print() on unopened filehandle abc [pp_print]
$f = $a = "abc" ; print $f $a
Filehandle %s opened only for input [pp_print]
print STDIN "abc" ;
Filehandle %s opened only for output [pp_print]
$a = <STDOUT> ;
print() on closed filehandle %s [pp_print]
close STDIN ; print STDIN "abc" ;
uninitialized [pp_rv2av]
my $a = undef ; my @b = @$a
uninitialized [pp_rv2hv]
my $a = undef ; my %b = %$a
Odd number of elements in hash list [pp_aassign]
%X = (1,2,3) ;
Reference found where even-sized list expected [pp_aassign]
$X = [ 1 ..3 ];
Filehandle %s opened only for output [Perl_do_readline]
open (FH, ">./xcv") ;
my $a = <FH> ;
glob failed (can't start child: %s) [Perl_do_readline] <<TODO
readline() on closed filehandle %s [Perl_do_readline]
close STDIN ; $a = <STDIN>;
readline() on closed filehandle %s [Perl_do_readline]
glob failed (child exited with status %d%s) [Perl_do_readline] <<TODO
Deep recursion on subroutine \"%s\" [Perl_sub_crush_depth]
sub fred { fred() if $a++ < 200} fred()
Deep recursion on anonymous subroutine [Perl_sub_crush_depth]
$a = sub { &$a if $a++ < 200} &$a
Possible Y2K bug: about to append an integer to '19' [pp_concat]
$x = "19$yy\n";
Use of reference "%s" as array index [pp_aelem]
# pp_hot.c [pp_print]
use warnings 'unopened' ;
$f = $a = "abc" ;
print $f $a;
no warnings 'unopened' ;
print $f $a;
use warnings;
no warnings 'unopened' ;
print $f $a;
print() on unopened filehandle abc at - line 4.
# pp_hot.c [pp_print]
use warnings 'io' ;
# There is no guarantee that STDOUT is output only, or STDIN input only.
# Certainly on some BSDs (at least FreeBSD, Darwin, BSDi) file descriptors
# 1 and 2 are opened read/write on the tty, and the IO layers may reflect this.
# So we must make our own file handle that is read only.
my $file = "./xcv" ; unlink $file ;
open (FH, ">$file") or die $! ;
close FH or die $! ;
die "There is no file $file" unless -f $file ;
open (FH, "<$file") or die $! ;
print FH "anc" ;
open(FOO, "<&FH") or die $! ;
print FOO "anc" ;
no warnings 'io' ;
print FH "anc" ;
print FOO "anc" ;
use warnings 'io' ;
print FH "anc" ;
print FOO "anc" ;
close (FH) or die $! ;
close (FOO) or die $! ;
unlink $file ;
Filehandle FH opened only for input at - line 12.
Filehandle FOO opened only for input at - line 14.
Filehandle FH opened only for input at - line 19.
Filehandle FOO opened only for input at - line 20.
# pp_hot.c [pp_print]
use warnings 'closed' ;
close STDIN ;
print STDIN "anc";
opendir STDIN, ".";
print STDIN "anc";
closedir STDIN;
no warnings 'closed' ;
print STDIN "anc";
opendir STDIN, ".";
print STDIN "anc";
use warnings;
no warnings 'closed' ;
print STDIN "anc";
print() on closed filehandle STDIN at - line 4.
print() on closed filehandle STDIN at - line 6.
(Are you trying to call print() on dirhandle STDIN?)
# pp_hot.c [pp_print]
# [ID 20020425.012] from Dave Steiner <steiner@bakerst.rutgers.edu>
# This goes segv on 5.7.3
use warnings 'closed' ;
my $fh = *STDOUT{IO};
close STDOUT or die "Can't close STDOUT";
print $fh "Shouldn't print anything, but shouldn't SEGV either\n";
print() on closed filehandle at - line 7.
# pp_hot.c [pp_print]
package foo;
use warnings 'closed';
open my $fh1, "nonexistent";
print $fh1 42;
open $fh2, "nonexistent";
print $fh2 42;
open $bar::fh3, "nonexistent";
print $bar::fh3 42;
open bar::FH4, "nonexistent";
print bar::FH4 42;
print() on closed filehandle $fh1 at - line 5.
print() on closed filehandle $fh2 at - line 7.
print() on closed filehandle $fh3 at - line 9.
print() on closed filehandle FH4 at - line 11.
# pp_hot.c [pp_rv2av]
use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
my $a = undef ;
my @b = @$a;
no warnings 'uninitialized' ;
my @c = @$a;
Use of uninitialized value in array dereference at - line 4.
