# We suppose that perl _mostly_ works at this moment, so may use
# sophisticated testing.
chdir 't' if -d 't';
my $torture; # torture testing?
$torture = 1;
# Let tests know they're running in the perl core. Useful for modules
# which live dual lives on CPAN.
#fudge DATA for now.
op/runlevel.t 1
foreach (keys %datahandle) {
my @tests = ();
if (@ARGV) {
else {
} else {
} else {
s,\\,/,g for @tests;
# %infinite = qw (
# lib/hostname.t 1
# op/lex_assign.t 1
# );
my $dhwrapper = <<'EOT';
my $new = $_;
local(*F, *T);
print T $dhwrapper, <F>;
close F;
close T;
} @tests;
" generate infinite loops! Skipping!\n";
foreach (keys %datahandle) {