#!./perl -w
chdir 't' if -d 't';
@INC = '../lib';
require './test.pl';
plan tests => 7 + 256;
sprintf("%.40g ",0.01),
sprintf("%.40g", 0.01)." ",
q(the sprintf "%.<number>g" optimization)
sprintf("%.40f ",0.01),
sprintf("%.40f", 0.01)." ",
q(the sprintf "%.<number>f" optimization)
chop(my $utf8_format = "%-3s\x{100}");
sprintf($utf8_format, "\xe4"),
"\xe4 ",
q(width calculation under utf8 upgrade)
# Used to mangle PL_sv_undef
'print sprintf "xxx%n\n"; print undef',
'Modification of a read-only value attempted at - line 1.',
{ switches => [ '-w' ] },
q(%n should not be able to modify read-only constants),
# check %NNN$ for range bounds, especially negative 2's complement
my ($warn, $bad) = (0,0);
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
if ($_[0] =~ /uninitialized/) {
else {
my $result = sprintf join('', map("%$_\$s%" . ~$_ . '$s', 1..20)),
qw(a b c d);
is($result, "abcd", "only four valid values");
is($warn, 36, "expected warnings");
is($bad, 0, "unexpected warnings");
foreach my $ord (0 .. 255) {
my $bad = 0;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
unless ($_[0] =~ /^Invalid conversion in sprintf/ ||
$_[0] =~ /^Use of uninitialized value in sprintf/) {
warn $_[0];
my $r = eval {sprintf '%v' . chr $ord};
is ($bad, 0, "pattern '%v' . chr $ord");