# Check interactions of deferred writing
# with miscellaneous methods like DELETE, EXISTS,
my $file = "tf$$.txt";
$: = Tie::File::_default_recsep();
my $data = "rec0$:rec1$:rec2$:";
my ($o, $n);
print "1..53\n";
my $N = 1;
use Tie::File;
print "ok $N\n"; $N++;
open F, "> $file" or die $!;
binmode F;
print F $data;
close F;
$o = tie @a, 'Tie::File', $file;
print $o ? "ok $N\n" : "not ok $N\n";
# (3-6) EXISTS
if ($] >= 5.006) {
eval << 'TESTS';
expect(not exists $a[4]);
$a[4] = "rec4";
expect(exists $a[4]);
check_contents($data); # nothing written yet
} else {
for (3..6) {
print "ok $_ \# skipped (no exists for arrays)\n";
# (7-10) FETCHSIZE
expect($#a, 2);
$a[4] = "rec4";
expect($#a, 4);
check_contents($data); # nothing written yet
# (11-21) STORESIZE
$#a = 4;
check_contents($data); # nothing written yet
expect($#a, 4);
expect($#a, 4);
check_contents("$data$:$:"); # two extra empty records
$a[4] = "rec4";
$#a = 2;
expect($a[4], undef);
check_contents($data); # written data was unwritten
check_contents($data); # nothing left to write
# (22-28) CLEAR
$a[9] = "rec9";
check_contents($data); # nothing written yet
@a = ();
check_contents(""); # this happens right away
expect($a[9], undef);
check_contents(""); # nothing left to write
# (29-34) EXTEND
# Actually it's not real clear what these tests are for
# since EXTEND has no defined semantics
@a = (0..3);
check_contents(""); # nothing happened yet
expect($a[3], "3");
expect($a[4], undef);
check_contents("0$:1$:2$:3$:"); # file now 4 records long
# (35-53) DELETE
if ($] >= 5.006) {
eval << 'TESTS';
my $del;
$del = delete $a[2];
check_contents("0$:1$:2$:3$:"); # nothing happened yet
expect($a[2], "");
expect($del, "2");
$del = delete $a[3]; # shortens file!
check_contents("0$:1$:2$:"); # deferred writes NOT flushed
expect($a[3], undef);
expect($a[2], "");
expect($del, "3");
$a[2] = "cookies";
$del = delete $a[2]; # shortens file!
expect($a[2], undef);
expect($del, 'cookies');
$a[0] = "crackers";
$del = delete $a[0]; # file unchanged
expect($a[0], "");
expect($del, 'crackers');
check_contents("0$:1$:"); # no change yet
check_contents("$:1$:"); # record 0 is NOT 'cookies';
} else {
for (35..53) {
print "ok $_ \# skipped (no delete for arrays)\n";
sub check_caches {
my ($xcache, $xdefer) = @_;
# my $integrity = $o->_check_integrity($file, $ENV{INTEGRITY});
# print $integrity ? "ok $N\n" : "not ok $N\n";
# $N++;
my $good = 1;
$good &&= hash_equal($o->{cache}, $xcache, "true cache", "expected cache");
$good &&= hash_equal($o->{deferred}, $xdefer, "true defer", "expected defer");
print $good ? "ok $N\n" : "not ok $N\n";
sub hash_equal {
my ($a, $b, $ha, $hb) = @_;
$ha = 'first hash' unless defined $ha;
$hb = 'second hash' unless defined $hb;
my $good = 1;
my %b_seen;
for my $k (keys %$a) {
if (! exists $b->{$k}) {
print ctrlfix("# Key $k is in $ha but not $hb"), "\n";
$good = 0;
} elsif ($b->{$k} ne $a->{$k}) {
print ctrlfix("# Key $k is <$a->{$k}> in $ha but <$b->{$k}> in $hb"), "\n";
$b_seen{$k} = 1;
$good = 0;
} else {
$b_seen{$k} = 1;
for my $k (keys %$b) {
unless ($b_seen{$k}) {
print ctrlfix("# Key $k is in $hb but not $ha"), "\n";
$good = 0;
sub check_contents {
my $x = shift;
my $integrity = $o->_check_integrity($file, $ENV{INTEGRITY});
print $integrity ? "ok $N\n" : "not ok $N\n";
local *FH = $o->{fh};
seek FH, 0, SEEK_SET;
my $a;
{ local $/; $a = <FH> }
$a = "" unless defined $a;
if ($a eq $x) {
print "ok $N\n";
} else {
my $msg = ctrlfix("# expected <$x>, got <$a>");
print "not ok $N\n$msg\n";
sub expect {
if (@_ == 1) {
print $_[0] ? "ok $N\n" : "not ok $N\n";
} elsif (@_ == 2) {
my ($a, $x) = @_;
if (! defined($a) && ! defined($x)) { print "ok $N\n" }
elsif ( defined($a) && ! defined($x)) {
ctrlfix(my $msg = "expected UNDEF, got <$a>");
print "not ok $N \# $msg\n";
elsif (! defined($a) && defined($x)) {
ctrlfix(my $msg = "expected <$x>, got UNDEF");
print "not ok $N \# $msg\n";
} elsif ($a eq $x) { print "ok $N\n" }
else {
ctrlfix(my $msg = "expected <$x>, got <$a>");
print "not ok $N \# $msg\n";
} else {
die "expect() got ", scalar(@_), " args, should have been 1 or 2";
sub ctrlfix {
local $_ = shift;
undef $o;
untie @a;
1 while unlink $file;