If you read this file _as_is_, just ignore the funny characters you
see. It is written in the POD format (see perlpod manpage) which is
specially designed to be readable as is.
The following documentation is written in Big5 encoding.
�p�G�A�Τ@�몺��r�s�边�\��o�����, �Щ����夤�_�S����O�r��.
�o�����O�H POD (²����榡) �g��; �o�خ榡�O���F����H����Ū��,
�ӯS�O�]�p��. ���榡���i�@�B��T, �аѦ� perlpod �u�W���.
=head1 NAME
perltw - ���餤�� Perl ��n
�w��Ө� Perl ���Ѧa!
�q 5.8.0 ���}�l, Perl ��ƤF������ Unicode (�U��X) �䴩,
�]�s�a�䴩�F�\�h�ԤB�y�t�H�~���s�X�覡; CJK (������) �K�O�䤤���@����.
Unicode �O��کʪ��з�, �չϲ[�\�@�ɤW�Ҧ����r��: ���@��, �F��@��,
�H�Ψ�̶����@�� (��þ��, �ԧQ�Ȥ�, ��ԧB��, �ƧB�Ӥ�, �L�פ�,
�L�a�w��, ����). ���]�e�ǤF�h�ا@�~�t�λP���O (�p PC �γ�����).
Perl �����H Unicode �i��ާ@. �o��� Perl �������r���ƥi�� Unicode
���; Perl ���禡�P��� (�Ҧp���W��ܦ����) �]��� Unicode �i��ާ@.
�b��J�ο�X��, ���F�B�z�H Unicode ���e���s�X�覡�x�s�����, Perl
���ѤF Encode �o�ӼҲ�, �i�H��A�����aŪ��μg�J�¦����s�X���.
Encode ����Ҳդ䴩�U�C���餤�媺�s�X�覡 ('big5' ��� 'big5-eten'):
big5-eten Big5 �s�X (�t�ʤѩ���r��)
big5-hkscs Big5 + ����~�r��, 2001 �~��
cp950 �r�X�� 950 (Big5 + �L�n�K�[���r��)
�|�Ҩӻ�, �N Big5 �s�X���ɮ��ন Unicode, ������J�U�C��O:
Perl �]�����F "piconv", �@�䧹���H Perl �g�����r���ഫ�u��{��, �Ϊk�p�U:
�t�~, �Q�� encoding �Ҳ�, �A�i�H�����g�X�H�r�Ŭ���쪺�{���X, �p�U�ҥ�:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# �Ұ� big5 �r��ѪR; �зǿ�X�J�μзǿ�~���]�� big5 �s�X
use encoding 'big5', STDIN => 'big5', STDOUT => 'big5';
print length("�d�m"); # 2 (�����ܦr��)
print length('�d�m'); # 4 (�����ܦ줸��)
print index("�ναл�", "να"); # -1 (���]�t���l�r��)
print index('�ναл�', 'να'); # 1 (�q�ĤG�Ӧ줸�ն}�l)
�b�̫�@�C�Ҥl��, "��" ���ĤG�Ӧ줸�ջP "��" ���Ĥ@�Ӧ줸�յ��X�� Big5
�X�� "ν"; "��" ���ĤG�Ӧ줸�իh�P "��" ���Ĥ@�Ӧ줸�յ��X�� "α".
�o�ѨM�F�H�e Big5 �X���B�z�W�`�������D.
=head2 �B�~������s�X
�p�G�ݭn��h������s�X, �i�H�q CPAN (L<http://www.cpan.org/>) �U��
Encode::HanExtra �Ҳ�. ���ثe���ѤU�C�s�X�覡:
cccii 1980 �~��ط|�������T�洫�X
euc-tw Unix ����r�Ŷ�, �]�t CNS11643 ���� 1-7
big5plus ����Ʀ�ƧN���s����|�� Big5+
big5ext ����Ʀ�ƧN���s����|�� Big5e
�t�~, Encode::HanConvert �Ҳիh���ѤF²�c�ഫ�Ϊ���ؽs�X:
big5-simp Big5 ���餤��P Unicode ²�餤�夬��
gbk-trad GBK ²�餤��P Unicode ���餤�夬��
use Encode::HanConvert;
$euc_cn = big5_to_gb($big5); # �q Big5 �ର GBK
$big5 = gb_to_big5($euc_cn); # �q GBK �ର Big5
=head2 �i�@�B����T
�аѦ� Perl �������j�q������ (�������O�έ^��g��), �ӾDzߧ�h����
Perl ������, �H�� Unicode ���ϥΤ覡. ���L, �~�����귽�۷��״I:
=head2 ���� Perl �귽�����}
=over 4
=item L<http://www.perl.com/>
Perl ������ (�Ѽڵ�§���q���@)
=item L<http://www.cpan.org/>
Perl ��X���ú� (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network)
=item L<http://lists.perl.org/>
Perl �l���¤@��
=head2 �Dz� Perl �����}
=over 4
���餤�媩���ڵ�§ Perl ����
�O�W Perl �s�u�Q�װ� (�]�N�O�U�j BBS �� Perl �s�u��)
=head2 Perl �ϥΪ̶��|
=over 4
=item L<http://www.pm.org/groups/asia.shtml#Taiwan>
�O�W Perl ���s�դ@��
=item L<http://irc.elixus.org/>
=head2 Unicode �������}
=over 4
=item L<http://www.unicode.org/>
Unicode �dzN�Ƿ| (Unicode �зǪ���w��)
Unix/Linux �W�� UTF-8 �� Unicode ���Ȱ�
=head2 ����Ƹ�T
=over 4
=item ������s "���餤��" ���s "�c�餤��"?
=item ����Ƴn���p��
=item Linux �n�餤��ƭp��
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Encode>, L<Encode::TW>, L<encoding>, L<perluniintro>, L<perlunicode>
=head1 AUTHORS
Jarkko Hietaniemi E<lt>jhi@iki.fiE<gt>
Autrijus Tang (��v�~) E<lt>autrijus@autrijus.orgE<gt>