#!./perl -w
# Some quick tests to see if h2xs actually runs and creates files as
# expected. File contents include date stamps and/or usernames
# hence are not checked. File existence is checked with -e though.
# This test depends on File::Path::rmtree() to clean up with.
# - pvhp
# We are now checking that the correct use $version; is present in
# Makefile.PL and $module.pm
chdir 't' if -d 't';
@INC = '../lib';
# use strict; # we are not really testing this
use File::Path; # for cleaning up with rmtree()
use Test::More;
use File::Spec;
use File::Find;
use ExtUtils::Manifest;
# Don't want its diagnostics getting in the way of ours.
my $up = File::Spec->updir();
my $extracted_program = '../utils/h2xs'; # unix, nt, ...
if ($^O eq 'VMS') { $extracted_program = '[-.utils]h2xs.com'; }
if ($^O eq 'MacOS') { $extracted_program = '::utils:h2xs'; }
if (!(-e $extracted_program)) {
print "1..0 # Skip: $extracted_program was not built\n";
exit 0;
# You might also wish to bail out if your perl platform does not
# do `$^X -e 'warn "Writing h2xst"' 2>&1`; duplicity.
# ok on unix, nt, VMS, ...
my $dupe = '2>&1';
# ok on unix, nt, The extra \" are for VMS
my $lib = '"-I../lib" "-I../../lib"';
# The >&1 would create a file named &1 on MPW (STDERR && STDOUT are
# already merged).
if ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
$dupe = '';
# -x overcomes MPW $Config{startperl} anomaly
$lib = '-x -I::lib: -I:::lib:';
# $name should differ from system header file names and must
# not already be found in the t/ subdirectory for perl.
my $name = 'h2xst';
my $header = "$name.h";
my $thisversion = sprintf "%vd", $^V;
my @tests = (
"-f -n $name", $], <<"EOXSFILES",
Defaulting to backwards compatibility with perl $thisversion
If you intend this module to be compatible with earlier perl versions, please
specify a minimum perl version with the -b option.
Writing $name/ppport.h
Writing $name/lib/$name.pm
Writing $name/$name.xs
Writing $name/fallback/const-c.inc
Writing $name/fallback/const-xs.inc
Writing $name/Makefile.PL
Writing $name/README
Writing $name/t/$name.t
Writing $name/Changes
Writing $name/MANIFEST
"-f -n $name -b $thisversion", $], <<"EOXSFILES",
Writing $name/ppport.h
Writing $name/lib/$name.pm
Writing $name/$name.xs
Writing $name/fallback/const-c.inc
Writing $name/fallback/const-xs.inc
Writing $name/Makefile.PL
Writing $name/README
Writing $name/t/$name.t
Writing $name/Changes
Writing $name/MANIFEST
"-f -n $name -b 5.6.1", "5.006001", <<"EOXSFILES",
Writing $name/ppport.h
Writing $name/lib/$name.pm
Writing $name/$name.xs
Writing $name/fallback/const-c.inc
Writing $name/fallback/const-xs.inc
Writing $name/Makefile.PL
Writing $name/README
Writing $name/t/$name.t
Writing $name/Changes
Writing $name/MANIFEST
"-f -n $name -b 5.5.3", "5.00503", <<"EOXSFILES",
Writing $name/ppport.h
Writing $name/lib/$name.pm
Writing $name/$name.xs
Writing $name/fallback/const-c.inc
Writing $name/fallback/const-xs.inc
Writing $name/Makefile.PL
Writing $name/README
Writing $name/t/$name.t
Writing $name/Changes
Writing $name/MANIFEST
"\"-X\" -f -n $name -b $thisversion", $], <<"EONOXSFILES",
Writing $name/lib/$name.pm
Writing $name/Makefile.PL
Writing $name/README
Writing $name/t/$name.t
Writing $name/Changes
Writing $name/MANIFEST
"-f -n $name $header -b $thisversion", $], <<"EOXSFILES",
Writing $name/ppport.h
Writing $name/lib/$name.pm
Writing $name/$name.xs
Writing $name/fallback/const-c.inc
Writing $name/fallback/const-xs.inc
Writing $name/Makefile.PL
Writing $name/README
Writing $name/t/$name.t
Writing $name/Changes
Writing $name/MANIFEST
my $total_tests = 3; # opening, closing and deleting the header file.
for (my $i = $#tests; $i > 0; $i-=3) {
# 1 test for running it, 1 test for the expected result, and 1 for each file
# plus 1 to open and 1 to check for the use in lib/$name.pm and Makefile.PL
# And 1 more for our check for "bonus" files, 2 more for ExtUtil::Manifest.
# use the () to force list context and hence count the number of matches.
$total_tests += 9 + (() = $tests[$i] =~ /(Writing)/sg);
plan tests => $total_tests;
ok (open (HEADER, ">$header"), "open '$header'");
print HEADER <<HEADER or die $!;
#define Camel 2
#define Dromedary 1
ok (close (HEADER), "close '$header'");
while (my ($args, $version, $expectation) = splice @tests, 0, 3) {
# h2xs warns about what it is writing hence the (possibly unportable)
# 2>&1 dupe:
# does it run?
my $prog = "$^X $lib $extracted_program $args $dupe";
@result = `$prog`;
cmp_ok ($?, "==", 0, "running $prog ");
$result = join("",@result);
# accomodate MPW # comment character prependage
if ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
$result =~ s/#\s*//gs;
#print "# expectation is >$expectation<\n";
#print "# result is >$result<\n";
# Was the output the list of files that were expected?
is ($result, $expectation, "running $prog");
my (%got);
find (sub {$got{$File::Find::name}++ unless -d $_}, $name);
foreach ($expectation =~ /Writing\s+(\S+)/gm) {
if ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
$_ = ':' . join(':',split(/\//,$_));
$_ =~ s/$name:t:1.t/$name:t\/1.t/; # is this an h2xs bug?
if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
$_ .= '.' unless $_ =~ m/\./;
$_ = lc($_) unless exists $got{$_};
ok (-e $_, "check for $_") and delete $got{$_};
my @extra = keys %got;
unless (ok (!@extra, "Are any extra files present?")) {
print "# These files are unexpectedly present:\n";
print "# $_\n" foreach sort @extra;
chdir ($name) or die "chdir $name failed: $!";
# Aargh. Something wants to load a bit of regexp. And we have to chdir
# for ExtUtils::Manifest. Caught between a rock and a hard place, so this
# seems the least evil thing to do:
push @INC, "../../lib";
my ($missing, $extra) = ExtUtils::Manifest::fullcheck();
is_deeply ($missing, [], "No files in the MANIFEST should be missing");
is_deeply ($extra, [], "and all files present should be in the MANIFEST");
pop @INC;
chdir ($up) or die "chdir $up failed: $!";
foreach my $leaf (File::Spec->catfile('lib', "$name.pm"), 'Makefile.PL') {
my $file = File::Spec->catfile($name, $leaf);
if (ok (open (FILE, $file), "open $file")) {
my $match = qr/use $version;/;
my $found;
while (<FILE>) {
last if $found = /$match/;
ok ($found, "looking for /$match/ in $file");
close FILE or die "close $file: $!";
# clean up
cmp_ok (unlink ($header), "==", 1, "unlink '$header'") or die "\$! is $!";