use File::Basename;
my $THISDIR = dirname $0;
unshift @INC, $THISDIR;
require "";
import TestPodIncPlainText;
my %options = map { $_ => 1 } @ARGV; ## convert cmdline to options-hash
my $passed = testpodplaintext \%options, $0;
exit( ($passed == 1) ? 0 : -1 ) unless $ENV{HARNESS_ACTIVE};
# This file is =included by "include.t"
# This text should NOT be in the resultant pod document
# because we havent seen an =xxx pod directive in this file!
This is the text of the included file named "included.t".
It should appear in the final pod document from pod2xxx
# This text should NOT be in the resultant pod document
# because it is *after* an =cut an no other pod directives
# proceed it!