf_len(buf) ((buf)->next - (buf)->base)
/****** End of private procedures *****/
* Overview
* The coding buffer is an array of char (to match a krb5_data structure)
* with 3 reference pointers:
* 1) base - The bottom of the octet array. Used for memory management
* operations on the array (e.g. alloc, realloc, free).
* 2) next - Points to the next available octet position in the array.
* During encoding, this is the next free position, and it
* advances as octets are added to the array.
* During decoding, this is the next unread position, and it
* advances as octets are read from the array.
* 3) bound - Points to the top of the array. Used for bounds-checking.
* All pointers to encoding buffers should be initalized to NULL.
* Operations
* asn1buf_create
* asn1buf_wrap_data
* asn1buf_destroy
* asn1buf_insert_octet
* asn1buf_insert_charstring
* asn1buf_remove_octet
* asn1buf_remove_charstring
* asn1buf_unparse
* asn1buf_hex_unparse
* asn12krb5_buf
* asn1buf_remains
* (asn1buf_size)
* (asn1buf_free)
* (asn1buf_ensure_space)
* (asn1buf_expand)
* (asn1buf_len)
asn1_error_code asn1buf_create(asn1buf **buf);
* effects Creates a new encoding buffer pointed to by *buf.
* Returns ENOMEM if the buffer can't be created.
asn1_error_code asn1buf_wrap_data(asn1buf *buf, const krb5_data *code);
* requires *buf has already been allocated
* effects Turns *buf into a "wrapper" for *code. i.e. *buf is set up
* such that its bottom is the beginning of *code, and its top
* is the top of *code.
* Returns ASN1_MISSING_FIELD if code is empty.
asn1_error_code asn1buf_imbed(asn1buf *subbuf, const asn1buf *buf,
const unsigned int length,
const int indef);
* requires *subbuf and *buf are allocated
* effects *subbuf becomes a sub-buffer of *buf. *subbuf begins
* at *buf's current position and is length octets long.
* (Unless this would exceed the bounds of *buf -- in
* that case, ASN1_OVERRUN is returned) *subbuf's current
* position starts at the beginning of *subbuf.
asn1_error_code asn1buf_sync(asn1buf *buf, asn1buf *subbuf, asn1_class Class,
asn1_tagnum lasttag,
unsigned int length, int indef,
int seqindef);
* requires *subbuf is a sub-buffer of *buf, as created by asn1buf_imbed.
* lasttag is the last tagnumber read.
* effects Synchronizes *buf's current position to match that of *subbuf.
asn1_error_code asn1buf_skiptail(asn1buf *buf, const unsigned int length,
const int indef);
* requires *buf is a subbuffer used in a decoding of a
* constructed indefinite sequence.
* effects skips trailing fields.
void asn1buf_destroy(asn1buf **buf);
/* effects Deallocates **buf, sets *buf to NULL. */
asn1_error_code asn1buf_insert_octet(asn1buf *buf, const int o);
* requires *buf is allocated
* effects Inserts o into the buffer *buf, expanding the buffer if
* necessary. Returns ENOMEM memory is exhausted.
#if ((__GNUC__ >= 2) && !defined(ASN1BUF_OMIT_INLINE_FUNCS)) && !defined(CONFIG_SMALL)
extern __inline__ asn1_error_code asn1buf_insert_octet(asn1buf *buf, const int o)
asn1_error_code retval;
retval = asn1buf_ensure_space(buf,1U);
if (retval) return retval;
*(buf->next) = (char)o;
return 0;
asn1buf *buf,
const unsigned int len,
const void *s);
* requires *buf is allocated
* modifies *buf
* effects Inserts the contents of s (an array of length len)
* into the buffer *buf, expanding the buffer if necessary.
* Returns ENOMEM if memory is exhausted.
#define asn1buf_insert_octetstring asn1buf_insert_bytestring
#define asn1buf_insert_charstring asn1buf_insert_bytestring
asn1_error_code asn1buf_remove_octet(asn1buf *buf, asn1_octet *o);
* requires *buf is allocated
* effects Returns *buf's current octet in *o and advances to
* the next octet.
* Returns ASN1_OVERRUN if *buf has already been exhausted.
#define asn1buf_remove_octet(buf,o) \
(((buf)->next > (buf)->bound) \
: ((*(o) = (asn1_octet)(*(((buf)->next)++))),0))
asn1buf *buf,
const unsigned int len,
asn1_octet **s);
* requires *buf is allocated
* effects Removes the next len octets of *buf and returns them in **s.
* Returns ASN1_OVERRUN if there are fewer than len unread octets
* left in *buf.
* Returns ENOMEM if *s could not be allocated.
asn1buf_remove_charstring(asn1buf *buf, const unsigned int len, char **s);
* requires *buf is allocated
* effects Removes the next len octets of *buf and returns them in **s.
* Returns ASN1_OVERRUN if there are fewer than len unread octets
* left in *buf.
* Returns ENOMEM if *s could not be allocated.
asn1_error_code asn1buf_unparse(const asn1buf *buf, char **s);
* modifies *s
* effects Returns a human-readable representation of *buf in *s,
* where each octet in *buf is represented by a character in *s.
asn1_error_code asn1buf_hex_unparse(const asn1buf *buf, char **s);
* modifies *s
* effects Returns a human-readable representation of *buf in *s,
* where each octet in *buf is represented by a 2-digit
* hexadecimal number in *s.
asn1_error_code asn12krb5_buf(const asn1buf *buf, krb5_data **code);
* modifies *code
* effects Instantiates **code with the krb5_data representation of **buf.
int asn1buf_remains(asn1buf *buf, int indef);
* requires *buf is a buffer containing an asn.1 structure or array
* modifies *buf
* effects Returns the number of unprocessed octets remaining in *buf.