# pp_hot.c [pp_rv2hv]
use warnings 'uninitialized' ;
my $a = undef ;
my %b = %$a;
no warnings 'uninitialized' ;
my %c = %$a;
Use of uninitialized value in hash dereference at - line 4.
# pp_hot.c [pp_aassign]
use warnings 'misc' ;
my %X ; %X = (1,2,3) ;
no warnings 'misc' ;
my %Y ; %Y = (1,2,3) ;
Odd number of elements in hash assignment at - line 3.
# pp_hot.c [pp_aassign]
use warnings 'misc' ;
my %X ; %X = [1 .. 3] ;
no warnings 'misc' ;
my %Y ; %Y = [1 .. 3] ;
Reference found where even-sized list expected at - line 3.
# pp_hot.c [Perl_do_readline]
use warnings 'closed' ;
close STDIN ; $a = <STDIN> ;
opendir STDIN, "." ; $a = <STDIN> ;
closedir STDIN;
no warnings 'closed' ;
opendir STDIN, "." ; $a = <STDIN> ;
$a = <STDIN> ;
readline() on closed filehandle STDIN at - line 3.
readline() on closed filehandle STDIN at - line 4.
(Are you trying to call readline() on dirhandle STDIN?)
# pp_hot.c [Perl_do_readline]
use warnings 'io' ;
my $file = "./xcv" ; unlink $file ;
open (FH, ">$file") or die $! ;
my $a = <FH> ;
no warnings 'io' ;
$a = <FH> ;
use warnings 'io' ;
open(FOO, ">&FH") or die $! ;
$a = <FOO> ;
no warnings 'io' ;
$a = <FOO> ;
use warnings 'io' ;
$a = <FOO> ;
$a = <FH> ;
close (FH) or die $! ;
close (FOO) or die $! ;
unlink $file ;
Filehandle FH opened only for output at - line 5.
Filehandle FOO opened only for output at - line 10.
Filehandle FOO opened only for output at - line 14.
Filehandle FH opened only for output at - line 15.
# pp_hot.c [Perl_sub_crush_depth]
use warnings 'recursion' ;
sub fred
fred() if $a++ < 200
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
die "ok\n" if $_[0] =~ /^Deep recursion on subroutine "main::fred"/
# pp_hot.c [Perl_sub_crush_depth]
no warnings 'recursion' ;
sub fred
fred() if $a++ < 200
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
die "ok\n" if $_[0] =~ /^Deep recursion on subroutine "main::fred"/
# pp_hot.c [Perl_sub_crush_depth]
use warnings 'recursion' ;
$b = sub
&$b if $a++ < 200
} ;
&$b ;
Deep recursion on anonymous subroutine at - line 5.
# pp_hot.c [Perl_sub_crush_depth]
no warnings 'recursion' ;
$b = sub
&$b if $a++ < 200
} ;
&$b ;
# pp_hot.c [pp_concat]
use warnings 'uninitialized';
my($x, $y);
sub a { shift }
a($x . "x"); # should warn once
a($x . $y); # should warn twice
$x .= $y; # should warn once
$y .= $y; # should warn once
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at - line 5.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at - line 6.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at - line 6.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at - line 7.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at - line 8.
# pp_hot.c [pp_concat]
use warnings 'y2k';
use Config;
unless ($Config{ccflags} =~ /Y2KWARN/) {
print "SKIPPED\n# perl not built with -DPERL_Y2KWARN";
exit 0;
my $x;
my $yy = 78;
$x = "19$yy\n";
$x = "19" . $yy . "\n";
$x = "319$yy\n";
$x = "319" . $yy . "\n";
$yy = 19;
$x = "ok $yy\n";
$yy = 9;
$x = 1 . $yy;
no warnings 'y2k';
$x = "19$yy\n";
$x = "19" . $yy . "\n";
Possible Y2K bug: about to append an integer to '19' at - line 12.
Possible Y2K bug: about to append an integer to '19' at - line 13.
# pp_hot.c [pp_aelem]
use warnings 'misc';
print $x[\1];
no warnings 'misc';
print $x[\1];
OPTION regex
Use of reference ".*" as array index at - line 4.
# pp_hot.c [pp_aelem]
package Foo;use overload q("") => sub {};package main;$a = bless {}, "Foo";
$b = {};
use warnings 'misc';
print $x[$a];
print $x[$b];
no warnings 'misc';
print $x[$a];
print $x[$b];
OPTION regex
Use of reference ".*" as array index at - line 7.