chdir 't' if -d 't';
@INC = '../lib';
use Test::More tests => 19;
BEGIN { $_ = 'foo'; } # because Symbol used to clobber $_
use Symbol;
ok( $_ eq 'foo', 'check $_ clobbering' );
# First test gensym()
$sym1 = gensym;
ok( ref($sym1) eq 'GLOB', 'gensym() returns a GLOB' );
$sym2 = gensym;
ok( $sym1 ne $sym2, 'gensym() returns a different GLOB' );
ungensym $sym1;
$sym1 = $sym2 = undef;
# Test geniosym()
use Symbol qw(geniosym);
$sym1 = geniosym;
like( $sym1, qr/=IO\(/, 'got an IO ref' );
$FOO = 'Eymascalar';
*FOO = $sym1;
is( $sym1, *FOO{IO}, 'assigns into glob OK' );
is( $FOO, 'Eymascalar', 'leaves scalar alone' );
local $^W=1; # 5.005 compat.
my $warn;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warn .= "@_" };
readline FOO;
like( $warn, qr/unopened filehandle/, 'warns like an unopened filehandle' );
# Test qualify()
package foo;
use Symbol qw(qualify); # must import into this package too
::ok( qualify("x") eq "foo::x", 'qualify() with a simple identifier' );
::ok( qualify("x", "FOO") eq "FOO::x", 'qualify() with a package' );
::ok( qualify("BAR::x") eq "BAR::x",
'qualify() with a qualified identifier' );
::ok( qualify("STDOUT") eq "main::STDOUT",
'qualify() with a reserved identifier' );
::ok( qualify("ARGV", "FOO") eq "main::ARGV",
'qualify() with a reserved identifier and a package' );
::ok( qualify("_foo") eq "foo::_foo",
'qualify() with an identifier starting with a _' );
::ok( qualify("^FOO") eq "main::\cFOO",
'qualify() with an identifier starting with a ^' );
# tests for delete_package
package main;
$Transient::variable = 42;
ok( exists $::{'Transient::'}, 'transient stash exists' );
ok( defined $Transient::{variable}, 'transient variable in stash' );
ok( !exists $Transient::{variable}, 'transient variable no longer in stash' );
is( scalar(keys %Transient::), 0, 'transient stash is empty' );
ok( !exists $::{'Transient::'}, 'no transient stash' );